Top Natural Treatments for Heart Disease (Cardiovascular Disease)

Probiotics and Alkalizing Green Drink
Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 03/16/2017

Probiotic Capsules and Alkalizing Green Drink For Heart Disease.

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is usually caused by a build-up of fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries around the heart (coronary arteries). It is caused by high level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides in the blood. One of the main reasons for high level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides is the probiotic imbalance in the digestive system. Probiotic imbalance in the digestive system is caused by:

1) Antibiotic / Steroid treatment

2) Stress

3) high fat diet

4) Sedentary life style

5) Smoking

6) Alcohol

7) Refined sugar, etc.

The probiotic strains most often mentioned in the research papers for high level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides in the blood are the probiotic deficiencies of :

1) Tier I (Critical ) = B. longum, L. Plantarum and L. Reuteri.

2) Tier II ( Useful) = L. Fermentum, L. Casei and L. Achidophilus.

There are multi-strain probiotic capsules containing the above six strains ( including other probiotic strains) available online. One such probiotic capsules in is :

ULTRA-30 Probiotics - 18 strains - 60 capsule.

It cost about US Dollar 28.

One can follow the following protocal for the treatment of coronary heart heart disease:

1) Take one probiotic capsules containing the six probiotic strains in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast for 60 days.

2) If there are damaged cells in the heart (due to heart attach), coronary arteries ( due to fatty deposits ), and other parts of the body, take alkalizing green drink 30 minutes before dinner for 60 days.

It has to be prepared by taking chlorophyll-rich foods like spinach, cilantro, parsley, wheatgrass, etc. and add half cup of water. Extract green juice and then add 2 teaspoon of Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice from one lemon and pinch of sea salt. Apple cider vinegar and lemon juice will keep the body alkaline. Chlorophyll will repair the damaged cells under alkaline cellular environment.

After 60 days, if the bad cholesterol and triglycerides return to normal levels, you are cured. But one has to follow the protocol two days in a week for maintenance. Once the bad cholesterol and triglycerides returned to normal levels, the fatty deposits in the coronary arteries may start to dissolve.

If there is no improvement in the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides after 60 days, the cause of coronary heart disease is other than probiotic imbalance. It may be due to:

1) Enzyme deficiency

2) Coenzyme deficiency,

3) Genetics, etc.

Best wishes,

P. Raghavan.
