Effective Natural Remedies for GERD Relief - Holistic Approach

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Beryl (London) on 06/26/2012

Hi - I've been suffering with digestive problems for some time now, belching, pain, and the doctor two months ago prescribed Lansoprozale, which for the first two weeks was very successful in relieving the symptoms and also vertigo which I'd had for three years, but then I started with dull pains in my back and arms, which I attributed to the Lansoprozale. So I had a two week break from it and, of course, the pains in my stomach and the vertigo returned. I tried again with the Lansoprozale and started with a nasty cough which disappeared after I stopped taking it. The doctor then put me on Omeprazole, and after just two capsules my throat felt as though it was swollen and my chest hurt.

I'm now wondering whether I have low stomach acid, though when I mentioned it to the doctor she dismissed the idea. However, today after experiencing stomach pain I took apple cider vinegar and got almost instant relief.

I've also been taking bentonite clay this last week, but I am wondering if I have low stomach acid whether taking the clay would make things worse, by removing what little acid I had from my stomach. Goji

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 06/28/2012

Hi Beryl, If you feel you have low stomach acid, add betaine hcl. You can take tablets when you eat. I read about it here on EC about a year ago and added it in because it just felt like my food would sit in my stomach for such a long time! That alone creates so many problems and according to my Traditional Chinese medicine doctor, is a root cause of many disorders that most people don't even associate with their digestion or lack of, I should say.

I don't think the bentonite clay would add to the low stomach acid. As a matter of fact, the benefits of bentonite clay are amazing! It always needs to be taken on an empty stomach and will help regulate your intestines, whether it is constipation, diarrhea, indigestion or even ulcers. Clay works to help heal the whole body so its benefits I think outweigh your fear of it causing low stomach acid. One thing you must be aware of though is that because it has such powerful binding abilities, you must separate any medication use from clay use by 3-4 hours.

Hope this information helps you make an educated decision. Take care, Lisa

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 06/29/2012

Hi Beryl... There is a very simple way to improve digestive problems. First, take both betaine HCL and pancreatin enzymes at mealtimes.

If you are low in stomach acid then keep increasing your bretaine hydrochloride tablets until you feel your stomach is too acid. Then cut back by one tablet and stay at this dosage until you again feel an acid feeling in the stomach. Keep cutting back like this until you no longer have to take the betaine.

Secondly, taking half a teaspoon of Sea Salt twice a day with water outside mealtimes will help to supply the the necessary chloride to help regenerate your stomach acid to proper levels again.

Bentonite clay should normally be taken outside mealtimes. It has a gentle action (I've used it) which helps to remove pathogens, heavy metals and toxins electrically from the intestines. The Bentonite clay particles have a negative charge which attracts positively charged heavy metals, pathogens etc which are thereafter safely excreted later.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Green Augustine (Mold, Denbighshire) on 05/16/2015 41 posts

Hello Biil, In one of your posts you suggested that a reader use Colostrum for healing Leaky Gut and Betaine for Gerd etc. According to another site I've looked at, it says that using Colostrum for any length of time causes over growth of cells because IGF-1 being pro growth can cause rapid cell division and thus cause cancer.Bengreenfieldfitness says that goat colostrum is better than taurine? But then he sells it on the web...... so how long would I need to take it safely for it to heal the gut and not cause cancer? At the moment I'm using Ted's formula of ginger, turmeric and cumin with each meal followed by bicarbonate of soda/baking soda about an hour after each meal and have done this for nearly 3 weeks and seem to have very few strong symptoms. Just a bit of palpitation sometimes in the morning and the occasional burp. But nothing compared to how it was before. I've tried slippery elm, cayenne pepper etc but they don't seem to help. I'd really appreciate your feedback on this as you seem to be very well informed. And thank you in advance for your valuable time. Earth blessings on you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/16/2015

Hi Green Augustine...If you're low on stomach acid or have GERD then you're body is probably low on chlorides. Your body needs chlorides(different to chlorine) in order to produce or manufacture sufficient amounts of stomach acid or hydrochloric acid. That's why taking Betaine HCL with protease enzymes should help you. The full protocol that I recommend for GERD/Low Stomach Acid problems is shown here. But if you have other digestive or intestinal issues as well then I would recommend that you take all the vitamins and minerals that are recommended in the above link. I also recommend Ted's method of taking bicarb + water an hour after meals. And if you also have palpitations then both the iodine and the magnesium recommended in the protocol should also help this problem.

