In reference to Beth who has heavy menstrual bleeding, the best and the most useful way is to take QUERCETIN 500-mg x 3 days. It will stop the bleeding the first day. The propriety of the quercetin is to re-enforce the micro vessel to prevent the bleeding. I have a lot of success with the quercetin for this problem.
You can buy the quercetin online or in health store. Very effective.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Hi Nicole,
Stopping soda is for sure a good start. I have my moon now and had a raw soup all day and that yucky feeling is considerably less. I crave meat and carbs but raw is best imho. I also have been taking Vitex (chasteberry powder in coffee with unsulphured BSM) and believe it is helping. I read somewhere to only take it in the 1st half of the month, but read again somewhere to take it daily
(http://www.saraholeary.net/from-pms-menopause-vitex-may-be-your-next-best-friend/), which I started recently and see my flow stanch a bit. Another friend suggested staying hydrated (water def. not soda), Go with the Flow! Hope this helps.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Try dandelion tea. Just one cup in the evening (soak 2 bags 15 mins) every night made a difference for me and I've always had heavy periods.
Heavy Menstruation Remedies
Dear Ronibe,
So sorry about the non-stop bleeding.
Try cayenne pepper first to slow (and hopefully stop) the bleeding. 1/2 teaspoon in 5 ounces of grape juice (or other, but I like the grape.) Instead you can take 2 cayenne capsules, but it is actually easier on the system to take it in a drink or on food. You can do this several times a day. Also, one Tablespoon of Blackstrap Molasses twice a day is good to help stop the bleeding and also to replenish your iron if you are having a lot of bleeding. Taking the Blackstap daily may help to regulate your cycles.
Do you know why you weren't having periods or why it suddenly got started? How long have you been bleeding? It is very heavy?
~Mama to Many~
Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Thank you very much Mama to Many. I will let you know how am doing.
Last period was a nightmare. I was bloated, exhausted, unable to leave my bed/hot water bottle unless it was to stagger into a hot bath. Maximum ibuprofen did nothing.
I tried ginger tea with alder bark and birch bark which helped the pain, to the extent that I could cut back the ibuprofen. I was able to end my period with plantain (Plantago lanceolata, not the banana-like things). So far so good. But I thought I might have cysts or fibroids so I rushed off to the doc who said she could find nothing. We agreed to wait for next period and see how that went.
In the meantime, I had ordered Apple Cider Vinegar with mother and Blackstrap Molasses and started taking it a couple of weeks ago alongside my usual herb tonic, which often includes plantain. I boosted turmeric in my diet and added maca every other day, a B complex daily and probiotics.
I have boosted my fruit and veg intake and cut down on coffee, but I still have one mug in the morning and I still eat non-organic meat (can't afford not to! ).
I am happy to report a better-than-normal period on exactly the right day! I am definitely going to continue.
Red Raspberry Tea
I'm a chiropractor specializing in fertility, pre-natal, and pediatric care. I always have this tea here in the office because of its healing and soothing effect on the female reproductive system. I recommend it for menstrual cramps, any cycle irregularity, during pregnancy, and general uterine health. It's a miraculous ancient remedy used by native cultures for centuries. For those who haven't tried it, it's like a mild black tea in flavor and naturally a little sweet. Try drinking it right before and throughout your next period and see how soothing it is for yourself. I usually drink a cup every day and maybe two during my period.
Colleen, do you know a tea or remedy that might aid in becoming pregnant?
Red Raspberry Tea
Hi Mmsg, I don't know if you've heard about this but guaifenesin which is found in cough syrup has been found to help women to conceive. If you google it you will find info on it. Basically, this thins the cervical fluid and thereby allows the sperm to travel more easily. You also need to know when you're ovulating to time it. Also, you must use ones with only this ingredient. There are brands that fit this description. Anyway, I just thought I'd throw this out there since I'd heard about it awhile ago. Lisa
Red Raspberry Tea
This is surprising....by the second or third day of use for red raspberry tea (at what should be the end of my menstrual flow). Flow is gone. I only use the rrt to end my period. Maybe I should try it for reduction of heaviness.
