Coconut Oil, Vitamins
I eat, drink, cook with organic coconut oil as much as I can. One of my favorite drinks is coconut water. I also enjoy flavored drinks that are partially coconut. These drinks are all organic. Every time that I cook in a pan, I never use vegetable oil or butter. Instead, I use organic coconut oil. When cooking in a pot, the recipe usually asks you to add some butter. Instead of butter, I always add coconut oil. That tastes good and is very good for the body and brain. My coconut oil hardens on it's own, so I usually take a chunk out of the bottle. When I do want to measure it, I put it in the microwave for a short period of time. That liquefies it. I also use the coconut oil on wounds. It heals them quickly. I also take vitamins to help my epilepsy. The ones that I take, because I feel that they also are healing my epilepsy, are: Omega, Turmeric, CoQ10, and Methyl B-12. I no longer eat any Dairy foods or drinks. All of this, is on top of how I still am taking my medicines. Even though I do, I lowered my medicine dose about a year ago, mainly because the doctors dislike lowering their patient's dose.
This year, I'm 58 years old. Before I changed my diet so strongly, about 2 years ago, I was having 2 seizures every week, during my whole life. As of today, it has been 4 months since my last seizure.
(West Sussex, Uk)
Lovely to read your msg. It gives me confidence that I will be able to write the same in 2 years time. I have just started using coconut oil 3 days ago with serious intention. I am 60yrs now having 1 seizure approx. every 10 days. the meds don't work and I hate the side-effects, especially now that I am getting older. What got you started? Did you need to add MCT oil also & why have you added the vitamins. You mention about a diet change, What did you alter it? It'll be great to communicate with you to share experiences, positive & negative.
Thanks Michele
(New Zealand Wellington)
Hi, I used coconut oil daily basis when cooking and with paste of turmeric that has reduced seizures. I used to have seziures every second day and stress was my biggest concern. A neurolgist tried to put me on new drug, however I had history of depression since childhood so I continued to see how my body responds to this diet of coconut oil and turmeric.
From the CDC website:
"Neurocysticercosis (cysticerci in the brain, spinal cord):
Symptoms of neurocysticercosis depend upon where and how many cysticerci (often called lesions) are found in the brain. Seizures, and headaches are the most common symptoms. However, confusion, lack of attention to people and surroundings, difficulty with balance, swelling of the brain (called hydrocephalus) may also occur. Death can occur suddenly with heavy infections.
Dietary Changes, Bio-Identical Hormones
Dietary Changes, Challenging the Brain
Dietary Recommendations
Edgar Cayce Remedies
Eliminate Mercury
Eliminate Wheat, B Vitamins
A friend of mine had recommended that I try Portland Family Homeopathy and so I did. We went and were given some really basic dietary information about what is good and bad for kids with seizures. Since we've cut out wheat and been giving him vitamin B supplements daily, he has been seizure free for 6 months now. Sometimes the answer is so simple.
Epilepsy Protocol
I am only posting this because I wish I had have found this out 14 years ago and if I could help anyone that is going through it that is all I want, but here it is straight up:
*Vitamin b6 200mg twice a day ( whatever your body doesn't use , you pee out)
*vitamin d3 every second day (tegretol depletes your vitamin d levels ..)
* magnesium complete 1 tab per day
* 5-htp natural amino acid 1 capsule per day
*excercise at least half hour a day to boost positive hormones
* the main thing is: meditation!
Gain control of your own mind through letting go and you will be able to control anything; this being said I understand many people won't try it as it has been portrayed to be "alternative " and "hippie " and even I laughed when I heard about it for the first time, but not a word of a lie it works for me. * I also eat a healthy natural diet and use fluoride free tooth paste, as fluoride is a neuro-toxin which can not help things .and I try to avoid things with chemicals when I can help it . Don't get lazy, be strict with it, make time to meditate. I would like to add that I have been seizure free for 4 years now with no medication. It was scary at first and I failed twice only to learn that I did need to supplement as majority of the problem is just being deficient in b6 , magnesium , serotonin , and vitamin d3. I hope this helps someone or their parents who are desperately searching for answers to something that until recently they knew nothing about, or someone looking for answers that no one will post anywhere on the net.
Hi, just in regard to your article about the use of 'meditation' ... I have temporal lobe epilepsy and was advised by my Neurologist that meditation could be more harmful to someone with this condition due to our hyper active minds, it could be hard to silence our mind? He suggested using repetitive tasks, like walking, writing etc or any task that involves using methods which assist the body, to become more 'grounded' Long story, but finding a 'meditation with movement' seems to work for me ... ex: I study a lot of philosophy and I have read that 'Einstein recommended that (for a man) ~ early morning shaving was a great way to focus the mind at the beginning of the day ...
