Atrial Fibrillation
Natural Remedies

Natural Cures for Atrial Fibrillation

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Hwkmn05 (Nh, US) on 06/23/2014 109 posts

If I had one supplement to suggest someone with Atrial Fibrillation or any heart condition for that matter, Magnesium would be that. It took me 4 years to figure this out, but for some reason certain individuals deplete Mag levels in our bodies more than others. Possibly stress , or diet, but there are days I can t keep enough in my system. Ive dealt with Tachycardia several times and a high dose (800-1200mg) of Mag and Hawthorne (2000mg), gets me in NSR. I have not used it yet to get me out of full AF, but I am more confident now than I have ever been on Meds. Hope to never take Meds again.

How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by June P. (Cincinnati ) on 02/16/2017

I believe that afib is often caused by spasms in the colon, which irritate the vagus nerve, which irritates the heart. It's all a web! Sometimes a few tablespoons of olive oil can quiet the colon and taurine may help. Just my experience.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by James (NH, US) on 09/26/2014

Pat, Yes, stay off Rat Poison! No doubt that mine and many of others AF episodes are "Vagally mediated" from Vagus nerve. Having never had an issue during the day, only at sleep or just before bed late, I'm sure mine is digestive system related and not adrenal. Tis why they test us for apnea Im guessing. Unfortunately, EPs and Cardios still attempt to prescribe meds that don't address the condition, but the symptoms. Beta blockers will NOT work for Vagus initiated AF. Flecainide does, but wow, what a dangerous med that is. Add to the nocturnal AFers, the disruption of sleep from meds, actually contributes to arrhythmia by disturbing REM sessions at night. So then they are quick to put us on sedatives. This Pharma ball just keeps rolling downward. However, Ablation does seem to have fair success with both vagal and adrenal AF.

To conclude all this, I was on Metoprolol for a time, and still got AF. Then switched to Flec. However I weaned off that after 3 horrible months, so I can't say if it would have worked. I did take Hawthorne while weaning off these meds, but not the dosage I now take. I would start with a low dose, maybe 250 mg with both berrie and flower. Last AF episode, HR never got higher than 72, tho still irregular, and I was NSR in 5 hours. Id say that's as successful as any beta blocker. So now, When I get that feeling, flutter, etc at night, I load up on Malate Mag, 600-900mg, and 500-1500 Hawthorne, over a 1-3 hour period before bed. Keep in mind, I did build up to this over 6 months as Mag is tough to assimilate in small intestines. I do carry the Tuarine and Arginine in cabinet for PIP purposes, but will look at adding that in. Apple Cider Vinegar and Blackstrap molasses seem to calm flutter down also. Best wishes.

Magnesium, CoQ10
Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, Tn) on 08/11/2020

TONYA, if my Tractor Driver will allow, I kiss you right in the mouth. I will try this, because nothing I do is working. Thank you.


ORH Remedies
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe ) on 02/26/2020

ORH! Good to hear from you! No, I know nothing about AFIB, but it does my ol' heart good to hear from you.

ORH Remedies
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE , TN.) on 10/04/2019

HI U RSW,,,,,,,,,, we have corresponded over the years and I appreciate your post. You know that my idol, Hulda Clarke, always said that all disease is because of parasites. MD Anderson is not a favorite place of mine. Had lots of kin and friends go there and they were not helped at all. All died. I research and this new bunch has my interest. They think my heart problem is either due to my skeleton alignment or a toxin. I think they are right. Something is messin up my brain to heart talk. EDTA Chelation was supposed to be my savior. I had no clue about this electrical communication thing. I will reread your URL and maybe start eating dog stuff. I know that I have had low grade cancer several times and handled that naturally. Few people will do that. I have a 71 year old buddy that was drenched daily with Round up in Vietnam. He is now a sick, sick fellow and knows what's ahead and he's gone from the class cut up to a very bitter person. The VA has it down pat. Eventually your whole body goes to pot. He knows his future health. Again, thank you for being my friend. Just hope folks are entertained with my true stories. ====ORH====

ORH Remedies
Posted by RSW (OH) on 09/07/2019

Hi ORH, Just wanted to wish you the best on your ablation next Thursday. I will put you on the prayer list at my church and Bible Study. Please try and post at the end of the week so we know you are OK. I hope you feel a lot better after the procedure. I have enjoyed your posts on Earth Clinic for many years, and have learned a lot from you. You are a straight shooter, and that's one of the things I like best about your posts! Take care and may God bless you and your tractor driver.

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 03/26/2017

JANET,,,,,, thanks for your concern. You may be right about the mold thing because me and my Tractor Driver both show up black mold in our quarterly DNA test. Our Integrative Doctor gave us homeopathic drops for that. We do live on a lake where the humidity is high. We keep a dehumidifier going full time. I wrote about us having our HVAC duct work professionally cleaned two years ago and afterward we sprayed down the entire house using a theater fogger with a GSE solution bought from Tenn Mold in Knoxville. I sent our test mold kit off and called the biologist about the mold found. He said none of the mold was the kind that cause humans grief.

I do have a Plasma Rife Machine that can address mold or fungus. Corresponded with a guy in Britain that had mites the same time I did and I told how I killed them with my IFR SAUNA. He said he had already killed his with a Rife Machine. My current problem is that I have too many health toys and there are only so many hours in a day.

