High Blood Pressure - Art Solb
Natural Remedies

High Blood Pressure and Carditone

on Apr 19, 2022| Modified on Jan 10, 2025
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Ayurveda for High Blood Pressure

I would like to discuss a supplement that has been very helpful for me as well as two friends who found similar results. The supplement is called Carditone.

What is Carditone?

Carditone is made from traditional Ayurvedic extracts including Rose Powder, Parval (Indian Coral), Convolvulus pluricaulis, Terminalia arjuna, Tribulis Terrestris, Rauwolfia serpentine, and Rosa vinca. The Rauwolfia serpentine is the main ingredient that helps relax the blood vessels. The supplement also contains 200 mg of Magnesium.

  • Rauwolfia has been used traditionally to maintain blood pressure and support heart function.
  • The combination of Convolvulus pluricaulis and rose powder are said to be very calming.
  • Terminalia arjuna is traditionally used to support heart health and has high levels of heart-healthy antioxidants.
  • Tribulus terrestris and Boerhaavia diffusa are thought to support the kidneys.
  • Magnesium and the minerals contained in the coral support cardiovascular health by helping to maintain healthy levels of cellular and plasma electrolytes, including calcium and potassium. 1

Dave's Review

One friend, who I will call Dave, had poorly controlled high blood pressure and was taking Lisinopril at up to 40 mg/day and still had high blood pressure readings. Dave told me he is one of those who get high readings at the doctor's office, which I think is called "white coat syndrome" or something along that line. He said he was very concerned when at his last doctor's visit had a reading of 198/102. His doctor said he had to add another blood pressure medication or switch him to something that would offer better control because the situation was simply dangerous, and Dave agreed but said his pressure is only that high at the doctor's office, and his doctor said that might be true, but just the fact that your pressure can get that high is still dangerous. He called me shortly after that and told me what his doctor had said, and I agreed with his doctor. Dave asked if I had any suggestions, and I mentioned Carditone and how well it worked for me, and he said he would like to try that first before starting on the new prescription med. He told me that when he would check his pressure at home, he would get readings as high as 160/95 and as low as 140/90. I said it would be better to get closer to 120/80.

So Dave ordered the Carditone and started on it as soon as it arrived. Within a week of beginning Carditone, he called me and said that he was getting better blood pressure readings that seemed to be averaging around 120/80, and I told him that that is a much safer reading and his doctor would be happy to see that. I asked him to keep me posted on how he does over the next two weeks. Dave called back about two weeks later and told me that his blood pressure had declined a bit further and he is now averaging about 117/79, but he also said to me that just that day, he had a morning reading of 99/63, which surprised me.

I asked Dave if he thought he should reduce his dose to 1 pill every other day for the next two weeks and monitor his blood pressure daily, and he said yes, he was thinking the same thing. I mentioned that when I had missed doses, it didn't seem to affect my blood pressure readings. Dave said he would try every other day dosing and see how it worked for him over the next two weeks and let me know how it goes.

So that is where things stand with Dave right now, and I will update this article when I get more information.

Barbara's Review

Next, my friend Barbara told me that her doctor had her on blood pressure medication, but that it was not controlling her blood pressure readings to normal levels, and she was concerned about side effects, so she just stopped taking the medication so now she was getting higher blood pressure readings. I suggested that she talk to her doctor about possibly using another blood pressure medication that may not have the side effects she was worried about. However, she said she didn't want to take any of them because she felt they all had side effects that concerned her, and she asked if I had any suggestions for natural supplements. I related my experience with Carditone and Dave's experience at that point. Barbara said she would rather try that first, and then if it didn't work, she would try another blood pressure med from the doctor to try and get her blood pressure down.

Barbara told me that she was getting readings over 170/90 and as low as 150/85 but averaging closer to the 170/90 area. She told me that she would order the Carditone and start on it right away to see if it would help her. She had barely started on it three days in, and she texted to say that her reading was the lowest she had had in a long while at 140/83, and she was wondering if it would continue lower. I explained to her that Dave's and my experience was that we both noticed a slow decline for about the first three weeks or so, but more so in Dave's case than mine. So there was a chance that it might, but it was hard to know if it would be the same for her with only two people for comparison. She said it was fine as that was better than she was getting previously, and she said she hadn't noticed any side effects of any type, and I agreed that I had had no apparent side effects either, nor had Dave. I asked that she update me in a week or so, and she said she would.

Three days later, Barbara sent me a text saying that her blood pressure reading was 128/77, so apparently, it is working similarly for her as it is for Dave and me.

Art's Review

I also have the issue of elevated blood pressure with reads at my doctor's office, where my last read there at my previous visit before starting Carditone was 185/100. Readings at home were as high as 165/100. My lowest readings pre Carditone, about 125/ 85, but those were rare.

Now my at-home readings average around 120/80. My recent highest reading was 124/78 over a week ago, with 118/ 68 yesterday. I just took my blood pressure right now, and it is 109/72. The lowest reading I have gotten while on Carditone is 98/66. If my pressure readings continue on this downward trend, I may consider trying every other day dosing like Dave because, on the days that I have missed a dose, my blood pressure readings have not increased.

I would also like to mention that for the short period my doctor tried Amlodipine on me at the max dose of 10 mg/day, I never got readings anywhere close to these readings. My readings while on Amlodipine at the max dose were much higher. It is also worth noting that the bottle of Carditone is a two month's supply at their recommended amount of one pill a day and costs about $40 or $20 a month. If Dave can go to "every other day dosing" and still maintain the benefit, that will work out to only $10 a month.

So I will go ahead with this review of Carditone and then update as Dave and Barbara get back to me with further results or if I have anything to add about myself and Carditone.

Where to Buy

Here is a link to where I have bought the product on Amazon. The price is about the same on all websites I have checked.


Risks Associated With High Blood Pressure

This information is critical because nearly half (47% / 116,000,000 people) of the U.S. adult population has high blood pressure (HBP), and HBP can quietly lead to heart attack or stroke!

Here is an article from the Mayo Clinic that confirms these risks in people with HBP :


Here is an important quote from the article :

>>> ' High blood pressure (hypertension) can quietly damage the body for years before symptoms develop. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to disability, a poor quality of life, or even a deadly heart attack or stroke. ' <<<

The number one cause of death is heart disease, and HBP leads to heart disease :


Here is a relevant quote from the article :

>>> ' Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. This is the case in the U.S. and worldwide. More than half of all people who die due to heart disease are men. ' <<<

Controlling hypertension seems like an excellent step to help protect our health.

