Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment for Cats with Cystitis

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Catmomma (Canada ) on 08/05/2022

I am so so happy I stumbled across this site. My male cat Hades who is one year old had just recently begun peeing blood. I was of course worried and usually have emergency vet money saved, however we had just used this money on his sister and hadn't had a chance to replenish the funds, nor had either of us gotten paid yet so we were desperate to try to find a home remedy. We decided to try ACV and if he didn't improve we'd rush to a vet regardless of the cost. One day in and he's stopped peeing blood, his urine is it's normal clear colour and his bladder no longer feels hardened.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shawna (Cleveland, Oh) on 05/15/2018

My cat, Hoss, was diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis over a year ago. This means that her cystitis is brought on by panic. And well, her panic episodes were brought on by anything. My husband & I tried everything the vet suggested; keeping our home as stress-free as possible, adjusting her diet to wet food, giving her syringes of water, etc. We even tried a few holistic medicines. None of these things helped her in the long run. It got to point where every month or so, she would have an episode of cystitis and we'd be back to square one. I wanted to be sure we tried everything before succumbing to the vet's suggestion of putting Hossy on feline prozac.

One night I must've used the right search phrase because I stumbled upon a couple of websites like yours, stating that ACV can help. We tried a diluted concoction via syringe but she detested it so much that it came back up right away.. I honestly couldn't blame her... the stuff is a bit vile tasting.We tried sneaking some into her wet food but she always knew...then it dawned on me that we could get it in pill form. Finding tablets instead of caplets was hard but we just break them up into smaller peices and give them to her each day. It has helped considerably, with both, her cystitis and also her demeanor has changed from being scared of everything to very relaxed. We honestly didn't think we'd ever see her old personality return but it has. It is a curious thing that ACV changed her pH and helped her neuroligically as well. This suggests that her brain pH was imbalanced. She is doing great now and I hope there will be a day when we don't have to give her ACV. I mostly wanted to tell you about the success I have had with pills since that isn't among your suggested ways of dosing cats. Might there be any good stories out there about pet owners only having to give ACV for limited periods of time?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Judib (Chippewa Falls, Wi) on 02/15/2018

I am soooo grateful for all the helpful advice I've found on this website. My cat has had repeated episodes of interstitial cystitis and I can't afford any more trips to the vet for this problem. Happily, I found a natural solution here at I tried giving Rascal (yes, he is! ) diluted doses of apple cider vinegar in his wet food, but he has a delicate stomach and always vomited afterwards. When I put a 1/4 tsp of ACV in 3 cups of drinking water, he took one sniff and walked away. Absolutely would NOT come near it! But, to my amazement, in my searches I discovered that ACV comes in capsules! I bought the high-potency version and began mixing about 1/3 of a capsule's powder into his daily wet food. I also read that organic cold-pressed coconut oil is good for a cat's digestive system, so I started adding 1/4 tsp of that to his wet food as well. I think this combination is going to be the cure! So far, so good. Rascal is urinating normally and has had no more episodes of vomiting. Many thanks to each of you who has contributed advice and helped me care for my beloved Rascal cat!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joni G (Tucson) on 12/11/2017

Editor's Choice Apple Cider Vinegar for male cats not able to pee

My cat is 7 yrs old and recently taken to the vet for a very expensive procedure about $1300.00 to insert a catheter and allow him to pee. It was successful but exactly 6 days later he couldn't pee again, luckily I started to research homeopathic remedies, I dipped his two front paws in Apple Cider Vinegar ( about 1/4 teaspoon) and a dash of water and held each paw in for about 1 minute, I did this twice. It was about 8:00pm when we did this and when I woke at 6:00am he peed, alot, Yes!

I will continue to dip his paws every few hours today. I did put a tiny bit in his wet food but he did not eat it. But he is miserable so he may not be eating because of this as well. I also removed his litter box completly, with all of his extra licking I think the litter is irritating the matter, I am only using puppy pads in a wide and low basket and he has stopped trying to pee in other areas ( a symptom of this affliction, not his normal behavior) I do use Organic, raw Apple Cider Vinegar with "The Mother" inside.

