Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Vitamin K
Posted by Sarah (Nz) on 03/19/2018

I have had bouts of dangerously heavy and prolonged bleeding due to fibroids. I use ACV and molasses plus iron tablets and also cod liver oil.. but I have found that Vitamin K ( I eat lots of Kale and parsley) is the only thing that stops the bleeding. Please do try this as I have found it works almost immediately :)

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Rose (Baltimore) on 10/21/2016

Sookiec, I had a similar experience except mine remained so heavy for well over two weeks I couldn't leave the house. I, too, was searching for help and discovered this remedy. It didn't help continuously right away, but out of desperation I persisted. I think it takes various amounts of time depending on the iron and mineral deficiency of the individual. I had to take continually every day twice a day for about two weeks. It made the excessive flow lighter then made it stop completely. It's been over a year since I had a cycle. This week it started again and it's excessive again. Went right away to get some molasses...came in here to verify I remembered the recipe correctly. Felt compelled to respond to your post. Hope it helps to encourage you or others not to give up too quickly. Best wishes. =)

Vitamin D
Posted by Steve (Nevada) on 06/23/2016

I had a friend with multiple fibroids. I told her about iodoral and she took it for a month. When she went to the doctor after a month he said they had shrunken down to almost nothing.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/08/2014

Dear Nicole,

I am sorry for your trials with your cycles! Red Raspberry Leaf tea is something you can try. It would take daily use over some time (I would give it at least three months before deciding it does not work.) A one pound bag of the loose tea would last a long time.

Put 3 Tablespoons in a quart mason jar. Pour boiling water over the leaves. Steep for 15 minutes. Strain. Drink throughout the day. You can add some peppermint if you like.

If you have a heavy cycle, you could try cayenne pepper (1/2 teaspoon in some juice, drink with a straw). I have taken this and then repeated the dose in an hour and found it to be very helpful.

Liquid Chlorophyll, a Tablespoon every hour during heavy bleeding is also helpful.

Taking kelp daily may be helpful, too.

I have used all of the above remedies for various female issues with success.

You are already making positive steps for your health; good job.

For the bloating, the tea may help, and plenty of water, and light meals.

There are many stories on the Earth Clinic page about cycle problems. When you have time, read through them. Something may resonate with you and give you some more clues to what would help you the most.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Mountain Mom (Polson, Montana) on 07/07/2013

Editor's Choice In response to:

08/24/2008: Michelle from Round Rock, Tx: "I had not had my period in a matter of months. I thought it was because I had gained some weight and I tend to miss or skip when I lose weight or gain. Well About 3 weeks ago I got what I thought was my normal period... this time it isn't. I haven't stopped bleeding, not even slowed down. I've gotten large clots as well. I'm kind of scared about it because I'm feeling weak and tired as well as sick and tired of it. I cant do anything."

Cinnamon works. After reading about the cinnamon tea here, I decided to give it a try for my extremely heavy and prolonged bleeding. After having an entire day of heavy flooding, I tried 1/2 tsp of cinnamon in my coffee and kept stirring it as I drank it down. Within the hour, the flooding completely stopped and my period became very light. I also felt a boost of energy.

Later that evening when things picked up again and got heavy, I took 2 cinnamon capsules I had on hand and got the same response, the bleeding went lighter. Cinnamon also took away my painful cramps. I could not believe it.

The next day, I tried it again and to my surprise it worked. I continued cinnamon the next two days and my period came to an end much sooner. I would say, don't overdo it however. If you research it, cinnamon can also be known to bring on bleeding for those seeking to start their periods. I stick with 1/2 a tsp in the morning, and 1/2 tsp at early evening and that seems to work fine. You will have to find your personal balance.

If you are experiencing heavy flow and it's going on too long, and seems not normal for you, then please do get this checked out and make sure it's just hormonal. And please make sure you do not get anemic. I let it go so long, I almost lost my life and had to have multiple transfusions. I went through all kinds of testing, ultrasound, ct scan, biopsy to make sure I didn't have anything going on. When I got the all clear, I went right for the natural treatment. It's worth the peace of mind to make sure and, when you know what you are dealing with, you can go at it with a treatment. Peace!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Reece1202 (Kc, Mo) on 11/09/2010

Been anaemic for months and months... Heavy flow, multiple clots (palm of hand size. ) Stomach protrudes resembling several months pregnant. Bladder pressure, must empty promptly. Neuralgia pains throughout month. Spotted whole 3 weeks during October.