Wild Yam
When my periods were very heavy I used one cayenne pill then I wait 2 hours and see if still was heavy then I took another pill, be carefully not to take it if you are doing OK, otherwise your period will dissapear until the next month, it happened to me several times the good thing is that cayenne will give you a lot of energy, I used 40.000 HU
hi everybody,
Turmeric (humble and wonder herb)- I usually have lot of pain during that time of the month and I have just started drinking turmeric tea, and I have noticed I didn't have to take pain meds which I usually do. This time I had very minimal pain, so I would recommend this wonder herb to anybody who has any kind of inflammation/pain.Now I drink it regularly on daily basis.
It does work, better than any medications.
My mom used to have incredibly heavy menstruation and she used cod liver oil, but in the liquid form because she was taking so much.
The heavy menstruation was caused by uterine fibroids, but I imagine this would work with other causes, too.
She was taking usually about 3 tablespoons per day, but at one point took 5 tablespoons. This was when it was REALLY bad. Just keep in mind, however, that this is a little hard on your liver. You may feel very low on energy shortly after taking this much CLO because your liver is trying to process it. She really found this to be true when she took the 5 tbs.
The CLO worked really quickly, and she also lost weight while using the oil.
Multiple Remedies
After 20 years of excruciating menstrual pain, excessive bleeding, clots, and huge tumors, and trying every dietary and nautral remedy I could find, I have eliminated all trouble within four cycles. I have gone from lying in bed for days on pain killers, bleeding for eight days, going through an ultra plus tampon and pad every hour, and having tumors the size of a canteloupe and a mango to painless, light, three day periods, and the cysts are shrinking!
YOU MUST ELIMINATE ALL PARABENS AND XENOESTROGENS!!!! This means no lotions (use coconut oil, almond oil etc), no detergent (this means no detergent... Not even the ones labelled "eco" or "natural"... Use borax and baking soda to wash your clothes and vinegar to soften them.... The detergent residue from laundry products stays in your clothes and is absorbed through your skin, causing great stress on your hormonal system), no shampoo or conditioner (wash your hair with borax dissolved in very hot water and then cooled slightly, rinse with apple cider vinegar sprayed on your hair and combed through... Your hair will be super soft and lovely and the vinegar scent will evaporate after a bit) , no liquid soaps on your skin (use an unscented natural Bar soap and use vinegar to wash your dishes), no perfumes, no nail polish, no hair colors, no hairspray... Etc. It was Dr. Eckhart's website and research that pointed me in the right direction. It takes a little discipline, but OMG! , it is soooooo worth it!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses, Flaxseed Oil
I can understand your pain. this is my story..I have suffered with irregular periods since i was 13 yrs old(menstral began at 9. was in long term committed realtionship for over 10yrs, never conceived,always had heavy periods and cramping but nevr thought i was infertal. In 2007 after I demanded an ultrasound (had a tummy as if i was 4mths pregnant)to figure out why my abdomen was getting bigger and not getting pregant. I was informed i had a fibroid. 6mths later after another ultrasound, was informed the fibroid grew 3x in size and now i had an additional small fibroid. immediately my period became out of control! could not go to work or go outside during my first 3days(it was almost as if someone shot me!)the dr said the only resolution was to have myomectomy which i had jan of 2008. as i was healing and getting ready to return back to work, all of sudden wasnt feeling well, went to the dr and SUPRISE I WAS PREGNANT only 2mths post surgery. I delivered my beautiful boy nov 2009 pregnancy and delivery went vry well. so dont loose hope i wish you well.
Dried Apricots
dried apricots with honey cured my excessive bleeding
i had been taking fertility medication and had stopped due to some side effects and the had bleeding and spotting continuously for one month. the doctor prescribed iron tablets coz i didn't want more medication.. my hormones were already out of control. well i just had this dessert made of around 100 grams of apricots with 2 tablespoons honey and water, boiled it for 20-30 minutes on sim and blended the mixture and had a cup. next day my bleeding completely stopped and now its been 2 weeks with no bleeding.
Multiple Remedies
you might want to try blackstrap molasses. but be careful - some people say that it makes their period lighter and others say it made it worse... it made mine lighter with no clots and no pain - it just starts and i'm not even expecting it! i only take about 1/4 teaspoon a day. start small - and if you have no bad effects - increase.
something else that really helped me when my period was dragging on and on once - was soy milk. now i usually do not drink soy milk - because i know that it can have weird effects on hormones - but i was desperate because my period had been going for about 2 weeks. i am 49 and pre-menopause and do not want to take hormones. so i went to the store and bought soy milk - and drink one glass. almost immediately my bleeding stopped.
soy milk has a very powerful effect on hormones! be careful. but it definitely helped.
