Natural Remedies

Natural Asthma Remedies: Effective Herbal & Supplement Relief

H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by Myway (Delaware, Usa) on 01/23/2015

Update: So here it is, my journey seems to be almost complete with my asthma. I use Bill Monroe's H202 Therapy as a go-to if I start wheezing, take 2 teaspoons of Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) daily to reduce systemic inflammation AND keep my sinuses clear of mucous plus, take Dr. Carolyn Dean's Remag (picometer size liquid magnesium), 1/2 tsp 2X a day....and continue to practice buteynko method of breathing. BTW, my Magnesium RBC (red blood cell) test was 5.0 mg/dL and according to Dr. Dean, it needs to be between 6.0-6.5 mg/dL, not the 4.2-6.8 mg/dL as indicated on the test range. The fluoride in the Advair was leaching the magnesium from my system - hence, I was not getting the proper nutrition I needed to combat my asthma. My body was not getting properly fueled nutritionally because the magnesium was not allowed to drag into the cells the vitamins and nutrients it needed.

If you have an interest in getting to the root of some of your health issues, I suggest you read the follow excerpt from functional medicine university. This one page of information is an eye opener as it relates to magnesium deficiencies.

H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by Myway (Wilmington, De) on 10/28/2014

I have had mild asthma for years but still had to take a corticosteroid (Advair) once a day. I've been determined to get off that stuff so I threw caution to the wind and used Bill Munroe's method but only inhaled 6 squirts once in the morning of the 3% solution hydrogen peroxide daily. This is day asthma symptoms. Do you all realize how empowering it is to be using a therapy that is $0.50 a month as opposed to $40 (with insurance)? Once I get my 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide, I'll dilute it further till I hit the maintenance dose - hopefully < o.5%. As a nurse, I find this therapy a whole lot less destructive then the steroids offered patients. Period!

H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by Reba (Portland, Oregon) on 12/08/2012

I am just recovering from a nasty virus which caused my asthma and sinus congestion to worsen. A doctor prescribed a steroid inhaler, but I reacted badly to it. I began a 1% hydrogen peroxide inhalation via the mouth with a nasal spray pump (5 pumps per inhale, 5 times daily). I'm also taking 600 mg extended release guaifenesin (Mucinex) with no other active ingredients, to loosen things up. After only 3 days, I'm feeling tremendously improved. My coughing is much less than even before I became ill. My sinuses are clearer and so are my thoughts.

While I believe there are limits to how long and often one should do this, I absolutely can't argue with its effectiveness. I'm hopeful that this awful 3 year battle with asthma and 25 year battle with sinus congestion may be ending. I've researched endlessly and over the years have tried so many supplements and herbs that just didn't help. My advice to anyone trying this is to ease into it a bit and never start with a 3% solution. I doubt I will ever go stronger than 1% because my body reacts strongly to medications.

Many people are afraid of hydrogen peroxide because strong solutions are so dangerous. As with so many compounds, whether something is a poison or a medicine is all about the concentration. I learned this once when I put straight 3% hydrogen peroxide in my ultrasonic humidifier and inhaled the mist deeply and repeatedly. My breathing started shutting down and I was barely able to inhale enough albuterol to stop the attack. I think people just have to be smart about things and shouldn't go overboard. And I definitely recommend trying this approach long enough and frequently enough to see what it can do.

I believe allergies play a part in asthma and sinus problems, with the secretions in sinus and lung tisssues forming a material which gradually is populated by microorganisms from the environment and ultimately creates a biofilm. Biofilms can become highly impenetrable to drugs, a problem which is the target of much medical research.

My hope is that the 1% hydrogen peroxide inhalations will be the means of killing the bugs which are probably residing in films in my lungs and sinuses and causing my asthma. I believe taking the guaifenesin and drinking plenty of water is important in helping to move out those problematic secretions--killing the bugs is good, but getting rid of the gunk makes it even better.

H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by Jim (Sun City Center, Fl) on 03/09/2012

Have been remiss and never said thanks to Bill. I had chronic asthma, using 2 different inhalers from VA, 3 snorts am and pm. Started inhaling peroxide about 5 years ago, initially had some throat irritation. Stopped for a week and restarted at half strength. Figured it was coating on back of my throat from years of inhaling. Did 50% for a week and then full strength. Still have my 3 refills from VA in linen closet as a reminder. On a recent visit annual vist to VA I got a new female MD, She almost had a cow when I told her how I cured asthma, in so many words she said "impossible and insisted that I take a rescue inhaler which I returned unopened when they arrived.

