Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Posted by pgill (Atlanta metro) on 11/13/2023

For Menstrual Flooding, Very Heavy Periods

Take Ginger capsules 500-1000mg up to 3x daily

Dietary Changes
Posted by Marina (Boston, Massachusetts ) on 01/04/2023

I really, really agree with Cat from Austin. I had been a vegan/vegetarian for more than 15 years. On the surface, my diet seemed healthy. It was full of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. In fact, the more carbs I ate, the more I craved them. Eventually, I experienced four to five and a half week periods. My hair was falling out. I had skin issues. Plus, I struggled with visceral fat. So many
Vegans are skinny-fat.

I eventually realized from watching YouTube videos that I might have been suffering from hyperinsulinemia. There are many Youtube videos about it. I'm now off the high carb/ high sugar diet and I'm slowly recovering. I'm not keto or carnivore, just low carb, low sugar. I've cut out for now the mountains of fruit bowls I used to eat. Not saying fruit is bad. I was just eating too much. The bloating is gone, as well. I haven't had a four to five and a half week period in two months. So, I'm just going to keep going with this new way of eating. I hope to keep healing and hope any woman struggling with these issues will try a low carb low sugar diet.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 09/02/2022

Shepherds purse herbal tincture is a tried and true remedy for heavy menstrual bleeding. It's also taken by women who are hemorrhaging after giving birth to slow the bleeding and prevent a fatal situation. I just ordered some from Amazon (brand Herb Pharm) to have on hand for when I gave birth. I read some of the reviews mentioning how well it worked to slow down or stop heavy menstrual bleeding. Shepherds purse has a very good safety profile, so it wouldn't hurt to try it! Blackstrap molasses and ACV are great too. Especially the mineral-rich molasses to help you restore mineral levels.

Herbal Teas to Shorten Menstrual Bleeding
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/24/2018 233 posts


Ladies, not beginners luck. 30 days between and again lasted only 2 1/2 days. No pain, heaviness or clots. I didn't even know it was possible to alter the length or heaviness of my cycle, I thought it was just 'my cycle'. And some women were just lucky they had short light painless periods. It seems as though my body was craving nutrients and they are finally being delivered in a readily available format. As for consistency (commitment), I have missed only two days of the tea, in the one to two months I've been using it. For me this is a winner. I can't wait to see what other health voids it fills.

Rhodiola, Reishi, Ashwagandha
Posted by Wendy (Las Vegas) on 03/09/2018

I ordered rhodiola powder, reishi mushroom powder and aswagandha root...mixed them together and encapsulated them in Vegetarian capsules. I take two a day. My period was remarkably EASY this month. No cramps, very light...and short. For the last 3-4 years, my periods have been extremely heavy and tons of dark tissue. I had breast cancer last year and went without a period for quite a few months. When it came back four months after chemo was done, it came back with a vengeance! But hopefully with this mix of goodness, I'll be able to handle it much better! No anxiety for me but the Wellbutrin I take wipes that out!

Posted by Anon (Usa) on 10/24/2017

I have used various amounts of Lugol's 2% for a few years. Feeling under the weather a while back I put two droppers full (technically about half the dropper from a 2oz. bottle, twice) in a glass of water once or twice a day a few times, and when my next menses came it was only four days long, where previously it was always seven days. I used half a box of tampons rather than nearly the whole box.

Posted by Tania (Ecuador) on 06/28/2017

I just wanted to share my experience from a heavy bleeding episode that I had jus few weeks ago... I am 43 years old and had a miscareage and I was bleeding heavily..but since my life stile does not matches hospitals or medication I decided not to take anything and let my body recovery naturally...theblleding would not stop with anything and some days passed by and my husband and I started to worry...then we just remembered that Maca is a great suplement charged with minerals among of those big dosis of iron besides being a hormonal regulator and a smart suplement that stimulates whatever function or substance your body needs to recover in an specific circumstance...so I took two big glasses of a smothie ...each one of them contained 1 Tbsp of Maca and my bleeding was gone in a matter of hours.

