Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment for Cats with Cystitis

| Modified on Dec 14, 2023
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Catmomma (Canada ) on 08/05/2022

I am so so happy I stumbled across this site. My male cat Hades who is one year old had just recently begun peeing blood. I was of course worried and usually have emergency vet money saved, however we had just used this money on his sister and hadn't had a chance to replenish the funds, nor had either of us gotten paid yet so we were desperate to try to find a home remedy. We decided to try ACV and if he didn't improve we'd rush to a vet regardless of the cost. One day in and he's stopped peeing blood, his urine is it's normal clear colour and his bladder no longer feels hardened.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carol (Centerton, Ar) on 12/09/2018

My cat just got over her first uti/crystals. To prevent another occurrance, I started adding 1/2 tsp. of the vinegar mixed with about 2 T. of spring water to her wet food every morning. She only eats wet food, 1/2 can morning and 1/2 can evening.

My question is: Will this daily preventative dosage do enough/any good? I mix in the extra water because she rarely drinks any from her water bowl. Does it matter if that 1/2 tsp. of the vinegar is more diluted?

I am gone from home for work 3 days per week, and my daughter “doesn't want to deal with” mixing in the vinegar. So will getting it 4 days in a row each week (when I am home) be enough for my cat?

Should I make any dosage tweaks in general? I would appreciate advice asap. Thank you all!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tami (La) on 10/27/2018

My feral rescue cat, My heart, Houston.

He is 22 months old. He has feline aids and leukemia. I think he may have a UTI. He was on antibiotics for a week but could not get him to take the full doses as I put it in his wet food which he does not always eat all of. He has been crying in his litter box and licking himself. He also has problems squatting in his litter box due to breaking his leg when he was a kitten prior to me rescuing him and later finding out that the break did not set right and his knee is damaged also. He also had been attacked on left side when I found him at my job. He has had a rough young life but has pulled through. He runs and jumps and plays but too hard sometimes. I have had him since he was around 3 months. You could not even touch him back then. He did not meow either. He does now, like a little cry. I can pet him and even pick him up now, but he still has that defensive side, understandably. We have been through a lot together and at times I did not think we would make it but we have. Worried though about him right now about possible UTI and don't want to take him to the vet and traumatize him. They also have to sedate him because they are scared to handle him because when he was younger he bit the vet.

I have mixed the half of a teaspoon of ACV with 2 teaspoons of water and have been giving him several drops in the last few hours. Am I suppose to give all of it to him by the end of the night? He did to go the bathroom, but seems like he does not feel well. Is this safe for him??

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Abby (Duarte, Ca) on 09/05/2018

How many milligrams in the apple cider capsules that you are using?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shawna (Cleveland, Oh) on 05/15/2018

My cat, Hoss, was diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis over a year ago. This means that her cystitis is brought on by panic. And well, her panic episodes were brought on by anything. My husband & I tried everything the vet suggested; keeping our home as stress-free as possible, adjusting her diet to wet food, giving her syringes of water, etc. We even tried a few holistic medicines. None of these things helped her in the long run. It got to point where every month or so, she would have an episode of cystitis and we'd be back to square one. I wanted to be sure we tried everything before succumbing to the vet's suggestion of putting Hossy on feline prozac.

One night I must've used the right search phrase because I stumbled upon a couple of websites like yours, stating that ACV can help. We tried a diluted concoction via syringe but she detested it so much that it came back up right away.. I honestly couldn't blame her... the stuff is a bit vile tasting.We tried sneaking some into her wet food but she always knew...then it dawned on me that we could get it in pill form. Finding tablets instead of caplets was hard but we just break them up into smaller peices and give them to her each day. It has helped considerably, with both, her cystitis and also her demeanor has changed from being scared of everything to very relaxed. We honestly didn't think we'd ever see her old personality return but it has. It is a curious thing that ACV changed her pH and helped her neuroligically as well. This suggests that her brain pH was imbalanced. She is doing great now and I hope there will be a day when we don't have to give her ACV. I mostly wanted to tell you about the success I have had with pills since that isn't among your suggested ways of dosing cats. Might there be any good stories out there about pet owners only having to give ACV for limited periods of time?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Judib (Chippewa Falls, Wi) on 02/15/2018

I am soooo grateful for all the helpful advice I've found on this website. My cat has had repeated episodes of interstitial cystitis and I can't afford any more trips to the vet for this problem. Happily, I found a natural solution here at I tried giving Rascal (yes, he is! ) diluted doses of apple cider vinegar in his wet food, but he has a delicate stomach and always vomited afterwards. When I put a 1/4 tsp of ACV in 3 cups of drinking water, he took one sniff and walked away. Absolutely would NOT come near it! But, to my amazement, in my searches I discovered that ACV comes in capsules! I bought the high-potency version and began mixing about 1/3 of a capsule's powder into his daily wet food. I also read that organic cold-pressed coconut oil is good for a cat's digestive system, so I started adding 1/4 tsp of that to his wet food as well. I think this combination is going to be the cure! So far, so good. Rascal is urinating normally and has had no more episodes of vomiting. Many thanks to each of you who has contributed advice and helped me care for my beloved Rascal cat!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mike (Ca) on 12/11/2017