I am going to print out your post and study what all the things you have done. Did I tell you that Janet is one of my top ten female names?

Wish you well.====ORH=====

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/30/2017

HI U CAROLYN,,,,,,,,,, I have no clue and as you have read, I use a shotgun. The culprit is dead, but I don't know what shot killed it. As far as my back pain is concerned, I think the Ginger Root Extract cured my sciatica pain. Many have written about this recently. I also think the Ozone and blood platlete plasma shot helped. I think my PT helped. I use DMSO and transdermal stuff.

As far as my AFIB, I keep my blood thin with Nattokinase, I take my Rx, and I try to chill out. I also use my CPAC at night. None of this crap happened until I got old. That is my admonition...... don't get old. When you get old you got lots of stories to tell, but no solutions.


Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 11/06/2015

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Well life is still interesting as I spent half a day trying to get my heart beat to normal. I stayed in the 176 area for about 3 hours. I pulled every trick I knew to get it down. I finally took a xanax and half a soma and it went to normal.

I am a kick ass and take names kind of guy and that is probably my problem. Right now our government has me upset. The numb nuts are trying to get Ben Carson because he was offered a scholarship to West Point in high school. The news media can find no record so they are saying he is a liar. They got the lying thing right but it is they who are the liars.

Good people, we are at a crossroads. If things continue like they are going then your health will not be a consideration.

Hey, I'm as spooked as you. We do the survival things, but that may not be enough.

Do the Boy Scout thing and BE PREPARED.


Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 10/13/2016

HI U GOOD FOLKS DOIN,,,,,,,,, hope you have been following this old fogey's saga because you will learn some things. About 25 years ago I had my throat and nose cut out due to sleep apnea. I was not going to wear that WW ll gas masks that was used in those days.

As all know, I's smart, jus slow. When I awake in the middle of the night and my heart is racing, I check my oxygen and it is low at 93. My PT folks say they will not treat anyone whose level is 92. I have now concluded that my sleep apnea is back and I stop breathing in my sleep. If I don't address this situation then all my organs will slowly die, and then me too.

My next move is to see a sleep doctor and get one on those rigs that force you to breath at night. Is life interesting or what? Don't get old.


Posted by Joan (South Riding, US) on 10/09/2014

Over the years, I have found that coffee (more specifically, caffeine) causes me to have irregular heartbeats. Now, every cup of coffee contains a bit of organic Blackstrap Molasses. No longer do I experience heart beats that feel like my heart is flopping around. No longer do I get that shortness of breath feeling. In fact, all I have to do, if I haven't had BSM in a while and experience an irregular heartbeat, is dip my finger into BSM and the irregularity subsides.

Posted by Hwkmn05 (NH, US) on 10/12/2014 109 posts

Bee, 37 mg is a pretty low dose and depending on what time of day you take it, H should not interfere with it, if it does at all. Beta blockers limit and weaken stress hormones, while H improves circulation expanding blood vessels. New medical studies have now shown how vital stress is to our hearts, calling it "good stress". That fight or flight hormone being blocked should tell us something as naturally beneficially to us eventually will fail. Lets say you take 250 mg H in Am, and all your Metop at night, your HR at the worst will go down slightly and you can adjust the H the next day. By doing this, I weaned off 200 mg of Flecainide, a much more dangerous med, in 3 months, using H right along with it. This isnt rocket science here. No one ever died from a Drug deficiency, but plenty get sick from nutrition/mineral deficiency.

Posted by Hwkmn05 (Nh, US) on 07/22/2014 109 posts

I use a few different types of Mg because it can be difficult to contain in your small intestine. Mg Citrate is good, but I have recently switched to Mg Malate and find I can retain it longer. Also, Mg Oil. which you can apply topically near your heart, and assimilates quickly. I just used that and Hawthorne, 4-5 times the dose to get out of AF this month. Took about 5 hours, but it hasn't come back.

Back Injury Connection to AFIB
Posted by Sabiha (Bowmanville, Ontario) on 11/01/2017

I agree with you that after 10years I have learned my body and it's difficulty about digestion. When I get into AFIB it is the food and indigestion and acidic gut, enlarged liver suppresing the vagus nerve. So I take gas x, aloevera, sodiumbicarbonate, manuka honey, org. apple cider to convert my gut system to alkaline state that heath goes back to sinus mode. I also gave up on beans, sugar, gas forming foods even vegetables.I take mag-taurine- K, Bcomplex, Vit D, CoQ ubiniqual 100, many other supplements. Please get your calcium levels checked. I wish you all good health and it is in our hands...

How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by Waltz (India) on 12/04/2015

Hi Joy,

Triggers from Loud Noise and Emotional Disturbance both are big symptoms of Magnesium deficiency. Try massaging of Magnesium Chloride oil (from Life Flo or Ancient Minerals) twice daily totaling 20-30 sprays everyday, preferably on the chest and back. You can also orally supplement with Magnesium glycinate pills which do not produce diarrhea like other forms of magnesium. In all 500 to 800 mg of Magnesium per day should start helping you within few weeks.

