Natural Remedies for Edema (Swelling in the Tissues)

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Gary (Detroit, MI) on 07/13/2017

Edema, ankles swelling

Alpha Lipoic Acid - Tried this for Edema no luck but will try something else on this page as I read that somethings work for some people and some don't so I'm still looking.

Calcium and Magnesium
Posted by Cynthia (Ca) on 09/28/2015

Step 1 -Take a daily calcium supplement of 1,200 mg. According to the Mayo Clinic, calcium supplements may reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and help eliminate water from tissue. You should not take extra calcium if you have been diagnosed with any kidney illness, such as nephritis or kidney disease, without talking to your doctor.

Step 2 -Add a magnesium supplement of 200 to 400 mg per day to your diet. The Mayo Clinic reports that extra magnesium may reduce water retention. However, the clinic does advise that magnesium will cause problems for those diagnosed with heart or kidney disease.

Step 3 -Purchase a multivitamin that contains 1,200 mg of calcium and 200 mg of magnesium as an alternative. Check the labels of the vitamins to ensure they offer both minerals in the proper quantities. Do not take two pills to get the right dosage of calcium and magnesium. If necessary, purchase separate supplements of these two minerals to add to what is available in the multivitamin. The Harvard School of Public Health also recommends extra vitamin D for overall health to possibly prevent some of the illnesses that may cause edema.

I tried all other ways to cure edema. The above really worked for me.

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Beets
Posted by Kelly (Northridge, Ca.) on 03/31/2017

How many milligrams of ALA? Please I need the same relief you got!

Posted by No Perscriptions Drugs For Me (US) on 09/09/2014

Have you looked into the DMSO stuff to reduce the swelling? == Noprescriptiondrugsforme

Neck Edema Remedies
Posted by Jewel (Plano, Tx) on 02/03/2015

I am a Licensed Massage Therapist. Sounds like scar tissue may be the problem. Find a WELL QUALIFIED massage therapist to do some Lymphatic Drainage massage, and maybe some Myo Fascial Release around the scars. This should help.

Swedish Bitters
Posted by Marsh (Denver, Co) on 02/20/2013

My ob-gyn recently put me on a few heavy drugs to stop major menopausal bleeding. The drug - I believe - did weird things to my body although the bleeding stopped. One of the symptoms was swollen ankles and urine that was colorless for a few days. Swedish Bitters was recommended and a massage that concentrated on the internal organs which was amazing in itself. This morning, no swollen ankles, my urine was back to normal and I have more energy than the past few days.

Fulvic Acid Complex
Posted by Bill (San Fernando) on 12/23/2013

Hi Mary...Since you only have edema in the right foot, then it is probably a local problem(not a body-wide problem) caused by a blockage in your lymph in the ankle region. So if you take bromelain (a protein digesting enzyme) 500 mgs outside mealtimes 3 time a day, this should help to remove the protein blockages in your right ankle and reduce the edema.

I would also take the Quantumin at 6 drops a day since this contains minerals and is also beneficially alkalizing for the body.

The 35 ml Quantumin bottle will last about 3 months.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Taslim (Mauritius) on 08/09/2016

ACV hasn't reduced my left foot edema at all. Contrarily, it seems to have worsened it a little more.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Julie (Iowa, US) on 12/24/2014

I have seen this molasses post in a few places elsewhere. And always without evidence. I seriously doubt consuming SUGAR would resolve edema. if anything it would make it far worse.

Distilled Water
Posted by Ricardo A. (Brazil) on 11/02/2018

Osteoporosis is easily prevented or reversed drinking lots of vegetable juices including green leaves. It is a disease of people who do not like to eat fruit, green leaves and vegetables.

Grape Vine
Posted by Fran (Rocky Face, GA) on 01/12/2007

Someone ask if we knew anything for Edema. I worked as a herbalist for years and I remember the day a lady came into the office to tell me the story that another herbalist had healed her of Edema, he told her to go to the woods and cut a grape vine, which I believe to be those long vines hanging off the trees in the woods, but I am not sure myself. anyway, he told her to start a fire with a piece of tin on top and put the vines on it until they turned to ashes and take 1 tsp in water and she would never have this problem again.... Please know I knew this lady was truthful but even she couldn't remember the amount so I am unsure of the safety...

