I came across this site in a search for natural gallstone remedies. Last week I had intense bloating and a trapped gas feeling that would last a few hours then subside. I went to see my doc and he sent me to the ER as a precaution. They did blood tests and said I had mild pancreatitis :( They did an ultrasound and they said I had a small stone or a couple of small stones in my gall bladder. Right away they were talking about taking it out and I said NO WAY. They also wanted to to an MRCP to see if there was a stone or stones in the bile duct. My amylase and lipase were high upon arrival, but overnight, with nothing by mouth, not even water, my numbers dropped a thousand or more points. I graduated to liquids ( I was admitted ) and put on IV fluid with potassium and magnesium. Next day there, numbers within normal range ( higher end ) and I was put on solid but low fat food. I went to ER late friday afternoon and came home Tuesday around same time, by that day my numbers were normal range. While in the hospital, a Facebook friend told me about lemon juice and olive oil and I started researching. While there I requested apple juice and lemon wedeges and I age them. I think it helped. Since I am home, I am doing lemon juice and olive oil every day, so far so good. But I am wondering if the mild pancreatitis was not due to long term, but intermittent Immodium use because of irritable bowl, as certain foods seem to go right through me. Lately they seem to be finding a connection between Immodium and pancreatitis, so I don't know. Any thoughts on me trying the full cleanse ? I have yet to try ACV, but am going to go get some. I am drinking organic apple juice now. They say pears are good and if you look at pears, they are shaped like a gall bladder and are green. Many foods look like the organ they are good for. I was so shocked by the attack, but it seems more and more younger people are getting gallstones these days. All the hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup and crap in our water. I felt much better and never felt acidic when I was on a lower carb diet, I have to go back to that too.
Most of the large visible "stones" from these olive oil flushes have been proven to be saponified fat from ingesting all that olive oil; it's likely smaller, actual gall stones could be flushed out too, but my N.D. warned me these flushes could be very dangerous for people with stones experiencing attacks as they trigger the spasming of the GB and could cause stones to release and become stuck. She advised me to eat an 80% pesco-vegan diet, and take peppermint, vit. C, fish oil, and lecithin capsules 3x daily to help prevent, soften, and dissolve stones. Also to reduce or cut alcohol intake, and drink LOTS of water to keep bile flow moving. So far I have been attack-free for 3 months, only some twinges now and then when I am stressed, dehydrated, or not eating well.
An update on my situation. I have just had another scan which shows that the only change in my gallstone is that it has got bigger! It is now measuring 3.1cms. For the past three months I have been on an intensive protocol to help dissolve? break up the stone? However.... There has been no indication that the herbs have done anything! I have been using Gold Coin Grass as a tea and also a tincture. I have also been using Chanca Piedra as a tincture and also a tea and have just started a herbal supplement. Other things to help the situation.... Drinking lots of chamomile tea/lemon juice (helps to dissolve gallstones); dandelion coffee/beetroot (helps improve bile flow). Tamarind for gallbladder support.
Has anybody actually had any success with dissolving large gallstones using herbs? And how much of anything does one need to take for it to be effective. The Chanca Piedra (for instance) suggests just one 500mg capsule per day.
I did do one gb/liver flush a few weeks' ago and it was fine and the discomfort was better for a little while. However, I keep being advised not to attempt any flushes with such a large stone. Surgery would seem to be my only option.... which is sad when I have put so much effort into trying to keep the gb.
I'd appreciate any help.
Hi Wyandatte. (Canada)
I had tons of gallstones.. I have no idea which kind they were but they were very painful.. I first did the apple cidar vinegar and apple juice to loosen them up and then drank a few cups of the chanca piedra tea most days.. I expelled some huge stones .. I couldn't believe how big they were.. I expelled lots of broken up stones..and small stones.. all kinds of stones and some other weird stuff lol...Anyway; its been three months and my pain as of today is either a one or not here at all.... I don't know if calcified stones pass through but at that point I didn't care. I was willing to take the chance and get these painful stones out...
Chanca Piedra
Kidney stones will be in your urine. Gallstones will be in your stool.
