Health Benefits

Unlocking the Health Secrets of Turpentine: Natural Remedy Powerhouse

Laxatives to Help
Posted by Evelina (UK) on 09/05/2021

Hey, I just got 100% gum turpentine, I know how to use it, but the question is, what to use to have 3 bowel movements? can I use any laxatives? I can't get Dr Jennifer Daniels Vitality capsules to send to my country which is sad so I'm wondering what is the best to use to have 3 bowel movements?

Laxatives to Help
Posted by Art (California) on 09/06/2021 2165 posts

Hi Evelina,

Magnesium citrate should get things moving and if you want faster movement add in high dose vitamin C. Both are likely to offer you other health benefits also with regular use.


Candida, Biofilm and Parasites
Posted by Natasha (Australia) on 10/03/2021

Replying to Michael - if U were taking it for a parasite infestation then it's highly likely you are experiencing die off symptoms which I experience exactly what U describe no matter what I take for them so I believe it's not the product but the formaldehyde and heavy metals being released by parasites as they die - it's the most hideous experience and I've been dealing with it for ten years - best way is to not go too hard and take some charcoal to help absorb the waste and get some colonics to flush it all out good luck

Posted by Georgette (WA) on 05/28/2024

You need to be taking the turpentine with sugar because the bad sugar the white sugar is the bait for the parasites once they detach themselves from wherever they are, tumors, they're just a bunch of parasites starting a homeless camp! Once they go for that sugar they wanna exit out alive! If you're not regular you need to use it with Castor oil so you can eliminate them quickly! I've had some come out of my nose and I expelled a tapeworm that must have been living in me for years and years and years because it came out in one piece and you might as well have said I had a snake! Everyone has parasite and turpentine was the go to in the medicine cabinet in the 1800s and early 1900s until big pharma stepped in, actually they used turpentine for thousands of years. And it has to be the pure 100% turpentine in a clear glass bottle, I recommend Diamond G and Amazon has it for like 18 19 dollars.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Old cat lady fl (Florida) on 12/18/2022

If you read the possible side effects of medicines prescribed today, many include the possibility of contracting forms of cancer and other possible negative outcomes, including cardiac arrest. Humira Is an example.

Parasites and their eliminations can cause paralyzes, delirium, heart rhythm issues, and many other unpleasant symptoms. Some parasites that are killed off in large volumes can cause extreme side effects such as hemorrhaging that causes death.

Please know that all treatments should be carefully researched, even prescribed medicines inserts should be read and possible side effects and caution warnings heeded.

It is my hope that pure turpentine will remain available so individuals will be able to care for their health and well-being.

Turpentine Contraindications
Posted by Hypnomac (Durango, Colorado) on 09/16/2017

Taking turpentine after or before you've taken advil is a bad idea.

My ex girlfriend took a small dose of terpentine of 20 drops with sugar cubes and just before she took that she took a couple advils (I think) and that had a very bad reaction. The two react with each other. I confirmed this with my nutritionist. She was in a lot of pain for half the day if not more.

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 03/24/2023

Another way to get turpentine gum spirits into the blood, take it thoroughly mixed with a few tablespoons of water or milk on an empty stomach. This is how most people in Eastern Europe take this remedy as a blood cleanser. This approach seems to be effective against diseases outside the intestines.

Posted by Gb (Alaska) on 03/06/2017

I take one Tbsp. of castor oil and then 1 tsp. of Gum Spirits of Turpentine. everything should be out of the colon within 6 hours. Stay near the bathroom after 3 hours.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Emma Jj (Kentucky) on 11/15/2016

I loved your your two cents and I'm going to consider this. I remember grandma putting turpentine on her finger and would rub a circle around the belly button and then rub another dose down the front of our throat but I can't remember which one she did first because she would say and you don't want them to rise. I can't remember if she had it on our throat first and then around the belly button or vice versa but she always said if you do it wrong it will cause them to come up in your throat. Parasites is what I'm speaking about. I'm 46 years old and here in the past couple of days I have had those childhood symptoms at night, feeling the wiggle right at the exit and I've been without energy. I've had all the symptoms and I just don't know how well I do know how person can contract this me and my husband would you eat out a lot so thank you so very much for your time encouraged me to go ahead

Posted by Ryan (Arizona) on 12/10/2017

Hi, I believe you can take a 1/2 oz bottle of pine needle oil on a plane which is the same as turpentine just make sure it goes into your main suit case and keep it tightly sealed. I actually ordered some from piping rock in the past initially and their bottles have great droppers with no mess so now what I do is fill those little bottles up with Diamond g turpentine which makes it very easy to use for baths and consuming. The dropper bottles are the best!

Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 08/09/2021

Greetings AngPowerGirl of Kalamazoo, MI,

I truly believe that if you have done the turpentine it has blessed you. I want to give you another suggestion that is easy to use, "Tagamet or Cimetidine."

I have attached an article from "Life Extension Magazine", the writer says that:

"… Cimetidine functions via several different pathways to inhibit tumor cell propagation and metastasis."

A must read:

www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2002/7/cover_cimetidine#:~ The brand name for cimetidine is Tagamet®, which, thought that cimetidine worked by enhancing immune function.

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 07/04/2017

Maybe take some psyllium fiber and lay off the turp for a few days. The pain may be just a herxheimer reaction.

Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 06/06/2015

Agreed! Though I have a little different view on that.

I look at food through the lens of glycemic index, the rate of how fast the food is converted into glucose, or sugar. Sugar in any form and fruits are the highest on the index, followed by starchy vegetables and rice and bread. Vegetables are the lowest.

That being said, the glycemic load of your meal is determined by all the things you put in your stomach, so if you eat cucumbers (very low glycemic index) and white rice (higher glycemic index) in 50:50 ratio in one meal, the glycemic index will be (15+65)/2=40, which is a safe value and will not make you feel worse. If you go over 100 then it is going to be bad. Russet potato taken alone is 111.

I have personally not eaten a single fruit or (knowingly) anything with sugar for the past 6-7 months, and my candida is under control, which of course does not mean it is healed, because I would soon start to feel bad if I ate a fruit or a sweet bread. As long as I avoid sugar and fruits, and always eat carbohydrates, such as rice, potatoes, or bread, with vegetables or dairy products, I feel very good. However, for the past few days I have been eating basically only bread, and my thyroid started to feel bad, which was one of my nastiest symptoms during the acute phase.

Eating this way is a good way to get rid of the symptoms, but it is not a way to heal yourself, so to say, you will be able to eat a fruit.

Posted by Cassy Farmer (Las Cruces, Nm) on 03/23/2018

Sun fruit Dan on YouTube says you can capsule it along with sugar to deliver to large intestine - I have also read you can encapsulate castor oil and then freeze it before consuming.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Deb (Usa) on 05/22/2017 12 posts

Then why are you even on this site if not thinking about taking Turpentine??

Red Pine Needle Oil
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 04/08/2015

Hi Steve...As to the how's and whys of the anti-candida protocol, I would just take the protocols laid out in this doc which includes how to take the turpentine/CO protocol.

In the doc there are various teas and alkalizing combos described that contain the Gymnema sylvestre(GS) herb. GS acts to inhibit the yeast candida form morphing into the more virulent fungal form.

