Effective Natural Remedies for Gallstone Relief and Prevention

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Carolyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/10/2015

About 3 months ago I started getting reflux off and on. 2 weeks ago I came down with a heavy cold, and about 6 days ago the reflux got really bad and I also had gallbladder pain. I have had gall bladder pain before, several years ago and cured it then with a liver diet, and grapefruit juice and olive oil.

With a bad cold, reflux and gall bladder pain I decided that my first line of attack needed to be my cold.

About 4 days ago I got serious with the cold cure- cod liver oil- 1 desert spoon full, Rose Hip Vital- 3 capsules, colloidal silver- 1 dessertspoon full and olive leaf extract- 1 dessertspoon full. I did this about 4 times per day, away from food.

In between, I also took about a desert spoon full of casa casa seeds in water about 3 times per day. They are a special type of poppy seed that I get from the Indian grocery store. You put them in water and they go gluggy and expand. After 2 days of this treatment my cold was quite a bit better as I had expected....but the funny thing is that my reflux and gall bladder pain has COMPLETELY disappeared!

I don't know what did it, but knowing how difficult to treat and common reflux and gall bladder problems are, I would say this cure is worth pursuing for anyone in pain and discomfort.

Chanca Piedra
Posted by Lottiecandy (Singapore) on 07/21/2016

I just bought some chanca piedra since I am feeling some pain under my right breastbone.. it's 500 mg per capsule. I am currently taking 3 caps a day.. do you think that's enough to dissolve the stones?? how many a day is recommended? Please advise. thanks

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gbear (N. Calif., US) on 03/12/2015

In a emergency short of ER, if there are stones stuck in the duct, I have used 1200mgs., (milligrams), of Magnesium Citrate which relaxes the opening to pass the stones. A Harvard study & Amer.Journal of Epidemiology showed "5 or more units of nuts per week (frequent consumption) had a significantly lower risk of gallstones". Juicing beets with tops is good maintenance as is 2-3 Tbsps. of lecithin granules daily with meals. Digestive enzymes are good before meals & less expensive is a spoon of sauerkraut with meals, homemade is easy.

An 'old' simple remedy I've used is to cut up a whole lemon including the rind/skin, add 1-2Tbsps. olive oil, 2-3 cloves of garlic, in a blender, & blend till milky & smooth. May add water to thin. Strain through a wire mesh & drink. Stay away from foods that aggravate stone production. Add to the diet burdock root, parsley, milk thistle dried as tea or pick the entire plant if grows locally, clean & lightly steam for vegie use. Eat more fiber & apples are good for the pectin & malic acid. Don't forget daily 'clean' water. Make magnesium chloride solution, NOT epsom salts, from Dead Sea salts or equivalent.Take 1/2 cup boiled RO or distilled water & dissolve 1/2 cup mag. chloride salts in the water.Stir until clear, store in a mason jar. Apply, when cooled, to gallbladder area when feeling stone probs. This solution may be diluted with water if it stings the tender skin areas & can be used on other painful body parts to relieve pain. It may also be placed in a spray bottle for easy application. Sometimes there are problems absorbing calcium which boron helps with, low dose, in a 'general' mineral supplement. Keeping the body alkaline avoids using the body's own bone minerals to buffer acids, which contribute to stone formation.

Vinegar and Honey
Posted by Heather (Cincinnati, Ohio ) on 04/27/2014

I have recently been dealing with gallstone pain after indulging in certain foods. Last night I was in a panic with terrible pain and on the verge of visiting the ER. I have visited this site before for the kidney stone remedy, with great success and decided to try the vinegar remedy. However, I only had white vinegar at 11pm at night. I decided to try it mixed with water and honey. IT WORKED!!!!! Thank you!

Banana Stems
Posted by Suji (Kerala, India) on 10/27/2013

Banana Stem (available in Indian stores) is a great remedy for gallstones. Can be eaten raw or cooked. If eating raw, slice it thin and eat it. Remove the fibery stuff that comes when you slice.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Rachel (Valley Park, Mo) on 09/18/2013

Hi, I read here about the Epsom salt together with lemon, olive oil and apple juice for Gallstone flush. Can you pls let me know where I can buy the Epsom salt coz the Epsom salt that I have been looking on the internet are for bathing, not edible. Thanks! Rachel

General Feedback
Posted by Jotay (Mishawaka, In) on 08/15/2013

I was diagnosed with gallstones today and told I need to get my gallbladder out. They wanted to schedule me with a surgeon. I said no, I want to wait. I don't have insurance, but mainly I don't want surgery!

