Knee Pain
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Knee Pain Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Verna (Bellingham, WA)

My son was having pain on the basketball court with his knees. I started him on vinegar and honey twice a day. Within a couple of weeks he had no more pain. This was two years ago. He won't stop taking it now. It also cleared up his phlegm problem.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Katherine (Lake Harmony, PA)

I don't know if this has anything to do with the acv but I was in a car accident and also injured my L knee. I had a problem moving it and I was stiff and sore all over back pain and neck pain. I even went to PT 3 times a week for about 4 months. Well I started taking 1 teaspoon of acv in the morning and a couple of times I took 2 teaspoon full of it and I have noticed a real improvement in being that I can now move my knee and less or no pain in my back and neck. How about that. I even told my doctor about it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ken (Rocheport, Mo)

Editor's Choice Yes, I have a story that will amaze you and your readers... I have had 2 knee operations on my right knee within the last 7 years. The last was in December of last year, and without any success, I might add. My knee hurt terribly "every" day. It hurt so bad. It literally felt like I had been walking on a 4x4 strapped to my knee, and it felt like the 2 outside bones in my leg were going to shoot out of my leg with any step....Well, a good friend told me to get unfiltered apple cider vinegar, and to drink a teaspoon in about 4 ounces of water every day. I didn't really believe that it would work. Not as good as he said, but I've been drinking it now for 2 weeks, and oh my god,......"it works" really works. The last three days was so hard on my knee, & i was forced to use a crutch, but I woke up this morning, & I had very little pain,.....I was able to walk without pain, & I have no limp.....i haven't walked without a limp in over 2 years....I am definitely a firm believer in apple cider vinegar, and I will drink it every day from now on. I feel so energetic now, & I'm cheerful. The apple cider vinegar really helps with so many things.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathy (USA) on 01/23/2006

I started ACV two weeks ago for weight control. Every night I get up out of bed to use the bathroom, and every night I hear the loud click of my knees in the quiet house as I stand. Been clicking for years and years. Then three nights ago I got up and no click! I figured I must have stood up differently. The next night again, no click! Then I figured it out - it was the ACV! It is the only thing different in my life. I don't know why it helps, but it sure beats all those expensive supplements that are supposed to add lubrication to your joints but are the size of horse pills and you have to remember to take them three times a day. Anyway, I'm thrilled with finding this natural way to loose weight and get all these added benefits!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sheri (Auburn Hills, Mi) on 06/14/2006

I originally tried ACV for weight loss; I have a stubborn 20 pounds to lose. I was pleasantly surprised as to how pain-free I became in a matter of a few days. My knees no longer 'click' when I go up stairs. I can bend and squat to play with my children and no longer suffer ankle pain from the effort. My acid reflux is gone as well. When I run out of ACV, in a matter of days, the pain returns and I'm like an old lady once more. It works for me!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bill (Indiana) on 12/17/2006

I've suffered with bad knee pain for years due to much abuse from sports,injuries,etc. I started on the acv cure 1 week ago (Sunday evening). I noticed on Monday evening at work that I could do deep knee bends repeatedly with no pain!! I usually have to pull myself up when I get down on one knee to work on something. Not anymore!!!Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pamela (Midlothian, Virginia) on 03/24/2007

I have had joint pain in my hip and knees for years after a car accident..I had a total hip replacement in May of 2006 because the pain was so bad. I thought I may have to have my knee replaced also. A friend told me about ACV and how it helps your joints I have made a cocktail with ACV daily, I am so amazed I am totally pain free. I noticed a difference in two days.. I no longer take tons of aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs. I save so much money now and my liver and kidneys are better off..It truly is a miracle in a bottle.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Len (London, Ontario, Canada) on 03/25/2007

I tried ACV to help releive my gout on my right foot big toe, the pain was getting worse I found the earthclinic web site read the reports on the use of ACV for gout and decided to try it to my suprise it has worked after taking for 1 week 2 tbl mixed with water 3 times a day after my meals, after taking ACV for just 2 days I noticed the pain was not as bad I also noticed that my right knee that I have had problems with for over 8 months was getting better I can now bend my knee fully again I thought my knee was done & was about to see a doctor about it, & on top of that my blood preasure was slightly high is now well within normal range. I cannot belive that the medical profesion does not know about this, all the wasted time & money spent on on these problems can be solved with a simple remedy ACV. Many thanks to earthclinic web site & ACV. Len from London Ontario

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Roger (Fairless Hills, Pa) on 07/07/2007

The ACV remedy using 1/2tsp of Baking Soda, 2 tbsp of ACV (_____s) and 4 oz of water does a great job of relieving the acid reflux I was suffering from. At first I was a little skeptical but it works...and works quickly. Additionally, when I can't use it, a Granny Smith apple helps relieve it but not as good. I was on Protonix for almost a year prior to trying ACV, this is a much better solution. I have recommended the site and remedy to many others. Side effect or coincidence? I noticed about 2 weeks after taking ACV that the pain I have had in my knees (had about 2yrs) was also relieved. I had been suffering with pain in my knees every evening to the point I had put a 'neck' pillow under them to help relieve it by slightly bending them...not any longer!:) Thanks Ted!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Virgina (Highland Ranch, Colorado) on 09/29/2007