My wife of 55 years has had a chronic minor cough, which may have been a throw back to when she smoked. She had heart problems 7 years ago and quit. A few months ago I got her started on using a small inhaler and keeping it on a table next to her TV chair. The cough is now non existent. My sincere thanks Bill and I know the good Lord has blessed you for your efforts. Jim

H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by Sweetberry (Ny) on 01/18/2012

Started out fghp 3 percent last sunday. It killed me till now- the mucus was together and came up very good and controlled. Now it became runny and sitting in my lung and maxair and nebulizer will not help. Help- what went wrong? I better w/h the fghp now I can't breathe got a runny nose and fever. I have 12 children and can't afford this.

01/18/12 Update:

Wow wow wow!!!!!! I would like to take the time and thank bill and earth clinic for fghp it help to heal my asthma which i suffered 32 years!! yes!! its a long story i can write a book on all what i went through if an author will contact me. I am willing to work it out- it may be a best seller no doubt.

Now a quick few words look at my last week's post where I cry for help the fghp not working I stopped the process and felt it fake as all my life I find gimmicks and you can't trust but I didn't give up due to which I saw that many testimonies I didn't give up. I called bill munro- he is very nice and told me not to use the nebulizer just the spray pump I went and bought it two days ago and this is the first night after 32 years I slept 7h one shot, no medications needed!

So thanks I hope this will last. I don't take any supplements I eat my diet reg. food.

H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by Susan (Inland Empire, Ca) on 04/09/2009

My 10yr old son who wheezes with breathing in cold air had an attack and seemed to worsen as the day progressed. Labored breathing with wheezing sounds,scary. I already had a nebulizer machine in the house from years past using albuterol mixtures. I placed about 1/3 cup of water in a separate container and one drop of 35% food grade H202. Stirred it and then filled to capacity the nebulizer holding cup. After about 20 minutes he seemed to breath alot easier but not 100% to normal. He slept for an hour then was able to get up and guess what? No heavy breathing! A little wheezing but not as much as before. I was hesitant to try the H2O2 as so many precautions and warnings. I'm glad I only put one drop into a separate container with more water. One drop in the nebulizer cup (about 2 tablespoons capacity) would have been way too much.

H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by Marci (Wilmington, NC) on 04/16/2008

I was desperate to find something other than my rescue inhalers (7-8x/day), steriods, Adviar, Singulair, Albuterol nebulizer and whatever else I've tried throughout the 11 years since I was diagnosed with severe asthma and allergies.

I recently quit my job because my attacks had gotten so bad, I couldn't function. No health insurance, no money, I had to rely on friends' prescriptions, samples and $4 drugs from Walmart.

I found this just yesterday and tried the HP therapy in my nebulizer. INSTANLY no more wheezing - no more coughing! I was sure I had gone nuts. I got my first solid night's sleep in ages! I woke up this morning feeling better than I had in years. I will do it again every 2 hours and see how I am tomorrow, but this is so encouraging.

Thank you so much for this site. I will read everything I can find. I hope it lasts.

H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by KR (Rancho Cucamonga, CA) on 01/17/2008

Where do I begin to describe my journey into the ails of pulmonary distress? It all started years ago when my now 6-year old was a toddler at 2 and diagnosed with asthma. For close to five years she has been through all kinds of drugs, just treating the symptoms of her debilitating disease. She had it all, wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing with enormous amounts of phlegm lodged and trapped in her lungs. Before we had our nebulizer and the knowledge of how to use it, we would rush her to ER where they'd give her a breathing treatment (albuterol) and another 5-day dosage of steroid to eliminate her symptoms, which, nonetheless, still wouldn't completely dissipate. It has been an ongoing, horrific battle from the beginning. Who knows how she even got this disease as she was breastfed from birth to two whole years and genetically, asthma is not on my side of the family nor my husband's!

Our next bout with pulmonary issues presented with our 8-year old who, just last year, had pneumonia in both lungs and has had ongoing issues with sinusitis and dry cough in the winter.