Posted by Xylnx (Smithtown, Ny) on 02/29/2012

I have atrial fribrillation for 10 years and have tried virtually all health foods. Molasses (3 tbl/day) appears to have a major difference so far but I will have to wait a couple more months to be sure. It has also lowered my pulse.

Foods to Avoid: Worchester Sauce
Posted by Heather (Miami, Florida) on 12/07/2009

Thank you Kathleen and Lisa for your response.

To respond to Kathleen, I don't know about my mother, but I eat tamarind, hot peppers and anchovies without a problem.I have been researching this subject the past couple of days and have found some interesting links......

Atrial Fibrillation and MSG

Here's a good page on MSG:

I also found references to corn syrup and racing heart on Earth Clinic! and

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Leslei (Alaska) on 11/02/2017

My arrhythmia and heart palpitations start with any alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, wheat, sugar, anything fermented, vinegars. It's just crazy. I know if I get low on magnesium, zinc, dehydrated at all, forget to take some extra sea salt, get hot, or I sweat.... I'm going into afib.

Stop Bovine Thyroid Glandulars
Posted by Zander (Anytown, USA) on 12/06/2024

Sometimes afib isn't about what to add so much as what to stop. The thyroid hormones are in a delicate balance in the body that your heart has grown accustomed to since your birth. Pure bovine thyroid glandulars can be very useful for a time but if you take too much, or take them too long - and please bear in mind your need for them changes - you can end up with afib.

I struggled through a terrifying month of afib with no idea why it was happening. I wasn't doing anything differently. And that was the problem. I no longer needed the bovine thyroid glandular (I had been sub-clinical hypothyroid at last testing) but had continued to take half a dose daily (65 mg of New Zealand bovine thyroid glandular.) Well, that had flooded my system with T3 it simply did not need and didn't know what to do with.

Take note of ALL of the supplements, medications, OTC drugs you have been taking and do a meticulous search of side-effects.

It took 72 hour after stopping for my heart to stop its afib that had been quite violent at times and even kept me up every other night, nearly all night.

PS - Another supplement that aggravated my heart while the BTG was in excess was passion flower. It added ventricular pounding to the atrial. Look at everything you're taking!

PACs Trigger Identified
Posted by Lynn (Colorado) on 10/29/2022 5 posts

Premature Atrial Contractions (PACs) GONE…HOW???? WHY???

Well, I have used all the treatments on here, but not until I found the reason it was happening.

My esophagus has thin skin, the nerves of the vagus nerve are irritated when you have reflux/eaten aggravating foods. Then the vagus nerve gets irritated….that is why magnesium (calms nerves), advil (removes inflammation), water (coats throat temporarily and stops dehydration), but no one could identify WHY…

THIS IS WHY…so stop the inflammation, the reflux (hiatial hernia is popped up, push it down), drink pickle juice to reduce acid to help reflux).

NO MORE PACS, NOTHING. Eat ice cream to help inflammation, but mostly, get the reflux under control, use epsom salt to keep a relaxed airway, and you WON'T HAVE ANY MORE PACS.

Being a margarita drinker, thought it was alcohol…no unless you are dehydrated, it was the lime juice causing reflux, then causing inflammation of the vagus nerve, then the cycle begins and won't end until you get the vagus nerve to calm down and not be inflamed.

FINALLY, THANK GOD, I always thought I was going to die, now, a HUGE SENSE OF RELIEF….

I hope this helps someone.

Nattokinase +
Posted by Koys (Sofia) on 12/12/2021

I have chronical non stop AF (blessed with no feeling of it). For blood thinners I take only Nattokinase (1 at every 6 hours) - if I don't take it, I have very difficult time with breathing. Taking also Magnesium, Hawthorne and Arjuna (top Ayurveda herb for heart problems).

Also take first thing in the morning Cardio Chelate. Good luck!

Nattokinase +
Posted by Art (California) on 09/23/2022 2390 posts


That post is from last year and in case you do not get the information you are seeking about Arjuna and might be interested in another option, the following may be of interest to you :

Here is a relevant quote :

' Chronic melatonin supplementation, either in physiological or pharmacological ranges, protects against arrhythmias [8, 21, 97, 163, 169, 189, 191, 192]. Beyond the reported antioxidant properties of melatonin, it reduces severe ventricular arrhythmias by antifibrotic mechanisms, electrical remodeling, direct mitochondrial protection, myocardial Cx43 preservation via PKC signaling, and vitamin D-HSP70/AT1 counterbalance (Figure 2). '


ORH Remedies
Posted by KT (USA) on 02/25/2020

I no longer have a desktop I can type on easier so this repy is not easy. Hubs diagnosed with leukemia two years ago. I looked up all ingredients of drugs he was put on, side effects and compatibility. He was on all kinds of drugs that have side effects that include high blood pressure. He was then put on drugs for high blood pressure and told he may have to have open heart surgery. The drugs for HBP were two strengths of carvedilol that he couldn't continue to take because they made him feel so bad. Without wordy detail, marjoram contains carvacrol that is supposed to do the same thing as carvedilol just not as fast and doesn't include other fillers. Personally I feel, and it has been my experience that the binders, fillers and capsules cause more problems. I hope this will help. I just started using it. I am going to try to spin it into a powder.

