Home Remedies for Gum Disease
Natural Remedies

Periodontitis Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Baking Soda

7 User Reviews
5 star (7) 

Posted by Lkforster (Olympia, Wa) on 02/25/2013

Until a few years ago, I never had a single problem with my teeth or gums... Then, after a particularly nasty sinus infection, I began experiencing swelling and soreness in my upper right gumline. According to my dentist, I just needed to brush well and floss regularly-both things I was already doing, and my gums have only gotten worse. For example, I used to have to work floss up into my gumline in order to clean them properly-now, I can easily fit a gum pick into the spaces between my teeth, yet they don't feel as clean. Maybe I overdo it? Anyway, I have had success with other remedies from Earth Clinic, so decided to try Baking Soda for my gums after an especially sore week... Big difference! Instead of the throbbing at the end of the day, which I had become accustomed to, my gums feel like they used to. They also seem to feel a bit more "filled in", for lack of a better term... Not as roomy between my teeth at the gumline, and they don't seem as sensitive when I use floss now. I am following a simple plan that another reviewer suggested-a heaping tablespoon of baking soda, diluted with a small amount of water, swishing in the mouth for a minute, and not rinsing afterward. I am doing this after my morning brush and before bed. Very easy remedy, so I will be curious to see what my dentist thinks when I see him next. Thank you Earth Clinic!

Baking Soda
Posted by Iris (London, Canada) on 11/06/2007

I have braces which means food gets trapped really easily but it is difficult to floss. As a result I have inflammed gums, which often bleed, despite brushing after every meal. ' Now I use a HUGE scoop of baking soda in a sip of water (so its like a runny paste) and swished it around in my mouth for a couple of minutes. My swollen gums went back to normal imediatly after and have stopped bleeding. It leaves a salty taste in my mouth but I avoid rinsing after the baking soda.

Replied by Jilbert57
(Brinnon, Wa, Usa)

Thank you for the baking soda tip. I have had a gum inflammation between two back molars and flossing and brushing hurts. Last night before bed I brushed my teeth and then took baking soda and water and swished it around and spit it out but did not rinse. I really can't believe that this morning my gum is normal. No ache, no swelling, I really can't believe it.

Replied by Honeybear
(Atlanta, Ga)

Thanks for posting this. I had a flare up with swollen gums around my back right molar which seemed to make it difficult to chew at all. I have been very worried. Throughout the day yesterday I oil pulled with sunflower oil (2xs) and that began to bring it down and then once I read about the baking soda and water I tried that, swished it around and spit it out without rinsing and it seems to have worked like a charm. My mouth felt a lot better this morning. I will likely do it again today to get the inflammation down but all in all the pain has subsided too. Many many thanks!!!

Replied by Francine
(Houston, Tx)

@ work & reading the site regarding Baking soda for inflammed gums. Also I am trying the baking soda mouth rinse so hope it does work. Pleas HoneyBear- I hope it help me. Cheers.

Bee Propolis

6 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Sarah (Marietta) on 05/17/2018

I used to get inflamed gums from gum disease and found that 1 capsule a day of bee propolis stopped it. It's also a great for flu prevention. If I feel sick I take 2 capsules a day along with echinacea and goldenseal and it works every time. I never get sick.

Replied by Angie
(United States)

Where is a good place and brand to buy bee propolis?

(New Zealand)

Hello Angie,

You could try Googling "Mills Farm Organic Honey and Propolis", New Zealand.

They do export to some countries I believe.


Michael from Down Under

Bee Propolis
Posted by Tammie (Prairieville, Louisiana) on 03/31/2007

My gums had started receding so bad that I could see a space between my two front teeth at the gum line, then I read that bee propolis can actually help the gum tissue to grow back, and it really works. No more space between my teeth.

Bee propolis also reduces fever, helps sore throat, canker sores, fever blisters and heals stomach ulcers and just about anything else you use it on.