Colostrum is well-known for healing a damaged or over-permeable intestinal wall. This is how it can heal Leaky Gut and cure allergies -- because it helps to heal the intestines. See the research on colostrum here.

A while ago I wanted to know exactly how well nutriceutical companies processed their colostrum products and which ones were the best because if their colostrum processing includes high heat and frequent use of chemicals then it will be an inferior product. The only company I found that actually published details about its colostrum processing method was Sovereign Labs brand(bovine colostrum) who appear to use minimal chemicals and low heat only in their processing. Here is their process details page. I have also looked up the Mt Capra brand of goats colostrum -- I couldn't find anything about how they(and many other brands) process their goat colostrum so that's why I do not recommend it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Green Augustine (Mold, Denbighshire) on 05/23/2015 41 posts

Hi Bill,

Thank you so much for explaining all about Colostrum and why you recommend Sovereign. Living in the UK and seeing the postage charges from The U.S, I did a bit of research using your guide lines and have had some great information from Neovite about their manufacturing processes which are well within your recommendation. I note that Sovereign also refers to Professor Playford's research in their reference section. He was commissioned by Neovite to do research on the product. The cows they use are free for heavy metals, chemicals and other nasties and the colostrum is processed at below 40 degrees And freeze dried so I hope it will be good. So thank you again for your time and patience in answering my queries. I also tested positive for colostrum and Betaine when my kinesiologist tested me though not for slippery elm, ACV or Kefir! Just goes to show one size doesn't always fit all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wplush (Honolulu, Hi, United States) on 05/25/2012

For the past year, I've been suffering from what I believe is acidosis. My medical doctors initially thought it was GERD, but couldn't find any significant evidence of GERD. I tried all medicines for GERD and even went through surgery to fix it with no avail. In the past year, I began breaking out in Eczema for the first time in my life. My current symptoms are a dull/burning pain in my stomach, throat, mouth, tongue, and lips. It's pretty constant throughout the day. I've read so many good things about ACV so I decided to try it. I've been using 2tps in water 3-4 a day for the past 10 days. My skin is slowling improving amazingly as my dermatologist just gave me a steriod cream which barely helped. The dull/burning pains in my stomach, throat, and mouth still remain but I believe it is linked. It could be inflammation or something similar. But the skin changes and digestive issues happened around the same time so that's why I think they are linked.

People of Earth Clinic, what do you think? Do you think my issues with my skin and the burning pains are related? How long do you think it will take for my body to get the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar? Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dud (Up The Creek In, Wv, USA) on 05/27/2012

Wild guess:

1] you are addicted to milk and drink it every day.

2] your body is in-tolerant of milk, and gives you a burning gut syndrome. [= inflamed intestines]

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jimmy (Janesville, Wisconsin) on 07/29/2011

So, I started taking Apple Cider Vinegar for my gerd and in 4 days it seems to working well areadly I take 2 tbs of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 tbs of honey in 160oz mountain water an sip it all day. My only problem is that tounge feels a lttle burnt and looks teared up and white is this normal?

General Feedback
Posted by Trammi (Trinidad, Trinidad And Tobago) on 05/27/2011

Hi all, I was diagnosed with GERD in April 2011. I was prescribed Omeprazole and Gasec. These did not make me feel any better. I developed cramps under my skin. A friend of mine recommended herbal treatments of Kangen water and wheatgrass tablets combined. I have improved greatly. The fast pulse rate, heartburn and short breath feelings I used to have, have lessened. This seems to be helping but lately I have seen bright red blood in my stool. Can anyone help with this please?