ORH Remedies
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE , TN.) on 03/03/2020

Bill,,,,,,,,,, just want to thank you for your response. You have helped me numerous times over the years. I did appreciate the cheers from all the old folks that have been with us over the years. I have concocted a daylight and dark tonic that I take and it is keeping my heart from going totally crazy. The nice lady that called from Denver said that her husband was in AFIB for 16 years and Turpentine got him out of that trauma. I have used turpentine for candida and at your suggestion for my infected tooth and that worked. I am waiting on the good stuff from South GA. I follow some bright folks about this virus thing and we will hunker down at the end of this week. We have prepared to isolate ourselves for two months. We live where Columbus was headed in 1492 and that was the end of the world. Ten Mile, Tn is pretty dang close. Thanks for being my buddy. ====ORH====

Magnesium, Ginger
Posted by Pat (Pa) on 05/22/2020

Hi, I too find ginger helpful and believe my afib has to do with vagus aggravation. Eating can bring it on and lately lying down seems to bring on! Always thought it was more to do with my stomach than heart so never did well on the heart meds they tried to give me! Just take very low dose of a beta blocker daily now which I don't even think I need! I also was put on “Cipro” for a UTI right before I was diagnosed and strongly believe this was responsible for bringing it on too! These antibiotics are very toxic! I do take taurine & Hawthorn & Mg which I think help but haven't found anything that has stopped it! Just treat it! That's the best we can do I guess.

ORH Remedies
Posted by Flower's Mom (Pueblo of Acoma, NM) on 10/08/2019

Greetings, ORH. So sorry to hear about the latest development regarding the heart parasites. VRM2 is another option I would highly recommend considering since it is actually for humans, but has been used successfully to treat dogs with heart worms. I cured my old boy, Buddy, using it and he had a severe case. It is available from North Star Chiropractic and is very reasonable. Sending healing blessings your way - always enjoy your posts - good information and a delightful manner of speaking. Keep us posted! Flower's Mom

Posted by Tom (Sedona, Az) on 08/19/2017

Slullcap tincture definitely helps with A Fib symptoms - I don't take it every day because it makes me hungry for some reason, I just take it when my symptoms flare up and it helps - Skullcap and also magnesium chloride liquid.

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 03/25/2017

ORH, a good while ago I learnt to stay away from the news. Healthier that way. It's enough what I get from the grapevine.

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 05/25/2017

MORGAN,,,,,,, To address my AFIB problem..... I solve most of my problems using the shotgun method. I think my problem is due to stress and sleep apnea. The way you breath is important to keep your oxygen up. I sleep in a CPAP and that has helped immensely. I take Nattokinase to keep my blood thin. I take the Rx Cartizen, Taurine, and a Hawthorne supplement and keep my cayenne extract close at hand. I also take magnesium.

I have not had a spell in several months. When I do, I try to chill out, then take 5 drops in 1/3 glass of warm water. My pulse rate drops within a few minutes. I do take lots of supplements I.e. 14,000 iu Vit B 3 /day. Wish I knew enough to help you, but can only relate what seems to work for me.


Posted by Carolyn (Mich) on 06/30/2017

Hi there ORH, I have been on this site for a while and really enjoy your posts. Just saw a video from Dr. Gliddon on AFIB and he says the cause is the nerves from the T4 vertebrae being compromised somehow. Since you had that injury years back could that still be a contributing factor? Just a thought. God bless you and thank you for all your wonderful advice!

Atrial Fib Triggers
Posted by Donna (Ct) on 02/21/2017

There is a homeopathic remedy for msg and you can also so take taurine after you consume any msg and it helps. Msg is a trigger for me also.

Atrial Fib Triggers
Posted by Leslei (Alaska Usa) on 03/20/2016

I just read this in comments earlier and read online that afib can be from parathyroid tumor, and can cause bone pain! Check it out. I am going to get my calcium checked. There has to be a reason for this affecting so many people. The diet we had before we all got smarter probably the biggest reason, I don't smoke, I can't drink, I eat all healthy, no sugar, no wheat, no fluoride, no Milk, all organic, very little fruit, lots or organic vegetables and meat, nothing out of can, no RX, but lots of supplements, vitamins, magnesium, potassium. Still if I sweat, get in sun, take a sauna, exercise, drink alcohol, eat chocolate, have any caffeine, my heart goes into afib. Had a surgery to check and see if my second "pace maker" was firing again, and he found nothing wrong.

We are all born with two, but one quits working when one is working correctly as you develop fully before and after birth. The only thing happened after that surgery was I got a blood clot and then my pulse went from a normal 65 to over 90 during rest, sleep, that was 4 years ago and it just now is at 78 on resting. I am thinking after reading about the excess calcium causing heart problems, this might be the reason for my Afib.

Posted by Robert Herny (Ten Mile, Tn) on 11/10/2015

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, , , , , , , , , , , went to my hip doctor today and he said my pain is not from my hip but my spine. He wanted to give me a cortisone shot, but I declined. I have already lined up 5 appointments in Atlanta for ozone shots. He said my hips were no where close to replacement like my right knee was. I did not tell him that the ozone shots have already addressed that problem. It's a money thing. I spent a few hundred and he wants $40,000.

He is a nice guy and I did not want to get into a pissin contest with him about ozone regenerating cartilidge. He is a college grad- u- -ate. Whoo pe doo.