Replied by Garry
(Sacramento, California)

Can you tell us how you use and apply the bee propolis?

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

To Gary who inquired about bee propolis: Hi Gary, I believe that bee propolis is taken internally, not applied, and the container should have recommendation on how much to take.

Replied by Teresa
(Kenedy, Texas)

Bee Propolis can be used as a liquid bandaid on wounds, I have experienced propolis to help wounds heal faster and take the redness out and be very soothing on open wounds, burns etc.. I also apply tincture of propolis to my gums when they are irritated and plan on using it daily to prevent further infections, here is a website that explains more about propolis. http://www.draperbee.com/info/propolis.htmetc. The Properties of Propolis Propolis is another medicinal marvel from the beehive. Research shows it offers antiseptic, antibiotic, antibacterial, antifungal, and even antiviral properties. Propolis is Nature's premiere preventive. It is so powerful in action, it is often called Russian penicillin in acknowledgement of the extensive research the Russians have mounted on this wonder worker from the bees. Propolis demonstrates strong antimicrobial properties against various bacterial and fungal infestations. Even streptococcus bacteria have been shown sensitive to propolis.

Replied by CECI



Replied by Gigi
(Palm Coast, Florida USA)

Hi Ceci. I encountered the same problem. It isn't pretty, is it? Anyway, the solution is pretty simple. I had gotten a 50% strength B. Propolis and that's why it was so sticky. I purchased a 30% one and it was fine. Hope this helps and good luck! Gigi

Replied by Nina
(Tallahassee, Florida)

The proper way to use this for treatment of gum disease and recession would be to brush with regular toothpaste, floss and mouthwash, THEN, apply the bee propolis at night and wash it off in the morning when you brush you teeth? I've heard so much great things about bee propolis and I an excited to try it...once I can find it at the store. Thank you for this great remedy!

Replied by Vicki
(Tallahassee, FL)

I was wondering if Nina from Tallahassee was able to find bee propolis? I too am anxious to try it for my gums -- my dentist has referred me to a periodontist, but I can't afford it and am looking for alternatives. The propolis seems to be something that could actually turn my gum disese around. I found some Royal Jelly at our local health food store which contains propolis. I'm using it, but don't know if it's doing any good. I've got several sensitive teeth and the Royal Jelly really hurts when it hits those sensitive spots! Any suggestions on where I might get pure bee propolis? I read the post where it was suggested to use a "30%" propolis -- can I order from the internet?

Thanks so much for this site -- I've turned my whole family on to it and all are reporting success with the remedies they've tried! It's my new "daily read.

Replied by Maureen
(Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada)

I would like to know if anyone that used Bee Propolis with success did Oil Pulling after their gum was healed? Did the Oil Pulling affect the healed gum? As I mentioned in a previous post unrelated to this one. I had "Guided Tissue Regeneration" surgery done in December 2004 above 2 teeth. I came across Earth Clinic in January 2008 and decided to gargle/pull with Hydrogen Peroxide a couple of times before I learned about Oil Pulling. I am not sure how long I was Oil Pulling before I discovered the area that had the surgery done was completely clean, not a good thing for me in this case as the procedure costs just over $2,000. I imagine the Hydrogen Peroxide cleaned my gum but the Oil Pulling might have done the same thing. The dentist was after me to consider having an "Osseous, Allograft" done which is now a type of bone graft. I do not want to get it done because I want to continue Oil Pulling and believe it will wipe the gum clean again. Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated.

Replied by Nina
(Tallahassee, FL)

Hello Vicki from Tallahassee, I didn't know what stores to find bee propolis so I went online and got mine from Club Natural. I used 25% instead of 30% extract since I couldn't find 30% anywhere. I started using it on the 25th of March every night. Like, you I do have sensitive teeth from where my gum had recessed. And it seemed to me like when I put it on it stings a bit where I had bum recession. It seemed too early to see if there's any results.
It would be great if any one had tried it and if indeed, cured their gum disease (stopped bone loss, regrow gum, erase sensivity) and how long it took to show results.

