Home Remedies for Gum Disease
Natural Remedies

Periodontitis Remedies


Posted by Clematis (Cape Town, South Africa) on 09/26/2015

Try using sage as a mouthwash for bleeding gums. I buy a toothpaste which has sage in it. It stopped my gum disease and it helps heal bitten lips. Bites took me 4-7 days to heal as it swole up and kept on being bitten... Now I know I've bitten myself 'cuz it hurts but that's the last I know about it! I know it also sooths and heals the gastrointestinal tract. Good luck.


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Posted by Lynn (Maryland) on 06/29/2022

Brushing teeth with salt helps tremendously with some bleeding gum issues.

Replied by Lynn

One more thing I can add - I bought a water pic and even used a bit of hydrogen peroxide in it and it did not do anything much.

Posted by Mysticgardener (Plain City, Ohio) on 05/14/2011

A few years back I had a terrible problem with gum disease and had to have 3 teeth pulled. After that I had to go back for four sessions of root planing. (cleaning around the root and under the gumline). After I had the first two sessions done, I heard a retired dentist online say that the best thing for your dental health is salt! He also said he would never have dared say this while still practicing!

So I started brushing with sea salt and when I went back for the third session, the hygienist was just barely scraping, doing more talking than anything. She started to talk about how much my mouth had improved and that she had never seen anything like it! THEN she said I would NOT HAVE TO COME BACK for the fourth session!

Six months passed and I went back for a routine cleaning. AGAIN, she exclaimed about how much my dental health had improved since the first time she had seen me. I still didn't tell her what I was doing. I just said I was brushing longer like she had told me to do.

Six months after that I went back and had the same results. At that point, I told her my secret! She truly acted like she had never heard of it. This retired dentist I listened to online said salt kills the bacteria that causes gum disease. I now use an herbal toothpaste with no fluoride, and from time to time I will run my tongue around my teeth, and if I feel any plaque on the teeth, I will brush them with salt and it comes right off.

I now brush with salt about once a week, just for good maintenance. I believe this will save the rest of my teeth and thousands of dollars! My teeth have also gradually gotten whiter, and I no longer worry about bad breath. At first I worried the salt might take off the enamel but this has obviously not happened! I was so grateful to learn of this because my dentist told me they could not guarantee I would not lose the rest of my teeth, even with the root planing. That was the 3rd time I had root planing done and it is very expensive, and it obviously wasn't fixing the problem since I had to keep having it done every 7 or 8 years!

They tried to insinuate that I had gum disease because I was not brushing and flossing on a regular basis which was absolutely not true! I was extremely vigilant about both and had been my whole life! Let's continue to get the truth out there folks and keep our money where it belongs!

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Weleda has a toothpaste with sea salt but there are others. When I started using it I never had a coated tongue again. My teeth are not whiter though which is a pity. As I drink a lot of tea they get very brown.

Replied by Cindy
(Cochrane, Wi)

to mysticgardener: would you please share where you found online information about dentist and using salt. Thank you


Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 04/02/2009

Gum Disease: Test Your Selenium


"Results showed that selenium has the strongest association with gum disease, with low levels increasing the risk by 13 fold. "
If 13 of 14 people with Gum Disease have low Selenium levels (93%), that looks like causation. Note: Selenium is an antifungal.

Chlorhexadine, a treatment for ringworm yeast, is the FDA approved treatment for Gum disease. It turns your teeth yellow, and is rarely prescribed.

Zinc has been proven clinically effective at reducing pockets.

Here is another treatment guide, notice the Metronidazole(antifungal used in rosacea treatment):

It is a national tragedy and a huge detriment to oral health that fewer than 5% of general dentists in the U.S.A. and less than 25% of periodontists implement this periodontal disease treatment protocol. Variations of this protocol have been published for more than a decade.

Shake With Brewer's Yeast and Lecithin

Posted by Jana (Wa) on 06/20/2010

Several years ago I had a tooth replaced and started to notice a darkening area in the gum line above that tooth. A friend introduced me to a book on natural remedies. A recipe for a shake that included, among other things, brewers yeast and lecithin worked wonders. Within two weeks the darkness was completely gone and my gums have remained very healthy.

I am trying to locate that recipe but don't know the name of the book or the author. The recipe was called something like "Nora's shake" or something similar.

Does anyone remember reading this book or seeing this recipe? If so, I would be very grateful for that information. Thank you.

Replied by Purelife
(Columbia, Sc/usa)

Not sure if this is what you were looking for, but I found this after a google search.