The final blow came with our 2-year old, who for close to 4 months was getting what they first diagnosed as bronchiolitis, then the next month, bronchitis, then back to bronchiolitis and back and forth, back and forth, never being cured and certainly not even relieved from this horrible outcome for much longer than a week at a time. The doctor just kept prescribing more antibiotics and different ones every time only to have it return worse and more ferocious than the previous attacks. Her cough was so powerful it would make the capillaries in her face burst and she couldn't hold down much, due to the force of her coughing and inevitably, suffered cough-induced vomiting (or was it the drugs or the infection, who knows?). That on top of fever often reaching as high as 103.5 and consistent reoccurrence of her sicknesses, just pushed me over the edge. My child's doctor was now telling me they didn't think it was bacterial, but rather viral since the infection didn't respond long term to the antibiotics and kept coming back. The doctor then informed me that if it was something viral, there was nothing they could do and she'd have to wait it out or possibly, could suffer for the rest of her life! Now do you think a mother and lover of her offspring is going to sit back and listen to dooms day regarding the very apple of her eye? There was not another moment to waste with the medical community so I got to work researching every extra moment I could find to get to the bottom of something natural to deliver us all from everything, including the asthma and sinusitis. I came across some natural but costly remedies for asthma that I wouldn't be able to try unless I made the initial investment which I knew we couldn't do so I kept looking...

Low and behold, I finally found it here on Earth Clinic. I intuitively knew it was the answer but was scared out of my mind to use it because there's not much info on how to apply it to children directly on this site or any other which is unfortunate because I believe the majority of asthma sufferers are children and the number one killer of children worldwide is pneumonia! Therefore, from my now new knowledge, it makes sense that the Munro HP Inhalation method is THE number one remedy for all such lung sickness (asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, etc.). I prayed and asked God to direct my paths as I knew I was embarking on something extraordinary but unknown and unfamiliar to me. In complete and utter desperation for a remedy to relieve my children, I pulled out my Walmart brand 3% hydrogen peroxide from Aaron Industries, diluted it 1 part HP to 3 parts purified water (bottled water) and poured from that solution the little amount needed into the nebulizer capsule. During a violent cough attack, I began with my baby who breathed very little and INSTANTANEOUSLY, her cough disappeared as if she never had it to begin with. I then began giving her regular and daily treatments (2-4 per day and as much as she'd breath in one hit which often wasn't a lot because she wouldn't tolerate it for too long) of this same solution and very quickly noticed her lungs being cleared and no fever flair ups. After approximately one week, she was miraculously cured of that blasted virus that wouldn't let go!!! I took her back to the doctor for her follow-up shortly thereafter, and the doctor checked her lungs with her stethoscope. The doc dropped her jaw to the floor because I don't believe she even thought my baby would have bounced back so soon. I then informed her that I had found a natural remedy that I wouldn't share with her since it's so outside of her box. She concurred and stated she did not want to know what it was but on the flipside, she encouraged me to continue it because it actually works! I then gently "fired" her because she wanted to prescribe my baby on a daily regiment of steroids in the form of Pulmicort Respules using the nebulizer which I had already been there and done that with her sister for all these years. I apprised this doc that I, mom, would now not only be handling my childrens' infections but their asthma care as well (how empowering is that?!). Simultaneously, I began these same treatments for my asthmatic 6-year old because she was experiencing continual dry cough that previously would take many days and drugs to see any relief from. Again, INSTANTANEOUSLY, her cough dissipated and she'd go straight back to bed, able to sleep through the rest of the entire night without further disturbance. This was unheard of for all the years that we have suffered with her; we've endured many sleepless and restless nights. Now, whenever she coughs at night from her asthma, she gets what we dubbed 'natural nebulizer' and she really raves about it, no more racing heart and shakes from the after-effects of albuterol. For my 8-year old, the natural nebulizer initially helped her cough out some mucous but I prescribed her some ACV (regular, store-bought) in her juice every day and a lot of tea with honey which seemed to help her situation with sinusitis out even more. In a couple of weeks, she also was completely cleaned and cleared up.