Replied by Vicki
(Tallahassee, FL)

Hello Nina from Tallahassee -- thanks for responding. I went to New Leaf and special ordered the propolis, but haven't got it yet. I ordered the 30%. Hopefully it will help -- at least enough to keep me out of the periodontist's office! I've been oil pulling with Sesame Oil once in the mornings for 10-15 minutes -- have been doing this fairly consistently for about a month now and I've noticed my teeth are whiter and not so sensitive. I also take ACV morning & night - 2 Tbls - and chase it with Mona Vie acai berry juice - 2 oz - and WOW what a kick that is! I have a lot more energy and focus and just generally feel better. I will post again once I've given the propolis a go -- I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Replied by Sarah1of4
(Belfast, Northern Ireland)

hey, iv got a gum infection at the minute and have just been resarching about natural remedies tonight. im gona give bee propolis a try and was able to buy 30ml of the liquid off ebay, theres loads there. also i was looking at white oak bark, or something similar, they also sell that on ebay, unfortunatly for me they only hav it in the usa and im in ireland, but you could give that a try?


Replied by Tavora
(Brooklyn, NY)

You could also try rinsing your mouth w/ Oil of Oregano and water - 3 drops in 4-6 ounces. I cleared up or (kept at bay) a potential infection around the gum of a root canal cap/crown and after rinsing and also brushing my teeth with baking soda - the reddish appearance of the gum started to subside and now looks much healthier and cleaner. Believe it or not - oil pulling has also helped strengthen and (could it be true?) re-grow my receding gum line. Best of luck!

Replied by Rob
(Manhattan, New York)

Tammie could you specify how you take it? Rub on gums or ingest? thanks!

Replied by Vicki
(Tallahassee, Fl)

After 8 months of using bee propolis for my periodontal issues I am happy to report that it is working -- very well! When I first posted back in March 2009, my dentist had referred me to a periodontist for treatment. I chose to try other avenues before spending a fortune for gum treatments and was able to purchase bee propolis through my local health co-op. I've been using one dropper-full of 30% bee propolis every night at bed time, however, over time I found that skipping a night or two from time to time is actually beneficial. Anyway, I swish the propolis through my teeth and gums for several mintues and then swallow. I had a dental check-up in November 2009 and my hygentist asked if I had gone to the periodontist -- I told her no. She then asked what I had been doing because my receding gums were no longer receding (having actually grown back!!) and my gums were healthy and pink! I told her about this site and about the propolis and she got very excited! She then called the dentist in to look at my progress and even HE was excited about the propolis (and requested the website address as well) and told me to keep doing what I'm doing. Now, I am a smoker -- not heavy, about a half pack a day -- but, of course the smoking adds to the gum issues. In spite of my continued tobacco use, my gums still improved dramatically. While I was told that this would probably not do anything for the bone loss associcated with periodontal disease, I haven't had any x-rays to verify this. I continue, however, to seek out bone loss remedies.


Please let me know remedies for dental bone loss. Ty!

Replied by Rob
(Manhattan, New York)

great information! thanks! Propolis is a great winter remedy as well...for sore throats etc.

Replied by Anna
(London, England)

Question: I read about other people's experiences with bee propolis tincture 30% on gums and I wanted to try it, but I have a bit of an odd question. I despise the taste of honey. I know I won't be stick with the propolis if it tastes the same. What does bee propolis taste like? Thanks!

Replied by Sunny
(Bellingham, Wa Usa)

Anna from London asks if Propolis tastes like honey because she dislikes the taste of honey. I'm using it for abscessed gums (along with all the other wonderful suggestions from Earth Clinic - you've been my 'doctor ' for years - thank you for offering such a fabulous resource!) In any event,the taste of Bee Propolis tastes NOTHING like honey. It is bee harvested tree resin. I purchased a liquid herbal extract and have been drinking 34-40 drops in a small amount of water. Just now I used it full-strength and swished it around for a few minutes before swollowing it. Wow! Way to go imho.

