Off the meds now except for a very small dose of metapropol (12.5). I also take Hawthorn, Fish oil, and "Heart Calm" from "Vitabiologics"(2 capsules a day) and a few other basic supplements(Vit c, etc) that I always took! I would advise anyone to get on these and see the results!
Good luck to all and a big "Thank You" to"Earth Clinic" because that is where I found it all!!!!!
EC: Pat, thank you for sharing with us with the names of the supplements that have helped you. Congratulations on finally getting results! We know how hard you, Hwkmn05 and Bee have been working to figure out a cure for a-fib for a long time now!
(New York)
Hi everyone,
I take taurine and arginine and magnesium and someone out of the blue said to me ; well how long and how much of these things can you take without affecting liver and kidneys. I have no idea.. So my question is how long can we take supplements without any problems? I know water soluable seem to be okay .. Thank you
Bee, absolutely false. Key word is "supplement", not sustenance. Taurine is something our bodies make and Mag is eliminated thru the bowels if we take too much. With that said on Mag, I disagree that BM is sign of adequate dosage, I think we need much more than standard dose. However, if you are buying cheap, big box store supplements with some added goodies, like Mag Stearate which is highly toxic due to use of cottonseed oil, or Selenite, then yes it could be harmful to us.
Thanks! I really think that I wasn't getting enough Mg and especially the Taurine that helped! Off all meds even if I get afib, I convert with a little metapropol and no more fleccanide! I havent had it for about a month now and each time I have had it since January it gets less and less! So I know I'm getting better! The "Heart Calm" has Taurine and Mg in it along with Potassium and coq10.And I take 1000 more Taurine in addition to that a day! So... hoping that I hit on something here! I take Hawthorn and VitC, D, Fish oil, aged garlic and a multi also which I pretty much always took!
Hope you guys are doing well! I am on the run from those doctors and their ablation! Oh and I also use the Magnesium spray oil on my skin 2x a day! I must have needed a lot of Mg! Very depleted it seems! And Taurine is a potent detoxifier as is Mg! All these supplements are costing me more than the meds, but I'd rather do it this way with NO side effects! The only side effect is how good I feel!
Pat, yes supplements arent cheap, but in the long run they are a bargain and we cant put a price on good health, priceless. Metop did slow my HR however, never kept me out of AF and never converted on it. Flec I did in 45min on last episode in 2014. But were all different. You may want to ask about Niacin. I was put on that 6 months ago and it seems to have enhanced the Mag/ Vit C benefit.
Pat, you can't be getting better, AF is progressive and the sooner you get an ablation, the better off you will be. Isn't that just the MO of every EP out there? My latest PCP referred me to one of those gazillionaire heart scratchers just because he saw I had AF in my records. After a 15 min irritating one sided phone conversation with the EPs nurse, I canceled the appt. Last thing I said was, on your meds I had 4 episodes in 4 months. On my supplements Ive had 0 since 2014 after getting off your meds.
Hwk is right, as soon as they hear "Afib" they want to rush you into a surgical procedure if you dare to complain about the medicine! Well, supplements work better for me than any of the meds I was given and I did try quite a few! I just think they should have some other alternative treatments to offer people like me and they did not! It wouldn't hurt for them to fget acquainted with other treatment options! But I had to do my own research and be my own guinea pig to get to this point! And Hwkmn, you say that you haven't seen any problems arising from around 2000 mg Taurine affecting kidneys or liver or anyting else?And Magnesium? It all seems OK to me from what I have read! But it does concern me at times! Of course what option do I have? At least this seems to work as it does for you to keep me in NSR most of the time.And if I do go out it is for a much shorter time! And not as bothersome and scary as before! I haven't been back to dr.'s since December and I don't think I will as I will have to tell them I went off meds(except small dose beta-) and they will probably tell me I am endangering my life doing this or something like that! Don't want them to use the "scare" tactics on me because they do and it can be upsetting! Will keep you posted!
How about Bee? Doing good? Try the solfeggio/healing frequencies too! I know it seems crazy but I think they have helped me too! Will keep u posted.
