Home Remedies for Gum Disease
Natural Remedies

Periodontitis Remedies

Oil Pulling

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Posted by Lucille (Jersey City, USA) on 04/23/2007

Wow! I just read this cure [oil pulling] for the first time and decided to try it with my organic coconut oil. I still can't believe it but the chronic sensitivity I had in two of my teeth is gone! It's hard to tell which teeth were hurting! And my teeth feel different.

Oil Pulling, Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Shaunat1996 (Sugar Land, Tx) on 09/20/2013

I just want to say this website is a lifesaver! I've battled Peridontal disease for years without much luck. It's painful and expensive. I've had a bad infection on the right side of my mouth and found this website. Last night I brushed my teeth with baking soda and swished with Peroxide (1 tsp. Peroxide to 2 tbsp. Water). LOL I was fascinated with the bubbling. So I woke up this morning to my alarm clock, that hasn't happened in over a month because the pain keeps me up at night. My mouth was still sensitive but the pain in my jaw and cheekbone is long gone!!! So I had read about oil pulling and decided to try that this morning and WOW is all I can say! I pulled with 100% Vegetable Oil because I wanted to see if it would really turn white and yep, it turned a milky white color and my teeth felt so clean :) I will continue this regimen until the infection is gone then I will drop rinsing with Peroxide so it doesn't do any damage to my tissue! I've read about the bee propolis but I'm not sure what to buy or exactly how to use it, so if anyone has any tips I would love to hear them!!!

Oil Pulling, Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jean (Franklin, WI) on 05/19/2008

I have no insurance and can't afford a dentist, so had to find a way to deal with tooth problems naturally. I've lost several fillings that occassionally cause infections. First thing I do is oil pulling with grapeseed, coconut or olive oil. Within a very short time the pain is down a fair amount, but of course the abscess is still there, filled with pus. Until that is emptied, the infection will remain. I use a dental instrument with an extremely sharp end and pierce the infected spot, then squeeze out as much of the pus as I can. This immediately cuts the pain down a whole lot more... now its just leftover soreness. I then do oil pulling again, followed by a good rinse of hydrogen peroxide. This cure works for an abscess every time.

PREVENTION: I haven't been to a dentist in over 12 years, despite the fact that I have huge holes in a few back molars due to missing fillings, and the cavities have NOT gotten worse. In fact I have fewer dental problems now. I no longer use commercial toothpastes. Obviously it would be best to have the regular mercury fillings removed and replaced... since I can't afford that procedure ... This is what I do instead...

I brush my teeth with BAKING SODA, followed by a HYDROGEN PEROXIDE rinse. Sometimes I start this with an OIL PULLING first. I often work on my teeth with just a toothbrush kind of absent-mindedly as I'm studying something on the internet. This pretty well removes most food particle and plaque. I recently bought one of those electric rechargeable toothbrushes, which works really well with the baking soda.

As long as I do these things regularly, I don't get any abscesses, cavities have not gotten any worse and may have actually gotten better, my teeth are whiter and feel cleaner, my gums are much healthier and all "pockets" have disappeared. It also prevents bad breath, and my tongue and gums are pink and healthy.

This has worked better for me than any dentist recommended procedure. I just wish I had known about it years ago. I'm absolutely sure I would have never gotten a cavity in the first place. Get rid of your commercial toothpaste and try this... you'll be glad you did!!!

Replied by Jane Buck
(Portland, Ore)

I Totally agree!! My gums and crowns are being cleared of the bacteria that lodges under the crowns. NO ROOT CANAL!! Sorry Doc LOL. Love it. Also one receding gum is coming down tighter and it was said it would never happen. I have been using organic food grade sesame oil (not oil that flavors food dishes)but I am looking for coconut in liquid form. Spit oil in the commode. It has virus's, bacteria, parasites and only God knows what. Helps whiten teeth as well.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Hi Jean, do you use undiluted HP to rinse your teeth with? Which strength?