Tomorrow I go to Knoxville for an echo heart test to try and determine why I am going into arterial fibrillation. It appears that for me to get to 92 is going to be a chore. I love the challenge.

Most folks get into deep sheet and want to give up........ me , I just got a new challenge. Like I keep telling you sorry rascals, don't give up, keep fighting. You can whip most health problems with knowledge.

Out of spit ======ORH==========

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 11/19/2015

HI U OLE PATOOTS, , , , , , , , , , , ended up in the ER this morning when my heart went crazy again. This time my pulse went to 176 but my BP went out the roof. They got it down after several hours. They did get an EKG when it was out of sync and when it got back to normal and sent to my Knoxville cardiologist.

The first line on the side effects of the drug prescribed for me is: " It can cause very bad health problems that may not go away, and sometimes causes death."

Wow, that sure takes a load off my mind. Between cancer, heart problems and an aching back, my life is about as interesting as I can stand. Don't fret for me, because I always find a way to solve my ails.

When I left the ER , I told all that I truly loved them but hoped I never saw them again. They hooted.


Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 11/20/2015

HI U Rsw, , , , , , , , , yep, you right. It hurt my feeling not to get my pulse down. I tried for about 3 hours and pulled every trick I knew. The thing that the ER doctor said is that my pulse had headed down before their stuff had time to react so he was impressed. I can't believe he did not know that cayenne extract would save you from a heart attack or a stroke. I got this from an old doctor some 25 years ago. I have kept it in my gun bag for some 20 years. I have my gun bag at my side at all times.

I have only seen Marijuana once when the DEA found it on our hunting lease some 15 years ago. When we approached the scene, I ask what was going on. " Who are you". This is our hunting lease. He then hollered to his team..... "here he is". Scared my mule and we told them that this was the first marijuana we had ever seen. He then told not to worry, that they had already investigated us from A to Z.

Since then I have watched the video of the guy in Nova Scotia who raises it and boils it down to a tar and cures his friends cancer. He too is in trouble.

I am convinced that the war on Marijuana is promoted by Big Pharma. Just like the killing of the supplement Anatabloc made from tobacco that was curing arthritis. It works ....... just too bad that greed got involved and the Gov of Va had to go to jail. Now it is not available.

Tobacco is a herb used by the Native Americans since the beginning of time. What killed cigarettes was not tobacco, but the arsenic that was spread on it to kill the boll worms who ate the bolls and the pesticides sprayed on it in the warehouses, and the fungicides sprayed to keep down the fungus.

Enough for one outing. =====ORH======

Antibiotic Connection to AFIB
Posted by Mike (Fairport, Ny) on 04/13/2015

Interesting reads here. I was given an antibiotic a few years ago, and noticed I seem to have a lot of digestive issues since. I also ended up with constant AFIB not long after. Besides all of the nasty associated side affects of having it (anxiety, shortness of breath) I also started having a lot of issues sleeping. Sure enough, I was diagnosed with apnea. I was administered to the hospital for 3 days and given Tikosyn, which put me right back in rythym. Guess what?? Apnea went away. It's not apnea that caused my Afib, it was the other way around!! Hmmmm.......

I'm going to try probiotics and a lot of excercise, I am optimistic this will help and I can get rid of the meds someday. Mike

Posted by Pat (Pennsylvania) on 09/04/2014

Afib - I was reading the posts from everyone and thought I would try the taurine and l arginine, magnesium etc. and I really think it is helping. I have tried other supplements but these seem to help. I will let you know if it is long lasting! Also taking something called serrinisol for adrenal fatigue which is also a possibility since this all began around menopause for me. They say it lowers my cortisol count. Whatever it is hope it keeps on working! Thanks to all of know more than the doctors!

Posted by Hwkmn05 (Nh) on 07/28/2014 109 posts

I am on a regimen of supplements to control my AF I am going into my 5th year with. I had never gotten back to NSR without cardioversion, one time in AF for 14 days and scoped for clots before CV'd. Not something I wanted to depend on for life not to mention a large co pay. Of course after my last episode in March, cardios wanted me on a high dosage of flecainide daily. I wouldnt mind a PIP of it, but their words were, "Indefinitely" set me searching for alternatives. At that point I sought out a Naturopathic doctor. Asked, can you keep me in NSR or get me back to it with supplements. He was confident he could. I weaned off the meds in 2months and got on Mg, CoQ10, Hawthorne, Taurine, DHA, Zinc, Rib rose, B12, Iodine, and L-carnitine.

I got the test a few weeks ago waking up at 430am in AF. Heart rate was lower than usual episodes I think in part to being on the MG and Hawth, 80-100. I did five times my usual daily amount along with a tincture of cayenne for 4 hours. I was determined not to go to ER or try the PIP flec. At hour 5, I returned to NSR for the first time ever without doctor or cardiaoversion. Called ND and he was ecstatic wanting to know the exact dosage and what I took. He thought it was all good, but believed it was more the Mg and Hawthorne berry that did the trick.

Posted by PEG (MN) on 01/02/2023

I can only tell you about the magnesium - I use the spray - magnesium oil - the pills give me diarrhea (sp) spray it on my arms and throat on the veins and jugular area so it gets to my bloodstream. I am told that you can't overdo it since your body will dispose of what it does not need. I do a pinch of borax in my drinks to control osteomyelitis - it seems to be working too. The mag oil carries the borax into the bone for me.

