Natural Remedies for Edema (Swelling in the Tissues)

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Norman L (Abbotsford, BC) on 03/16/2008

Editor's Choice I had serious swelling of ankles, feet & legs. And all doctors could suggest is poor circulation and one way valves in leg not working properly and would have to wear pressure socks for the rest of my life, but I was not willing for this and kept searching and trying all sorts of natural things but when finally I went back to blackstrap molasses, which I used to take for nose bleeding & cured that and after some time of use I ran out of it, & forgot to replace it and got swelling problems, but never connected it to molasses. But after 2 yrs for some reason I tried blackstrap molasses again and after some time I noticed something, less swelling to happen and gradually dissapeared and not even swelled during the day anymore and so it must be the molasses that played a part in circulation for me in my legs. I will continue taking it for this is a much better cure than wearing pressure socks, which did not go to fix the problem anyways. Thank You.

Foot Massager
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 02/26/2017


HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN,,,,,,,,, as all know I fell and crushed my T 12 three years ago and have had edema since. Took diuretic pills, PT, lymph massage, etc. with little improvement.

Was told about the MED Foot Massager, bought it and again had little help until I did some study. The leg lymph system is fed from both sides of the T 12 vertebrae and I suspected the location of my leg lymph restriction. So about a week ago I began putting my feet on the machine and then sitting on the machine while on a bench. My feet, ankles and legs began to go down so I did the regimen morning and night . Now they are close to normal.

Guess by sitting on the massager my restriction is relieved and the lymph fluid can go on it's merry way.

As all know the lymph system is the sewer system for your cell waste. Without that waste being removed, you will absolutely not feel well. Also, physical movement or exercise is the only way it gets to move. Hopefully this massager has helped my problem and may give your some ideas if you have edema.


Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Janet (Sparta, Missouri, U.s.a.) on 10/24/2012

Thank you so much for your advice about ALA for edema. I tried ALA in 100 mg vcaps and in three days my ankles were back to normal. Earth Clinic is an awsome site, and thank you for posting on it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Yesterdaysecho_jen (Collinsville, Oklahoma) on 09/08/2010

After going on a two mile walk three nites ago my right leg from knee down to foot swelled, bad. I started taking the two teaspoons of vinegar yeasterday morning and hoping to start on the peroxide treatment as well, but I'm concerned about this swelling... Though it's down some, I'm concerned about the walking now and wondering if whatever's causing this swelling the vinegar will take care of... ? Any response would be so appreciated.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Amy (Charlotte, Nc) on 08/09/2015

I have tried the Black Strap Molasses remedy and with less than a week, my edema in my ankles and lower leg have gone away!!! One TBS in the am and in the pm.

Distilled Water
Posted by Josephine (Kansas City, Kansas) on 12/27/2007

If you have any swelling in your knees or legs,stop drinking everything and drink only Distilled Water, I promise it will take the swelling away. Please try it for a week and see results. My knee was swollen and the doctor prescribes Steriods, and instead I did the distill water.

Celery Juice
Posted by Jacklyn (United States) on 06/27/2019

Editor's Choice Celery Juice For Edema

I have been suffering with Edema for years. My ankles and legs get swollen on a regular basis especially when I sit all day at a desk or if I am on a long flight. I have tried ginger tea, ACV, blackstrap molasses, and even drinking more water. I also tried walking to make the blood circulate but it still wasn't working.

Then I tried celery juice while on a vacation. After 1 day the swelling in my legs and ankles came down by half. After 2 days it came down by 3/4 and I was in the bathroom peeing all the time. By the 3rd day, my ankle and legs were the smallest they have been in years and I could see the veins in my feet. I drank the 16 oz celery juice every night. You will have to go to the bathroom in the morning. Now I have started drinking it in the morning on an empty stomach. If I miss it for one or 2 days, the swelling comes back. No other green juice works for this. I have tried. Just 16 oz of Celery Juice, with nothing added, is best. If you are adding something, which you shouldn't, it is ok to add a little bit of lemon juice.

I am happy that I found this, and I hope it helps you too.

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Beets
Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 12/18/2017

To Shirley,

After reading your post and doing some research I found that a potassium deficiency can be a contributing factor to edema. Beets are high in potassium so following the line of logic I started taking a potassium supplement - 2 X 99 mg/day plus ALA 8 X 200 mg/day with good results. Beets have also become a favourite but being a lazy cook I simply use a can of baby beets.

Limiting Carbohydrates
Posted by Edemasufferer (Port Townsend, Wa) on 12/02/2012

For the past 5 years, I have lived with edema in my left leg. I tried everything from lympathic massage and acupunture to Western medicine ( diuretics and a salt free diet). Nothing worked. Then, I found diet that has almost completely cured the edema, which I hope will help others that are suffering. I limit my carbohydrates to a max of 30 grams a day: every meal consists of low carb vegtables, protein and fat. No starch, no sugar, (no fun! ), but the edema has radially reduced in the past 30 days. I also supplement with the herb cleavers twice a day. I was not a "believer" when I first heard about this working for my condition. Obviously, I now think differently. Hope this helps.

