Give it Time to Heal Itself
Another very important cure to mention is time, about 9 months to 12 months. I felt hopeless for so long, I visited this site multiple times and tried all the remedies with minimal results, sometimes making the problem worse.
After months of self-treatment, friends and family were pressuring me to see a doctor. I wanted several opinions so I saw multiple doctors, and every one of them told me hot compress, antibiotics and surgery. Hot compress made it swell up and turn very red. Antibiotics just made me sick with no effect. Oral Amoxicillin, then Doxycycline, creams with Erythromycin and several eye drops including Azasite, some $300 eye drops they really try to sell you on. It got so red and inflamed I agreed to have it drained. Again my eye turned purple and swelled for a few days only to return to the red and puffy chalazion from before.
Then these doctors told me I absolutely needed surgery again and that going away on it's own would be a 1 in a million chance! BS! They were just salesmen in white coats, I can't trust em!
I believe our bodies have an amazing ability to heal themselves if we provide it the right food and exercise.
I can't say how much it sped up recovery time but I've also been vegan for the last 7 months and feel incredible! It's pretty cool stuff I highly recommend looking into it!
Age 22
6'3” 175lbs
Cure: Time, 9 months not visible, 12 months completely gone
(Columbus, Oh)
Hello, this is an update to my post from earlier today, I thought it to be more helpful if I include the time frames.
Another very important cure to mention is time, about 9 months to 12 months. I felt hopeless for so long, I visited this site multiple times and tried all the remedies with minimal results, sometimes making the problem worse.
After months of self-treatment, friends and family were pressuring me to see a doctor. I wanted several opinions so I saw multiple doctors, and every one of them told me hot compress, antibiotics and surgery. Hot compress made it swell up and turn very red. Antibiotics just made me sick with no effect. Oral Amoxicillin, then Doxycycline, creams with Erythromycin and several eye drops including Azasite, some $300 eye drops they really try to sell you on. It got so red and inflamed I agreed to have it drained. Again my eye turned purple and swelled for a few days only to return to the red and puffy chalazion from before.
Finally I decided to try the last thing I hadn't, which was nothing. All I did was clean the outside when I took a shower but other than that I didn't touch it. And, wallah! About 3 months of letting it be it went away on its own.
My doctors told me I absolutely needed surgery again and that going away on it's own would be a 1 in a million chance! Apparently they haven't learned about the power of self healing, or they just really wanted my money.
I believe our bodies have an amazing ability to heal themselves if we provide it the right food and exercise.
I can't say how much it sped up recovery time but I've also been vegan for the last 7 months and feel incredible! It's pretty cool stuff I highly recommend looking into it!
My son developed a Chalazion on his right eye (upper lid) around 10 months ago. I was very ill and depleted of all energy to function normally at the time and couldn't do much research on how to help him. I was not happy with the options typically used to "heal" these relentless chalazion: surgery, steroids, antibiotics. Once I was feeling much better a few months later I could dive into research what he needed. I found several natural remedies and most of them seemed far fetched to try on my then 3 year old son. Him putting a warm/hot wet cloth on his eye was not gonna happen especially in the recommended 4-6 times a day at 10-20 minutes each time, eye drops, etc.
In my research it seemed that getting a long standing chalazion that had hardened to soften up was the key to getting it to drain and heal was the ticket. I was researching homeopathy options since I have seen it work for so many other things in our family. After countless hours and 5 or 6 months of researching when I had time I narrowed it down to two remedies I was going to try. Silicea 6c and Calc Fluor. 6c, a dose of each (2 globules of each kind in the mouth at the same time). Silicea brings things out of the body so I was hoping it would bring the pus to the surface.The Calc. Flur has been used for long standing, hardened chalazions.
