Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Epilepsy: Epsom Salt and Other Treatments

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B Vitamins
Posted by Epilepsy Free (Suburban Chicago) on 04/09/2015

I developed grand mal seizures at age 35. I would later discover that I was suffering from a little know medical condition called PDS. or Pyridoxine Deficency/Dependency Syndrome (a severe lack of vitamin B-6). Check a Merck Manual, or online for such information. And, since then, I have replaced the Dilantin I was taking, with one super high potency B vitamin tablet, along with a multivitamin tablet each day, as insurance against other known vitamin deficiency problems occurring. I have since been seizure free for 12 years now.

B Vitamins
Posted by Electrobabymama (Mpls, Mn) on 03/24/2015

I'm back! We did have to act quickly as our son's epilepsy was picking up speed, and our son is on Depakote and the Ketogenic Diet (after meds "failed to control" within 6 weeks).

So, that being said we are 7 MONTHS seizure FREE, and still looking into causes/sources. After having a Epilepsy panel done, it is now known that his epilepsy is NOT genetic.

A friend and I keep circling back to the vitamin B deficiency. Seizures, poor dental, also rashes (rosy cheeks). We are looking into Biotin (vitamin B) deficiency as a possible source at this time as well.