Replied by Linda
(New York, Ny)

I just started using bee propolis this weekend. First, couple drops to see if I'm allergic, I don't think I am but just checking. Then half a dropful one night then for 2 nights I've had a full dropful. I've had gum recession but noticed it much more when I went to the dentist in recent months for a cleanup. No doubt the gadget the dentist used scraped away some gum tissue. Here's to hope for gum regrowth. Propolis does not taste like honey at all. I got mine at VitamineShoppe with organic bee farm no alcohol, picture says 30% and bottle label doesn't say 25% or 30%.

Replied by Anna
(London, England)

I bought bee propolis tincture at 10% concentration, (made in switzerland), that's what I found at my health food store. Before bed I now do the following: I pour a few drops of the tincture into the lid. I dip the special toothpick that my dental hygenist recommended into the tincture as I clean my teeth. Then I dip a q-tip in the propolis in the lid and paint my gums. When I wake up in the morning, my gums are completely pink!! They are pinkish during the day. Before I started, they were bright red.

I am also oil pulling. I can feel the difference on my teeth. They constantly feel like I've just had them cleaned, instead of feeling furry like they usually do.

In a few months I'll go back to the dentist and see if I still have periodontal pockets. In the meantime, the results seem positive.

Replied by Chris
(Tuckerton, Nj)

I was just sold "Extract Propolis" at a local health food store and then noticed the words 'honey paste' on the jar when I got it home. I bought it thinking that I would apply it to my gums but now I am worried that applying it would be a bad idea as it contains 4 grams of sugar per 1/2 teaspoon. There is no percentage given but the serving size is 5 grams and each serving contains 200 mg extract (96% honey?!). Has anyone tried such a paste and if so what were your results?

Replied by Lari
(New York, NY)

Does it matter what specifically is causing the gum recession? My gums do not bleed, so it's either brushing too hard or genetics. My teeth have shifted and there are now spaces between them. Any update on those who tried it? Did it regrow your gums? If so, how much regrew and how long did it take?

Thank you in advance!!

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

I don't know if this might help but have you tried to do OP with a drop of clove oil? I tried it when I had an infection and it worked a lot better than the mouth wash the doctor had prescribed. You can try with coconut oil or some other oil. I used walnut oil. Since I do OP I feel that my gums are a lot healthier and when I finish the walnut oil I am going to try coconut oil.

Replied by Ana
(Atlanta, Ga)

hello I was just reading all of this wonderful information of bee propolis and I was just wondering, since I can't seem to find any 30% anywhere is it safe to use the 50%? and also they have either alcohol free or water based and I was wondering which one I should get. Thanks

Replied by Yana
(Glens Falls, Ny)

I see a lot of people here use propolis tincture for the gums. I tried that but the taste is extremely bitter and I'm worried about alcohol (sugars in alcohol) damaging tooth enamel, so I purchased PURE propolis powder. It only contains 5% maltodextrin to prevent too much clumping, so the rest 95% is propolis (not 30% like in liquid tinctures). I take a little chunk of it (approx. Size of chewing gum) and put it under my tongue overnight. It turns sticky when wet, but not drastically. As long as it's not touching teeth, it's fine and removes easily. When I wake up, I swallow what wasn't dissolved with saliva overnight (so it serves as taking propolis as a supplement as well). I have only been doing it for a week or so, but I started because I had a sore on my gum and it was gone overnight! I also get a lot fresher taste in my mouth in the mourning, like there's less bacteria building up overnight...

I am planning on having this routing to help me with gum recession, so I might post later with results on that...