Referring to Hwk's comments about doctor's ways, 2016, I just saw a so called doctor, he was a "hospitalist" working in a clinic as a doctor who, very early in the conversation told me flat out to stop taking any supplements because none of them work! If he wanted to impress me, he should have kept that to himself. Since low thyroid runs in my family, and I do have it and mentioned that I had to get off levothyroxine because of the side effects, he told me levothyroxine is a very good drug, very effective. When I mentioned a book called "Stop the Thyroid Madness" which addresses the problems some of us have when taking synthetic thyroid, he sneered and said that book has been completely debunked. When I mentioned the blog run by the woman who wrote the book, and all the entries by people who are having problems trying to take Synthroid or Levo or what have you drugs, he didn't say anything. At another point he said supplements are not regulated by the FDA and they are not tested. So I mentioned that there is a government website, National Institutes of Health?, that shows extensive testing of many supplements, herbal, etc. Again he said nothing. Think I should go back to see this guy?? Lol!!!
(New York)
Hi Pat and Hawk;
Thanks for thinking of me.. I am doing well I think.. I am avoiding doctors too like the plague and plugging along trying different things. I am also still taking the 1000 mgs. of taurine and I am still doing the magnesium not as much now though..haven't had on palpitation in ages and I am exercising and eating more raw foods as I hear they will detox anything. I am also taking some kidney herbs too.. anyway; yes I do all kinds of beats from utube. I do think they work.. I do the rife tones and solfeggio and all of that.. love it..
Okay glad to hear you are doing so well. I am so happy and proud of you.. after all of your hard work it paid off.. Kudos to you!!
I know this is a late blog, but I am off all meds since June including beta blocker and taking Magnesium, Hawthorn, Taurine, HeartCalm, And some other essential vitamins that I have taken forever! I also take Fish oil and Vit E to thin my blood. The Afib episodes haven't disappeared but are much slower and go away quicker(2-21/2 hrs) than they used to. Also seem to come during night when I am asleep for some reason. So all in all feeling better as I am not on rotten meds but still dealing with the monster! This is life, I guess! I don't take any meds when I get it either! Just the supplements (Taurine, Hawthorn) and it is no worse for sure! Don't want ablation as it is not a guaranteed cure and could make me worse! So until they come up with something better than that, I will do it my way! Wondering when/if I need "nattokinase" at some point? Don't know much about that! Take care, Pat
(North Little Rock, Arkansas)
(Ten Mile , Tn)
HI U PAT,,,,,,,, I take all the supplements that you posted plus Cartizem. I also take Nattokinase because that is what my chelation doctor has his wife take for A Frib.
As all know, I's smart, jus slow. If I miss my stuff then I wake at night with A Fib and I then check my oxygen. Normally it is 98 but when my heart goes crazy, then it is down to 93. I have concluded that I quit breathing in my sleep which brings this on. No way could I wear the WW II gas mask that has been used, but I think I can live with the new nasal system.
I see a specialist in a few weeks. As usual, my advice to all is not to get old. I'm not a fan of MD's because they treat your symptoms and don't try to keep you healthy. However, sometimes you have to treat the symptoms. I think A Fib may fit in that category. No way am I going to do Rat Poison as I've said before.
Well, kind of used a doctor. No allopath doctor is interested in helping you get off meds, they dont believe in supplements and like the $$ they receive. I used a Naturalpath who was sensible allowing me time to wean off Flec and Metop over 3 months, but it can be a challenge at times. I went into AF 3 times while converting naturally.
(South Wales)
Hi to you all
I too hate taking prescribed drugs only because I know they will never be an answer for afib and in the end will come with their own problems, but while big pharma is in control believe me cures are not their business, so all research done is for more toxic drugs to contain this awful condition for more profit, I believe my afib is a symptom of some imbalance in the nervous system which feeds every organ of the body. I work with pumps all day long and it is no different to the heart if there is any blockages or air trap along network of pipes then it will show in the pump which can go erratic (common sense). So it is no good to keep messing with a perfectly good pump when the problem is elsewhere.
Unfortunately, we have a medical system of experts who know nothing about the human body other than their own area of so call expertise it is so frightening we have been going down the wrong road of health care for far too long, just listen to people like Dr John Bergman total common sense stuff which you would think all doctor would know, but they dont, health care now is base on fear and offer no solutions, afib is certainly based on fear, but as long as no-one is looking at the whole picture then there cannot be a permanent answer, drugs only do two things the either block or kill that's it folks!!!, our bodies are miracles and have been doing a great job keeping us healthy all our lifes, so our job is to fine out why this problem is now occurring and eliminate it, not poison it with more toxins.