I have read so much on here and everyone seems to have horrible pain. I haven't had bad pain. All I really have is a miserable icky feeling in my upper stomach. Like I ate a huge meal and it is just sitting there... Sometime feels rancid. It's truly awful. I dont read on here about anyone else experiencing this. So a part of me is wondering if my symptoms are something else, aside from the stones.

I asked the nurse on the phone the if the stones were big and she called me back after talking to the dr and said he didnt say. Gotta love that. So I have no idea.

I have terrible back pain regularly and don't sleep well on normal nights so the cleanse concerns me because I cant lay still or sleep. So how do I do that. Also what if the stones are big? will I be able to pass them?

So many questions.... Any advice?

General Feedback
Posted by Ed2010 (Canada) on 08/16/2013

Try the following juice therapy in any fashion.


Drink at least 2 litres of juice daily, combination of un pasteurized apple juice, lemon juice, tamarind juice, Apple cider vinegar with water. Drink 1 chanca piedra tea daily, to break the stone. Gall stone pain will symptom in pain starting from right chest to the back. Also, cramp and pain starting from right shoulder till the forearm. Take rest for the whole week as you will be continuously peeing when you are in juice therapy. This is a very safe therapy and you will not loose any minerals as you are replenished with minerals from apple juice, lemon juice, carrot juice. Good Health

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Anna B (Charlottesville ) on 11/21/2021

Flushes DO work—I did 5 so far and they kept me from a gallbladder surgery and returned my vitality!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Steve (Nv) on 03/25/2018

I hope this clears it up about gallstones:


Soluble Fiber
Posted by Stevenson (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 03/19/2013

Rei, thanks for your info. I will read the links you posted tonight, but don't be discouraged. I have read so many pages about all the things we should not eat as they will give us more problems with gallstones etc etc and I just decided that I don't want to restrict myself that way. I should be able to eat healthy food and not just cut away everything that seems ok to eat. By stumbling on the legumes regime, it made the most sense to me and has worked wonders that I could have never imagined for my body. The results speak for themselves.

As far as having a hard time eating more than the beans, well, I just mixed my veges, fruit etc in the bean portions so when I had the six times a day beans, it also included everything else I needed, so I was just fine. It takes a little bit of discipline, but not much. Every other day, I had a little oats with blueberries as well, as I was already full from my bean dishes.

Soluble Fiber
Posted by Carole (Bury Village, West Sussex,, England) on 03/20/2013

You have certainly posted a lot of relevant information which I have only had time to quickly scan. I will read more thoroughly at the weekend. Some of the information is completely at odds with other comments I have read.

As to tamarind.... it was posted here and when I looked it was good for 'gallbladder disorders' and also for lowering cholesterol.

I settled get confuddled by all the information.

As to eating the beans.... I find it hard to eat the six portions spread throughout the day.... Which is complete contradiction to the protocol I had just started.... Trying to reduce the number of smaller meals to 'encourage the gallbladder to fill completely between meals.

As to coffee.... consumption of moderate amounts of coffee (weith or without caffeine) and/or other herbs that promote bile flow.

I will comment further when I have read all your postings... thank you.

Gallby has done exceptionally well! Wish he had the scan though.

p.s. Having problems typing this up - not sure what will appear?

Soluble Fiber
Posted by Stevenson (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 03/20/2013

Rei, thanks again for the links you posted. My scan is April 8, so lets see what it shows and then go from there I guess. Dr. Oz this week talked about soluble fiber and just how important it is for us and my case confirms this too. He mentioned I think it was one week a month to go a week with as much soluble fiber as you can, so he must know something those links you posted perhaps missed?

The internet can drive me nuts sometimes as there will always be someone somewhere bashing everything that is healthy for us, so I do my best to try and keep an open mind and use good reason and go from there.