I would give him a dose morning, noon and evening. The chalazion went thru many phases of me wondering if it was getting better/smaller or not. I took photos almost every day but it was hard to compare the shape/size of it with photos taken from different angles/lighting, etc. Plus, he is 3 so getting him to stand still is challenging for a closeup of his eye. So, some days it would look shiny/red/irritated/angry and other days the redness was gone and it looked smaller. Also, the chalazion shape was changing. So, it went from "oh it looks better" to "oh, I'm not sure if it is improving" but kept going anyway.
After about 10 days from starting the remedies it started looking like a pus pocket was forming on the lower left side of the chalazion. I figured this was a good sign especially if at some point we could get it to open up and massage the junk out. The pus area kept getting bigger and now the chalazion had morphed into a rounded point on that left side where the pus pocket was. If we pressed on the chalazion it was no longer hard and it seemed like it wanted to burst and I thought eventually it would but it never did. We just kept going with the remedies. Around or just before 2 weeks after starting the remedies we could definitely tell it was getting smaller. Today marks the evening of the 16th day of using these 2 remedies and we noticed after his bath that the curve of his upper eye lid was no longer deformed, AT ALL. The chalazion had gotten so big before these remedies that it deformed the contour of his upper eye lid. Instead of it being a typical, natural arch it had a big undulating curve in it. You couldn't see his whole eye because of the deformity. BUT no more.
The arch of his eyelid looked completely normal. When he woke up on the 17th day it had shrunk so much while he slept. It was maybe 15% of it's original size. Sidenote: In the mornings I would notice the biggest change in the chalazion....Some days when I would think it looked way better in the morning by evening it would like angry. I guess my advice would be to keep going with the remedies. I will report back in a week or so with the final results.
The silica 6c and the calc fluor 6c by borion you can purchase on or probably any online homeopathic shop.
Also, these are the other homeopathic remedies we tried that didn't work:
- Staphisagria
- Plantanus Occ.
We also tried adding flax seed oil to his diet
If my son was older I would have also would have tried the following as well....
-the charcoal/flax meal poltice pouch. using charcoal since it is a drawing agent just makes sense.
-diy eye drops with distilled water and a little manuka honey....the honey burns and I wasn't sure how many weeks I would have to use it and on a 3 year old seemed like a major challenge. I just didn't want to put him thru that. So, we didn't go that route but I would of definitely done it on myself or if he were older. Or even the optimal manuka honey eye drops.
This is very long winded but I am hope that the details will help someone.
Best of luck,
(Los Angeles)
Hi Jamie,
Thank you for the wonderful post and the information you have provided regarding Chalazion. I developed my Chalazion almost 7 months ago in my left eye. I got another chalazion in my left eye 6 weeks ago.
I purchased silicea 6c Borion & calc fluor 6x Hylands and have been taking religiously since last 5 days. I have noticed some improvement in my chalazion (size getting smaller). I will continue taking it and will report back.
I am wondering should I take Birion calc flour 6c or continue with Hylands calc fluor 6x (i am taking 4 tablets). Please help.
Thanks again.
(Los Angeles)
Hi Jamie,
Thank you for the wonderful post and the information you have provided regarding Chalazion. I developed my Chalazion almost 7 months ago in my left eye. I got another chalazion in my left eye 6 weeks ago.
I purchased silicea 6c Borion & calc fluor 6x Hylands and have been taking religiously since last 5 days. I have noticed some improvement in my chalazion (size getting smaller). I will continue taking it and will report back.
I am wondering should I take Birion calc flour 6c or continue with Hylands calc fluor 6x (i am taking 4 tablets). Please help.
Thanks again.
Hot Compress
Key is attacking them promptly. The puss oil will harden eventually, and at that point, surgery is the only real option. I used dish soap because it is the strongest surfactant I knew my eye could tolerate on a temporary basis. I do believe that enough hot soap water finally pushed up the pore into the blockage, which gave way.
Hot Compress
FORGET HOT WATER ON A RAG!! It doesn't work! I promised myself that if I was to ever find out how to get rid of chalazions without getting them cut out I would share it with everyone because I know how much it sucks having them especially going and getting them cut out 4 times. For two years I have been looking for answers and it wasn't until I actually met someone who used to get them.