Posted by Momof3 (Virginia) on 02/08/2017

My daughter's flow was very heavy...leaking through pads day and night...just awful and like this every month. She was starting to get scared to get her period each month. I started her on iodine tablets 12.5mg a day about 5 days before her period and for the first time the flow was normal and shorter. She continues with the iodine on and off for weeks until the week before then moves to daily. If she forgets to do this the heavy flow comes back.

Collard Greens
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 01/15/2017

KAT,,,, wish we could send you some of our collards as they have been through a number of frosts and are very sweet. I'm sure collards in Fla. have not been through a frost where they start producing sugar and are sweet and not bitter. Folks in the Sweat South have to add sugar to nullify the bitter taste. You also might find them more palatable if you add a little hog fat, such as bacon.

Glad you found your nitch. We eat collards because they are one of the most nutritious of all vegetables.


Vitamin D
Posted by Annieg (Hurst) on 08/27/2016

The brand I take is Natural Factors, but I've tried several types, they all work fine. You should be able to find a variety on Amazon.

Your pinched nerve should be easily fixed by a chiropractor (I've had one or two fixed over the years). I realize you don't have insurance, but most don't take a lot of insurances anyway and could probably work something out with you on cost if you explain your problem. That's a pretty straightforward thing to "fix" for them.

I agree with Mama to Many about the turmeric for inflammation, and the blackstrap molasses. Seems to slow menstrual flow and - if you're anemic - will help fix that. If you're anemic that can cause you to bleed more. Vicious cycle and all that. I found I couldn't take Cayenne...made me have a rapid heartbeat which is strange and probably not a common occurrence. Shepherd's Purse worked pretty well to slow it and you can get it in a liquid to work faster. Actually I tried everything on this site and some worked briefly but nothing made the bleeding stop completely except for the Vitamin D. Let me know if you have any other questions...I wish you luck!

Folic Acid, Vitamin D and BSM
Posted by Nancy (Melbourne) on 09/28/2015

Hello there,

I have been suffering with heavy periods for about 13 years no joke. I was overseas and saw some doctors about my health and because I was having a lot of hair breakage and hair fall, they found out that my ferritin levels and vitamin d levels were low and the first thing the doctor asked me was if I get heavy periods......... hello yess!!

Here in Australia I've been telling the doctor for about 13 years that I feel tired and he has never checked my ferritin or vitamin D levels, every gyno I saw (there were a lot) never checked either, I thought I would let you all know so that you can ask your doctors to check this if they haven't.

I now take Vitamin D 10 000 ui for my hair and folic acid 5mg for my ferritin levels and my last 2 periods have been lighter then ever, Oh and I take 1 or 2 tsp of black strap molasses for iron because I was told to take iron as well.

My hair is still falling out a lot so I will do another blood test and check my vitamin B, but I thought I would let you know what helped me, I will try to keep you updated.

Good luck finding treatment and I hope you don't take as long as I did.

Red Raspberry Tea
Posted by Jeannie (Victoria, Canada) on 09/14/2014

I am 41 and was bleeding quite heavily (over 30 mls/day) for almost three months. Red raspberry tea worked within the first two days. I made a giant pot in the morning and sipped throughout the day. By the end of the second day, the bleeding stopped. I previously tried a.c.v., vitex, molasses, etc., but this seemed to be the only remedy that did the trick. I have continued to drink it since and so far, so good!

Pineapple, Lemon
Posted by Huge Improvement In One Hour (Vancouver, Bc) on 05/26/2014

Hi, I had so much flow that I thought that I would have to go to the hospital. At noon I ate a can of pineapple with about a 1/4 cup of lemon juice in it. In one hour I noticed a difference and by the end of the day my flow had decreased to 1/4 of it's original amount. AMAZING!!! I also took 4 Black Cohosh, 4 Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules, 1 extra strength Ibuprofen. Please take these with a full stomach and spread them out. It can upset your stomach. Also you may be allergic to any of these or they may react with your current meds. So taking them all combined and with this dosage is not recommended. Talk to your doctor and see if this will hurt you. If not, then go for it but cautiously and less agressively than I did. My stomach was a little upset but the next day I went through only one pad. I continued with the treatment and on my 3rd day I hardly need a pad. Tomorrow, my 4th day, I will not need one I expect. I didn't take the pineapple/lemon combo today (ran out) but I am taking the other stuff. I also take Laura Vanderhagee's Liquid Iron, Menosmart and Estrosmart. Excellent Homonal Nutritional Line!!! I hope this helps!!! God bless!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 05/05/2014