I read Andreas Moritz book on the "Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush". It is an excellent tool to help get rid of stones. Lately I found the enteric coated peppermint capsules have almost been a miracle. They are supposed to help dissolve the stones, plus the pain is gone within about 15 minutes. You have to take them in between meals on an empty stomach. Sometimes I just take them in the middle of the night if I wake up. Gold Coin Grass tincture helps (available from SensibleHealth. Com) and some of their other tinctures help clear the congested bile. Another good site is GallbladderAttack.com
Apple Cider Vinegar
Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger, Apple Juice
Mix cinnamon-cloves-ginger and apple juice in a glass and drink it. This will help gallstones remove from the gallbladder.
The prep was easy, the mixes were pretty nasty tasting, but afterward I only felt minor "gurgling" on right flank.... Nothing painful or extraordinary. The next day I had a pretty serious case of diarrhea and released about 100 m&m sized green pellets. I couldn't believe it!! It's hard to believe that a natural, non-invasive and $12 solution to this problem exists! I'm going to try it again in a month, to rehydrate myself and to prevent a low in potassium! Thanks everyone!
To: Reese (Manila ) Please share the recipe for the cleanse. Thank you
Castor Oil Packs, Pineapple Juice and Gallbladder Flushes
Hi Mama, did you use a heating pad with the castor oil pack? My understanding of a pack is simply castor oil soaked cotton or flannel placed on the body and secured with plastic wrap. Is that right? I've never tried it. Thanks :)
So grateful for Earth Clinic! I start each day with 16oz distilled water and 1 Tbsp lemon juice. I also take dandelion tea 1-2x, as well as bile salts, milk thistle, and ACV. But my gallbladder has continued to flare up at times. Today something felt off and I began wondering if a stone was stuck. So, researching today I learned of more herbal remedies: Collinsonia (aka stone root) and Peppermint leaf extract. Both of these help relax the bile ducts (very important), as well as reduce inflammation and promote the normal bile flow, which is an issue for those with gallstones. Slippery Elm too and the other herb was Alfalfa tablets. So I've made a good strong cup of peppermint tea (4 tea bags to 1 cp boiling water) as I have no extract yet, and will go out once feeling better and pick some up along with alfalfa tablets.
But again, I think keeping those bile ducts relaxed is very important to avoid a stone getting stuck which can be more concerning and problematic. Oh, and of course a 2-3 Tbsp ACV in a cup of warm apple juice. Also soothing can be one of those rice/corn microwave bags and place it over your gallbladder/liver. Now, I'm not having a full mind blowing attack of pain (I know this too well) but something wasn't right. Being prepared, I'm glad I bought the Collinsonia Root, great brand (initials SP)
Chanca Piedra
Dear Bee,
I will be interested to hear any other replies! Do you expel the stones during a gall bladder flush or are yours just passing with the Apple Cider Vinegar and Chanca piedra?
I used Apple Cider Vinegar daily for years for my digestion but they never got stones out.
I got many stones over the course of a few months during flushes. Now whenever I have a slight gall bladder twinge, I schedule another flush (about every 6 months.) Recently I was surprised to see a couple of the larger type stones. I too wondered, are these newly formed or old? I think I have read that once you empty the gall bladder of stones, stones from the liver can travel in to the gall bladder. Maybe it takes a while to get all of them from the liver and the gall bladder? But I have also wondered if I am just still making stones.
~Mama to Many~
Chanca Piedra
Hi Mama..
No I only used the apple cidar vinegar and the tea.. I did not do any flushes at all. I also do lemons and water.... I still have some discomfort but not pain like I had.. funny you should say liver because at times I feel like I see liver stones too...thanks.
Chanca Piedra
The herbal combination of Milk Thistle/Turmeric/Artichoke is best, but for Liver/Gall, Artichoke alone is the best of the three. Dr Christopher's "Liver/Gallbladder" formula is excellent.
One of the side effects of low protein diet is the weak liver, so many vegetarians or vegans take Raw Bovine or Calf Liver Tablets. They are sold in most health food stores and have long been a favorite in those seeking strength or longevity as they are one of the superfoods. You must also consider the amino acid Ornithine; it helps me so much in the liver dept. Dr Balk says it is very important for metabolizing lipids in the liver.
