Cure for Endometriosis

| Modified on Mar 29, 2024

What Is Endometriosis?

A condition associated with the female reproductive organs, endometriosis is a condition in which tissue that typically lines the inner walls of the uterus, the endometrium, grows outside of the uterus. This outer growth is called endometrial implant. Most commonly endometriosis involves the ovaries, bowel or tissue lining the pelvis and rarely goes beyond the pelvic region.

With this condition, the displace tissue continues to act as it would inside the uterus. During the menstrual cycle, the tissue thickens, breaks down and bleeds; however, the transplanted tissue has no way to exit the body. This trapped tissue then causes additional problems including cysts, irritation and inflammation. Eventually scar tissue and adhesions develop. As such, endometriosis is marked by several additional symptoms. Painful periods, pain during or after intercourse, discomfort with bowel movements and urination, excessive bleeding and infertility are all common. Additional symptoms may include fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, bloating and nausea, generally in conjunction with the menstrual cycle.

The exact cause of endometriosis is not known; however, several possible explanations have been identified. Commonly accepted causes for endometriosis include retrograde menstruation, embryonic cell growth, surgical scar implantation, endometrial cell transport and immune system disorder. Additionally, risk factors that are believed to contribute to the development of endometriosis include never giving birth, genetic predisposition, comorbid medical conditions, history of pelvic inflammation and uterine abnormalities.

Natural Cure for Endometriosis

Several natural remedies have been identified as effective treatments for endometriosis. Common options include apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses which help to balance the body’s pH and correct nutritional deficiencies. Charcoal poultices applied to the abdomen work to remove bacteria and toxins and relieve inflammation and pain as does red raspberry leaf tea. Another cure for endometriosis involves supplementing with Chinese herbs including milk thistle and bupleurum root. Additional options include coconut oil, turmeric and iodine. These options along with regular physical activity and a healthy, whole foods diet can relieve and cure endometriosis. See below for more recommendations from our readers!

Adenomyosis Remedies

Posted by Sarah (Los Angeles, Ca) on 09/25/2013

Just received diagnosis of adenomyosis, which is similar to endometriosis except it is within the uterine wall. Experiencing debilitating pelvic pain, heavy periods and abdominal bloating. Western medicine provides only hormonal options or hysterectomy - neither of which will work as I am 'allergic' to synthetic hormones and still would like to become pregnant and have children. Please if anyone has natural remedies, if you could share them with me. I am scared and devastated. Recent history of physical and emotional trauma, PTSD may be contributing. I believe treatments for this ailment will differ from those for endometriosis.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Dear Sarah,

I am so sorry about the terrible pain and stress you are having. So many have been relieved of disease with natural remedies and I am hopeful it will be the case for you as well.

I think it is possible that there may be some natural treatments for Adenomyosis that would be ones that work for Endometriosis. So many natural cures are solving the root problem. And many of us have the same root problem. Apple Cider Vinegar and Blackstrap Molasses help a shocking variety of health conditions. Probably because they are balancing the body PH and addressing nutritional deficiencies, respectively. They help the body to work better and heal from disease.

And those are two things that are inexpensive and easy to try. 1-2 T. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar morning and evening. 1 T. Blackstrap molasses, twice a day. It may sound too simple, but I personally have had great results with these two things.

Another thing is charcoal poultices. Charcoal works on bacteria, toxins, inflammation and pain. It has healed endometriosis and other female troubles among countless other things. I would try charcoal poultices on your abdomen, over your uterus 5 nights a week. If you go to the Activated Charcoal page on EC, How to Make a Charcoal Poultice is listed in the Table of Contents.

Red Raspberry Leaf is helpful to many female conditions. I would try drinking a couple of cups of the tea each day.

All of these things can be done together (though you may want to add just one a week to see how your body responds. ) Just one may work, but sometimes it helps to do several things.

You are having a lot of stress... if you can take a walk a few times a week, that would be good for stress and for general health.

Please keep us posted on your progess! May God give you healing and your heart's desire for children some day!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Sarah, it wouldn't hurt to try Blackstrap Molasses. Start with 1/2 teaspoon daily. Read up on it.