Soluble Fiber
Posted by Rei (Venice, Fl, Usa) on 04/15/2013

Stevenson & Carole,

It's been a quite some time since I've been here. I was doing well on the bean protocol, but fell off the bandwagon about 2 weeks ago. Here in the US it's "tax time", so my schedule has been ridiculous to say the least (I am a bookkeeper w/several clients). Today is the deadline, and I just remembered to file for myself!

Although I fell off schedule, I have managed to have beans every day. I've cleaned up my diet pretty well, adding tons of fresh raw veggies, Quinoa, and I have had very little animal products. In the last month, I've had a 2 meals with actual animal meat, per se. I had a few shrimp one night and some chicken another. Up until this weekend, I have felt complete relief of any nagging pain and discomfort. Then came the pizza, with all the cheese and fat. I paid dearly for that move. Obviously I need to get back on the bean protocol full force. It's a shame really, had I stuck with it completely I would be in the last segment of it.

Carole, how are you doing with things? Any noteable changes for you?

Stevenson, did you get your results back from the scan?

I've added raw beets to my food intake yesterday, after that horrid attack. Perhaps that will help me as well. Who knows...

Soluble Fiber
Posted by Carole (Bury Village, West Sussex,, U.k.) on 04/16/2013

Hi Rei! My gb area seems fine.... If you see my post re heartburn you will see I have now started a different set of problems! ?!

I did 5 weeks of the high legume protocol and don't know if that has contributed to the heartburn problem as legumes are acidic ? So having a week off from lots of beans and then will have another go. Was waiting to hear from Stevenson- see how things went with the scan.

I didn't really get any useful feedback from Karen Hurd.... whether there is any evidence of the legume therapy actually working.

The only thing I can say from your post.... At least you know that you can do better! And what foods still create problems!

I'll let you know what my gb surgeon says after Friday. I really want to keep the gb. Sadly I was turned down for the Chinese surgery because of my wonky thyroid issues. My U. K. Surgeon says he can perform surgery to remove the stone.... But doesn't recommend it because of the increased risk of bile leakage!

I don't know some days..... what else is there to try?

Take care.


Apple Juice
Posted by Liz (Hollywood, Ca.) on 02/21/2013

I was doing very well prior to slipping back into eating out. Little by little it seems to build and bam, attack!! The Stone has been released!

I noticed that table bread for me in any amount should be avoided at all cost. I also noticed that excessive fat content in one or two meals in a day will bring it on.

I am doing a flush now with Organic Apple Juice. I drink warm/hot water in the morning with Lemon Juice. I am sticking to mostly vegi's and rice during the Flush. I am doing this Flush with the help of a Dr and a Nutritionist. I am taking a bile thining supplement. I am tying to eat healthy fat and do not have an issue with Real Organic Butter or Salt in moderation with vegi's. I did this flush before and flushed many Stones. Yet, it dawned on me after eating a slightly escallating amount of trigger foods which I am probably also alergic to, I was passing a stone. The Apple Juice is a miracle disolvent for Stones. After an attack rest your body because there is so much going on with the Bile Duct. Drink Apple Juice and try to stay stress free. Eat carefully.

If I have to have surgery but with more disapline and time, MAYBE I can avoid it because I also contemplate the what if's. You know, what if it the start of hospital surgeries. I have read that if your healthy and your bloodwork shows high levels resulting from an attack then you may be able to heal by eating a better diet. Potatoes (Gold) seem to also be a miracle food for some reason. Good luck with your health.

I read last night that it takes years for stones to develope. If you have cleaned up your diet and you go back to eating something you are not use too you will trigger a potential stone release. You have to dissolve the stones and you have to eat healthy fat. The Gallbladder needs good fat.. That's it's job. I underworked mine. I didn't eat good or bad fat just refined breads and sugar over the years and minimal vegtables. I love carb's.

Chanca Piedra
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 02/17/2013

Hi Carole, I know that the liver flush removes g/stones, because I have done it numeruos times & it is quick & no fuss, just 2 days, Hulda Clarks method is simple & it works.

