Natural Remedies

10 Cold and Flu Home Remedies


3 User Reviews
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Posted by Gabriela (Pahoa, USA) on 02/01/2008

When I had a cold or the flu in the past, my body could never get rid of it. I always got bronchitis and always had to take anti-biotics to finally stop it all. One day I said to myself with TOTAL determination: I will not allow to get a cold again, because my body can't fight it. Since then I have had only one cold (in 10 years). That one I cured with the juice of one large organic onion per day(made in the Champion juicer) and mixed with fresh orange juice. I had to drink this for 2 days only and was fine again. I regard onion juice as a natural anti-biotic.

Orange Juice, Whisky, Honey

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Posted by St (Oconto, Wi) on 09/20/2009

cold -OJ, whiskey, honey

Now this recipe never CURED my cold, but it ALWAYS made me feel better. My dad always made it for us when we were younger, and I just remembered all about it! It defintely made us fall asleep ;-) and feel better, though. He would take about a cup of orange juice, a splash of some kind of whiskey (or rum-whatever), and a spoonful of honey. He mixed it and gave it to us hot.


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Posted by Ahmad (Calgary, canada) on 03/07/2007

I would like to enlighten you with one of my ancient arabic cures for the common cold and a congestion in the chest in nasals. Oregano is the cure. You take water and boil it then you add some organic oregano to the boiling water and inhale the steam for as long as it stings and then you drink the water with honey. I give it my double money back guarantee (as long as the oregano is a natural strong scented one and not commercially produced).

Oregano Oil

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Posted by Kaite (Windows, Ontario, Canada) on 11/09/2010

I couldn't imagine going through any sort of congestion, runny nose or cough without this stuff. It brings immediate clarity to my sinus congestion as well, it actually breaks up the mucus build up in my lungs. Just recently I was diagnosed with bronchitis and was prescribed penicillin.

I'm not crazy about this particular antibiotic because it just wipes out all of my body's good bacteria, not to mention pills are hard on your liver. I told the pharmacist to put a hold on the penicillin and I will kill the mucus with the oregano oil. It worked, no need for the penicillin, within a week, my lungs had cleared up and I was my old self again. One thing that I also admired was the taste it left in my system; a lot better than tasting bile when you cough!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Nanci (Berwick, PA. USA) on 03/08/2009

I have been using oil of oregano for over a year. I put a drop on my finger and apply it to a tooth that was starting to abcess. I had to put it on about five times a day but in two days the pain was gone and never got as bad as the one that had to be pulled. I would get it in a healthfood store to make sure it is safe for digesting. I'm not sure if essential oils for inhaling are the same. *oreganol* is the brand I have

I start to put a drop on my finger and apply it to the glands under your ear by your neck. One or two drops per side. Then I put a drop on my finger and put it under my arm pit because there are glands there also. I do this about five or more times a day. I have been able to ward off a cold completely when everyone else has it. I didn't have any because I lent it to someone and I went a few days with out using this. I got very sick and was in bed for five days. when I got it back I used it and two days later was up. I think I should have used it longer and I didn't. Now I got it back. I guess because the cold got a start here, now it is going to be hard to get rid of it. Now I made a cup of hot water, 1/2 a large garlic diced, 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of ACV and the juice of a Lime. I am loosening up already. Oh and the acv cured the hot flashes I had.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Craig (Felton, CA) on 12/18/2008

I have been using oil of oregano for almost a year, after a suggestion by a naturopath. It seems to work to ward off the many tingles in the throat. I would suggest however, that anyone who is thinking of trying this for the 1st time start with one drop in a half glass of water. The aroma is so strong that most people I give the remedy to are turned off by the very pungent odor. I am able to take it without water but do not suggest it. 3 to four drops in a couple ounces of warm water is very tolerable after a few times of the lighter dose. I have acid reflux and taking the remedy too often definately brings it on, so I do it once in the morning and another time at night. Hope this helps.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Melissa (San Diego, CA) on 09/21/2007

I was suffering from a very bad cold/flu, specifically horrible sinus pressure and chest tightness and coughing, and clogged ears. I love ACV, Cayenne pepper, and hydrogen peroxide for many things, but none of these provided any releif for this. I also tried Grapefruit Seed Extract, sea salt, and borax to try to kill the virus. The last thing I tried was Oregano Oil. I used one drop sublingually and put a few more drops in water and felt immediate relief from the cough/chest tightness and sinus pressure as I was able to expectorate all the mucous. I think all the remedies listed for colds, sore throats, coughts etc. have merit but apparently different people require different remedies. So keep trying until you find the one that works for you. I was starting to get discouraged that I couldn't find any relief from natural remedies and figured I would have to succumb to cough syrup and sudafed. I'm glad I tried one last thing.

Oregano Oil
Posted by barbara (camden, ar) on 09/05/2007

I have been using oil of oregano every time I feel that I am coming down with sore throat, it stops it almost immediately and it does not turn to sinusitis as in the past. I would recommend it to any and every body!