Editor's Choice I had chronic cough for 6 years. I have been in Jewish Medical Center in Denver for many tests but the conclusion is nothing wrong with me. Every time I catch cold and it make me cough for three or four months. In August 17, 2007, I search for chronic cough remedy and stumble in to this site. I start taking ACV and honey the same day. The cough stopped the third days. I had surgery for my both knees, and the pain is constant. The ACV stop knee pain after the fourth day I take ACV. It's unbelievable. The cough does not go away completely. The ACV cure my cough about ninety percent. After suffer so many years, I am happy with the result. I still have to take ACV every day. Thank you for all of you who post your experience at the site.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jan (Willowick, OH) on 07/24/2007

Editor's Choice I have been using ACV in a tonic called Jogging in a Jug and literally within 24 hrs my knee, hip and shoulder pain have completely disappeared! I have been struggling with my shoulder pain for 12 yrs due to a car accident and my knee and hip pain for the last 2 yrs. What a miracle. I have told everyone I know about this tonic and they are all giving it a try!

Here is the recipe:

1 c organic ACV
1 c organic white grape juice
2 c organic apple juice

Mix all together. Take 1-2 oz daily before a meal. Keep refrigerated.

I didn't care for the tast at first, but now I love it. I had to plug my nose for the few days but now I can drink it just fine. My energy levels are back and I am sleeping more soundly at night. I love this stuff!!

Good Luck!

Trace Minerals
Posted by Tami (Chattanooga, TN) on 08/04/2007

My right knee was injured playing softball. A very smart alternative health practitioner told me that all illness, ie staph, strep and any virus, etc goes to the injury area. She said if you want any injury area to heal, you need to give it added nutrition and support. Since I had some liquid Trace Minerals at home, I put a quarter size amount on my palm and rubbed it onto my knee. After doing this for two weeks my right knee felt stronger than my good left knee. Later playing racquetball, I injured my left knee - and the Trace Minerals came thru again! I now apply liquid Trace Minerals directly externally over my heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas and colon. Plus my knees! This is incredible!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Frankie (Franklin, Louisiana) on 08/10/2007

I am new to using BSM...4 weeks ago had an MRI which showed I had a torn meniscus in the right knee, along with arthritis. Orth doctor said at this time, there is no need for surgery. He recommended I take 500mg of calcium a day to help heal the knee and help the bones. This got me very down because I am very active. I was not going to wait around so a friend in Ca. said how BSM was good for tons of things. I found Earth Clinic and I referred to it several times. I LOVE to research and research. Living in Louisiana, we have many sugar cane mills. I found thru friends a gallon of BSM from the mill. And OH is nasty. BUT, every morning I take a Tablespoon right time to play with mixing it in anything. I have been taking BSM for 3 weeks now. This I have noticed and right away. Although active, I was tired everyday......everyday. I ate right but was still tired....NOT me on this one.....I saw the surgeron last week and he commented on how the leg was easy to move and how I was coming along so well. He commented on how I was very up beat and was even losing weight....for some reason I am not hungry all the time. I need to lose some weight to help the knees and I feel that the BSM has come to my rescue....We all know that it takes time for many remedies or meds. to help in various health issues. As I have researched on BSM, it can only benefit you and not harm. My husband began to take it daily also. He has been dealing with hip pain for the last 3 the last 3 weeks he has seen a difference. He also has more energy. I will keep you informed of our progress.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Maya (Singapore, Singapore) on 08/16/2007

Hi. I only discovered about oil pulling while browsing the web on information on how to cure me of my skin disorder (keratosis pillaris). I read a posting done by this lady who SWEARS by oil pulling and its remarkable effects! I tried it just yesterday and was shocked at how fast results can be observed! I'm suffering from a knee injury due to my active lifestyle and since i'm not exactly young, i don't recover too easily. I've been having a bad knee for weeks now. But when i did my first oil pulling yesterday, i got IMMEDIATE results! My knee felt so light and i was able to do squats with no problems! I'm really a sceptic so i was finding ways to credit the improved knee flexibility to other 'health practices' of mine. But when my mom tried it later that night (she sufferes from acute arthritis), she too said that her joints felt remarkably better! i did it again this morning and later today, my heart was racing. Also, i feel a bit of discomfort in my private region. I don't know if it could be because i had an infection before and it was probably in the process of healing...i'll continue the OP and see what happens! I'm a convert!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne Wrap
Posted by Nicole (Phoenix, az) on 08/30/2007

Ok, this is my 3rd post in 3 days after finding this site. My first cure was for my son's fever, second was for losing weight, depression, surgery recovery, and skin clearing all due to ACV. This one is for my knee sprain. i am 30 and I was sitting on a chair with my leg/ankle resting across on my other leg, when my 2 year old son (27 lbs) jumped on my knee and it twisted back and I it was painful but the pain has increased in the past 2 weeks. I tried tumeric and it helped, but I stopped for whatever reason. I after my last sleepless night, I went back on this site and read about acv and arthritis and muscle pain. I also read about cayenne pepper for muscle pain. I soaked a cloth with acv and cayenne pepper and placed it on my knee under a wrap around 7:30am MST, around 8:30 I noticed I was walking around a little better, 10:30 I felt as if I never had an injury. Thank you to all who care about others enough to post these remedies.

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