Replied by Susan
(Napier, New Zealand)

I recently noted a gap in my front teeth, I went to the dentist and was advised I have periodontal disease & lost 50% of bone tissue. My teeth have always been my pride and joy. I am devasted. I have been to the dental hygentist twice now and going back in 3 weeks to see how things are progressing. Meanwhile I came across this site. I am from New Zealand and when I went to the health food store they had capsules, mouthwash or toothpaste. I purchased the bee propolis toothpaste and will keep you all posted. Has anyone tried the toothpaste I would appreciate any and all feedback.

Replied by Smcgoff
(San Antonio, Texas, United States)

I stumbled on this site at first after I noticed a purple area on under my front teeth bottom row of gums. My teeth had been hurting to the point I thought it was an ear ache and it just really sucked. Noticed a hole beggining in both left and right side molar region on 2 teeth. Searched through here looking for remedys and I cant lie I thought this stuff was a joke just straight bull shit. Since I didnt have dental though I decided to give it a shot and see whats up.

I started mouth washing with hydrogen peroxide and upped it to Bee propolis the paste rubbing it on my gums at night before bed. Ive been doing the hydrogen now for about 4 days and the B for about 3. I also began oil pulling with coconut oil yesterday.

My dark purple spot is no longer purple. It has became a healthy shade of pink, not all the way pink still a lil dark but from a dark purple to a allmost 1 shade away from being perfect pink. My teeth are still bothering me but only when I get something near the hole other then that I am cool. The benefits to my mouth are tremendous and I also no longer experience bad breath. To top that off, I am in the midst of losing weight, I currently weigh 340 and have not jogged since maybe march or february. I have begun jogging and walking again and noticed that I was about to jog a half mile with no problem (minus my ankles I believe new shoes are in order as well as proper stretching as ive fractured both in my younger days). I havent jogged a half mile since I was 240 and going into the military.

One more thing to mention, I woke up yesterday with a big fat red pimple corner of my mouth, applied the B propolis to it in the morning it shrank by afternoon barely visible, applied some more later that evening, and it is gone as of this time. Less than 24 hours for it to go.

Definately some beneficial things here that I am going to continue to read and look at. To all those who are skeptical of things like this I encourage you to try it because it is doing something.

Replied by Rachel
(Napier, New Zealand)

Update. I went back to my hygienist after 5 weeks, of using bee propolis, q10, ratania mouthwash and oil pulling. The dentist said there has been a cosiderable improvement in my gum health. I didn't tell her what I had been doing but she was pleased. She said if I continue on this way, instead of needed to see me every 4 weeks, we could get to the stage of twice a year. I am so pleased, although as I have been doing so much I am unsure as to what is working. However, no change to the gap in my front teeth at this point. But I found this site - a life saver

Replied by Cheryl
(San Diego, Ca.)

I have researched all of the known benefits of propolis. My question is regarding the use of pure propolis powder in all my kitties organic food which also includes powdered Garden Of Life and plenty of probiotics. The cat rescue that I run sometimes houses numerous animals, many of which have been homeless, neglected, and abused. Some of these four legged fur babies suffer from periodontal disorders. I am currently using an herbal propolis tincture which I make into a homeopathic tincture so that it does not sting their mouths. But it is quite a job to medicate each one individually as well as impossible to treat the skittish ones. Please if anyone has any information or recommendations, on dosing amounts etc. that can help me help them contact me at the Earth Clinic website.

I am thankful for any help.

