Natural Remedies

10 Cold and Flu Home Remedies

Supplements, ACV, Vitamin C

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Posted by Glenda (Coos, Bay, OR) on 11/27/2006

but why aren't more clinical studies being done in the USA? ..... it boils down to one thing: MONEY

If we all used all natural remedies and never had to go to the doctor, well....their probably wouldn't be any. So in my opinion, they don't want us to know about all of the natural remedies. Plus most of them tell you you're nuts for even trying them. I had one once about 3 years ago tell me to quit taking all the supplements I was taking that I didn't need them. Well, I beg to differ. They made me feel better and if I quit taking them I started feeling horrible again. So I kept right on taking them. I take supplements, Apple Cider Vinegar in herbal tea with honey, ginger and lemon and I feel pretty good. Haven't been sick in a long time. If I even have an inkling of a cold coming on I take [a commercial vitamin C supplement]. I swear by it! I read the instructions wrong though and took two tablets each time instead of one, I think that helped knock it out even faster.

Tabasco Sauce

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Posted by Alyssa (Cranston, Rhode Island) on 01/01/2008

I've been sick for about three days. I try to avoid medications and doctors visits because I don't really have the money to spare, and I'm not a fan of over the counter medicines like DayQuil (nature never intended anything to be that orange!) Today is my last day of vacation before I have to return to school, sad story, I know. And my boyfriend is home from college so I want to see him, only natural. But the last thing I want to do is get him sick, or feel crappy while I'm with him. I usually just wait out a sickness, let my body fight it off. I don't have time to waste in bed any more though. So I came to Earth Clinic and read about the Cayenne Pepper but I don't have any of that. Then I read about TABASCO! Funny thing was while I was sifting through the medicine cabinet I looked at the bottle and though "I bet that would clear my sinuses" but I didn't want to irritate my throat. So I mixed it with hot water, lemon juice, and honey. It's sweet with a nice spicey kick I love it and in five minutes I can breath out of one side of my nose and my throat doesn't hurt anymore! I really hope that this helps long term as well but if you need instant relief, try this!

Tomato Tea

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Posted by Laura (Dallas, Tx) on 04/01/2013

The Tomato Tea WORKED--Knocked out a cold in under two days. Actually I used a three pronged "tea" combination for a serious head cold I picked up from my 20 month old: 1) ACV tea at meal times/3 x day with 2 Tblsp dosage to each mug and 1 Tblsp Honey. 2) Made a pot of Tomato Tea for the morning and afternoon getting about three mugs out of each. I used Half a bulb of Garlic (cloves smashed) to 20-30 oz V-8, the juice of two lemons, and multiple dashes of cayenne pepper. 3) Lemon, Juiced Ginger and Cayenne Pepper tea ( with honey).

The ACV immediately went to work reducing the swelling in my nasal cavaties allowing me to breath ( and have some hope). The tomato tea helped get the cold a moving. ( suffered through a sinus headache about 20 hours into the remedy period). The lemon/ginger/cayenne pepper tea was a bonus immune system booster.

While you have a cold you cannot smell anything. Also the tomato seems to mask the expected garlic smell. I didn't smell like garlic per the family I was with. And all teas tasted phenomenal to me despite having no ability to smell.

This saved me a $75 co-pay to visit an urgent care doctor, no medicine head, no dry nasal passages from antihistimines. Still drinking the tomato tea and ACV tea on day 5 - just one mug or two a day each as the cold is on its last leg.

Tomato Tea Feedback

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Posted by Greenergoods (New Castle, In, USA) on 06/24/2012

I had some [spicy tomato juice]. First day of real cold symptoms, though I realize now it's been creeping up on me. Put some in a coffee mug, added half a garlic clove (crushed in garlic press), water, lemon juice, ______ Seasoning Spray and heated in microwave for 2 minutes. Finished it 5 minutes ago and already feel 80% better! No runny nose anymore, that quick! Noticed I have started to sweat a bit. Will drink some ACV in water throughout day and have another cup of this mid-day. Wonderful.

I have previously touted cayenne pepper "tea" as a cure for a sore throat (gargle it. don't drink---see this site for recipe) and realize now that the acidic properties of juice, antioxidants, raw garlic and peppers quickly cure whatever's ailing us.

Great recipe. Thrilled to find it. I can alwasy count of Earth Clinic!

EC: Tomato Tea is still the reigning cold conquering champion! Check out the original Tomato Tea for Colds Remedy here.

Tonic Water

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Posted by Wilma (Murrieta, CA) on 03/11/2008

.. I also drink Tonic Water around the cold/flu season to divert an oncoming cold.


6 User Reviews
5 star (6) 

Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 11/13/2011

On the first sign of a cold and sore throat, I had 1 heaped teaspoon organic turmeric powder, mixed in 1/2 cup whole milk heated to a boil (apparently fat from milk is needed in properly digesting the turmeric), a bit of freshly ground pepper, and 1 teaspoon agave or any sweetener.

I had this concoction in between meals. I did this 3 times on the first day, and twice the next 2 days, and did not suffer from what would have been a full blown cold/cough and congestion. Incredible. Please try it!

The turmeric in my case made me slightly constipated, so I took some extra magnesium before bed those days.

Posted by Katta (Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh) on 10/24/2011

It is a remedy used by village folk from several centuries. All kinds of common cold and flu get relieved remarkably with 5G of turmeric powder in hot milk. The turmeric powder must be swallowed, and no residue left behind. Some people also add about 1G of pepper.