A supplement of Choline/Inositol would also help.
Chanca Piedra
Bee, too much estrogen can cause gallstones, bioidentical hormones. Increasing fiber removes excess estrogen as well as increasing progesterone. Exercise keeps things flowing to prevent the stagnation that causes the stones. Reduce stress - major difference, better sleep reduces stress, lack of sleep causes stones, too.
I've had recurring Gallstones for about 5 years and have tried all the home remedies repeatedly. The only thing that seemed to work was the standard flush everybody recommends, but it's time consuming and uncomfortable. I read somewhere that Radish Juice had an affect on disolving bile so I bought a couple of bags of Radishes and ate them. The pain has lessened considerably and I can sit more comfortably and breathe deeply again for the first time in quite awhile. I don't know if eating Radishes will completely clear out the stones but I'm delighted with the improvement so far. Hope this helps others. Good Luck.
Dear Ricoh,
I have seen Holy Basil mentioned in treating kidney stones. And some herbs will treat both. It seems worth a try since you have it in your garden!
Herbalist Philip Fritchie lists Butcher's Broom and Cascara Sagrada as being lithotriptic (stone dissolving) specifically for gallstones.
Cascara Sagrada can have quite the laxative effect, though. When I have taken it, I have taken it with ginger and and fennel. But still, start small with this herb.
Butcher's Broom I have taken alone for varicose veins and it never gave me any trouble.
~Mama to Many~
Chanca Piedra
This is excellent !!!
also...A-F betafood, by standard process is amazing for gallbladder health, sold mostly through chiro and N.D.s, helps digestion immensely, I have used it daily since 2010. Amazon sells it, read reviews, kinda spendy
Apple Cider Vinegar, Aloe Vera
Undiagnosed officially but when I had acute pain in area where gall bladder is supposed to reside, after eating too many greasy foods, on more than one occasion I have taken apple cider vinegar which helped quickly. Again, several times I had sudden great pain and pressure in lower back, again undiagnosed but which appeared to be the passing of a kidney stone, I drank Aloe Vera juice and got immediate relief. It can't be proved, but at any rate both products are harmless.
I have a large gallstone and when I have apple or apple juice it causes me to have a gallbladder attack with pain and severe vomiting. Now I'm guessing it's because the apple softened the stone and mine is too big to pass so it instead makes me sick. ACV does seem to help some of the time but my attacks are severe and I'm getting my gallbladder removed, just waiting for the call for surgery....
Olive Oil and Lemon Juice
Anne. Thanks for your informative post as it will likely help others in similar situation. If I may, along w/ your current rx, triple strength lecithin plus a combination of root of Burdock - Dandelion - Yellowdock will help considerably. This combo will increase the soluability of the fats while simultaneously increase the flow of bile (much like the lemon). As for the mild infection in the pancreas, I would recommend Oregano Oil softgels during meals.
Epsom Salt
Hi Rachel from Valley Park - If you need the epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) right away, instead of ordering online, you can find them in just about any pharmacy (including those in large stores like Walmart or some grocery stores). Most people use the salts for bathing or soaking their tired feet, but it can be used for flushes as well. Do make sure it's pure magnesium sulfate without any additives (it should state that on the label). Some brands add fragrance (like lavender) or other ingredients (like menthol crystals).
Before you begin, you may want to see if your library has The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse by Andreas Moritz. He goes into great detail about what to expect and there is a Frequently Asked Questions section in the back.
Here is what he says about the composition of epsom salts:
Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) can be found in mountain regions and is contained in sea salts. It is also manufactured synthetically by combining natural minerals.
Good luck! Bess
Epsom Salt
Assuming the epsom salt has no additives like scents mixed in, or bath salts, I would personally be okay using it to make capsules from. I just used store bought. nothing fancy. be careful. I have had galstone issues a few years now, and theyre better. I usually only opt for epsom salt cleanses if im in real pain. because; well; it can be threacherous if not done correctly. Hulda clark for example; prepared her patients for a few weeks by having them drink herbal teas to prepare the kidneys and liver for the galbladder flush to come.