Very simple. Get a sock and put a handful of rice in it, tie it in a knot at the top and put it in the microwave for 20 seconds, let it cool off and apply if on the chalazion. The heat lasts way longer than hot water on a rag.
I would do this about 4 times a day and between those times, I would massage the chalazion. I had two on my eyelid and one coming on the bottom. Because of the rice in a sock, I no longer have them and life is turning around for the better!
Hope this helps anyone.
(North Carolina)
I know you will think I'm totally nuts, but this thing drove me nuts. A few weeks ago my adult daughter said she saw "this white thing" on my upper left eyelash line. I must admit when there is something to pick, that's what I do, I'm sorry, but it's the truth. I used a times 10 magnifying mirror and sure enough it looked like a hard white pimple. I did scratch it out. No problems until the next day, there were several tinier ones nearby and I just went for them. 2 days later the right eye. As of today, none are seen, yes the eyelid is red and a bit tender but no more white hard bumps. When I got to them though they weren't easy to get out. They sort of had a bit of whitish "line" coming out. OK so I'm crazy, but I did get them all out, no surgeries. I did try the warm compresses though, didn't do a thing.
Hot Compress, Castor Oil
In the end, I continued applying the castor oil to the chalazion and to the water line of my upper eyelid. Additionally, the action I believe most helpful, was the gentle pressure and washing of the eyelash area and upper water line (my chalazion was on the upper eyelid). I eventually tapered off the compressed after 1.5 months. I never thought it would go away. It was gone completely within 2.5 - 3 months. I prayed daily, and believed that the probiotic wash which I used to cleanse my upper eyelash area and the water line would heal the chalazion.
The ACV may have helped cleanse my system (I took 2T a day for a week, and the application to the chalazion, and getting it to crust may or may not have been helpful.) To this day, I continue the gentle eyelash and waterline cleansing. Nothing my doctor or opthamalogist prescribed or suggested helped. There are many probiotic washes on the market. Johnson's Baby Shampoo may be a viable option as well.
Best of luck to all of you struggling with this issue. It will go away when you find the solution that works for you. I persisted and researched weekly - with prayer! God bless all of you.
(New York)
I had enormous chalazions for the first time this year. They are often caused by demodex mites. Hot compresses do work, but now you must treat for mites.
Demodex mites love oily skin, face oils, face cream, eye makeup. Discard your eye makeup! You must start washing your face with tea tree oil which eliminates the mites. This is a process as it will take a month or more to eradicate them.
You will use only aloe gel as moisturizer. To a quarter size blob of aloe gel add one drop lavender essential oil or tea tree. These oils eradicate mites.
Use a sulphur soap, or PetMd Benzoyl shampoo which has sulphur, benzoyl peroxide and salycylic acid as shampoo and face wash.
Your bedding must be washed in hot water and with detergent and borax. Make sure you dry on high heat. Rotate your pillow cases everyday.
Diet! Mites love dairy. Eliminate! Ask me how I know!
if you cannot get mites under control you might try a pinch of borax in 16 ounces of water see if that helps, if not, then ivermectin might be in your future.
Hot Compress, Essential Oils
This works. I poured rice into a clean sock and microwaved it for 2 minutes. I wet a was rag and wrapped it around the sock and held it directly on my eye where the chalazion is for 10 minutes, twice a day. I coupled that with a tea tree oil, garlic oil, coconut oil and frankincense oil mixture, all combined on a clean q-tip. I applied that mixture directly to the chalazion and it has been reducing in size ever since I started the applications. I plan to continue this until the chalazion has completely disappeared. I will update my progress in a few weeks, hopefully shorter depending on healing time. Good luck everyone! Try something until it works.
