Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Epilepsy: Epsom Salt and Other Treatments

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Ketogenic Diet

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Rex (Sarasota, Fl) on 04/21/2017

Ketogenic diet stops epileptic seizure in a significant percentage of children. Read below.

I believe this excerpt from Thomas Levy's book deserves an additional cure for ketogenic diet. The book is called "Curing the Incurable" 3rd edition, ebook page 316 of 7745.

In one of the more recent references in the April, 2000 issue of Pediatrics eleven studies on the ketogenic diet were reviewed. The authors concluded that the ketogenic diet completely stopped medically unresponsive seizures in a significant percentage of children. The diet also reduced seizure frequency by over 90% in an even greater percentage of children! Similar articles were found in the various neurology and epilepsy journals. Sadly, it would seem that many pediatricians and pediatric neurologists do not know what is in the most current issues of their primary and specialty journals.

Ketogenic Diet
Posted by Joyce (Lansdowne, Pa ) on 09/09/2014

Do some research on Ketogenic diet. I have read where it helps with seizures.

Ketogenic Diet
Posted by Mominchi (Chicago, Il) on 12/29/2012

We have tried Keto diet for my toddler's epilepsy and have now switched to a high in good fats diet. The issue with brain fats as far as I read with Keto is that long chain trigylcerides like veg oils burn really crappy as brain fuel and lots of fats pick up free radicals when you cook with them or become derranged or transfats as they are more commonly known. Those actually prevent the brain from using fats to repair itself (brain & nervous system is comprised of saturated fats).

My understanding of the reason the old school version of ketogenics worked best is because ALL the fat was short chain triglycerides from milkfats they burn cleanly and leave less metabolic waste (ketones) of course now since milk is superheated thru pasturization and derranged thru homogenization the diet is far less effective than the 20's version. Coconut oil is a medium chain and that was why MCT version of keto gave decent results. It is a good saturated fat (they actually prevent the oil from becoming a transfat when heated) and all cooking is ideally done with coconut, butter, or ghee. They gave excellent results on KD as compared to the terrible formula readymix loaded with calcium, aspertame, and vegetable oil.

Ketogenic Diet
Posted by Nelson Narciso (Toronto , Ontario) on 04/06/2012

Hi, I highly recommend the ketogenic diet my son is 6 yrs old and has had all the seizures you can name and the meds are garbage. This diet can help to stop them with out meds please try this diet it really works you have to be very strict but its worth it.

Replied by Osiris
(New York)

My wife and I are going to try the Ketogenic diet with our son since nothing's working. The only that seems to work is Depistat but then he spends most of his time drowsy and non-responsive. Wish us luck.

Replied by Rsw

Hi Osiris,

We all wish you the best of luck helping your child with the Ketogenic diet. John's Hopkins hospital in Baltimore was the birthplace of the diet, and it is described in Julia Schopick's best seller book, "Honest Medicine." Another resource is The Charlie Foundation, created by a man in Hollywood after researching and finding success using it with his son Charlie. He made a movie about it starting Meryl Strep called "First Do No Harm" or something similar. Here is a resource to that foundation:


Best wishes and please let us know how it works out for your son. The diet is also effective for adults.

Learn to Stay Calm

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Neurosky (Vancouver, Bc) on 04/10/2013

Another thing that has a major effect on seizures is sleep. Lack of sleep and stress can cause epilepsy. I have a really mild case of it and that's the only time I ever get epilepsy is when I am stressed or haven't been sleeping much or going to bed late.

Learn to Stay Calm
Posted by Anonymous (Anywhere, USA) on 01/18/2009

I had to write to you because I have been in a seizure situation for many years and I am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel so I thought I would pass it on.

