Vitamin C
I woke up with the beginnings of a cold Friday morning. I generally take 1,000 mg of Vitamin C every hour every day. I started taking it (1,000 mg) every half hour and from the hours of 1:30pm – 4:00pm I took it every 15 minutes. I went back to every 1/2 hour after I started getting gassy. I did the same thing on Saturday. Today is Sunday and I'm back to my usual schedule of 1,000 mg every hour and I don't have a cold anymore. The Ascorbic Acid got rid of it FAST. FYI – I'm a 65 year old female and I've never had the flu. I've always gotten colds (bad ones). This is the first cold I've had where I hardly felt like I had one.
Vitamin C
For colds, this cure has to be done at the first feeling you have a cold. Dose 2500mg every 30-40 minutes until the symptoms subside or you hit bowel tolerance. Bowel tolerance is defined as loose stools or gas. I have done this numerous times and have dosed as high as 30,000 mg in a day before hitting tolerance. The next day, I feel fine. I have been taking Vitamin C for years: 10,000 - 15,000 mg a day is my typical dose. Each person is different and has different needs, our bodies do not produce Vitamin C. During times of stress our body needs more age well. Haven't had a cold in years since I started on Vitamin C daily.
Here are some articles...
Robert F. Cathcart, III, MD - google Vitamin C Protocol
Linus Pauling - google Vitamin C
Frederick R. Klenner, M.D - google Vitamin C
Amazing book by Irwin Stone can be found on this site -
Vitamin C
For colds, 4000 milligrams of Vitamin C spread out over the day (1000 milligrams after each meal and before bed).
I try to start the remedy as soon as I feel a tickle in the back of my throat or nose or nose congestion that I know signals a cold. Usually, I feel great the next morning or at the very least within two days.
The very best of health to everyone.
Vitamin C
When I feel a cold coming on I immediately take 1000mg of Vitamin C and continue to do so every 2 or 3 hours until symptoms subside. I did not get a 'proper' cold in decades. I may have some symptoms for a day or two and then it is over. It also works for my 10 year old son.
Vitamin C
I have twin boys with allergies and they both can't stand to take pills, so I use pharmacuetical grade SODIUM ASCORBATE powder I bought over the internet, and mix 1/3 of a tsp (that's about 1200 mg) in just a small amount of juice or other drink. The sodium ascorbate works faster and your body absorbs it better. If they are coughing and getting congestion I give them 1/3 tsp every 30 minutes for 2-3 hours in the evening time. I also learned this from Linus Paulings writings!
I've been able to deal with congestion and allergies myself over the last 3 years by this same Vitamin C regimen. I just call it Vitamin C "Megadosing". It works great and my blood pressure is perfect!
Vitamin C
Colds and Allergies: My children usually get sick at the beginning of the spring and the beginning of fall... most likely allergies. They also usually get whatever sickness is going around school. For the last year, I've been successfully giving my 6 and 8 year olds 500 mgs of vitamin c under the recommendation from the Linus Pauling Foundation. They love the chewables (ascorbic acid). They havent gotten sick AT ALL in that time. Meanwhile, my 13 year old has gotten broncitis and pneumonia who refuses to take the vitamin c. I've been trying to get her to take the vitamin c but she is not big into the taste of the chewables and doesn't like taking pills. Everytime she gets sick, I try to reason with her that the other two are not getting sick anymore, and in fact, NONE of us are, so why is she the only one in our house getting sick?? It used to go from one of us to the next and the next like a domino effect. Now, it's just her.( My husband and I take 2000 mg of Vitamin C per day, also recommeded by the Linus Pauling Institute)
Vitamin C
At the first signs of a cold, I dose myself with 1000's of milligrams of Vitamin C. I will take 2000-3000 milligrams at a time, throughout the day. Perhaps the most I've taken in a day is 6000-7000 mgs. This is the first thing that I have found that actually stops a cold in it's tracks. It's great, give it a try.
Vitamin C
Ester-C brand vitamin C taken 3x daily for 3 months and then once daily for the rest of the year builds up your immune system so that colds are less frequent and less in duration. Gel capsule form absorbs the fastest into the bloodstream.
Vitamin C
I think the best way to cure a cold or the flu is plenty of bed rest and loads of fluids (Preferably no water otherwise you will be up and down to the toilet all the time and you won't get that all important bed rest!) Loads of Vitamin C (Pure Orange juice) is the best way to cure it!
