I as well was lucky enough to come across the sensible health website which explains endometriosis to the T! After becoming fed up with the conventional way of treating my endometriosis stage 4, meaning doctors wanted to place me on lupron to cease my menses or birth control to cease my menses. That was a no no I did not want to go through menopause at 23, also these meds do not even cure the disease just make you stop producing your own hormones therefore putting endometriosis to "sleep". I searched natural remedies for endometriosis and my life was changed ever since.
In addition to refraining from soy (MAJOR CULPRIT TO HORMONAL IMBALANCES) AND SWITCHING TO ORGANIC MEAT AND DAIRY and taking the recommended chinese herbs on the site which are buplerum and gentian (in order to detox the bad hormones accumulated in the liver), I can officially say that I have conquered my life again. I no longer feel the daily deliberating pain I once felt prior to getting on this regimen. I have completely forgotten that I dealt with this dreadful problem and instead of taking a hefty amount of pain killers during the time of the month, I now knock out the mild pain which I experience the first hour of starting my period with 1 advil. 1 advil a month VS 10 advils a day in the past. The sensible health author literally saved my life bc nothing else has worked