Chanca Piedra
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 02/18/2013 2048 posts

Carole: Is your GS a Calcium, Cholesterol, or mixed??? I have done several gb flushes over the yrs with many small and medium sized, but it was only about a yr ago I did a flush and passed a few small stones and one as large or larger than your 3cm. I was somewhat shocked at the size and that I had successfully passed it. It appeared to be mostly cholesterol but could have had some calcium, although I didn't closely examine. I don't do the passive method of simply laying down on the left side. I take a roll of toilet tissue (a few minutes fallowing the oil/lemon drink) place it directly over the gb, pull my thigh over the tissue, and squeeze quite hard (with help from hands n arms); wait a few minutes and repeat a few times. This active method literally "forces" the stone to pass.

Try this method in the early morning, and if in a rare occasion the stone gets stuck in the bile duct, you can make a quick dash to the emergency medical clinic for removal.

Chanca Piedra
Posted by Carole (Bury Village, West Sussex,, England) on 02/18/2013

Blimey Timh - you're brave! However, this is just the sort of support I need! People who have actually passed large stones. I am told mine is calcified. I am sure if it was cholesterol - then with the protocol I have been on - it would have changed.

I have been using beetroot; dandelion coffee; lecithin granules; tamarind; milk thistle; lemon juice; peppermint oil; chanca piedra; gold coin grass; chamomile..... All can dissolve calcified gallstones!

I just wonder if I need to be on higher doses? My CP capsules says one 50mg a day. However, an earlier post from Bill suggests 100mg x 3 times a day! A big difference. I'll have a talk through options with the herbalist/acupuncturist tomorrow. However, it is this lady who is cautioning me against flushing with such a large stone!

I won't give up yet. Thanks for your input.


Chanca Piedra
Posted by Maz. (Uk) on 06/22/2016

Could you please tell me which brand you bought?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Brenda (New York , New York) on 02/09/2013

Hi, I was diagnosed with a gallstone 2 yrs ago. Just 1 1.5cm approx and opted not to have the gall bladder out. It doesn't makes sense to me. However, I don't really know what I'm doing and I may be causing more problems. I have never eaten fried food or any sweets since. Meat is mainly salmon, chicken, turkey or occasionally lamb No animal stocks, only vege. I get some olive oil or avocado daily for fat. I make all of my own meals. I recently I had my first major attack in 2years, but I did not have any fat at all. I made a pizza with fat free cheese for dinner and about 2hrs later it started, lasted the typical 4hrs and subsided. That was really confusing. And since then, I have constant irritation. Maybe it's alot of gases, however, Otherwise I eat mainly organic diet, with a good amount of fresh veges and fruit, and sip water throughout the day. I am commited to keeping the gallbladder, but, I don't know how to keep from having problems.

I recently started Lecithin gel capsules with olive leaf before I go to bed. I take vit D3 and calcium in the am. Also, my weakness is occasional creme in my coffee and on the weekends a couple glasses of wine. Can some one explain why the wine is bad? When it was originally diagnosed, by a gastro he wanted to take it out becaue as he said that's what they do. The U/S showed the 1 stone and multiple calculi that were so small they could not be measured. Beyond surgery he would not assist me, so I'm in the dark. I took acupuncture for about 6 months and chinese herbs which caused me to PAINLESSLY pass the calculi. It had no effect on the larger stone. I lost my job and could not afford to continue. I will start the Chanca Piedra this week, but can someone advise me on navigating this alone? I don't want to hold onto the gallbladder and and damage other areas.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ed2010 (Oakville, Canada) on 02/09/2013

Chaca Piedra is the real medicine to break the stones. Or even take chanca piedra tea.

Try juice therapy variety of juices throughout the day: apple juice, tamarind juice, lemon juice, carrot juice, lemon juice

And Ted's Alkalizing formula.

Check the following link: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/gallstones4.html#JUICE

the juice therapy will soften the stone and wash it away. Have your regular diet, don't take Calcium tablet. Carrot juice is enough for nutrition.

Good Health

General Feedback
Posted by Carole (Bury Village, West Sussex,, England) on 02/06/2013

How long can one take Chanca Piedra? Is the capsule form better than the tincture? I am currently taking the tincture for dissolving gallstone.