Jane, I don't think that you need to find liquid coconut oil which you won't find if it is pure as it solidifies in colder temperatures. When you put it in your mouth it will liquidify in a few seconds anyway!

Replied by Tahiti
(Monroeville, Pa, United States Of America)

Hi Jane. I too do the oil-pulling, peroxide and baking soda for mouth health. But I also add salt (using kosher presently)to the mix. Using this method keeps the teeth, tongue, gums and everything in the mouth in great shape. It also aids in fighting the bacteria that causes bad-breath. I do this routine at least once a day. I am thinking about doing this maybe twice, once in the morning and again before bed.

Oil Pulling, Hydrogen Peroxide, Bee Propolis

1 User Review
1 star (1) 

Posted by Maureen (Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada) on 09/12/2010

Hi All, At my last visit to the dentist, I was told that the level 5 pockets which I have had for some time now show blood when poked, which means I need some antimicrobial injections to help save the gum from retrieving from the teeth more. I have been oil pulling daily for three years now and also use 3% hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash. I am surprised that this is a problem. I have used Bee Propolis in the past and I was unaware that it stained my teeth until the dental hygienist said I had a build-up of plaque in the back area and asked if I changed how I brush my teeth. It was a week or so later that I realized it was Bee Propolis stains not plaque so I stopped using it on my gums because of the problem and just added it to a blender drink until it was finished. I do not really want to get the injections as I would prefer to treat it naturally if possible. I have just changed the Oil I use to Pull to Castor Oil to see if that helps. Any suggestions/recommendations as to what I should do would be appreciated. Would the antimicrobial injections be ok to take? Maureen

Replied by Jay
(Toronto, Ont, Canada)

Reply to Maureen... For your gum disease you might try olive leaf extract, preferably the liquid variety as it seems more effective than the capsules.

See http://www.herbwisdom.com/herb-olive-leaf.html

Also http://users.rcn.com/wussery/olive1.html

Regards, J

Replied by Maureen
(Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada)

Hi Jay, Thank you for replying to my post and providing the two links regarding Liquid Olive Leaf Extract. It was informative. I went shopping yesterday and bought a bottle of the Liquid Olive Leaf Extract. The bottle says to take 30-40 drops twice a day in water or juice so I have taken it twice yesterday and once so far today. I will update this post when the bottle is finished or I get raving reviews from the dentist whichever comes first! Maureen

Replied by Maureen
(Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada)

This is a follow-up to my last post. It's been three months and I am on my third bottle of 50ml of liquid Olive Leaf Extract as suggested by Jay. I take it daily in water. I visited the dentist last week and was told that I still have bleeding when they poke the gum at a specific tooth. It was disappointing to hear to say the least but I will continue taking Olive Leaf Extract for a while yet. I do notice that I feel like I have the beginning of a sore throat sometimes. It is very mild. I hope it is doing something. I have not given up yet. Maureen

Oral Probiotics & Clove

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Snow (UK) on 03/27/2022

I have one deep infected gum pocket front top tooth. Have generally been struggling with periodontal disease for a long time with most gums. Recently this one pocket became really infected, (lots of gum recession too which is so depressing), it resulted in a root canal last November, but still the infection has continued even after two rounds of antibiotics. (Pus seeping out when pressing the gum).

I have been tearing my hair out trying all kinds of protocols that should have worked such as Hydrogen Peroxide, Propolis (sleeping with cotton all of propolis against the gum), salt water rinses to name a few.

Anyway, I finally decided to try two new things. Clove which I have been rubbing against the gum and sometimes just resting a clove again against the gum. This definitely helps and I am thinking it is because it is anti parasitic?

But the missing link that I am really excited about is probiotics! There are special ones for oral health that you suck. Look for good quality/good reviews. Also have bought a good probiotic for gut health too. I feel it's all interconnected. Two days later I have no pus coming out of the gum for the first time in months. At bedtime, my protocol is rinse mouth with sea salt water, brush with propolis toothpaste, a really good clean using a water pick with bicarbonate soda (PH). Or you can just gargle and clean with it if you don't have a waterpic. Then finally I suck the oral probiotic.

