Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Diverticulitis Relief: Safe & Effective

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Janet (Alexandria, La, United States) on 10/21/2010

GSE has kept my Diverticulitis at bay for 2 years. At the first dull ache, I drink 2oz orange juice mixed with 15 drops of GSE. Stir well as you drink it, because the GSE settles to the bottom instantly. Repeat 2-3 times a day, then decrease the drops in the following days as you improve. If I take one dose daily or every-other-day, using 6 drops with 2 oz orange juice, I never have attacks. This has kept me free of attacks for 2 years now.

Warning About Colon Cleanse
Posted by Joyce (Glasgow, Scotland) on 03/29/2008

I digested Psyllium and Bentonite clay for a colon cleanse. This was to ruin my whole life and caused immediate gastritis and triggered rosacea/rhinophyma. The onset of syptoms were abrum, immediate and extremely severe. I now have blepharitis and meibominaitis as a result. I was very stupid and digesting this product has ruined my whole life. DO NOT TAKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by K Lesli (Minnesota ) on 06/19/2024

GSE was very helpful in turning around an acute bout of diverticulitis for my husband. He did take aloe Vera juice and good pro/prebiotics and slippery elm some, but the pain receded with the GSE, 20 drops in a gel capsule.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Matthew (Arizona) on 11/29/2023

Diverticulosis Multiple Remedies

Hi. Thankful for this community lots of helpful tips on so many things. My personal story on abdominal pains and diverticulosis conditions: in Dec 22 I was having discomfort and diagnosed with Diverticulosis no active infection. This led to dietary changes and some weight loss and improve greatly. Condition return in early Oct 23. I had regained weight and was being lazy on healthy eating. I once again started multiple phase approach.

Over 3 weeks I went clear liquid diet twice for about 3 days each and then 2 individual days fasting. That may not be for everyone be careful of course but fasting has benefits. Intermittent fasting also helps your system needs rest that way sometimes.

I also used GSE, Aloe Vera juice, ACV, Wormwood extract for anti parasites benefits, Digestive herbs mix from health store, ginger, flax oil, turmeric, green superfoods probiotics drink, yogurt, lemons, and this may lose some but I really believe it was helpful. Garlic, horseradish, sauerkraut and yellow mustard all have properties for fighting bad bacteria. Also, LOTS of walking drinking wAter and just eating less. All of these things helped I think combined. I did one week of antibiotics from doctor also. We may not all respond the same on one remedy. Feeling much better now even lost about 12 pounds so far last 2 months.

Hope this helps someone wish you health on your journey. Thanks

Dietary Changes, Supplements
Posted by JJ (USA) on 10/03/2022

Stomach, Diverticulitis, IBS, ulcers,

Check with your doctor before starting.

Get rid of Diverticulitis and IBS in 1 to 7 days and also prevents it. , Typical Diverticulitis Symptoms: Pain 4” below belly button, gas and mucus. Ulcers fix in 2 weeks, Relief in 2 to 4 days. Do #4, #5 and #8 as a long term cure or prevention for multiple stomach issues. Do #4 for 2 weeks to 4 week for a good short term fix.

1. For diverticulitis: No nuts, seeds, strawberries, blueberries, popcorn or corn, as well as foods that have small seeds such as strawberries cucumbers, oats and tomatoes.
2. Pepto-Bismol or another brand 2x day, for short term relief. Do not take with tinnitus.
3. Take one time. ¼ of a pill, any of antibiotic you have to prevent infections. As needed.
4. Juice 1 or 2 carrots and 10 oz Cabbage juice 3x a day for a total of 32 to 50 oz daily. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORnmefZu5Cg

5. Take L-glutamine (see below). Start with About 500mg. Natural Factor brand or any good brand.

6. PepcidAC or Rolaids for short term acid reflux problems.
7. Tylenol for pain if required.

8. Take 2 per day of Zinc L-Carnosine (Doctor's Best brand PepZinGI) as a plan for treating and preventing ulcers and Diverticulitis, IBS, etc.

9. An Apple a day helps in not getting Diverticulitis.

10. No wheat, acid foods, citrus, vinegar, Tomatoes, etc for ulcers.

L-Glutamine is an amino acid found in the body that helps the intestine function properly and it may be beneficial for overall intestinal health. DO NOT take glutamine if you are diabetic or have seizures, liver disease, or a history of mania or manic episodes. The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests a dosage of 400 mg, 4 times per day, between meals. Only 500mg a day works for me.