Thank you so much for creating this website!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Roxanne (Santa Fe, Nm) on 06/15/2017

After a week of bloody peeing, 3-4 times per hour, and several days after antibiotics from the vet not yet working, and new "prescription" food that gave him diarrhea, we saw incredible improvement after one day of treating our cat with organic apple cider vinegar, following directions on your post. We mixed water and vinegar and dipped his paws in it so he licked them off. We also mixed 1/2 tsp vinegar with 1/2 cup water and the liquid from one can of tuna. He lapped it up. Also added tsp of vinegar/water mixture to his food. Incredible improvement within hours. No more blood in urine, and he's now peeing once every 3-4 hours instead of 3-4 times per hour! Thank you so much for this information!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Miasmom (Charlotte) on 06/25/2016

I have never imagined that I would resort to this BUT after 2 vet visits and same problem recurring systemically, I decided to give ACV a go. I used a dropper as my finicky Ragdoll would not eat or drink anything tainted with ACV. I used 1/4 ts to 1 water ratio and gave it to her 3 times daily for a week. Doesn't work overnight so patience is needed! I also mixed my own probiotic in her food. After treating her for a week she is back to her old self, no longer hiding in the corners and as playful as ever! She has started to use her box after 3 days into treatment. When sick she peed literally everywhere. I had purchased pads where she could go to bathroom on. This was helpful because I could see the size and color of her urine.

I am all for natural medicine for humans, now I know I can seek alternatives for my beloved pets as well! Thank you all for sharing your experiences! While skeptical at first, I am a believer! I'm extremely grateful!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Theresa.a (Marlene, Alabama) on 01/31/2016 1 posts

Apple Cider and my 7 month old cat.

ACV is the bomb, I was thinking that she was a goner after 2 days & 3 nights.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nickwilliams (California) on 11/28/2015

Editor's Choice Hello,

My male cat Samson has cystitis. He has been going to the vet off and on for a year now with occasional occurrences of cystitis. About a month ago, he started to have a more frequent occurrences so we took him in for a check up. The vet did the whole check up and helped him pass his stones ( cause I know my wife and I could not). They gave him a prescription of Orbax and Dasuquin which is just and anti-inflammatory and a joint health supplument for 120 dollars. My wife and I religiously gave him his dosages for 2 weeks then he had a major flare up. He was trying to pee running back and forth box to box (5 separate boxes). We would let him outside to be comfortable and try to pee out there and not much help.

One morning he and I had had enough. Started doing research online about home remedies for cats with cystitis (since these beautiful animals have been around since the Egyptian days). I came across this website and started to read these testimonials from all of these fellow cat lovers. So I had my wife call the vet to get him in to make sure it wasn't more than cystitis. It wasn't. He stayed all day and got shots and blood work.

Once he came home I started this regimen of Apple Cider Vinegar and I swear this stuff is amazing. I haven't given him his other medications only ACV for 6 days and he has made major improvements. He is peeing a lot more, not spending long in box, not going back and forth, not scratching then squatting, nothing like he was before. His eyes have cleared up and he is more energetic. He has made a 180° turnaround. He actually drinks more wate now. He doesn't seem to mind the taste. ACV is inexpensive, healthy, organic, non gmo, and has been around for thousands of years. I drink it for health and so does Samson, Coal, Stonie, and Dott. His siblings. I truly cannot express my gratitude for this website and this product. Saved my cats life from misery and pain.

His dosage is:

Am. ACV 1/8 teaspoon to 4 parts filter water..5ml

2 -3 hours later another .5ml

I repeat this all day. Feeding as normal.