Do some research on gum disease and probiotics and you will see there are quite a lot of compelling evidence it can help re populate the mouth with the right kind of bacteria to fight the bad... I'll report back in a while to say if it has really worked but I am feeling very encouraged by the past few days.

I am also during the day time rubbing some clove 'dust' against the gum.. this can also be clove oil but I am just using crushed up cloves.

If I had the money I would go straight back to the clinic I used to visit who did 2 hr laser therapy (I did about 6 sessions over a few months). This brought my pockets down from 8/10 to 2/3 and some bone regrowth, but sadly it has all come back again as not been able to visit them for a number of years.

Good luck anyone suffering too. Its a nightmare and upsetting to have such gum loss and potentially lose teeth later down line if I dont' get on top of it but hopeful this new protocol might be the missing link! TBD

Oregano Oil

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Teresa Hartsfield (Kenedy, Texas) on 07/22/2008

I have periodontal disease and have found that brushing with oregano oil has really improved my gums and to stop tooth pain. I have stopped using toothpaste, now if I use it, I find it doesn't clean my teeth as well as the oil does and my mouth still feels "dirty". The taste does get some time to get used too. I started out by using only one drop, but now use 3 drops on my toothbrush. I bought a good quality oil, not the alcohol tincture. I first discovered brushing with oils when I researched the net and found a product that was quite expensive, I liked it, but didn't like the cost. I tried brushing with tea tree oil but found that to be very offensive, reminded me of brushing with pine sol. The oregano is quite strong, so try not to get it on the back of the throat, I'm so used to it now that I love brushing my teeth with it, then I rinse with an alcohol free mouthwash and that takes care of the oregano smell, my breath and mouth feel clean for hours, even through out the night, in the morning I awake with a clean feeling mouth.

Replied by Cheri

Hi, doesn't the oregano oil burn your mouth?

(Dublin, Oh)

Oregano Oil (or Oil of Oregano), the liquid, is VERY strong, and would not pleasant if used straight. I have found that diluting a couple of drops in water, is even difficult to swish around in my mouth. What I've done is put a drop or 2 (these are very tiny drops from the bottle's dropper) right onto the toothbrush bristles, let it sit there for a minute or two, then put the toothpaste on the brush. Then wet the brush with water, then brush your teeth with it. Yes, it will sting, but the toothpaste should help. Then rinse out your mouth real well. You'll still taste the Oregano Oil, but after about 10 minutes, the strong taste will go away.

Replied by Sara
(The Beaches)

I do something similar, I have a small spray bottle of water and drops of Oregano oil and I spray my toothbrush with it before apply toothpaste, every time I brush

Oregano Oil
Posted by Tabby (San Francisco, California) on 03/22/2008

I have been battling a gum infection for 2 months. After three courses of antibiotics, I gave up and tried Vitamin C 3000mg. This began to improve my gums, however, the infection persisted. My gums have been aching, sore, dark red, and inflammed.

I decided to try Oil of Oregano. I purchased a brand that was 60% diluted in extra virgin olive oil. Immediately, with a clean finger, I rubbed one drop of it over my gums, and another drop on the other side. Immediately the ache subsided. After 8 hours, my gums felt much improved. There is a slight tingly warm feeling upon initially applying which is normal for Oregano Oil. Before bedtime, I repeated this again, along with placing one drop beneath my tongue, holding it in place and washing it down with water.

I woke up with my mouth feeling more nomal than it has in weeks. Another additional benefit, it cleared my sinuses! They have been blocked.

Caution: Do not use Oil of Oregano undiluted. It is caustic and it WILL burn. That is why dilution in extra virgin olive oil is important.

I'm sharing this remedy in hopes it will help someone else stop suffering today!