Grapefruit Seed, Oregano Oil, Olive Leaf
Posted by Hilly (USA) on 02/19/2022

I too used Olive Leaf Extract plus Oregano oil. I use the capsules. I personally like the Gaia brand because they are good quality. At the first sign of a flareup, I alternate 2 olive leaf extract capsules and then 2 oregano capsules two hours later, the first 2 days. Do it every couple of hours around the clock while not eating anything. It gets rid of my fever when I have a bad infection.

Steve is correct. You have to do this around the clock. A few capsules here or there are not going to work. You have to take them consistently around the clock the first sign you may be having a flareup. Like say every two hours. Even if you get up to pee at night, take either 2 olive leaf or 2 oregano initially. Alternate them.

This really works to get rid of the infection.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Lee (Calif) on 05/05/2018

Yes, anyone can have an allergic reaction to any herb or plant that will detox you. Aloe is a very strong detox - makes me sick * don't listen to what the masses out there say -most are wrong even the docs and super food guru's -- ask within for guidance --psyllium will heal the divertic but small amounts at once.

Slippery Elm
Posted by Jb (Nsw, Australia) on 01/04/2016

I have had occasional bouts of diverticulitis and have found slippery elm to be very soothing and beneficial. I generally make about 250 ml of warm water in a glass, place in a teaspoon of honey and stir. Add 2 heaped teaspoons of slippery elm powder and stir to a smooth consistency. It's quite pleasant to drink. I take this first thing in the morning and just before I go to bed.

I have also found grapefruit seed extract to be very helpful and works quickly.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Art (California ) on 08/12/2015 2265 posts


Urine may be sterile, but people can have a UTI and not be aware of it, in which case the urine can carry the bacteria and the person not be aware of it. So with a healthy urinary tract, the urine could be sterile, however the penis and scrotum including the surrounding area can be a bacterial breeding ground, both good and bad. A good exposure to a wide variety of bacteria can be good for helping to maintain an effective immune system, but over exposure to a lot of bad bacteria can definitely have a downside.

I don't normally get urine on my hands when I urinate, but I definitely handle my penis and surrounding area at that time and I do wash my hands under those circumstances. I'm not a totally PC person, but I do wash my hands after taking care of business.


Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Lisad (Cirencester, Uk) on 10/15/2014

I've suffered with Diverticulitis for a number of years now as it comes and goes in severity. About 18 months ago, I had a particularly bad bout and it was time to see the doctor. He gave a course of antibiotics which I admit did make me feel worse before I felt better. I'm certainly not a fan of antibiotics but occasionally they are needed.

Obviously, a good course of high quality probiotics are indicated after using antibiotics... and of course anything that is going to improve digestive health with this condition is a positive thing. I personally like the Odos Choice as there are 30 billion viable organisms per capsule, about 8 different strains and they have to be kept in the fridge which for some reason makes me feel more confident about it - but I digress.

I have always been a fan of Aloe and I spend alot of time in France. They have a drink there in most shops that is basically just water and aloe and everyone drinks it for their overall gut health (presumably because of a rich food diet). I found though that it works miracles if you just use it (well Aloe in general) all the time, rather than when you are feeling under the weather as it's also a powerful preventative measure rather than a treatment.

I get very few problems these days as a result (although Aloe isn't the only thing I use every day but it one of the main things).

Yay for Aloe Vera - which tastes nice and sounds nice. :)

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Timh (KY) on 10/16/2014 2048 posts

To help empower your probiotic and get more bang for your buck, it is recommended to take a natural antibiotic like Grapefruitseed, Olive Leaf, or Oregano Extract before retiring and take the probiotic first thing when awakening. FOS or Inulin is also recommended as a pre-probiotic as it helps the digestion environment for proper colonization.

Another critical nutrient for colon health is Butyric Acid. Butyric Acid is found most abundant in Butter and gives it the kinda rotten smell. B.A. is rarely available in supplement form but is effective and would be highly recommended during flare-ups. Also the body makes B.A. as a byproduct of incomplete digestion of Wheat or Oat Fiber.

Back to Aloe Vera. I have been using Aloe on-and-off for yrs. I currently take two soft gels once per wk as a maintenance dose.