Apple Cider Vinegar

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Posted by Shereen (Montego Bay, Jamaica) on 12/09/2010

Well I weigh abt 310 lbs, however I have been bleeding for more than two months with all the doctors visit now seem to help until one afternoon my mom said I should try and use the vinegar on my sanitary napkin so I research the vinegar and found your site I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar with water and it help me so much I even feel like am losing pounds thanks, earth clinic

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robin (Shakopee, Minnesota) on 01/24/2009

In August 2008, I was diagnosed with endometriosis after I was awakened at 3:00 A.M with very severe abdominal pain. Two weeks and three tests later, while still in pain my doctor told me 'when' the pain becomes severe for 'most of the month' and is 'unbearable' there were surgical options. At this time although I was still in pain all the time, the pain was much duller but it never went away. I tried ACV w/Baking Soda (2 Tbs. ACV w/ 1/4 tsp baking soda) mixed with a tall glass of water every morning and evening. After the 1st dose, the pain lessened in a matter of hours (after being constant for 3 weeks!). I started this regime on a Saturday, by Monday I was at work pain-free. I have had no problems at all since then. I did stop taking it for a month or so, but whenever I felt a 'pinch' or 'twitch' right around the time of my cycle, I'd start it back up. Now, I take two glasses every day to help with my fibroid, I'll never stop taking it again AND my cycles are not only regular, but pain-free also. BTW.. lost a few pounds too... a bonus!

Replied by Jane Ong

2 glasses a day, concentrated? i am having bad problem with endometriosis, seeing a few doctors but was told it will get better after menopause..but the pain is affecting my life day in day out..

Pam E.
(Riverside County, California, USA)
140 posts

Jane, you asked Robin:"2 glasses a day, concentrated?"

No...NOT concentrated!

Earlier in the same post, Robin clearly stated:

"I tried ACV w/Baking Soda (2 Tbs. ACV w/ 1/4 tsp baking soda) mixed with a tall glass of water every morning and evening."

Replied by Willow
(New York)

I have been diagnosed with endometriosis since I was 18yrs. old. I have taken all types of pain killers. I am not sure if the diagnosis is correct. However, I have pain 3 weeks out of the month. The week of menstrual flow I Feel Ok. I have been taking Depo Provera and it has stopped me from having a flow. Does anyone know if ACV will help me? Thanks

Replied by Linda
(London, Uk)

Have you tried using serrapeptase? It is a miracle enzyme that eats all the dead tissue and helps descrease inflammation and pain. It is very good for endometriosis as it will not only alleviate pain but would also eat the scar tissue or any cysts you have. Just make sure you take high potency (at least 90 000 IU) and also it should be enteric coated capsules. Best of luck, Linda

Replied by Margaret
(Port Of Spain, Trinidad And Tobago)

Hi I am the same I have pain three weeks out of the month, used to be two weeks out of the month, but since I am on a new birth control injection its gotten worse, I will try the ACV and baking soda anything to relieve this pain. Wish me luck:)

Replied by Amanda
(Citco, Maine)

I would realy like to know how big everyone's cysts are because mine is 11cm an I'm wondering if any remedies have work for a women with a cysts that size. plz help.

Replied by Joy
(Battlegound, Wash)

Please read the book what your doctor may not tell you about menopause by John Lee, he has two pages in his book on how those cysts come about and how to deal with them....

Don't worry if you are not in menopause, he is a specialist in Ob/gyn for his life work, many women have looked to him for answers.

Replied by Lynne
(Dallas, Tx)

Did you eat anything when you were on this regimen or did you use it as a diet?

Replied by Alicia

I've been rencently diagnosed of endometriosis, I've been reading this post and i's sorry to ask this but what does ACV mean?? I would like to try it, if it really helps against pain.

EC: ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar

Replied by Katie

I have had endometriosis for the last twenty years, and was also diagnosed with adenomyosis last year after several miscarriages, and continuous bleeding for over a year. I was told by my very trusted gynaecologist (as far as im concerned he made it possible for me to have my daughter) that I had two options - have the coil fitted or a hysterectomy. I went for the coil which helped for a few months but then the constant pain and bleeding returned gradually. Not wanting a hysterectomy I went to see a chinese herbalist who said that both conditions can be caused by the body producing too much estrogen. This also explained lots of other conditions and symptoms I was experiencing such as cervical polyps, insomnia, fatigue, anemia, mood swings, low libido etc. he suggested I took milk thistle, wild yam root and horny goat weed. Now a year later and I feel fantastic!