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Jamielah (Lithonio, GA) on 11/21/2006

I just started taking Blackstrap Molasses. I'm hoping it will cure my reinke's edema. Swelling in my vocal chords. I dont want to have surgery. Do you think it will? I have little legions on my vocal fold. I hope blackstrap will shrink them."

Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "Jamielah: A lot of conditions should be helped by taking lemon and baking soda, basically take one whole lemon and add baking soda until the fizz stops. Then add water to 1/2 glass. The body once it is alkaline, should be much better in fending off the inflammation or swelling by increasing the immune issues.

Usually taken twice or three times a day should help alkalize. Reduce eating white bread, pizza, or foods with white flour and drinking of any sweet drink will help. I am not certain if black strap molasses will help as it has sugar.

However, licorice extract should be a better option and so is taking zinc acetate 25/mg for 3 days every week not exceedng two months and some garlic"

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suze (Phoenix) on 03/17/2023

Never had covid and I'm a pureblood - but ACV on its own in a glass of water has done nothing, so will try it in a veggie soup as you suggested, Jeannie. If we have to eat, then I can't think of anything healthier than veggie soup. Yum!

Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, Canada) on 10/27/2019

Update: Sorry, I made a mistake in my previous post. R+ALA 400mg. /day reduced the swelling by 25% not 75%. The swelling went down to 75% compared to what it was; therefore a 25% reduction. My apologies

Low Fat Diet, Avoid Pain Relievers
Posted by Nothy (Toronto, On) on 08/21/2019

I went on a low fat diet (dr macdougal plan) and my edema disappeared. I also lost about 10 pounds in 6 weeks, which likely helped. As stated by another reviewer, I noticed that the edema flared when I was taking an otc pain reliever, naproxin.

CBD (Cannibis Oil)
Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 06/20/2018


I'm glad to report that my success with the CBD oil continued for 2.5 months. That's how long it took to go through a small 495mg bottle taking .5ml first thing in the morning and last thing at night even though the recommended dose is only once a day. The swelling continues to stay away so I'm getting another bottle. You should be able to find it at any cannabis store. Pricey ($60.) but worth it. Good luck.

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Beets
Posted by Karen (Kansas City ) on 07/30/2015

Want to know how much of the acid and beets are needed. I have been using no meds and cayenne pepper for the past few days. My pressure is wonderful.


Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 09/08/2014

Hi Kt,

I was out of town yesterday and am just now seeing your post. Yes, cayenne should be fine- it does work well for normalizing the blood. Turmeric also should be fine and may help the inflammation.

If you have a fresh onion, a fresh onion, cut up and put into a towel over the area as a poultice, may help. We have used this to prevent "goose eggs."

A charcoal poultice may also reduce the pain and swelling. It would be a very safe thing to try, if you are still in pain.

I will be away from home all day again today but will check this evening to see if I have heard from you.

I hope you are feeling better, soon.



Posted by Jean (N. Central Texas) on 03/09/2024

I've found if you treat your bruise quickly with DMSO, it will not swell, bruise or be painful. I've heard that if you treat a stroke victim within an hour with DMSO, it will reverse the stroke. OldGlory

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 11/17/2015

Dear Sandy,

My first thought when I hear of edema is Dandelion. It is a great herb, indicated for edema. I believe in part because of its effect on the liver and blood (helps with cleansing them.) You could drink several cups of strong tea daily. (Though maybe one cup the first couple of days and work up to three.) You can add peppermint leaf to it to improve the flavor and a little honey if you like.

Directions for Brewing Medicinal Teas

Do you have any other health issues? How is your diet?

You say you limit salt. Interestingly, one of the cures listed for edema is salt. Definitely the sodium in fast foods and processed foods is a culprit for edema, but use of a high quality salt (Celtic Sea Salt, for example) may be helpful, unless you personally have found otherwise. (If you try it, start with a small amount first.)

See also:

General Health and Wellness Tips

Let me know how it goes!

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 03/10/2024

Hi Jean

They do call D.M.S.O. a miracle for what it can do; for a swollen joint, I read that if you grade a small potato and apply it to the joint, it will take the swollen area away.

Barbra O Neil is on YouTube and has a lot of interesting videos..

take care


Vitamin E
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 04/03/2014

Edema of the legs.