General Feedback
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, La Union, Philippines) on 02/07/2013

Hi Carole... I have used Chanca piedra extensively. It was part of my own candida cure to keep both calcium and sugar levels down in my blood. I have also used chanca piedra for other people and I know how good it is at dissolvong gallstones and kidney stones. It even cures gout. The best form is just an aqueous solution -- the alcoholic extract is not as good as the water extract. I live in the Philippines where Chanca piedra grows everywhere and is a weed and I use it alot as a diuretic cleanser for my body to periodically purge and cleanse the blood. CP is also strongly antiviral -- it can cure Hep B and they are currently researching CP for its beneficial effects against HIV AIDs and cancer. CP is a very powerful herb and yet there is no known overdose limit to this herb -- therefore its very safe.

I took strong doses of CP for a whole year non-stop for my candida problem and it did nothing but good and helped and contributed to my own eventul candida cure.

I made the CP decoction directly from picked herbs but the tea or capsule forms are also good ones to use.

General Feedback
Posted by Vanessa (Tarlac City, Philippines) on 08/04/2015

Hi! I've just read your comment about chanca piedra. I immediately checked outside and found a lot of them! I was recently advised by my doc to have my gallbladder removed and I'm suffering from non stop pain for 2 mos now. How do I make a CP tea? Thanks!

General Feedback
Posted by Dennis (Indianapolis, Indiana, United States) on 02/05/2013

Several months ago I had a gall bladder attack. After several days I felt a lot of fluild come out of my gall bladder, this helped the swollen feeling. I had an ulta sound that showed a very small stone in my gall bladder and my right kidney was swollen. I have crawling in my intestines and pain in my kidneys, but not all the time it comes in spells. Also I can't gain any weight and have a general weak feeling. Any help would be great. Thanks and God Bless. Dennis

General Feedback
Posted by Ed2010 (Oakville, Canada) on 02/05/2013

Try the juice therapy for Gall Stone attack and Gall stone removal - https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/gallstones3.html#JUICE

It is safe and healthy. Don't repeat the same juice daily, you should alternate. You can drink apple juice in the morning, lemon juice afternoon after a meal, again evening apple juice.

Also, mix 1 tsp apple cider vinegar in the apple juice for additional benefit.

Good health.

Olive Oil and Lemon Juice
Posted by Kk (Seattle, WA) on 07/01/2012

Have to post this! I am doing liver flush by H. Clark. I could not follow exactly how she recommended it like lye doing right after taking olive oil/lemon juice. I was up for about 4 hrs afterward because had a lot to do. This liver pain I had for months is something that worries me a lot, it is mild but annoying (have to say my USS liver was negative for stones or anything abnormal). I learned about liver flush and decided to proceed after antiparasitic treatment. This am I had bright green irregular shape forms come out, hard to touch, but smashable with gloved fingers. They were wax like texture. Green hard wax! They would not desolve in water, if to press them against sink surface they would stick to it and not get flushed with water. Such odd and ugly stuff! Looks like they were about to form into stones.

I have to follow instructions next time and get more of this out. Highly recommended!

thanks to this website, I would never get to this on my own

General Feedback
Posted by Daryl (London) on 09/30/2015

What is the colon cleanse to be safe for gall bladder flush that you mention?

Chanca Piedra
Posted by Wyandotte (Canada) on 10/28/2015 14 posts

Hi. I have heard about chanca piedra being quite effective for gallstones. However, no one tells you what type of gallstone it will dissolve. Do they mean the calcified kind, or the cholesterol kind of gallstone? Thanks.

Chanca Piedra
Posted by D. Jones (Seaford De) on 06/19/2020

Just an update. I have changed up things a bit over the past two years and ox bile has really helped. I believe it helps with sludge. I take a 5000 iu with fattier meals and a 1000 with less fatty meals. Taking without fat will give you diarrhea. I still take C and occasionally use chanca piedra as a cleanout. I was taking the AF supplement but this works better. If I feel pain I take more, less when I don't. I can eat regular meals again, dessert etc. But I try to eat healthy with good fats. Someone did a study that I can't find, showing highest percentages of food causing attacks, I believe they were eggs, pork and full fat dairy. Fried foods are bad as well. I know, eggs, pork, butter, cheese and fried foods are the worst for me, I rarely ever eat eggs now. I can eat butter and cheese now with the bile supplement. Hope that helps someone, wish I knew about ox bile 10 years ago.

Posted by Daryl (London) on 09/30/2015

Do you mean cooking apples or granny smith apples?