Dear Mommy,

You can start with one or two of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a tall glass of water once or twice a day. Move up to a tablespoon in a tall glass of water twice a day if it suits you. With the Blackstrap, start with a Tablespoon a day. You can move up to two per day if you like. In an acute bleeding situation, you can take it more often. In acute bleeding situations, I have found liquid chlorophyll to work very well. I would take a Tablespoon every hour or two if needed. After a birth with heavy bleeding, some midwives suggest getting a whole 16 ounce bottle of chlorophyll down in a couple of days.

Hope you find great relief in these remedies!

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Cristina (New York) on 08/11/2023

It works! Thank you guys for sharing this wonderful tip here.

Years ago I suffered from bad cramps and was able to heal myself eating dry seaweed, due to its high iodine content.

Then, about 4 months ago I had the most horrific cramps ever, pain that was so bad it would wake me from my sleep. I was bloated, throw up sick, constipated, with back pain, fatigue, just awful. The bleeding was so heavy it would stain my sheets at night. My friends and coworkers noticed how pale and exhausted I looked and seaweed didn't do anything this time.

So, I looked up on my favorite website: earthclinic and found blackstrap molasses as a solution. Tried that for a month and no improvement, cramps were horrible and heavy bleeding lasted a week as opposed to my forever light 3 day period. I thought I might be hitting menopause, I'm 45. Then I saw a post mentioning chaste berry and did some research online, saw many posts and reviews mentioning chaste berry for heavy periods and cramping.

The first month I tried I still had the cramping and heavy period, but I pushed through I kept taking it everyday. Last month, I didn't even know I got my period: no pain, no discomfort, no cramping or digestive problems.

God bless this website and everyone who posts here. You guys have no idea how many times I've been helped by the tips found here! Thank you all!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 11/14/2013

Dear Nadia,

Try 2-3 teaspoons of Raw Unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar in 8 ounces of water once or twice a day. Some people take it six days a week, others daily. I have taken it almost daily for years with no problem. I got to where I liked my water better with a little vinegar. I haven't been using it so much lately as I have been drinking more herbal tea. I haven't had any ill effect from stopping. (In other words, I wasn't "addicted" to it.)

You can take 1 or 2 Tablespoons of Blackstrap Molasses a day. I would start with one. If you don't get the desired results, you can take 2. Some put it in coffee or tea. My children take it right off the spoon and like it pretty well. This can also be done indefinitely. If I take it all through a pregnancy, I don't get anemic. If you are taking 1 Tablespoon a day and are still having heavy bleeding, go ahead and take the second Tablespoon on heavy days. 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in some grape juice is also really helpful to reduce blood flow. (An "at the moment" kind of remedy.)

Some people notice results quickly. For others, it can take many weeks or even a month or two to get the desired results.

I hope this helps you a lot. Please let us know what works for you!

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Cookie (Prescott, Ar) on 08/15/2013

I started taking the ACV and black strap molasses about a month ago, the first time I had my period there was no change, it was horrible and 3 break throughs and used about 5 packages of the ALWAYS over night pads in the purple, a total of 96 pads, this month I started my period and bought 4 packages, the first day was very light, the second day was very light and I really did have to change but 2 times during an 8 hr work day, but the 3rd day, I sneezed and has a big gush, but above all it has really not been that bad this time. I still have 1 package that I have not open and over half of a another package, so in 5 days I really only used about a 40 pads. I have a dr appointment with my gyn, so maybe next month will be even better, but I think the AVC and molasses works!!!

Vitamin A
Posted by Wendy (Columbus, Oh/usa) on 11/14/2012

I have had heavy periods all my life. I read once on Dr. Wright's info that vitamin A helped. Take it for about three months then pull back or take a break. It has helped me greatly and one of my daughters. About 25000 iu 3 times daily. He does about taking it with some zinc and vitamin E to help absorption. You may want to try looking this up further.