Third: Crushed vertebra.

The cordical is the cortex or the outer layer and is usually associated with the brain but can also relate to kidney. So the MRI showed the outer area of both kidneys is atrophying. Dangerous and potentially lethal as I'm sure the MDs have told you.

The Edema is the big clue that tells us the cause of the atrophy. I have a 91 year old pal who takes lots of nutritional stuff and has for 40 years. I went to see him in the assisted care facility and there he was ... laid up with special wrappings around his legs... legs lifted; Edema.

What is going on, I asked him. With all the great nutritionals you swallow why should you have a circulation problem? And after talking to him, that was just about the only problem he had. His mind is still sharp; he looks good (outnumbered 7 to 1 female to male residents he is the center of attention at the Saturday night "events" there at the Facility).

But I digress.

I insisted on reviewing his nutrient inventory. Mercy. He takes more pills than I do, and I take 40 or so a day.

HOWEVER, the one I was looking for, and there were some exotic ones in his "box" was missing.

What, dear reader, will facilitate the blood's circulation more than any other?

What is the greatest cause of Edema? Circulatory insufficiency. And as to the previous question...what will facilitate blood circulation, and vein and arterial dilation, and elimination of inflammation that can restrict circulation and even plaque removal which certainly will cause Edema...

I am sure the astute reader and you, Robert Henry, know the answer to this question. But do you know what? My old friend, the one in the nursing home was not, I say NOT taking that fundamental...absolutely bottom line essential vitamin. And literally, within 10 days of adding that ONE nutrient to his regimen he was nearly Edema free. this: Lack of blood flow as evidenced by the Edema MIGHT also be the cause of the atrophying kidneys. May Be....

THE KEY is NATURAL VITAMIN E....Lack of proper circulation is killing you. It can only help in your recovery of the vertebra. If surgery, E can help the healing.

The Doctors "Shute"... brothers... and Canadian physicians back in the 50s were talking about Edema and Vitamin E. Circulation and Vitamin E. Clot removal and Vitamin E.

If this were me, I'd start with 200 IUs daily of Natural E (d alpha tocopherol, and not the dl form which is synthetic). After a few weeks, increase to 400 IUs, and two weeks later same increase and two weeks later same increase. I take 1000 IUs daily and have for ... oh, 30 years or so. And make sure your are taking Magnesium and Arginine. 500 mg of each. (I take 5 thousand mg of Arginine.) Some folks, if facing big circulatory problems will take DMSO cream and mix in Vitamin E and apply topically to the effected areas; goes straight to the site, through the skin. And some folks, if the problem is not resolved, will increase the oral dosage to 2000 IUs.

Robert Henry, you are REALLY smart. Now, try to think of anything else to improve circulation, because (re the kidney) whatever the cause is (Cysts?), the improved circulation on the outside of the Kidney (Cortex = Cortical) will benefit both that problem and the Edema.

Now as many nutrients as you do take, maybe you'll tell me you are taking 1, 000 natural Vitamin E. But if that is the case, then SOMETHING is stopping it from acting. Are you sure it is natural? REALLY synthetic (sure it's cheap) but it won't work. Magnesium? Enhances the E and so does Vitamin C and selenium. Robert Henry, think now; you've helped thousands. You can figure this out. Don't give up.

You are loved and we need you.

And one more thing: Act fast.

Your old pal,

And YOUR student,


Cream of Tartar
Posted by Christina (Il, US) on 06/27/2014

@Bo- have you ever tried taking magnesium supplements for the leg cramping/spasming? I used to have horrible leg cramps and spasms, in my calves. I started taking magnesium and the cramping and spasming has almost completely stopped. Every now and again i will wake up from a really bad cramp in my calf. It only happens 2-3 times a year now, instead of on a regular basis. When i wake with the horrible cramp i take an extra magnesium pill, along with some potasium (sp?), and i also drink some gatorade.

Obviously, check with your doctor before trying anything. The magnesium can cause tummy problems for some people (it is also used to help people when they are constipated), so start slow, and work your way up to the amount that you (and your doctor) decide will work for you. I hope you find something that helps...i know just how horrible leg cramps and/or spasms can be. Good luck!