General Feedback
Posted by Mike (England) on 06/05/2014

Trammi....when you have excess acid it bloats you and presses on you vagus nerve ..this causes heartbeat craziness..and pain in centre of chest..there is nothing wrong really with your chest heart just pressure on the nerve causing th e symptoms....omeprazole with COLD water first thing in morning 15 mins before breakfast /cups of tea /coffee cure mine .. when in dire straits I use half tea spoon bicarbonate soda with half glass cold water mixed twenty minutes later relief...bicarbonate soda is an alkaline and dilutes the acid that is causing the bubblingin your gut which causes the probs....when you put alka seltzer in glass of water it fi=zzes like hell ..this is what is happening in your gut ...the bicarbof soda neutralise this fizzing

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by George (Suwanee, U S A ) on 03/25/2011

I put a tablespoon of it in about 7 oz of tart cherry juice that I was already taking for some heel pain, and I can barely taste the ACV. Guess you need to mix it w/ something of your choice .

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jtoz54 (Morris Plains, Nj) on 04/18/2011

The reason that the ACV made you feel nauseous could be that you are Salicylate Intolerant. I am. I am allergic to aspirin. Aspirin is a salicylate. It comes from the bark of the willow tree. All plants produce salicylates as a natural insecticide. So I am allergic to all fruit except bananas n peeled pears, most vegetables, coffee, tea, all vinegar ( except rice and malt) olive oil (I can have canola n sunflower oil) Mints, almonds and especially tomato sauce. So for my acid reflux I take 1/2 tsp baking soda in 1/2 glass water at night. After I gave up salicylates in two days all my symptoms were all better: migraines, dizziness, nausea, asthma, arthritis, dry eyes, nosebleeds and foggy headed feeling. A good book about this is "Salicylate Intolerance and The Healthier I Ate the Sicker I Got".

I will probably look into the test for the pylori bacteria in stomach and the pills with hydrochloric acid sounds plausible too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Paigeinphilly (Philly, Pa) on 05/18/2011

I was diagnosed with GERD a couple of yrs back.. The first thing the Dr. wanted me to do was to get on meds and quit all of my fave foods and drinks... NO..... So I did research, saw so many positive reviews for ACV... Tried it... Felt like gagging... So I switched to ACV tablets... You can find them in every heath store and even WalMart for only a couple of bucks... This has been a heaven send... I have been GERD free for yrs...naturally.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Horrorvacuii (Brooklyn, Ny, Usa) on 09/27/2011

Michelle! I'm another Michelle from NYC, also 26, also diagnosed this summer (with LPR/silent reflux). I feel slightly better knowing there are two of us. ;)

I've made insane dietary changes. I have basically been reduced to smoothies and basic non-acidic foods. I drink green smoothies with banana and also 2 tablespoons of olive oil each morning/night, followed by a combo of honey and tumeric paste. The olive oil is anti-inflammatory and helps sooth the throat, though my symptoms are less about soreness and more about the lump-in-throat feeling and excess mucus.

I take ginger, garlic, and echinacea pills each day, drink tons of water, and have started light dance classes again to relieve stress. Since being diagnosed my anxiety has gone through the roof (long process of not knowing what it was/being misled by doctors/being misdiagnosed and put on the wrong meds... horrible summer) and that doesn't help the healing process.

My mother had some version of this at my age and she recommended the ACV. I am now drinking 3 cups of water with 2 TBSP per day, and 90% of my symptoms are gone including pain in my throat and the burning sensation in my chest after eating. I hope that's enough relief for my body to start healing--but I don't plan to change my diet back to normal any time soon.

I did buy one awesome book that shed so much light on this condition for me, and has a ton of GERD/LPR friendly recipes that are really delicious. It's called "Dropping Acid" and it's a cookbook/text book. Easy for people who aren't scientists to understand exactly what's going on inside of them.

I know how miserable this condition is (I work in nightlife and fashion, and it's made me feel like an isolated lab experiment). Good luck to everyone. Xx

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susan (Cupertino, Ca) on 10/07/2011

ACV can not cure acid reflux. It makes it worse. I personally expericed it. It makes the buring sensation even worse. Indigestion is due to low acid in the stomach so ACV may help. Acid Reflux is the opposite, too much acid in the stomach, ACV is really bad for it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Erika (Arlington, Virginia) on 10/21/2011

I was unexpectedly diagnosed with silent reflux after going to an ENT for a regular voice checkup in August of this year '11. (I'm a singer) I was also just beginning to see a little blood when I brushed my teeth in the morning. All this time I thought the bleeding came from my gums not my esophagus. He diagnosed it as a severe case of acid reflux and put me on a high dosage of Lansoprazole (before meals) and Ranitidine (bedtime).