Oregano Oil, Echinacea, Golden Seal

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Posted by Liz (Chandler, AZ) on 01/31/2007

I recently got a natural cure for the cold and or flu. Our amazing chiropractor let us in on this secret. When you fist start to feel sick, ie: sore throat, runny nose, etc., take this remedy morning and night after you eat. Get empty gel capsules, the small size. You will also need the liquid form, with droppers, of OIL OF OREGANO and ECHANACHA with GOLDEN SEAL. Put 8 drops of each liquid in capsule and take with a full glass of water. NOTE - you may burp this up a little when you first start, but it just tastes like you ate pizza. Also DO NOT take if you are vomiting! Good Luck. This will make you fell better!

Organic White Tea

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Posted by Vicstor (Scranton, USA) on 09/17/2008

Organic White Tea with Raw Honey and 1 Slice of Organic Lemon (eat the lemon, peel skin), preferrably with 16 oz. of Hot Distilled Water, cures and prevents colds. Have it for breakfast, it will prevent you from having a cold, if already have a cold, drink at least 3-4x a day. I used to get the worst colds ever during the fall and winter months, but I don't anymore.

Potassium Iodide

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Posted by Glenn (Rohnert Park, CA) on 09/08/2008

I've used potassium iodide for some time for sinus infections, colds and for my girlfriend's bladder infections.

KI [potassium] works so well against bladder infections that Kaiser refused to treat my girlfriend with antibiotics on the day of a severe attack because she showed no signs of the usual bacterial infection since, apparently, the KI had destroyed the bacteria by the time she arrived at the doctor's office. She was also asymptomatic by that time.

If taken at the first sign of a cold or flu, it appears to prevent infection or reduce the symptoms. For those who have sinus infections, I add KI or I [iodide] to a saline rinse and that seems to help keep the sinuses clear.

I read that PI [potassium iodide] was used by ophthalmologists, along with niacin, to clear arteries of plaque back in the 60's since it, apparently, dissolves fat. Older doctors said that once upon a time their instructors would mention this fat dissolving ability of iodine.

Research hydrogen peroxide, it's deadly against certain types of cancer. Most organisms that harm the body like low oxygen environments. Hydrogen peroxide is thus toxic to cancer and the bad bacteria found in the body, but not the "good" bacteria.

I've removed basal cell carcinoma an inch in diameter and about 1/8 inch this with 35% hydrogen peroxide in less than a week. I'm not recommending it. At this strength it is quite dangerous unless you know what your doing. I used a Q-tip to administer it and the opposite end to dab off the excess.

3% hydrogen peroxide works quite well for infections. You can find instructions for its use on the internet.

EC: Potassium Iodide is also referred to by its latin initials, "SSKI".

Read more about potassium iodide here:
or here:

Sea Salt

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Posted by P (Middle, Fl) on 12/06/2011

Last couple of weeks I was assisting an elder to hospital & doctor visits and at the same time we cought a cold front. Well my hubby, son and myself caught a cold in the same order. Well I helped them get over it with my usual concoctions and made them to tea for myself, but I must have stopped a day too short because it hit me real hard the day after and man I haven't felt that in a long while! Being angry at myself for getting fever, running nose, sleep I went to EC my favorite site in the whole wide world! ;) and searched cold remedies, hoping to find a quicker remedy than the one I do; and low & behold I did!

1 teaspoon in a glass of water knocked it right out; like minutes later my congested head stop feeling congested, my nose immediately stopped running and my cough subsided, fever went down! Wow!

It suggests 2tsp, but I couldn't, it was too much! Maybe my new excitement will allow me to do it again.... U know; one for the road!

Serbian Remedy: ACV, Garlic, Honey and Warm Water

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Posted by Dragica (Edmonton, Canada) on 09/18/2007

One of the best remedies for colds, and to boost your immune system is apple cider vinegar, chopped garlic, honey, and warm water. Mix all the these ingredients together and drink it. Instantly you will feel better. This recipe is from my Serbian grandmother. I have been drinking since I can remember, and I have never taken any medication for colds.

Sinus Rinse

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Posted by Dale (Omaha, Ne) on 01/25/2010

At the first sign of a cold or other URI, using sinus rinse morning and evening, usually prevents it from developing completely. But the few colds that do take me on are pleasantly mild now. After about 4 days of sinus rinsing, I am back to my old self. I use 50/50 mix of plain salt and baking soda, with about 3/4 teaspoon in to 8 oz. rinse bottle of warm 110-degree tap water. Rest of the year, just once rinse Tuesday evenings.


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Posted by Uvaid (Fort Myers, Florida, Usa) on 09/22/2012

I believe prevention is the best medicine and while I like most of Ted remedies, let me offer a way for you to stay healthy. Your body produces hydrogen peroxide naturally through a process called photo-oxidation. Photo-oxidation occurs when the melanin in your skin is exposed to sunlight. This process is your body's first line of defense against disease all over your body including you ear, nose, and throat. There is a direct correlation between available sunlight hours and the occurrence of colds, flu, and ear infections. During the summer months your body produces enough hydrogen peroxide to keep you free of disease but during the winter months the process of photo-oxidation diminshes. In addition, a study under the direction of Dr. Cindy Dunn has found a significant reduction in bacterial colonies on human skin including the ears and nose after exposed to 365nm light. Exposing yourself to sunlight only for a few seconds everyday has proven health benefits. If you are not able to get out into the sun everyday, I suggest usinig a light supplement.

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