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 05/29/2015

Yesterday, after strenuous legwork, my toe cramped up. I immediately stood up and pressed down hard on it. That helped for a minute, but it kept cramping. I grabbed a handful of Epsom Salts (probably way too much) and put it in a pail of warm water and stuck my foot in there for a bit. Instant relief and no repeat cramps, thank G-d!

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Ali (Wales) on 07/11/2018

Anything containing potassium will tend to lower the blood pressure, so that includes all fruits & vegetables. But low blood pressure can be an indication of poor adrenal & kidney function. Licorice root tea or capsules can help to raise low blood pressure. Small dose gradually increased is best so it can be monitored. Potassium is very healing, but always better when derived from fresh fruit & vegetables. Since going high fruit raw food I no longer suffer with edema and my insulin sensitivity is much improved. My injected insulin requirement (I am diabetic) has dropped by a quarter to half of the amount I was taking when following a high fat Ketogenic diet (which made my insulin resistance much worse).

Sea Salt in Water
Posted by Lynette (Worcestershire ) on 07/24/2021

Pink Himalayan salt is awesome too, it's so full of electrolytes, great for the whole body. I put a few sprinkles of it in my water bottle everyday. Xxx

Swollen Feet Remedies
Posted by J (Ontario) on 02/02/2016

Try Serrapeptase. Take on empty stomach. It is an enzyme that is amazing, literally for any kind of inflammation, and if you have arthritis and damage in foot it will help that, , , , , and perhaps the edema.

Try Magnesium too, and try to flush out body with 2-3 L water a day.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Norman Leslie (Consolacion, Metro Cebu, Philippines) on 06/22/2010

I have used ACV for my plugged ear together with hydrogen peroxide and seems to help.

Also a lady mentioned going grey, well try taking tablespoon black strap molasses 3 or 4 times daily with hot water & milk is what I do it cured my nose bleed years ago and now it is curing my edema in my feet ankles & leg and my hair. I noticed more blond as it used to be and I read people with gray hair getting black hair again. I also use Alovera gel in my hair.

Posted by Mena888 (New York, New York) on 06/17/2013

Ginger is good ant-inflammatory agent and will also soothe an upset stomach. If you are able to get access to fresh ginger, I think that you should use it instead. To make ginger tea, just peel and grate a small piece and boil with water. Add some honey to it.

Green tea and ginger are good separately. I think that you should experiment with how much ginger you can tolerate if you are adding to green tea. To me, powdered ginger tastes different and not as palatable as fresh.

Let me know how this works you.

Distilled Water
Posted by No Perscriptions Drugs For Me (US) on 09/11/2014

I don't understand how by drinking distilled water can remove anything from the body.

I can understand that by not replacing minerals into the body they will eventually deplete. But, that by drinking one hundred percent pure water, like it was when the earth was first made and the first dew gathered upon the grass how could that actively deplete a mineral.

We know that smoking activetly depletes many minerals and vitamins from the body. But that is an active process. In other words a man or woman has to smoke and the chemicals interact with the body and deplete the nutrients. But how can drinking water that is distilled deplete minerals?

Thank you.

Distilled Water
Posted by Kelly (Seattle) on 05/24/2023

Actually Ricardo, green veggies like spinach, etc., can make osteoporosis and other bone diseases worse, due to their high oxalate content.

A better solution is to do like our grandparents did -- make soup or broth from the bones, skins and tendons of the 'whole animal' -- chickens, cows, pigs, etc., -- and we'd have a lot less hip and knee replacement surgeries which have skyrocketed in the last 40 years. Even "kids" in their 30's and 40's are needing hip sad.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jerry (Oregon) on 11/21/2016

When you drink it, I find it more useful to use a straw; let it go to the tongue and then swallow. AS you said, DO NOT let it touch your teeth as the acid will eat at the enamal.

CBD (Cannibis Oil)
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 06/20/2018

Katy, look into inclined bed therapy, which is raising the head of your bed 5 degrees. Some believe that this is the way long ago peoples slept. It is purported to improve circulation of the blood and lymph, and edema is one of the many maladies it has been reported to improve.