I just now used a needleless syringe and squirted the mix into his mouth when he was sleeping. I then squirted it all over his front paws. He was actually licking from the top of the syringe, but not interested in his paws. Will keep you updated

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joni G (Tucson) on 12/11/2017

Editor's Choice Apple Cider Vinegar for male cats not able to pee

My cat is 7 yrs old and recently taken to the vet for a very expensive procedure about $1300.00 to insert a catheter and allow him to pee. It was successful but exactly 6 days later he couldn't pee again, luckily I started to research homeopathic remedies, I dipped his two front paws in Apple Cider Vinegar ( about 1/4 teaspoon) and a dash of water and held each paw in for about 1 minute, I did this twice. It was about 8:00pm when we did this and when I woke at 6:00am he peed, alot, Yes!

I will continue to dip his paws every few hours today. I did put a tiny bit in his wet food but he did not eat it. But he is miserable so he may not be eating because of this as well. I also removed his litter box completly, with all of his extra licking I think the litter is irritating the matter, I am only using puppy pads in a wide and low basket and he has stopped trying to pee in other areas ( a symptom of this affliction, not his normal behavior) I do use Organic, raw Apple Cider Vinegar with "The Mother" inside.

Thank you so much for creating this website!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rosemary (Wisconsin) on 11/13/2017

I have been soaking his dry food in 1part ACV to 3 parts water. I am also giving him turmeric paste made with organic turmeric, coconut oil and ground pepper. I am currently at a high level of frustration, trying to find something that will help long term . I don't know what else to do for him. DO you have any suggestions? Is this something that will ever be fixed or will he continue to have flare ups no matter what I do?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julia R. (A) on 06/30/2017

9yr old neutered cat with UTI

I am desperate. Because Raider, adopted feral as kitten, still has feral behavior, I could not get him into pet carrier for Vet visit. I paid $400.00 for a mobile Vet. It took the Vet & assistant to get him, anestisize him so he could be examined. Diag. UTI, small bladder, no crystals. Prescrubed antibiotic after an injection.

He has from the start refused all antibiotic, pill pocket, crushed mixed in sauce of canned food. The UTI subsided for several days, but now is back.

He was eating wet food, drinking well. But now, no appetite, not even wet food. Blood in urine, peeing in & out of box. Has lost some weight too.

I'm sick over the fact that I can't get him to take meds. He's my little guy, I'm so worried about him.

The stress over the Vet coming made him hide for a week. I can't put him through that again.

I do have ACV with mother, how can I administer to a cat that won't let you hold himvfor more than a few seconds? That's how strong the feral personality is.

PLEASE HELP! I don't want to lose him.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Roxanne (Santa Fe, Nm) on 06/15/2017

After a week of bloody peeing, 3-4 times per hour, and several days after antibiotics from the vet not yet working, and new "prescription" food that gave him diarrhea, we saw incredible improvement after one day of treating our cat with organic apple cider vinegar, following directions on your post. We mixed water and vinegar and dipped his paws in it so he licked them off. We also mixed 1/2 tsp vinegar with 1/2 cup water and the liquid from one can of tuna. He lapped it up. Also added tsp of vinegar/water mixture to his food. Incredible improvement within hours. No more blood in urine, and he's now peeing once every 3-4 hours instead of 3-4 times per hour! Thank you so much for this information!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cheryl (Michigan) on 05/11/2017

I've been giving my cat ACV 2-3 times/day for the last 3 days. He's still just dribbling frequently, but he eats & drinks a lot & acts normal. I'm also trying this after 2 vet trips @ $300 each time. What dose should I be using? I started out with 1/4 tsp & day 2, I moved it up to 1/2 tsp. Thankfully, he will take it with the syringe diluted with water most of the time, but the last bit I add tuna water & he likes that.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dina (New Springfield, Ohio) on 12/04/2016

Reading a lot about ACV, my question is how long do you continue giving the ACV to the cat with a UTI? Is it an every day thing or until the cat is urinating normal..