There are two separate living forms of candida(and aspergillus) -- the yeast and fungal forms. The yeast lives off dead organic matter, reproduces by budding, infects locally on the skin, uterus and intestines. The fungal form is a true parasite that infects everywhere in the body, reproduces as spores and this form might be what is causing your brain area EMF problems. So taking these GS teas will act to inhibit and eventually act to get rid of the fungal form from your blood, organs and tissues(including the brain). This then leaves you with the yeast form which is easier to cure. Therefore, you should take the protocol and take these GS teas as advised.

Recent research on GS inhibiting action on the fungal form of candida:



Posted by Gigi815 (Edison) on 03/10/2015

I've been taking the 1 teaspoon dose. On my third dosage, though, I got the measuring spoons mixed up and not thinking I used a tablespoon of gum spirits. (I measured and wondered why there was so much turp left) Ended up taking more then a teaspoon but not quite the whole tablespoon. I ended up feeling a little drunk, but other then that, nothing terrible. I am continuing with the turp, but started a parasite cleanse and will do a liver flush. The turp also cleared up a patch of dried skin on my elbow.

I also mix the turp with peanut oil and use for aches and pains. I've given it to several people who swear by it.

Posted by Timh (KY) on 03/11/2015 2063 posts

G: Sorry to burst your bubble of successful treatment w/ the high probability that you have not removed the entire worm as they are like segment after segment up to several feet long depending on the type (likely beef or fish and not likely pork as they are usualy around only 6").

These tapeworms have monstrous heads w/ extensive teeth or suckers for burrowing into the intestines where next to nothing can remove them.

Using a combination of veg oil & Grapefruitseed extract applied rectally once or twice daily one day I felt a pull, pull in my lower back and then a pop. Several minutes latter I passed about 3-4 ft tapeworm. It wasn't until about 3 yrs latter that I killed what appears to be the entire worm by using pharmaceuticals like Albendazole, Fenbendazole, and Prazequantil. Same thing happened w/ the pull and snap and this time passed only a few 6" or smaller segments. But this time I can report the kind of improvements you have.

It is slightly possible that you have killed the entire worm (if it was indeed a tape, could be several pin worms), but not likely from what I've read the tapes are major problem. From what I understand, the drug Niclosamide is the single most effective against the adults.

Posted by Bill (San Fernando) on 12/07/2014

Hi Om...I think that you have several ongoing problems and these are: candida/bacteria problems, constipation(acid intestines) and insufficient digestion or inadequate absorption of nutrients into your body(underweight).

Here is what Ted from Bangkok has to say about curing constipation:

"The bowel issue is one of the most complex ones, but prebiotics have more effects on beneficial bacteria than the probiotics. The one thing that will help establish these is gum arabic, 4 grams blender mixed with 250 cc of water or hot water, until all gum arabic is dissolved.

Baking soda is the common remedy to relieve it. It also is found that getting enough water relieves constipation, especially by drinking enough water during the morning hours. The bowel movement requires basically hydraulic pressure to get the stools out and this is why having sufficient liquids is necessary. The slippage is also necessary along the intestinal tract such as alkalization, having sufficient potassium is the most common problem I have seen in people with constipation. As if there is this fear against the use of potassium. For people with normal kidneys this is no problem. Having the potassium requires to take regular over a month, if the remedy requires 1/2 teaspoon taken only at night, however if a person has low blood pressure, then must always be taking with sea salt, at least 1/4 teaspoon once or twice a day to keep the sodium and potassium balance. The antidote for too much potassium is simple, take 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt if potassium is causing problem, and the side effects will be relieved in 5 minutes. In fact the effects of any natural treatment for most disorders takes generally 5 minutes, such as heart problems, muscle pain, headaches, etc to be relieved except chronic constipation. I have seen a 19 year old girl with constipation taking potassium citrate take up to 1 teaspoon after meals three times a day to get her potassium to normal to cure her constipation. I have seen ICU patients take 1/2 teaspoon every hour throughout 24 hours to get?her blood potassium to normal. So potassium is somewhat as big a deficiency?as magnesium. Magnesium also helps with constipation, but taken in a much smaller dose, such as 8 drops two times a day, but in people with constipation it needs 15 drops three times a day, not to resolve the constipation but to resolve?a deficiency. The other common problem is B6 deficiency which leads to lack of stomach acid so take it three times a day."

EC Source: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/constipation_questions.html#Question_4666

In short, Ted is advising that both potassium citrate (with sea salt as necessary) and magnesium chloride(as magnesium oil -- 15 drops 3 x per day) should be taken for constipation issues as well as B6. Since you are also vegetarian or vegan then I would also strongly advise that you take Vitamin B12 as well(at least 1000-2000 mcg per day).

Your underweight problems may also be caused by insufficient digestion due to low stomach acid and/or low levels of digestive enzymes. That's why you should perhaps consider taking betaine HCL together with pancreatin enzymes(that should also contain papain and bromelain enzymes) to ensure proper digestion occurs so that you can put on some weight. Ted also advises that you should alkalize every day to cure the acid intestine problem(which is also tied in with your constipation and candida issues).

When I had candida I was also heavily constipated and was only having one difficult and painful(dry) bowel movement a week. I cured that problem fairly quickly by alkalizing heavily every day(at least 3 times a day outside mealtimes), taking one tablespoon VCO twice a day with meals and by taking lugol's iodine on a daily basis also helped. I suspect that it was probably the potassium from the potassium iodide in the LI was what helped me alot here, which is yet another reason to supplement higher dose LI.

Posted by Timh (KY) on 11/23/2014 2063 posts

Bentonite Clay taken orally prior to meals will absorb the nasties.

General Feedback
Posted by Sundawg (Ga, Usa) on 10/01/2014

I'm new to this conversation, but I have ordered 4oz of turpentine from G Forest as well and it smells so so so good. I just absolutely love it. I used to take it with sugar but now lately I haven't been taking it internally. I made a cream of just virgin coconut oil and some turp in it, and have been applying it religiously to my finger. I burnt it on my mower at least 2 months ago and it has been real wrinkly looking and then I ended up getting a blister there and it made it worse.

Well after applying that coconut/terp to it it is finally starting to heal very nicely.

Also I have been using the terp in an enema and have been getting out lots of trash, some looks like flukes. They are light green in color and looks like dried grape skins or tomato skins. I only use about 5 drops at a time, but it seems to work well. Although I haven't been able to find much info on this subject, so I tried it with success.

Where to Buy: Thailand
Posted by KT (Usa) on 09/02/2014

Dear Mama to Many, I too have been skeptical of the posts I've read about borax, turpentine and peroxide. At the same time, I suspect the need for these remedies could be very well caused by something in our food supply that is acceptable by many. I learned this, piecemeal, by the process of elimination for over twenty years.

I've had multiple head and neck injuries, beginning with emotional and physical abuse by my mother, automobile accidents and horses. One of the vertebra in my neck is pressing against my spinal cord. I've had arthritis and degenerative disk disease of my neck, back, spine and big toe diagnosed. I had sciatica.

I was in a coma for a month and my communication skills are poor. I felt like I needed to give you this background because of things I've posted here.