After about a week I began to develop symptons e.g. numbness in fingers, high heart rate etc. Someone introduced me to "Dropping Acid- The Reflux diet Cook book and Cure" by Koufman, Stern & Bauer. The book gives the acid and ph levels of many foods so I followed their guidelines. I eventually dropped the medication for symptoms stopped and I was afraid the meds may have a detrimental effect. The book is absolutely wonderful!! I plan to stick with this regiment for the rest of my life. I have never felt better and I am losing weight without trying. It revealed not only the usual culprits e.g. caffeine, chocolate, tomatoes etc. but also revealed less known culprits such as peppermint, carbonated drinks and sometimes cucumbers (depending upon your personal makeup) Everyone's toleration is at different levels when eating certain borderline foods such as cucumbers. I determined cucumbers were not good for me during this healing stage because it was the only thing I ate one evening and then side effects occurred that night.

I had a setback last week when I travelled out of town for 4 days. I ate airport food and my host's food. I had just started Mag Relax (powder form), which is great by the way, for muscle spasms and didn't realize it was loaded with acid. I also failed to follow the directions to mix with 'cold' water instead of room temperature. Yesterday, the old acid symptoms returned again. Lesson learned.... know the content of your vitamin supplements and prepare for out of town trips.

Thru my previous victory, I am still so very encouraged that I and many others can beat this! The jury is still out on ACV. I've tried it off and on. Some say to drink it diluted WITH a meal while others say to drink in the morning or in between meals. Again, I need a scientific explanation to fully embrace the idea.

Thank you all for your postings. This site is wonderful!


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 10/22/2011

Erika, I had a quick read of the reviews of the book you mentioned. I don't think they are giving you the right advice at all. Acid Reflux is caused by a LACK of acid in your stomach not too much acid. If as told in the book you eat lots of alkaline foods you are still not fixing the problem. If you don't have enough acid in your stomach the acid won't be able to digest the foods properly and your body won't be able to absorb nutrients properly.

Iodine regulates acid in your stomach. You are probably deficient in iodine and that is why you have a problem in the first place. Iodine is needed by the whole body. Deficiencies cause many many problems including acid reflux.

Google Dr. Flechas on youtube talking about the lack of iodine and how it relates to stomach acid. The lack of iodine is what causes the throat cancers and stomach cancers according to Dr. Flechas. It also causes endometrial cancer (which starts off as endometriosis)...

The reason ACV works is because it puts back acid into the stomach which helps digest the food. It then breaks down to an alkaline after digestion but it still doesn't fix the deficiency. The same with lemons. Google "why stomach acid is good for you"...

You will get lots of problems down the track if you don't fix what sounds like an iodine deficiency.

If the author Dr. Kaufmann has been studying reflux for decades why does she not mention iodine deficiency or that reflux is caused by a lack of stomach acid?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Nanie (Manila, Philippines) on 02/27/2011

Thanks for this website I managed to stop my GERD by using cheap and simple solutions like apple cider vinegar and baking soda. I am now trying also the mixture of apple cider, honey and garlic which I also found in one website calling it "magic potion" and can cure so may ailments.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joanne (Keller, Tx) on 05/21/2010

Please help me... I stopped taking a gerd med. I started drinking the unpurified apple cider vingegar. I got sick with a bug recently and had to go to an instant care...they gave me an anti naus. med. The specialist is upset with me for stopping the gerd meds he recommended. He says I shouldnt be drinking the unpurified vinegar as its acid and I have too much acid in my system. I have been drinking about one oz to 8oz of water a day...Sometimes, I do it twice a day..mostly once a day...when I have an attack or so, then I increase. I have been doing real good..stayed off the meds for months.

Please help me out...I read the site's new recommendations and will try the new dose...the gerd meds cause a number of problems as I have been reading.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa) on 05/22/2010

Those gerd meds are terrible things from what I have read...They keep you from digesting anything...which means you are not getting much nutrition out of the foods you eat.