This routine continues for big flare ups when I notice issues with urination. Then we reduce to just three times daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ginny (Durban, South Africa) on 10/16/2015

I can't tell you how grateful I am for your advice. Mischief was in agony but in one day he was so much better thanks to Apple Cider Vinegar.

I made parsley tea (recommended by homeopathic vet), a few drops of Rescue Remedy and a little ACV. Mischief did not mind me squirting it into his mouth. He is now off conventional "vet recommended" dry food and I give him cooked chicken and livers and once a week fish. None of my animals will take raw food. I add in a bit of coconut oil. No more dry food as this all started when his teeth hurt him also from eating this poison. Thank you so very much.

Best wishes, Ginny

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Terry Schneider (Alberta, Canada) on 09/01/2015

I have read ALL the comments on ACV which I agree 100%. Organic and Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is the best for breaking down crystals and dissolving them (this can be purchased at the health food store). Its always better to add a few drops of "concentrated cranberry juice 100% pure" (can get this at a health food store also) to the moist cat food. Another good ingredient to Always add to your cats moist food daily is "Pure Pumpkin" (about a teaspoon, can be purchased at Walmart, but make sure its "PURE"), this gives extra moisture to the moist cat food, this was recommended to be by my cats vet. Your cat will urinate more and keep the unitary tract healthy.

My tabby Meko is experiencing UTI right now, so tonight I have started him on... Apple Cider Vinegar (5 drops) 100% Pure Concentrated Cranberry Juice (5 drops) and a teaspoon of PURE Pumpkin in his moist food, along with about 3 tablespoons of water (mix well, should be a little runny in texture). I will continue to do this 3 times a day for 7-10 days depending on how he is doing.

A good idea is to add about 7-10 drops of ACV to the water they drink daily. Mix the ACV in the water so they cant tell you have added it. Its not at all harmful on cats that drink ACV on a daily basis, it keeps their urinary tract from getting crystals.

I hope the above information is helpful to everyone...and remember "Pure Pumpkin" is always a good thing to add to your cats moist food on a daily basis...Your cat should have 1 moist serving a day (recommended by vet).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stephanie (Cadillac) on 08/27/2015

Thank you! In less than 24 hours from giving first dose of Apple Cider Vinegar in soft food my cat is better! Her belly was bloated, she was peeing on anything soft (including my bed), and would growl when you touched her belly. Today she is happy, pain free and her belly is soft! She used her litter box and is sitting in the sun cleaning herself! I thought she was a goner, with me working for the schools and my husband changing jobs did not have the money to take her for tests.

Gave her half and half of water and Apple Cider Vinegar yesterday twice and today again on her food and she is my Josie again. Thank you!!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Natalie (Marietta, Ga) on 06/11/2015

I just want to thank everyone who took the time to post information for other pet owners like me to see. I love both of my cats as if they were my children so when there in pain I cant be worried enough and I work as a Vet Tech and even after getting the doc to help treat my baby and after finishing his meds, like some of you my cat continued to have blood in urine and spend lots of his time straining in litterpan like he had the urgency to go. I had a very hard time giving him the apple cider vinegar but once it got through his system he was like nothing had ever happened and seemed to feel relief as Im sure this all was painful. I donno what caused it to happen, I think stress had something to do with it, but it has not came back and after the first day dosing him with the ACV, there also was no more blood in his urine. Thank you All again. As my fur kid thanks you too!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Liz Allen (Wolverhampton) on 12/21/2014

My 6 year old cat Roxy started passing bloody urine a few weeks ago. The vet examined her, made sure there were no lumps or blockages, then diagnosed her with cystitis before giving her an anti-inflammatory injection and prescribing a week of Loxicam. The infection cleared up but, as soon as Roxy had completed the course of Loxicam, she started passing blood again. I didn't want to put her through the stress of another visit to the vet (she loathes it with a vengeance) so I did some online research for natural remedies and thankfully found this site.