CBD (Cannibis Oil)
Posted by Tim (Georgia) on 06/21/2018 21 posts

Hi, Kety

If you have any heart disease, as it's the main cause of edema usually, L-carnosine (caps)+DMAE (caps)+CoQ10 (caps)+ 5 drops of Aloe Vera Oil on your tongue/or meal as your regular source will improve your heart muscle in short time and stop swelling.

Good luck, Kety. My best wishes and many happy returns.

General Feedback
Posted by Gigi (Ajax, Ontario) on 09/18/2014

I have been having swelling in my leg for over 12 years now. My doctors just ignore me when I complain. I found a pill called "LEG VEIN" by natures way in the bulk barn, I just thought I would try it and amazingly I feel no more pain. I am soooo grateful for this supplement. I can't wait to tell my doctor. I got no help whatsoever. I could not eat any protein my muscle would swell and hurt for days. Since taking these pills I am living a normal life. I am 58 this year and was giving up on all sports, been active all my life. I have to call the company and thank them. Thought I would share to help all who cannot get that answer from anyone, I have never been diagnosed. Nothing shows up on XRAYS. I am so happy now. I have never found anything specific on this site either. Happy to share this, you never know.

Posted by Timh (KY) on 09/08/2014 2063 posts

Immediately fallowing an injury place a strong magnet over the area for several minutes and continue the therapy several times daily for a few days. This will greatly reduce pain & swelling.

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Bo (Pdx) on 08/17/2013 10 posts

Would someone from EC please comment on the safety of this recommendation?

i got all excited when I first read about Cream of Tartar, becoz I have awful leg spasms keeping me up at nite and have been noticing that im craving bananas which do seem to help. So, potassium imbalance?... it would be awesome to have a little bottle of CreamTartar on hand for those late nite moments when the legs are hopping & im out of bananas.

Then I did a little reading elsewhere and learned that Cream of Tartar is EXTREMELY high in Potassium... Maybe this is not something to be messed with after all? she recommends adding 1/4tsp in water to be sipped, but doesnt say whether she uses it all or how fast. Or in how much water. from my reading I saw that the kidneys must be in good shape for dealing with high levels of potassium, and that too much can cause unexpected death from heart failure.

How dangerous is this advice?? I don't think I would be comfortable trying cream of tartar without knowing its limit of safety, and I am having a hard time identifying exactly how much potassium Cream of Tartar actually contains... Online sources claim anywhere from 495mg per tsp- which is not so much- all the way up to 5 grams- which would obviously be toxic!

Reaally need some clarity, EC... Thx!

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Bj (Michigan) on 05/28/2015

Epsom Salt is actually magnesium sulfate. Spraying it on the legs does and will help restless leg syndrome, very much. Thank you Arthur Hall for mentioning this for RLS. Many people have good results with the bar of soap, but it did not help me. I have to wonder if this has something do with what causes RLS in different people.

Magnesium alone has not helped me with edema, though it has helped with easing joint pain at times. Potassium does help with edema, but I would lean to the cautious side and not use more than 1/8t. of either cream of tartar or pure potassium citrate.


Red Vine Leaf
Posted by Solis (London, England) on 01/05/2013

Would not have believed it, but mine has been cured by taking red vine leaf extract which I happend on when buying my vits on line. Marvellous.

All edema went within 20 days, even on long haul flights (16 hours). Only side effect (possible but not proven as may be age) is my hands now more prone to bruise blood hematomas, but these disappear quickly.

Swollen Feet Remedies
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 04/04/2012 2063 posts

Try Magnet Therapy.

Raw Food Diet
Posted by Andy B. (Canada) on 07/09/2015

Kale should not be eaten raw, but cooked. There is an interesting article on the Weston A. Price Foundation's website concerning goitrogens in crucifers.

Article title: "Bearers of the Cross: Crucifers in the Context of Traditional Diets and Modern Science"

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskchewan, Canada) on 03/02/2010

Hi: Regarding edema, have you checked your thyroid for hypothyroidism. Also be careful because blood tests only reveal a glandular problem not a peripheral problem. So if you make the hormones but your body is not accessing them at a cellular level you can still be hypothyroid. Home test for hypothyroidism is a body temperature test. Get a digital thermometer and measure yourself in the mouth 3 times a day and average it out. First measurement is 3 hours after waking then in 3 more hours and lastly 3 hours from that. Should Be 37 or 98.6.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maureen (Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada) on 08/21/2009

To Glo from Woodbridge, VA, I strongly advise you to try the Inclined Bed Therapy. It is just a matter of putting something like bricks, wooden blocks etc. under the head of your bed so it is elevated 6"-7" depending on the size of your bed. I started 14 nights ago and am seeing a slight reduction in fluid in my ankles. That is pretty amazing for having the problem over 40 years!!!