Dynamite Milkshake (I found the orig book!)

2 C skim milk (or equiv in powder form)
1 TBL safflower oil
2 pks sugar sub
1 teas vanilla
Start blender on low, then add:
**4 heap TBL powder yeast
4 Heap TBL gran. Lecithin

** start w/ 1/2 teas yeast & every few days increase the amount. Blend all & refridge overnight (improves the taste) then re-blend & drink in the AM. It's a meal substitute, but you can add fruit. Brewers yeast is best to use, If it's been de-bittered, it looses nutrition. Do NOT use bakers yeast.

Silica Toothpaste

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Posted by Joan (Sa) on 12/26/2011

The best thing I have done for my teeth and gums is change to a silica toothpaste. I had receding gums, sensitive teeth near my gums that would feel like an electric shock when I brushed my teeth. I also had bleeding gums if I did not religously floss my teeth every night. Since changing, the sensitivity has gone, and my gums don't bleed even when I don't floss every night.

Tea Tree Oil

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Posted by Mike (Kent, Uk) on 09/12/2020 26 posts

To be honest, I don't know if what I have is gum disease but it's just bacteria causing a bad taste in my mouth that gets progressively worse unless I kill the bugs. I think it's due to dry mouth issues.

Anyway without getting into all that too much, I've found that tea tree oil diluted in high alcohol mouthwash does the trick. I don't know how toxic it is in this application though as I know the mouth absorbs things quite easily. Hopefully it's ok. But yes it does work about as well as chlorhexidine but without the change to sense of taste.

It's very odd because I find the high alcohol mouthwash on its own doesn't seem to work and the tea tree in water by itself doesn't seem to work either. So... I'm still experimenting!!

I am trying to find a better solution still though. Maybe hydrogen peroxide but I never had much success with that in the past. I'll try again :)


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Posted by Fiona (Tustin,ca) on 11/10/2013

Trimethylglycine (tmg) 6 gram healed gums and whitened teeth overnight.

Replied by June
(Cincinnati, OH)

Isn't that betaine? Did you brush your teeth with it, leave it in your mouth or what?

Replied by Aurora Johnson
(Mason City, Ia)

Fiona, did you ingest this or rubbed on the gums?

Was it in powder form? or? sorry about all the questions, my gums have been infected or swollen for a long time, dentists just want to pull teeth out, which I did but the problem is still there. Thanks for the info, I would like to try this.

Replied by Dan
(Los Angeles)

Yes, Betaine Anhydrous, aka TMG, works. I have been going through gum pain for past 2 years and I couldn't figure out the issue and I spent lots of money. Recently I bought raw betaine anhydrous powder and I drink it with my pre-workout powder. Not only I get good pump but my gum ache is almost gone, this is miracle. Give it a try, all you gonna losse is 10$


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Posted by Sow_b (Sydney, Nsw) on 11/19/2009


Firstly, your site is amazing!!! Thanks.

I cured my bleeding gum problem of many years by using turmeric powder as a toothpaste. I would first brush my teeth normally with toothpaste and then wash out and then my next round of brushing I use tumeric powder and apply it to the brush and start brushing away. The turmeric kills of any bacteria that lives in the gums which cause the bleeding and its great for your mouth as a whole. Whenever I used to ask my dentist how to cure my bleeding gums he would just tell me to come into his surgery for a scale and clean for the teeth which costs almost $200 australian dollars. I ignored it and it struck me that turmeric is a great anti-bacterial so that should fix my problem. I now brush this daily and my gums have never bled since, and it costs just a few dollars. Be warned, turmeric stains yellow and although this HARDLY ever affects the color of your teeth but if you want to be super sure then finish the last round of brushing using pure baking soda, this will remove any small turmeric leftover, keep your mouth in an alkeline state and super brighten your teeth!

Best of luck!

Posted by Mary Kate (Alburq, NM) on 03/23/2008

I have suddenly developed gingivitis over the past few weeks. Bad breath when I normally don't have any, and then my gums were bleeding like crazy after flossing, also unusual. I looked up remedies on Earth Clinic and decided to try the turmeric. After 3 days, bleeding gums reduced by u, after 5 days no more bleeding or bad breath. The plaque from my teeth didn't smell quite so foul either. This is a stellar remedy!