Vitamin C
At the first sign of a cold, take 1000 mg of vitamin c every 2-3 hrs for as long as you feel symptoms. This has kept the cold from getting bad and ended sooner.
Vitamin C
This one has been good for me when I have had a bad cold. Take 1 cup of cranberry juice and add in 2-1000 mg dissolvable tablets of vitamin C and heat in microwave until very hot. I have found this to really help when I have been sick. Repeat the next day.
Wake Up the Dead Juice
Wake up the dead juice: When I was younger I used to get a lot of fatigue, loss of appetite, and body aches as a result from a cold. It would be those types of colds that just basically gave you those symptoms. It would have none or very little fever, coughs, stuffiness and sneezing. So I used to say to myself i would go to school if I had the energy. That's when I started drinking "Wake Up the Dead" juice.
There are a few ways to make this. You can either boil some water and add sliced onions to it. Or boil water and add chopped garlic to it. I usually mix both onion and garlic to the hot water. I leave the chunks inside. You can remove them if you wish. Drink that water as hot as you can take it. Another way people do it is by mixing about 2 cups of cold water and 1 chopped onion and/or some garlic chunks all in a blender. They can either drink it hot or cold. But drinking it hot is better. It is extremely important that you drink this as soon as you get up on an empty stomach. One cup is fine and 2 is better. The more onions and garlic you put in it the better it is. It tastes very disgusting but it will give you one hell of a boost. It will last anywhere from 3 to 6 hours. Then you have to drink it again. You should only drink it twice a day.
FYI: There are several kinds of zinc that you can take for colds. But only two kinds of zinc are actually effective against colds.
The best kind is zinc acetate. It's the only kind of zinc that consistently slashes the duration of a cold in half. Zinc gluconate was the second best choice, but zinc acetate worked much better.
None of the other kinds of zinc were effective at fighting colds.
Why are zinc acetate and zinc gluconate effective and other kinds aren't? Because they both release zinc in the form of a positively charged ion. The ionic form is what makes the difference in whether zinc can cure your cold or not.
They discovered that zinc acetate was best. Zinc acetate releases 100% of the zinc in an ionic form. Zinc gluconate was second best. It only releases 70% of its zinc in the ionic form.
The researchers also found that you need at least 75 mg of zinc acetate a day to fight colds. And finally, they found that zinc is only effective when cold viruses are exposed to zinc for at least 20 minutes at a time.
Since zinc needs 20 minutes of exposure to fight colds? pills, syrups, or sprays simply won't work. You need slow-dissolving lozenges that release the zinc right where the viruses are.
This is not a cure, but a preventive. About 17 years ago, when I moved from one location to another, I got a really bad cold -- one of the worst I've ever had. Since then, in 17 years, I have had only 3 colds, only 1 of which lasted more than a few days. My prescription is zinc lozenges. I can't remember where I heard about them, but they've worked wonders for me.
The key to their effectiveness, I think, is taking them immediately on the first sign of a cold -- a sore throat, sneezing or stuffiness. Chances are that sometimes I've taken them when a cold wasn't actually coming on, but I'd rather take the extra precaution than risk getting a cold.
I start out with just 1 lozenge and may take as many as 3 if the symptoms persist. A bottle of 100 will last for a couple of years, and they're quite inexpensive.
For years scientists have said that zinc lozenges were not effective in preventing colds. Now they're saying their studies show that they can shorten the length of a cold. I'm not sure what they've based their studies on, but I think, again, that taking them immediately upon any symptoms of a cold is the key to their effectiveness.
I have used zinc lozenges (the type you find in the vitamin section, not the type that looks like a candy) and it cured it about 100% of the times. It nips it in the bud. Whenever I feel that "sore throat" feeling coming on or if I wake up with an already sore throat I suck on one immediately and repeat it as often as the feeling comes back. The key is to abstain from eating/drinking for 40-60 mins after you sucked it. Many people whom I've given it to, came back and asked what this miracle cure was. If I think I have a flu or cold coming, I do the same thing with the same miracle effect. I carry a few tablets with me on a permanent basis. I also would drink zinc tablets in the morning and before bed if I suspect a bug is getting at me to help my immune system. I have used up to 6 tablets over a 24 hour period once, but normally don't need more than 2 - 3 tablets.