Natural Remedies

10 Cold and Flu Home Remedies

| Modified on Nov 27, 2023
Coconut Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 04/19/2018

Editor's Choice There are plenty of things I typically use for a cold, but I have finally streamlined the process for at least on of my children to simply coconut oil, since it seems to work especially well for him.

My 19 year old was starting with cold symptoms and simply doesn't have time to be sick between work and school. He is not home enough to easily dose with frequent vitamin C and vinegar tea, etc.

I just gave him 1 tablespoon of coconut oil morning and night. He readily takes it knowing how it helps him. The cold lost the wind in its sails quickly and I only dosed him for a few days.

I turned his morning dose into bulletproof mocha coffee but he took the evening dose off the spoon.

Here is how I make mocha bulletproof coffee for him:

  • 1 cup hot coffee
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 Tablespoon blackstrap molasses
  • 2 teaspoons cocoa powder

Blend in vitamix.

~Mama to Many~

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Art (California ) on 01/10/2017 2269 posts

Editor's Choice I consider myself to be a silver nanoparticle enthusiast and I make my own so I know what I am taking, but I have never had much luck fighting a cold by taking colloidal silver orally at any dose up to a quart per day of 20 ppm colloidal silver nanoparticles, even when I took a quart per day for a month straight. In the middle to second half of that one month run, I eneded up catching a cold and it pretty much played out as colds usually do for me despite being primed with silver nanoparticles well before I caught it. The silver nanoparticles taken orally just did not do much to fight the cold that I could tell.

More recently I have switched to using an ultrasonic humidifier for short durations several times per day inhaling directly near the output port. I chose the ultrasonic humidifier because it delivers a considerable amount of silver nanoparticles directly to the areas that are most affected by a cold in an amount that is effective and probably quite a bit more so than a nebulizer can deliver in the same amount of time. This is important because of the huge surface area of the lungs which is said to be 80~100 square meters or about the size of half a tennis court. A nebulizer will take a lot longer to deliver what the humidifier can deliver in minutes and because of that huge lung surface area, that is a very important point.

If I start at the first hint of a cold, the symptoms have gone within 24 hours or less. If I am unable to start right away, the cold is usually gone in about three days or less and symptoms are greatly reduced from what I have come to expect as my norm. Normally if I don't try to stop a cold, it drags on for weeks and often times settles into my chest in which case I have gotten a cough that lasted over a year and that has happened at least 4 times that I can remember. So as far as oral silver nanoparticles for a cold......not effective for me, but delivered via an ultrasonic humidifier......A+.

I only put a small amount of 40 ppm silver nanoparticles (about 4 ounces) in the humidifier and breathe the vapor in deeply as it comes from the output port of the humidifier for about 7 minutes three times during the day for a total of about 21 minutes per day. Usually symptoms are gone the first day, but I might continue for one day after the symptoms have gone. Throw away whatever is left in the humidifier when I am done.

In any case, it is the ultasonic humidifier that makes all the difference in the world for me when using silver nanoparticles to fight a cold. Just 4 ounces compared to quarts taken orally that had little to no impact on my cold.


Baking Soda
Posted by Paracelsus (Orlando, Fl) on 07/10/2020 47 posts

There are many different remedies that work but nothing works as fast and effective as baking soda. At the first sign of a cold or flu, take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water 6x the first day, 4x the second day, and 2x the third day. 95% of the time the cold is stopped in its tracks within the first 24 hours. Works for any viral infection as far as my experience goes, as long as you catch it right away.

EC: Warning: baking soda contains a lot of sodium. Be careful.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Keisha (Tucker) on 04/17/2018

Yesterday I felt I was catching a cold that my kids had and did the peroxide in the ears remedy. I poured 3% into the cap and poured from the cap into one ear. Wow! Sent a shiver down the spine when it hits! Waited a few mins, then poured into the other ear. I can't believe it but I felt better within the hour and today back to normal.

Honey Lime Drink for Summer Colds
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 06/13/2017

We have a bit of a summer cold going around. I offered one child some hot vinegar tea but no one wants a hot drink when it is hot outside. So off to the kitchen to make a healing summer cold drink.