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jeanette (New York City) on 10/22/2016

I just syringed my 16 yr. female cat and she immediately threw it up. She's eating well but I have a feeling that I put the mixture in her food, she won't go near it. I have an appt. with my vet day after tomorrow. Any other suggestions out there would be so appreciated. Grateful

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Paula (Nacogdoches, Tx) on 10/13/2016

My 3 year old neutered male has chronic uti and crystal issues. I've started him on Rx dry food, and plan to try the apple cider vinegar. I'm also thinking about trying cranberry juice concentrate (available at health food stores), mixed with no sodium or low sodium chicken broth. I brought home a package of Kittles brand cranberry and chicken treats, and my Sammy begs for them. I had no idea cats would love cranberry flavor! If I can find a low sugar cranberry juice, I'll try that. If Sammy accepts this remedy, I'll probably use an ice cube tray to prepare a whole batch at a time, and stash them in a freezer ziplock bag. So much easier to just thaw a cube whenever I need it. Good luck to all, and hope your kitties are much better!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nuzpaper (Toronto) on 09/21/2016

I hope this works. My cat is peeing but very little with frequent trips to the box. She isn't peeing anywhere else and her attitude and appetite hasn't seemed to change and no signs of pain while trying to pee or when I touch her lower stomach. I picked up some ACV and mixed a little in with her wet food (switched from dry ) but she wouldn't go near it. Tried mixing in some chicken broth then later tried tuna with no results. I went and picked up a feeding syringe, diluted the ACV with water and fed it to her like that. She accepted as well as any cat would but it got it in her so I will continue to do it that way. I gave her wet food after that to help get the ACV taste out of her mouth and she gobbled it down. First dose was about 20 minutes ago.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susan (Crofton, Bc) on 08/03/2016

I tried Apple cider vinegar mixed 1 part to 10 parts water. Coco hates it but I put 1/2 tsp of mixture and for feed it with a syringe every couple hours. He can pee but only tiny ones and it takes a few mins. Last time I did this it worked in 3 days, but now, a year later, here we go again. Going to the vet if he doesn't improve greatly in one more day. Gotta know when to take him to vet. Good luck, lots of love and keep at it every hour or so.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suseeq (Sydney, Australia) on 07/21/2016

Sharon, I would be putting Apple Cider Vinegar in drinking water.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sharon (Uk) on 07/21/2016

My cat had the op and he still suffers with this problem.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Frances (Detroit, Mi) on 07/19/2016

Just is your cat's uti and blockage?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Frances (Detroit, Mi) on 07/19/2016

My 9 year old boy has had a recurring problem with blockage in the past six months. The first time he had to go to the vet and get a catheter and an IV and stay overnight. It cost us something like $500. I noticed a few weeks ago he started to urinate outside the box and had pink colored urine which I assume is a little blood. So I was afraid the blockage was coming back again. I went online frantically reading everything I could. I have found that baking soda works well for human UTI so I tried it with him and it seemed to help him for the few days until I received my cat Cancer Treatment from Pet Well-being. It's a dark colored liquid kind of like tea and it comes with a dropper. It helps with every kind of problem. Since I did the baking soda and the cat Cancer Treatments, he has been his regular old self again. No peeing outside of the box and no more blood that I've noticed. I hope this helps because it's scary when they can't tell you what's wrong.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Miasmom (Charlotte) on 06/25/2016

I have never imagined that I would resort to this BUT after 2 vet visits and same problem recurring systemically, I decided to give ACV a go. I used a dropper as my finicky Ragdoll would not eat or drink anything tainted with ACV. I used 1/4 ts to 1 water ratio and gave it to her 3 times daily for a week. Doesn't work overnight so patience is needed! I also mixed my own probiotic in her food. After treating her for a week she is back to her old self, no longer hiding in the corners and as playful as ever! She has started to use her box after 3 days into treatment. When sick she peed literally everywhere. I had purchased pads where she could go to bathroom on. This was helpful because I could see the size and color of her urine.

I am all for natural medicine for humans, now I know I can seek alternatives for my beloved pets as well! Thank you all for sharing your experiences! While skeptical at first, I am a believer! I'm extremely grateful!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Virginia) on 05/26/2016

I use D-Ribose for energy for humans, and all other mammals.

Since it converts 92% into A.T.P., the very molecule our bodies burn for energy why fool around. This gets by the lactic acid barrier that might be a problem, but is easily bypassed with ribose.

Look up potassium iodine/iodide, Lugol's 2% Solution (Amazon) and any cystitis, including Fibrocystic Breast Disease or PCOS and Lugol's reverses all of them...BOOM! GONE

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Britt (Ontario) on 05/10/2016

It's called Cranimals.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susan (Bc) on 05/04/2016

I tried organic coconut oil 1/4 tsp and just put it in his mouth, it melts fast and he peed after a couple hours. I have taken all dry food away, even though he is on special urinary tract medi-cal food and only wet for now. Also got organic apple cider vinegar and watered it 1/4 cup vin to 3/4 water. I tried dipping the paw but he didn't lick it off, so I will syringe it a little at a time. I called vet and they want him in for the day to get urine sample, he will never drink for them, so I am praying this works. I have to work in the day so I am doing evenings pushing all the home remedies. I will let you know the outcome Coco is a purebred Ragdoll and has had crystals once before. He was more stressed with the vet stay and I took him home then. I have phenoxybenzamine (muscle relaxer) that I am giving every 12 hours till I run out.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jacky (South Africa) on 04/24/2016

Last year, my cat had blood in his pee, so I took him to a vet and found out that he has crystals forming in his urethra, the vet prescribed Hills, Science life - urinary tract and I haven't had any problems since.