My very best regards,


Bee Propolis, Coq10, Oil Pulling

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rich (Springfield, MA) on 06/02/2012

I was very worried that I had gum disease so I began to research and I came across this site. I read all the reviews and settled on the remedies of BEE PROPOLIS, CoQ10, and Oil Pulling. A week later and my teeth/gums/mouth have never felt better. I really didn't think it was going to work at first and figured I would have to tell my family and go to the doctor/dentist. The first thing I do when I wake up is swish around a teaspoon of sesame oil for 20 min in my mouth. I then brush my teeth, floss, and rinse my mouth with mouthwash. I take the CoQ10 on an empty stomach before I eat breakfast. I try to drink a lot of water and chew sugar free gum as much as I can during the day. At night I repeat the brush, floss, and rinse. And when I am done I apply the bee propolis. After a week I have noticed the difference. The space between my teeth and gum are becoming tighter. My gums are changing from a dark red/purple to a regular red/pink. My teeth no longer feel like they are going to fall out. And most importantly I have no sores or cuts around my mouth. I think this remedy saved my mouth from gum disease and saved me from the embarassment. If you are worried or just want something different try these 3 things.

Replied by Mvangelis
(New York, NY)

What brand of bee propolis are you using? can anyone recommend a truly effective brand? (or extract %) thank you!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by heather (pagosa springs, co) on 01/28/2008

I put Bloodroot in my herbal mouthwash. It feels wonderful on your gums. I have heard it is also good for gingivitis.

Replied by Linda
(Brooklyn, Ny)

Do you know what is the right dilution for bloodroot in a water pic? I purchased the extract and it says it's for external use only. I have periodontal disease, pretty advanced, so I got a water pic with attachments that go deep into the gum. I recently read that bloodroot is very effective for P.D., but I don't want to poison myself...


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Blue Star (Tennessee) on 05/01/2018

I had bleeding and receding gums for many years. I started ingesting Borax for another reason. I used the Borax protocol of dosage from this site and would apply several times daily I would "suck" the borax solution through my teeth like oil pulling.

Today my gums no longer bleed. I was amazed at the results within only a few days. I realized that Gingivitis must be a bacterial issue.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Alice (Wiesbaden, Germany) on 12/10/2009

Hello All,

I just would like to share with you an information I recently found on the internet. I am frequently suffering from inflamed and receding gums. I have started to use plain powdered cayenne for toothbrushing about two weeks ago. For me it works wonders as the gums are getting firmer each day and they look now healthy pink instead of dark red. Yes it will burn for a couple of minutes but the results are really convincing. Just do the oilpulling after brushing your teeth and the burning will subside very fast as the oil seems to take it away. Furthermore you will experience no more bad breath in the morning. I hope, this will help somebody else too.

Thank you earthclinic for the great website!

Kind Regards,

Replied by Emerald
(Westford, Ma/united States)

Has this been working for you? I am going to start the Cayenne Pepper, Baking Soda, Oil Pulling (Sesame Seed), Bee Propolis, and better flossing in my new regimen because the dentist pulled my gums from my teeth and they are not reattaching that quickly. I want to know if your gums are still as beautiful!

Citrus Bioflavonoid Hesperidin

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tom (Livingston, Tx) on 11/20/2020 64 posts

The citrus bioflavonoid hesperidin has always helped my gums. I knew that citrus bioflavonoids helped my gums, but I didn't know which bioflavonoid. Then I searched hesperidin and it said hesperidin was useful for gums. I found this to be true.

In 2010 in my mid-50's, my gums would occasionally bleed and some of my teeth were slightly loose. A daily 500 mg capsule of hesperidin corrected both of these these problems. I would order capsules from SwansonVitamins or PipingRock, but now I order the 500 grram bag of hesperidin powder from BukSupplements and take just a level 1/4 measuring teaspoon which is about 500 mg mornings and evenings.

I also had sensitive teeth at the time, but 2 capsules twice per day of the NOW brand "Calcium Apatite Caps" corrects this and prevents cavities.

Replied by Art
2397 posts

Hi Tom,

Hesperidin is also useful for helping to restore skin barrier function and has antioxidant and antiinflammatory qualities while having an excellent safety profile!