I spent £5 in a health food store on a bottle of apple cider vinegar (raw, unfiltered, with the 'mother') and gave her 1/4tsp of vinegar diluted in 2tsp water twice a day mixed in thoroughly with her food. She had a good sniff of her bowl and knew I'd put something in it but ate it all up without any complaints. Within 24 hours she was peeing normally! Due to its health benefits, I'm continuing to give her just one of the above doses each morning in her food to keep her urinary tract in good working order.

I'm really grateful to the people on here who posted their experiences with apple cider vinegar and allowed me to make an informed decision which, thankfully, was the best thing for my Roxy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Satsquach (Vancouver Island, CA) on 12/09/2014

My just over a year old fixed indoor cat started displaying signs of cystitis or toxicity due to my lovely Christmas tree or my bad diet choices for him....blood in his urine... long before I could figure it out. Most recently ( 2 days ago) started howling in pain. Urinating in weird places; not his litter box as he is well trained. Became incontinent, loss of appetite, lethargy, hissing. I thought he was stressed or maybe just picked up "amother" animals scent or was just trying to mark his territory.

This is what got my attention. I thought my baby was dying!! My heart dropped. After doing some research on the interwebs and contacting friends, I came to discover that 90% of all brands of dry cat food are bad for our feline companions.

I started my boy on a mix of apple cider vinegar mixed with water last night. As he is a fussy drinker and will not drink standing water, I dripped the mixture on his paws and torso... Places where he could groom himself at first. I had already gotten myself a 5ml syringe and used the same mixture two hours later to syringe feed (drink) orally. Gave him natural wet food with the same mixture every 2 hours. Syringe feeding him the mixture of liquid in between. BAM!! He is showing amazing and significant signs of improvement!!! I am so relieved!!

Be sure to check ingredients... you will figure it out with some more research... I'm switching to an all natural brand of food for my boy from now on And putting a cage around our Christmas tree! Lol. Hope we Have helped.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessica (Austin, Tx) on 11/30/2014

My 2-yr-old male Tucker began showing signs of a UTI on Wednesday afternoon, the day before Thanksgiving. He never goes outside the litter box, and I saw a very dark colored puddle on the tile in the corner. I called the local vet clinic, but they did not have any appointments left for the day, and were going to be closed until Monday for the holidays. Only a couple of hours later, poor Tucker was hopping in every box around the house, dropping a few drops of urine. Much worse than the mess, was the appearance of blood. It went from cloudy, to pink, pure blood. I began to panic. Although he wasn't yowling in pain, I knew he was miserable running from box, to litter box, to corner. I called the emergency vet, who informed me that I could bring him in, and if I needed help with the bill, I can finance the $1000 with a pet insurance. I was brokenhearted. I was so scared I was going to lose him, especially with the scary amount of blood he was passing. I found this site online, and figured it was sure worth the try.

I went to the store, picked up some ACV and some cranberry extract. I also had on hand a prescription of 100mg doxycycline from my doctor, which I found out is the most common antibiotic given for cats with UTI's. I dumped out the capsule and separated it into 5 piles, as I read that 20mm is the dosage for a cat Tucker's size. I mixed the antibiotic, the cranberry extract and a 1/4 teaspoon of the ACV in a half can of wet food. I also poured a little bit of oil from a can of tuna into it to disguise the vinegar taste. Tucker ate it. He immediately ran to the box and passed a little more urine and blood.

After several anxious hours, I fed him another serving of the concoction before I left for family dinner on Thursday for thanksgiving. When I got back, he already started acting like he was feeling better, playing with the other cats. I gave him the same formula twice a day through today. His health has steadily improved, going from pure blood, to pick, back to a little dark, and is now completely back to normal color. He is still going a little more frequently than normal, but still improving.

THANK YOU to all of you who posted this information. I believe that without this site, I would have had to take him to the emergency clinic and don't have any idea how I could have paid the bill. The stories I read on here gave me a little hope, and it paid off wonderfully. Tucker and I owe everyone a big hug. Thanks again.