Please note* For best results, combine the dry food with the canned food, I feed him dry mostly and canned once a week.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ethel (Cleveland) on 03/29/2016

My 1 year old male will not drink water so I add water to his can food. Just got meds for his 4th uti. He's supposed to get Perineal urethrostomy ($ 550) May 2nd when doctor comes back from vacation, maybe this Apple Cider Vinegar will work, I tried the broth, chicken and beef he won't touch it. I can't afford the expensive cat food from the vets at least $60 a month. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lucy (Australia) on 03/02/2016

Yes, my female cat has uti every six months or so. Her kidneys do not function 100% after snake bite as a one year old, kidney damage is a common problem after snake bite. As soon as I notice her having trouble urinating I dip her front paws in Apple Cider Vinegar diluted with water for her to lick off. Repeat process every couple of hours. Less stressful for her than syringe in mouth method. Usually within 12 hours she has a huge wee.

Last uti I took her to vet $200 later for antibiotics but vet actually said Apple Cider Vinegar treatment is fine.

EC: When applied externally, apple cider vinegar needs to be diluted with water as Lucy does above. (e.g. 1/2 cup water plus 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar.)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alana (South Australia) on 02/14/2016

Is there a more exact measurement to your remedy?Also does it have to be organic or will just supermarket bought (the one I have us all natural not additives or presevatives) I also wonder if probiotics would be helpful, and I have added half the contents of a capsule of cranberry extract as it helps with inflammation of the bladder.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennifer (Canada) on 02/14/2016

My cat seems similar to yours, I've spent almost $1000 and still no solution. My most recent find is called "Licks", it is a thick black paste with many natural ingredients for the urinary tracts. My cat has been great since starting this and being on the Purina UR wet foods I also add water to the wet food and mix it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amy (Kenosha, Wi) on 02/08/2016

My little guy finnigan is suffering from a uti. he is a year and half. It's been close to a week now. All he does is laying in a box with a blanket. The only time he gets up is when I feed him. Then he runs to the liter box or bath tub and tries peeing for 10-15 mins. with maybe a trickle of pee. which is now bloody. I've change his food for dry to wet. I have small bowl of water all over the house where he used to like to visit. I'm a single mom of 3 teenagers and can't afford 500 or more for a trip to the vet. It kills me to watch him be like this and I feel helpless. I've been looking online for days and days for what to do, when to take him, even looking up the humane society here to see what they can do to help. I came across this site and after reading all over these comments I am going try the acv. I need my cuddle buddy back. I'm praying this helps. thank you for sharing your stories and giving me some relief that I can help my buddy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Theresa.a (Marlene, Alabama) on 01/31/2016 1 posts

Apple Cider and my 7 month old cat.

ACV is the bomb, I was thinking that she was a goner after 2 days & 3 nights.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ray Johnson (Fairfield Ca) on 01/29/2016

With your cat Samson, how do you make your cat drink the apple cider vinegar mixed with water throughout the day? My cat kitty has been battling this for quite some time. I took her to the vet they gave me an inflammatory but its not helping. Do I just mix this in her main water dishes and let it sit and hope she drinks it throughout the day and I'll maintain keeping it full with measurements of apple cider vinegar and water? I just feel so bad for her but I do believe there has to be home remedies that I will make her feel better.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vicki (Front Royal, Va) on 01/27/2016

Hello, I just read your post and my male cat, Leo was having the same symptoms as your Deuce; he also had a small amount of blood in his urine as well. What concerned me was that he was not peeing at all, not even a little, so I took him to the emergency vet and they diagnosed it as a FLUTD and that he was not yet blocked, nor did he have an infection. So, they did not give him an antibiotic, just some subcutaneous fluids and sent us home with a pain killer and an antispasmodic. Leo did fine afterwards for about a month and he is now showing the same symptoms, but is still peeing, so I am going to try the ACV mixture now and see if that works for him before taking him back to the vet. I will post again to let you know if it works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 01/22/2016

Hello Heidi,

Teddy did not mean to destroy your laptop case - he was just trying to tell you the problem persists; he sure got your attention now, didn't he? :-)

You might try a weaker solution of the ACV - 2 tablespoons to 1 cup of water say - and dunk his paw in it and make him lick it off, and once his paw is dry dunk again - do this again and again until you can see he has ingested most of the cup of water. If this were my cat I would keep it up - keep on dunking his paw every few hours for the next few days and see if that helps. If not, or if at any point it seems he cannot pee, take him to the vet.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Heidi (New York) on 01/21/2016