Concluding Thoughts on Carditone

I don't know if Carditone will work the same for anyone else as it did for the three of us, but the results have been so remarkable that I wanted to share our experience. Hypertension is such a common problem that I felt it is vital that we share our results with the Earth Clinic Community and its visitors!

Unfortunately, I am aware of no studies for this supplement, just the anecdotal report of the three of us, so that is all I can offer in this case.


Latest Update

May 09, 2022

I just wanted to do a current update on our Carditone review for high blood pressure.

I talked with Dave and he did reduce his dose to one pill every other day instead of the recommended one pill per day and has been doing that for 3 weeks now and he has been keeping track of the results with daily monitoring of his blood pressure which he is keeping a log of. He said that his average blood pressure readings are staying below 120/80 with the reduced dose.

Barbara told me that after her very good initial results she stopped checking her blood pressure, but she texted me today and said that she finally checked her blood pressure today and it was 124/70 and she said she was very happy with the great improvement! She remains at 1 pill per day.

As to myself, my pressure readings continued to decline so I also decided to go to one pill every other day of Carditone, as Dave did. On the occasions when I missed a dose, I did not notice a rise in my blood pressure and that helped convince me to try one pill every other day. The results have been amazing with my average blood pressure reading maintaining below 120/80, similarly to Dave's results. Here is a list of my past week of readings plus today's reading :

1. 115/75

2. 102/68

3. 110/70

4. 105/70

5. 114/77

6. 121/75

7. 115/79

8. 110/68

These are better blood pressure readings than I was getting 30 years ago! None of us have noticed any side effects from taking Carditone. Overall, all three of us are very happy with the results and will definitely continue taking Carditone indefinitely!


About The Author

Art Solbrig is a researcher who has been reading scientific studies and testing natural remedies for over 30 years searching for useful studies and alternatives that apply positively to human health issues and natural treatments using minerals, vitamins, amino acids, essential oils, herbs, homeopathy, colloidal silver, combination treatments, and other alternatives to improve the quality of life of others by writing about his findings and test results in places like Earth Clinic. He documents and writes about many of his experiences in helping others. Art is a native of sunny California.

Related Links:

Effective Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure Management

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Article Updates From Art

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Sue (Washington state) on 10/25/2024

Art, are you and the others taking Carditone along with some prescribed bp meds, or is it just the Carditone you are taking?

If you are still taking prescribed bp meds, why when Carditone seems to be such a good supplement?

Thanks, Sue

Replied by Art
2363 posts

Hi Sue,

My friends and I are still only taking Carditone and no other blood pressure medications as I wrote about here :


It is still working for all three of us!


44 posts

It stopped working for me. I now take Qunol Blood Pressure with beets and CoQ10. Blood pressure has been down. I used Carditone for over 10 years with good results, wonder if they changed the formula.

2363 posts

Hi Ruralady,

I once inquired with the manufacturer to see if they had changed their formulation and they told me they hadn't, but there was a period of time when some suppliers were selling a counterfeit product. They also posted on their website how to recognize a counterfeit product, but they have since removed that information from their website. The only way I know of to be sure you are getting the real product is to buy directly from the manufacturer's website which generally sell it for the same price as suppliers on Amazon.


44 posts

When I first started buying it I think it was about $10, it since has skyrocketed. I've always purchased it from Amazon, didn't even know they had their own website. Thanks for the info.

Replied by Rose Anne

i notice that the DIASTOLIC reading is HIGH??? Has anyone on the supplement had a "normal" diastolic reading?

2363 posts

Hi Rose Anne,

All three of us who I wrote the original article about were all able to normalize diastolic and systolic blood pressure readings which has lasted to present day. I just checked my blood pressure and it is 117/76/76.

Of the three of us, it seems that Barbara took the longest to normalize her blood pressure, but it eventually did normalize and she reports that it has maintained the normal range up to this month. If my memory serves me correctly it took her about a month to consistently get readings in the normal range Dave also recently told me that his blood pressure has remained normal.


Replied by Rose T
(Dallas, Texas)

Art, I am on Lisinopril 40 mg, Amlodipine 5 mg, Metoprolol succinate SR 50 mg and Jardiance 10 mg for chf but after a heart cathater I never had chf I have A1C of 6.2 not sure if I need the Jardiance. How do I get off these medicines so I can only be on Carditone once I buy it. My BP this evening was 158/92 57 - Pulse.

Thank you, Rose T.

2363 posts

Hi Rose T,

Since your blood pressure is poorly controlled on Lisinopril + Amlodipine + Metoprolol, you can ask your doctor if you can temporarily test Carditone by possibly replacing Lisinopril or Amlodipine. Metoprolol has another use along with blood pressure control, so your doctor probably won't want you to stop that one. You are at the max dose for Lisinopril, so your doctor will probably want you to stay on that one. So this leaves Amlodipine as the most likely candidate to temporarily switch to Carditone.

Once you switch from Amlodipine to Carditone, you will have to monitor your blood pressure at least once a day to see how your blood pressure is responding. If your blood pressure starts coming down, you will want to see numbers in the 120/80 area. If it goes lower than that and stays lower, your doctor can start to reduce your Lisinopril dose accordingly to try and keep you in the optimal range.

If the Carditone works well for you, you may be able to eventually eliminate Lisinopril.

As for the Jardiance, a diabetes drug, I would wait on that until you have established Carditone in your regimen. Better to work on one thing at a time so you know exactly what each thing is doing.

In the meantime, I have previously written about supplements for diabetes here and you can read up on that while you're working out your best blood pressure plan with your doctor. Here is the link to that article :


Keep us posted on your blood pressure situation and once that is normalized we can work on the diabetes issue.


Article Updates From Art
Posted by Art (California) on 07/31/2022 2363 posts

Editor's Choice

After months of use of Carditone for blood pressure control, I felt it was time to update due to a new development.

I started at the recommended dose of one herbal caplet per night and found Carditone very effective at controlling my blood pressure "in range", but after a month or more, it became apparent that Carditone was working too good, and I had to start taking one caplet every other night in order to not go too low on my pressure reading. This had been working very well for months, but two or three times, I forgot to take my every other night caplet. When I checked my blood pressure, it seemed fine.