  • 1 tablespoon of raw honey
  • 1 ounce of hot water to dissolve the honey
  • 3 ounces of cold water
  • juice of 1 lime
  • ice

Dissolve honey in hot water. Add cold water, lime juice and ice. Mix. Enjoy!
My kids loved this drink. It tastes like limeaid.

Son: Mommy, what is in this?

Mommy: Lime juice, honey, water

Son: What in this is good for a cold?

Mommy: Lime juice, honey, water

Lime has vitamin C, other nutrients and is alkalizing.

Honey is antiviral and antibacterial.

Water is hydrating.

So there you have it. A yummy drink for when you are sick or when you are not! :)

~Mama to Many~

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Art (California ) on 01/17/2017 2269 posts


The gold color indicates that some of the ionic silver is reduced to colloidal silver and or possibly closer to 40 to 50 ppm. A higher ppm will generally be darker. When I make 320 ppm batches, they look like dark coffee after full reduction.

Similar to this color on the left:

When I dilute it to 40 ppm it turns to a light amber color similar to the second jar from the right..

A crystal clear ionic solution that looks like the distilled water that you started with would be ideal before reduction though.....similar to the jar on the far right side. After reduction, a colloidal silver color similar to crystal clear baby shampoo would indicate a nice particle size range that is likely to be very effective and in the 20 ppm area......a color and clarity similar to the middle jar.

If you cap it, the color may darken slightly and can vary depending on what you use to cap it. For me, clarity is important and should be as clear as the distilled water you start with no matter what type of silver you are making or ppm. The parts per million can be determined if you are using a "constant current" controlled generator based on the length of the run and the voltage used during the run along with the amperage. There are quite a few variables that can affect the quality and strenth of what you produce such as the depth of your cathode, the spacing between the cathode and anode, current, run time, voltage, the type of electrolyte you use, the stabilizer you use, the water temperature and whether you use stirring to name some of the variables.

As far as your shoulder infection, it seems to me that I remember reading in your posts that you have used DMSO? If so, have you ever used a combination of DMSO and iodine topically? I can't remember if you have mentioned doing this before and if so, how did it work for you? Sometimes, if it has been quite awhile since I used something effective, I forget about some things that have worked for me in the past.


Baking Soda
Posted by Claire (Horseshoe Bend, Id, Usa) on 12/31/2009

Baking Soda for colds

I had all the early signs of a cold / flu coming on yesterday - achy, runny nose, sore throat, cough. I started taking 1/2 tsp of baking soda in a glass of cold water every 2 hours last night, and cut back to every 4 hours this afternoon. It has been just over 24 hours, and I feel FINE. I can hardly believe it myself, but I KNOW I was exposed, I KNOW I was getting sick... now, I am fine. Absolutely worth trying if you are coming down with a cold or flu!

Hydrogen Peroxide Sniffing Method!
Posted by Grant (Lafayette, Colorado) on 04/21/2007

I have been using the following method to treat all colds for the past 15 years, and since first trying it, use nothing else to treat colds. I use the cap from the peroxide bottle and put 1/4 cap of peroxide the rest of the cap is filled with water dripped from the faucet. I put a finger over one nostril and sniff the mixture up the other nostril. I repeat this with the other nostril. One cap full (1/4 peroxide 3/4 water) usually will treat both nostrils. When the solution drain down the nostril passage to the throat I spit it out and blow my nose. Guess what? Instant relief then and there not ten minutes later but then and there. When you blow your nose you will be amazed at what come out. This is especially great for head colds,but also sore throat and stops coughing colds as well. I usually only have to do this twice at about 8 hour intervals. After that or by the next morning were talking, what cold? I have not tried using the inhaling through the mouth method since I have discovered that the cold always appears to be in the nostril passage. Even the sore throat symptom is in the nasal passage between the nose and throat and you will feel where it is when the mixture drains down the nostril passage. If you find that a 1/4 peroxide to 3/4 water too strong, i.e., stings too much, use slightly less peroxide and more water. I sniff rather than spray the mixture as I found that spraying does not atomize and coat the entire nostril passage as well as when the mixture is sniffed. Try it and you will also be amazed.