Teddy, my 5 year old cat has been battling cystitis for a little over a month now. I took him to the vet right before Christmas and they gave him an antibiotic and some special cat food for him to eat.He would not touch the cat food.I tried everything to get the stubborn fool to eat the food, that's supposed to support urinary health, and he would not touch it. I tried wet food of the same brand and he refused it. I even tried a can of tuna and he just said no. This cat will not eat wet food, and will not eat any other brand of cat food except on specific brand that I have been feeding him since he was a kitten. I gave him the antibiotic and he seemed fine, until tonight. The little bugger peed on my laptop case! I tried not to be mad at him, because I know he can't help it, especially if his cystitis is back, but come on, Teddy!!

I read another post on this website about giving him apple cider vinegar in wet cat food to aid in relief from cystitis. He will not eat wet cat food so I bought a baby medicine dropper, and "forced" him to take it, like he did his antibiotics a month ago. He's mad at me, now hiding under the dining room table, but the ACV should help him right? I gave him a 50/50 mix of ACV and water, according to the dropper it was .5ml. Is this enough to help him if I give it to him twice a day?

I also read that pumpkin is good for cats. I knew that it was good for dogs. I make homemade dog treats for my dogs all the time and the pumpkin actually saved my 9 year old beagle from a horribly painful looking hemorrhoid! What's a good way to get a cat who does not like wet cat food to eat the pumpkin?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by T Miller (California) on 01/21/2016

Read the info on "" on wet vs. dry food. She says switch to canned food, even Friskies is better than dry food. The vet also suggests ways to get more fluid into your kitty's diet. Main problem is not enough water, cats have low thirst drive. I am going to try the tuna water, etc. for my kitty girl who is having problems. I have been adding ACV to her canned food for a couple of weeks and her pee pee balls are still too little and too many. I also saw something online that is a "natural" remedy for "UTI's" for somewhere around $30 but I don't remember what it was called and that's what I am looking for now, which is why I ran into your post. Hope this helps. (If I find it, I will come back and post it, but won't be able to tell you if it works or not. Yet.)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 01/17/2016

Hello Ivy,

Deuce is crying out because he is in fact in pain. You should take him to a vet to rule out urinary crystals or stones. You can try giving him ACV to hold you over until you can get into the vet; I would dilute it 50/50 with water and then dip his paw in the solution to get him to drink it up, and I would do this once an hour until he appears to get better. Again, I would see the vet if this were my cat to rule out stones or crystals. If Deuce cannot pee at all you are dealing with an emergency and he should see the vet STAT.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ivy (Gray, Louisiana) on 01/16/2016

My poor Deuce is suffering. He is peeing all over, very small amounts. He sits in litter box for 10 minutes at a time trying to pee. Licks himself and crys out as if in pain. I've tried UTI stuff from Petco but I'm wondering if ACV might work better? Please, any advice is appreciated!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 01/13/2016

Hello, Rachel -- I forgot to mention that you may repeat those remedies. With phosphorus you will notice blood stains becoming paler after each few globules in a little water treatment. If success, keep at it for a day or two and keep observing. Keep up the honey warmed so it is runny but use only low heat as otherwise the enzymes in the honey will stop working.

Keep it up. Namaste, Om

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 01/13/2016

Rachel D (Las Vegas) ---

For internal bleeding use a quarter tsp. turmeric on his tongue till the bleeding has stopped. After bad accidents, for example, a glass of warm milk with a tbsp. turmeric works well to stop the bleeding , that is, for humans as well as animals in different proportions, of course. It also does more than that internally. I use it for a cat that has upper resp. and it is very helpful.

Otherwise you can also use homeopathic PHOSPORUS 30C which will do the same, except turmeric has multiple action. Or use both. Keep up the apple cider vgr. nevertheless but add honey. If you can get the very slim syringes, it will help. Unheated honey kept separate in a dish of very warm water, put into syringe and it will give energy and kill bacteria.

All the best for the two of you.

Namaste Om

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 01/11/2016

Hello Rachel,

I have no good answer for you except to take your cat to the vet and get a work up; he may be suffering from crystals in his bladder, and chances are he needs more lab work to pin point the issue. ACV works for some UTI's but it doesn't appear to be the cure for your boy at this point in time. Can you work with a rescue group to help afford the vet care your boy needs?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta) on 01/11/2016

Dear Rachel,

In case you had not read this, one should never give ACV straight internally to a pet. ACV must always be diluted with at least 50% water.