Based on those experiences, I decided to try taking one Carditone caplet every third evening. I've been at this new dosing schedule for about 3 weeks now and I am still getting very good readings. I just took my blood pressure about 5 minutes ago, which was116/74 with a pulse rate of 74. On July 20, 2022, when I was already on one caplet every third night, my reading at 11:04 pm was 117/78 with a pulse rate of 67.

The main point being is that these are very good readings for me at a dose of just one caplet every third evening of Carditone. So at least for me, Carditone has seemed to have had a cumulative effect that seems to be lasting.

Carditone is not an inexpensive supplement, but with the need to only take one caplet every third night in my case, it is rather inexpensive for me now, but most importantly, it is much more effective that max dose of Amlodipine was for me taking it once per day. With Amlodipine I was never able to achieve these very good readings.

Another point I have noticed is that when I was on Amlodipine, taking a reading at 11:00 pm or later was almost always likely to give a very high blood pressure reading, but that is no longer the case! I always get good reading now at any time of the day or night.

My take away from this about Carditone is that if you are considering testing it, I highly recommend that you monitor your blood pressure regularly to make sure it is not dropping too low and if it is getting on the low side, definitely consider reducing your dose rate. Carditone allowed me to completely discontinue the max dose Amlodipine that my doctor had me on and I get good in range readings all the time now.


Replied by Art
2363 posts

Interestingly, with my recent dose reduction of Carditone to one caplet every third night, I received a text message from my friend Dave who started Carditone around the same time and also got very good results. Dave had also found he was able to get by with just one caplet of Carditone every third night, but in his recent text message he told me that since his blood pressure is continuing to decline, he has now (8/1/22) decided to go to one caplet every fourth night!

He mentioned some recent blood pressure readings at 98/64, 107/65, 95/57 and 105/61. He further stated that the highest Systolic reading he got in July 2022 was 122 and the lowest was 61. I am going to have a longer discussion with Dave, but these readings are so low, I am going to suggest he try once a week dosing if his numbers do not significantly increase with the dose reduction to every fourth night.

I am grateful for this feed back from Dave as well as the fact that he monitors his blood pressure daily.

My take away from this is that it is imperative to test your blood pressure very regularly if you are using or testing Carditone for blood pressure control!


(Los Angeles)


Thanks for the wonderful post regarding Carditone controlling blood pressure.

Can I ask you where you bought the carditone/company name and how much you are using? Are there any negative side effects of using carditone (if any).

Thank you again!!


Replied by Robert
(Los Angeles)

Hi Art, I suffer from HBP and am contemplating taking Carditone but before I do I have a question ... do you receive any compensation from either Amazon or the manufacturer of this supplement? Thank you in advance.

2363 posts


When I first read your post, my first thought was, that was kind of an insulting thing for you to say to me, but after I thought about it for a moment, I could understand how it would be easy for someone who doesn't know me to think that I was just acting as a shill for this supplement manufacturer.

To be clear, I am not acting as a shill for the manufacturer of Carditone or any other supplement I recommend. If you look at my hundreds of posts on EC, that should become readily apparent. I do recommend supplements frequently, but I try to avoid naming specific brands unless it is a product such as Carditone as they are the only manufacturer of this specific product, so I have to name the specific product so people will be able to find and buy it.

Another example is that I have written many articles about melatonin and different health issues, but I can't ever remember naming a specific brand to buy unless someone specifically asked me about a specific brand of melatonin.

More recently I have written about Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract and did name a specific product only after an EC member asked what specific product my friend had used to significantly reduce her asthma symptoms.

As regards me to linking to Amazon, I do that because they generally carry a larger selection of specific supplements and it is easier and quicker for me to just link to it. My preference would be to use other suppliers than Amazon because in my experience some supplement suppliers often offer significant discounts on their products whereas in my experience, Amazon does not or rarely does.

I hope that answers your question and if you decide to test Carditone, it would be very helpful for the EC community if you come back and share your experience with the product. I also highly recommend that you read the whole thread as opposed to just the original post because there is useful information in the replies.

A word of caution regarding Carditone, you should absolutely check your blood pressure regularly for the first year of use because I have found that Carditone has a cumulative effect on me and another friend where it was taking my blood pressure to low which can be very dangerous. This has allowed me over a period of months to lower my dose so that now I only need to take one caplet every third night instead of the manufacturer recommended one caplet every night and this keeps my blood pressure just below or at 120/80.

Good luck and I look forward to your update if you decide to test Carditone.


(Los Angeles)


It never was my intention to insult you, If that is how my question came across I apologize. It was an honest question tended to dispel any misgivings that a reasonable person may ask before ordering the supplement you are recommending. Thank you for the clarification.

2363 posts

To further update this thread about Carditone, my friend Dave who was also testing Carditone with myself and another friend, has found that even going to one caplet every third night was still lowering his blood pressure dangerously low (107/65, 105/61, 98/64, & 97/57 and I had asked if he thought it might be safer to only take one caplet once a week or every seventh day to allow his blood pressure to get back up into a safer range and then if it got too high try every 6th day. He said that was what he was planning to do immediately.

Dave mentioned to me recently that with the switch to taking one caplet every seventh night had allowed his blood pressure to get back to the 120~125/65~76 area, a much safer range to be in than the dangerously low level where he had gotten to at one caplet every third night.

Dave told me that he would update me if he needs to increase his dose to one caplet every sixth night.

Interestingly, the other friend who started testing Carditone with us, Barbara, is still at one caplet per night and that is keeping her blood pressure around 120~125 / 80~85 area.

So from this limited experience of the three of us, it is clearly very important to monitor your blood pressure very frequently for at least the first 6 months to a year if you plan to test Carditone.




My wife is on diuretic, allowing 2 hours or longer after that before Carditone (it works), what is your opinion?

There was one review on amazon that had issue.

My wife had to stop Berberine(it works) because of diarrhea, I do not know which pill is the cause?