Began drinking ACV 1 tablespoon and baking soda 1/4 teaspon in a glass of water am and pm on 21st October. By 25th, no spotting, began cycle again 31st... Clots smaller (silver dollar size. ) Pain less. Spotting stopped on day 9. Stomach seems flatter, less bladder pressure. Continuing ACV Soda.

Posted by AN (Toronto, ON, Canada) on 07/09/2021

I had to change tampons and pads every hour in the last three days, with large blood clots, and I had heavy seven or more day periods all my life, sometimes twice per month or full months. I had been on the pill to regulate them but it made me gain weight, or just taking extra iron. I finally checked earthclinic and decided to try cinnamon, although not a fan of the taste - one teaspoon in a glass of juice or water, and works like a miracle, instantly, I didn't have to change a tampon in five hours, I will post again in a couple of days, purchased a couple of remedies recommended here but I intend to stick to cinnamon and liquid iron for a couple of days to see if it will stop it.

I read a post from another website, a lady said her natural doctor recommended an alternation of primrose oil and fish oil for hormone imbalance and that stopped it.

Red Raspberry Tea
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/16/2016

Dear Jennat,

My understanding is that the properties of Red Raspberry Leaf are best extracted from water, as in, a tea. I would expect the capsules to not work well, if at all, though perhaps others experience success with them, and for you, the symptoms are worse...

Cayenne pepper - 1/2 teaspoon in a glass of juice, sipped through a straw has always worked for me for heavy bleeding. The straw keeps you from burning your lips when you drink this.

Shepherd's Purse works for me as well - 1-2 droppers full of the tincture every couple of hours until symptoms improve. (I don't think I have ever needed more than 2-3 doses in a single day.

~Mama to Many~

Vitamin D
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/27/2016

Dear Cindy,

A friend of mine recommended to me the Optimal Vitamin D - it has 2,000 mg vitamin D per drop. It really brought her levels up. But you need to be careful and have your blood checked once in a while. You can get too much vitamin D and that can cause other problems.

I am sorry to hear of the neck pain and heavy periods!

Turmeric may help both. 1 teaspoon in a glass of water or juice or milk a couple of times a day. It is anti-inflammatory and helps with pain. But it can be constipating, so make sure to drink plenty of water and cut back the amount if it should slow down your system.

Cayenne is also helpful for pain and bleeding.

So is blackstrap molasses. Blackstrap will also help restore lost iron due to the bleeding.

You will want to stay well hydrated and keep your pH from being acidic. I find that alkalizing my body helps reduce pain. My favorite alkalizing drink to reduce pain is this:

  • 2 Tablespoons organic lime juice
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 drops Stevia extract (optional0
  • 12 ounces of water.

Magnesium oil sprayed on your neck several times a day can also help with the pain. It isn't oily, though. It seems to make my hair curlier but not greasy.

I hope you feel better soon!

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Missb (Vancouver, Canada) on 07/04/2014

I have used yarrow - both as a tea and as a tincture - for well over a year now to reduce 'flooding' menstruation or heavy flow. Since I was in my early teens, my cycle has been heavy, and even more so as I got older, had kids, etc. It doesn't so much help with the pain (although it does diminish it as the blood flow diminishes) it works wonders for reducing flow. If I have to go out and am worried those first few days, I take a dropper full of tincture under my tongue or a cup of tea earlier in the day, and the problem is solved.

A note: this stuff tastes horrible (like dry grass, but even more bitter), but it works.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sam (Uk) on 05/05/2014

Blackstrap molasses is a great tonic for building up iron which is being depleted by heavy periods, but it still has a high sugar content and causes weight gain taken regularly.

I found apple cider vinegar more helpful in regulating heavy menstrual bleeding as opposed to trying to replace lost iron. It worked miracles within a day by reducing the amount of bleeding and killed my hunger along with it. Having given it some thought I decided long term use of ACV isn't the goal, natural living is .. so decided to eat apples instead, seen as Apple Cider Vinegar is made from apples. And they work just as well. So I eat at least 2 apples a day and drink at least a litre of water throughout the day and it seems to have worked. No more heavy menstrual bleeding. It even cut my bleeding time down from 10 days to 4.

