Effective Natural Remedies for Toothache Relief

Green Tea

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Tucson_arizona (Tucson, Arizona, U.s.a.) on 06/03/2010

I started having a toothache a week ago, I read before that green tea is suppose to help with gum disease, so I bought a bottle of green tea pills (I don't like the taste of the tea). They are 250 mg, and 95% polyphenols. I have been taking 4 of those a day, and mouth washing with peroxide and my toothache pain has reduced to almost no pain at all.

Hydrogen Peroxide

8 User Reviews
5 star (8) 

Posted by Rose (Seaside, Ca) on 04/24/2018

I had shooting nerve pain on an upper molar all of a sudden, maybe from overdoing a water pik but it seemed like a dental infection. I read on Earth Clinic about tea bags, but sticking a soggy black tea bag in the back of my mouth and trying to hold it there made me gag and throw up! So then I swished with regular hydrogen peroxide. I held it in my mouth for about 30 seconds. It foamed up real fast so I spit it out and did it again but added water. I more minute. I did this morning and evening. The pain was gone by the next day. No problems since then and it's been a week.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Laurie (Raleigh, Nc) on 01/17/2018 3 posts

I had a painful toothache from one of my top molars, the tooth had broken in half actually, and I was in a lot of pain. But that was almost 11 months ago :) Hydrogen peroxide works!! I brushed my teeth with baking soda, rinsed. Then swished a little HP for a few minutes (let it foam), then spit it out and rinsed with a little warm water. Again, that was 11 months ago, and I have absolutely no pain in that tooth, it's still there.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Steve (Cv Cali) on 08/18/2017

3% hydrogen peroxide for tooth pain relief.

It works better than the maximum strength tooth pain gel. And, it's one hell of a lot cheaper as well.

Replied by Karen

Using goldenseal liquid is also excellent in healing oral issues. Put 2-5 drops in 4oz water and swish until gone. It works great. You may use it 2-6 times daily, but not over 10 days. We have healed abcessed tooth infections with this. The tooth still needs dental assistance from a dentist, but it does end the infection.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Coregon (Tennessee) on 09/06/2016

For toothache when you can't get in to dentist right away, I swish 3% peroxide in mouth, hold for 30 seconds..then SPIT OUT. Repeat until you no longer see lots of bubbles or toothache relieved. See dentist if toothache is persistent.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 06/20/2016

I took my 17 year old son to the dentist today. I wanted the dentist to evaluate his wisdom teeth because they are coming in and I suspect that is why he is having jaw pain. Anyway, dentist thinks the wisdom teeth are causing his jaw pain. It also turns out that one of the teeth that is not fully in is the reason he has tooth pain with a cold - it is right at a sinus cavity.

Anyway, I am beating around the bush. The dentist said that my son should rinse his mouth with diluted hydrogen peroxide and then salt water and that would help the swelling! This dentist is an older dentist practicing in a rural area, serving many who don't have a lot of money. He is kind enough to give simple remedies for problems instead of prescriptions. He isn't a naturalist dentist or anything, so far as I know. But I am grateful that he is willing to give natural suggestions to his patients!

My son is probably not in enough pain to bother doing these things. But I am sharing this story because it is nice to know that there are doctors who care and will suggest natural remedies, even if they are a rare breed! :)

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Joyce (Lansdowne, Pa) on 07/23/2015

About 7 years ago I had a bridge installed in my mouth. At the time the dentist was shaving down one of the tooth to accommodate the bridge he shaved down too far exposing the nerve. I subsequently had to have a root canal done. A year later the bridge fell out because said tooth was broken. A post was installed and the bridge rebonded. About 6 weeks ago, the bridge became loose. I went to the dentist, he took out the bridge soak in in some listerine and then rebonded. A week later I went in to have my annual cleaning done and everything went well. A day later, I started to have pains in the tooth where the root canal was done. It was unbearable to the point where I could not eat.

Two days later was late Friday and the dentist was closed at 2 p.m. I was thinking that I would call them on Monday and I believed that the tooth would have to be extracted surgically as it was broken (I had the same experience in the past). I used baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to brush my teeth and I decided to spray the hydrogen peroxide directly on the tooth and went to bed. The next day, to my surprise there was no more pain. I sprayed the tooth again in the morning and at night and to this day I have had no more pain.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile Tn)

HI U JOYCE, , , , , , , , , , , , you might want to look into dentists that are now using ozone instead of a root canal. In the state of Tenn, the medical folks allow no naturopaths, nor ozone. Don't mess with Big Brother.

I have found one dentist in the entire state that uses this procedure. How she gets by the crazies is beyond me. I have to go to Atlanta to get my ozone shots.

With my Medical Ozone Generator I can do ear and anal insulflation. I can do ozone water and ozone in a Sauna suit. I am chicken to try the blood stuff.

You are probably right.... it was your H2O2 that did the trick.