First, a quick story about me. When I was around 18 in 1989 I started having petit mal seizures and no one knew why or what brought them on. Looking back, I remember I was getting to the end of my high school years, and one day in celebration, me and a bunch of friends went swimming. And, in the pool, I was so excited to be in the pool...swimming so fast, I did a flip turn no knowing there was a seating area in the pool and bumped my head. I walked off, trying not to make a big scene...just let the pain go away on its own. A couple of days later at a graduation party, I remember having a few wine coolers...more than normal (that is not a lot..but it was to me!) and I had a seizure. I heard about it the next day. (Looking back and reading more about seizure causes, it could have been an acid buildup in the brain...an area of tissue that was disrupted and then the acids put in my body made it to the brain..and seizures were formed). Well, at the time I thought it was a one shot deal and didn't tell mom and dad. Well, time went on..a year or two and I was going through college and living abroad in France and I noticed they were coming back...more often now. So, I went to a doctor in France while I was on my study abroad and to make a long story short, I was told I had epilepsy. I was put on pills and I thought that was it. I got back to the U.S and I was still having them. At first, I wasn't the best about taking the meds religiously...but as time went on, I WAS taking them...all of them, like clock work. And, still having seizures. I tried MANY different drugs with no positive outcome. SO, in 1995, after getting different doctors opinions (looking back, from doctors that were almost identical) I had brain surgery to help get "rid" of these seizures. Well, what the surgery got rid of was my great memory and my ability to read. Following surgery I didn't know anyone's name...I didn't remember the states...or even something basic like the word "flower." Well, it finally came back (before surgery I was a foreign language teacher...French and Spanish...that was gone following surgery. But, the French came back...not perfect...after about 8 months) So, with a 6 month speech therapy class, my reading came back...not perfect...and my memory is not as sharp as it once was. Am I angry? You're damn right I have been angry, depressed, confused,...you name it! Why me? I was a great student in high school...number 9 in the class, went to a great college...felt like such a strong and independent woman! And now I am reliant on everyone else, can't drive, feel weak, memory is not the sharpest,..and the meds I was one got me even more depressed...and I was STILL HAVING SEIZURES!!! Well, I decided a year and a half ago, I wanted to see a change! I took myself off those pills that were killing me. You know, going in to see if my LIVER was still Ok. every few months just didn't seem right to me! You know, in my opinion, the BEST doctor in the world is IN ALL OF US...In OUR body! Let me figure out this doctor and see what needs to be done. The first couple of months off those pills, I think I was SO happy, feeling strong and IN CONTROL and I didn't have ONE seizure! So, again, to make a long story short - what controls our seizures? Well, that would be our emotions! As time went on, as I started getting USED to not having them, I let small things bother me. And, well, to make a long story short, I started having them again. SO, I read more, and came across a nice book.

First one:


Nice, encouraging, natural approach to seizure control. What a nice, refreshing outlook.



After reading this and seeing that there was someone who could come and HELP me with controlling my seizures...and someone who has been through it HERSELF helped me. She had encephalitis herself MANY years ago...had ALL the seizures OFTEN and was told by doctors - sorry, there is nothing we can do. Well, to get to the point, she taught HERSELF how to control them and it has now been...what are we up to..30 years!!! Seizure free! So, I had her come on over to my home for 4 days to train me how to control them. Do I have it PERFECT yet? No. But, do I know that at one point, I will have this DOWN! YES! You know what makes it hard? We ALL have emotions. We are human! That is normal and NATURAL. However, if you have epilepsy, you have to learn to take it all in stride. Don't let emotions get the best of you. Well, that isn't as easy as it may seem. BUT, it is possible. What makes it easier is the warnings our brain/body DO give us. Ig is kind of saying, "Watch out...a seizure may be coming." I NEVER though I had warnings...that must be what those other lucky people have. But, not me. Over time, I did realize, WOW...that IS a warning. There is a long list...I will let you read about the different warning signals. But, once you do get to know yourself and SEE or FEEL the warning, just BREATHE. Take DEEP, RELAXING breaths. That is it. When you feel it coming, BREATHE. Change the direction of the negative activity of the brain. Now, I told you, I don't have it perfect yet. Here is a recent example. I am a massage therapist (damn good!) and I was VERY busy yesterday. One client after another. Well, I needed to go and have lunch. The healthy, friendly, open arms, cute Thai restaurant I go to often was closed. I was sad, surprised and just decided to go to the other Thai place. I had been there once and didn't like it as much. But, had to eat and run. SO, go over, Maureen! I went in and waited for about 10 minutes to be seated so that didn't start off well. There was barely anyone there! Why so long? Then to get the menu and for them to help me...and when they DID come to me, they were annoyed I was there. So, to say the least, a lot of negative engery took over in my brain. And, a few minutes later, seizure. Petit mal. When I came to, I was frustrated and angry. But looking back, I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. Come on! Obviously I was annoyed! Why didn't I just BREATHE and let positive take over. With breathing, my brain could have looked at this differently. It could have turned this around saying, "Maureen, maybe these waitresses are having a bad day. Maybe something bad happened to them today. They are human. Smile at them and let them enjoy the rest of their day." But, I didn't. Do you see how something so simple could have turned it around? But, I am human and negative took over. Soon, I WILL grasp this 100% ..but not yet. =)