I have learned that any pain I encounter is always caused by some hidden source of MSG I've ingested. When I have hay fever or asthma, I can look back at what I've eaten and always find the source that has weakened my system. At the same time the fruits and vegetables, that are supposed to make and keep us healthy, have been genetically modified in one way or the other and cannot provide the assimilation we expect. "Organic" is no longer safe and fresher is not better. True, everyone is going to react differently because no one eats identical when pregnant. The way our systems develop will not be identical because MSG crosses the placenta. (Intern. J. Neuroscience, 1984, Vol. 23, pp. 117-126)

For me the culprit is the flowing agent in salt. Through years of weeding out the things I found out were causing me problems...this tiny amount of a substance is what caused me so much pain and breathing difficulties. Flowing agents are in more than we can keep tabs on, but what is in our common table salt, I believe, is the root of many ailments. Very few are considering the binders, fillers and capsules used in many vitamins, supplements or medications. The majority of these things are "manufactured" from plants that have been genetically modified. What is advertised as "vegetable" is more than likely from corn or soy. I'm not in pain as my x-rays, CT's or MRI's indicate I should be.

I'm just sharing what I know has happened to me. The more that man fools with the food to make it drought and disease free, there seems to be more need for medications that are making things worse because long term studies cannot be conducted...just a quick fix for any problem without thinking about long term consequences. I watch a lot of news and undercover investigations that alerted me to what is happening in the world. The commercials in between were about "new ailments" needing new medications that had more side effects than the reason for taking the medication. It's been a long journey and I have learned much.

I read my Bible every day and I see prophecy being fulfilled...as many have seen for generations. We are closer, now, to the end of all things than our great-grandparents. 1 John 5:19 I hope I've made some sense to you and hopefully correct any way I might have offended you. KT

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Wave (Oslo) on 04/14/2016

Just an additional note to Bill's post:

Dr Daniels also explained that her patient that got the back skin reaction did a coffee enema, and that it cleared up after that.

So having your exit channels cleared open before trying turpentine is recommended. Options for this is doing a liver cleanse / gall bladder flush, or using magnesium oxide for a few days to clear the small intestine (which is what Dr. D: recommends in her article).

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 08/11/2017 2063 posts

Yes, you can take Turpentine with most foods or liquids as it is a natural solvent and actually doesn't taste too bad; kinda like a Gin tonic. I used to take with sugar cubes but needed to reduce sugars so now I simply get a swig of my Coffee/Tea/Water and add two small droppers and down the hatch. I do this once daily.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Joeboo (New York, US) on 04/07/2014


I've tried turpentine bath 2x a week for 2 weeks now. It has good and not so good result for me. Yes, there was a tingly feeling on the inner thigh area every time I bathe, but it's not a biggy. Definitely, alleviates my lower back pain and relaxes my whole body, no doubt. Feeling very clean and removes all the crap out of my skin. Will continue doing it...

However, every time I bathe, after a couple of hours, I got flaky scalp. Not sure if it's too strong for the scalp or my head develops the flakes/dandruff fighting the bacteria/crap. Well, I was hoping that turps bath will heal my dandruff issue instead of getting more… Any other thoughts from people who has same issue? Thanks Bill for this helpful information.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Madhu (Sfo) on 02/15/2014

This question is for Bill Thompson. Is aged Turp more effective than regular Turp? if Yes, Are the dosages and herx reactions of aged Turp same as in regular Turp? Thanks, Madhu.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 02/13/2014

After seeing Bill's recommendation of this specific turpentine product, I went ahead and ordered it. I have not yet used turpentine medicinally, but want to be ready to try it.

So, I got my turpentine in the mail and I am so excited. It smells wonderful and natural and not like a chemical to clean a paintbrush!

My son, who is into forestry, was very impressed with how it smells, too.

Thanks, Bill!

~Mama to Many~

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 11/21/2017

Hi M Trying...Rectified just means to purify and doesn't really apply to the manufacture of gum turpentine. But it's quite normal to use gum turpentine internally that has been distilled and this is how it's normaly sold. Distilled just means that the thick pine sap from the tree has been boiled between certain temperatures to obtain a thinner distillate that is eventually sold as pure gum turpentine. Just make sure that it's pure gum turpentine -- without any extra additives like Xylene, Toluene etc and you should be fine.

As advised by Walter Last, there are also several ways to supplement gum turpentine. You can either take it with water or molasses or milk(emulsifier) or raw honey or sugar on an empty stomach, which will then be absorbed quickly into the blood and act to disinfect and purify the blood(i.e. clears the blood, tissues etc of pathogens). Or you can take gum turpentine together with a heavier oil like castor oil or coconut oil for a similar purifying effect throughout the intestines only (because combining it with a heavier oil helps to prevent turpentine absorption into the blood).

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Johnboy (Arkansas) on 12/24/2013


Much too strong a reaction. Very unpleasant. If used, only use a very small amount. Two thirds of a shotglass produced a very itching, tingling and burning reaction on my legs. I used coconut oil to calm them down. I cannot recommend this based on my unpleasant reaction.

Posted by Cindy (Use) on 12/22/2013

Hi I would like to hear from anyone who has/is trying the kerosene treatment for candida. how is it working for you, how much do you use etc. Thank you

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/25/2014

Hi Rachael...In order for Kerosene to be effective you must use it in the right way. I'm working with an autism group at the moment. All the autistic children are infected with candida as well as parasites. I know this because they must post pictures of their stools every day on this site. Their stools always show parasites as well as biofilms coming out of the children's intestines.

The way to use kerosene or turpentine is to take one teaspoon mixed together with at least one tablespoon of castor oil. You can add molasses too for a better taste if you like. The purpose of the castor oil is to help spread the turpentine throughout the intestines more thoroughly -- don't forget that the intestines is 28 ft long so the kerosene has to be used efficiently.

If you are just supplementing kerosene on its own with water outside mealtimes, then the kerosene will be rapidly absorbed into the blood from the stomach -- with not much kerosene left to go into the intestines to fight the candida and remove biofilms there. Taking kerosene with water is OK for blood born diseases but not OK for candida -- because the throne and fortress of candida is always in the intestines which has the biofilms.

So take the kerosene mixed with castor oil and take this at mealtime just before you eat. That will ensure that the majority of the kerosene goes where it should -- into the intestines to both kill the candida and remove the biofilms as well.

Posted by Garry (California) on 10/20/2015

When I read about your son having constipation it has compelled me to tell you a story of my daughter. About the age of five she started having constipation problems and before she was 20 doctors wanted to cut out a large section of here colon and have her start using a colostomy bag from then on. Through her own wisdom she declined. She continued having problems bloating after eating small amounts of food to the point she would look 6 months pregnant.

She is now 33 years old and about 6 months ago she went on a diet some water with a different ph level, lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. I do not know the quantities but I am sure this diet is online. Anyway this is all she consumed for 10 days. I saw her on the 5th day and she said Dad this has been so hard, but the first few days was really the hardest. I asked her about a month later how the diet went, she said Dad I have been having regular bowel movements 3 times a day. I was astonished honest to god she would not have a bowel movement for up to 2 weeks on a regular basis. I always feared she would die before she was 21 and now she just glows full of energy for the first time ever.