I personally drink BHUMIAMALAKI (phyllanthus amarus) 1/2 tsp at night before bed in a few ozs of hot water for a bitter tea. This is on recommendation from a certified ayurvedic practitioner I hired who studied in India. I had verified stones and polyps via ultrasound. After 1 year of dosing this medicine (and changing diet, and a few epsom salt cleanses), I shrank all my polyps be several millimeters and my pain is nill. I also passed many stones in my stool.
BHUMIAMALAKI can be AN ALLERGEN TO SOME> I became allergic after a year of use and had to switch to Chanca Piedra wildharvested herb to make stonebreaker tea daily.
Also on recommendation of my CAP, castor oil packs on the gal area (a tbsp on a paper towel, with a sandwhich bag taped over it to you skin using surgical tape)
If one insists on the epsom salt cleanse, this is how hulda clark recommends it:
If it were me, I would read the whole page, and follow the instructions very carefully, or I could cause the stones to get backed up in your bilial ducts, cause more pain, or other complications, and have to start over.
Multiple Remedies
Of course gallstones would melt if heat was applied. Most "stones" are not made from mineral, they are chunks or balls of cholesterol. Cholesterol is wax. Wax melts when heated. However, I myself did pass a handful of these things and there was a sort of tough grayish-white possibly mineral skin around them. How would a flush cause THAT?
The following statement is from the Mayo Clinic:
"The most common type of gallstone, called a cholesterol gallstone, often appears yellow in color. These gallstones are composed mainly of undissolved cholesterol, but may contain other components. Pigment gallstones. These dark brown or black stones form when your bile contains too much bilirubin."
Chanca Piedra
Hi Carole,
I'm in the same boat as you. Scanned proof of a 2.5 cm stone in my gall bladder. I have been searching for ways to remove it and have also been advise not to do a flush, as the stone is too big. I'm now basically vegan and taking liberal amounts of apple cider vinegar and apple juice. also been told fragrant herbs in cooking is good along with tea's such as peppermint and dandelion. My search about chanca piedra brought me here. I am very interested to hear your experience and others also.
Juice Therapy
Don't Flush if you are afraid. You should start juice therapy to dissolve the existing stone.
- Tamarind Juice - Dissolves stones
- Lemon Juice - softens stones
- Apple Juice - softens stones
- Carrot Juice - Mineral Supplier, Immunity Builder and Liver cleanser and gall bladder cleanser.
- Tender Coconut Water - Diurectic
- Phylanthus Niruri(Stone Breaker) Tea - to dissolve stones.
to make stonebreaker tea. Boil glass of water, when the water boils stop the heat and add half tsp of phylanthus niruri powder and set it aside for 10 mins. after 10 mins filter and drink it. Drink the tea on alternate days (as a minimal dose).
Very Important info about Juices. Juices should be home made and fresh not the store bought, store bought juices are just water with sugar and colors. Alternate each juice everyother day.
Day 1. Tamarind Juice
Day 2. Carrot Juice
Day 3. Apple Juice
Day 4. Lemon Juice (can be taken daily also)
Day 5. Tamaring Juice and so on
What size of stone did you flush? Do I need to care what size of stone it is inside? What did you feel during the 2nd night? Did you go to toilet too often? Did you take any epsom salt? Many Thanks.
Wow, I have one stone as far as I know, I really am desperate to get rid of it. It causes me too much pain. Especially when I consume fatty foods,, it kills me. The next day. Thank you for sharing this!
Chanca Piedra
L. M. I have been using the Chanca Piedra from AOR for about 2 weeks now and about 90% of the symptoms are gone. I take one capsule 3 times a day on an empty stomach.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hello, I have been having gallstone issues for the past month and a half without realizing it for the first month, then after the pain and nausea became so bad that it drove me to the hospital I found out that I either had gallstones or gastritis. I started doing some research and started taking Lecithin, Magnesium, Milk Thistle, Burdock Root, Cinnamon and Ginger.
And it all started to go away very quickly, and I could actually feel the stones moving through the ducts and out!
