Mexican Herbal Tea
My friend from Guadalajara, Mexico swear by this herbal tea for general health and to prevent cold/flu virus's in the body. She said this is what they are using there to prevent Covid19. They said it is to be drank everyday to prevent you from becoming sick. I just started drinking mine and already feeling better from a lingering head cold and fever. The Amish have a similar recipe.
As a preventive = drink 1x/daily
Currently ongoing sickness = drink 3x/daily
Material needed:
*1 pint glass mason jar or similar object with lid
*Boiling hot water
*2 cloves garlic (minced)
* 1 onion slice “red, yellow or white your choice” (chopped)
* 1” ginger root fresh (grated)
* ½ lemon (squeezed and add w/peel to jar)
* ½ lime (squeezed and add w/peel to jar)
* 1 tablespoon honey
- Add garlic, onion, ginger, lemon and lime with peel to mason jar.
- Add boiling water and place lid on jar (not screwed) to keep steam from escaping.
- Allow to steep for 20 minutes.
- Strain into coffee mug and add honey and drink.
Rob, this is a great recipe. I also add some cayenne pepper to mine. Add as much heat as you can take. This along with spicy tomato broth chases away a cold/ sore throat/ ear ache that is just beginning. Or it helps to lessen the severity of one that is in full-blown stage. Cheers!
Miracle Flu Drink
In a blender, blend an entire bulb of raw garlic (I know lol that's alot! ), a huge slice of ginger, 3 tablespoons of raw organic honey, a tablespoon of organic cayenne pepper, 4 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar with mothers, 1 lemon squeezed, 2 cups of water.
Drink a sip of this special concoction every few hours (sip at first to make sure your stomach can handle it, and drink more if you can! ). This brought immediate relief to whatever I had going on! I am pretty healthy and typically I have other protocols that I employ (organic supplements), but this year, I am super passionate about using "whole real foods" for my body so that's why I tried this. My only warning is that you will reek/smell like garlic for at least two days, but I was so amazed at how quickly this worked that I had to share this remedy!
Mucous Buster Recipe
Multiple Remedies
I wanted to thank everyone on this site for some great remedies. I am 5 and half months pregnant and I suffered with a very long and vigorous sinus and chest flu. My symptoms were a mild high temperature (37.5 -38) not high fever but enough to make me feel horrible. Coughing, sinus pressure with no ability to breathe through my nose. The symptoms lasted for 5 days until I decided to take serious action. For 3 days after 5 days of suffering I did the following steps 2 to 3 times a day until my symptoms disappeared!
Step 1:
Boil 3 cups water
Peel 3 large cloves of garlic and cut in half and add to water. Take water off heat and add half cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Add half cup of honey. Let mixture sit for 20 mins and then strain and drink.
Step 2:
Nasal irrigation
Buy a neti pot or Neil Med saline nasal rinse. Make sure not to make your own salt water solution it's not as balanced at the one you buy specifically for nasal irrigation. This helps soooo much but after 3 days of constant use.
Step 3:
Apple cider vinegar steam
Get _____s original apple cider vinegar
Take one cup of vinegar and one cup of water
Bring to a boil and breath the steam with a towel over the pot. Make sure the mixture is not boiling while you breath the steam. This may burn while you breath through your nose, make sure to keep your mouth and eyes closed. Breath the steam for 5 min intervals. If it burns a lot them lift head up higher. This works the best!!!!! It just takes a few days of patience!
Step 4:
Take extra vitamin c. Preferably the powder that you can drink. Do not exceed more than 2000mg. Do these steps every day for 3 days and I promise you will feel soo much better if not totally healed. Cheers,
Multiple Remedies
Woke up this morning with no aches or fever. Just a little runny nose left. I also took colloidal silver 12 tsp three times daily.
Pretty good recovery in one day. I'm impressed! Thankyou so much.