Aloe Vera Juice, Papaya
Posted by Momto2 (Mn) on 03/30/2014

I was diagnosed in 2010 with diverticulitis. In 2011 I had a flare up and was told (by a separate doctor that had diagnosed me) that flare ups should not be happening, and if I had another it meant surgery. Well, that scared the life out of me so in 2013 when I had another flare up I saw yet another doctor. She also mentioned surgery. All 3 times I had the Cipro/Flagyl combo and hated the way they made me feel and the metallic taste. I had my 4th flare start last week and was adamant not to see a doctor nor hear the word "surgery". I started to research to see what my alternatives were and came upon this site. After reading about Aloe and Papaya I decided I would try that and if it didn't work I would (reluctantly) make an appointment to go in.

I bought Aloe Vera caps and Papaya with Mint; within one day I was already seeing improvement and now I am on my third day and although I know I am not 100% feeling better, I am 100% certain I will not be going to see a doctor to get antibiotics. I am thrilled beyond belief and so thankful to have found the feedback I found on this site.

I am going to stay on a daily regimen of Aloe Vera to see if I can remain free of attacks, but glad to know I have alternatives to antibiotics.

General Feedback
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/09/2013

Hi Wendy, so sorry you are feeling un well. I know what that feels like. I read books. It is almost like I have had an anointing to read books. Not that my memory is so great or my intelligence. I am on a quest to find answers. I have found some amazing things.... Lately I have three favorites as my go to if I have an issue. Here are two of them in the right order for you.

(histamine is a signal of dehydration> signalling imbalance in fluid or electrolytes) causes allergies, autoimmune disease, lymph problems, circulation problems, hormonal problems, sinus problems, sugar problems, digestion problems, elimination problems, I urge you read this one today - Dr. Batmanghelidj watercure.com Your body's many cries for water.

John Lee Ob/gyn lovely man.... What your doctor may not tell you about menopause, answers in here how and why to avoid a hysterectomy and how to correct female imbalances.... Read this one... You will need to write all over this book and bend page corners.... take notes.

Love much ....JOY

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Angela (Atlanta) on 01/07/2021

They say nuts, seeds, and high fiber don't cause diverticulitis but if you do have it, you shouldn't eat them because they can cause a flare up. They are small enough to get caught in the sacs and cause inflammation or infection.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn. ) on 06/24/2015

HI U JEAN, , , , , , , , , most of us have Diverticulosis. Not an expert, but I thought this was a physical thing. So what has shots and antibiotics have to do with the problem? Your doctor need some jack?

My tractor driver had a bowel problem and she did a long colon cleanse and is now much better. We also do a colonic once a month. My suggestion is to research until you are sleepy and then research some more. Your solution is on the internet somewhere, your chore is to find it.


Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 06/25/2015 2048 posts

J: A common cause of Coon disorders is some type parasites. I would begin treatment for those higher up the chain than what the meds you got treat. The standard herbals are a combination of Black Walnut Hulls, Wormwood Bark, and Clove. You can find these in one supplement at most health food stores. In addition to these herbs I personally recommend adding Garlic and Oregano plus a spoon of Milled Flaxseed (cleans the colon from the inside out).

More info on your condition here https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/diverticulosis-diverticulitis-treatment.html

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Rhonda (Mb) on 03/10/2017

It was determined from a colonoscopy that I have diverticulosis, and am experiencing a bout of diverticulitis right now, but I have rarely ever in my life been constipated, so I don't believe that constipation causes it.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Bridge (La) on 12/10/2017

Well I can't say that nuts and seeds actually “cause” diverticulitis; however, if you have an unknown flare up and consume these foods, the situation will be exacerbated. I can tell you my first flare up ever came after gorging on peanuts on a road trip and every other flare up I have had since then has been a result of eating cucumbers or popcorn, cashews, peanut m&m's, okra, corn, gumbo made with roux (oil and flour paste) tomatoes, raw broccoli, excessive roughage etc...I can also say this has been the same for my mother, oldest sister and only brother so this has been my experience and that of others. Also, I am a nurse and I have seen quite a few patients with flare ups caused by the same.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Mysicqa (Edmonds, Wa) on 11/12/2014

ACV and cayenne worked for me within 1 hour, but only if caught early and no constipation involved.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Gabrielle (Schuylkill, Pennsylvania) on 05/15/2010

I found out I have diverticulosis the hard way... when it became a serious case of diverticulitis with a perforated intestine and peritonitis. I had to have a foot of my large intestine removed during emergency surgery and spent a week in the hospital.

Since then I've only had a couple minor bouts with pain, as I'm very careful what I eat now. However, this past week it became a daily problem - both pain and occasional nausea were really dragging me down, making me feel miserable.