Then about a week ago I heard about Apple Juice, and I wanted to do as much as I could to disolve the gallstones as quickly as possible so I tried it - but it upset my stomach and gave me diarrhea so bad that I had to stop. (My mother told me it did the same thing when I was a baby, so she wasn't surprised. ) And the nausea started to go away immediately after stopping it.
Then I noticed a few days ago that I was having horrible Heat Intolerance in 80 degree weather and other symptoms of low electrolytes- dizziness, confusion, faitigue- and I was having symptoms of Malabsorbsion from the very beginning- so I started taking apple cider vinegar to replenish my electrolytes and liquide multi-vitamines to help my body absorb them better. But I think the apple cider vinegar has made my nausea come back just as strong as before!
When I stopped the apple juice, the nausea went away. Now that I'm taking the apple cider vinegar it's come back, and I can barely eat anything!
I feel much better when I take it, and I haven't had any painful or uncomfortable feelings in my gallbladder area for two days now. I feel almost completely normal except for the upset stomach, and there is now a burning/clawing sensation going on in my stomach along with it that I think is a symptom of high stomach acid caused by the apple cider vinegar.
I'm worried that if I stop the apple cider vinegar I will run low on electrolytes again, and since I'm still not digesting my food all the way so I know that is still a possiblity.
Is there anything I can take with the apple cider vinegar to stop the nausea? I've heard about taking baking soda with it. Does that work?
Liz, what's the recipe for the flush? Been experiencing pain from gallstones for years. ACV works, but I want to get rid of them once and for all. Thanks, P.
Milk Thistle, Dandelion
For Maria in Shreveport--I have had Gallbladder problems as well. I have wonderful success with Milk Thistle and Dandelion. You can find the two as a mixture in capsule form in a good Vitamin Store. I also take a high grade Acidoph at night on empty stomach,and ACV in my water bottle-about a teaspoon for half litre. I drink 2 a day. She may also check for gluten sensitivity and too much omega 6. Good Luck!
I suffered unusual pain in my upper right abdomen and just thought about it for 36 hours wondering what it could be. Remembering my mom's problems with her gallbladder, I thought I'd try her sworn remedy. I purchased some ground mustard and opened it in the car to take some - about 1/4 teaspoon using the foil top as a spoon.. Got home, drank a ton of water! Craving my homemade white bean, tomato, corn soup and wanting more of the mustard in a palatable form, I dumped 1 tsp in each of 2 good bowls of the soup. I also bought a bunch of organic cherry tomatoes I was craving. I ate it wondering if I ate too much.. Then took a hot bath, dressed up really warm, sweating everywhere, put a magnet on my side, went to bed and woke up pain-free. Completely. I am surprised I had this issue because I try hard to listen to my body but I read that my diet may have contributed to it - and severe stress. "Thank you mom!" (June 1923- October 2008)
Milk Thistle, Dandelion, Magnesium
Ted has a lot of good insights and makes for a very interesting read, but he forgot one important thing regarding Lecithin.
Dandelion root contains more Lecithin than even soy products and also acts as a mild diuretic, but unlike other diuretics, it does not deplete the body of potassium due to the high amount of it found in the plant. Dandelion also contains loads of trace elements and should go a long way in dissolving gallstones as well as improving and increasing bile flow through the gallbladder.
Milk Thistle is also very good for this although to my knowledge, does not contain Lecithin. It reduces cholesterol in bile as well as other beneficial effects on liver/gallbladder health though.
About all this "flush" business that is so obviously fake that it bears mentioning. To say that there are over 2000 stones in your liver and gallbladder is ridiculous considering the size of these organs and appears even more ridiculous when people say this continues to happen over years of doing these flushes. What people should be doing is changing their diets and taking supplements to deal with these things. It's amazing to me that everyone that does this flush seems to report hundreds and thousands of "stones" even though an ultrasound may only show one or two small ones. Whether these flushes actually work or not is debateable since people seem to want to exaggerate the effectiveness. If they worked, there would be nothing to exaggerate and if they really do work, it's a tragedy that those pushing it on other people have to make things up to make it look better than it is when there is no need. It can't possibly be good for someone long term to continue to do this to their bodies.