Many Earth Clinic readers report success diluting apple cider vinegar with water (50/50) and applying it topically to the scruff of the neck of a cat or a dog using a cotton ball. Hope this helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rachel D (Las Vegas) on 01/10/2016


I took my cat stewy into the vet after a night of him crying and saw blood in his pee in odd spots in the house. They looked at him gave him antibiotics and said he prob has a uti. I could not afford them to do more tests. It was nearly 200 dollars for that visit. Now we got home and a week later he was peeing blood again. So I tried apple cider vinegar and in a week he was better again.

This morning crying non stop and he peed blood again. I had been putting it in his food switched over a week ago to wet food and pouring a tablespoon in his food and they eat it all always. I have tried to do a syringe and put it in his mouth and he spits it out and drools all over his face. I can not afford to take him back to the vet. Any suggestions to fix him would be greatly appreciated.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 01/07/2016

Hello Critical Thinker - it appears this feedback is directed at me so I will respond.

You busted me - I AM lazy, so I WILL point you in the right direction as to the research [not just PE] done to substantiate my "claims" - follow the link and read the sources listed please:




I do agree with you that lack of information [knowing what your eyes are seeing in an ill pet] - and tardy action [waiting and seeing how bad it gets before bringing an ill pet to the vet] can result in heart ache and that is a shame. However for many shrewd readers the information contained on this site - feedback from a zillion years of PE - has both healed -and cured.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Critical Thinker (Tacoma) on 01/07/2016

Not to be difficult, but even thousands of years of PE is not an acceptable source.

In the modern world, at least among reasonably educated people- the sort that actually cure diseases and not simply 'heal'. Notice how one vinegar user's cat died because she was 'too late'? lack of information about the symptoms of the acute condition, not a lack of vinegar or any other miracle cure. Traditional Chinese medicine used to include prescriptions for mercury. Europeans used to do blood letting to release 'bad humours'. Just because someone's grandma did it, in other words, does not endow a practice with solid support. To credibly substantiate your claims regarding biochemistry, for example, you will need to a little work to cite studies, authors; something more than your personal experience- unless that is experience as a biochemist or doctor (medical). Not citing could result from a number of things: limited time, laziness, lack of credible sources that back up your claims; and the result, for shrewd readers not looking to waste money on pumpkin pills or whatever, should be skepticism.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alley Lea (Camden, Sc) on 12/30/2015

One of my cats had this problem and I found it stopped when I changed from clay litter. I use corn litter, (like World's Best) or pine litter. The clay and sand litters have dust that I read contributes to cystitis and actual urinary blockage. Also I give fresh water in a large stainless bowl daily and no dry food. There are many natural products available to help also with the infection.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Will (Manila) on 12/06/2015

My cat Dao Ming was having a hard time peeing and has blood in his stool. I stopped feeding him grains and his stool became normal. However, he was still straining to pee and he looks a little weak and thinner. Last Saturday, I gave him Apple Cider Vinegar (1 cap ACV to 1 cap water) about 1 teaspoon in the evening. By Sunday, I saw him urinate a lot twice without straining but still not in his litter box. Today is Monday and I'm still giving him ACV 3x a day, 1 teaspoon.

My other cat died this June because of urethral blockage even if I gave him ACV. (The vet gave him so many antibiotics too.) I think it's because it was a little late and I keep feeding him kibble. Cats can't thrive on kibble.

I feed Dao Ming chicken meat, gizzard, liver (most of the time raw) and sweet potato. Sometimes, squash instead of sweet potato. I also give him fish, sometimes cooked, sometimes raw. He is getting stronger and playing more with me.

Thank you for all the post.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nickwilliams (California) on 11/28/2015

Editor's Choice Hello,

My male cat Samson has cystitis. He has been going to the vet off and on for a year now with occasional occurrences of cystitis. About a month ago, he started to have a more frequent occurrences so we took him in for a check up. The vet did the whole check up and helped him pass his stones ( cause I know my wife and I could not). They gave him a prescription of Orbax and Dasuquin which is just and anti-inflammatory and a joint health supplument for 120 dollars. My wife and I religiously gave him his dosages for 2 weeks then he had a major flare up. He was trying to pee running back and forth box to box (5 separate boxes). We would let him outside to be comfortable and try to pee out there and not much help.

One morning he and I had had enough. Started doing research online about home remedies for cats with cystitis (since these beautiful animals have been around since the Egyptian days). I came across this website and started to read these testimonials from all of these fellow cat lovers. So I had my wife call the vet to get him in to make sure it wasn't more than cystitis. It wasn't. He stayed all day and got shots and blood work.

Once he came home I started this regimen of Apple Cider Vinegar and I swear this stuff is amazing. I haven't given him his other medications only ACV for 6 days and he has made major improvements. He is peeing a lot more, not spending long in box, not going back and forth, not scratching then squatting, nothing like he was before. His eyes have cleared up and he is more energetic. He has made a 180° turnaround. He actually drinks more wate now. He doesn't seem to mind the taste. ACV is inexpensive, healthy, organic, non gmo, and has been around for thousands of years. I drink it for health and so does Samson, Coal, Stonie, and Dott. His siblings. I truly cannot express my gratitude for this website and this product. Saved my cats life from misery and pain.

