Natural Remedies

Natural Allergy Relief: Top 13 Home Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Leigh Ann F. (Texas ) on 05/14/2017

I get sick with allergy with milk or dairy product. I used like almond or coconut milk or coffee milk. I have no problem. There's also goat milk or kerfir as well. I tried them out n know what helps n what not. Also it's important to drink water before meals n 8 times a day. Body needs water daily. To keep your lung open like asthma. I had asthma bad for three years n died twice. Later, I learn ACV really helps! With lemon n honey. I drink it hot n it took time to get better. Since I didn't realized I had severe sinus infection. I also bought apple juice n I always spit out a lot of mucous n felt better. Dad told me allergy runs in family. Right now I'm working on experiment with cucumber, tumeric, garlic, and ginger to try it out. Apple Cider Vinegar is awesome for sure - if ur condition is worse I would start 2 tbs with raw honey n lemon in cup of hot water anytime u need it. I did that when I was very ill. N also black plain coffee every morning one or two. Then I start walking n it helps my lung strong. Walking is amazing. Someone mentioned about in the air due weather n I don't remember but can look up website about weather issue what time good to walk. Or go ymca. I done a lot to take care of myself. Don't forget check filter to ac/ heat cuz it gets dirty easily due to some season.

Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Kennywally (Midwest) on 05/01/2016 46 posts

I'm kinda surprised not to see any comments about cutting dairy for allergies. I was allergy free most of my life, til one day at about 33, I got hit with all of them at the same time...oh my God, I was in misery, itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, stuffy took me many many years to even consider it was dairy. So I decided to try an experiment and quit all dairy, no milk, no ice cream, etc, I was done for now. Within a few months, I noticed my allergies subsiding. I had been a dairy junkie, more cheeses than anything, bacon egg cheese bicuits for breakfask, cheeseburger or cheese pizza for lunch, string cheese for snacks etc. So I no longer need over the counter meds to deal with all the stupid allergy stuff save, eye drops ONLY for the springtime...but for nothing else. I probably had no dairy for almost 2yrs. I think my body was over saturated with something from the cheese itself...don't know what, but that's my theory, since I was allergy free for so long, them BAM, my body revolted and had a fit!

So, try it, give up all dairy for a while and see if that helps the symptoms, you'll at least see a decrease in mucus if nothing else. But I hope for overall better results than that.

Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Kezza (Gloucester) on 04/02/2014

Hi, I was wondering what I can do for allergies as I have sinusitis and always getting viral infections, I have been being sick a lot lately with inflammation of my chest. I stopped drinking milk and haven't been sick since. I feel a bit sickly lately as I ate cheese for 2 days, but the dr. said I can't have an allergy at my age, which is 32. I'm just wondering if all my illness is due to allergies. Thank you.

Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Al (Pompano, FL) on 04/29/2009

Why is CALCIUM or MILK (DAIRY) bad for you?? I have allergies and I notice that every time i eat or drink DAIRY, my allergies start up.

Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Vil (Wheaton MD) on 07/02/2006

Thanks for your website. I had suffered from a stuffed up nose and frequent sinus infections for the last 15 yrs. Tried all kinds of meds, but one of them actually caused liver problems. A friend gave me the phone # of a doctor who treats patients naturally and I visited him. It's amazing what cutting out dairy has meant for my life: no chronic headaches or stomach aches any more, and most of my allergies have cleared up (mold is still a problem). For those people who aren't completely helped by dairy elimination, try identifying other foods; for me, avoiding yeast was the final piece in the puzzle. But when I give in to temptation, the ACV really helps, esp. the vapors!
