I burned my hand pretty badly last night on the handle of a stainless skillet, fresh out of a 425 degree oven!! My hubby chokes that our house is the place where plants come to die...yep...I kill 'em, so no Aloe plant in sight. It immediately started blistering up 3 fingers and the across the palm of my hand, turning white. Yea, I got it good. It hurt like nothing I have ever had!! I had one hand on an ice pack and the other typing into google, with tears streaming!
I stumbled here.
Aluminum Foil - Huh?? Well, I was desperate! I had my hubby help me make a "glove" out of aluminum foil, shinny side down. I placed my hand on the ice pack for about 10-15 more minutes. The pain started subsiding after about 10 minutes...not gone, but bearable! I slept for part of the night with the foil glove on until I got up when my youngest Lab had to go out. I took it off at that point and went back to sleep without a thought...This morning...NO blisters, 3 tiny spots of redness, and a slight sting when I forget and try and lift something or grip with that hand. I mean, it hurt SO bad and looked awful...we almost went to the ER last night....I stand amazed!!!! And no doctor's bills or creams, ointments, etc!!
This website is now bookmarked!!!
Aluminum Foil
When I was very young I pulled a table cloth off a table trying to stand up I guess. There was a hot liquid on the table which I pulled onto myself. My mom called the doctor with a screaming baby in her arms (me). He said to wrap it in aluminum foil - that's what they used in WWII for burn victims.
My mom swears that I soon stopped crying and I know I don't have any burn marks from the scalding.
Aluminum Foil
Aluminum Foil for Burns
When I found this remedy I was at my wits end. I had taken a bowl out of the microwave and the steam from it hit the top of my hand. I have never felt such excreciating pain.
I tried putting my hand in cold water but every time I took it out the pain would be back. I also tried neosporin but that didn't work either.
When I saw the idea of aluminum foil I really did think it was crazy. But I decided to try it after reading all of the positive responses. I would say that it does really hurt for the first few minutes. But I stuck it out and after about 20 minutes...it felt much better. I started at about 9pm and by 10pm the pain is pretty much gone. My fingers are still a bit red and if I do feel a bit of soreness if I touch my fingers. But I am AMAZED at how much better I feel. I am also relieved since that pain was unlike any other pain I have EVER felt.
I highly recommend trying it.
Aluminum Foil
I was using the glue gun and thought I was using the low temp one...I wasn't! I got high temp hot glue on my thumb and pointer finger to the point of white blisters asap. Two and half hours of cool water, advil, meditation and still throbbing. I found your site!!!!!!!! I put it on the worst one, the thumb and within 5 minutes the pain has gone, the blisters don't look as bad.!!! MAGIC! WOW! I was about tot go to the ER...now will go back to my planned day! I also tried the potato trick nothing....... this tin foil as I call it from my youth is amazing!!!
Aluminum Foil
I am amazed, pulled a burning hot rack out of preheated oven, pain was unbelievable, searched net and found this, fingers and hand looked red raw, I picked a stick of aloe vera I had growing and smothered my hand in the gel, placed aluminium foil over that, and rubbed ice over foil, 20 mins and I had some relief, this morning my hand is like it never happened and no pain, thank you, I keep looking at my hand. I find it unbelievable...... They should be doing this in hospitals....!!!
Aluminum Foil
I burned my hand on the oven rack. immediately put water, then aloe. It still burned so came on here and tried the foil. It's only been 10 min. and the pain is gone!
Aluminum Foil
Hard to type - foil on fingers. Aloe too. Works! Oh God why did I wait 4 hours to come into Earth Clinic?? Thank you all so much. God Bless.
Aluminum Foil
I can't believe it but this really works!!! I burnt my index finger on the stove tonight really bad. It had big blisters and everything. I had soaked it in ice water for 4 hours. I tried pain spray, soaking in milk, aloe Vera, even tea bags. I then searched some more and found this site. I figured it can't hurt to try. If I took my finger out of the ice water for 30 seconds I was in excruciating pain. When I first put the foil on my finger I thought I was going to die it hurt so bad so I laid the foil wrapped finger on a ice cube for the first ten minutes and that help a lot. When I took it off the ice after 10 minutes I couldn't believe it the pain had lessened. I have had it on now for about 40 minutes no more ice and the pain is down to practically nothing. This is an amazing cure and I thank all you people for posting to help people like me who thought the pain would never go away and was worrying about how I was going to sleep. Thanks again!!!
