When I was growing up and I would get a bad cold, she would cut up an onion and sprinkle a generous amount of sugar over the slices. I would take a tespoon several times a day and by the next day or two my cold would be gone. To this day doctors cannot cure the common cold and this still works. Beats all the new drugs they try to put on you that harm the liver, heart, kidneys and more in my humble opinion:)
I am very excited to share some thoughts on the cause and instant cure for a cold. I am not much a believer in viruses anymore but didn't know why some people catch a cold and others don't. I got a stuffy nose one day and started getting the well known symptoms of a cold. This time I drank the juice of one pungent onion (2 oz) pure as this is my remedy right now to work with. I instantly vomited some large amount of mucus and understood that I simply had too much of it in my system. So the cold seems to be a way to get rid of that - but with my way of dealing with it, I had some short very unpleasant feeling (I had to drink it one sip per time slowly and later on I could drink it in one piece) and then everything was cleared away. So, I cured my cold in about half hour. I was very happy as I had a visitor coming and wanted no cold.
When I had a cold or the flu in the past, my body could never get rid of it. I always got bronchitis and always had to take anti-biotics to finally stop it all. One day I said to myself with TOTAL determination: I will not allow to get a cold again, because my body can't fight it. Since then I have had only one cold (in 10 years). That one I cured with the juice of one large organic onion per day(made in the Champion juicer) and mixed with fresh orange juice. I had to drink this for 2 days only and was fine again. I regard onion juice as a natural anti-biotic.