Onion Elixir
2 large onions
1. Roughly chop up the onion and place inside of your glass jar. 2. Pour in enough sugar to cover the onions. 3. Close jar and leave untill a clear liquid is formed at the bottom of the jar. 4. Pinch your nose and enjoy. Continue this for 1-2 days. Please note. You cannot overdose no matter how much you take.
Oregano Oil
I have switched to Oil of Oregano as my first defense against sore throat/cold and flu or earache linked to the throat. I used to do Cayenne pepper gargles (which DO work really well) but I find oregano oil even more effective and far simpler and less time consuming to administer.
I use 4 drops under the tongue (as per instructions on the label - different brands may have different dosing so do check). I leave the oil there for a few seconds then swallow in several small "gulps" making sure to linger on the throat as long as possible. It's potent stuff and not the most pleasant as it will sting/burn the throat a bit and makes me cough but that goes away very quickly.
Make sure to always do it on a FULL stomach (so as not to irritate the stomach lining) and repeat up to 3 times a day. I take it until I'm pretty certain it's killed the virus; usually, 1 - 3 times does the trick! I buy an organic brand from my local health and wellness store.
Oregano Oil
Oregano Oil
Oregano Oil
(Brookings OR)
Yep works Tablespoon and 1/2 with olive oil, add 8 drops of really good strong oregano oil and 2 or 3 frankensence and 2 On Guard essential oil. Stir well with top of butter knife. Pour under tongue without putting lips on spoon. Wait 10 seconds and swallow. Wait if possible just few seconds and then swallow some water. Do every 2-3 hrs at first onset of symptoms then as subside less by every hour. Take 1-2 days after symptoms gone few times a day. This almost always takes away mucous flu. Stomach flu is another story.
Oregano Oil, Echinacea, Goldenseal
The reviews for this homeopathic remedy, Oscillococcinum for Flu, are pretty impressive! If it's a placebo effect, it's still impressive!
About two or three months ago, an EC member suggested a homeopathic remedy for the Flu. I want to say thank you to whoever you are because it helped a close friend of mine. I was unable to find your original post so I could reply to it, so I am just posting what I found from using it recently in a good friend.
I went and read many reviews for this specific remedy and based on those reviews decided to order it since the Flu season was just starting and I wanted to add it to my arsenal of Flu fighters.
Very recently a close friend got what she thought was a bad case of the Flu. She tested negative for Covid-19 and told me she was feeling very badly. I gave her a basic dosing regimen of the homeopathic remedy and she started them immediately late that evening when I gave them to her.
The package calls for taking one full vial of the homeopathic pellets every 6 hours up to three times per day. Based on the way they divide the vials, it appears that 6 vials is a standard course. The pellets are significantly smaller than most homeopathic pellets. You just empty the vial in your mouth and let the pellets dissolve. Be careful when opening the vial so you do not spill the pellets all over. One side of the vial pries open.
My friend did not notify me until late in the day that she woke up that morning feeling really bad so she was suffering all day with this flu. Like many remedies, I think this one works best and fastest when taken at the very first signs of the flu. So it likely would have been better had she started early that morning with the remedy, but as it was, she told me she woke up feeling better the next morning and continued improving from that point forward.
If you read many of the 24,000 reviews for this product you will see that her results are typical of what thousands of reviews reported.
The product is called Oscillococcinum and I purchased it on Amazon. The active ingredient is Anas barbariae. Here is a link to the actual product that I purchased :
My friend told me it is the fastest flu recovery she has ever had!
I just wanted to share this simple and easy remedy with the EC community since it is flu season. Although some of the reviews suggest it may also be beneficial against Covid-19, I would not count on it for that purpose, at least not as a sole remedy.
EC: Found the post from October and attached it!
I offered the homeopathic remedy for flu, Oscillococcinum, derived from Anas barbariae to another friend recently when he mentioned he had just gotten the flu, with a cough, severe headache, body ache and low grade fever. He tested himself for Covid-19 to eliminate that possibility and his test result was negative.