Clove Oil and Hydrogen Peroxide

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sallypants (Calgary, CA) on 11/24/2014

For a day or two, I was feeling a slight, dull ache when I moved my upper dentures around. I had never felt this before and didn't think too much of it. When I took them out, I felt two pockets of pus in the upper gumline. They were fair sized but curiously didn't hurt. I used what I had on hand already, some ground cloves mixed with olive oil, soaked a cotton ball and applied for 20 mins, and hydrogen peroxide rinse. I'm happy to say that the infection was gone in just a few swishes and cotton ball soakings, with no side effects. Thank you, Earth Clinic. This is why I luv coming here so much!

Co Q10

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 02/20/2012

Anyone with gum disease or bleeding gums should seriously look at coQ10. It is even used in the US and Japan to treat the problem. Gum disease can be a precurser to heart disease and actually be a deficiency of coQ10. Low coQ10 is a major factor in heart problems.

From an article I have linked to:

"A study by Dr. Edward Wilkinson of the Wilford Hall US Air Force Medical Center, discovered that people with diseased gums had an unusually large deficiency of CoQ10. Remarkably, once patients with diseased gums were supplemented with CoQ10, the gum conditions actually reversed. This became the benchmark study, which led to more researches and discoveries about the benefits of CoQ10.

Wilkinson, a pioneer in periodontal studies of CoQ10, handled some of the worst case histories of patients whose damage from periodontal disease seemed irreversible. One of them involved a woman whose gum disease extended throughout her mouth and the mucous membrane of her nose and throat. Even eating became a torment. She was deemed a hopeless case.

Wilkinson decided to try her on 60 milligrams of CoQ10 per day. After only two weeks of continuous CoQ10 supplementation, the patient was able to eat normally again and her overall condition significantly improved. CoQ10 enabled patients to overcome or reverse their gum disease, even in its worst state."


Replied by Carly
(Seattle, Wa - Usa)

Very interesting Debbie from Australia.... Thank you for sharing. I just started taking 100mg CoQ10 a few days ago for other reasons. I will be sure to see if my gums look any better / different and report back. They are not "bad' but there is one area that seems like it is not happy (located by a tooth that was filled to the gum line last year with a mercury filling - argh! )

Good information, much appreciated!


PS: Also re gums.... Lots of vitamin C is a huge help also. I usually take 2,000 mg a day, divided into two 1,000 mg doses. When I don't take it for a week or so, my gums bleed, and I bruise easier than usual.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

And w/ the production and competition up, the price of CoQ10 has once again become somewhat affordable for the most of us. No doubt using CoQ10 on a regular basis for several yrs has helped me in the gum dept. Also CoQ10 is one of the best heart nutrients; as little as 30mg day can benefit heart health. As one ages this critical nutrient diminishes so it is very important to up the dosage to the tune of 100mg 2X day for the 50's plus members; and ubiquinone 50-100mg 2X day for the 70's plus members. Be sure to take Selenium and Vit-E w/ CoQ10 to insure its potency & lifespan in the body.

Replied by Rachel
(Napier, New Zealand)

Firstly I love this site.... So helpful. I have to say I have periodontal disease and have been going to a Hygenist for 6 weeks now. The gums below my 2 bottom front teeth were so receded, almost to nothing. I started taking Co Q10 capsule 160mg each morning and the results are amazing, the gums are no longer receded, the gums if anything have grown back. I am over the moon and can only put this down to taking a daily dose of CO Q10. Thank you so much.

Replied by Grandmakat
(Auburn, Wa)

Hello everyone. I happened upon this site because I've been trying to get a little healthier?! I've had REALLY BAD teeth FOREVER and reading some of these remedies has really been amazing!! I've already done oregano oil as a supplement for a natural antibiotic & use a couple drops with my toothpaste (all natural!! ) and haven't noticed too much of a difference?? I am really intrigued with the coQ10 option I've just read? We have heart disease in my family (my father) & my oldest Sister passed BEFORE 50 & one of my younger Sisters has already had a heart attack at 38 & they put a stint in? So I'm gonna make sure I tell the other 5 Sisters about the coQ10?! My Father was only 67 when we lost him & it's scary to know I'm creeping up?! So THANKS for the info on this! I was looking for my TEETH...but got 2 birds!! I will be checkin in on this site more often😇