So, stay positive and the seizure will be a thing of the past! A NEW, WONDERFUL, DIFFERENT life could come! You COULD control those seizures and help OTHERS do the same. Getting this word out is needed. Not EVERYONE NEEDS drugs to control their seizures. BUT!! don't just STOP taking the meds. This needs to be well thought out. Read the books I have sent you. Keep a journal.

If you want to go one step further, have Dr. Donna Andrews come to your home to work with you. Here is the info.


If you have any other questions, let me know! Good luck everyone!

Oops, one last thing. After reading Ted's last post on Ph water balance in the brain to control seizures, I have been doing that myself the past few months which has been helping me and I will put that together in another story. Drinking water with a higher ph can help MANY ailments. More in a couple days. Right now, go get those books!

Replied by Sporkonafork
(Corpus Christi, Texas)

Relaxing has helped me thruout the years to avoid seizures im currently taking xanax, before I would just drink chamomile tea, that chamomille tea has saved me many times from having a seizure, I had sleeping trouble valerian root works very well to sleep I never had any nocturnal seizures while having a valerian root tablet before bed. Its only $5 for a bottle of 100 tablets!! Also replace your pillow with a new one I felt a nocturnal seizures coming if my neck was cramped with a pillow that wasnt good

Also take vitamins!! I take 1/2 teaspoon of epsom salt in morning at 5am, later on I have Vitamin E, omega 3 fish oil. & centrum multivitamin! exercise too!! I felt much much better on days ive exercised just sacrifice 30 mins a day to exercise at home youll feel a diference!

also I personally keep something holy close to me I feel comfort during my worst of times (oncoming seizure) if im holding my rosary.. I pray for guidance to help me beat this illness... Ive had occasional simple partial seizures(2-4 a year) since 11/2004

Replied by Dubby
(Lagos, Nigeria)

My son had herpes simplex enchephilitis attack some 4 years ago. He was in coma for 4 days and after the coma came became paralysed. Since then he has been having myloclonic jerks and siezures, at least 20 times a day, during which he loses contol of every part of his body. Mostimes he falls face down on the floor, during the attacks.

He has been on Eplim and Kepra(medication) for over three years but there does not seem to be any sign of improvement. We even flew him to india where he was put through oxygen therapy... This also didnt work. We have seen various neurologist worldwide, including children's hospital, but no improvement.

I was so desperate at one time that I sent a mail to the popular Dr. Ben Carson, but didnt get a response. I would appreciate any advice on the way(s) to arrest this frequest seizures and jerks he has daily.

Replied by Mark

Dear Dubby, If you have not tried the ketogenic diet I would do that. Also avoid glutamates and aspartates. That means NO MSG and in fact, no processed foods at all. The ketogenic diet limits carbohydrates and protein based on body mass. A 150 lb person may only have something like 10 grams of carbs a day. That can be entirely gained just through eating a few vegetables. So a diet high in natural fats and mostly green, mostly raw vegetables washed in distilled water. I would supplement with vitamins that have as much vitamin c as possible, and supervised body-temperature-ish baths (like 100 deg. F, NOT hot) with epsom salts. A shy person may bathe with the undergarments or a swimsuit on for privacy.

There should be more than one bowel movement per day on average, also take 1/2 tsp of epsom salts as needed to make BMs regular. This is required to clear the body of toxins.

if this is working you should see the effects within a matter of weeks or possibly even days. You can gradually increase the carb intake as long as they are good natural carbs, I.e. carrots, nuts and rice but not breads or grains with the exception of oats and flax.

To keep enough calories in his diet you will likely need to supplement with oils that are almost all fat. Use natural coconut and olive oils but not hydrogenated oils. Meals like spinach salad with other veggies and dressing made of vinegar and olive oil and a small helping of some fatty not-processed meat are a good choice.

Best of luck to you and your son!