I finally checked earthclinic and read the post about grapefruit seed extract. Lucky for me, I have some. I tried the 12 drops / glassful of water and within the first hour my symptoms were diminishing quite noticeably. After four hours they had completely disappeared. I did take one more "dose" six hours after the first one and, so far, I'm feeling great!

Now I know what to take - not sure if I'll do the daily regimen, as the stuff tastes rather unpleasant, and I rarely have any problems - but having it on hand certainly makes me feel better.

Thank you SO much for this info! You've saved me a trip to the doctor and taking antibiotics (which I hate to do).

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by M F (Mineral Wells, Texas) on 09/18/2007

In the past I've been troubled with Diverticulitis to the point I had to take anitbiotics. This would happen about every 3 to 4 months. I started taking Grapefruit Seed Extract when I'd feel an attack coming on. I would take 12 drops in a glass of water 4 times a day. After about 4 days the pain would subside. Then after several months I would have another attack and do the same. I finally got smart, I take 12 drops (GSE) in a glass of water each and every night with out fail. I am now free from the attacks and when I do feel like an attack is coming on I do the 12 drops (GSE) twice a day and soon go back to just once a day. I hope this helps others that are bothered with this condition, it has made a big difference in my life. I don't like to take antibotics. I have just found this web site and am really interested in reading about all the different cures and remedies. I'm going to try several of those mentioned.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Juan (San Jose, Ca) on 11/08/2014

I have diverticulitis for over a month and taking meds. Can I take the apple cider vinegar drink now and what else can I do to privent this from happening again? Pls help me

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 11/08/2014

Juan ( San Jose, CA) ---If you take SLIPPERY ELM powder from the health store, make a gruel with warm water and honey and have it daily. It repairs damage to the gut, removes or relieves pain and does a lot more if you look it up on the 'net'.

For instance, if someone has a bad belly ache, it can do wonders. Be well. Ditch those meds. (Just my opinion).

Namaste, Om

Dietary Changes, Supplements
Posted by Art (California) on 10/04/2022 2265 posts


What do you use that helps your IBS-D?


Dietary Changes, Supplements
Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 10/04/2022

I eat carefully. Nothing raw, mostly bland. Very few carbs, mostly soluble fiber. When in a flare, I don't eat. Most of the things people say to eat cause me problems. When I finally got serious about treating it myself, I started a food diary. Record everything that goes in your mouth, make notes about time of day, how you feel, etc. Eventually, a pattern emerges and I was able to isolate foods that were really bad (chocolate, yogurt!, tomato in anything) and what foods were safe (any white fish, roasted/grilled chicken w/o any additional sauces, well cooked carrots and other 'mashable' veggies) No corn or peelings. That sort of thing. Everyone is different, so you need to figure out what works for your system.

GSE and N-A-G
Posted by Hessy (atlanta) on 06/15/2022 6 posts

Thanks so much Peter - did exactly this and good to go in 48 hours, with relief of pain at first use of GSE.

Horseradish, Garlic or Tummy Vibration
Posted by Don (Michigan) on 11/22/2018

The treatment that helps to clear my diverticulitis is an old type wide belt tummy vibrator. I use it two or three times a day and in a 2 or 3 days the colon pockets empty out.

The treatment to clear the bacteria depends on the pathogen. Most times pure horseradish clears it in a day or two. One rounded teaspoon 3 times a day. This current time horseradish did not match the bacteria but raw garlic did. About 5 sliced raw garlic cloves per day. Eaten throughout the day as pain returned. Took 3 days to clear.

Aloe Vera Juice, Turmeric
Posted by John (New Smyrna Beach, Fl) on 05/04/2017

I have taken flagyl off and on for 5 years for diverticulitis. Early on took cipro along with the flagyl. Cipro caused tendonitis so I only took the flagel. After 4-5 days the pain would go away. Appx 1 1/2 months ago got sick and started amoxicillin. One week later got Diverticulitis. Took a round of flagel. 4-5 days later the pain went away. Last week started feeling the diverticulitis again. I did not want to take anymore antibiotics. After 3-4 days the pain was was about the same. Then I found this site. There is a post by someone talking about aloe vera and turmeric (publix fruit of earth).

Monday started 1/3 -1/2 cup aloe and 1 450 mg turmeric pill 3 X a day. Tuesday still pain. Wednesday it seemed the pain was going away. Thursday morning the pain was gone. (Knock on Wood) Don't know what I will do next. Most likely will stay on this level for the next several days and then cut back. If you have any recommendations please advise.