His dosage is:

Am. ACV 1/8 teaspoon to 4 parts filter water..5ml

2 -3 hours later another .5ml

I repeat this all day. Feeding as normal.

This routine continues for big flare ups when I notice issues with urination. Then we reduce to just three times daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathi (Louisville, Ky) on 11/02/2015

After giving my cat the recommended dosage of vinegar for his UTI I noticed he was salivating more than normal. Is this normal?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ginny (Durban, South Africa) on 10/16/2015

I can't tell you how grateful I am for your advice. Mischief was in agony but in one day he was so much better thanks to Apple Cider Vinegar.

I made parsley tea (recommended by homeopathic vet), a few drops of Rescue Remedy and a little ACV. Mischief did not mind me squirting it into his mouth. He is now off conventional "vet recommended" dry food and I give him cooked chicken and livers and once a week fish. None of my animals will take raw food. I add in a bit of coconut oil. No more dry food as this all started when his teeth hurt him also from eating this poison. Thank you so very much.

Best wishes, Ginny

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jann (Antioch, Ca) on 09/27/2015

Dispensation of vinegar. How did you give it to your cat? Dropper or in food? My cat doesn't like wet food.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 09/02/2015

Hey Circadio!

I tried to see just exactly *whose* post you were commenting on, but was unable to do so - it appears you are commenting on the title page, or from the many comments in this topic, ie 'you guys'.

Not trying to be difficult, but I wanted to address some mistakes in your post.

1) While raw apple cider vinegar is acidic - containing acetic and malic acides, it turns into an effective alkalizer once inside our body. This is because apples in their natural state are alkaline. Any food, including vinegar, undergoes oxidation when digested by your body. This oxidation process turns apple cider vinegar alkaline because that is it's natural state [ie apple] even though it contains malic acid and acetic acid.

Read all about how raw ACV works:

2) A feline UTI - urinary tract *infection* - IS caused by bacteria. The key here for cats is that cats usually do not have bacterial UTIs - they have Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)/cystitis, often involving the struvite crystals that you mention.

3) This is not how it works. ACV does not lower the PH/make urine more acid - it makes it more akaline, or helps bring an acid PH more in the balanced range. And - not all urinary crystals are bicarbonate in composition - some are calcium oxalate, which do not dissolve in acetic acid/with an acid PH.

Bottom line: raw, unpasturized ACV has proven to help many pet owners keep their pets healthy. It may not be the answer to every problem, but it can provide great relief to some pets.

Source: over 45 years PE [practical experience keeping all manner of pets healthy]

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Circadio (Boston, Ma) on 08/23/2015

Hi there, I was just reading over your post about using apple cider vinegar for a UTI, and I noticed a mistake.

In the description of how it works, you have stated that "when the vinegar enters the body, it creates an alkaline environment that kills. However there are three issues with that statement.

1) Vinegar is comprised of Acetic Acid, and is of course, a very acidic compound. Thus when you put it into the body, it creates an "acidic" environment by lowering the Ph.

2) This does not affect "bacteria" as stated, as a feline UTI is not caused by a bacterial infection. It is instead caused by bicarbonate cystic crystals, which physically obstruct urine flow.

3) Lastly, this means that in truth, the vinegar is working to lower the urine Ph, which in turn causes the the bicarbonate obstruction to dissolve. Its essentially the same as if you were to throw a "Tums" into a cup of vinegar water, it would dissolve at a much higher rate than it would in just plain. This is because the blockage in the urinary tract is comprised of highly "basic" components.

Source: I am a 3rd year medical student, this is very simple to me.

Not trying to be difficult, and I appreciate what you guys are doing, I'm 100% organic myself, as well as my family and pets. Thanks again :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Terry Schneider (Alberta, Canada) on 09/01/2015

I have read ALL the comments on ACV which I agree 100%. Organic and Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is the best for breaking down crystals and dissolving them (this can be purchased at the health food store). Its always better to add a few drops of "concentrated cranberry juice 100% pure" (can get this at a health food store also) to the moist cat food. Another good ingredient to Always add to your cats moist food daily is "Pure Pumpkin" (about a teaspoon, can be purchased at Walmart, but make sure its "PURE"), this gives extra moisture to the moist cat food, this was recommended to be by my cats vet. Your cat will urinate more and keep the unitary tract healthy.

My tabby Meko is experiencing UTI right now, so tonight I have started him on... Apple Cider Vinegar (5 drops) 100% Pure Concentrated Cranberry Juice (5 drops) and a teaspoon of PURE Pumpkin in his moist food, along with about 3 tablespoons of water (mix well, should be a little runny in texture). I will continue to do this 3 times a day for 7-10 days depending on how he is doing.

