One remedy that I have never seen fail for toothache pain, is charcoal. It will stop severe toothache pain in about 20-45 minutes in most cases! I will give you an example with my wife. She begin to have toothache pain last year(2005) around the time of thanksgiving. She begin to call dentists for an appointment; however, the soonest that she could get an appointment was 2 weeks! To make a long story short the pain became unbearable. It radiated all the way to her temple on the side of the bad tooth.
So I took activated charcoal, added a little water, stirred to a paste consistency, placed it on a gauze(a piece of cotton t-shirt could also be used) and placed it directly over the tooth. I had her press down very gently. I then offered a prayer.
In about 12-15 minutes the pain that was radiating up to her temple begin to subside. In about 20-30 minutes my wife, who had been in such great pain, that she was in tears, and was unable to even sleep, dropped off to sleep.
The next day we also started her on a program of drinking 2-3 glasses per day of a table spoon of the charcoal mixed with a glass of water. She did eventually go to the dentist only to find that a small cavity had exposed a nerve, and infection had set in.
The charcoal worked on the infection because it is the inflammation that causes the pain. So by pulling or drawing the poisons from the infection(the underlying cause) the inflammation is addressed.
A friend of mine, who is also a very experienced medical missionary, with more than 30 years of hands on experience, even running a natural clinic in Tennessee for a long time, and having a 45-50% success rate with 4 stage cancer, (conventional success rate with 4th stage cancer is about 5%" gives the following alternative for toothache pain and abscess
These are direct quotes: "Mix 3 tablespoons charcoal,1/2 teaspoon clove oil, 1/3 teaspoon cayenne pepper, ½ teaspoon olive oil (enough to make a paste), and 1 teaspoon of golden seal. He states: " This remedy is strictly for pain in the jaw or tooth pain. Pack this around the tooth that is giving you problems. If you can cover the tooth up it will generate heat. That will remove the pain faster than any toothache remedy. Try it. You will feel the heat and you can go wash your mouth out. If you are in a lot of pain the heat is comforting. The pain of the poultice drawing is less than the throbbing of the toothache.[The mixture] should be quite thick, about the consistency of natural peanut butter. You want to be able to mould it around the tooth, so that it will stick."
The next is for an abscess specifically.
His words: "If you have an abscess with a lot of swelling, you cannot get that tooth pulled until you get the abscess under control. This recipe is famous for getting that abscess down 3 parts Slippery Elm, 2 parts baking yeast, 4 drops cloves, 1/3 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Add a little water, enough to make a paste. It will be gummy due to the slippery elm. Then pack this mixture around the gum. The slippery elm, like charcoal, draws the inflammation, the cayenne stimulates the cells around the tooth to release toxins and the cloves are added for the reputation as a pain remedy, especially in toothache.
I packed a bit of green chlorella next to the swollen area, by my cheek, and left it in place for maybe about 45 minutes, then brushed my teeth with regular toothpaste and finished up with hydrogen peroxide.
The swelling disappeared, and I haven't had to repeat the treatment - that was about 10 days ago. It seems that the tooth has tightened up, and I will be doing this again for the gums, which are receding a bit.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Anyway, I am beating around the bush. The dentist said that my son should rinse his mouth with diluted hydrogen peroxide and then salt water and that would help the swelling! This dentist is an older dentist practicing in a rural area, serving many who don't have a lot of money. He is kind enough to give simple remedies for problems instead of prescriptions. He isn't a naturalist dentist or anything, so far as I know. But I am grateful that he is willing to give natural suggestions to his patients!
My son is probably not in enough pain to bother doing these things. But I am sharing this story because it is nice to know that there are doctors who care and will suggest natural remedies, even if they are a rare breed! :)
Silver Nanoparticles
This week I got another toothache and since I was home, I started with the rolled up cotton pad and 320 ppm silver nanoparticles except this time I just put it in place before bed and slept with it tucked between my swollen gum and my cheek. I did this two nights in a row and now that toothache is just a fading memory!