To anyone wanting to dissolve and/or prevent gallstones, cut back a little on the fatty stuff you eat and do some research on supplements. Dandelion Root, Magnesium, Milk Thistle and even a daily multivitamin is a good place to start. Make a habit of having a glass or two of apple juice a day as the Pectin in apples and apple juice will soften the stones, exercise a little and watch what you eat to a point. If you really want to change, you can do it. If you're looking for an easy way out where you can have your cake and eat it too, you'll fail everytime. Supplements alone won't fix this problem and neither will 100 flushes. You have to make lifestyle changes as well and you have to stick with them.
However, things like constantly checking your pH and constantly monitoring pH of water you drink and all this stuff seems to be a pretty paranoid and stressful kind of life, constantly worrying and all. I don't think I'd ever go that far and eating enough fruits and vegetables should keep you balanced just fine.
Angie... (Gallstones)
No, I never had an ultrasound for gallstones.. I try and stay away from western medicine. I did have really bad pain exactly where the gallbladder is.. I checked a dozen sites about it.. plus since I expelled them they looked exactly like stones so I am assuming they are stones lol.. some were huge.. anyway; what I did was put half glass of apple juice in a glass and then two tablespoons of apple cidar vinegar. braggs organic and I drank it.. maybe once a day..then I drank a few glasses of chanca piedra tea (stone breaker tea) but not every day.. maybe every two days.. well I noticed that the stones were coming out in the toilet with a BM.. as time went on and it was a few months the pain subsided more and more.. I didn't do the whole flush because I was afraid so this is what I did. it takes longer but its so worth it.. sometimes I also drink lemons in water...sometimes I never even measured that apple juice . I just do things by intuiton.
Dry Figs cures Gall Stone and Prostate. If consumed 50 Gms daily, will ease passing urine in 3 days. (It's my personal observation) To clear gall stone, do this 2 months contineously. (I read this in a book and my sister got cured by this as confirmed by before/after ultrsounds) Thanks.
BHT, Magnesium, and Clean Water
Sorry for the late reply. The Magnesium I have used the last 6 years: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076ZX3M1Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Pure original Ingredients is the brand, magnesium chloride hexahydrate crystals.
My water system is a refurbished single filter R/O system. At the time of purchase it was 200.00 shipped. Water drop sells their other systems refurbished on amazon for cheap. Below is the link to the system I bought. Go to their amazon store and look at their refurbs.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi Reese, could you please share what exactly did your father do and what brand of ACV did he use? Thank you
Chanca Piedra
Hi everyone,
Question please? I have been expelling large and small gallstones for about a year.. I used the apple cider vinegar and apple juice and chanca piedra tea and some healing tea.. I feel like there were hundreds of stones .. only thing I'm wondering so many and so long coming out does my body just keep making them?? Thank you if anyone knows??
Chanca Piedra
Hi Tim,
Thank you for the recommendations.. I am eating a lot of raw foods and its helping so I cant do chicken livers.. I am trying to always detox and it helps but it seems to be taking awhile or my body keeps making the stones.. the pain is almost gone now but I do feel stones at times.
I will do the MT as I am already doing the turmeric.. then I read turmeric causes stones. so much confusion.I will try the cough drops.. sounds easy enough.
Next I will work on the liver.. as far as fungus not sure since I eat organic raw fruits and veggies.. but I will def. check into it.
Thank you so much
Chanca Piedra
Thanks fmg and Mama and Tim for your kind responses and anyone else I missed.
Thanks for the info.. I will look into the bio identical hormones..
I do exercise as much as I can...sleeping is on and off and I do tai chi and meditate for stress but yes I do have stress..
Chanca Piedra
Wow, I am happy you did not let that doctor operate on you. I would of DONE the same. Thanks for sharing this! God bless!
B: If you have a chronic gallstone case, then it is most likely you also have liver disease. An herbal combination of Milk thistle/Dandelion/Artichoke will provide the antioxidant protection plus increased bile flow.
It would be wise to have some diagnostics done by a pysician as Hepeaitus is also likely.
Lots of great info & help at Liversupport.com