Trying to test it out now. Always value your opinion. I have read many years of your postings and Ted also. I prefer your recommend brands and beside no one forcing us to buy the brand. Thanks Thanks

2363 posts


It has been my experience that I can take Carditone anytime, but I believe the company suggests evening dosing because one or two of the ingredients are known to help with sleeplessness, so it may help some people get to sleep, but on the other hand, if a person is sensitive to these ingredients and it really helps them sleep, they may not want to take it in the morning as it may make them feel sleepy.

For me, I have never experienced sleepiness from taking it.

Regarding which pill might be causing diarrhea, this is a known side effect of berberine and I would suspect it before Carditone. That is why I suggested taking it after eating, to see if that would help or resolve the issue. In some cases, people have had success with building the dose up slowly because sometimes the body can adjust to berberine when applied gradually. I would try taking it after the meal as the simplest remedy especially since the Carditone was already working for her with no problem.

If in the end, your wife does not tolerate berberine even when taken after food, I can make another suggestion, but berberine is very good with T2DM so give it a try after food. You can also try reducing the dose. What brand are you using?

Did you get my other reply about the use of magnesium for T2DM?


2363 posts


Thank you for the reply and I completely understand.

If you do decide to test it, please give your feedback.


Replied by Cheryl

I have been taking Carditone for about a week now (one pill every night) and it's apparent to me that it is working well to lower my systolic, but my diastolic remains high. This decreases the numbers in between, and I've read that it's important that there be about 40 numbers between the two readings. Have you ever heard of it only effecting the systolic number? Thanks in advance for your help! Much appreciated!

2363 posts


I have not seen where the diastolic has not been lowered also, at least in the 3 of us that I have been reporting on. I have also not read that in the Amazon reviews. What is your diastolic reading?

I have noticed that for me and for Dave, Carditone had somewhat of a cumulative effect where it has allowed us to reduce our dose, but not for Barbara who has remained at one caplet per night. You already have the bottle so maybe you can continue to the end of the bottle and see if your diastolic starts to decline over time, but that would also depend on how high your diastolic reading is. If it is too high, you may have to go on prescription medications for hypertension or resume them if you were taking them.


Replied by Colin
(London, UK)

Re Carditone.

Reading the testimonials this appears extremely effective and so intend to try it. When searching I found huge discrepancies in price, ie £40 & £80, which appear to be the same product!

Given that "Dave" had such excellent results, I'd like to use the same supplier. Your kind assistance is greatly appreciated.

Replied by Art
2363 posts

Recently, a friend who I have been working with mentioned that she was having a very significant number of pain issues of the back, neck, and various joints that seem to be consistently increasing over time. I asked her about medications that she was taking and she mentioned that she was taking Losartan for high blood pressure for many years. I mentioned to her that common musculoskeletal side effects of Losartan are :


  • Musculoskeletal (Common) :
  • Muscle Cramp
  • Back Pain
  • Leg Pain
  • Myalgia - Definition of myalgia : Myalgia describes muscle aches and pain, which can involve ligaments, tendons and fascia, the soft tissues that connect muscles, bones and organs.

These listed common side effects to the musculoskeletal system by Losartan pretty much describe the issues that she was telling me she was having and I let her know that it was time to consider another high blood pressure medication and she agreed. I asked her if she had mentioned all of her pain issues to her doctor? I further said that if she had, and he had not suggested trying a new blood pressure med, then that would not be a good situation for her. She would not say much about her doctor after that and she did not say that she would ask her doctor to try her on a new blood pressure medication and our conversation pretty much ended there.

About a week later she asked me if there was anything I would recommend for high blood pressure and I told her that I use Carditone and it is effectively keeping my blood pressure in the normal range. I told her it doesn't work for everyone, but it does seem to work for the majority of people. She said she was going to think about it and let me know what she decides.

Another four weeks went by and she told me that she had stopped taking Losartan and had switched to Carditone and it was working at least as well as Losartan to maintain normal blood pressure for her. I had also suggested she use melatonin lotion a while back to manage her pain and potentially help repair any damage that Losartan might have caused. She told me that she is thrilled to be off of Losartan and that combining that with the melatonin lotion has gotten her to about 95% pain free with periods of time where she is 100% pain free. She seems like a much much happier person these days!


Article Updates From Art
Posted by Art (California) on 05/09/2022 2363 posts

I just wanted to do a current (5/9/2022) update on our Carditone review for high blood pressure.

I talked with Dave and he did reduce his dose to one pill every other day instead of the recommended one pill per day and has been doing that for 3 weeks now and he has been keeping track of the results with daily monitoring of his blood pressure which he is keeping a log of. He said that his average blood pressure readings are staying below 120/80 with the reduced dose.

Barbara told me that after her very good initial results she stopped checking her blood pressure, but she texted me today and said that she finally checked her blood pressure today and it was 124/70 and she said she was very happy with the great improvement! She remains at 1 pill per day.

As to myself, my pressure readings continued to decline so I also decided to go to one pill every other day of Carditone, as Dave did. On the occasions when I missed a dose, I did not notice a rise in my blood pressure and that helped convince me to try one pill every other day. The results have been amazing with my average blood pressure reading maintaining below 120/80, similarly to Dave's results. Here is a list of my past week of readings plus today's reading :

1. 115/75

2. 102/68

3. 110/70

4. 105/70

5. 114/77

6. 121/75

7. 115/79

8. 110/68

These are better blood pressure readings than I was getting 30 years ago! None of us have noticed any side effects from taking Carditone. Overall, all three of us are very happy with the results and will definitely continue taking Carditone indefinitely!


Replied by Glen

Art- what else do you do for bp maintenance? Exercise and diet? I am interested in this supplement.

2363 posts


For the specific purpose of maintaining blood pressure in the normal range, Carditone is all I use. I do take other supplements such as high dose melatonin because of its multitude of health benefits and preventative effects, but specifically for blood pressure, Carditone is it. I do walk at a brisk pace in the morning for endurance and I just wrote about how to improve that endurance and muscle strength using Astaxanthin here :


That may be good for helping to maintain healthy blood pressure, but that is not why I do it.



Hi, Art -- thanks for all of your information. I'm curious as to two things: Has Carditone been tested for lead content is the first, and the second is.... coral is one of the ingredients? From a coral reef? They're so endangered, I don't think I could participate in their destruction. Am I just being ignorant as to what the coral is and from where it has come?

Thanks so much for all of your help!


2363 posts

Hi Carol,

Here is a description of where the coral in Carditone comes from.

