Effective Natural Remedies for Chalazion

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Muzaffar (Chennai) on 07/24/2016

Hi, The Following 7 days Plan Worked out for me and cured my chalazions

-Don't use any Electronic devices like Mobile, TV, pC etc for at least 7 days.

-Have a good sleep at least 9 hours a day for 7 days

- Wash your face frequently with water. Mandatory before You sleep. For some people warm water will not work so try cool water. For me cool water works.

-Don't touch your eyes

-Each Night apply a head ache balm to head for at least 7 days. In My case Axe Oil Worked out for me.

Follow all this for at least 7 days & you will see great results!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Aishah (Oakland, Ca) on 09/05/2013

My 4 year old has regular chalazions. I notice that he is more likely to get them when he eats or drinks certain milk products. What I do now, is give him probiotics when I give him milk products. I also give him fermented cod-liver oil daily. These two combined has really helped him.

When he has an actual chalazion, I give him colodial silver and a children's echinacea for his immune system. This has helped decrease the time that the chalazion stays on his eye.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Beege (Sonoma, Ca) on 02/20/2012

After reading about castor oil on this site, I had to try it, as it removed warts on my fingers as a child... I bought the castor oil on Saturday, applied it once then, once Sunday, and once so far today, on a cotton pad, covered with a warm gel eyemask, and a heating pad. When I got out of the shower today, the chalazion, which was birthed in December, was 3/4 gone. Props to castor oil.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sheila (San Diego, Ca, Usa) on 05/18/2011

Unfortunately, I cannot say which of the remedies I have been using (for other conditions) did the trick to heal my chalazion. The chalazion appeared on my lower left eyelid a little over 5 months ago. In those 5 months I used warm compresses, tea bags, colloidal silver drops, rue fennel wash, etc. It would decrease in size on occasion after one of the above treatments, but stayed noticeable. My PCP recommended an opthalmologist, but I didn't want to see more doctors for something that wasn't an emergency so I searched Earthclinic.

In early April 2011, I started using the Castor Oil for the chalazion, and had started ACV as a tonic for my overall health.

I believe my consumption of diluted ACV (2 teaspoons in 10 ozs, once sometimes twice a day) did the most good, but I was also taking very low doses of Potassium Iodide (300 mcg a day), and I had also started using Castor Oil in/on my eyes (at bedtime, one drop swiped on each eyelid, or one drop in the chalazion eye.

Cautionary note: The ACV I consumed also triggered or boosted my immune system, and possibly raised my body's histamine levels. I've been recovering from a bout of Contact Dermatitis (Dx as per an MD), or a bout of Urticaria/Angioedema (self-Dx'ed).