Sorry off the subject of turpentine, which I have been taking for the past few months, not religiously though, just when I feel the need and yes it did give me chest pains at first, but that could be partially from a resting heart rate between 115 and 122. I have started a healthier diet also now eat fruits and vegetables (yuck). now my resting heart rate is between 80 and 93. Still not great but highly improved and oh yes no more chest pains...

Posted by Bill (San Fernando Philippines) on 04/25/2014

Hi Om...I've also been experimenting with gum turpentine. I'm still using turp drops daily for oral hygiene. I tend to always mix a few drops of gum turps with other oils such as coconut oil or castor oil if I use it on externally on the skin. And I'm still supplementing the turpentine(1 tspn) + CO(1 tspn) + honey/molasses(1 tspn) once or twice a week. It's definitely powerful stuff.

I was also thinking that a much easier way to take a turpentine bath would be to have a pine bubble bath and simply add one or two whisky shot glasses of gum turpentine to the water as well. The pleasant pine oil soap in the water would make the turps smell unnoticeable and would also function to more efficiently emulsify the turps into tiny droplets for better distribution in the bath water. Then all you need to do is clean yourself and just relax in the hot bath for about 20 mins in order to allow the turpentine to act and do its magic on the body.

General Feedback
Posted by Tony (Tn, Usa) on 01/12/2014

Hello Robert Henry from Ten Mile Tn:

I trust many people here at EC. However, there's one particular person that's gained my full trust. That person is Bill Thompson. Take a look at his view on turpentine. It's the absolute fastest & best way to get rid of candida & its bio-films. The turpentine just needs to be taken at appropriate doses.

There's going to be detox from this stuff. It's a given! I've been on it myself but I get worse detox symptoms from iodine than I do from turpentine. Turpentine is absolutely safe! This stuff can cure a lot of diseases! I totally trust Bill & his research!

General Feedback
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/11/2012

Some more of my own thoughts on supplementing turpentine or kerosene.

Bye the way, paraffin is also a similar form or synonym for kerosene but I have avoided using it because of the pink and blue parrafin forms used in UK and Australia respectively. These coloured forms are definitely not healthy to ingest due to the additives which are used to colour them. There is also paraffin oil which is used medicinally for constipation in UK but this form does not have the same notable chemical benefits of supplementing turpentine.

Whenever a plant is damaged by an act of God or by animals, fungus, bacteria etc, the plant has its own immune system which produces a group of substances that both defend the injury against pathogen invasion and heal the damaged area. This group of chemicals that are secreted by plants has been given a name -- salvestrols. Resveratrol is a typical example of a salvestrol. If you like, salvestrols are equivalent to our own antibodies.

Production of pine resin is also a response to injury for a pine tree and this resin contains a whole host of salvestrols to defend the plant against further damaging pathogen attack and to help seal the injury.

There appears to be two significant areas of beneficial activity in how turpentine actually works in our bodies. The first area is the intestines -- where gum of turpentine's strongly anti-pathogenic actvities come into play. Secondly is the major and unparalleled blood purifying activity that these oils seem to have once they get into the blood. Therefore and concerning this, Walter Last advises that small amounts of the thinner oil forms -- the ones with lower boiling points of between 100 and 150 degrees C -- will be absorbed easily through the stomach with their main area of action being in the blood. As such, we have the thicker turpentine distilled oil forms -- those which have their boiling points up to 200 degrees C, which have more action in the intestines because these are not so easily absorbed into the blood from the stomach. So what would be most advantageous is to take a turpentine form that is equally beneficial to the intestines and blood. To this end and to get the thinner turpentine forms(with a lower B P) of turpentine into the intestines, Walter Last suggests adding a second thicker oil -- say oil of paraffin or castor oil -- to ensure that the turpentine is carried directly into the intestines from the stomach. Dr Jennifer Daniels advises taking the lower boiling point or thinner form with sugar in order to ensure that at least some of the turpentine gets into the intestines. The low boilling point forms seem to be the best ones to supplement because many of the aromatics, such as aldehydes, which are not good for the body, have already been removed by distilled separation.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Blue Star (TN) on 11/04/2023

Organic Turpentine distilled from the slash pine is an essential oil. "100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine" Would be listed on the label. Normally it is packaged in glass like most essential oils.

The paint thinner turpentine is mixed with chemical solvents. Do not use this. It is toxic and the product conventional media will point to create hysteria and confusion.

My experience has been turpentine will cleanse the pineal/3rd eye and clear energetic densities and dark energies. Meditation and connection to energies will become more vibrant. The use of turpentine in spiritual clearing has been found useful.

Turpentine was traditionally used to treat sciatica and I found much improvement in my own sciatica.

I feel more research should be done in the use of turpentine in the treatment of covid.

Candida, Biofilm and Parasites
Posted by Ben (Chicago) on 08/13/2022

Great advice! My first drop lit me up. Especially since I took it by itself without sugar. The sugar slowed down the effects much better. This is the only substance I've taken that has given me such great results!! Highly recommend

Multiple Cures
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 07/11/2021

How are you faring, Emma of VT? I do not know the answer to your question, just thought I would share what little I do know on the subject. Yes, even I have used turpentine. As they say desperate times call for desperate measures. Turpentine is not for everyone, if you feel it is causing other problems it may not be for you. However, perhaps you are having a herx dieoff reaction, if so maybe you should go back to one or two drops. Read more about the experience of others with turpentine to see if you want to continue.


When I take Turpentine, I usually take it in the morning before breakfast. We are told to start with the drops. I have been using off and on for a few years usually to prevent or cure a UTI after a sugary occasion. I take a teaspoon of turpentine and afterwards a teaspoon of blackstrap molasses. I also take a laxative, such as Castor oil or Bentonite clay just in case there are some worms that are trying to flee the turpentine, I want them to have a speedy exit out. I also make sure I drink a little extra water.

I pray you are already feeling so much better. Be well. HisJewel

Posted by Lili (Western Australia) on 09/16/2023

Well done and thank you for sharing your journey. I have been taking 100% gum of turpentine for a month now... starting slow with one drop a day building up to 20 drops per day. A few days rest when reaching that amount and knowing my body was dealing with that amount, I then launched into the parasite / candida cleanse of 1 tsp with sugar and I am very happy with the results. I don't really get any herxing unless I haven't kept myself hydrated but that happens hardly ever and I am able to correct it quick enough once I down some liquid or better yet give myself an enema which quickly gets rid of die off.

Bladder Infection
Posted by Vanbemo (Dimapur-Nagaland, india ) on 12/07/2021

It's been 5 years have been suffering from interstitial cystitis, I got terrible uti in the beginning and now my bladder has embedded, nothing works for me therapies, meds, supplements. Luckily I have found Dr. Jennifer protocols from facebook friend . Now only two weeks left to start taking turpentine gum spirit, I have heard many success stories even bladder infection.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Wandaim (Georgia) on 12/19/2017

I'm using coconut sugar and I'm not having nasty after taste either.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Julie (Camdenton ) on 07/03/2017

I notice that this post is dated back to March and I was wondering how you were doing? If you kept up with the turpentine therapy and I was thinking that it would be a good idea for you to take the turpentine internally. I do it with a cup of honey half a cup of turpentine and a half a cup of apple cider vinegar with mothers. Shake it up and keep it in a glass bottle with a plastic lid. I start with one teaspoon for about 4 days and then I get to a tablespoon. I go 2 weeks on and two days off. When I got to 4 days off and got sick again I went back on it because I realized I was not completely cleared up. I hope that you will update us and I hope that the moderators pass my response on to you.

