Cure for Endometriosis


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Eve (West Indies) on 08/25/2018

Like Maria from Sydney, I've had success with watermelon as well, the only pain-free period I've had in my entire life! My friend had experienced a great deal of relief as well by eating it. I'm currently trying to eat it daily in hopes of having a break from the dreaded cramps. I will report back and update on how it turned out!

Posted by Maria (Sydney, Australia) on 12/11/2011

It's a miracle! I've taken ACV & coconut oil for many years, herbs from an amazing Chinese herbalist who's healed me for many ailments and nothing has worked. Endometriosis has been a persistent problem. I've eaten a quater of a watermelon a day for the past 2 weeks for no other reason than I was craving it. I'm on the second day of my period - NO PAIN and NO CLOTS!!!!!!! I just googled the two together, apparently it's the Lycopene in watermelon, it contains more than tomato's. I can't quite believe it!

Replied by Amber
(Tyrone, Pa, Us)

Maria, is this still working for you after a year? Please let us know!

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