If you had been off the meds for months, and been okay...well, doesn't it stand to reason that you may have picked up some kind of a flu bug?

Personally, I think that that specialist isn't all that special. I would look for a more forward thinking doctor if I were you. Best of luck Joanne!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anchorman (Lanc., Pa) on 05/25/2010

Joanne, Been on meds for 20 years. I started taking half the meds 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda with the 2 Tablespoons of ACV and 8oz. water after every meal and take a ginger capsule once a day. Try introducing everything slowly. Some people are giving up too quick. Aloe drink might help. Good luck.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joanne (Keller, Tx) on 06/29/2010

Hi.. back again. I figured out what set off my attack. I was taking some eye vitamins. They are a good product and my eye dr. liked them..He is great and hates those gerd pills...Well, I really got sick with my intestines etc...I read the replies and decided tonight to start on my unpurfied acv again before bed. I have had an ultra sound of my gut..seems spasms and stress...I am having the stomach test where they put the camera down me...I have done alot of reading. anyone hear about orange peel extract for gerd...cant use with uclers tho. Acidophilus I read is supposed to be good for gerd too. I read about breathing with abs area too. I know the vinegar worked for me before. I started drinking it in june of 09...Then I reached a point I didnt drink it all..I thought I was cured. This last sunday, when I took the eye vit, it burned. And it was then when it hit me....What had I changed in may...today is the first day of no eye vit, and I am drinking my vinegar as I type this out.

I want to thank you for responding to me. I am not going to say much to the specialist when I see him. Someone just suggested let your primary doctor know and leave it at that.. I dont understand why so many allopath drs refuse to believe in anything but pills.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Luvfishin (Charleroi, Pa) on 01/08/2011

In response to... "I dont understand why so many allopath drs refuse to believe in anything but pills."

it's all about the money.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sam (San Jose, Ca, United States) on 09/21/2011

Because without Pills doctors and Pharmacy will be out of business. Who will pay for there million dollar homes and Mercedes-Benz? I have had bad heartburn for past 7yrs now. Been taking all sorts of heartburn medicine. It just relieves the pain but I feel other problems with fatigue and joints hurting problems.

I just started taking ACV with Gatorade or 2tsp Apple Cider Vinegar with 1tsp raw honey and 8 oz of water.

I feel much better after only 4 days of taking it. I will continue to take this until all my symptoms are gone. Not all doctors out there care about patience, they only care about what health insurance you carry.

I think the best is to read true stories and testomonies about natural remedies cure and try it for yourself.

Posted by Aara (Washington, Dc) on 12/27/2009

I'm pregnant 32 weeks, and had started to feel GERD-like discomforts from 2 weeks before. (I didn't know it was GERD then of course - until yesterday) I thought it was gas, as that was what the Ob-Gyn had said it was, and abstained from eating my favorite Fuji Apples - (apples supposedly cause more gas) only for the reflux to become increasingly worse, especially at night when bile and acid would travel from my stomach up through the esophagus and lodge its acidity into my throat. (Sleeping on both left or right side didn't matter at this point)

It had gotten so bad at one point that I thought I was drowning from my own acidic bile/saliva that would travel up my mouth and nose. I didn't know what was happening to me and the fear was immense, when I decided to research on the exact things I was feeling (not assume it was gas, but acid taste in throat) when I was led to this Earth CLinic site and realized GERD is what I have and NOT just plain ol' pregnancy-belching-gas.

I had of course tons of apples at home, and ate 1/2 a Fuji delish apple and for not having slept for two days, I was exhausted, and not only was I able to just sleep (with head raised a little on left side), the acidic taste in throat and esophagus was gone by the time I fell asleep, and the next morning I'm as good as new!

APPLES REALLY work! and I'm back to my happy-easy-pregnancy again!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dylan (Phoenix, Az, United States) on 11/27/2009


Apple Cider Vinegar has sort of helped me: 2 tblspoons a day, 8 oz. of water, 3 times a day.

However, I'm wondering why a lot of posters in the "acid reflux" section do not mention whether they have a couple cases of acid reflux here and there, or GERD, which is chronic acid reflux. There is a big difference, especially when a person posts that ACV has "cured" their acid reflux. Perhaps it did for them, but they may not have had GERD, only mild acid reflux.