Vitamin C
Posted by Raeofsun13 (Colorado) on 12/25/2018

For colds, this cure has to be done at the first feeling you have a cold. Dose 2500mg every 30-40 minutes until the symptoms subside or you hit bowel tolerance. Bowel tolerance is defined as loose stools or gas. I have done this numerous times and have dosed as high as 30,000 mg in a day before hitting tolerance. The next day, I feel fine. I have been taking Vitamin C for years: 10,000 - 15,000 mg a day is my typical dose. Each person is different and has different needs, our bodies do not produce Vitamin C. During times of stress our body needs more age well. Haven't had a cold in years since I started on Vitamin C daily.

Here are some articles...

Robert F. Cathcart, III, MD - google Vitamin C Protocol

Linus Pauling - google Vitamin C

Frederick R. Klenner, M.D - google Vitamin C

Amazing book by Irwin Stone can be found on this site -

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne
Posted by Danaran (Naples, Fl) on 04/29/2018

1 Mug boiled water

1-2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV w/ "The Mother")

1-2 Tablespoons of raw honey

1/4- 1/2 teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper

Amount of each ingredient should equal tolerance to the strength of the tea. I don't mind spice but you can start with mild strength. ( EX: 1 tablespoon each of ACV and raw honey and 1/4 teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper)

Drink as hot as you can. Repeat 2-3 times daily. This removed all the phlegm in sinuses and throat and had me feeling better in a few hours.

I felt better within 24 hours. Hope this helps!!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne
Posted by Mememe (USA) on 06/03/2012

Glad you are feeling better. Just want to point out that if it took you another 7 days to feel better... It might just have been whatever it was running its course. It would be kind of hard to say it was the prescriptions if it took that long to go away I would think. (mo) Just a thought.

Posted by Velvetnap (NY) on 10/23/2010

I just got over the worst cold/flu that I've had in years: think gallons of snot, sore throat, cough, fever/chills. Turmeric saved the day. I tried the tomato juice remedy and it definitely took the edge off, but I didn't really consistently get better until I added turmeric to the recipe.

Basically, my recipe is (makes enough for 1 day):
2 small or 1 large clove of smashed fresh garlic
1 rounded teaspoon of ground turmeric (organic works better, I tried),
As much cayenne as you can handle without burning yourself. You want it to really heat you up but not burn your stomach.
2 teaspoons Apple Cider Vinegar

Simmer those ingredients on the stove in as much water as you would like cups of the brew. 2 or 3 works well. Then sip, gargle and steam your face with the hot brew as you go. You can always dilute if it's too strong. THIS REALLY WORKS. Keep in mind that cayenne and garlic both are stimulating and can actually make you irritated or angry, no kidding; so be aware of that. The turmeric will work wonders on it's own but best with some amount of all three.

I also sipped 1-2 teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a large glass of water 2x/day. way better than nasal decongestant. Amazing. (you can skip it in the recipe if you do this)

I've basically completely recovered from the cold but am still taking the tumeric to help with chronic issues that I have. This stuff is amazing, something about producing white blood cells. Feel better! Earth Clinic Rocks!! Chris

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Theresa (Auburn, Indiana ) on 01/02/2009

Hydrogen Peroxide kept me from getting the cold/flu I felt coming on. The first time I tried using Hydrogen Peroxide in my both of my ears was when I was visiting my sister in Illinois, about 5 years ago. I had just arrived from the 5 hour drive and could feel that I was getting a cold or flu. My sister suggested placing a few (6 to 7) drops of hydrogen peroxide in my ear, letting it fizz, then let it drain and repeat the process in the other ear. I went to bed that evening after using the hydrogen peroxide and woke up feeling great! I never did get that cold... I've repeated this process each time I felt as though I was coming down with the cold or flu. It has worked 90% of the time. The key is to catch it early! The longer you wait to use the hydrogen peroxide once you have the first symptoms, the less likely it will work. I've shared this with others, but most are hesitant to try it. I haven't had any bad experiences with this method.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Kiti (San Diego, CA) on 12/29/2008

I did that one day and i had a violent dizzy spell it scared me so much but mainly it's the temperature of the peroxide. If you put anything in your ear that is room temperature it is still colder than the temperature in your ear so it causes the dizzy spell you need to warm up the bottle in warm-hot water filled sink before doing that.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Toomba (Kuching , Malaysia) on 05/27/2007

Source: Cure for the common cold?