(Washington, DC)

Thank you! How and when do you take these three supplements?

Chaste Tree Berry

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Posted by Heather (Ohio) on 03/21/2022

400 mg of Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex) cured my pain related to endometriosis and a fibroid after the first dose. I've been taking it for 4 days now and I have my life back.

Chaste Tree Berry
Posted by Vibapia (San Antonio) on 08/30/2016

Editor's Choice Re: Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex) for Endometriosis Menstrual Cramping

Every month since I've had my period, I've experienced terrible cramping to the point that I can't function, bloating, pain, irritability. It affected my work, and normal activity for a week leading up to my period and the week of. My doctor suggested putting me on birth control to thin my blood but I decided against it and looked for natural ways to heal. I bought organic non gmo chaste berry supplement (440mg) after hearing when how it brought my friend's period back after her not having it for months. I took 2 the day before my period, 2 the morning of the first day of my period, 2 that night, and 2 the next day. Basically whenever I felt symptoms of PMS I took 2 which is exactly 880mg of chaste berry herb. The pain vanished each time, I experienced hardly any pain on my period while using the chaste berry and no longer need NSAIDs or pain meds.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Vibapia,

Thank you for sharing this remedy! I hope you will keep us posted. I am wondering if the chaste tree berry will even heal your endometriosis with time.

A friend of mine was dealing with prolonged bleeding from adenomyosis (basically endometriosis on the outside of the uterus) and chaste tree berry stopped her bleeding pretty quickly. She was taking 1/2 teaspoon of the dry chaste tree berries (aka "vitex") daily. She would just slowly chew them through the day.

So glad you are feeling better!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Ami

Thanks. I had a rough week with my cycle and was diagnosis with adenomyosis my uterus is 4 months size and have not had children. Don't want a hysterectomy.

Chinese Herbs

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Posted by Adri (Fontana, Ca) on 01/23/2013

I read that the consumption of milk thistle plant extract with enhanced effects of estrogen in the body. As you digest the milk thistle, certain plant compounds in it begin to mimic the physiological functions of estrogen. As a result, hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, endometriosis or uterine fibroids may be worsened.

It may be a better alternative to take chinese bitters (bupleurum root).

Chinese Herbs
Posted by Holly (Atlanta, Ga) on 03/20/2011

After 4 years of ovarian cysts, uterine fibriod and endo issues (including 2 surgeries), I found an incredible website linking these estrogenic issues to the liver. Per, I am taking Coptis at bedtime, Chinese Bitters upon waking, and am experiencing fantastic results. As well, have tried to eliminate estrogen mimicking foods and herbs which are also listed on the site. Please feel free to contact me. hmsr1971(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Replied by Lislcat
(Madison, Wisconsin, Usa)

This is very interesting. I've had ovarian cysts for almost 30 years, but this last year, they have become painful. It use to be that I would have pain at my right ovary, only when ovulating and only for part of a day. Last month, it bothered me the entire week of ovulation and again for the week of my period. Now, it is staying sore all the time. The link with the liver is interesting, because since having my gallbladder out and being on some strong IV antibiotics, my liver does not tolerate caffeine very well and I've been drinking quite a bit of it lately. I will go back to following a mostly vegetarian diet, with no caffeine and see if it helps. I had thought my liver was flaring up, because I tend to get cysts on my skin when this happens and I have them. Thanks for making the connection!

Replied by Nat
(Washington, Dc)

I as well was lucky enough to come across the sensible health website which explains endometriosis to the T! After becoming fed up with the conventional way of treating my endometriosis stage 4, meaning doctors wanted to place me on lupron to cease my menses or birth control to cease my menses. That was a no no I did not want to go through menopause at 23, also these meds do not even cure the disease just make you stop producing your own hormones therefore putting endometriosis to "sleep". I searched natural remedies for endometriosis and my life was changed ever since.