Posted by Velvetnap (NY) on 10/23/2010

I just got over the worst cold/flu that I've had in years: think gallons of snot, sore throat, cough, fever/chills. Turmeric saved the day. I tried the tomato juice remedy and it definitely took the edge off, but I didn't really consistently get better until I added turmeric to the recipe.

Basically, my recipe is (makes enough for 1 day):
2 small or 1 large clove of smashed fresh garlic
1 rounded teaspoon of ground turmeric (organic works better, I tried),
As much cayenne as you can handle without burning yourself. You want it to really heat you up but not burn your stomach.
2 teaspoons Apple Cider Vinegar

Simmer those ingredients on the stove in as much water as you would like cups of the brew. 2 or 3 works well. Then sip, gargle and steam your face with the hot brew as you go. You can always dilute if it's too strong. THIS REALLY WORKS. Keep in mind that cayenne and garlic both are stimulating and can actually make you irritated or angry, no kidding; so be aware of that. The turmeric will work wonders on it's own but best with some amount of all three.

I also sipped 1-2 teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a large glass of water 2x/day. way better than nasal decongestant. Amazing. (you can skip it in the recipe if you do this)

I've basically completely recovered from the cold but am still taking the tumeric to help with chronic issues that I have. This stuff is amazing, something about producing white blood cells. Feel better! Earth Clinic Rocks!! Chris

Posted by Mary (Sydney, Australia) on 02/21/2008

Thank you for this fantastic website. I have had the 'common cold' now for over two weeks and taking everything that the Dr ordered, I still couldn't get better. After taking 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder, 1/2 lemon and 1 tablespoon maple syrup, I'm well on my way to recovery. Slept all night for the first time last night and feel great today. Thank you once again for giving us the information on this wonderful herb.

Posted by Shireen (Khartoum, Sudan) on 12/13/2007

I am a true believer that every illness has a cure in nature without being tampered with, but I have never heard of turmeric to cure coughs and sinuses.Since I found your website by sheer coincidence, while searching for a natural remedy for my wheezing cough and river-running nose, I thought I'd give turmeric a try( 1 tsp turmeric, 1 tsp honey with 1 cup of warm milk)VIOLA! I could breathe again. Thank You So Much EC, you're a life saver.

Posted by Anj (UK) on 10/06/2006

Mum always used this when the cough/cold would not go away. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 1 teaspoon of turmeric and couple of drops of water to make this into paste. Wrap cotton wool around your finger or toothbrush and put the paste on the cottonwool and try and paint the inside of your throat as deep down the throat as possible.

Turmeric and Ginger Tea

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Valcie (Uk) on 03/27/2020 4 posts

YAY Strengthening the immune system and ward off cold: Take a big cup add Grated fresh ginger Turmeric Pour hot on..then add honey and lemon with a pinch of black pepper, and drink

Turmeric and Ginger Tea
Posted by Manuela (Medford, Ma) on 12/19/2017

I am fairly new to natural remedies but I am getting a lot of good information on this site and others. I have always suffered from colds that very often turn into horrible sinus infections. These occasionally turned into bronchitis and even pneumonia in the past from infected post-nasal drip. The nasal congestion is unbearable, severe and very painful, the whole head is affected and sleeping is impossible. Needless to say I am petrified of getting colds. Well, I just felt another one coming on a few days ago, but this time I beat it. I spent one day miserably congested and unable to breathe - the second day I made a tea with organic ingredients only, as follows:

  • 1 tsp ground turmeric
  • 1tsp ground ginger
  • 1tsp black pepper
  • 1tsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp honey

Boil one cup of water, add turmeric and ginger, let steep for a few minutes, add pepper, lemon and honey then strain the tea into a mug and drink it.

After I drank, I could feel a little change in the congestion, it was subtle. It would lessen, then come back. So I was discouraged, but then I fell asleep for a while and when I woke up I was completely decongested and could breathe freely thru my nose! That was 3 days ago, I have been drinking one cup a day and the cold is 95% better! This to me is nothing short than a miracle because I know the misery I can experience with my sinuses. I will continue for the next few days just in case, and as needed if symptoms come back. But in the meantime I am thrilled that it did not progress and make my life hell for weeks. Now I feel have a defense against this condition. Please give it a try, it may work for you as well.

God bless.

Vapor Rub

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Posted by Linda (Eugene, Oregon) on 09/15/2009

I have been reaping the rewards of the many postings on Earth Clinic and now it's time to give back. My grandmother spent some time living on an Indian reservation in the 40s and 50s and she learned from their medicine "person" a remedy for severe chest colds. Begin by using a vapor rub or a similar camphor product and rub it on the chest, back and neck. Using two thin cotton squares, (large handkerchiefs work well) wet them in ice water then apply them at once to the chest and back. Then quickly put on a heavy wool sweater, keeping the handkerchiefs in place. Add a wool scarf around the neck and pin it in place. Lastly, pull a cotton sweatshirt over all and then go to bed. This combination will do it's work during the night. By morning the cold will be gone. I used this on my nine year old daughter....she didn't like the treatment but it worked!

Good luck and thank you Earth Clinic for this wonderful site.

Vinegar Bath

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Posted by Toma (Chicago, IL) on 06/26/2007

I had a cold for a month, tried everything - nothing helped, so I decided to take baths with a cup of white vinegar after an hour running, in 2 days all the symptoms of cold are gone.

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