Aluminum Foil
I used retinol cream on my neck and chest. After the third day I noticed some tingling sensation. By that night the damage was done. My neck and chest were red and throbbing with pain. I took probably more pain pills than I should, and still searing pain. Would put aloe (we have a plant), bactine, Aquafor, anything. NOTHING. I was pacing the floor at 3 a.m. with no relief. I googled a burn and started reading about the foil. How stupid. Being as desperate as I am...(thinking of going to E.R.) I'll try it. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? It worked. I am sitting here with minor bearable pain. I can't believe it. I have never wrote on a site for review but I am speechless.
Aluminum Foil
Absolutely brilliant. Thanks so much for the tip and to everyone who took the time to write on here and convince me (I'm returning the favour now, for the next sceptic! )
I scalded my whole thigh with a pan of boiling water (my dress got caught on the cooker as I was taking the pan to the sink and I got jerked back - ouch! ) - I put it under running cold water for nearly an hour and was in too much pain when I tried to take it out, so I googled and came across this.
I have no aloe vera, so I just went for the foil. Yes it hurt tons for the first five minutes but that subsided and it just felt better and better. The redness has gone down loads after two hours now, as has the pain. I was completey sceptical, but figured I had nothing to lose. So glad I know this works now. (Please always do the cold running water for 20-30 mins part first as that is medically-proven to be efficacious and don't use ice as that can damage skin).
Aluminum Foil
I was very skeptical about the tin foil at first as I had tried loads of other remedies such as honey, milk, mustard! None worked!! Every time I took my hand out of cool water I was in agony! I put the foil on my three burnt fingers and after a couple of minutes only one continued to hurt, after about 10 mins the pain was mild and after 30 mins the pain had completely gone, wish I had tried this sooner!
Aluminum Foil
WOW the tin foil wrapped around my badly burned hand worked!!!! It was still throbbing after icing it for 2 hours.I couldn't believe it! After foil treatment, pain gone. The burn actually looks really pretty good, I also put egg whites on it before putting it in foil.Left foil on for about an hour.Thank you so much for the information; now I can sleep well and not have a throbbing hand!
Aluminum Foil
I read on earthclinic.com about the use of tin foil for burns.
I dumped boiling water on my hand and man did it hurt! I tried the toothpaste method (NEVER AGAIN! ), then I went through about 6 sandwich bags of ice, and then I decided to try the tin foil method.
The moment I wrapped my hand in foil (shiny side out), I felt IMMEDIATE relief. My hand got warm but it wasn't uncomfortable. I couldn't believe it. Tin foil? Really?
It's amazing. I slept with it on my hand all night and by morning the pain was gone. My hand was still red, but not hurting.
I definitely recommend the tin foil method to anyone with a minor burn like mine.
Aluminum Foil
I thank God and Earthclinic for the aloe vera and aluminum foil remedy. I burned my finger on a pan. After icing for 3 hours and taking a pain pill, the pain continued as intensely as at the onset. After reading Earthclinic's suggestion and all the testimonies, I cut a piece off of our Aloe Vera plant and squeezed the juice on my burn, then I wrapped my finger in foil. The pain subsided within minutes. I thank God for His providence through plants and minerals and the ingenuity to figure out how to use them!
Aluminum Foil
I was cooking last night, and burned myself. As is my 1st line of defense (or offense, I would say)...I always check earthclinic. I discovered and tried the Aluminum Foil. It worked within 10 minutes! I had run cold water, and held ice cubes on the burn, and it was still burning like crazy! I wrapped the foil around my wrist; and had my daughter tape it in place...and kept preparing dinner. The pain was gone immediately! It's now the next morning, and still no pain. As always, thanks to this website, I found a natural and inexpensive remedy!