' The coral in Carditone is derived from Dendrogyra cylindrus, also known as pillar coral1. It is a type of stony coral that forms cylindrical columns in tropical and subtropical waters2. Pillar coral is a good source of calcium and magnesium, which are important minerals for cardiovascular health1. '

As to whether testing has been done for lead content of Carditone, according to the FDA, dietary supplements are not required to be tested for contaminants, such as lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium, before they are marketed. However, the FDA does set limits for the amount of these metals that are allowed in supplements, and monitors the products for compliance.

Given that the FDA does not require such testing, I doubt that many, if any, supplement makers are making much effort to do such testing.


Ayurvedic Abana

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Bru (Pacific Palisades California) on 08/08/2023

Abana by Himalaya Wellness Company is an ayurvedic blend of Herbs that sells online in the USA for about $6 for 60 tablets that contains herbs from vedic historical studies that is very effective in lowering Blood Pressure but whose primary purpose is for lowering cholesterol, reduces platelet adhesion, reduces triglycerides, reduces fatty acid levels by breakdown of lipids in the liver, and is a composite of 10 roots that are known to thin the blood. The ayurvedic history of herbs has been passed down from healers for over 5000 years. If you've grown tired of side effects from statins and blood pressure medicines, Abana may be what you should consider.

My blood pressure was in serious danger levels and has been brought down to normal. In fact, it states that taking two pills a day will lower blood pressure to safe levels after which one tablet can then be used for maintenance. I also read that it can safely be used for 6 months, then stopped for two weeks before continuing to use it. Testing your blood pressure daily is your gauge and would not take it without testing daily as your blood pressure can retreat to below safe levels as mine did.

Have taken this along with carditone without any side effects for 6 months. Will be reporting on my cholesterol levels at my upcoming blood screening in early September. Tried 4 different statins all with similar muscle cramping before starting this and have had no side effects since beginning.

Carditone for High Blood Pressure

14 User Reviews
5 star (7) 
4 star (2) 
3 star (1) 
2 star (2) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Ernie (Los Angeles ) on 12/02/2024

Carditone for High Blood Pressure

It does work, there is no doubt about that. However, every time I take it my nose gets stuffed up horribly. Is this something that gets better with time? I already have sleep apnea so sprinkling nasal congestion on top isn't helpful, but if it's just a temporary side effect it may be worth the short term struggle.

Replied by Art
2363 posts

Hi Ernie,

Previously I wrote the manufacturer to ask if they had a workaround for this stuffy nose issue and they said they didn't. Unfortunately, even though it is working for your blood pressure, it is not likely you will be able to continue to use it. You are the third person that has reported this problem on EC.


Carditone For High Blood Pressure

14 User Reviews
5 star (7) 
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Posted by Patti B (Pa) on 02/08/2024

I am reading Art Solbrig's post on Carditone for High blood pressure and it is hard to believe that taking 1 Carditone at night would help someone with high blood pressure. I have been taking Carditone with BP meds and still my pressure spikes here and there. I also take 1 Carditone before bed. I would love to just take Carditone but don't think just taking 1 would help. I take the brand that starts with an Ay

Replied by Art
2363 posts

Hi Patti B,

Similarly to most blood pressure(BP) medications, Carditone seems to work for many people, but not all. I am one of the lucky ones who is able to get by with one Carditone every other night. By comparison, the prescription BP medication, Amlodipine at the highest available dose taken everyday had almost zero effect on my blood pressure which was very high at the time.

Previously one man reported on EC that he was on two or three BP meds and his blood pressure still was not controlled. So he decided to stop his meds and start with just Carditone. He wrote back to say that Carditone did not work for him. He later wrote that once he started back on his BP meds, his BP was still uncontrolled. So he decided to add Carditone to his BP meds and that finally controlled his BP to the normal range.

When it comes to BP, we all seem to be different and so it comes down to trial and error to see what works best. I'm sorry that Carditone is not effective enough for you to take it by itself.



Art, my wife has been using Carditone 1/2 pill along with few BP other medicine. It works for her. Have Used over 6 months. Thanks You Peter

2363 posts

Hi Peter,

I am glad that Carditone is helping your wife to maintain her blood pressure in a normal range! For her particular situation, that is a critical point for her long term health outlook! Her dose is similar to my dose at half of a caplet per day. I use one caplet every other day as my effective dose, which is essentially the same as her dose, but easier to take.


Carditone For High Blood Pressure
Posted by Louis in Stayton (Stayton Or) on 01/30/2024

After 5 days of taking 1 Carditone tablet a day my BP has been reduced significantly from 170's, 180's and 190's to the following for the last 2 days: (1-29 and 1-30)

107/79,122/75,108/75,128/80,112/74,113/68 and 114/76

Works for me.

Replied by Art
2363 posts

Hi Louis,

I'm very happy that Carditone has brought your very high blood pressure into the normal range and thank you for coming back to EC to report your results! That is quite a drop down from 170's - 190's down to normal!

Please continue to monitor your blood pressure for safety.


Carditone For High Blood Pressure
Posted by Surfer (Florida) on 10/30/2023

Carditone And My Short Experience

I read up on the Carditone reviews here and decided to purchase some. Always had good BP until recently and started creeping up to the 160's/90's. Took my first dose on Thursday night....... as suggested on the bottle. I was up urinating all night it felt like. Took it again Friday night. Urinated 12 to 15 times. Same thing on Saturday night and I am exhausted from basically no sleep for three nights. Did not take on Sunday night but probably still up 8 times. Guess just as I read that it stays in your body and you can lower your dosage and still lowers BP for some, it stayed in my body even when I didn't take it but maybe will clear in a few days.

I have two nurse friends I called about this and they wanted pics of the bottle showing the ingredients. Both came back and told me to be careful that Carditone has a diuretic and that was the reason I was up so many times during the night. I have not seen that word on their ad on Amazon nor have I read it anywhere here. At least I didn't have the nasal problem.

Glad it's working for some of you but you can't rest when you can't get in your REM sleep.

Replied by Art
2363 posts


Thank you for the feedback on Carditone. The ingredient in it that can act as a diuretic is Rauwolfia extract.

I have not experienced this problem nor have my two friends who also take it and you are the first person who has reported it on EC. Having to go to the bathroom 12 to 15 times per night would be intolerable. I'm sorry that Carditone will not be an option for you. Perhaps Amazon will give you a refund since you barely tried it or perhaps the manufacturer might.