I managed to eat just over 2 apples in the morning and my stomach kept trying to tell me to stop. Did that happen for you? I have been on drips in A & E so those kind of signs scare me a bit. There was no way I could have eaten more apples when I got home for lunch it felt.

I was trying with the granny smith apples and it hurt my gums and teeth quite a bit.

I really hope you can reply and I can get this to work. Thank you so much

Posted by Polly Dunlop (Scotland ) on 08/08/2022

If you cannot take the apples, then use cloudy apple juice fresh in cartoons, and take a glass morning and night for two weeks before you do the actual cleanse. if you are in pain take a tablespoon of ACV with 8 ounces of Cloudy Apple juice sip slowly over 20 mins, and that will take away the pain. This worked for me.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Jon (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 01/14/2012

I had my first Gallbladder Issue a year and a half ago, I thought it was the cholesterol so I went vegan. But even eating raw veggies and alternate protein sources I still had to do flushes often. I even got my biggest stone (larger than a quarter) when I was vegan. Soo.... I think it has to do more with healthy bile rather than low cholesterol levels. Lately I am trying raw goats milk, salmon, and a chinese herb gold coin grass. As well as yoga and meditation. I'll see what happens. Lol

General Feedback
Posted by Molly (Qualicum Beach, Bc Canada) on 09/28/2011

The best advice I ever got about the gallstones that were causing me problems was from a book by Andreas Moritz called "The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush". I cannot stress what a difference this book has made to my life. He explains how to flush stones out of your liver and gallbladder. It will save you lots of cash and visits to the hospital.

Gravel Root
Posted by Goat Lady (Marietta, Ohio/us) on 08/02/2011

Since a major gall stone attack about 10 years ago, every summer my family collects Joe Pye Weed (Gravel Root) and makes green drink from it as well as drying some for winter usage. Now if I get a tell-tale twinge, I start taking apple juice to soften the stones and have a glass of gravel root tea each day for a few days to dissolve them. It works every time. I'm not even aware when they pass. (I also try to do the kidney-gall bladder flush each fall.)

In addition, we collect the gravel root each August and feed it to our dairy goats. We lost a buck about 15 years ago to kidney stones. Haven't had a case since. Also, a friend cleared up his kidney stones and has had no more. He was seeing a doctor every few months and was told he would have to for the rest of his life. Now he drinks a glass or two a week of the tea and has had no trouble for 2-3 years plus his general health has improved.

All parts of the plant are useful, but we don't mess with the roots because they are a pain to clean. We collect the plants from along creeks and country roadsides when their flowers are their brightest pink. (They are truly pink, NOT purplish. ) The following website has a good picture of the plant although the color is somewhat washed out. The flower head can be very conical. I suspect it is forming seeds: www.altnature.com/gallery/joe_pye_weed.htm.

Gravel Root
Posted by Daiva (Los Angeles, California) on 12/31/2017

Thank you so much, I am going to look into this. I didn't even know I had stones until it happened that I ate lots of chayote leaves (in juices, smoothies and soups as my plant grows fast and they taste nice) and had one fall out. I started looking at my stools and sure enough passed more. Waxy, but pretty hard consistency. No pain at all. I think I also ate lots of apples and I like to drink water with whole quartered lemon (skin, and all)in it. I eat the lemon too. That week it happened, that I ate more of all of them. Anyway, stones were quite large - an inch of so long. I am looking now into herbal program, that I can do to flush them all. Chanca Piedra is one, and I am going to add Gravel root.

Posted by Nicole (Geneva, Switzerland) on 03/11/2009

tomato juice garlic cayenne pepper and lemon juice cured my sinuses

2 Bunches of fresh Parsley

Boil 2 bunches of Fresh Parsley into 1 litre of Water and drink during the day. Add whatever you like to make it go down in a more pleasant way. I like lemon for example. The most important with Gallstone is to dring a MINIMUM of 2 litres of water a day.

The parsley tea can be boiled and drunken cold or hot.

Posted by Erika (Oakland, Ca) on 01/08/2012

Just so women know, parsley tea will often bring on menses in a non-preganant woman if she is late on her cycle for stress or hormonal reasons. So be aware the while the tea may help your gall bladder, it may also bring an early or unexpected menstrual period.

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