Posted by Ludi (Hollywood) on 03/11/2017

Today is my first day to this thread. Yes your detox had begun. Continue with the Turpentine Regimen (1/2 to 1 teaspoon for 4 days and rest 2 days. It's important to drink plenty of water.

Posted by Katzie (Calgary ) on 10/08/2020

Adrian, I'm sorry you experienced all that.

While reading your post I knew that you'd have a bad experience with Turpentine while reading and winced in advance. I'll tell you why: it was the rate you were taking it and that you were having 3x poops a day - and that's not good. Generally speaking, people with a healthy gut biome average only 1 nice firm perfectly formed one per day. Your body was already under stress! As soon as you were sick that first time, I would've backed off and kept the dose low - and steady.

But it was all too much and too fast. I don't know how you're doing now, but I hope you kept at it and found relief.

Posted by Alan (Mexico) on 06/11/2020

Pumpkin seeds, as much as you can, minimum 4 tablesponsfull.

Posted by Jemtopaz (NY) on 07/14/2016

That is exactly what Dr. Daniels is talking about, IF you don't offer the Fungi, parasites a fast way out, Example: the Bowels (best way), It will find another way out. through the skin. Which does not have to happen. Don't suffer. All that you need to do is drink more water, or as Dr. Daniels would say " Make sure your "fast passage" is clear and open", Beforehand, get your bowel movements to two or three a day, drink a quart of water 3 times a day. And then you will not suffer, a skin aliment trying to eliminate.

Posted by Carl (Los Molinos, CA) on 07/06/2021

Heavy doses of probiotics worked best for my Candida- Fungus Clear with a 50 billion strain from Walmart, along with Medizyme, Mag07, turpentine, tea tree oil, frankincense oil, FIR heating pad, prayer, etc.

Turpentine Carrier Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Middle, Tennessee, Usa) on 04/29/2015

Bill, Thanks for the link to the book. Fascinating! After reading about your using turpentine for a toothache, I tried it myself. I have been having some pain in a molar. Clove oil or a tiny charcoal poultice were helping for pain. But I decided to try turpentine. I put a drop on my finger and rubbed it on the area of discomfort. I did this 3 times in two days. I am no longer noticing the pain. Thanks for all of you teaching on this and everything else! ~Mama to Many~

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Kay (Minerva, Oh) on 08/12/2017

Hi Martha. I am sorry that you are suffering because of your doctor's "treatment plan." Will your kidneys heal? I pray that they will. I have been sick since July 20,1998. For the most part, my medical care has been substandard, and I have been severely damaged as a result. I appreciate what you are going through. There is a lot of anger involved, and a flood of tears. Good luck to you. I will pray for you, and put you on my prayer chain, if that is okay with you. Get well, Martha.

Red Pine Needle Oil
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 04/07/2015

Hi Steve...The Korean Red Pine Oil that you sourced costs $75 for just 2 oz which is somewhat steep and expensive.

Most people on this site are using the organic pure gum turpentine from Georgia called Diamond V. You can buy 1 gallon or 4 x 32 oz bottles of this organic turpentine for only about $70. An 8 oz bottle will cost you just $8.99.

And for anyone reading this who needs organic turpentine who lives outside the US -- Diamond V turps is flammable and therefore will not ship to other countries outside the US.

Because I live in the Philippines I have found it all but impossible to get any reliable form of pure gum turpentine because of the poor labeling standards here. So I got the next best thing. I now us the essential oil from pine needles which has worked quite well. I bought this from ebay. This form is from Pinus sylvestris and is triple distilled -- a clear liquid.

Turpentine Carrier Oil
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 04/28/2015

Hi Gratitude...There are many ways to take turpentine and it really depends where you want it to act as an anti-microbial in your body. If you take it with an oil like olive oil or VCO then generally it will act partially in the intestines as well as in the blood. But its better to use castor oil in my opinion because CO is also a laxative so it travels through the intestines quickly -- carrying the turps with it from end to end. This is a good way to disinfect your intestines if you have problems there like candida.

I'm not quite sure why Dr Daniels only specifically recommends taking turps with sugar cubes of a specific size. If, as she insists, the old US slaves of that period used turps as an all-round remedy then I'm pretty sure they must've used either cane syrup, molasses or honey in combination with the turps. Cubed sugar wasn't invented and mass produced until 1873(by Tate and Lyle), which was some time after the US slave period.

I have also used a teaspoon of turps with a tspn of honey or molasses washed down with some water and used a tspn of turps with about 1/4 glass of plain water to help kill pathogens in the blood. I have read in the US Dispensatory(1847) and in the British Pharmacopia(1914) where turpentine was commonly used as a steam inhalant with boiling water and was also used as an enema together with a small amount of natural soap(not detergent).

Also found an interesting passage in the Merck Medical Manual of 1899. Here's an extract for turpentine:

Chian, Turpentine, Merck.

Thick, tenacious, greenish-yellow liq.; peculiar penetrating odor; Uses: Extern. cancerous growths.

Turpentine. Canada -- USP

Balsam of fir. Uses chiefly extern. -- Dose 5--30 grn., in pill.

I also found many entries for Sodium Borate(Borax), Iodine, Potassium Iodide and Hydrogen Peroxide.

Posted by Mr. Ree (Usa) on 02/02/2015

Take 200 mgs magnesium malate 4-5 times a day or more until you have relief...Then reduce that amount.. You should get down to 400-600 mgs find out that will be sufficient, but everybody's diffferent....Swanson sells magnesium malate at 200 mgs/capsule...Don't buy hard pills and they have a tendency to not dissolve...

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 01/28/2015

Does anybody know where can I get pure turpentine in Canada? All the shops I have found online are in the US and do not ship to Canada.

Adding Vitamin C
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 12/26/2014

Dear Bill,

Thanks for taking time to post this fascinating information! I have a couple of questions if you do not mind.

The recipe to make DHA with lugol's, ascorbic acid and baking soda - would that be an appropriate way to get a more easily absorbed form of vitamin C for general immune boosting? (Like for when you are sick with a cold?)

Also, would this "count" towards your iodine and vitamin C needs for those using the Iodine protocol for thyroid?

Finally, is the Lugol's you use for this the 5% version?

I take the equivalent of 8 drops a day of 5% (still finishing up my 2% bottle) and am wondering if I made and took the DHA if I would still want to take more iodine, or if at that point, it would be overkill.

Thanks so much!

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Wydo (Ca) on 04/24/2016

For a liver detox Ted recommends lecithin and silymarin milk thistle seed extract. Ted says be careful with the silymarin as it will detox you so fast that you could die from the toxic stuff that comes out. Start with a weaker silymarin maybe just once a day. Then when you buy the next bottle of silymarin get the 1000 mg and take it everyday twice a day. Get Bill Thompson's book on Candida. It has a lot of information on how to do this.