Eliminate Soy
Posted by Anne (Chicago, Il) on 02/16/2012

I recently have been getting really heavy periods with the most painful cramps I've ever experienced. I considered going back on the pill but decided to see if I could find another way first. I realized that recently I've been drinking a LOT of soymilk and eating a lot more soy products than I used to, so I thought maybe the isoflavonoids (sp?) might be contributing to higher estrogen and therefore worse periods.

I simply switched to almond and rice milk and this month my period was completely bearable. (It was also a week late. ) So, it's only been one month but I thought I'd share in case that's the connection and it could help someone out!

Omega 3
Posted by Vania (Clarksville, Tn) on 02/18/2011

Just putting in a vote for Omega-3 Fish Oil for managing menstrual misery.

In the spring of 2007, I was diagnosed with a uterine fibroid, about the size of a cantaloupe. I am not emotionally prepared for hysterectomy, which was the primary recommendation, of course. My online research led me to Earth Clinic. Currently, at the onset of menstruation, I take the most common brand of organic Apple Cider Vinegar with a bit of baking soda, in 8 ounces of water. For over a year, this remedy has greatly reduced the flow and scary giant clots (like a school of goldfish) that made life so miserable. My periods got so light that I started worrying that I was going into menopause at the age of 41.

Unfortunately, during the last 2-3 months, ACV has seemed to lose its potency. My periods became quite heavy again, with lots of clotting (although not at "goldfish" level). Finally I remembered my mother's first recommendation for my symptoms: 1200 mg Omega-3 Fish Oil Capsules. These were also the first remedy that worked for my fibroid symptoms. But I take more than anyone thinks is good for me: 8 in the morning, 8 in the evening, throughout my 8-day menstruation. This works very well, every time. The only reason I decided to try the ACV remedy is that I LOVE ACV!

I had my "well woman" visit about 2 months ago, and no comment was made about treating my fibroid. I don't think these remedies have shrunk the fibroid, because my belly still looks like I'm 3-4 months pregnant, but I can be pretty content if I can continue to manage the symptoms.

Thank you, Earth Clinic-ers, I love you. You give me hope for better health, naturally.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses, Flaxseed Oil
Posted by Barkkha (Dubai) on 02/01/2012

Further to my previous post I wish to tell my experience of my second menses after starting ACV and BSM. I was on the pill stopped the pill and after three days I got my menses which after years WERE NORMAL, NO HEAVY BLEEDING, NO BLOOD CLOTS and finally after four days I stopped bleeding and it's two weeks since and I did not need to take primolut to stop the bleeding. I am still in an unbelievable state for I have been bleeding since months, so ACV works for me, I now have 2 tsp everyday.


Vinegar or Baking Soda
Posted by Rena (Mineral Bluff, Georgia) on 02/23/2009

Menstruation odor cure for women. Many people use the Vinegar cure for underarm body odor which works well. You can also spray a little vinegar on your pantie liners or pads for a natural feminine deodorant. Just get a little spray bottle, and spray a little vinegar on the pads and let dry, no more odor. For the heavier day's you can dust with a little baking soda as well for double the protection. You can pre-spray your change of pads in advance to take to work as well. It sure is nice to have the confidence when you work around people like I do and not worrying about the odor, Peace, Rena.

Homeopathic Remedies
Posted by TinyDancer (Australia) on 10/04/2022

Arnica is primarily used for breaking up bruises. Bruises can you believe this. can lead to cancer so it is very important to take Arnica for bruising. Bruising is caused by your blood going to one site when injured because blood will do anything to protect you.

I would imagine that you have a heavy bleed after taking Arnica because your blood is clotting and that is not correct for menstruation. Always trust that homeopathy is "correcting" an issue anyway it can.

I have a stupid daughter in law who was advised to give Nux Vomica to her daughter for an upset tummy. So her daughter, my grand daughter vomited and my DIL said how dangerous the remedy was and would never use it again. Of course there were a few ways that the remedy tried to bring my GD back to balance and that was the way it chose. My GD was good to go after vomiting. Her body needed whatever the issue was, out of her body quick smart and that is the way the remedy chose to go. So please be assured that homeopathy has intelligence even if you cannot understand it.

