Natural Treatment for Epilepsy

Epsom Salts
Posted by Violet King (Spain) on 08/03/2017

Take half a teaspoonful of Epsom quality.... in a small drink of orange juice every morning, and see the results!! Fantastic when even the grand mal fits cease....and its all natural too......Try it!

Epsom Salts
Posted by Pam (New York) on 10/16/2016

Epsom Salt is also is helping my 28 year old son. Seizure free since first dose over three months ago. Grateful.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Talassis (London) on 09/24/2016

Editor's Choice Someone in my family developed grand mal seizures just over a year ago at the age of 52. He had 4 big seizures within a 6 month period, lost part of his memory & he refused to take any form of meds. I read here on EC about Epsom salt and I immediately bought food grade Epsom salt. He takes half teaspoon in the morning & same in the evening with pure orange juice. We also had to cut out on food additives & went on natural food.

It's now 8 months of seizure free & we thank God & EC for this forum. It will take a while for the body to rid the toxins so don't give up. Epsom salt is natural and has no side effects.

I hope this post will help someone & save lives.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Louis (Montreal, Canada) on 12/01/2014

For Epilepsy you can take a bath once a week in epsom salt and no more epilepsy or seizure since for me.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Janice (Eupora,ms) on 12/30/2013

My son 23 and has been having seizures since he was 1year old. He ran out of one of his meds and could not get it until today. He started having seizures back to back all night and I found this article and decided to try the Epsom salt and I am happy to say after giving him the Epsom salt mixed with orange juice he has not had one seizure since 8:00 this morning. Thank you!

Epsom Salts
Posted by Jtdds (Rochester, Ny) on 11/26/2011

I think I'm on to something regarding magnesium for seizure control. Before you spend a fortune like I did on Liquid magnesium, transdermal magnesium and Magnesium oxide supplements, try this...

Buy a small quantity of Epsom Salt from the drugstore. In a coffee mug, crush it into a very, very fine powder. Stir 1/2 to one teaspoon of the powder into a small sip of orange juice, open your mouth wide and swallow, being careful not to leave any magnesium granules at the bottom of the glass. My seizures are cured. DO NOT STOP TAKING YOUR SEIZURE MEDICATION UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE THIS SUCCESSFULLY FOR AT LEAST ONE YEAR AND EVEN THEN TAPER OFF OF IT SLOWLY WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN'S ADVICE!

Epsom Salts
Posted by Jualsy (Torrevieja, Alicante. Spain) on 08/28/2010

Epilepsy has been around for a long time and it has interfered with the quality of life for a lot of people. The medication that is recommended may stop the fits, but the side effects can be dismal, and the epilepsy continues and the medication recommended has to be increased. After doing research on the subject, because I had a good friend who was on the strongest medication and was STILL having grand mal fits every day, I was impressed enough to ask her to trust me to try something. The solution is to take magnesium in the form of Epsom Salts. Half a teaspoon in orange juice every morning. From the first dose her fits stopped. She ceased taking the medication and her quality of life was restored, after suffering for over 12 years. I advertised in the paper for more people with the complaint and visited them at home and recommended the Epsom Salts. In EVERY case it worked. My chemist refused to sell Epsom Salts to me any more as he said I didn't know better than the doctors, but there were many more places to buy it!! I contacted the Epilepsy Sopciety and offered to give a talk at their meetings..... But they didn't want to know!! I can recommend it with confidence........ Half a teaspoon of Epsom Salts in some orange juice...Try it!!