Carditone for High Blood Pressure

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Posted by Gracie (Nottingham) on 08/21/2023


Hi Art

You mentioned that you'd be interested in how I got on with taking Carditone. In the early days it worked very well, but recently stopped working. This morning I took a reading and it was 156/82. So far I've been on them for approximately 50 days. The only changes I've made in my diet in an attempt to reduce the amount of arthritic pain I'm in are having two tablespoonsful of ACV, one teaspoonful of borax solution, and drinking a mug of bone broth daily, but I cannot see these affecting my blood pressure.

Any thoughts?

Replied by Art
2363 posts


It is possible to get a higher reading and still have a well in range average reading. That happens to me at the doctor's office every time I go and once in awhile at home, but the average readings are always very good. Your diastolic reading is normal.

The Carditone is suggested to be taken in the later evening before bed. Make sure you do that and take your other supplements earlier in the day to allow each one to work optimally and not interfere with each other.

Btw, I take Carditone and borax and neither one seems to affect the other. I take the 1/4th teaspoon of borax 4 to 5 days per week in water and I take Carditone every other day close to bedtime. I don't know how strong your borax solution is, but it has to be pretty strong for just one teaspoon to work for your arthritis.

If you are already taking your supplements far apart from each other and your systolic remains high, try skipping the ACV for two weeks to see if your systolic returns to normal. You can always add the ACV back later.

I haven't heard of anyone saying that Carditone stopped working for them after working fine. It did happen to me, but it only happened when I was testing Carditone and I backed off too much between doses, otherwise it works very well and better than anything else I have tried.

For just temporary relief of arthritis pain and other pains, the topical pain reliever, Stopain is generally effective while you are waiting for the borax to take effect.

Please let us know how things work out for you.


Carditone for High Blood Pressure
Posted by Deirdre (VA) on 07/23/2023

I am finally weighing in on Carditone for high blood pressure after having a fitness assessment at my new gym 3 weeks ago and discovering my systolic pressure was on the very high end! (165... maybe dropped 10 points when we tried it again an hour later.) I wasn't testing my BP very often but after that, bought a new arm cuff monitor and started taking measurements to make sure it wasn't a one-off reading. I had a wrist monitor and that one is really hit and miss when compared with the arm cuff. At home, same results -- upper number high, lower number normal range. I bought Carditone right away and have been taking just one at night, as recommended. After a few days, my systolic dropped into the normal range and has remained below 120 for the most part. I stopped taking it for a couple of days last weekend and on Monday, my systolic was back up. So right now, it looks like I need to take one a day to maintain normal bp.

Side Effects: It definitely causes some congestion, which dissipates during the day. Congestion is also much worse if I have significant gluten or dairy the day before... Anyway, just wanted to report back my results. Very happy with this product.

Replied by Art
2363 posts

Hi Deirdre,

I'm very happy to hear that Carditone is working well for you! Please continue to monitor your blood pressure regularly as in some people, it has a cumulative effect and your blood pressure could potentially decrease more. This doesn't happen to everyone, but it did happen to me. I was fine at one caplet a day, but after a month or so I noticed it was going lower than optimal and I eventually had to switch to one every other night. Now my pressure is right in the normal range.

I had some stuffiness in my sinuses also, but that gradually went away and my sinuses are normal now.


Carditone for High Blood Pressure
Posted by Patrick (Rio Rancho, NM) on 03/22/2023

Art, I would first like to thank you and the other users of EC who have contributed to this section. I have been a long-term extremely hypertensive person. I've had 2 heart attacks, stents placed in my heart and have been on a large cocktail of various BP meds. Due to a lack of insurance and being unable to continue affording the meds/doctor visits, I've been off my meds for a few years now. My BP, which my dentist checked it this morning was 220 over 139. This is not uncommon for me. I even had a doc tell me that when they finally did get my BP down into a 'normal range' of 150/185 that I should probably expect that to be as good as it's going to get as that's what my body has become accustomed to for so long. I did eventually get it into the 120/80 range with meds before eventually having to go off of them.

I know, very clearly, that I cannot sustain these high BP levels and I'm scared but have felt that it's just how it was going to have to be. I stumbled onto your post about Carditone and have read every single post and will admit that I'm feeling hopeful. I ended up ordering two bottles but they wont show up until April 7th. I've been taking a couple of other herbal supplements, but they obviously haven't helped. I will continue to take them and add Carditone to the regimen and closely monitor.

I considering taking two a day, once in the morning and once at night, again, closely monitoring. If the Carditone effectively begins to lower my BP, then I will adjust and monitor once it's lower.

I think I will also take Astaxanthin and begin walking. Fatigue has been a problem when trying to walk. I don't even try speed walking at this point, but I will begin again once I start taking the AST. I first want to see my BP numbers drop a bit before I push the walking. I you have other recommendations there, I'm definitely open to suggestions.

Replied by Art
2363 posts


Given your blood pressure readings it may be worth reading the following links :



I'm not trying to scare you, just thinking preventatively and trying to be real about your situation.

In case, Carditone does not work for you, because clearly it does not work for everyone, or if it is not effective enough on its own, as we have also seen on EC, I did have some success with beet root powder, but it was not as effective as Carditone for me. I also got benefit from another regimen I used, but it required 3 supplements multiple times a day and it consisted of NAC, Arginine and Lysine. So it is a bit of work to maintain that regimen, but it isn't too costly.

I understand you are in a difficult situation and perhaps other forum members can add useful suggestions to what I have offered.

I will do a bit more reading to see if I can find anything else that might be helpful and will reply to this thread if I do, but what I mentioned above should keep you busy for awhile.


Carditone for High Blood Pressure
Posted by Colleen (Texas) on 03/20/2023 3 posts


I have taken Carditone for two months now. It has lowered my blood pressure. But the side effect of nasal congestion is off the charts. I am disappointed to have to stop taking it.

Replied by Art
2363 posts


I'm sorry it didn't workout for you. I saw that as a potential side effect and it is too bad you weren't able to continue with it since it was working for you, but nasal congestion can be intolerable.