Thank god for this site. John

PS. Don't know how severe my diverticulitis is. But a year or so ago had a CT scan which they confirmed diverticulitis.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Dondi (Malibu, Ca) on 09/10/2016

GFSE is a miracle worker for diverticulitis. Had several attacks 2 years ago for which I took Dr's intense antibiotics which made me feel like my intestines we're ruined. Took a month to get back to my normal. I've done many things since then to prevent more attacks but for my last two (year and a half apart) GFSE worked as fast or faster (less than half a day) than the antibiotics to completely stop the pain and then another half day for a natural release of the infection and raised sweaty temperature.

I also used monolaurin (an antibacterial coconut extract) at the same time, so to play it safe I'd say use both.

One (and only one) good word for allopathic meds. Along w the antibiotic prescription, Dr's will usually prescribe an anti-spasmodic which really does help with the painful spasms until the GFSE kicks in.

I do keep the diverticulitis antibiotics on hand as a fallback but hopefully we'll never have to use them again. Also, Very Important, if u don't already know this : don't eat when ur having an attack, stick w water juices and Aloe. Just google what to do for a diverticulitis attack and you'll see Mayo Clinic or other reputable site telling u how to handle the acute phase. Just go very easy on food for a day or two after ur better so as not to damage ur still sensitive intestines.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 10/07/2013

I took the AMP capsules so the taste was irrelevant. Most AMP products come with 270 capsules although slightly different strengths but I did find one with 90 capsules and good strengths so lower cost for less severe condition. I had to take AMP capsules for a month and half before I found relief but many people find immediate relief within days or weeks. It depends upon the severity of the problem. Here are comparisons of some products: aloereviews.com/Reviews.aspx

General Feedback
Posted by Ed2010 (Oakville, Canada) on 05/09/2013

Drink Noni Juice 15ml - 30ml two times day, Blood vessels around rectum and anus gets strengthened. Strengthen the colon as well. Also, normalizes the bowel movement by digestion and excretion.

It is a wonderful natural food. Noni Juice.

Posted by Michel (Montreal, Quebec) on 02/18/2012

Hi all, I worked as a mechanic on a septic tank vacuum truck. Few months later I got diverticulitis cure by conventional medicine but within a month symptoms came back. I did not feel like going back through the medical stuff again. I put 15 drop mms with citric acid and drank. 2 hours later my colon drained itself and my toilet bowl looked and smelled like my septic tank. I was fine after. I don't think 1 drop would have cure me and gradually increasing the dose may have given the germs a chance to adapt to mms plus a heavy dose cause my colon to go into. Flush mode to rid itself of the irritating chemicals and drastically reducing the germs count. It worked.

Helpful Tips for Diverticulitis Management
Posted by Jobie (Minnesota) on 01/21/2017

Wildbill62 is correct. This is a serious conditon and not always apparent how bad the infection is, but it does progress until you need surgery or you get a perforation that kills you. Make sure you get a proper diagnosis, and initially you should be taking flagyl as this is an anaerobic bacteria and there are not many things that can reach that kind of infection once you have it. I HATE antibiotics but after researching for alternatives (which I have yet to find) for this horrid drug, I will bite the big bullet. Aloe will make your gut feel better but beware of claims that it will heal this kind of infection. Also, make sure you are on a liquid diet. Juice your vegys, make bone broth, Dr. Mercola has a good basic recipe on his web site for that, and take a good probiotic as well because any antibiotic will destroy the good bacteria as well as the bad. Eating wisely for this condition will help keep it in check after you are better.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Richard (Omaha, Nebraska) on 09/30/2011

I found this site very helpful. Had divert a year ago and did the standard antibiotics. Now I make sure I use GSE if any first signs appear, also heaping tbsp of psyllium every day, if I remember! Regardng the theory of small seeds affecting the bowel, at least two good doctors in omaha tell me its an old, unproven idea, searching I found comfirmation on webmd and the mayo clinic site that there is no proof that seeds affect.. However, one should keep track of what you eat and determine what affects you. Maybe you will or are bothered by seeds of some sort. you know best how your body reacts to food.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Mary (San Carlos, California, Usa) on 08/10/2011

I believe it is the seeds from the berries that get caught in the pockets of the diverticulitous in the colon that cause the problem, along with nuts and seeds like sesame seeds and so forth. This is what a Dr. told my friend who had a severe case of diverticulitis.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Joanne (Washington) on 03/26/2021