Elana's Vegetable Soup
Posted by Elana (Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada) on 02/27/2012

This is good for edema... In a large stockpot place:

2 potatoes with skins, 3 carrots, 1/2 head cabbage, handful of fresh parsley, 1/2 bunch broccoli. Add lots of water and bring to boil till tender and drink the juice. I make enough for 2 days and drink at least a quart a day or whatever you like. It tastes so good and the feet swelling goes down. I make soup from the vegetables and that is yummy too!

Posted by Sunita (Santa Cruz, California) on 10/09/2011

My dad used to mix 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper in home-made buttermilk, drink it after meals everyday as long as I can remember. He said he was cured of peptic ulcer, ringing in ears, indigestion, gas problems and something else I forgot. He died a healthy 67 yr old from an auto accident. I have been sprinkling it on my food every day for about a year now and have had no colds. When I stopped for a few weeks while traveling I had terrible problem with swollen feet so I noticed as soon as I began taking the CP swelling was gone. An 86 yr old friend of mine swears by it for candida, circulation, eczema and her good vision. She has taken capsules for past 20 yrs. I have taken turmeric with warm milk for acid reflux and it has worked wonders.

Posted by Susan (Humboldt, Tn) on 07/06/2011

water with fresh lemon juice every morning will help with your ankles swelling. before anything else.... I drink some lemon water and my swelling has not been near as bad. Blessings

Posted by Rita (Cleveland, Ohio) on 06/16/2011

Hello to everyone with the problem of swelling in the leg, ankel, and feet. I drink hot lemon aid (no sugar) twice a week. Squeeze the juice from a real lemon half cup of water heat and drink 2/3 time a week (real lemon juice is a natural diaretic) I learned this a a weight clinic and it really works!!!

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Susan (Townsville, Queensland) on 04/08/2009

Vitamin B Complex: Recently went on an overseas air flight. The 1st leg of the journey was 7 hours, my feet and ankles were extremely swollen on landing. But during the 2nd leg, 12 hours, I was lucky to find spare seats and lay down to sleep, so I had minimal problems on landing. 4 weeks later, on the return 12 hour flight, I had to sit the whole time, but I made sure to get up and walk every half hour or so. On landing, I had swelling again, but this time with an ugly red rash up the inside of both shins. 3 days of extensive walking and sight seeing only made the rash darker, although the swelling did subside. But of course it returned after the 7 hour flight home. I read at home that night that Vitamin B might help with Edema - fluid retention. I took 2 "Mega B" capsules, and the next morning, the swelling was gone, and the rash had completely disappeared, there not a trace of it, yet it had been an extremely dark, solid, red mass with slight itchy bumps, running 2/3rd's up the length of each shin. I only wish that I had known this before the trip, I would have taken a bottle of Vitamin B with me. I now take Vitamin B each day, and have noticed that my feet are no longer puffy in the mornings .. a problem that has occurred every now and then since my last pregnancy 11 years ago. Thanks for a truly informative site.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Oil Pulling
Posted by Gloria (Weslaco, Tx) on 12/19/2007

I am a 53 yr. woman that has been using ACV and oil pulling for about two months now. One of my problems had been swelling of my ankles wrists, & lymph nodes. Since I have been oil pulling, and using ACV the swelling has decreased alot even when I sit long periods of time. One thing that happened while I was taking blkstrap molasses 1 tbs. a.m. and one before bedtime. I gained weight because of the rich vitamins so I cut down to just 1 tbs. before bed. Oh! and the spider veins are fading around my ankles and legs.

Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, Canada) on 10/25/2019

Editor's Choice R+ALA 400mg./day worked for me in 24 hr. reducing the swelling by about 75%.

Be sure to get the one with R+. I'm not sure what the R+ stands for but in previous posts on the old site it was stressed that it was better than just ALA alone.

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Bo (Pdx) on 08/17/2013 10 posts



One night when the leg cramps & electrical nerves were very bad & we were out of bananas, I did actually get brave/despearate enough to just sample- with the tip of my pinky finger- a taste of Cream of Tartar. My sample was Less than 1/16th tsp...

Within minutes I began suffering the classic effects of Extreme Hypotension, bordering on medical Shock. it was a terrifying experience & I believe I came close to dying that night. I thank the Creator that just before I came to the point of passing out, a sudden small thought entered my swimming conciousness- "take Sea Salt NOW", and immediately I did, and sat on the floor, and in short time began to feel my pounding heart slow a bit and become more steady, and my veins stopped throbbing and I became less dizzy and faint, and was able to go back to bed (still wondering if I would wake in the morning)

This is a Very Extreme Reaction- and I believe Uncommon Side Effect- BUT I want to state that I believe this occured because I am allready a Clinical Hypotensive with chronically dilated veins. Cream of Tartar is a powerful VASODILATOR which is why it is so effective to reduce blood pressure, but as such is extremely dangerous to people who allready live with Chronic LOW Blood Pressure due to naturally dilated veins. We who have Low BP from large veins should stay far away from all Vasodilators, whether chemical OR Food-Sourced, it doesn't matter- we have no margin for error. Vasodilators in an allready dilated cardiovascular system can trigger medical shock and potentially kill.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 02/02/2013

My mom gets swelling in her hands from eating too much sugar. Try not eating sugar. Sugar is also said to reduce potassium from the body.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, Canada) on 07/06/2018

Update: Since my last post I made a mistake and bought regular ALA instead of r+ALA and find it to be not as effective so I'm going back to the r+ALA and will advise if it works better.

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