Epsom Salt
1. The normal range of magnesium is 2*9 to 4 0 mgm. per 100 Of whole blood with an average value of 3861 mgm.
2. In 100 epileptics the blood magnesium ranged from 2-67 to 4-80 mgm., with an average value of 3-47 mgm.
3. Thirty-three (58 per cent.) out of 57 cooperative epileptics were helped by small, daily, non-dehydrating doses of Epsom salt.
4. In a control group of 35 patients taking mineral oil and 15 unco-operative patients taking Epsom salt irregularly, only six patients (12 percent.) showed slight improvement.
5. There was no correlation between degree of improvement and quantity of Epsom salt administered, blood magnesium level, colour or age, except in the psychoses with cerebral arteriosclerosis, in which ages, necessarily advanced, ranged from 60 to 73.
6. In 33 improved cases, six diagnostic groups showed the following percentage improvement:-
Psychosis with cerebral arteriosclerosis .. 76-6 per cent.
Dementia praecox ..... ………………… 720
General paresis ...... …………………...60'0
Epilepsy without psychosis ... …………. 590
Epilepsy with mental deficiency ... ……..490
Psychosis with epilepsy .... …………… 33-8
7. Kidney disease was not present in the patients who responded to treatment; and hypermagnessemia was never sufficient to produce drowsiness or coma.
8. Three patients showed lower than average blood magnesium during convulsions, but reacted poorly to magnesium therapy.
9. Magnesium in small daily dosage is effective in some epileptics neither by filling an elemental deficiency nor by dehydration.
Epsom Salt
Epsom Salt
Epsom Salt

(Albion, NY)
Hello! I have taken Tegretol for about 30 years now and it works pretty well, I guess. I tend to have break through seizures under specific conditions though such as delaying to take my meds, stress, ice cream, monthly cycle changes, lack of sleep and especially if fasting is combined with any of these. I started taking 1/2 tsp Epsom salt with orange juice daily about 2-3 weeks ago in addition to a daily B6 supplement. I also decided to eliminate aspartame from my diet and recently began switching from coffee to black tea. (Just to paint a full picture). I just had a very stressful weekend during a hormonally triggering time of the month, forgot my meds one morning and no breakthrough seizures whatsoever. I haven't experienced interferences with Tegretol personally but we're all different. Maybe try looking at other triggers too: preservatives, alcohol, too much caffeine, irregular or unhealthy eating habits, insufficient or low quality sleep etc.
(faithville, Us)
Ted's Remedies, Natural Treatment for Epilepsy (
my friend I met at church, had a daughter with epilepsy and went on the keto plan because no meds helped her. She had to wear a helmet and play only with soft toys to prevent injury. Her brain outgrew them, and she is a brilliant adult now with no epilepsy. Coconut oil can help with brain and soy lecithin granules and magtein . L taurine may be helpful too. Some people have a spiritual aspect to their epilepsy and some healers get results freeing them of it. I love to google stuff and go research. I had 150 stitches on my head as a four-year-old and was supposed to die of a stroke but I'm old now and plan to get a lot older. I battled ADHD and dyslexia. Our gut has a brain too and affects our systems.
Reduce Seizures On The Ketogenic Diet – Dr.Berg On Seizure Symptoms - YouTube
Epsom Salt
It's now 8 months of seizure free & we thank God & EC for this forum. It will take a while for the body to rid the toxins so don't give up. Epsom salt is natural and has no side effects.
I hope this post will help someone & save lives.
Epsom Salt
(San Diego)
How much Epsom salt should be added to the bath? My son has had seizures since he was 12 or 13, we have only tried medication (Tegretol) and at one point he would be seizure free for close to a year he is now 24 and they are more frequent, maybe 3 times a month, I'm going to try most of what I've read from others on this site. Can't be any worse than what we are already experiencing.
Thanks everyone, God Bless you all.
(Bremerton Wa)
T.He most common trigger for seizures is the neurotoxic substances used as favor enhancers in food.. msg, aspartame and the worst, modified food starch are all neurotoxins which excite the neurons in the brain literally to death. Dr Russel Blaylock has studied these substances and labels them excitotoxins. He has found that aside from giving seizures, many forms of cancer and migraine from hell that these neurotoxic substances literally kill neurons in the brain.
Cancer researchers are astounded at the speed of growth and ferocity exhibited by cancer cells when exposed to these neurotoxic chemicals.
Msg, modified food starch and aspartame cause cancer cells to grow pseudopodia octopus like tentacles which they use to invade nearby tissue when they wish to become more aggressive and metastatic..
Brain tumor has a potential of inducing seizures and these chemicals encourage cancer growth and development..
These same chemicals help to induce seizures therefore restricting the diet of all forms of free glutamic acid is the best starting point to control seizures Read the writings of Dr Russel Blaylock about these dangerous neurotoxins.
Here is another good article for you about diet and how to control seizures naturally