Posted by Emma (Wa, Usa) on 01/07/2015

Hi Pat,

Your post is a few months old, but since Bill did not reply, I thought I might chime in. Or perhaps you already got the answer you needed, but if not, here goes.

Biofilm can reside anywhere in the body where a group of pathogens will happily reside in. These pathogens will colonize within these biofilm "communities" to form a synergistic relationship through quorom sensing. In this way, these smartpants can evade the immune system or any antimicrobial agent you might throw it's way.

I am hoping that turpentine can in reality degrade biofilms, because this seems to be the key to eradicating these pathogens. Break down the house and the little guys are exposed to your killing agent. I know this because I have chronic lyme.

Good luck in your healing journey and happy 2015!

Posted by Kennywally (Midwest) on 05/16/2016 46 posts

RE: Biofilm.....mine was on my brain! Last January 2015 I did my 1st experiment with turpentine and sugar, and a small fog, enuf to notice, was lifted from my head....within seconds from ingesting the turp/sugar mix, I could feel it lifting, as if someone slowly waved a hand from the base of my skull up and over the top to the forehead and that was it, and it took all of 3-4 seconds to accomplish that, and as soon as that finished, I noticed an increase in energy. But it was a one time event. I have drank turp since, and there was no energy increase nor any lifting of fog from my brain. At the time I had no idea there was a name for this thing, til I read about it somewhere, and now I know, it's called biofilm....

Posted by Darin (Indiana) on 07/06/2018

We had a milk cow when I was a teenager. We drank milk straight from the cow everyday. My whole family has been very healthy and have aged very well. My dad is 94 years old and still going strong. This has been one of most informative threads I have ever read. Thank you for some great information.

Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 02/15/2018

I have been using some borax soap foot soaks since august . First a pinch in two gal once a week for an hour and now every other day. I have found some interest in copper and dreamed I was eating copper pennies by the handfuls. So I had read about copper pipes and had a couple pieces in the house and added them to my foot soaks....I also use a supplemental copper zinc formula but not daily. Read an interesting article by L .Wilson online about copper .Some have it stored but not available for body to use and it's considered toxic . Others are low and it causes all kinds of problems. Both conditions are deficient in the copper to help fight candida symptoms. He said chocolate cravings may be from low copper or unavailable copper . He mentioned vegans are imbalanced in this mineral. You can google copper and Dr. L Wilson and it's a long read with lots of candida insights. He also gives a lot of insights on how to get proper hair analysis to diagnose minerals . Not sure if my borax foot soaks with copper are helping but I seem to be more active lately and my attention span has improved. I wish you Well on your Journey. Love, Charity

Dosage for Children
Posted by Iowama (Iowa, Usa) on 10/04/2014


Regarding your daughter's swollen belly; I accidentally caused my granddaughter's distended belly by insisting on feeding her oatmeal with breakfast. I have a zeal about feeding kids real foods while they are in my care and I thought oats had a part in that mix. For her, they didn't. She would return home to her microwave meals and her belly would go flat again. Although you are probably right, I just wanted to add that you might have a food allergy on your hands. ~With best wishes that you find your answer.

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Melissa (New Zealand) on 01/27/2017

Hi Shereen and Leanne,

I got some from Bunnings "diggers pure gum turpentine". You can order it in if they don't stock it as most people buy the mineral turps. I have been taking it for almost a week and noticed a few good things re my body post-turps. I think this is what my body needed to kick start me back in to action again. I take it with the white sugar and it is very yummy! I was eating quite healthily pre the turps so if you're diet is not so healthy then Dr Jennifer suggests doing a cleanse first but it is up to you. If you're still not sure about ingesting turps then in my experience, I am still alive!!! It definitely is counterintuitive - sugar + turps!!!! Don't ask me why this works but it does.

Hope I was of service to you both!

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Tucker (United Kingdom) on 02/16/2017

They are exactly the same. i.e. Gum resin distilled leaving the essence of the resin. I prefered NHR as it was organic and comes with certificates of its purity.

Posted by Marie (Camas, WA ) on 08/06/2021

Use only turpentine that is 100% "spirit gum". You want to make sure it is not petroleum-based turp.

Turpentine Usage
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/19/2014

Hi Lorik...If you have serious systemic candida and other pathogenic infections in your body and if you take turpentine for the first time, you will usually always get a Herx reaction which is caused by heavy die-off of pathogens with release of poisons.

Turpentine also removes biofilms with consequent large release of stored heavy metals into the body also causing other strange symptoms. When candida in particular is killed in large numbers by the turps, there is an even heavier release of candida poisons into the body. So, for a little while, you will feel worse -- with heart palpitations, higher BP and other strange symptoms, until your body has had time to clear these poisons from the body.

So the least you should do is to incorporate additional protocols like molybdenum to neutralize the candida poisons as well as use chlorella or kelp or spirulina to help detox and transport the heavy metals out of you body safely.

I don't really think that you will get very far in you candida remedy if you just use candida-kill remedies on their own. Not enough. You will need to do much more than that and use a much wider and more focused protocol to cure serious systemic candida issues which is why I always favour a multi-protocol approach. My full anti-candida protocol is shown about a quarter way down on this EC page:


The strategy I use against candida is shown here:

Anti-Candida and Anti-Pathogen Protocols

Anti-Biofilm Protocols

Alkalizing Protocols

Essential Detox Protocols

Liver Support Protocols(Liver, Kidney and Blood Support)

Vitamin and Mineral Support (Immune System Support)

The Health Defence Diet

Posted by Nona D. (London, UK) on 04/20/2021

Thank you so much. You have answered many of my questions regarding my son's health concerns, who is autistic. Thank you again.

Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 03/10/2014

This comment is for Bill from Philippines:

Hi Bill thanks for all your wonderful research and the answer to some questions I have asked. I wanted to know if you have ever heard of anyone using turpentine to get rid of tape worm? the reference you have given has people using 15-30 millilitres followed by castor oil a half hour later. Also I see here using it in a soapy enema? Any thoughts?

Here is the text:

As a remedy against the tapeworm, the dose is from one-half to one fluid ounce (15-30 mils), followed in half an hour by castor oil; the safety of these large doses is dependent upon the catharsis sweeping out 'the bowel before the turpentine can be absorbed. It is best administered in the form of an emulsion, although it is frequently given by dropping into a teaspoonful of sugar. (J. P. C., Sept., 1873, p. 223.)

In the form of an enema the oil of turpentine is highly useful in obstinate constipation, tympanitis, and seat-worms. From one-half to two fluidounces (15-60 mils) may be added to a pint of warm soapsuds.

Thanks Bill

Turpentine Enemas
Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 03/10/2014

Has anyone heard of or tired a turpentine enema? I have not tried one. I am just very curious as I read about it in one of Bill's citations of Turpentine uses in the early part of the century. They used it for bad constipation.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Madhu (Sfo) on 02/17/2014

This question is for Bill Thompson. Thanks for your response. Is aged Turpentine pro-oxidant. And is regular Turpentine anti-oxidant?