He took the recommended regimen of homeopathic vials and was better by the next morning and at two days says he is down to just a very minor headache! These results are similar to the other friend I gave this flu remedy to which are both similar to the thousands of positive reviews on Amazon for this homeopathic flu product.
Here is a link to the product they both used to very good effect :
This product has impressed me again with its ease of use, effectiveness and rapid recovery from the flu! These results are in line with the thousands of reviews from customers who have gotten very similar results to what I am seeing in both of these friends!
My friend called me this morning to tell me that when he woke up this morning, which is the beginning of his third day of having the flu, he felt back to normal and able to get back to his daily activities with no problems or remnants of the flu! He was quite happy. He said that he will use this homeopathic remedy for the flu from now on!
So thankful for your post about Oscillococcinum!! I bought the pack of 30 because it's definitely flu season. I started feeling sick on Saturday, headache, stomach and diarrhea, I took the first dose at 2pm, second at 7, next morning I woke up feeling a little improvement and got in 3 doses that day. By Monday morning, I woke up feeling like my old self! What a relief!! :)
I am glad it worked for you too! You read the reviews on Amazon and our stories sound just like the thousands of positive reviews for this homeopathic product. It really works fast and very well and is worth having on hand during flu season because it makes the flu so much easier to deal with quickly! When you figure out how many courses you get per package, it is very inexpensive too!
I started feeling a cold coming on Saturday afternoon and it felt like it was going to be a bad one. At 3:00 pm, I used the homeopathic remedy, Oscillococcinum. It is intended to remedy flu like symptoms, but I thought I would try it on this cold. I took it every 6 hours as the directions recommend. By Sunday evening I was 95% better and by this morning (Monday) I had no symptoms. Even though this homeopathic remedy is intended for flu, it is worth noting that it works just as effectively for colds.
Oscillococcinum has worked similarly for multiple friends I have recommended it to and has been my got to for the flu, but is now my go to for both the cold and flu and I always keep it on hand.
With Fall just a few days away and the associated cold and flu season upon us, I wanted to again mention the very effective cold and flu homeopathic remedy that has worked extremely well for friends, family as well as myself to stop the flu and colds very quickly if taken at the first signs or symptoms of either.
The homeopathic remedy is called Oscillococcinum. I now keep it on hand so I can quickly take it at the first inkling of a cold or flu. Here is a link to the product :
Please read some of the over 25,000 reviews for Oscillococcinum as they are highly reflective of how it worked for my friends, family and myself.
Another annual reminder that cold and flu season is just a moment away and having the homeopathic cold and flu remedy, Oscillococcinum, on hand may be a worthwhile endeavor in fighting both effectively. Here is a link to the product on Amazon :
Read some of the many product reviews to get a better idea of how it affects the flu.
Hi Art, I got Oscillococcinum last year, but always waited too long to take the first dose. I'm going to set it out on the counter so I don't forget next time. Did you find that you only needed 1 dose / 1 little vial taken at the first inkling you might be getting sick, and that was enough to prevent the cold or flu? Thanks :)
Hi Madelyn,
I took the full 6 doses that came on each individual package/card as recommended on the box and generally by the time I got to the sixth dose after two days of usage, my symptoms were gone or almost gone. I felt bad at the time I took the first dose, so I didn't want to risk letting the flu or cold take hold. The results that I and friends have gotten are better than I have been able to do with anything else such as colloidal silver. My friends have told me the same and find it very effective.
I noticed in the reviews that some people do not find it effective, but the great majority of users do.
Interestingly a friend came by about two months ago after her doctor visit and wanted me to go over her after visit summary from her doctor. As I was reading through her summary, I saw that the doctor had listed several supplements to be taken for various health symptoms and it said for cold and flu like symptoms to take Oscillococcinum. I admitted I was very surprised to see that suggestion in her summary. Her doctor seems to be very progressive!
I bought some Oscillococcinum after I read one of your posts about it. It worked for me when I started coming down with the flu last spring! I will always be keeping it on hand now!