4 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Sierra (California ) on 01/13/2019

Editor's Choice

My 16 year old daughter started having seizures this year. I believe it was due to stress, poor diet and excessive exercise. She did not like the side effects of medication. A friend suggested magnesium. Since I have encouraged her to eat a little more food and take vitamins along with the addition of magnesium, she has not had any seizures.

Posted by Charlie (K. Lumpur) on 04/16/2015

One of my friend got cured of seizures by taking oral Magnesium chloride and Epsom salt for foot bath.

Posted by Deel~ (Flint, Mich./usa) on 10/31/2012

Additional research(:-) a deficiency of Magnesium, can be implicated as a cause of almost all ailments, esp'lly Seizure disorders, & adding B-6 helps it absorb, but is better to take a B-Complex, as they all work together, so about 500mg Mg 100mg B-6 B's> assist metabolize Carbohydrates, Brain fuel.

Calcium D also assist as does a Multi-Vitamin; as Anti-convulsants deplete D, Folic acid, & others.

Posted by Exhausted (Somewhere, In The Usa) on 07/16/2012

I have Epilepsy it has just turned from absence type to the scary biting tongue, falling down nocturnal type. I'm interested in magnesium as a possible cure since mine started as a teenager and I also have had headaches often.

My QUESTION: I took about a teaspoon of epsom salts dissolved in some fruit juice once per day- two days in a row in the evening. My problem is now I am experiencing racing thoughts at night, tingling hands, some numbness in the face (especially when I try to sleep) and really bad insomnia. I can only sleep a couple of hours and I wake up again. Plz help it feels like I am buzzing with electricity. I am exhausted. What's wrong with me?? :( Btw, I was fighting off the dreaded feeling of an oncoming attack for several days prior to taking the epsom salts (i have one every 2 weeks) and after taking magnesium the dread feeling is mostly gone so I feel like magnesium may be helping except for this new problem.

Replied by Citygirl27
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)

Try magnesium citrate capsules instead. Epsom salts cause water separation and can influence nutrient absorption if you aren't careful. Also try magnesium oil (magnesium chloride) spray on your skin for tingly hands or legs etc.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Exhausted, take Epsom salts BATHS instead of taking it internally.

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Have you looked into the ketogenic diet for epilepsy? It was developed at Johns Hopkins Hospital, involves no drugs and works very well for many. Also look at The Charlie Foundation for other resources on the diet. It was founded by Jim Abrahams whose son, Charlie was suffering from over 100 seizures a day and went to 0 seizures in 48 hours after starting the diet. Best wishes!

Replied by Oldriska
(Prague, Czech Republic)

Hi, have you had your spine looked at? Epilepsy, frequent headaches and insomnia... I think it would be worth checking if your neck spine is properly aligned. I have trigeminal neuralgia which shares some of its features with epilepsy and some people claim to get relief from bone adjustment (not my case as I'm type II - atypical but I believe that loads of problems are related to the spine). Good luck with your treatment!

Replied by Me
(Somewhere, In The Usa)

UPDATE: Thank you for all your replies. I have tried the chiropractor a while back but it did not help me. And the ketogenic diet requires consumption of heavy cream on a daily basis and lots of oily and fat foods which I dislike immensely so I am really hoping to find a vitamin or mineral that will provide relief for me.

On the third day I did not take any epsom salts and slept well and woke up feeling normal with no tingling or numbness feelings. In the morning of the 4th day I decided to try 1/2 teaspoon epsom salts again and several hours later I again started experiencing tingling, numbness in face and brain fog. I wish I can find out why this is. Will try a different form of magnesium now and some coconut oil.

Replied by Phips
(Melbourne, Australia)

Magnesium for epilepsy. If magnesium is giving you side-effects (dry mouth, numbness in extremities, light headedness, low blood pressure, weakness, lethargy, sleepiness, felling hot, low blood sugar, profuse sweating, irregular heart beat, or slow heart beat, etc, you are probably calcium and vitamin D deficient. Or you have taken an overdose of magnesium. Overdoses can also be lethal. Remember, magnesium is a natural antagonist to calcium. So taking too high a dose of magnesium can depress you serum calcium levels. If this is a problem with you, take smaller doses 2-3 times daily. Also make sure you supplement with calcium and vit D to prevent magnesium side-effects.