To start with it is no good eating raw food diet or more greens if they are full of pesticides(toxic) it as to be organic. Get yourself a good water filter to clean the water you drink, take a good omega 3, but if you can get your nervous system checked out by a good chiropractor, If you live in the usa I recommend John Bergman, I live in the uk and I am having trouble finding a chiropractor who does a nervous system check? but always believe you can cure this don't fall into the black hole of despair, try yoga, meditation, and prayer. Don't bottle up your fears like I did for years. It will only make you ill.
Good luck,
Pat and Dave, Congrats on all your success! I do believe in our bodies ability to heal! I have developed daily proximal afib this past year after having Pac's from dealing with circulatory issues 17years of chronic lyme and mycoplasma with severe symptoms of my scalp muscle and leg spasms. Stress and monthly postmenopausal hemorrhage from altered uterine cells from chronic mycoplasma also occurred during the onset of debilitating daily afib episodes. I take Remag, ReMyte and ReAline to bowel tolerance and other supplements you mentioned but continue with issues. Do you take the Herb Calm and REMag and REMyte? What's the total taurine you take daily as the ReAline does have some? I also do biweekly acupuncture and Chinese herbs to build kidney chi after a vibrant life of 6 kids but now am homebound due to erratic unpredictable afibs (up to 250beats) that have led to passing out, head injury and convulsive syncope. My ekg is ok and blood tests normal. I am looking into ozone for the chronic issues but need to regain NSR which I do have in between serious bouts. You are an inspiration and testimony of body's ability to heal and I appreciate your sharing.Thank you!
I got the test a few weeks ago waking up at 430am in AF. Heart rate was lower than usual episodes I think in part to being on the MG and Hawth, 80-100. I did five times my usual daily amount along with a tincture of cayenne for 4 hours. I was determined not to go to ER or try the PIP flec. At hour 5, I returned to NSR for the first time ever without doctor or cardiaoversion. Called ND and he was ecstatic wanting to know the exact dosage and what I took. He thought it was all good, but believed it was more the Mg and Hawthorne berry that did the trick.
(New York)
I have been taking Taurine and COQ10 and L Carnitine for hbp and then I go and read that one cannot take Taurine for more than a year.. I even asked a famous Cardiologist who wrote books and believes in alternative treatments.. He says you can take L Carnitine for as long as you want and then I read no you can't take that for too long either. So I am so confused...
I also do magnesium and these supplements are a God Send.
What does your doctor say about the length of taking these amino acids...
Supplements, Yoga
(Los Angeles, CA)
This yog pranayam that your mother is doing is called anulom vilom pranayam. This pranayam is especially beneficial for people with heart, high BP problems, asthama,menstrual problems and the list goes on.....I poste s few days back stating having problems with my menstrual cycle.....i wasnt getting them for ever.......i did yoga for 2 days and there my periods were.....I am an Indian and my own parents and family members have used these teshniques for years now....It is very important that heart patients do anulom vilom very gently .....there are a total of 7 important pranayams.For all others i would recommend doing all 7 pranayams in order....just look up the web for the seven essential pranayams....
Kapalbhati pranayam another greaty pranayam assures of getting rid of all skin ailments, heart, high bp, diabetes,even cancer and helps a great deal with psoriasis....I have been doing yoga for 10 days now.....7 pranayams,7 asanas........aaaaaaaamaazing results........I have started believing in the power of yoga.....My grandmom is 104 yrs pretty fit compared to her age.....her secret yoga...she reads newspaper with her own eyes.....has her own teeth intact......I will comeback and post in more details abnout the various asans and the precautions that should be taken not everyone cannot do all the pranayams.......
(Stanhope, NJ)
Pareept, your post is interesting I have atrial tachycardia, and found yoga to be helpful, but I'm confused about the overwhelming amount of info about it and which asanas and breathing techniques are best for me. The terminology you used helps to guide my on line search for help. Thank you for posting it.
(Beech Bluff, Tn)
Tabasco Sauce
Also I found that porridge oats caused the exact same effect as the lasalocid - I thought it could have become cross contaminated with some animal feed so I abandoned the porridge and no more AF. Wheat may be causing ectopics too. Not sure if it's pesticide related or gluten or something else but ectopics are much reduced since going wheat free.