In addition to refraining from soy (MAJOR CULPRIT TO HORMONAL IMBALANCES) AND SWITCHING TO ORGANIC MEAT AND DAIRY and taking the recommended chinese herbs on the site which are buplerum and gentian (in order to detox the bad hormones accumulated in the liver), I can officially say that I have conquered my life again. I no longer feel the daily deliberating pain I once felt prior to getting on this regimen. I have completely forgotten that I dealt with this dreadful problem and instead of taking a hefty amount of pain killers during the time of the month, I now knock out the mild pain which I experience the first hour of starting my period with 1 advil. 1 advil a month VS 10 advils a day in the past. The sensible health author literally saved my life bc nothing else has worked

Replied by Tarcela

Where to buy the buplerum and gentian in the Philippines?

Replied by Karen

Nat, Can you share how much gentian and buplerum you take?


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Posted by Ann (Michigan) on 02/11/2021

Cinnamon for Heaving Bleeding From Endometriosis

Take cinnamon pills 500-1000mg it slows the heavy bleeding.As long as I took the cinamon I stayed pretty controlled symptom wise from 30 yrs old till menapause.i still ache some I wish I knew about serrapeptase in my 20's.

Coconut Oil, Turmeric

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3 star (1) 

Posted by Stella (South Portland, Maine) on 03/27/2008

I have been suffering from severe endometriosis for the past eight years. I have had multiple surgeries and a virtual chemical cocktail of pain meds and hormones. This is the first month in five years that I have not had to use pain medication and have not been bed ridden for three days. What I did-- 1 T. EVCO 1 T. Tumeric in hot water as tea every night for a month. The first month I didnt notice a change in pain, but I did sweat and obnoxious amount at night. I attribute the sweating to my hormones becomming balanced. This month I am pain free. I have also stopped eating out of plastic containers--removed any skin cleaning products, shampoo or tolitries with any suspect ingredients, stopped using tampons, and taken 3 T. of ACV daily. I am truly amazed, I'm not sure what is working but something is. Those of you who have suffered with this know-- I was ready to try anything to avoid another surgery--compared to the spectrum of options I was given by the medical community (removal of more intestines, colon, bladder, or take bunches of hormones) the EVCO & Tumeric is pretty tame. Good luck.

Replied by Stella
(South Portland, Maine)


Update on my experience with coconut oil and tumeric. To my fellow sufferers out there like everything else this seems to have only had a one time relief effect. So without many options I am soldiering on to the next maybe-cure. What I am trying now is large doses of b-complex vitamins along with liver supportive teas such as milk thistle and nettle. The theory behind this being that the liver is what balances hormones and excretes excess hormone. The belief being that a body suffering from endometriosis has an overload of estrogen or estrogen mimickers (ex. plastic, bisphenol-a etc.) That being said... b-complex appears to assist the liver in getting rid of this excess estrogen. Good luck--i will keep posting my results.

Replied by Sp
(Nashville, Tn)

Thank you so much for the information and your update Stella. I had surgery 6 months ago to remove some the endometriosis and want to avoid any future female related surgeries.

I will try the milk thistle and nettle for my endometriosis. I am taking EVCO and turmeric on a daily basis for other ailments and love it and am seeing a positive effects on my body.

Replied by Erin
(Tampa, Fl)

I'd like to add my qualified 'yea' to this method. Eating Jalfrezi Curry which contains these two ingredients makes me feel much better, for a little while. When I'm suffering pain from a cyst it's hard to find foods that won't increase my discomfort, so it's nice to know there's a food that will ease it a bit.

EC: More about this Indian curry dish here:

Replied by Marina
(Philadelphia, US)

If you don't mind, tell me what TVCO is? EVCO, what is it? Thanks

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hey Marina,

TVCO can mean Tropical Virgin Coconut Oil and

EVCO can mean Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Does that fit the context?

Replied by Pradeep
(Sri Lanka)

My wife suffers from endormetriosis and doctors said there is no cure for this illness. she is really disapponted and has given up all hopes of living. She really wanted to have a kid but not successful because of this problem. I want her to be happy and live together. I am trying my best to help my wife to fight this diseas and new to give her a new hope of having a baby as she has nothing to live for. I was very happy reading articles here. If possibe give us more advice as to how we fight this illness.