Replied by Rob
(Manhattan, New York)

also, I have coated my floss with it & seem to get positive results. Just put a couple drops on the index & thumb finger and run the floss through it. Again, diluted with olive oil, as full strength burns the lips.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Tabby (San Francisco, California) on 03/22/2008

I have been battling a gum infection for 2 months. After three courses of antibiotics, I gave up and tried Vitamin C 3000mg. This began to improve my gums, however, the infection persisted. My gums have been aching, sore, dark red, and inflammed.

I decided to try Oil of Oregano. I purchased a brand that was 60% diluted in extra virgin olive oil. Immediately, with a clean finger, I rubbed one drop of it over my gums, and another drop on the other side. Immediately the ache subsided. After 8 hours, my gums felt much improved. There is a slight tingly warm feeling upon initially applying which is normal for Oregano Oil. Before bedtime, I repeated this again, along with placing one drop beneath my tongue, holding it in place and washing it down with water.

I woke up with my mouth feeling more nomal than it has in weeks. Another additional benefit, it cleared my sinuses! They have been blocked.

Caution: Do not use Oil of Oregano undiluted. It is caustic and it WILL burn. That is why dilution in extra virgin olive oil is important.

I'm sharing this remedy in hopes it will help someone else stop suffering today!

Oregano Oil and DMSO

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Grace (Pdx) on 05/10/2014

I had oral surgery and my gums were swollen and infected . I mixed a little of 1/4 cup of my organic cold pressed olive oil , with few drops of oregano that I got the kind that is for internal use at the nauturapathic school mixed with 2 to 3 drops of dmso and left it on while I watched movie for a couple hours then then I rinsed it off and noticed a drastic change in my infected gums, I continued doing this for a few days. It was a heaven sent.

Replied by Dee

I had chronic gum disease inflammation. Tried cleanings and many natural products. The best was rubbing oil my Oil of Oregano and Bentonite Clay on my gums a few times a day. At night I would rub White Oak Bark powder. I also take 3-4 drops of Oil of Oregano 2-3 times a day either under the tongue or in water. I noticed the tips of my front teeth's enamel was wearing thin. I tried the natural remineralizing powder and it worked. I also make my own mouthwash and added natural green Stevia powder to it. Stevia prevents tooth decay.

Here's the remineralizing powder (brush on and keep on for 3-4 minutes then rinse with water).


  • 3 tbsp. calcium carbonate
  • 2 tbsp. bentonite clay
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 cup Himalayan salt, whirled in your spice grinder until a fine powder


Over the Counter

Posted by Swhit (Los Angeles, Ca) on 05/26/2012

06/16/2008: J. B. From N. J. : "Hi Ted, Like many others, I stumbled onto this site during an internet search for some health concern and am thankful for the helpful, inexpensive and safe recommendations. My reason in writing concerns how to prevent tooth loss due to cracking. I have just cracked my fourth tooth in 12 years (I am 52). None of these teeth had cavities, in fact I have never had a cavity in my life. But I do have periodontal disease, with most of the pockets in the 4 - 6 mm range. I do not brush daily, but use salt/baking soda combo when I do, followed by a hydrogen peroxide rinse.

I have receeding gums due to a periodontal disease but have been using OraMd for some months now and the disease is just about gone. My teeth were very loose because of the gum issue and thought I would lose them all. I also would find bits of tooth in my food that had cracked off even though I took plenty Calcium and D3. All I do is brush gently with baking soda and then apply 5 eyedroppers of OraMd on the brush and gently coat my teeth, gums and tongue x 3 per day. Since using my teeth have not cracked, I no longer have bad breath and the gums are pink and growing. It is all natural and consists of clove oil and such. There are 2 types you can get and I have tried both but prefer the stronger more concentrated as it does not sting and seems to do a much faster and better job.

Replied by Eva
(New York)

I am also using OraMD for about 4 months now, but I still see my gums red and sometimes bleeding. How long did it take for you to see improvement? I am getting desperate at not seeing results. Thanks for your input.

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Eva, I have a couple of suggestions. First, have you looked at oil pulling here on Earth Clinic? Many people have success with healing through oil pulling. It's a very simple process.