(Los Alamos, New Mexico)
Your article is interesting. I have been in A-Fib now for about a month and the hospital could do nothing to get me out of it. Just before the episode occurred I consumed large amounts of Alcohol, Metamusal which is wheat based and a large volume of chocolate. I am now here at this site to try and come to grips with how to get out of A-Fib. I'm currently taking Inderol and 325mg of Bayer aspirin daily as the doctors that can't get a patient into NSR believe that "Rate Control" is the best approach.
I have had A-Fib the first time about 10 years ago while doing an army airborn diet of eating just one small can of chicken a day in the evening and I lost 30 pounds in 30 days. Works like a charm but it may have depleted my minerals far too much and far too fast causing a shock like reaction. Shortly afterwards I went into A-Fib that lasted 3 days and while in the hospital it went back on its own despite doctor's best efforts.
The second time it happened was two years later when I ate two plates of home made spaghetti and drank a glass of milk and then went directly to bed and woke up at 4 am with A-Fib and to the hospital I went. 3 days later it went back on its own as before.
The third time it happened a year and a half later was when I made 4 BLT sandwiches and drank a glass of milk and went directly to bed and awoke at 4 am with A-Fib and to the hospital I went and no drugs worked and the heart went back to normal on its own after 4 days.
The fifth time it happened a couple years later I ate two large plates of Tuna casserole and a glass of milk and went directly to bed and, you guessed it, awoke at 4 am with A-Fib and to the hospital I went and again none of the drugs there converted me back to Normal Sinus Rhythm, but instead my heart went back on its own after 3 days......anyone seeing a pattern here???
Now, this time is different because its not going back to NSR. I consumed a large portion of Metamusal earlier in the day, then I had some whiskey a couple of hours after that and then I ate large amounts of chocolate then a few hours after that I ate two large plates of Rigatoni and a glass of milk and went directly to bed, got up at 8 am with A-Fib after not having it for about 4 and a half years. What is going on here? I learned my lesson NOT to go to bed with a full stomach after my fifth episode but I forgot and did it again.
So I surmise that a loaded stomach may be weighing down on the Vegus Nerve and while the stomach contracts and "rolls" around, the heavy stomach must be artificially stimulating my Vegus Nerve causing the signal to the heart to be scrambled which confuses the heart's atrial nerve clusters at the cluster's entry to the heart or its atrial nodes and this stimulation continues to occur while I'm sleeping in a layed down position allowing this nerve communication to occur for sufficient time to trick the heart into a new rhythm which thusly becomes A-Fib and after a few days of food restriction in the hospitals the stomach must be emptying and thusly releasing the pressure off the Vegus nerve allowing everything to return to normal. But why is it now still in A-Fib for the last month instead of just the typical 3 day period? I am completely perplexed!!!
Anyone have a theory? I am ssssooooooo glad I found this site, now I know I'm not a lone ranger in this affliction. I'm going to try everything you guys are talking about. I want my Normal Sinus Rhythm back. I'm a scientist and must be out doors a lot among other things and need my perfect health.
(Faithville, Us)
Sounds like you ate and drank a lof of stuff that would use up water to digest and then went to the hospital and got an IV with electrolytes and water. Many people go to the emergency room dehydrated and after an IV they feel good enough to go home. The stuff you ate also had a lot of msg which would decrease your taurine and low taurine can cause heart attacks.
Hope you feel better soon.
I have started taking about 50 mg of tryptophan before bed and I sleep great. I don't know why it works so well in my case for afib!!!! Might be worth a try. I am using a pretty low dose. I've had afib since I was 3 years old. I agree that taurine is good too. But that didn't actually stop my afib. Tryptophan completely stops it within an hour!!!!
Hope this helps someone!
What manufacturer do you use? I am highly suspicious of the vitamin world in general, who makes a good one. Specially a liquid form.
Veterinary Antibiotics
Vitamin C
I now take 1000 Mgs vitamin c with breakfast and with dinner.
Afib has not returned! Going to get checked out by dr just to be sure, but won't be taking any drugs if I can help it!
Thanks Earth Clinic and everyone who has posted.
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