For me personally, I started my menstrual cycle and began to experience my usual, incredibly painful headache. I wouldn't say a migraine but something close to it. I thought, why not, it'd be better than popping another pill (acetaminophen) with the potential of vomiting as has occurred to me in the past. I began our natural nebulizer treatments but upped the HP dosage a bit for myself and viola, my headaches disappeared instantaneously too and the treatments really made my heavy, achy body feel light and unloaded again. I began every two hours for up to two days and then experienced what I think could have been a cleansing but I'm not sure. I don't know if it was a cleansing because I normally get severe diarrhea at the onset of my menstruation. All I know is my stomach cramped up really bad and I could feel something fighting in there. The stool I passed would most certainly have been diarrhea as always in the past, but actually came out solid, though still soft. It was simply unbelievable! I felt 100% after that until later that night when my whole body ached and that nasty headache came firing back. I snuck downstairs so as not to awake my husband and took a natural nebulizer treatment which drove away the headache and enabled me to sleep through the rest of the night like a baby. The aches in my body left along with the headache and I was convinced that HP and I will never be apart again! There's a new one (remedy) for PMS. Currently, I only use these natural nebulizer treatments for dire necessities for myself and baby but more regularly on my asthmatic as she needs the maintenance. Thank you for hosting this site which I now visit daily to learn as much as I can. Thank you to all who contribute their input because we're all learning and growing together through the good and the bad knowing that 'all things work together for the good'

I just have a question for Ted in regard to the issue with hydrogen peroxide, used over a period of time, is it true that it erodes red blood cells as stated in the erroneous article about the South Carolina woman with MS who was injected with it IV? Can you address the red blood cell issue on that as I now understand that she died of the drugs NOT the HP treatments but would still like more info regarding the red blood cell issue.

Also, from my experience in dealing with small children especially, it is of critical importance that the HP inhalation method solution be diluted down considerably as they will not tolerate any stinging to their throat. As reported, I found the diluted solution to still do wonders for my children. Another side bar: I believe in treating children with the HP inhalation method, one should consider using a nebulizer machine instead of a spray bottle, the vapor is finer and more tolerable instead of just a mist and it's easier for them to handle the whole breathing in and out motion because the machine does so much more for them. I know in my state if a child is diagnosed with asthma, a doctor is legally bound to order the machine for them which will be delivered to your door free of charge. The reason for this being that sometimes asthma attacks are so acute that without this home treatment tool, one could die before arriving to a hospital so it is a liability issue for the doctor. My suggestion for those without this machine that are not able to pay for one is to take your child to the doctor and if not already diagnosed with asthma, get an asthma diagnosis and request that the doctor "fill a prescription" by ordering you a nebulizer machine. Just be sure not to disclose if you plan on using it as a natural nebulizer versus the nemesis (i.e. albuterol). I am not advocating dumping out your albuterol as I still keep some in case of emergencies but as far as using our natural nebulizer treatments for my asthmatic, so far so good as we have not had the need since for anything in our cupboard full of asthma-related drugs.

Another way I began using hydrogen peroxide since my discovery here is for my hair. I found the method described by someone on this site of putting the HP into your shampoo and shaking it up to clean your hair a little too harsh on my scalp. Instead, being a dirty blonde, I prefer the method of spraying straight 3% on my hair after a shower, while wet, and brushing it all the way through. This method has brightened my hair considerably, and my husband believes it looks better than a $300.00 professional color treatment. I am now back to a bouncing blonde, natural and highlighted looking instead of that chemical, bleached look. I just turned 40 two days ago and now look again closer to 30 thanks to that invaluable substance, hydrogen peroxide.

Anyway, I better try to keep this under 2000 words but I have been boosted, encouraged and empowered by the information that originated on this site. Thanks again for a job well done!

EC: KR, Ted has responded to your question on

H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by Catherine F Clark (Chicago, Illinois) on 10/15/2007

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Therapy. I had a terrible bout with Asthma last weekend and couldn't breathe without wheezing. Albuterol wasn't helping, even the kind using my nebulizer. I got no sleep last night and couldn't go to work today, I was so exhausted from the effort just to breathe. I got online and went to Earth clinic and did a search on Asthma. I saw the Hydrogen Peroxide inhalation and tried it. I can now breathe without wheezing. I am so glad to find something affordable as my asthma meds are so expensive, even WITH insurance! I am hoping that tonight I will be able to actually lay downn in bed instead of sitting up all night on the couch because of the wheezing and coughing. The cough isn't gone yet, but as I am at home today I plan on nebulizing with Hydrogen Peroxide several times today. Thank you for providing this forum. I will also try this method with ACV today and see what my results are.