Posted by Dianna (Austin, Usa) on 02/20/2012

I'm sure you have an answer by now since this is so long ago. But I wanted to say that I have had a seizure disorder for most of my life and eventually realized that it had something to do with constipation. Evidently when I was constipated some nerves were being pressed upon which triggered my seizures.

Epsom salt has really helped with this. I either bathe in it or take about 1/2 tsp. And/or I take magnesium citrate. I find both help.

MCT Oil, High-Dose Taurine

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Prioris (ME) on 09/18/2024

My 70 year old friend developed seizures. I had him take 1/2 tablespoon of MCT C8 oil once in the morning and once in the late evening. No more seizures.

After a while he had trouble taking it. I gave him a bittersweet supplement. He tolerated it better. The key with MCT is to have some digestive juices in stomach before taking.

For some reason he stopped taking it and didn't have seizures for roughly 3 months. Eventually one night he had 5 seizures. I'm thinking it was due to the choline in liposomal supplement that he had taken.

To stop them, I mixed 6 1000 mg Taurine capsules into 1/16 tablespoon of MCT oil. The Taurine stopped his seizures. As an added measure, next day I decided to add PQQ and Omega 3 DHA capsule for added measure.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Art (California) on 01/02/2023 2395 posts

In this new article, melatonin was used alongside standard therapy and caused a significant improvement over standard therapy alone :


Here is a relevant study quote :

' Considering that the addition of melatonin to routine anti-seizure treatment was effective in reducing the severity of epilepsy and improving sleep quality, it seems that melatonin can be useful as an adjunct therapy for EGTCS in well-defined circumstances. '

Another interesting point about this study is that they only used 3 mg of melatonin/per day to get these good effects in people with epilepsy. These studies always leave me wondering what a higher dose of melatonin might have done. Considering that there are already human studies using significantly higher dosages of melatonin over 100 mg to good effect, it makes me wonder why they would use such a low dose for an actual disease treatment.



Posted by Sam (Miami) on 04/12/2023

Multiple Remedies

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Babyangel (Sinton, Texas, Usa) on 06/26/2012

Hello, my name is Katie. I had mild epilepsy since 11/12/2004 when I had my first grandmal it was induced by stress from seeing my mother stay in hospital 1 month (shes ok now) I took phenytoin 500mg for 11 months, the side affects were HORRIBLE! I was fine for years I knew to avoid foul stong odors such as from nail polish and hair coloring that made me feel I may have a seizure if I was around that odor long. I had a few close calls I drank herbal tea called chamomile to relieve the "yucky" feeling I may have a seizure. I let the tea bag sit in the coffee cup of water I put in microwave 2 mins sit in the water 15mins to make it stronger, if it was an emergency I would get the chamomile tea stems and chew on it like gum, I had 1-3 mild nocturnal seizures each year I knew it was about to happen when I felt the extreme "deja vu" feeling. I started to take a herbal vitamin called valerian root since I had trouble sleeping.. This worked very well 2-3 each night and I had no more nocturnal seizures

I started getting older so, like many other young adults drinking became common for me. My finst few yrs I was fine having 6-8 beers. Then around oct 2011 I started to binge drink 10-12 beers at a time 2-3 times a week until I had a simple partial seizure feb 15 2012 from the bad hangover that triggered it. I did not see a doctor right away I just stopped drinking and smoking tobacco. I still did not feel well I had "close calls" daily and had 2 more simple partial seizures. I finally saw a doctor march 16 2012, I explained to the doctor I never want to take dilantin again. It was so horrible, so the doctor gave me something thats helped ALOT, .50 mg alprazolam (generic xanax) I feel relaxed now, I havent had anymore seizures or closecalls. I break the pill 1/2 so I take only .25mg of xanax at time. I still drink chamomile tea. I also like to drink either cinnamon tea or take 2 cinnamon capsules in the morning that HELPS ALOT the cinnamon, I also take 1 Vitamin E tablet, and 1 omega3 daily.

Whats helped me most is exercising or staying busy on feet!! I havent drank or smoked in over 4 months now . And if you're taking a medication make sure you read online of warnings what may contradict that medicine thats very important.. and if you believe in god, keep something holy closeby. I personally carry a ring rosary always in my pocket with me and next to my bed when im asleep..

I hope I can help someone that reads this.. I wanted to post here hoping to help someone.. God bless you

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