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Bill (San Fenando, Philippines) on 02/11/2014

Hi Jere...Rectified turpentine has sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide solution added to it whereas pure gum spirits turpentine does not -- it should be made only from the sap oil of the pine tree. Also, whether the turpentine now comes from the bark or whether it comes from the wood or sap is also a bit of a grey area nowadays. For the most part, turpentine is now made as a by-product from the wood and pulp industries. My own preference is to use the distilled pure gum spirit turps without any additives(non-rectified).

Any product that is labelled "pure gum turpentine" should just contain the distilled oil from the tree bark or wood with no further additives. If you want pure gum turps that is collected only from the bark sap and that is organic -- then here is a good source:


Turpentine contains beneficial iso-pinenes, which act to help cleanse the intestines and purify the blood. Because of its blood purification capabilities. (I've been regularly taking turpentine, at one teaspoon dose, for over a year now. I don't take turps every day because my own current use of turpentine is as a preventative. Generally I take turpentine once or twice a week with castor oil and molasses (or honey).

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Redtulip (Nz) on 06/04/2014

You had this reaction because of the incorrect way of using turpentine for bath. It is not soluble in water so you must use a special emulsion in a gum turpentine base.

Also it it a special procedure not just laying in water with turpentine.

This is a link which may be useful.


Posted by Letsmakeearthgreatagain (Motherearrh) on 01/17/2022

Kerosene is derived from petroleum and turpentine is derived from the healing sap of spruce or pine trees. It is very important to use only "100% pure gum spirits". Look up turpentine videos NOT ON YOU TOOB OR GOOGLE as it is censored!!! Use bitchute to see real doctors and scientists and their real uncensored opinions!

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Deb (New Zealand) on 11/14/2021

The video link for turpentine bath says private. Can you please tell me how to view.
Thank you

Muscle and Joint Pain
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 06/20/2015

My family has used turpentine topically and internally and we have not noticed there being an odor issue. High quality turpentine smells really good anyway.

I am careful about using garlic and then going out among others but do not worry about it with turpentine.

~Mama to Many~

General Feedback
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/16/2014

Just some more information on Turpentine. In a recent email to me, Mr Prakash, whose son has severe parasite, candida and bacterial infections, describes the progress his son has made while using turpentine.

The newer research confirms that it is the toxins from the parasites and candida that interfers with a child's brain development which causes various autism spectrum disorders. So it therefore becomes paramount to rid Mr Prakash's son of these parasites and candida in order for his autism problems to improve. Mr Prakash has only been using the turpentine protocol for just over a month. Here is how he describes turpentine's effects against parasites, candida and biofilms in a recent email:

"My son has been making a steady progress [on MMS] with 1-2 worms/biofim per week. But after using Turp, has expelled almost twice as often. His behavioral gains were also very drastic. Another parent who has not seen any biofilm/worm for 3 months has started seeing worms and biofilm after a week on Turpentine

...Turp is Turpentine. It's made from pure gum spirits of pine trees. It's very effective against Biofilm/Candida which is the missing link in our [Autism] recovery protocols. It was used as a home remedy in olden days."

I also know that many people seem to have unfounded fears about turpentine that seem to me to be unjustified. And here's why:

If you look up the MSDS for gum turpentine they will never have any toxicity research available on the LD50 levels for rats or rabbits. However, if you can find an MSDS for turpentine that occurs before 1999 (when turpentine was suddenly banned as a poison for no good reason) then you will see that it has an LD50 (median kill) level on rats and rabbits of over 5000 mgs/kg. Now compare this LD50 value against the LD50 for ordinary table salt (2600 mgs/kg) and you will see that turpentine is almost two times safer (as a poison) than ordinary table salt.

Furthermore, the LD50 for turpentine is 5000 mgs/kg which means that a man weighing 100 kgs would need to drink 500 mls -- or two glass fulls -- of turpentine to cause death.

I'm only recommending one teaspoon of turpentine a day for adults.



General Feedback
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/17/2014

Hi Healthseeker...MMS is Miracle Mineral Solution or Chlorine Dioxide that was discovered by Jim Hubble. It is a pro-oxidant (rather than anti-oxidant) method of destroying pathogens. This means that it uses its free radical properties to kill pathogens. MMS is very similar to hydrogen peroxide in this respect. Unfortunately, if you are using any form of pro-oxidant protocol like MMS or hydrogen peroxide, this will always tend to deplete the anti-oxidants in your body. Generally, MMS reduces the body's anti-oxidants because pro-oxidants will always tend to react with any anti-oxidants which would tend to cancel out each other's beneficial effects.

This is why, when supplementing MMS and hydrogen peroxide, you must never take any anti-oxidants at the same time. And this is one of the reasons why MMS only tends to be effective in the body for less than an hour -- because the body naturally tends to get rid of free radicals quickly.

Turpentine is an anti-oxidant protocol that tends to kill many forms of pathogens. Turpentine therefore does not tend to deplete anti-oxidants and therefore lasts for a much longer amount of time in the body. In Mr Prakash's usage of turpentine/MMS for his young son, I also strongly advised that he should alternate the MMS and turpentine protocols on a week on, week off basis -- you should never use MMS and turpentine at he same time.

There seems to be little or no difference between kerosene and turpentine in terms of its content or healing qualities. I also believe that turpentine is the stronger verson of the two(higher iso-pinene content). I also tend to recommend turpentine because its easy -- just look for pure gum spirit of turpentine. There are many equivalents to kerosene -- mineral oils, paraffin, white spirit etc. This tends to be confusing. But turpentine is turpentine -- just look for turpentine made from the pure sap of pine trees with no additives.

Work up to the one teaspoon dose over a week or more. Start with a 1/4 teaspoon of turps. After you have been on this protocol for a month then take a rest for about a week from the protocol. And if you have serious candida issues then you will probably get Herx or die-off. If this happens then just take a day off from the protocol and do it like that.

General Feedback
Posted by Merrilee (Colfax, Ca) on 02/22/2018

Our former landlord had and accident out in the woods about two years ago and had a huge flap of skin cut away from his upper arm just above the elbow, and his wife, knowledgeable in natural remedies, "glued" it back on with Pine Pitch. We could not detect any scar where it was reportedly used. We have it in our family emergency care kit now.

Turpentine Resin vs. Oil
Posted by Stephanie (Black Mountain, NC) on 09/09/2023

Turpentine Resin vs. Oil

I've used the Diamond G Turpentine oil with great success (paired with castor oil), but I am traveling quite a bit so I am planning to purchase the "Diamond G Pine Resin" in powder form - capsulizing it and then taking it in capsule form. I think it could work well for a longer routine as turpentine tastes so...🤢 well, you know.

Inquiry: Has anyone tried this?

Rationale: I am accustomed to using resins of various trees for various formulas (also with great success). Other resins are sold in capsule form for internal use, like myrrh and frankincense. I just haven't seen this as a conversation anywhere yet.

My Plan: I'll pair the resin capsules with my castor oil capsules and see how that goes! I'll have to experiment with the dosage but I think it'll work. It'll certainly be easier to ingest and more convenient for travel.

Thought: That might work for some of you who live in other countries as well.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by jeffrey (idaho) on 07/29/2023

Terebinth Cyprus turpentine vs. Georgia Yellow Pine pure gum turpentine

Hello world!