I personally have GERD, and I've found that everything, including the ACV, only helps temporarily. I'm getting fairly desperate and worried about my esophagitis (a disease that commonly occurs with GERD that I wish had a section of its own on the Earth Clinic website). I've made dietary changes (cut out coffee, any tea but herbal non-caffienated tea, no greasy foods, etc.) and I think I'm going to cut out most carbs also; see if that helps.

I've taken Zantac (worthless), Protonix (pathetic), and Prilosec (mostly worthwhile, but kind of nasty side effects). I've heard Prevacid and Aciphex are good, but I would also like to stay away from prescription medications if possible; especially since they only stop the problem for a period of time.

For those who'd like to talk to me about their GERD symptoms and what they've done to help themselves, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected].

I'm only 24 years old, healthy (except for GERD), slim/close to thin, and feel like an old person. Any information is greatly appreciated.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jackie (Arizona, U.S.A.) on 10/27/2009

I have recently been diagnosed with GERD and was prescribed omeprazole. While this works in a limited way (with extreme dietary changes), I was searching for a natural alternative because I do not like taking prescription meds. I did a search and found this web-site. Because so many people recommended apple cider vinegar, I tried it yesterday and I did notice a difference in my acid after eating. I took 1 tbsp ACV with 8 oz of water and 1 tsp of honey. I think I will increase the honey a little to help disguise the taste. I think I will also be making salad dressing with the ACV. I have been belching a lot which is a good sign that the acid is being neutralized. I am going to continue on this because I understand that it will work better with time. I will write again and update my progress. This is great. Thank you all a million times over for your help!

Posted by Vicky (Manila, Philippines) on 08/13/2009

Hi there! For those who are suffering from Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) I also suffered for more than 5years and underwent with hi-tech laboratories and spend thousands of money, time and effort but noting seems to no avail. I was having reflux, feeling of bloated; vomiting from time to time especially when my stomach was full, back pain, chest pain, pain on shoulders and heart burning and what is worse is halitosis. Most of the doctors prescribe medicines to cure the acid reflux without even caring for other possible causes of it. I asked and consulted few doctors who examined me for another opinions but I was so disappointed that they just copied what the other doctor said. Without further explanation of possible immune deficiency or vitamins, they just prescribed antibiotics and high dosage of medicines which I eventually had skin inflammation just last year. It is the reaction of my body due to taking strong and excessive antibiotics. I FELT SO HOPELESS so I studied the reasons why I had reflux everyday.

At first I just ignored these symptoms because I thought I was just gaining weight from petite to chubby one. What I remember was I drink sterilized milk everyday and eat foods that contain milk and dairy products. I also had yogurt in my daily diet. Indeed, I am very cautious with myself so finding cure was my greatest battle. I drink and smoke frequently for years and quit for good. Here are the solutions and explanation I made for myself and hope will help you too.

1. The reason why people felt starving just an hour ago after meal is they go to bed when their stomach is full, and in the next morning they felt their stomach much empty, so much hungry that about to lose their consciousness, is the long habit of going to bed with full stomach. Another pain is they got stomach cramp. IT SHOULD BE ATLEAST 2 TO 3 HOURS before going to bed AFTER MEAL.

2. Dyspepsia is nearly the same to bloated, burping and feeling of heavy stomach that is full of air. There are many medicines over the counter to take before each meal. Another option I took was to eat plenty of vegetables which are rich in fiber to digest the food easily. Drinking water while eating will lessen the ability of the stomach to dissolve food but of course excessive acid will tend to acidity which is another story. Drink water only after meal. Another reason for dyspepsia is the slow moving of our intestines which we could get from the fried items and other dairy products.

3. The acid comes from the stomach when it goes up to the esophagus is cancerous because it damages the tissues. The only cure I have done and worked for me till now is to drink half glass of dissolve instant oatmeal without flavor with small amount of sugar; I do it everyday before taking my breakfast. I honestly cannot avoid fried chicken so I maintained eating it but the acid in my stomach had gone because of the oatmeal. Soft drinks and other juice drink can trigger the stomach cramp which is the cause of the air trap in the stomach. Also avoid sour food and unripe mango. Orange is ok.