Just about everyone gets a common cold from time to time, though some folks never seem to get a cold. I used to be someone who got at least one cold every winter, sometime two or three throughout the winter and spring months.

Colds are now part of the past for me because I have learned how to become one who seems to never get a cold. What is described below is a very simple method that enables you to never get a cold again (NGACA). This was described to me many years ago by a physician who used it successfully for decades with his patients.

While this method is simplicity itself, it is very important to be alert to the signals your body is constantly sending you. If you pay attention to those signals it becomes clear that there are certain reliable and repeatable signals your body produces to signal the onset of a cold.

For most people the signal is a slight sore throat, scratchy throat causing a cough, runny nose or congested sinuses. These signals which will vary from one individual to another but will generally be recognized as the cold onset signal which precedes the actual cold by usually one day or so.

The onset signal is caused by the body's immune system attempting to counteract the virus and producing an inflammatory response.

The NGACA method is applied on the day the onset signal is recognized or as early as possible once the onset signal is recognized. If you wait until the cold sets in the following day, it will have to run its course and which usually lasts seven to ten days.

Here is what to do when you get the cold onset signal.

1. Get a bottle of hydrogen peroxide (3%) from your local pharmacy.

2. Tilt your head to one side and fill one ear canal with hydrogen peroxide using an eye dropper. Fill the ear canal completely. This assumes you do not have a ruptured ear drum!

3. Within one to two minutes you will notice bubbling in the ear. This indicates that the peroxide has found something that should not be there. Let the peroxide stay in the ear until it stops bubbling. If the bubbling has not stopped after five minutes, drain out the peroxide and refill the ear with fresh peroxide. When the bubbling has stopped, drain out the ear.

4. Repeat the procedure on the other ear.

That's all there is to it! It is important to perform this procedure at the earliest signal of cold onset. If this procedure is done in a timely fashion, the symptoms that signaled the cold onset will subside within a few hours and you will not come down with a cold.

As an added bonus, the hydrogen peroxide dissolves ear wax and will leave your ears free of wax and free of disease causing pathogens.

Why does this work? This method works because the rhinovirus which causes colds enters the body through the ear canals and the hydrogen peroxide kills the virus before your body gets infected.

In 1928 Richard Simmons, M.D. hypothesized that colds and flu virus enter through the ear canal. His findings were dismissed by the medical community. According to Dr. Simmons, contrary to what you may think or have been taught about how you catch the flu or the cold there is only one way that you can catch the two, and that's via the ear canal not through the eyes or nose or mouth as most have believed.

In 1938 German researchers had great success using hydrogen peroxide in dealing with colds and the flu. Their data has been ignored for over 60 years.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by JT (USA) on 04/02/2020

Editor's Choice Hello, My wife and I swab our ears and nostrils with 3% hydrogen peroxide any time we feel a cold coming on and she hasnt had a cold since 2014 and I havent had one since 2016 ( I felt it coming on that night and stupidly waited til the next morning to swab, LESSON LEARNED ). Now I always swab right away.

Vitamin C
Posted by Susan (San Francisco) on 03/01/2020

I woke up with the beginnings of a cold Friday morning. I generally take 1,000 mg of Vitamin C every hour every day. I started taking it (1,000 mg) every half hour and from the hours of 1:30pm – 4:00pm I took it every 15 minutes. I went back to every 1/2 hour after I started getting gassy. I did the same thing on Saturday. Today is Sunday and I'm back to my usual schedule of 1,000 mg every hour and I don't have a cold anymore. The Ascorbic Acid got rid of it FAST. FYI – I'm a 65 year old female and I've never had the flu. I've always gotten colds (bad ones). This is the first cold I've had where I hardly felt like I had one.