Iodine, Neem Extract
(Wilder, Vermont, Usa)
I've had a chalazion for the past year or so in both of my eyes. One stayed very small, only noticing it by the feel of the bump when I rubbed my eye. The other got very large and swollen, affecting my ability to open my eye. This only happened because it got infected, and I needed a steroid shot in the chalazion to reduce the swelling. It stayed away for a half a year, and now it's returning. I'm wetting a washcloth and placing in the microwave on one of those beanbag/rice heating pads and laying down with them over my eyes. Also, I'm going to start washing my eyes with baby shampoo mixed with water because that reduces the oil blockage without pain. My chalazions do not hurt as well.
My 5 yr old got one last August which we tried treating as a sty. This obviously didn't work.... Because it wasn't hurting her in anyway the docs advice was to leave it alone. If it started to hurt this would mean infection and then sonething would have to be done about it. So I decided to go with his advice. Out of the blue, on the last day of March, it just disappeared. Literally overnight. But her "eye allergy" started up within 2 days. Every year during April her eyes get mucus and itchy. We had her checked out the first year it happened and this was the diagnosis. She doesn't suffer any other form of allergy. I can't help but wonder are the two related. If the chalazion reappears I am going to try local honey to see if the pollen helps.
Manuka Honey
I didn't want to go to the doctor knowing that all they'd do is prescribe antibiotics, which I didn't want to take if I didn't have to. I proceeded with warm compresses 4x a day. At night and in the morning I applied Active Manuka Honey (15+) directly into both eyes with a Q-tip. I knew Manuka Honey had properties to kill the MRSA virus so figured it must have natural properties in line with antibiotics. The Manuka Honey stings and causes your eyes to water quite a bit for about 3-5min but it goes away completely after that. Also, it's not the big sticky mess you'd imagine with putting honey in your eye. At night I leave the full strength Manuka in my eyes all night long. In the morning I leave it in only while eating breakfast, but combine it with the warm compress.
I've seen increadable results, the sty went away almost immediately. The chalazion takes longer to go away. It has reduced tremendously down to the size of a small buckshot bb. The initial chalazion was even distorting my vision by the pressue it was giving to the eye itself. That has reversed. I occassionally get dry eye and they are sensitive to artifical fragrances, particularly the noxious gas given off by the ubiquitous dryer sheets people use. The Manuka Honey treatment seems to have soothed my eyes and they feel well moistened and healthier.
You can purchase Manuka Honey online or at Whole Foods. The key is to find one which has a higher "UMF rating" of 15+ or higher. Manuka Honey comes from New Zealand and is honey derived from bees that pollinate the manuka (tea tree) bush.
Bob W. This happened to me. I was not astute enough to realize it.
I went in to renew. Put my face in position. I could not see the screen. I repositioned my face several times. They passed me. But I have no idea what I read. I do not think anything. The tester was abrupt.
Took the drivers portion and passed. Went home and began having problems. Eyes were goopy. Strange breakouts. Feeling off for quite awhile. Eyebrow bumps.
I knew there was a problem with the viewer but did not realize it was an ongoing thing until I read your post. It all makes sense now. This eye and nasal sores, mostly inside nose keeps reoccurring. Whatever was on that thing blinded me somewhat for a short time. Who knows what I picked up.
Thanks for posting.
Misdiagnosis of Chalazion
Multiple Remedies
Multiple Remedies
-Don't use any Electronic devices like Mobile, TV, pC etc for at least 7 days.
-Have a good sleep at least 9 hours a day for 7 days
- Wash your face frequently with water. Mandatory before You sleep. For some people warm water will not work so try cool water. For me cool water works.
-Don't touch your eyes
-Each Night apply a head ache balm to head for at least 7 days. In My case Axe Oil Worked out for me.
Follow all this for at least 7 days & you will see great results!
Thank you for your advice. May I ask why we should stay away from electronic devises?