4. Another reason for acid reflux is the inability of the stomach track to close (like anus) on the time it has to be that is why the acid spill out to the esophagus. In addition to heart burn will appear when the stomach was full with air (like the feeling of bloated), our diaphragm cannot function well especially if we lay down in bed in this condition. If you suffer from heartburn, lay on bed not leveling your whole boy, it should be in the upward position or put many pillows at the back of your head up to your chest.

Now, I was able to solve my GERD, halitosis is my big problem. I read on this site that our saliva should have maintained its PH level. I have in mind the possible cure. I'll give it a try. By the way, Hydrogen peroxide might increase the hairy tongue problem. HP really works instantly just for few minutes after rinse but not for long hours and the bad odor comes back after a while.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by G (High Point, NC) on 05/22/2009

Julie, forget the Dr's and trust what WORKS. If ACV has worked for you in the past then continue using it. After I was diagnosed with GERD I tried 5 different prescription PPI's and they were all like poison to my body. Within 10 days of using ACV I was pretty much cured. I couldn't freakin' believe it! That was well over a yr ago and now I use the ACV only once every 2-3 days. I also have Barrett's Esophagus (from the GERD is what my Dr. told me) and when I went for an EGD 3 months ago the Dr. couldn't believe that the Barrett's had regressed big time and what he called "a remarkable turnaround".

Do what works, not as you're told. Try increasing the amount of water you take with each dose of ACV.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary (Alameda, California) on 10/06/2009

Julie, your symptoms are those described as side effects on meds such as aciphex. I have GERD and have taken aciphex for years. I recently was told by my Dr. to double the dosage. I have started getting hives, rash, and itching. I looked these up and discovered that I probably am getting an allergic reaction to the aciphex. I have stopped taking it. While doing my research, your symptoms kept coming up as side effects by many people who were taking meds for acid reflux. Google side affects for whatever meds your taking. I don't know what website had all the comments by people who had side affects that doctors were saying they could'nt get. Yet, the number of people speaks for themselves. Good luck, Mary

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Athomemom56 (Saint Paul, Mn) on 12/05/2009

Can someone please tell me what time of day to take the ACV, and do you take it at the same time as Zantac? Does taking them together have any negative or positive effects? BTW, I take my Zantac in the morning and in the evening.

Posted by Rachel (Chicago, IL) on 03/10/2009

Does anyone know which is the best type of apple for GERD? Several have been mentioned. I wonder which is best.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gil (Niagara Area, Canada) on 11/29/2008

Wondering if anyone has ever had chest pains from Gerds? I used to take Fosamax for a few years until it made me have acid reflux. I was diagnosed with Gerds about 5 years ago. I am on two Prevacids a day and most times they don't work. I had heard about the ACV a few years back but was afraid to try it in case it would make things worse. I don't do well with plain vinegar, so why would this be any different? I was in so much pain this week, that I picked up a bottle of the plain stuff last night @ the grocery store. I only took a half a tsp in 8 ounces of water with a little maple syrop and I am feeling a bit better.

What troubles me is the chest pains. I have never had them so bad. It was burning in both breast bone area and also in my upper chest. A bit of pain in my right arm as well. I think it is all related to the acid. Has anyone had similar problems?? Was also nauseated @ the beginning of the week when this all started being so bad. It woke me up just sortly after 1 pm. I have IBS as well as Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, so I never know what is happening. I see some people on here use organic ACV. Is it better than other types??

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gil (Niagara Area, Canada) on 11/30/2008

Have been taking ACV for two days now. I have been taking two tbsps in a 8 ounce bottle of water with honey and sipping @ it all day long. I have noticed that it is helping somewhat. I have been getting gas after drinking it and bad cramps. Also now i have pains in the pit of my stomach. Has anyone else had these reactions and should I be taking it only in the morning and @ night? Could it be also that it isn't organic ACV?? Please, any feedback would be apreciated!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shawn (Toronto, On) on 12/08/2008

In response to Gill: I used to have horrible chest pain and throat pain from reflux, esp. at night. I started sleeping with 2 pillows. That helped. I tried ACV by itself and mixed with a bit of baking soda--the latter worked best. But the best thing that worked was changing my diet--no processed food, only whole food. I drink a lot of green tea, no coffee anymore. I eat mainly vegetarian. If I eat fatty foods, I have a hot liquid with it to help digest it.