Low Immunity Issues
Hi, Kimberly, I know exactly what you are talking about. If I am tired and my immune system is run down from too much stress, I get sick right when my period starts. I think it's more common than you think in women! I recently started to be more proactive and now take vitamin c and vitamin d3 a day or two before it begins and this has helped a lot.
Low Immunity Issues
Hi Kimberly, I suffer from the same issue, Each month without fail I get a sore throat about a day before my menses start. I've started taking taking vitamin C each day and it has helped me greatly.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Hi, I have been bleeding too much for a month now. I have tried ACV - 2tbs and molasses 2 tbs but the bleeding kept on and on with big clots. Though the first time I started taking ACV and molasses, it did help me . Now I do not really know what's going on with me. Please pray for me such that it can heal and I can become pregnant soon.
Vitamin E has totally eliminated the breast pain I would get before my period, as well as the cramping I would get during my period. I take 400 IU once a day. The breast pain disappeared the first month I was taking this and the cramping disappeared the second month.
Oil Pulling
I have been oil pulling for about a month using avariety of oils, like flax seed oil extra virgin olive oil , coconut oil ,sunflower and now finally walnut oil.and for the first time since Iwas twelve my periods are shorter no cramps no cravings no pms.thankyou earth clinic
Been using VCO for acne for about two weeks. Progress has been slow to non-existent. I als read that it helps with regularity so decided to take it internally (1tsp) for that. Well I didn't get that effect either but amazingly I tookit around the first day of my period and I noticed that my period stopped for a couple of hours. Whenit came back I took another tsp and it went away for two days. It eventually came back but the flow was low and totally painless. I googled the effect and foud out people have been using it for this purpose for centuries. Wish I had known earlier.
I began taking tums as a calcium supplement; to help flatten my mid section. I take 3 tums a day/ 900mg. after two weeks of taking the tums; it was time for for my menstrual cycle. I noticed that my flow had gone from absorbing one tampon every 2hrs.(give or take 15mins.) to every 3hrs. The next month my period continued to flow every 3 to 4hrs. for 3 days. I also take ortho novum birth control pills. (however, this change in my cycle took place when I began to take tums in addition to the bc pills. So tums may be of help to you. I still take them... Faith, for a light menstrual cycle is helpful too.
Red Raspberry Tea
With regard to Leslie of Frankfurt, I want to add the following for stopping uncontrollable bleeding, (But first, please note that prolonged viewing of computer monitors can ALSO TRIGGER bleeding AND WORSE, and that the following stuff will PROTECT against computer monitors' multi-symptom triggers BUT ONLY TO A DEGREE). Also note that while cherries/raspberries may clot bleeding internally, purple grapes, apples and garlic have the opposite effect since they thin the blood. The latter can also prevent wounds from clotting. Computer fluorescence can ALSO prevent wounds from clotting.
Black cherry concentrate OR Bing cherries OR cherry yogurt ARE EXCELLENT FOR STOPPING BLEEDING AND FOR PROTECTING MUCOSAL LININGS. Note that someone told me that RASPBERRY concentrate ENEMAS helped her. Both of these (black cherry and raspberry enemas) may even prove more potent than the raspberry tea mentioned.
Pineapple, Lemon
If you do use some of the rinds, make sure the fruits are organic. Pesticide residues on citrus fruits can lead to disruptions of the estrogen hormone.
Curry Leaves
Friend had severe cramps and bleeding during her period, I suggested fennel and fenugreek, to be infused into a tea, this is what I use and it has reduced my duration from 7 to 4.5 days, and reduced bleeding and I don't have cramps any more.
She didn't have any of the ingredients so I suggested curry leaves, infused into a tea. She took a while to get back to me, but she went and got the leaves which took some time. Then the confirmation, about four hours after my advice. Cramps and pain gone, with a smiling emoji. I don't know if she did it again the next day, but I'm secure that she has the knowledge for next time.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
I am 49 and have always had heavy bleeding and quarter sized blood clots. This period I am experiencing very large blood clots and heavy bleeding for almost 3 weeks now. I feel like it won't ever stop! I do take ACV and cayenne, but not every day. I am going to start though, because when I take a lot I see results....I am not good with remembering to take this stuff consistently. I was worried, but after reading this post and others, I am not alone. Thanks!!
You may want to consider having your daughter take cod-liver oil in capsule in my personal experience.