Replied by Art
2363 posts


I wrote to the manufacturer of Carditone, Ayush Herbs because of your experience and they replied to me this morning. This is what I wrote :

I write on a health forum and have written about Carditone and have received some positive feedback on that forum after recommending Carditone because it improved my blood pressure as well as two friends that I also wrote about. Recently, a forum member wrote me and said that they had used Carditone and it helped control their blood pressure, but they had gotten the side effect of sinus congestion and was going to have to stop using Carditone because of that. I understand that sinus issues are a known side effect of Carditone and my question is, have you figured out any type of work around for this side effect so that people will be able to continue using Carditone to control their blood pressure?

The other question I have, regards onset of action of Carditone. Other forum members have written me and said they were not getting any benefit from Carditone after a week or two of use. Is the onset of action for Carditone sometimes delayed? If there can be a delay of onset of action in some people, what length of delay can be expected before the person knows that Carditone is not going to be effective for them? It seems that when I started using Carditone, the effect of Carditone on my blood pressure seemed to increase with time and my blood pressure got even lower after about a month or so and that is why I was thinking that there may be a delay of onset of action in some people.

Thank you.

Art ::::::::::::::::::::::::

This was their reply:

' Good morning Art,

My name is Dr. Brian Keenan and I am a naturopathic doctor here at Ayush Herbs. I got your inquiry about Carditone and wanted to weigh in. First and foremost, Carditone is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition and should never be used a substitute for proper diagnosis and treatment from a physician. With that said, I wanted to give some responses for the topics you brought up.

Firstly, when it comes to sinus congestion, it often goes away after about 4 weeks of regular use; however, if it does not go away, or if the sinus congestion so severe that it is unbearable or affects breathing in any way, it is best to discontinue use unfortunately.

For your second question, this is a bit more difficult to give a firm answer two because everyone's body and physiology is different. Some people feel supported by carditone very quickly while others it can take up 6 weeks before they can determine if its a supplement for them. If there is absolutely no change in wellness after 6 weeks, it may not be the best supplement for them.

To reiterate, Carditone is not meant to treat any medical conditions, but is a wonderful cardiovascular support formula that works very well with proper care, diet, and lifestyle changes, to promote lasting cardiovascular wellness.

I hope this was useful and if you have any other questions, by all means, let me know!

Dr. Brian

I was really hoping they would have a way so that you would be able to continue to be able to continue taking it since it was controlling your blood pressure, but no luck, . I'm sorry.


3 posts

Thank you so much Art, for looking into the side effects. I was wondering the same thing, if there was a way to still use it. Also, which ingredient caused the congestion. Hopefully, I can find another supplement to help with my blood pressure. Thank you again. Colleen

2363 posts

You're very welcome, Colleen, I just wish that they had a workaround for you. On a related note, I did get some benefit from beet root powder capsules, but not as good as Carditone. The beet root powder(BRP) definitely brought my blood pressure down significantly and for some people it has been very effective. One difference I noticed between the two is that if I missed a dose of BRP, it was evident in my pressure reading, whereas if I missed a dose of Carditone it wasn't evident. If you decide to try BRP, please come back and let us know how it worked for you.


(Los Angeles)

I exactly had the sinus congestion due to Carditone and had to stop taking.

Carditone brought my blood pressure in normal range however I could not breathe and eventually had to stop taking.

2363 posts


I understand and sadly the manufacturer does not have a remedy for this known side effect. Another consideration that helped me prior to Carditone is beet root powder capsules.


Replied by Joe

I do not know if this will help, but when I get nasal congestion, two things I use that help me are nebulizing food grade hydrogen peroxide, diluted in a saline solution. You can get more information from Dr's Mercola and Levy on Rumble. The other thing that works for me is a nasal spray with the brand name Xlear. These work good on my sinus issues caused by allergies, bacteria or viruses. I do not know about a reaction to a medication/supplement. Hope this helps.

Carditone for High Blood Pressure
Posted by Peter (Equinunk, PA) on 02/22/2023

I have been taking Carditone for 3weeks now, there is absolutely no difference in my blood pressure; it simply doesn`t work.

I guess I was hoping for a miracle........

BTW. I got it from Amazon, there were 58 pills inside instead of 60, but that does not bother me, the main thing is, it is a waste of money.

Replied by Art
2363 posts


I'm sorry it didn't work for and thank you for the feedback!


Replied by Peter

Does anyone reported the same to you? Or am I the only rare exception?

2363 posts


Earlier in this thread, a man reported that he was taking 3 different hypertension medications and his blood pressure was still uncontrolled and he said he stopped the three medications to start Carditone, which I thought was a really bad idea, and then he reposted to say the Carditone didn't work for him. He posted again after that he said that he went back on his 3 prescription meds for the hypertension and his pressure was still uncontrolled so he decided to add the Carditone to his regimen and he said that finally normalized his blood pressure. Nothing works for everyone, but you can't find out without trying. It's the same with the prescription hypertension meds, doctors will start you on one and then if it doesn't work or you have a bad reaction to it or both, they will switch to another hypertension med to see if it works. I imagine that's why there are so many different hypertension meds.

On that note, one of my friends who was testing Carditone found that it took awhile to get benefit of a reduction in blood pressure. Since you already have the bottle, it seems like it might be worth finishing it to see if it might help over a longer period. The bottle should last two months. Other than that, you might see if Amazon will take it back since it isn't working for you.


Replied by Adrienne

I can't help wondering if maybe you got one of Amazon's fake sellers that is selling an imitation. I only learned of this problem recently, and it is happening on other websites besides Amazon. What a shame! I have spent so much time trying to verify whether I have any fake supplements in my cupboards. As I understand it, we have to contact the manufacturer, and ask them the names of their legitimate sellers or, if they sell directly, buy from the manufacturer's website. If buying on Amazon or Walmart or I Herbs, etc., we have to locate the name of the seller on the site to see if it is the seller the manufacturer said is legit.

2363 posts


You can order from the manufacturer direct here :


They also put up a page on their website describing how to tell if the product you have is real or counterfeit here :


Apparently the counterfeit product has a slightly lighter blue label and the pills themselves are notably lighter colored that the real product. The real pills are a dark flat brown color with almost no gloss. The counterfeits look like a dark sand color. The third indication that the pills are counterfeit is that the barcode on the label is in a vertical position running from bottom to top of the bottle while the authentic product has a barcode that runs horizontally from side to side.