Walnut Bach Flower Remedy
Posted by shaila (Kerala, India) on 01/13/2008

Walnut which is a Bach Flower remedy has invariably worked for any menstrual cycle related problem - from PMT, period pains, menopause. I have recommended it (sometimes along with other BFR) for any number of girls and women. It has not let them down even once. Please let more people know about this.

Vitamin C
Posted by MARTHA (LAREDO, TEXAS) on 08/06/2007

I was having a very heavy menstrual period, I was miserable I could not go out any where this was my second month and the only thing the nurse from my doctor's office recommended was to rest. My doctor said I was a candidate for a D&C if my period would continue the same. I was recommended to use vitamin c 1 to 2 1000mg pills a day. I was on my 3rd day of heavy torment and I took 2 1000mg vitamin c this made my heavy flow to ease up and I continued my regular menstrual period the next two days. I was recommended to use vitamin c 1000mg one week before my period one to two pills a day and take it all thru the last day of the menstrual period. This really works I am back to normal and happy to share this with other women who are suffering what I did.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Nicole (ontario, canada) on 09/01/2022 2 posts

I am going through the same thing. I am 49 and blood clots, bigger than a quarter and heavy bleeding at times. I do take coconut oil, cayenne pepper, and apple cider vinegar...but, not enough every day...but I will start today. I do find when I take a lot of those products it helps, but am I bad with being consistent...

I was so worried about losing too much blood, but feel better knowing others have experienced this.

Posted by Regina (BH) on 12/26/2022

I heard recently that some people have died from taking high doses of iodine. Iodine supplementation needs to be continuous, small amounts daily. Trying to take a large amount at once is dangerous.

Red Raspberry Tea
Posted by T (Kennewick WA ) on 04/22/2023

Raspberry leaf tea increases estrogen and isn't good for heavy flow. Not sure how it's helping others' heavy flow, they might need estrogen, but I thought increasing estrogen increases the flow.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Isabel (Tampa) on 07/12/2016

Take 2 cayenne pepper pills wait 2 hours and see how are you doing then take 2 more, be carefully if you are doing ok if you take it again your period will disappear until next month.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sookiec (Westport, Ct) on 07/17/2016

Which would be better to take to help stop a long period, ACV with the mother or ACV capsules? I know that "the mother" is the best part of ACV, but when it comes to wanting to stop your period/heavy flow, does it matter?

Vitamin D
Posted by Annieg (Hurst, Tx) on 06/18/2016

Hi Lilly. I'm taking D3. Let me know if you have any other questions. :)

Vitamin D
Posted by Sarah (Nz) on 06/22/2016

Does the D3 you are taking also contain vitamin K2? Sometimes it is added and I ask this as K2 helps blood clotting and has been used by some people to stop or control heavy menstrual bleeding.

I ( 53 years and healthy otherwise) have just been suffering from a second bout of heavy and prolonged bleeding sometimes up to 200ml blood a day ( I have a diva cup which is a godsend so I can measure the amount). I managed to stop the first bout with ACV and BSM but it hasn't worked this time ( maybe because I had been taking a maintenance dose of both?)

I have tried cayenne, Vitex at high dose, cod liver oil ( Vit A and D), raspberry leaf tea and pretty much everything else to no avail. When I read you post, I bought some Vit D ad took 10,000iu for 2 days and it sadly didnt' work either.

So I am now going to try K2 which comes from fermented foods like raw cheese and kefir etc. I am pretty desperate and am taking iron and eating all types of green veges etc like they are going out of fashion.

I have been diagnosed with 3 fibroids though I have been taking Vitex for years.

Just can't wait for all this to be over...it's so dibilitating!

Vitamin D
Posted by Annieg (Hurst) on 06/23/2016

Hi Sarah. No K2, only 200 mg of flaxseed oil, which I believe doesn't contain any. I would recommend continuing the vitamin D and the blackstrap molasses. It takes a while for D levels to rise in your body (the doctor explained to me) especially if you're severely deficient. If you're anemic it would take some time for the blackstrap molasses to bring your iron up to normal levels, as well. You could always request those things be checked in a blood test, just to see if that might be an issue in all of this. Best of luck to you!

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