Nuts and seeds is what brings on my diverticulitis and sends me to the Dr office every time...Everyone is different...The foods that cause me a flare up are popcorn, any type of nuts or seeds, strawberries, blue berries, raspberries, jerky and pepperoni. All of these foods have caused me flareups.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Diana (Washington State, US) on 03/19/2015

Yes, the Mayo Clinic. other sites, and even my doctor say nuts and seeds are ok. For me they are the kiss of death..I only have to look at a sesame seed, popcord, chunky peanut butter and I am sick! Trying aloe starting today...fingers crossed

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Jenjen (Usa) on 02/07/2016

Regarding seeds - if you are forming normal stools, there should not be loose seeds and nuts floating around separately in the colon to get stuck anywhere - it should all be bound safely in the stool, which should slide through the colon with the natural mucuses smoothly past any imperfections.... That is why fiber is recommended - it helps the stool to form and bind correctly.

However I suspect, since clearly some people can't tolerate seeds/nuts, the differences between people may be due to some people not forming good stools, or not having normal mucus secretion in the colon, so loose bits might drift around or get caught up. So I don't think this is a yes/no issue. Just try to figure out for yourself what your risk factors are. In theory you should not have loose raspberry seeds by the time the food reaches you colon, but perhaps a few people do!

So I have not given up seeds and nuts, and will continue to work on having healthy stools to avoid future episodes. Glad to read about Aloe, I will add to the preventives. Thanks all.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Lynn (Douglas, Ga) on 01/19/2017

You can't fill the pockets, that is what causes the problem, when something gets caught in there, it causes an infection to start. I read a lot on this, I have it and all things point to a low fiber diet.When you get an attack, stop eating solid foods and go liquid all day, let your intestines clear out. Probiotics, digestive enzymes, aloe tabs, help immensely .

Multiple Remedies
Posted by sara (the beaches) on 07/28/2023

Make a walnut butter out of them. soak organic raw walnuts over night then put them in a fast blender and make a butter of them.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Amber (Enumclaw, WA) on 06/22/2024

I'd be careful about Brazil nuts. They have Selenium in them and too much can be harmful, even fatal. As for the walnuts I'd just switch to coconut oil to be rid of parasites.

Swedish Bitters
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 11/23/2022

I make my own. You can buy the herbal packet already put together on Amazon or other sources. It's called:

Original Zwerenz Schwedenbalsam 22 verschieden Krauter and Wurzeln

Swedish Bitters by Maria Treben 22 ingredients 7.4oz dry weight.


Pre-made ready to consume. Original Austrian Swedish Bitters Extract (Schwedenbitter) (8.45 fl.oz) by Opas Soap

Swedish Bitters
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 11/24/2022

Thank you so very much! I am excited to make it and take it! I'm sure I'll be using it topically as well. With 6 kids in the house, there should be plenty of opportunities that will arise :)

Pink Himalayan Salt
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 07/09/2021

I was reading aloe could be harmful to diverticulosis on long term basis.....in the diverticulitis section in here. So strange you have this pattern. Patterns like this would have a root cause along the same pattern occurring. You might like, Eric Berg link below. I use desiccated beef liver to keep my body calm, while my body attacks the supplement my liver can heal. Also I feel led to add that msm the sulphur our body uses and has less as we age, need vitamin c to repair our tissues and the gut is one long muscle and magnesium is the mineral for muscles. Plus your collagen may be under attack and it would make the gut sluggish in flexibility. GSE is a good choice, might try some coconut water and Himalayan salt to hold water in the gut to keep it from congestion. Blessings to you, charity

Aloe Vera Juice

Posted by Alyson (Leesburg, Va) on 02/15/2016

Better But With Side Effects

I have been taking Aloe Vera Juice (Whole Leaf) for over two years for diverticulitis. I was just in the ER twice in one week with heart issues, low potassium and electrolyte imbalances. The cardiologist suggested it could be the Aloe Vera juice and had me read a few articles, including one from the Mayo clinic, that have severe warnings about internally taking it which described almost all of my symptoms. I'm wondering if anyone has heard any dangers about it? I was happy taking it and really thought it worked; now I'm not so sure.

Reply 6 Replied by Robert H.
(Mount Pleasant, Sc)

Look for Aloe that is made from the fillet and NOT "Whole Leaf" The latex lining of the green outer skin contains laxative ingredients and the side effects listed by the Mayo Clinic. Almost all Aloe on the market is processed with activated charcoal to remove the latex component.

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