Beets in Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cathy (Biloxi, Ms) on 08/03/2012

I have heavy menstrual cycles. In fact, I have been on BCP since I was 17 to slow my flow. This past year I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a mastectomy. Could it have been the BCP? Who knows. Since then, I have eliminated possible causes from my diet and lifestyle. After reading a post from this site about ACV, I thought I would give it a try. Low and behold, it worked!!!

Here's my simple recipe:

1 can Beets; pour out half the liquid and replace it with Organic Apple Cider Vinegar; store in a mason jar in the refrigerator.

At the beginning of my cycle, I eat two-four beets per day for first three days. No more problems.

Iodoral Iodine
Posted by Heidi (Troup, TX) on 12/07/2006

I had been menstruating for 7 weeks straight (very heavy) and went to my family doctor. She wanted to put me on birth control. I am 37 and I smoke so I didn't think that was a good choice. I decided to see me chiropractor who put me on the iodoral iodine and my menstrual period stopped in 3 days and has been regular for over 7 months. I also feel better and have more energy. I can tell if I haven't taken them. I start to feel "blah".

Posted by AN (Toronto, ON) on 07/29/2021

My bleeding stopped completely one week after I started cinnamon, I also started to take on the third day of this week Chastetree Gattilier tincture for hormonal balance and I still continue taking it after.

Sage Leaves
Posted by Anon (US) on 06/03/2020

Sage leaf stops my period cold. I eat a small bunch of fresh leaves once a day or so during my period if i need it to lighten up. Like for going shopping or taking a walk. It tends to just shut down the whole process until the next month if i eat them every day of the period.

Herbal Teas to Shorten Menstrual Bleeding
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 04/02/2018

This is really wonderful. Thanks for this post Teena!

I love comfrey too!

~Mama to Many~

Collard Greens
Posted by Kat (Merritt Island, Fl) on 01/15/2017

My doctor told me to take vitamin K to stop the heavy bleeding during menstruating. I researched foods that have a high content of it in it. I tried collard greens. They also have several other good vitamins too. After eating 1/4 cup about three times a day. I noticed l was not having to change so often or set my alarm clock at night to prevent an accident. I learned to cook them myself for taste and controlling the amount of sodium. Better than canned for me because the heavy sodium gives me cramps on my heaviest day. A true miracle for me. Fresh collard greens works better for me than the vitamin K pills.

Red Raspberry Tea
Posted by Jennat (Westport, Ct) on 07/16/2016

I am 48 years old and have had my period for almost 3 weeks now. I read how raspberry leaf can help with a heavy or prolonged flow - stopping it. I bought Nature's Way capsules after reading how the RL capsules actually stopped some woman's period after similar situations. I have been taking them since yesterday and I am bleeding even more. Why are the RL capsules making me bleed even more? How can I stop stop the bleeding?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne and Lemon
Posted by Tonya (Fort Worth ) on 06/16/2016

I have heavy menstrual cycles and the only thing that slow it down and stop my heavy menstrual flow is apple cider vingar and cayenne pepper and a half of lemon..

Take 1 tsp of organic apple cider vinegar, half teaspoon of cayenne pepper and half of a lemon and mix it with a little warm water and drink it once a day is good for me, but u can take it up to 3 times a day ..

It's amazing!

Vitamin D
Posted by Marielle (Toronto) on 03/25/2018

I had very similar symptoms and also found that increasing D3 intake also stopped period dead dn it's tracks! Lol I had same reaction...huh. lol. Following that I would still have heavy periods but not the intended flooding that makes you panic and wonder if you are bleeding to death!! I started taking a calcium supplement recently and have found period is quite light although long with a lot of spotting. I feel so much better! Cycle seems more normal as well. I also was given 3 options by doctors, birth control, ablation or hysterectomy but I just couldn't believe that any of those were actually the only answers and was rather miffed that docs don't everdont have better options as this issue seems to be a major issue for women in perimenopause. Something as simple and harmless as taking extra D3 and calcium vs burning lining of uterus, taking fake hormones, or complete removal of uterus! I can't believe these are the options offered! But then there is no money in $8 bottle of D3 right?