Back Injury Connection to AFIB
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 02/16/2014

To Linda from Washington,

Do not wish to give you disconcerting information and certainly hope I am wrong but the symptoms you give would indicate you are verging on very serious heart situation.

If this were me...

And I did have a friend a year (plus) ago who asked for advice with many of the symptoms you mentioned. When we was bending over working in his garden, he'd have an onset of symptoms especially heavy feeling in his chest. Etc.

I told him and tell very careful NOT to exert until corrective action is undertaken .... immediately.

He refused to go to Doc or ER having had bad experience with same a few years earlier.

I told him he must get on the following immediately...

Vitamin E (NATURAL E, d alpha tocopherol, not the synthetic dl....) Get the real thing in health food store not drug store. Start with 200 iu daily and increase to 400 in 30 days, then increase to 600 a month later. I take 1,000 IUs daily of dl alpha tocopherol. E will clean veins and arteries and oxygenate the heart (and other muscles).

PS...You do not have PN. Even if you did, it's the least of your worries.

1,000 mg of Arginine

500 mg of herb Hawthorn

1,000 mg of Co Q 10

100 mg of niacin (causes a flush... read about this on internet)

After you start up with the E, get off the aspirin since the E is a blood thinner and you don't need aspirin to thin once on E.

1,000 mg of magnesium

500 mg of potassium...good source is ACV .... one tablespoon in large glass of water...sipped after last meal of day

Remote possibility you have infection in heart...don't think so...but just in case take two tablespoons of colloidal silver on empty stomach for two weeks...will kill infection if any. Important on empty stomach to get into blood stream.

Back Injury Connection to AFIB
Posted by Mike62 (Denver) on 02/17/2014

Linda: I was 50lbs over weight, had many bad conditions, and many terrible diseases. I didn't go to the doctor because I was not able to wait for a long time in a confined space with nothing to do at a free clinic. I studied and tried various natural treatment plans and enjoyed limited success. Then I discovered one treatment plan that changes all the bad conditions to good conditions, cured all the diseases that were causing me so much suffering, and melted off all the fat. Nourishment. Just eating right was the solution that made my body buzz like a bee. I studied what herbivores, carnivores, centenarians, and athletes eat. Organic baby leaves are the best vegetable. The nutrients are locked up in the cellulose so grinding up in the blender is required. I take 8oz/day of the 5 super babies. Organic berries are the best fruit. Activated barley, whole sugars, bananas, and water kefir made from whole flours are the best carbs. They have to be organic. Chili is the best herb. Desiccated liver is the best meat. Non denatured whey and colostrum are the best dairy. Expeller pressed coconut oil is the best saturated fat. Black chia seeds are the best unsaturated fat. The super foods are the best protein. Skate liver oil is best for fat soluble nutrients. I take the carbs, oils, and proteins together and keep fat below 10%/calorie or 5%/g with 1 pint of kefir and water every hour.

Back Injury Connection to AFIB
Posted by Wendy (Spokane, Wa) on 10/28/2017

If your A-fib is caused by overstimulation of the Vegas nerve vs. faulty heart valves, you will get A-fib typically during the night and when your turn on your left side. I have the similar problems. I'm still trying to unravel. I hooked up with a Naturopath, who could look at all of me to try to unravel this mystery. Other factors could be adrenal fatigue and thyroid dx.

Sodium Bentonite Clay, Probiotics
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 12/27/2014

HI U RON, , , , , , , , good post. The natural folks have a debate as to which is more important ...... the colon or the liver. I say both and treat them equally. As I am on the shady side of the mountain, I am paying more attention to Hulda Clark....... it's a parasite thing. Those buggers will get you in a natural born minute and our MD's have no clue.


How to Stop Atrial Fib Attacks
Posted by Pat (Pa) on 01/09/2016

To Mary/Texas:

I have had it for 3 yrs now and always scary! But the supplements seem to help as well as the drugs for me with no side effects Try them too! The doctors don't have much to offer. Just the nasty drugs with side effects and ablation which doesn't have a great success rate either! Have to learn to "manage it" somehow. I have lorazepam for the anxiety that comes with it too. Just 0.5-1.0mg a day usually! Good luck

General Feedback
Posted by Errol (Miami, Fl, USA) on 07/31/2012

I have recently read where doctor weston price years ago found out that root canals were responsible for many diseases. his work was overlooked and buried for over 70 years. it seems that these things leak bacteria with no apparent symtoms for years. only when the gums become inflamed and sore does one realize root canals are not what they appear.

then it dawned on me, the fact that shortly after getting 2 root canals in 1995 i started getting afib and tinnitus. could that be the hidden cause of my afib the doctors are clueless about? could that be the one thing all doctors overlook and all dentists say no way? could it be dental procedures are as deadly and dangerous as the poison drugs doctors give us? could it be the entire medical proffesion is out to kill us? i think maybe so. i will know tomorrow when i have these yanked out and replaced with implants. i will post any changes.

Foods to Avoid: Worchester Sauce
Posted by Jane (Passadena, Ca) on 12/07/2009

Interesting links, thank you Heather. I found one of the website's you linked to about MSG and Taurine Deficiency very insightful.