Replied by Lena

My daughter had the worst endometriosis since she was a little girl. She (we) did not know about it until she was in her early 20s. Believe me, her every period was like going through a labor contractions with "delivering" large pieces of endometrial tissues. Not a single doctor we went to had experienced anything like it in his or her practice. As usual, she was offered a hysterectomy.

Long story short, she went on a raw food diet, no grains of any kind or milk products for 2 years. Her endometriosis is gone. She still eats very healthy, but not 100% raw.

Replied by M
(Nashville, Tn)

You sound like a very compassionate partner. You're right, there is no cure. Tell your wife to stop eating soy, dairy, and gluten and instead eat a lot of green vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables. The more raw food the better. She can also take serrepeptase, which is an enzyme from bacteria native to the digestive system of silkworms. It is the enzyme responsible for dissolving a silkworm's cocoon. This enzyme can breakdown scar tissues, adhesions, cysts... As far as her fertility, I'm sorry she is taking it so hard. She should not give up but perhaps look at other options like surrogacy or adoption. Many people have fertility success from acupuncture treatments. Since the disease is hormonal, it can make us very depressed and moody. Hopefully if she can get a better balance on her hormones, she can start to find joy again. You are doing the right thing by seeking help and loving and supporting her. Good luck to you two.

Replied by Lena

EVCO - extra virgin coconut oil.

Replied by Beth
(Vista, Ca)

Dear Pradeep,

I read a book by Dr. John Lee called Hormone Balance Made Simple (available on Amazon) that details how hormone imbalance can cause the problems your wife is experiencing, as well as many others. He recommends first doing a saliva test to test the level of hormones. Then adjusting accordingly through bio-identical hormones which do not cause breast cancer and other cancers as synthetic hormones do. That book will provide so much information to help your wife bring her hormones into balance and regain her life. And she will be able to have the children you both desire!

Dietary Changes

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Posted by els7 (USA) on 10/23/2023

Thanks for the advice, and I would like to add that people suffering from endometriosis might want to avoid frozen fish sticks. I'm not sure what specifically it is about frozen fish sticks that causes my endometrial cysts to suddenly flare with irritation and cause cramps, but I do know that this doesn't happen when I eat homemade fried fish, or most other frozen foods that need to be heated in the oven. Just the fish sticks, and it doesn't even seem to matter much which brand, it's always the breaded frozen mystery fish sticks that cause the problem.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Elli (Utah) on 01/14/2016

I suffered from crazy pain and debilitating cycles. Really, I was 22 and considering a hysterectomy. Then I found how diet can play a part. ELIMINATE WHEAT, SOY, AND SUGAR. also look into Oxalates. Too many oxalates can cause vulvodia pain. High Histamine. Soy is sooo bad for endometriosis..

It sounded extreme to me too, but it has Helped so much. And its not hard. Its just life. And I (Thanks to Prayer) have a life again.

Eliminate Wheat

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Posted by Lauren English (Whitehorse, Yukon) on 11/12/2008

Endometriosis: A remedy that will actually stop the swelling in your stomach, and make the pain dull so much you can barely tell you have it. And help your chances of getting pregnant. Simple, don't eat wheat. Wheat makes endometriosis in your stomach swell. There is a hormone in there. Don't eat it, feel great. Don't believe me, look it up. There has been a lot of research on it now. 95% of people with endometriosis are irritated by wheat. It worked for me. My doctor said when i had surgery a few years ago, i would never have kids, and i had over 40 endometriosis "seeds" in my stomach. He opened me up a few months ago. NOTHING. And i was no longer in pain. I also add a lot of ginger to my food. If your tummy hurts, get a towel, soak it in ginger, and put it against your stomach. The ginger helps. dull the pain for a little bit anyways.

Replied by Erynn
(New Haven, CT)

Endometriosis- no wheat. When you say Ginger, you mean fresh ginger, or powdered ginger?

Replied by Lauren
(Whitehorse, YT)

Fresh ginger, Grind it yourself! Powdered ginger works in your food, but against your tummy it has to be fresh, it's more potent that way.

Replied by Sandra B
(Toronto, On, Canada)

By eliminating Wheat from your diet are you eliminating Whole Wheat products as well? Sandra B.