A good idea is to add about 7-10 drops of ACV to the water they drink daily. Mix the ACV in the water so they cant tell you have added it. Its not at all harmful on cats that drink ACV on a daily basis, it keeps their urinary tract from getting crystals.

I hope the above information is helpful to everyone...and remember "Pure Pumpkin" is always a good thing to add to your cats moist food on a daily basis...Your cat should have 1 moist serving a day (recommended by vet).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stephanie (Cadillac) on 08/27/2015

Thank you! In less than 24 hours from giving first dose of Apple Cider Vinegar in soft food my cat is better! Her belly was bloated, she was peeing on anything soft (including my bed), and would growl when you touched her belly. Today she is happy, pain free and her belly is soft! She used her litter box and is sitting in the sun cleaning herself! I thought she was a goner, with me working for the schools and my husband changing jobs did not have the money to take her for tests.

Gave her half and half of water and Apple Cider Vinegar yesterday twice and today again on her food and she is my Josie again. Thank you!!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 07/03/2015

Hey Marre!

My advice would be to ensure your cat is on a grain free diet and grain free treats. Many canned foods contain grains and high amounts of sugar; these can contribute to UTI's.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marre (Tamworth ) on 07/03/2015

I have a beautiful cat who is my baby. I have taken her to the vet twice before for urinary tract infections. She has been put on medications, has become stressed due to the travel. Now it is the third time in as many years she is having this problem. I love her & don't want to do anything to contribute to the problem. I have heard apple ciders is helpful. Is there any other advice you lovely people could offer?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michelle (Manitoba Canada) on 07/01/2015

Hello from Manitoba Canada! I also have uti problems with my 2 yr old male cat. I'm wondering how your cat is doing today? Have you continued giving ACV routinely? Any more problems? Any recommendations for food? My cat didn't have stones just crystals. The vet recommended Med Cal dry and wet although It sounds as though I should only give him wet food. The dry has Corn meal gluten in it which normally I would avoid due to allergies and go product. Then I found out that this acts as an acidifier for the problem. Not sure what I should do the vet says no ACV let the food do the trick. After the amount of money he charged me To have the surgery to unblock him I don't trust the vet completely. I would love to hear from you... Thank you I appreciate your feed back:) Michelle

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michelle (Manitoba) on 07/01/2015

Hi there I read your comment since I am now also going through uti treatment with my one cat. Wondering if your still giving yours ACV and if you've had any more problems since the first time he started showing symptoms? Thanks we just spent a fortune at the vet having him go through the surgery to unblock him.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathy (Minneapolis, MN) on 06/29/2015

I am interested what homopathics worked as well.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Natalie (Marietta, Ga) on 06/11/2015

I just want to thank everyone who took the time to post information for other pet owners like me to see. I love both of my cats as if they were my children so when there in pain I cant be worried enough and I work as a Vet Tech and even after getting the doc to help treat my baby and after finishing his meds, like some of you my cat continued to have blood in urine and spend lots of his time straining in litterpan like he had the urgency to go. I had a very hard time giving him the apple cider vinegar but once it got through his system he was like nothing had ever happened and seemed to feel relief as Im sure this all was painful. I donno what caused it to happen, I think stress had something to do with it, but it has not came back and after the first day dosing him with the ACV, there also was no more blood in his urine. Thank you All again. As my fur kid thanks you too!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sue (St. Jospeh, Mi) on 05/31/2015

Can you tell me which homeopathic remedy you used?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandra (Australia) on 05/28/2015

When my cat had urinary problems ie unable to urinate he was in and out of vet having catheter etc... I started him on cranberry powder and also I used purslane which reduces inflammation in the urethra .... I didn't use S/D food recommended by vet after researching ingredients.... He has not had any problems for 4 years... also used homeopathics which worked well....

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sindy (Montreal ) on 05/23/2015

hi Mindy.

I'm so sorry for what you and Wally are going through, I know how frustrating this can be. I wanted to let you know that if Wally is on acidifiers that adding acid to his consumption is not good. Also ask what kind of crystals he has if any, oxalates require surgery. He can also get an operation done to widen his Urethra. Did they rule out cancer? Stress also place a huge role in affecting bladder health. If I were you, I would get a second or third opinion because you should be ableto have clear answers of what is the cause of this. Best of luck to you both, keep us posted!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mindy (Peabody, Massachusetts ) on 05/20/2015

My cats vet bill has officially reached $2000 today due to my cat Wally. He has been having issues urinating and has been on different meds over and over. He's had catheterization twice, many ultrasounds and xrays, overnight stays at the vet.... I can't watch him suffer I am desperate! I am buying Apple Cider Vinegar tomorrow and pray that it works for Wally.