Also, in the past I have posted information from Nadine Artemis one of the leading voices in alternative mouth/ teeth health. Here is a link to audio interviews of her speaking on oral care:


The one called, "Tooth Truth" is really good! Hope this helps you. Lisa

Replied by Citygirl27
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)

Switch to oil pulling every day with coconut oil. Check out the OP section on EC for more info. Start out at 5 minutes and work your way up to 10 mins or more. I did this and it cleaned up bleeding, decay and recession in less than a week for me.

Ozonated Olive Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Angela (Seattle, Wa) on 07/20/2011

Hello -

Please post this as applicable. I would suggest it be added to the Gum Disease category.

I went to my dentist about my a painful spot on my gums. He said I had some inflammation there, and he prescribed me to apply a bit of ozonated olive oil to that spot using a dental stick. It worked very well! The ozone kills any bacteria and the pain was gone within days.

Propolis and Oil Pulling

Posted by Greg (Scarborough, Ontario, Canada) on 04/10/2009

I have great teeth apparently, but I'm having some issues with my gums right now, receding and all that, probably by not flossing, and brushing... but I want to know, has anyone ever tried mixing oil pulling with propolis? I get the sneaking feeling it would work VERY well.... but that's just me... I think I'm going to try it, unless someone shows me that it could kill me or something :P... but any feedback would be nice.

Replied by Che
(Roxas City, Philippines)

For gum and tooth issues bee propolis would do a big help to get rid of infection. Hi- Bee propolis from Australia is the one i tried not only for gum @ tooth but for any pain that you want to get rid of in few minutes . The one im telling you which can be taken internally is very effective.

Replied by No Name
(Anywhere, U.S.)

For "gum" problems, make sure you are getting enough Vit C, Vit D, Magnesium, Calcium, Vit K2 and Iodine...and you may need more than you think. "Gum" disease is really bone disease. Instead of the gums pulling away and then the bone receding and teeth coming loose, it is the other way around...bone recedes first, then pockets form that fill with plaque and bacteria, causing the bone to recede further, and so on. All the dental work in the world cannot correct nutritional deficiencies.

Replied by Coho
(Eureka, Ca.)

In regards to gum disease, gum disease has multiple causes it is not only bacteria getting under the gums and nutritional deficiencies, but also can be an immune response to collegenase and other enzymes caused by bacteria. It can also be caused by spirochetes not just strep mutants. Natural Cox inhibitors like tumeric, green tea, (many herbs are cox inhibitors)can all be beneficial taken on a daily basis along with good dental hygene and nutrition. If you have taken antibiotics and it hasn't helped much you may have spirochetes. Sarsparilla (smilax) is a specific for spirochetes. it needs to be taken as a tea as well as a rinse to see benefits.

You can purchase on line dental irrigators that get below the gum line into the pockets. Rinsing under the gum line frequently with baking soda, sea salt, HP, can help heal infection and also break up the irritating enzymes lurking under the gums. I have actually beaten a full on tooth ache by rinsing under the gumline. this was a toothache I was sure needed a filling or root canal. Going thru a half cup at a time repeatedly rinsing and also taking 1/2 teaspoon of echinacea tincture on the hour and drinking lots of fluids till it subsides then continuing taking a tsp echinacea 2xs per day for a week. I later had it checked out by my dentist and I had no infection and did not need a root canal or filling and had no gum infection. For toothache make a strong tea of meadowsweet and hold in your mouth for a few minutes also drink a cup. This works better for me better than any other pain killer.

Propolis in its raw form can be used as a temporary filling as well as for gum problems. I prefer raw or powdered propolis to tinctured because of the sticky gunk left on the teeth. I agree oregano oil and tumeric are good topically, but work better for me if i take it internally too.

Replied by Rob
(Manhattan, New York)

great recommendations..thanks. I would like to add to this, good ole fashion flossing and a gum stimulator. I often dab a little oregano oil on my thumb and forefinger and run the floss through it.