Coconut Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Bob (Denver, Colorado) on 10/29/2009

Coconut Oil and gum disease

I tried Coconut oil pulling for gum recession. After having two expensive surgeries my gums continued to recede. After using Coconut oil for about a year my 7 pockets are now 4 and my dentist believes I no longer need to be concerned about receding gums. I credit the Coconut Oil used in oil pulling for the improvement. Thanks for a great site for alternative remedies.

Replied by Fedra
(Baltimore, Md)

Do you apply/rub the coconut oil around teeth/gum OR is a questions of drinking it?

Replied by Teri In T Town
(Tacoma, Wa, Usa)

Freda, look up oil pulling in other sections of this site to understand how to use the coconut oil for gum disease.

Coconut Oil and Baking Soda

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 04/25/2013

I put some baking soda and coconut on in my bite guard and stuck it on my teeth and the sensitivity called down and I notice my teeth and gums went tight on me.

It was weird - like the teeth were more crowded together and the gums were all pulled up on them. I plan to be more careful with the baking soda, I had used the coconut oil in the guard a few times before and it seemed to loosen the guard on the sides... with no soda and they seemed relaxed, not tight.

I don't oil pull but the coconut oil has been miraculous. White, clean, less sensitive.

Coconut Oil, Oregano Oil, Hydrogen Peroxide

Posted by Diamond (Cleveland, England) on 06/01/2011

hi jennifer,

Thanks for getting back to me, I will continue the coconut oil awhile longer, I probably aint given it enough time, it has only been 12 days and counting. But like us all, we do worry. I have got some extra virgin olive oil at home, i'll get some wild of oregano oil, putting one drop on my toothbrush mixed with olive oil, also I will purchase a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and pepermint oil.

As for the sea salt, I think i'll give that a miss as I have never had palpitations before. I'll stick to table salt for now, only for swishing before I go to bed. Thank you so much. and thanks to everyone else whom have got back to me quickly with great feedbacks. bye for now.

Replied by Naturalhlth48
(Columbus, Ohio)

Not sure what you are referring to regarding the comment about palpatations BUT, sea salt (sun dried) is the only NUTRITIONAL salt for you. It is complete and naturally nutritional, table salt is NOT. Sorry but that is the WRONG choice to make. Sodium Chloride is what your heart needs as it does Potassium Chloride. Table salt is incomplete, nutritionally speaking, and causes more harm than any good. Your heart is a potassium sodium pump, fundamentally speaking, ptoassium chloride regulates the heart and sodium chloride (not table salt) hydrates the blood and is also an integral part of the defense system of your body. Sodium chloride can be a good defense against bacteria and is why it is used in canning processes to prevent botchilism (sp) sorry.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile , Tn Usa)

Table salt is sodium chloride. Sea salt is sodium chloride but with trace minerals from salt water. Don't know where you are getting your imformation, but it's scary.

Replied by Sugarbranch
(Sugar Grove, Pa)

I do not use table salt or sea salt. To the best of my knowledge, Himalayan Pink Salt is the healthiest salt on the earth. If I am wrong, please correct me... If I am not, do more homework on the subject of salt.

Replied by Swhit
(Los Angeles, Ca)

Table salt contains chemicals which are bad for you. Sea Salt is better but pure Himalayan salt is the best it is a host of trace minerals as well as the much needed Iodine. You should never use toothpaste either, look up what is in it and freak. Baking Soda is the best toothpaste.

Replied by Chris

What about pink Himalayan salt.... lots of trace minerals.

DioxiBrite (Chlorine Dioxide)

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Just (Aspen CO) on 10/30/2020

Cure for all dental problems is Dioxi Brite from Frontier Pharmaceuticals, really, this stuff works!

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