I've been taking Carditone for quite awhile and have always ordered them from Amazon with no problem, but on Amazon it always asks if I want to reorder and then it selects the same seller that I previously used.

I might not have noticed the lighter label because it isn't that far off from the real label, but I would have noticed those lighter pills and I have never seen them before. Perhaps it is just safer to order from the manufacturer to avoid this potential problem altogether. I think they sell at the same price as Amazon sellers.


Carditone for High Blood Pressure
Posted by Tom (Los Angeles, CA) on 09/09/2022



I have been taking Carditone for my high blood pressure since last 3 weeks. Now my blood pressure is in the normal range because of Carditone.

The only major side effect I have is nasal congestion because of Carditone. I read one of the ingredient in Carditone causes Nasal Congestion.

Anyone else noticed the side effect?

Thank you.


Replied by Art
2363 posts


The three of us have not noticed nasal congestion or anything else as a side effect of taking Carditone after testing for months, but in reading reviews, I did see someone mention nasal congestion. Unfortunately, even though Carditone normalized your blood pressure, the nasal congestion will likely preclude you from taking it.


(Los Angeles)

Thanks Art. Yes even though my Blood Pressure is normal after taking Cartitone, because of Nasal congestion I'm in two minds if I should continue or not.


hi Art,

I have been using one tablet of carditone at night and my bp is not going down. I'm also started using drug to carry down my bp which I take once a day early in the morning im trying to get of these drugs but carditone is not doing any thing for me. Do I need to increase to two tablets or maybe it does not work well for african people please let me know I need help art and I trust you and your know how around these issues hoping to hear from you soon GOD BLESS



I understand what you are saying. I guess if you are able to find something that will alleviate the sinus congestion and is practical, then maybe Carditone is not off the table yet. I just hate the idea of having to take another supplement because the first supplement caused a side effect. It may be better to consider testing other blood pressure supplements such as Beet Root Powder in the hope that you will not have negative side effects and it will control your elevated blood pressure.

Also, look at my very recent reply to Wilfred on this topic.


2363 posts


In the reviews (over 4000 reviews) about others who have tested Carditone, while it does work for the majority of people, like any other supplement or medication, it does not work for everybody.

Carditone has an 80% five star rating, a 10% four star rating, a 4% three star rating, a 2% two star rating and a 5% one star rating. It may be a leap, but I take these ratings to mean, that roughly speaking, it works for 90% of people who try it and does not work for 7% of people based on the one and 2 star ratings. If you add the 4% of 3 star ratings to the group of non responders, then Carditone does not work for 10% to 11% of people who have tested it. Compared to other supplements used for high blood pressure, these are excellent results.

However, it does not change the fact that it is not working for you. Prior to testing Carditone, I was using Beet Root powder (BRP) to manage my blood pressure and it worked better than the max dose Amlodipine that the doctor had prescribed for me for high blood pressure (HBP), but it did not work as good as Carditone does. It may be worth considering testing it if you are trying to avoid taking prescription HBP meds. Here is a link to a typical product :


I'm not recommending this particular product just linking to it because it has over 10, 000 reviews. You might read some of the reviews to get an idea of what type of results that people saw from using BRP.

Another consideration is to look at ECs list of over 50 supplements and remedies that members of the EC community have found useful for helping to control their HBP. Here is a link to that list :


Good luck and let us know how it goes.


(Los Angeles)


Thank you for suggesting other alternatives like Beet Root Power. I have read really good things about Beet Root controlling Blood Pressure and other benefits. Do you recommend any specific brand?

Thank you.


2363 posts


I have no recommendation for Beet Root Powder. If you look on Amazon, look for a product that has a high number of reviews and a high number of 5 star reviews in conjunction with a low number of 1 star reviews.


Carditone for High Blood Pressure
Posted by Russ (Linden, TN) on 07/19/2022 1 posts

For Art Solbrig,

Have you discovered any evidence of ischemia while using Carditone?

I am a very healthy 74 YO male. I work out regularly and fast and watch my weight. 5'7" tall and 155#.

I am on 10mg lisinopril for mild hypertension. This is my only prescription med. The Lisinopril was not doing the job, so I added 1 tab of Carditone in may of this year which brought my pressure down to 106-137 over 60-80 on average.

The problem is with my heart rate. Historically my resting heart rate was in the 50's and 60's with the occasional dip into the 40's. After I started taking the carditone my resting HR is in the Low to mid 40's most of the time.

At this time, I am discontinuing all supplements except a daily vitamin and the Lisinopril.

Replied by Art
2363 posts


There is very little scientific information available about the herbal combination that is Carditone regarding ischemia. I think it may be too strong for you, Russ. There are studies on the individual herbal ingredients and apparently these studies are how they arrived at this particular formulation, which in my friend's and my case, is more potent than the respective blood pressure medications we were using. My friend who's blood pressure was uncontrolled on Lisinopril has had to go to every third day dosing while I was uncontrolled on Amlodipine max dose and have recently switched from every other day dosing to every third day dosing also.

I mention in this thread that low blood pressure can be as dangerous as high blood pressure. This herbal supplement is quite effective at lowering high blood pressure in my experience and my other two friends who are using it. One friend requires the label recommended dose of one pill per night to stay in the normal range. The other friend found it so effective that they take it every third day and that dose maintains their blood pressure below 120/80.

Myself, I found that shortly after starting on Carditone I only needed to take one pill every other night, but more recently checked my pressure after missing a dose and found it to be 107/74/74 pulse. So I have just last week switched to one pill every third day and will report back on EC how this new dose works out for me. For me, it seems to have a slow cumulative and lasting effect causing me to reduce my dose twice now. I am not complaining, but I highly recommend that people testing Carditone, monitor their blood pressure regularly to be certain that it has not declined to a dangerously low level such as yours.


Replied by Art
2363 posts


I forgot to mention, all three of us stopped are prescription blood pressure medications in order to start using Carditone by itself , but one gentleman who wrote in said he had uncontrolled blood pressure while using 3 blood pressure medications simultaneously and when he added Carditone to the three, it brought his blood pressure into the normal range.

If your diastolic and systolic readings are normal, the following article should be of interest to you :

https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/expert-answers/heart-rate/faq-20057979#:~:text=A normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60, to 40 beats per minute.


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