Check Earth Clinic's Inclined Bed Therapy section for information from Andrew Fletcher

That is how I started


Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Donna (Lincoln, NE) on 02/12/2009

I stopped my menstruation a year ago. I started black strap,and apple cider vinegar 1 month ago because my ankles were swollen, and redness was going up my legs. The apple cider and blackstrap did get rid of my swollen legs. I started a light period after 1 year of not having one. I said ''well hello''. I came to the conclusion that my body was so depleted of minerals that my body quit bleeding because it had nothing to give. I guess it will quit when it is ready to quit, I am not worried about it. I feel better than I have felt in years. If black strap was doing something to hurt me, then i would be feeling sickly. I feel young again. I don't suffer hot flashes anymore, my bones don't hurt, I am finaly able to loose weight. I have lost 25 pounds since I started blackstrap almost 2 months ago.i take it with apple cider vinegar, and warm water. Thank God for his wisdom of what is good for us.

Posted by Stan (Auckland, New Zealand) on 01/06/2008

My wife developed post-surgery DVT. acutely clogged circulation from the foot to the thigh. After 3 months of medical attention (and advice that she would have to live with it!), I suggested that she follow my ginger advice to at least improve circulation. At the same time I tried it for my chronic cold feet. Within 10 days things improved and she can now travel by plane without swollen feet! I was on 12 m of therapy for hypertension-Norvasc when its known side -effect of oedema became acute. In less than a week off N. but drinking green tea with ginger I was back to norma l(Green tea is also proven to ameliorate hypertension).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Valerie (New York) on 08/09/2016

So long as the ACV is organic ACV that contains the "Mother" element you are doing a good thing for your body. One downfall is the wear of tooth enamel so make sure always to dilute with water.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Daniel (Thailand) on 05/09/2015

Licorice root increases my edma dramatically along with Bacardi and coke. flying aslo has the same effect so I tried the apple juice and olive oil programme. dring pure apple juice for five mornings straight. On the evening before retiring to bed I mixed 1/2 glass of apple juice and 1/2 glass of olive oil mixing them until the mixture was complete. the swelling stayed away for about 5 months. from this I learned it was my liver the culprit..

Posted by D (Midwest) on 06/15/2018

Serrapeptase didn't help me with edema. By the way: every time I am taking Serrapeptase I have terrible RA and PA flare after a few days. My joints hurt so bad. I don't know if it is coincidence or not.

CBD (Cannibis Oil)
Posted by Katy (Sacramento, Ca) on 06/19/2018

Good luck with the cannibis- I will be back to hear your progress. I am not sure I can purchase it but will find a way. I've suffered from ankle and lower leg edema and the misery it causes for most of life and my dr just increased my diuretic [Triamterene] today--because the hot weather makes it worse. This is a great site, I learn more each time I visit-Cheers to all you edema sufferers and thanks for your input.

CBD (Cannibis Oil)
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 06/23/2018

Mustard seed powder is said to treat swelling.

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Beets
Posted by Irwin (West Orange Nj.) on 10/20/2016

Where do I get this product? I'm in dying need of getting this swelling out of my leg.

EC: For ALA, visit your local health food store and online (Amazon, iHerb, Swanson's, etc).

Posted by KT (Usa) on 09/06/2014

I whacked my leg (attempting to lift it over a steel rod), just above the ankle and it is beginning to look bruised. The swelling is the size of a Ping-Pong ball and it is really painful. I just drank some cayenne pepper. Was this okay? I know I have heard putting ice on an injury like this but I do not agree because I fear clots. I already had a clot in this leg and was using the cayenne to help dissolve it. Mama to Many (I think) said cayenne was good for both ends of the spectrum. Sorry Mama, if I am incorrect. Oh, this really hurts...I want to take some turmeric but don't know whether I should or not.

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