Careful with cod liver oil. My sister used it for years & her doctor said that is what damaged her liver.
Red Raspberry Tea
BSM, ACV, and Raspberry Tea/Capsules did not work for me. It seems like they made me flow even more. No combination of the three helped stop the bleeding. Plus, the ACV was making me bloated and gassy.
I went and bought Nature's Way Cayenne Pepper capsules. I hope the Cayenne helps. How many are supposed to take each day? Any side effects?
Red Raspberry Tea
Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
I had my period 2 weeks ago and instead of stopping after its usually 3-4 days, I have been light bleeding/spotting for 2 weeks. I am 48 years old, so I understand it is part of the change, but I would like it to stop already, usually natural remedies. I read on this website that blackstrap molasses and apple cider vinegar should do the trick. I have been taking 2 tsp Blackstrap Molasses and 1 tbl Apple Cider Vinegar since Thursday, but they didn't work. Sunday I took 2 tbl acv, three times, and 1 tsp Blackstrap Molasses - I thought that worked but this morning noticed alittle spotting. I admit I am kind of disappointed because these tonics seem to work almost immediately for many women on this website. Do the tonics take longer to work for some then others? Am I taking the wrong amounts of Blackstrap Molasses and/or acv? Should I just take one of them or continue with the amount I took on Sunday? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Sookiec, keep at it a bit longer before giving up and trying something else.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Yesterday I bought Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, as I am concerned about the ACV and the enamel on my teeth. I will try taking 1 tbl of BSM twice a day and the Tea. Should I also keep taking 2 tbl of ACV, 3 times a day? I read ACV can actually bring on your period, is that wrong?
Vitamin D
Thank you for your post. I was wondering what type of vitamin D did you use? D2 or D3?
Vitamin D
I so appreciate your whole story as I have been on a blind quest for almost 5 years of severe bleeding. When it started it was light and intermittent and gradually got worse and I have been living in pure hell. I do a small fibroids in my cervix and the dr I saw is not skilled enough to remove it. I was offered an IUD...un NO!!! She (the dr) told me over 5 years ago "Let's wait and watch" its more like lets wait and watch me die a slow agonizing death of bleeding my life away. I was never given any info about iron, vitamin d...nothing! I was tested several years ago for a vitamin D deficiency and given pharmaceutical Vitamin D for a week no follow up no care about me at all. Thank goodness for the internet I have tried everything with no help from any "western doctor". I am thankful for the info about vitamin d and anything else I have found that helps. Nothing is making me completely better but I know natural alternatives take time and you have to be very consistent. It is horrible how a dr can say wait and watch.......like I said what...wait and watch me bleed to death?!
Vitamin D
Thank you so much for the post on vit D. I take 5000 (mg or iu) once per day, after reading this I just took another. Can you share what brand you take? The brand I take no longer makes in the 5000 iu. I'm suffering terribly with very heavy bleeding, now clots, and no health insurance. I'll be 52 in November, I pray this works. I also read to take a 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a cup of hot water, so I did that today also. Things have slowed for now, but it just comes on with no warning like a water flow. I've suffered with heavy bleeding for years, pretty bad since last November. Now I'm also suffering with what I think is a pinched nerve in my neck/back, and in unbearable pain all the way down my arm, can't even sleep at night. If anyone has any ideas on what I can do for the pain, please. Again, no health insurance. Thank you so much, and I wish all of you ladies the best health, and peace and comfort.
Folic Acid, Vitamin D and BSM
Thanks for your mention of Arnica. I recently was told the same thing. I have a friend who took it postpartum to prevent heavy bleeding. I am 44 and suffer from PCOS and typically don't have periods often but when I do they are like 2-3 weeks long of constant spotting and a medium flow in the middle. But typically once a year I will get hit with the mother of all periods where I will lose about 3/4oz per hour. The reason I know this is because I use a menstrual cup and it has measurements on it. Which I know is way too much. I have been spotting now for about 3 weeks and was feeling quite bad tonight. I have started taking the ACV today in water and am hoping it will prevent any horrific flows tomorrow. If I can take this and Molasses to help with my cycle, I will gladly take it until I go through the change.
Hydrogen Peroxide Bath
For painful periods if you sit in a tub of warm water with some H2O2 added massage your belly & back for a few minutes let the fluids come out as long as you can or want to, it should give you relief of your pain & your period will be shorter. Warm water as warm as you can handle. Good luck & easy flow!