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Baking Soda
Posted by Pam (Ca) on 12/15/2017

For bleeding gums,

you can try just putting baking soda on gums {where bleeding} for couple minutes and then rinse with water and swallow. I had bleeding gums and it did work.

Baking Soda
Posted by Macswelly (California) on 01/26/2017 3 posts

Editor's Choice Baking Soda: Bleeding Gums and Bad Breath

For bleeding gums, I take a measured tablespoon of dry baking soda, put it directly into my mouth and swish it around for a minimum of 5 minutes. (DON'T SWALLOW) Be careful (DO NOT GARGLE) with it in the back of your throat because the baking soda is to harsh in this concentrated form on the soft tissues of the back of the throat. Also be careful when putting the baking soda into your mouth, make sure you are breathing through your nose while taking it because if you are breathing through your mouth, while in the process of putting the baking soda into your mouth, you may accidentally inhale the powder through your mouth and it will get into your throat and block your airway. After doing this for 5 minutes or so spit it out and rinse and take your toothbrush and dry brush your teeth and tongue (TOOTHBRUSH AND WATER ONLY) until you feel a neutral clean feel in your mouth. Do this morning and night. Also be sure to floss, (BEFORE) doing this baking soda regiment. I also use my regular toothpaste, but I use it before I do the baking soda regiment and before I floss. So here is a quick simple step by step of what works for me.

1. Brush with regular toothpaste (brush tongue as well)

2. Floss (I like using waxed floss)

3. Baking soda regiment, as mentioned above.

For years I have had bleeding gums, mouth odor etc. This is the only thing that I have ever tried that worked. When I went for my last dental check up, my dental hygienist told me that the pockets in many of my gums shrank dramatically!!! Some went from 7's to 3's and 4's and I had only been using the above regiment for only 3 months. I am now looking forward to my next dental visit in March 2017 to see how much more healthy my gums are!!!

Baking Soda
Posted by Joe M (Usa) on 08/12/2015

Baking Soda is the cure all for your dental and mouth care. But you first need to understand how and why it works.

First let me mention what I used to use and what the condition of my mouth was. I am 43 years old. And I was raised as a "Crest kid". I thought my teeth looked good growing up. But it didn't keep me away from the dentist. I still got cavities. My teeth are food traps. So that made it even more difficult. But no matter how much I brushed, the problems would not stop.

I eventually suspected that toothpaste was not working at all. I began hearing about how Fluoride was toxic anyway. So I looked for alternatives. I had already been using baking soda for occasional stomach acid and washing hair. I also became aware that it helps get rid of cancer. And as it also turns out, baking soda was once a common cure for many health problems years ago. That is, until the political lobbyists worked to cover it up.

After some education, I realized that the reason baking soda is so marvelous for the human body is because it has a pH level that is very alkaline. And modern bodies are often very acidic due to the diet and water that is being supplied to the public these days. This affects hair, teeth, and every other part of the body. So baking soda basically fixes the pH for us. It helps cure cancer by making the body more alkaline, which will kill acid loving cancer. It helps hair by making it alkaline. So. When you wash it afterwards, using acidic shampoo, your hair will be more alkaline than it otherwise would be. And your hair will be more thicker and alive than ever. Baking soda helps your mouth by making it alkaline. Acid is what ruins your teeth.

I actually began using baking soda to brush my teeth more than two years ago. Every one of my mouth problems went away and never returned. Furthermore. Cavities that were starting came to a halt. They never worsened. The amazing thing here is that I only brush once a day. I still eat sweets more than ever. I basically wet my brush, stick it down into the baking soda, caking it on. I drip water drops on it until its full wet. Then spread it all around my teeth and then brush everything all through my mouth. I then take water into my mouth and swish and gargle well. Then spit. I do it once more to fully get out the baking soda. My mouth is then very alkaline. It then becomes IMPOSSIBLE for bacteria or any other monster to live in there ruining my teeth.

Now let me add. Do not fall for the gingivitis LIE. The dental industry is a big scam. They want your money. Its the same ole corporate/political scam to swindle the public. To keep us dumb. If everyone brushed with baking soda every day, most dentists would be out of business. Tooth decay cannot occur when your mouth is alkaline.

Baking Soda
Posted by Lkforster (Olympia, Wa) on 02/25/2013

Until a few years ago, I never had a single problem with my teeth or gums... Then, after a particularly nasty sinus infection, I began experiencing swelling and soreness in my upper right gumline. According to my dentist, I just needed to brush well and floss regularly-both things I was already doing, and my gums have only gotten worse. For example, I used to have to work floss up into my gumline in order to clean them properly-now, I can easily fit a gum pick into the spaces between my teeth, yet they don't feel as clean. Maybe I overdo it? Anyway, I have had success with other remedies from Earth Clinic, so decided to try Baking Soda for my gums after an especially sore week... Big difference! Instead of the throbbing at the end of the day, which I had become accustomed to, my gums feel like they used to. They also seem to feel a bit more "filled in", for lack of a better term... Not as roomy between my teeth at the gumline, and they don't seem as sensitive when I use floss now. I am following a simple plan that another reviewer suggested-a heaping tablespoon of baking soda, diluted with a small amount of water, swishing in the mouth for a minute, and not rinsing afterward. I am doing this after my morning brush and before bed. Very easy remedy, so I will be curious to see what my dentist thinks when I see him next. Thank you Earth Clinic!

Baking Soda
Posted by Honeybear (Atlanta, Ga) on 07/31/2012

Thanks for posting this. I had a flare up with swollen gums around my back right molar which seemed to make it difficult to chew at all. I have been very worried. Throughout the day yesterday I oil pulled with sunflower oil (2xs) and that began to bring it down and then once I read about the baking soda and water I tried that, swished it around and spit it out without rinsing and it seems to have worked like a charm. My mouth felt a lot better this morning. I will likely do it again today to get the inflammation down but all in all the pain has subsided too. Many many thanks!!!

Baking Soda
Posted by Jilbert57 (Brinnon, Wa, Usa) on 03/03/2012

Thank you for the baking soda tip. I have had a gum inflammation between two back molars and flossing and brushing hurts. Last night before bed I brushed my teeth and then took baking soda and water and swished it around and spit it out but did not rinse. I really can't believe that this morning my gum is normal. No ache, no swelling, I really can't believe it.

Baking Soda
Posted by Iris (London, Canada) on 11/06/2007

I have braces which means food gets trapped really easily but it is difficult to floss. As a result I have inflammed gums, which often bleed, despite brushing after every meal. ' Now I use a HUGE scoop of baking soda in a sip of water (so its like a runny paste) and swished it around in my mouth for a couple of minutes. My swollen gums went back to normal imediatly after and have stopped bleeding. It leaves a salty taste in my mouth but I avoid rinsing after the baking soda.