Replied by Lauren
(Whitehorse, YT)

You need to eliminate ALL wheat. Its in everything, so it will be pretty hard to do for the first few months, but you will feel better. I eliminated wheat, rye, corn and oats. Wheat is the main one to get rid of. But i developed an allergy to corn, so i went on a body detox. And never felt better. Now i can eat corn, oats and rye again, but NO wheat ever again. The pain was to much, to many hospital visits, to many surgeries. Wheat isnt worth it!

Replied by Celeste
(Mesa, AZ)

I have been off wheat for 2 weeks now and feel a lot better in regards to my endometriosis. I actually feel GOOD after eating a meal now rather than tired. I tried for years to just cut out refined wheat but after reading about the wheat-endometriosis connection I decided to try it for 2 weeks, I'm off it for good now. I am also going through acupuncture treatments for my endo. This helps tremendously with my energy levels and pain. I truly feel like my body is gaining better balance to heal itself through these two therapies. Hopefully by next year I'll be pregnant, or at least endo-free!

Replied by Lauren
(Whitehorse, Yt)

I'm glad it helped you! As for pregnancy try taking maca root, and cherry blossom. They will help increase your fertility

Eliminate Wheat/Dairy, Chinese Herbs

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Posted by Holly (Atlanta, Ga) on 06/10/2011

I have found great relief from endo pain by taking Chinese Bitters (1tsp upon rising) and Coptis (1tsp at bedtime on an empty stomach) = terrific liver cleanse. Also, eliminate wheat and dairy... Both are the devil when it comes to endo!

Replied by Katharina
(London, Uk)

By eliminating dairy, do you mean yogurt as well? Many books differentiate between dairy (milk and cheese) and yogurt... Thanks for your help!

Replied by Holly
(Atlanta, Ga)

Here, dairy = cow's milk dairy. Other milks: almond, coconut, hemp, etc. are encouraged instead. Goat's milk products cause trouble for me as well.

Endometrial Ablation Remedies

Posted by A. Smith (Fort Worth, Tx) on 09/22/2013

I wanted to start a new thread and I am not sure how/where to do it. I had an endometrial ablation. Six months afterwards, I met my new husband who doesn't have any children and wants one. How can I repair my uterine lining? Thank you!

Replied by Tom
(Fort Worth, Texas)

Hello to "A Smith"... Good article at "Steady Health" with key words endometrial ablation added. Since the uterine lining was removed, if ovulation does produce a fetus, the uterine wall is too thin to safely accomodate pregnancy; at least safely, in fact could be quite hazardous. So "yes" pregnancy is possible but possibly life threatening for the mother... according to the Steady Health article.

Endometriosis Remedies

Posted by Amina (Nairobi) on 06/17/2013

Hello, I would like to know if anybody has cured endometriosis. I have been diagonised with endometriosis and I have mild pain on my left hand side thigh. Thank you.

Replied by Anonymous

Hi, I would say you need to reduce your estrogen and support your liver and add more magnesium and vitamin d as cod liver oil to your diet. Eat more eggs and fish for a and d vits. A spoonful of Blackstrap Molasses is reported to help with this too.

Replied by Racheal

Hi, also just diagnosed with "mild" endo yesterday - scan showed right ovary attached to bowl, am petrified seriously phobic of surgery. Want to do everything I can to try without. Really amazed by how many others suffer, love to all. Question is - is better to be vegetarian and how long roughly will diet change take to lower symptoms? Thank you.

Replied by Endoended

Hi Amina

I cured my endometriosis.

I had endometriosis for over 10 years.
For over 2 years I tried all sorts of alternative therapies with little or no relief, these included a parasite cleanse, as sometimes parasites can be what is causing the endometriosis. I also used acupuncture and Chinese herbs for over 2 years to manage my pain but unfortunately for me it could not stop the progression of the endo.

5 months before I considered myself cured, I started taking (LDN) Low dose naltrexone which really helped with general pain relief, depression, ME and fibromyalgia. It was challenging to get a prescription. LDN is a medication that works with your body's immune system through its interactions with your body's endorphins. Endorphins play a role in pain relief, immune system regulation, growth of cells and angiogenesis (the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor). It is also sometimes used to improve fertility in endo patients.

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