Vitamin D
Posted by Annieg (Hurst) on 03/26/2018

I agree, most doctors definitely do the most intrusive, harmful things possible instead of trying to work WITH the body. I wanted to post an update (all this time after my original one) that I never had another long, heavy period again. In fact, this past year my periods have been few and far between as I've come closer to approaching menopause. I only take vitamin D occasionally now, and do try to get 10-15 minutes of sun a day. I've never felt better. Even ran 3 Spartan obstacle races last year and plan to tackle hiking up Pikes Peak this year and a cross country hike through England next year.

Hope all you ladies are able restore your good health and vitality like I did...best of luck to you all!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Tracy (Boston) on 01/14/2014

The bleeding has completely stopped. Now I can look forward to going away with my boyfriend this weekend and not having to worry about the inconvenience of such a heavy period. Though the bleeding has stopped, I will continue to take the TBS of ACV daily. I will stop the BSM today. I don't want the high glucose content to build up. However, I am going to work on my immunity with probiotics and fermented foods. I will post again next month to report on my next cycle. Best wishes to every one!

Posted by Alex (Latin America) on 07/14/2020

I cannot thank you enough for this. I began having issues years ago, no doctor detected the problem, and suddenly, at a high point during the pandemic, I couldn't stop bleeding and spotting. At first I thought it was my period, then 25 days later again, then again, and they lasted for more than a week so I was bleeding all the time. Large clots, very dark blood. I was weak, dizzy. My iron levels were low since February, doctors still saw nothing wrong.

So, I tried ACV and it worked, then I got severe stomach pain and acid reflux so I had to stop. And the spotting came back.

I came here, read your advice and immediately boiled half a cinnamon stick in a litre of water. Drank it and about an hour later I felt the inflammation decreasing. I kept taking half a cup 3 times a day for two days and the spotting was gone.

Stopped taking it, it came back. So, now I'm going to take it every day and hopefully it'll keep working.

I'm also taking molasses, I feel much better, but sadly it didn't seem to stop the spotting.

Again, thank you. God bless you.

Posted by Sunny (South Gate, Ca) on 04/28/2013


Geranium Essential Oil
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 09/25/2012

YES - I have had heavy bleeding during menstruation for quite sometime now, despite all tests coming out negative including no fibroids, and all hormones in the normal range.

I have used Geranium Essential Oil mixed with jojoba as a base oil in 50/50 proportions and applied to my stomach area liberally 2-3 times daily, and I am AMAZED and blessed at the results. No cramps, and the heavy bleeding is much less and on the whole I am feeling much better and more manageable.

For anyone with heavy bleeding issues, please try this. It is brilliant imo.

I found this remedy through 'Essential Oils Pocket Reference' which is a must have for anyone interested in natural, wholesome healing remedies.

Red Raspberry Tea
Posted by Nikki (Washington) on 12/17/2017

I have heavy periods, so I bought Red Raspberry Leaf Tea and had been drinking it for a couple weeks to ease my upcoming period. But, my period ended up heavier and clottier than I had ever had before. I read that this can happen because the rrl causes contractions to tone the uterus, and the contractions flush out the blood faster. Scared the heck out of me! Took Slow Flow to chill it back out.

Blackstrap Molasses, Shepherd's Purse
Posted by Noel (Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan) on 01/02/2012

I had my period for a month straight... Getting heavier as time went on. I looked on this site and decided to give molasses a try. I took a teaspoon in the morning afternoon and night. I'm not too sure if it was the molasses or the shephard's purse or their combined effect, but I'm all done!! It didn't work right away.. I had to take it for about 4-5 days before anything happened, and it wasn't until I made an infusion of the shepherd's purse instead of just drinking it as a tea that my period stopped completely. So I would recommend to anyone to look into shepherd's purse if the molasses doesn't work right away. (there's lot's of info if you google it)

Posted by Marisa (Massachusetts) on 03/03/2022

Motherwort is an emmenagogue, from what I've read. This means it increases or encourages menstruation.

Posted by Anne (Texas)

I have been doing this for as long as I can remember. I have very heavy bleeding but bathing slows it down... I don't know how, but it does. If I am close to the end of my cycle, a long bath will even make it end sooner.

Homeopathic Sabina
Posted by Louise (Hershey, USA) on 01/26/2024

I was wondering if anyone here has every used a homeopathic remedy called sabina for heavy menstruation. I have read incredible testimonies on amazon reviews, and there are only a couple of videos about it in English, for some reason.

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