Raw Betel Nuts

Posted by GPM (Taichung, Taiwan) on 06/01/2009

All my gums have been receding and my teeth have been getting weak over a period of about 10 years, since a tooth cracked and I got a root canal. They are literally breaking up--I've had another root canal, and two-three more teeth will be cracking to the center within a short time.

One dentist said I brushed too often.
One dentist said I brushed too little.
One dentist said I brushed too hard.
One dentist said I brushed too soft...

None of them, or any others, had any clue what the disease/ condition is called, or what to do. (A few will, however, cut the roof off your mouth, then "paste" it around your teeth--putting you on the couch for a week and off of solids for three weeks--for a lot of money.)

I went to a doctor today, and he suggested I chew... BETEL NUTS. That's virgin betel nuts, before they've been doctored by the cute girls.

I'll see how that goes.

Too much milk is probably part of what made my teeth so bad. IIRC, exceeding two cups a day pulls calcium from the body.

EC: Interesting article called "The Betel Nut: An Emerging Public Health Threat?" regarding Betel Nuts and Oral Carcinomas:


Replied by Connie
(Manitowoc, Wisconsin/usa)

Throughout my adolescence I drank much more than two cups of milk a day (usually skim). I never had a single cavity until I was about 25 and began drinking diet soda and snacking during the day without brushing. Within months I had two cavities. I have heard, though, that fluoride may make bones brittle.

Replied by Machineghost

Sounds to be me like you need to use a remineralizing toothpaste. There is a natural one available at retail; you can find it by looking up "remineralisation of teeth" at Wikipedia and clicking on the fourth choice under "See Also".


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Gaiamuse (Massachusetts) on 07/03/2016

Resveratrol for Periodontitis and Gum Disease

Resveratrol! Either as Japanese Knotweed Powder (Polyganum) or Red Wine Extract. I am somewhat amazed by how miraculously well and quickly (in my case) this worked. Within days of using japanese knotweed extract, my teeth began to tighten up. (I had mostly 4's but a couple of 7 pocket depths in the front teeth.) And my dentist appt confirmed that my teeth were tighter. I had this suspicion that my gum disease was due in at least in part to constricted blood vessels. I had been a smoker for many years and only quit 2 years ago, but also felt that as I got older (I'm in my '60's) my circulation was not great. I had been working with massaging my gums in the morning when my teeth seemed looser -- and that would help. But once I took extract of Japanese Knotwood it happened pretty quickly. Turns out it's a vasodilator -- so in my case part of the problem would be reduced blood flow.

Hard for me to recommend a dosage because I'm hypersensitive and don't need much -- but I suspect using what's shown on the bottle in whatever form you use as a daily supplemental dose would be enough to see if you find a difference. (As a secondary benefit -- this also seems to have improved blood flow to my brain...I had felt the same way -- like the blood flow was constricted and I wasn't getting enough oxygen to my brain -- and this helped to clear some cobwebs.)

Robert's Tooth Powder Formula

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Robert (Manhattan, New York) on 07/06/2008

Healthy Teeth & Gums & ACV: I take ACV occasionally and recently after a few mornings of 2 tbsp mixed with water I developed a shooting intermittent nerve pain from an exposed area above a tooth where the gum has receded. I can't get to the dentist for a few weeks so I searched on the web for some help & came across this tooth powder recipe. In addition to staying away from acid foods, it seems to be helping..after a few days I no longer have the pain. I also added Myrrh & Bentonite Clay to the recipe. The Prickly Ash Bark gives a wonderful tingly sensation. Be sure to use an alkaline base vit C/Calcium formula. I used Sodium Ascorbate & Hydrilla (Natural Alkaline, plant with high Calcium) I think Ted is right on about acid & teeth health...& finally research on your own, be creative & trust your intuition.

Tooth Powder

3 parts baking soda
1 part sea salt
3 parts calcium-magnesium-vit c powder
3 parts finely ground prickly ash bark
1 part echinacea powder
1/2 part goldenseal powder
Optional: peppermint essential oil to taste

Combine the ingredients and shake well. Use about 1/4 tsp on a wet toothbrush.

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