Some years back I had gotten a similar toothache and went to the dentist who immediately said I needed a root canal and charged me accordingly......ouch! From now on I will try the silver nanoparticles for way less than a dollar in material before I head to the dentist. My toothache was literally healed while I slept.....how easy is that?
A word of caution here though......sleeping with a rolled up wad of cotton in your mouth may not be the safest thing to do because you could potentialy swallow it or choke on it while sleeping, so applying it during your waking hours is probably the safer approach, but now I know that silver nanoparticles have worked either way for me.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Oil Pulling
Thank you earth clinic for an amazing community!
Apple Cider Vinegar
After 7 days of agony and mental anxiety this is what I just did. 2 tablespoons of organic ACV with the mother. Put in one glass of warm spring water. Drank it down and then swished throbbing tooth with last mouthfull and spit out. OMG I trully feel alive again. YES THAT FAST. I have no dental insurance and hence no dentist to run to. I will repeat once more before bed for good measure. Thank you all who who reminded me with your posts that ACV works wonders. Bless your hearts!!!
Tissue Paper Trick
Regarding Tooth Pain
Have you tried iodine? I have a few teeth that once were painful, but are still here ten years later because I learned about iodine. I use Lugol's. I usually have 7% on hand, however I am sure 2% will work. I use the lugol's two ways. The quickest way, I put a drop of iodine on my fingertip and rub it on the hurting gum and tooth. It works fast, usually less than an half hour. The relief is lasting, usually all day and sometimes the pain never returns. If pain returns, I would try again the next day. Oh and do take a selenium supplement. I did not know about this when I first started, but I read that Iodine and selenium go hand and hand.
The other way I use iodine for tooth pain is to put a drop in a little water and swish, or better yet, I put about ten drops of Lugol's in some bottled water and pour a little as a daily mouth gargle and swish. Yes, it is the same method many EC posters use to chase colds and viruses, but it chases my tooth pains too.
Keep the faith, all things are possible if we would just believe.
Oil Pulling
Of course I didn't think about the cost until a little after arriving to work at 1. I took 2 more tylenol at 2 and then 7. I ended up canceling the appt. as I didn't have enough cover the cost and I refuse to get the credit option they gave me. By the time I got off work at 9:30 I was like okay we have to try something else cause I knew the pain would be back soon. So, when I got home I swished with hydrogen peroxide, a hour later oil pulled with organic virgin coconut oil and brushed my teeth. Around 2:30am the pain was coming so I took 2 more Tylenol. I slept well and my alarm woke me up a 9am. I was happily surprised to not have any pain in my tooth, however my left cheek was swollen and tender to the touch.
I swished with hydrogen peroxide and brushed my teeth and I just knew that it was working. As the day went on the tenderness and swelling decreased. I didn't take any tylenol all day. Yeah!!! I'm home and I oil pulled after dinner. An hour later I swished hydrogen peroxide and brushed my teeth. I know tomorrow the swelling and tenderness will be practically gone. I'm so glad to no longer be in mind numbing pain and that Mother Nature has taken care of me once again. I plan to keep following this protocol until the pain and swelling are gone. I have a dented appointment at the beginning of the month, hoping to have pulled all of the infection out by then so all they have to do is pull or fix this broken tooth. I will keep you posted!!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Activated Charcoal
Instead I hopped on internet and found this thread. I used what I had in closet to get me through night. (honey, cinnamon, tea, garlic and I threw in oats too. This helped to draw some of the infection out. Cause around 4am I was spitting it blood that had a yellow color to it) around 9am I went to health foods store and got the charcoal and slippery elm clove oil and pick up some cayanne pepper at grocey store. Came home made a paste out of all of it and put it in my gum and tooth and pain free wooohooo. so I am hoping this will draw infection out and that I can go to denist with it under control instead of having to pay for two appts but who ever started all of this thank you cause I am going to make it through holiday weekend now.
Oil of Oregano