Replied by Joyce
(Lansdowne, Pa)

Thanks, Robert. I will look into the ozone therapy and whether there are any dentists in my area that use it.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Melisa (Alabama, US) on 03/21/2015

My fiance has a really bad toothache. How do I use hydrogen peroxide in his mouth?

Replied by Mimi
(Maine, US)

The accupuncture spot for a toothache is the web of your thumb on the hand opposite side of the toothache. meaning if the tooth is in the right side of your mouth put an ice cube on the web of your left thumb. The ice cube freezes the nerve til you can get to a dentist.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Arazak (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 04/14/2007

H202 for toothache: I was recommended by a friend to gargle for one minute with H2O2 3% solution 2 or 3 times per day and repeat for three or so days to relieve throbbing pain. And IT WORKED.

Replied by Jacqueline

I've had a terrible toothache for 5 days, its been the worst pain I've had in my life!! I finally gargled hydrogen peroxide for like 25 seconds and it instantly stopped hurting. Try it now!!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 06/28/2006

If you have a terrible toothache, put a capful of 3% peroxide in your mouth and hold for ten minutes several times a day. The pain will diminish quickly.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Gaiamuse (Massachusetts) on 05/22/2016

Homeopathic Hypericum can be a great remedy for a toothache. It's the homeopathic version of St. John's Wort. I have hypersensitivity -- particularly in the tooth area -- so if there is even a minor irritation it can blossom into a lot of pain. Once when my dentist packed a cavity too tight the nerve was throbbing until I tried hypericum. I would have had to have a root canal or an extraction otherwise! Try hypericum 30c every 3 hours until the pain goes away. If it doesn't after a couple of days then another remedy is called for.

MMS or Bentonite Clay

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Jassybee6 (Fort Lauderdale) on 06/18/2017

MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) gets a bad rap but it really is a miracle. Activate about 6-to 10 drops of MMS with an equal number of Citric Acid drops. Wait 30 seconds and then add an equal number of drops of DMSO. Add about 1/2 tsp of distilled water. Apply the entire solution on painful tooth. Then swish it around in your mouth for 8 to 10 minutes. The DMSO penetrates to wherever the bacterial infection is. Usually works after just one application, but you can do it a second or third time if needed.

I love Bentonite Clay. Instead of penetrating to the source like MMS/DMSO, it does the opposite--it draws out all the bad stuff. I load up a toothbrush a few times and pack it on the tooth and gums. You can do this directly on a painful cavity. You may need to do this more than once as your saliva will dissolve the clay.

Replied by Ellie
(Downingtown P)

I have had a horrific toothache for days. Very very sensitive to cold, heat, water but I was terrified to go into the dentist because I knew he was going to do a root canal and about $4000 worth of whatever the hell they do. So I took this MMS, DMSO remedy and I can't believe it. It worked! The tooth feels wonderful. No pain at all. Now I can eat again. I'm so hungry.
Thanks so very much.

Neem Tree Twigs

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sanjay mehta (Ahmedabad, india) on 01/10/2008 7 posts

last time i had tooth ache, i tried chewing tender twigs & leaves of neem tree & it seemed to help. if one repeats this more than two to three times in a day, each time chewing for about 15-20 minutes, the pain will start subsiding, & provide lot of exercise to the mouth, which otherwise would be unthinkable in such times.

Oil of Oregano

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Max (Bayside, Ny) on 04/11/2011

I saw oil of oregano and olive oil for toothache on your site. I decided to take a piece of floss and drench it in the mixture. I used about 4-5 drops of oregano oil to 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil. I moved the floss thru the mixture in the top of a prescription bottle cap. I put the floss thru my teeth where it hurt. Did this for 2-3 days and pain went away. Thanks for your beginning Earth Clinic. My favorite health site.

Oil of Oregano
Posted by Fran Block (Pittsburgh, PA. USA) on 02/19/2009

Oil of Oregano is by far the number 1 remedy for tooth pain. I suffered from pain after having a crown put in. I was scheduled to go back to the dentist for a procedure to have the crown drilled to remove nerve endings to put a stop to the pain. Well, I bought a bottle of Oil of Oregano that had 70% carvacrol, brand name Solaray. I put a few drops on a cotton ball and placed it on the bad tooth and just bit down. It was kept there for about 15 minutes but, just after about 1 minute I could feel instant relief. Oregano oil worked for all my friends that had a tooth problem too! Oregano oil is NOT the herb in your kitchen cupboard, so don't make that mistake. It also works for other problems too and I always have a bottle in the house. No ands, ifs, or buts about it oregano oil will kill the pain almost immediately! Oh, I never had to go back to have anything done with my crown.

Replied by Laura
(Dublin, Ohio)

Thank you!! I happened to have some for another ailment and we used it on my boyfriend's tooth. He said it was weird how he could feel it working and felt better immediately! I never would have thought of it!

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