Echinacea, Goldenseal
"Can I take Echinacea and goldenseal for a long period of time together?
Even though most natural herbs are ideal to use for extended periods of time, you should not take Echinacea and goldenseal for more than six weeks at a time."
Eliminate Dairy
Eliminate Dairy
So, try it, give up all dairy for a while and see if that helps the symptoms, you'll at least see a decrease in mucus if nothing else. But I hope for overall better results than that.
Cutting out dairy and gluten is good idea since they cross react. Sugar is another one that should be avoided.
Eliminate Dairy
(Uniontown, OH)
Hi Keeza,
My Father was very healthy most of his life, but when he was in his fifties, he developed all kinds of allergies to many different foods and pollen. This led to adult onset asthma. So I can tell you that your doctor is incorrect and you can develop allergies at any point in your lifetime. The allergy shots my Father had for years, seemed to be of little help for him. If you can figure out what is causing the allergy, as you have with the milk, then avoidance may be the best plan. Best wishes.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Kezza,
Yes you can get age related allergies. Your doctor is just wrong on that one. But the allergy might be more related to the lessening of enzyme activity due to the aging process. However you want to see it the effect is the same. So you could take enzymes to make up for the lessening production by the body. Or just cut back on what has become problematic.
I have found eating papaya works wonders on digestive issues.
Eliminate Dairy
(Chula, GA)
A lot of people are allergic to dairy. Because the milk has been pasteurized, all or most of the enzymes have been destroyed. This causes incomplete digestion of the milk protein. The body reacts to this when it enters the bloodstream. This is what causes the allergic response. Either avoid dairy or find an unpasteurized dairy source. Most food allergies are caused by this incomplete digestion problem, sometimes referred to as "leaky gut syndrome." Taking food enzymes with meals and incresing your intake of raw "enzyme rich" foods should help with your other allergies. I have found that locally produced honey helps tremendously with my pollen allergies. I buy mine from a person who lives within 30 miles of me.
Eliminate Dairy
Goat Colostrum
Homeopathic Calc Sulph
Also for irritations in nasal passages, etc. Ulcers too. It also purifies the blood, and closes up skin wounds, ulcerous skin and boils it seals up the discharge conditions.
Homeopathic Calc sulph. Start with 6X use up the bottle. If no results or partial results, jump to 12X. Same finally to 200X.Should get results by this time.
lt microscopically protects the linings of the entire body.It is analogous to an egg shell that protects the albumen and yoke only in this case it's body cells.
ln the past l was allergic to dust. After l took Calc sulph 6X all allergic reactions ceased.
Later l had GERD and after taking Calc sulph all symptoms left to this day.
I decided to got to my local health food store and I picked up a homeopathic remedy. There were a couple to choose from, but I picked the most popular one that happened to be on sale called Allergena. It may not matter which one you get, though. I got relief within 15 minutes. It says to take 12 drops 3X a day for adults. I took the 2nd dose and I feel 90-95% better already even with the pollen count being ridiculously high. I will probably be at 100% within the next day or 2 at the most. I guess I will stop then. Usually Mountain Cedar only lasts a month anyway, but you really don't want to have it at all.
I read an article how a local lady was healed by eating a teaspoon of honey daily from a local beekeeper (within 3 miles is best). She made sure that it had not been heated. Two years later after eating a teaspoon daily, I was totally healed. I don't even buy tissues anymore.
The beekeeper we found didn't heat or filter his honey so there was a little pollen. Some beekeepers heat the honey to make it flow easier. Interesting fact, about a year into this journey the local beekeeper moved away and we couldn't find another one. I was improving, but wasn't totally healed. My sweet hubby drove across town and took beekeeping classes and became a beekeeper for a few years just so I could have local honey. That is LOVE.
I have been healed for 18 years and I no longer wheeze or sneeze. The key for me was LOCAL, non-heated honey and taking a teaspoon full each and every day. Busy Bee
I have been taking local honey for years and just recently moved to the great state of Maine and have begun a regimen of local raw honey here.
I use to suffer from allergy problems most severely, I took most sugar out of my diet and replaced it with local honey. Not only am I allergy free, I do not get colds or flu- even as my children were growing up and bringing home all kinds of contagious ailments from school, social activities- folks could be around me dropping like flies from viruses, colds etc.(For many years I worked in an orthodontic office dealing mainly with children with all kinds of germs floating about) I did not succumb because I believe local honey boosted my immune system to the point of immunity from most common ailments. I am 47 years old and have not gone a day without consuming local honey- I cannot recall the last time I became ill with a cold or flu. I believe in this statement most whole heartedly-Local Honey cures allergies. (I do believe it should be local honey consumed and all the better- raw local honey.)Also- raw honey cures many skin ailments, slow healing sores covered with raw honey heal more speedily and have little scarring.
I should mention that I am a sustainable farmer, growing most of the food I eat- I do not have health insurance and have relied on natural aids to healing. I have had lacerations that should have required stitches heal up well before the physicians of today would recommend by using raw honey and epsom salt soakings. I am a firm believer in natural cures- not because of what ifs but because of what is...all that the earth naturally provides can cure most ailments. One last comment- I would not be without Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in my cupboard. It cures almost everything from headaches to sinusitis to dry skin.
Thank you for this wonderful alternative site to RX's that cost an arm and a leg and often provide horrible side effects. To get to the root of any ailment, one should start naturally...
Take care-