Multiple Remedies
I have all of the autoimmune disorders, sjogrens, lymes, etc... so I don't heal fast, but, I now have a giant pea size chalazion on my right, upper eyelid, for 2 weeks, and growing. 4 doctors later, and opthamalic antibiotics, and Tobradex, it is worse every day. They are doing the surgery on it tomorrow. I don't feel that I heal well enough to have surgery. I am desperate to find a natural remedy. If the chalazion shows improvement by tomorrow morning then I can cancel the surgery. I have tried natural stye drops by simil _ _ _ _, hot wet washcloths, ACV externally, I do take a tbsp internally 4 days/wk, tea bags, internal turmeric capsules 1daily, I dont have any jewelry so I can't rub gold on it, I have washed the lid with baby shampoo, massaged it, I tried ice, I have tried a warm hard boiled egg wrapped in a warm wet washcloth, I have put aloe on the lid, I am taking 500mg lysine, 2x/day. What can I do? it's so large that it even covers part of my eye and impairs my vision, plus the lump is so big that my eyelid skin is stretched out and sensitive and purplish. Please advise. Thank you soooooo much. Steph
Multiple Remedies
When he has an actual chalazion, I give him colodial silver and a children's echinacea for his immune system. This has helped decrease the time that the chalazion stays on his eye.
Multiple Remedies
In early April 2011, I started using the Castor Oil for the chalazion, and had started ACV as a tonic for my overall health.
I believe my consumption of diluted ACV (2 teaspoons in 10 ozs, once sometimes twice a day) did the most good, but I was also taking very low doses of Potassium Iodide (300 mcg a day), and I had also started using Castor Oil in/on my eyes (at bedtime, one drop swiped on each eyelid, or one drop in the chalazion eye.
Cautionary note: The ACV I consumed also triggered or boosted my immune system, and possibly raised my body's histamine levels. I've been recovering from a bout of Contact Dermatitis (Dx as per an MD), or a bout of Urticaria/Angioedema (self-Dx'ed).
(San Diego, Ca, Usa)
One last thing to note, my chalazion is hardly discernible; no bump, but a tiny shadow on the eyelid margin, and the tissue on the interior of the lower lid is soft again with only some discoloring at a darker pink/reddish. I'm pretty pleased with my results... and no prescribed meds! Now I'm just waiting for a lash or two to grow back out at the spot.
(San Diego, Ca, Usa)
My chalazion is gone.
There is a tiny bit of a 'scar' or discoloration on my eye margin, but my eyelashes have grown back in that spot, and there is no longer a bump. There is also no longer 'structural damage' as my PCP called it on the inside of my lower lid.
To the other things I was using, I added Vit A (25000 IU) per day to my supplement regimen, and as an added boost, I used one drop of colloidal silver on the inner lining for two days before bedtime to kill off any infection. I had used colloidal silver before, for pink eye.
(Sonoma, Ca)
After reading about castor oil on this site, I had to try it, as it removed warts on my fingers as a child... I bought the castor oil on Saturday, applied it once then, once Sunday, and once so far today, on a cotton pad, covered with a warm gel eyemask, and a heating pad. When I got out of the shower today, the chalazion, which was birthed in December, was 3/4 gone. Props to castor oil.
(Abilene, Tx)
(Boston, Ma)
I've had this chalazion on my upper left eyelid for a little more than a month. After reading your comments, I've decided to try all of these multiple remedies (castor oil, applying the ACV and drinking the teaspoons of ACV daily, washing my eye with baby shampoo and added Vitamin A to my diet). I've been doing this for about 2 days as well as continuing wih the warm compresses. I'll let you all know if my chalazion shows any improvement in about a month.
(Ottawa, Ontario)
(Boston, MA)
To all suffering from the Chalazion or sty on the eye. My younger brother got these frequently and my Mother would grate the skin of a green apple into a white 100% cotton kerchief or cut T-Shirt. She would put the cotton sack of green apple skin and juice on his eye. And it only took days to heal without leaving a scar. I think he sat for at least an hour with it on his eye.