What I did:

After first brushing and flossing, I took a toothbrush (don't use the expensive kind that you use on an electric toothbrush because it will stain yellow after the first use) and dipped it in turmeric. I brushed my teeth and gums vigorously, adding as much turmeric as possible 2-3 times to the toothbrush. After brushing with turmeric, I rinsed out my mouth well and then swished (as in oil pulled) more turmeric in water for a good 2-3 minutes. I am very curious now to see what would happen if I added turmeric to my oil pulling regime. It does not stain the teeth, but you might need to be careful with crowns or dentures. My teeth do look remarkably whiter for some bizarre reason after brushing with the turmeric. My mouth feels oh so fresh, I may start to forgo the toothpaste and just brush with tumeric. Ra ra ra TURMERIC!!!

Replied by Dennis From Singapore

I've been using turmeric powder for a year and my gums no longer bleed during washing. Ocassionally I get lazy and do not brush my teeth before bedtime as I get too tired. This happened for a couple of times and immediately after when I brush my teeth, there will be bleeding along the gumlines. Luckily I have turmeric with me and after 2 days, the bleeding will stop. Must remember that we need to brush and floss our teeth on a morning and night basis to ensure that plaque material is broken up on a daily basis.

Posted by farhad (canada, ontario) on 02/09/2008

in the past few years my gums changed colour to a darker colour and my dentist told me my gums are receding my white teeth were yellow due to smoking .2 weeks ago i was told to use tumeric powder with my tooth paste when brushing since then my darker gum is changing colour to pink again in most spots and my teeth including 2front venirs are bright it strengtens gums and teeth but stains my hands only after brushing.no product did what a $2 tumeric powder has done for me.thank you.

Posted by Alexandra (Bay Area, California) on 12/03/2007

I began getting increased trouble with acne rosacea flares (this is quite a different condition from acne vulgaris/teenagers acne). The flares were happening despite my already taking fish oil and an antibiotic ointment from the dermatologist did not help much. Then, I read in the news that acne rosacea is caused by a build up of inflammatory by products in the skin.

At once, I thought of using turmeric. I mixed turmeric spice with water and dabbed it on my flare spots. I had to scrub hard to remove it next day as it stains the skin, but 3 days later, my flare spots were gone. I take 1 teaspoon of turmeric in water each day, internally.

Then, I had to have a dental procedure where they had to do a lot of digging around in the gum to install a temporary crown. I was told my gums would feel sore and to take some ibuprofen. Instead, I swirled turmeric in my mouth after brushing my teeth, letting it reach all my gums, then swallowed it. I did this every night for the next 3 weeks. I had no gum pain at all and when I returned to have the crown installed, the dentist was amazed at how healthy my gums were. I told him I'd used turmeric.

Warning---turmeric stains white cloth and clothing, and it will probably stain artificial dental implants and dentures. But if you have all your teeth and want something extra for healthy gums, turmeric is amazing stuff. Warning..it may constipate in considerable dosages so if you have to use a lot of it, increase both fluid and fiber intake.

Replied by Cicily
(Monaca, Pa)

Turmeric.....interesting..........will try it. Oil pulling...........I've been doing it with sesame oil for about 8 months. My teeth are cleaner, easier to floss, and whiter. I love it, but I'm concerned about loosing enamel with this process. My two front teth seem sharper and thinner on the bottom. Can oil pulling actually hurt the enamel on your teeth? Also, 10 days ago I switched to coconut oil and now I have a swelling arount my two front bottom teeth. Any thoughts on this?

Thanks, Taracat

Vitamin C, Zinc Lozenges

Posted by Diamond (Cleveland, England) on 06/07/2011

hi debbie,

i got a bottle of vitamin c and zinc lozenges 600 mg, I take one every morning. Before breakfast been taking these for over 2 weeks now. Also I managed to get hydrogen peroxide 3%. Which I have started today. Swilling round my mouth. thanks.

Vitamin C, Zinc Lozenges
Posted by Diamond (Cleveland, England) on 06/04/2011

hi debbie,

I went to my local health shop two weeks ago, and got vitamin c and zinc lozenges, 600mg I take 1 in the morning. thank you.

Water Pik, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Hydrogen Peroxide

Posted by Janet (Alexandria, La, United States) on 10/21/2010

To eliminate bleeding gums and gingivitis quickly, buy a waterpik with a reservoir tank (about $60). Fill up the reservoir with warm tap, and add approximately 6 drops of GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract), along with an ounce of hydrogen peroxide. Use the waterpik according to package directions.

Replied by Kate
(Zionsville,indiana, Indianapolis)

Bioflavanoids and polyphenols make strong and healthy gum. I have been drinking cocoa and green tea for about 4 months and my gum became very stong and pink.

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