I also had fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue as well as some lupus-like symptoms about 8 years ago. I decided against prednisone and instead researched alternative approaches. Along with eating a balanced whole food diet, I added fish oil/flax oil and turmeric capsules, which both reduce inflammation--I highly recommend both. It took around 5 years in total of being dedicated to my health, but I'm proud to say that I'm now free of all those health issues. The only thing left is occasional IBS and heartburn, which I treat by lightening my diet, having lots of warm liquids and using ACV with baking soda when desperate. What I learned was: Prevention works better than treatment. Good luck.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sharayah (Castro Valley, CA, USA) on 12/16/2008

It's very important to go to your health food store and get organic ACV with the "mother". Buying ACV from the grocery store is made more for pickling and salad dressings etc. I first drank some of this and it tasted very foul and gave me very bad cramps and heartburn. Switch to the health food ACV and you will be OK.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Becky (Yamhill, Or) on 07/16/2010

Gil, a number of years ago I came home from work with severe chest pains. I finally told my husband and he took me to the hospital out of fear it might be a heart attack. After thousands of $$$ of testing, my heart was fine and they ruled it as acid reflux. So I take daily Omeprazole. I am starting tonight with Organic ACV, because it has natures "mother" in it which is benefical. From what I have read it is also good for your skin, washing with it starting with the feet and working up. This is an inside out product.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Frank (Potomac , MD USA ) on 11/08/2008

I was Rx Nexium that control my symptoms for awhile but if I stopped the medication I was back in pain. I also had a hard time lying flat on my back to sleep. I also got to a point that I had to eliminate certain foods from my diet. I read the messages on this site and was impressed. I tried taking the ACV 2 table spoons in a glass of water . After 2 weeks I stopped the Nexium and I no longer need any medication, I am back eating anything I want , I breath better , I sleep flat on my back without any problems. Im a physician myself and I think the current medical analysis and cause of GERD is wrong. I think the cause is either
1. Low Stomach Acid Production " under production "
2. Yeast infection
3. Unkown Parasite

Item 1 is less likely I think its either 2 or 3 , the ACV kills the organisim over a 1-2 week time period . Just my thoughts . ACV has saved my way of life . Thank God for sites like this!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carolyn (South Bar, Cape Breton Nova Scotia Canada) on 11/01/2008

Thank heavens for finding this site... my birthday is on Oct. 31st and I was in dire pain from GERD just been diagnosed .. hadnt picked up my meds yet and went to WED to research Holistic REM... well mixed the ACV with water and it burned going down but after that I felt much better... it is next day and am not experiencing any burn at all... so will keep you posted Thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Fishers, IN) on 10/07/2008

ACV: I have suffered Gerds for years and have been on Nexium, Prilosec and PRevicid. I eat ante acids like they are candy...I decided to try this remedy the other day and it felt a little better, but then I started getting an unbelievable burning in my stomach. I am still taking tums and I am currently trying not to take this other medicine. Doctor has me on zantac, not sure what to do. How much time is needed on this, it literally feels like my stomach is on fire. I want off of Nexium because I think it is causing my vertigo....anyone else have vertigo issues???

EC: How much apple cider vinegar did you use? Was it well diluted with water? Was it an organic brand? More details needed, please!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bev (Seattle, WA) on 01/18/2009

Not only will Proton Pump Inhibitors cause vertigo, they also cause headaches...for me...migraines! I'm referring to Prevacid, Nexium, Prilosec, etc. I took Prevacid for almost 3 years, went off of it and didn't have a migraine for 10 months. When I started coughing up bile my doctor told me to go back on Prevacid. On the 3rd day of taking Prevacid I ended up with a migraine that lasted 2 days. It was awful. I've since gone off the Prevacid and am now using what Ted talks about: 2 Tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar, 1/4 teaspoon of soda mixed in 1/2 glass of water. I took it after I ate this afternoon and can't believe how much better I feel. Thank you Earth Clinic and Ted for your time and insight!