"Taurine is the body's heartbeat regulator. Deficiency states can be induced by MSG because glutamate competes in the body with another sulfur-containing amino acid - cysteine. The body uses cysteine to make taurine - another sulfur-containing amino acid used as a neurotransmitter. A major complaint of MSG symptom complex sufferers is irregular, fast heartbeats, - atrial fibrillation. The same symptom also occurs from taurine deficiency."

Maybe you and your mother can try supplementing with Taurine?

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Soyjim (East Alton, Illinois) on 07/28/2009

I came across your post under fibrillation. My mother has this condition and is under a medical doctors care. I also thought that fungal infections might have an impact on this condition. She and I have splotches on our skin. My sisters have them also. They all think they are just age spots and I am puffing in the wind when I suggest they are fungal related. The five doctors I have been to for the condition have humored me somewhat giving me some medications that helped some but did not cure me. Antibiotics, prednisone, Lamisil pills, Nizaral pills, and one other anti fungal pill that the name escapes me. I have calloused red feet that I believe is a moccasin type Fungal infection. If I could get rid of that I now think my problem would be solved. For several years nothing has been able to eliminate this but it is not intolerable. I believe your ph balance theory is a good idea. The three things I have done that I believe have been most effective for what I believe is a systemic fungal infection are listed next. started drinking the borax water about a month ago, have used vinegar solution soaks off and on for several years. recently added peroxide to this which I think may be better. Thirdly I grow a pro biotic culture in a warm brewers yeast and tap water solution. I have been drinking this for about ten months. Good luck and post If you find something that solves a long standing fungal problem.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by James (New Hampshire, US) on 10/03/2014 109 posts

Pat, Yes, with that on meds, they get you hooked and are not only hard to get off, youre body misses that fix also. But, of the 2, Id say the Magnesium is the most important. Hawthorne does slow rate, but if your doing the Metop, that is already slowing things down. Lowering your HR does not keep you out of Fib, whether its a med or supplement. Mag takes away my flutter or paps in minutes. (No AF this past month) Try loading up on that before bed, start with 300, and get to 6-900mg as soon as you can. It wont hurt you, just will eliminate it next day. Get the oil or gel form also, easier to hold in. Your condition is worse than avg, but Ive seen much worse and heard of successes without surgery. One lady I knew had it every day, for hours. Got on one supplement, and poof, gone and not returned for 5 years. COQ10 once a day was all she took!! I was envious. I take that also, but guess what? It doesnt work without adequate levels of Mag. Obviously she was getting her Mag levels from food sources. Cells towers, micro waves etc, Id believe that, its not like theyve conducted studies and proven any of it is completely safe.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Doug (Sedona) on 07/23/2016

Leaky Gut cannot be repaired with probiotics, all that they do is crowd out pathogenic organisms that can infect the bowel and damage bowel lining. Bovine Colostrum is the only clinically proven remedy. One of its primary purposes is to provide the original introduction of beneficial bacteria and to insure their growth and colonization. Then the growth factors in colostrum can prevent and heal GI damage. Both animal and Human clinical peer reviewed studies prove its efficacy.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Charlotte (Texas) on 04/04/2017

Blood thinners like Warafin and Coumadin all began with the herb Sweet Clover. Just get this.

EC: Interesting history about the discovery of Coumadin from Sweet Clover fed to cows here:

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Bob (U.s.a.) on 08/03/2020

To thin the blood and regulate coagulation use concentrated garlic oil gel`s + Fish oils, my personal choice is krill oil or cod liver oil / add these oils to regulate coagulation & general heart health,

Real olive oil, just a teaspoon a week has been shown to balance out the blood coagulation / clotting + 100% pure cold pressed Coconut oil excellent for heart health + Macadamia nut oil as a supplement 1 tbs. daily + you can cook with it to but it is expensive and oil is not needed except for veggies. Another thing I just started is to make a cup of tea with the following Tea of choice + 1 tbs. of ACV + 1 tbs. honey of choice + small amount of real powered stevia ** The liquid is no good tastes awful and not sweet ** 1 capsule of Ceylon Cinnamon 500mg ** Supplement but has multi use **.

I have constant A.Fib and related problems like high blood pressure but after taking the Tea Concoction I noticed that the A Fib improves along with Blood Pressure, this will help regulate blood sugar but works better with a TBS. of Black Seed oil for the Type 2 Diabetes or Pre Diabetes and hydration,

I don`t get dry mouth or leg cramps. I too was taking the same meds mentioned with the same results meaning only it did not work and made everything worse.The reason I only go to a doctor if something natural won`t work, so far so good and no flu shot and no flu this year either, long story about this & something else that vaccines should have prevented but did not, I got the measles anyway 3-4 times as a adult.

My first time was right after I got the measles shot in the 60`s then 3 more times as a adult around 30...Ps. If you take anything try to get it in liquid form or ionic form it gets 100% absorbed within 5 minutes unlike pills.

Nattokinase +
Posted by Max (Connecticut) on 02/20/2023

Nattokinase was reported to cause arrhythmias in 3.3% of trial participants according to pub article.

Unfortunately, I was one of the unlucky 3% and nattokinase caused my arrhythmia, I believe. I got worse day by day for a couple of weeks until I figured it out by way of research and elimination. I suggest you drop the nattokinase and see if your arrhythmia goes away.

Notice that one of the cures to arrhythmia is to avoid soy.

Belt Technique
Posted by Don (Michigan, Usa) on 09/07/2020

A fib:

Wear a snug belt at the naval level. It stops it.

Posted by Kela (Winston, Or) on 03/13/2020

I added propionyl L carnitine to my long regimen of daily supplements. 1000mg twice daily. It has greatly reduced my afib episodes, so much that I can actually function. and His protocol for CHF helps afib, also.

ORH Remedies
Posted by KT (USA) on 02/25/2020

Marjoram contains carvacrol that is supposed to do the same thing for the heart as carvedilol but without the fillers.

ORH Remedies
Posted by KT (USA) on 02/26/2020

Dear ORH Now that I finally got something posted on here I'll add what the article said about marjoram. I copied it but didn't include the reference. I am looking... "Marjoram helps to widen and relax blood vessels easing the flow of blood which takes strain off the heart and reduces BP." I would suggest you Google compatibility with other meds you are taking. KT

ORH Remedies
Posted by Anon (Canada) on 02/27/2020

Hi ORH - I echo mmsg's sentiments – it's good to hear from you. I'm not an A Team member but my mother had Afib and, although her magnesium levels were fine, her potassium levels were dangerously low so she had to use potassium supplements to get it higher (her appetite had declined so diet really wasn't an option). Potassium really helped (evidently, we need 4,700 mg of potassium daily). You might find the following interesting. I'm glad Bill (definitely an A Team member!) responded to you as well . . . Take care.

ORH Remedies
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE , TN.) on 06/17/2020

ORH here, guess you are Mrs Brian K, huh? Anyways, looked your town up and you 5 X biggern Ten Mile and over in whiskey country. I think you need to research some more because I don't buy into your vinegar theory. AFIB is an electrical thing and that can have lots of sources, including parasites in your heart. You country and know that dogs have heart worms that can be caused by mosquitoes. Ms Brian......... life is very interesting. I am excited that in a year and a half I will be 85 and smart as all get out. Missed out at 65 and 75, but think 85 is the magic number. Glory. ====ORH====

ORH Remedies
Posted by marian lazell (britain) on 05/15/2024

Hi there, vinegar definately sets me off into AF, as does yoghurt, chocolate, alcholol free wine. Thanks

ORH Remedies
Posted by Jan (Australia) on 06/18/2020

Soak your feet in a basin with warm water and Epsom Salts for 20 minutes every other day. I have suffered for years and just recently started this and even though I am 75 I mowed the lawn yesterday with no problems. Epsom Salts contain magnesium and the body soaks up what it needs. Also, a friend ended up in hospital recently with a racing heart and after they tried every thing they could think of, they put magnesium in the drip and it stopped immediately. Look up Dr Caroline Dean you will learn more about magnesium and see what she has to say about the benefits of magnesium.

Magnesium, Ginger
Posted by Pat McG. (NJ) on 10/15/2019

So I too was diagnosed with Afib & it was pretty bad. I realized that it seemed to happen when eating or sleeping so I was thinking it was coming from my stomach & not my heart as the doctor says — so I refused all medication. Through trial & error, I found something that got rid of it. First, ReMag magnesium (I take 1/4 tsp in water & sip throughout the day) and the big improvement came by taking ginger — I use Now brand Ginger Root Extract with 5% gingerols. If you don't have that, I use ginger from the spice aisle, 1/4 tsp. in a small glass of water. These 2 has basically made my afib disappear but if I get any signs of it, ginger knocks it out in like 10 minutes. I just read on a site that someone stopped their Afib by taking enzymes when they eat & probiotics in the morning. I'm gonna add that in just for “insurance”. My theory is that I got this Afib from taking levequin, which damaged or aggrevated my vagus nerve. I'm thinking that most Afib comes from a problem with the vagus nerve — research it on the web & you will find lots of info.

ORH Remedies
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 09/29/2019

ADDRESSING AFIB AND HEART FLUTTER PROBLEM. HI U OLE PATOOTS............. Tested by a wellness group and get a read out if they think they can address this problem by aligning my neck and back to get good nerve communication from my brain to my heart. The Rx I take are working, but you have no quality of life, you just don't die. The MD told me that. I see the Cardiologist in two weeks to ascertain a plan. My ablation attempt was aborted because they could not get to my heart with the electrode because of a kink in my venous vein. Skeleton shrinks but your arteries and veins don't, they just kink like a water hose. Think that's my problem. My doctor has taken an interest in me for some reason, and I will defer to his judgement about another ablation attempt. That does not mean that I don't keep trying to find a solution. The wellness group say toxins can cause my problem, especially H Pylori. I will get that test, but I have already started drinking ozonated water that I make myself. Got a neighbor who gets my ATS e-mails and now has a tooth infection and wants to know where to get the turpentine to treat the problem. Bill of the Philippines was the guy who put me on to this. He saved me about $4000. Just wished the world wanted to help their neighbor like the folks on EC do. All know my goal is to aggravate EC folks until I's 92. Don't know if this group can stand 9 more years of my stuff. ====ORH====

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