We are all here talking about pure gum turpentine from pine tree sap ( please take with 1000mg chlorella 1 hour after drinking to bind to loose metals and forever chemicals) for amazing health and detox, but what about Dr. Daniel's comprehensive studies on the Pistacia Terebinthus or terebinth turpentine tree from the Middle east. Morocco to Spain to Turkey, even ancient Egyptians talk about the healing power of this lost information?

The two reasons I study this is I see purple spots on the elderly folks' arms and hands around me, and lately people complaining about breathing problems. I keep seeing info on this particular cyprus tree stems and leaf distilled oils helping with a whole host of benefits.

I see companies making oils from its fruit, a small pistachio nut ( all good info), but it is NOT the sap oil that the ancients refer to.

Reference to : Back Door spa christ church, NZ Dr. Daniels, Universal Healer by Walter Last

Some of the listings for Terebinth ( Turpentine )

Internal Uses for Terebinth –Turpentine

  • Modifies tracheo-bronchial secretions
  • Haemostatic ( slows down or stops bleeding )
  • Diuretic
  • Antitheumatic

Antidote to Phosphorus Poisoning



  • Chronic and Fetid Bronchitis Pulmonary TB ( lung TB)
  • Leucorrhia ( vaginal discharge)
  • Haemorrhage ( intestinal-pulmonary-uterine-haempohilia-nose bleeds )
  • Oliguria ( diuretic like effect)
  • Rheumatism ( painful body )
  • Flatulence
  • Intestinal Parasites ( especially worms )
  • Epilepsy
  • Phosporus Antidote


External Uses For Terebinth-Turpentine-

  • Parasiticide
  • Revulsive ( counter irritant or antidotal)



  • Rheumatism-Gout-Neuralgia-Sciatica
  • Scabies or Lice
  • Puerporal Infections ( bleeding under the skin –purple spots )

Internal Uses for Terebinth –Turpentine

  • Genitor-Urinary Antiseptic ( used as a douche as well injectable
  • Dissolves Gallstones
  • Antispasmodic
  • Vermifuge ( removes worms and parasites



  • Urinary and Renal Infections-cystitis urethritis ( inflammation of the urethra )
  • Puerperal Fever-( infection of the uterus after birth )
  • Gallstones
  • Dropsy (excess water retention of organs or tissue )
  • Spasms ( Colitis-whopping Cough )
  • Migraine
  • Chronic Constipation


External Uses For Terebinth-Turpentine-

  • Analgesic
  • Antiseptic



  • Atonic wounds( a slow healing wound or a damaged or weakened muscle-Sores and Gangrenous wounds
  • Leucorrhea

Laxatives to Help
Posted by Kristin (LA) on 01/03/2022

Use a tablespoon of castor oil.

Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 01/06/2022

Maybe you could put parts of your diary. I would love to read it.

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Sidney (Northland New Zealand) on 11/01/2018

Hi there.. Does anyone from New Zealand know where to purchase 100% pure pine gum turpentine from? Researched for hours on the benefits from this substance and also Bill's post as well. Bunnings sells Gum Diggers turpentine the clear liquid.. read it on here some person from Aussie was trying it...

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by TeriJackD (Madison, WI) on 10/05/2022

My guess is inflammation/blocked channels. Toxic overload. Turpentine is gonna attack all of these bad pathogens, yeast, parasites, etc. They've already boosted inflammation & excessive mucus in your body surrounding your organs, in your blood, blocking those channels. You gotta detox them first to get to the root cause to kill them off leading to preventative care. Its a long process that can be broken down & spread out over a 3 month period & then you continue on like a semi annual basis to keep up the healthy state. I struggled really bad with the detox, food elimination, and getting my water level up. Took me almost a year before being able to officially attack the source of the inflammation. Not a doctor, but hope this advice helps!

You need to flush all of your elimination pathways ... feces, skin, lungs, liver, /kidneys BEFORE taking Turpentine & It must be 100% pure gum spirits Turpentine. You flush before getting to the root cause if your illnesses ... (colon cleanse/3 bowel movements per day, skin detox/sauna helps or mineral bath or exercise to make yourself sweat profusely, herbal teas for liver/kidney flush, refrain from red meats/dairy/most grains/sugar while doing this ... can be a week, etc and finally you must be well hydrated ... drinking half your body weight in water Purified/Spring/Distilled/Ionized, etc you can diffuse water with some fruits or veggies to help the process with flushing the liver/kidneys also). You should start at a very low dosage like 3 drops on 3 sugar cubes or mixed with castor oil & build up from there. This would be week 2 or 3 depending on how well you commit to flush/washout. You may also need to incorporate a binder to assist with removing these inert toxins out of your body after using the turpentine (shilajit) & finally replace good bacteria in your gut ... pre/probiotics.

Turpentine Contraindications
Posted by Ryan (Arizona) on 12/13/2017

You shouldn't take anything 2 hrs before or after taking the turpentine. I've been using this for systemic whipples disease which causes me a lot inflammation. Recently I've noticed after taking the turpentine that it's causing me to have more inflammation. I did some research and found when injected into animals it causes inflammation in that tissue. So Idk if it's herx-reaction or if it's making the inflammation in my body worse than it already is. Can anyone shed some light on this for me please!

Where to Buy: Brazil
Posted by Ger (Rio De Janeiro) on 10/16/2017

Yes there is a good one on Mercado Livre a guy from Santa Catarina sells it, its 100% pure and it is for "laboratory use". I am currently taking it

Multiple Cures
Posted by Hi Sea (United States) on 06/22/2018

Hi Ann! Sorry, I just see your message today. Anything I can help with? I'm on Round 3 now!

Turpentine in the Ears
Posted by Art (California ) on 08/03/2017 2165 posts

I've used pine needle essential oil in my ears, which is very similar to 100% pure gum turpentine and yes, it definitely "burned" for a while. I've also used straight peppermint essential oil in my ears and while it did have a "burn" to it, it was much less than the pine needle oil and definitely more tolerable! If you want to lessen the burn, jojoba oil may be worth adding to either essential oil.


Poor Circulation
Posted by Healer (U.S. ) on 09/05/2021

Try DMSO where turpentine does not work. Just make sure the skin is clean and you can use the DMSO for a transdermal delivery system for other drugs. Just make sure you only use the purest forms of medicine or distilled water when mixing and meds with DMSO.

Turpentine and Gut Flora
Posted by Chris (Midwest, Usa) on 08/31/2017

I heard Doctor Daniels say it doesn't harm good gut flora. In fact she said it causes the optimum balance of good/bad bacteria in the gut.

Topical Application of Turpentine
Posted by Rich (Texas) on 02/20/2017

Mixed in 10% olive oil to turp topical absorption method which minimizes turp fumes and may improve absorption by minimizing evaporation of volatile oil on skin. Comments appreciated.

Scalp Infection
Posted by Mj (Washington, Mo) on 03/17/2018

Try using heated sea salt wrapped in a cloth that's bearable to the touch heat-wise. Heat the salt in a pot until it starts to crackle like rice crispies. Then wrap it in a towel and saturate it a bit with turpentine and hold it against the bump/abrasion. The salt will help to penetrate the abscess and it will draw whatever is in there out. Could be something from all the chemtrails they're spraying in the air, in your skin or a skin parasite. Either way, it's healing for the skin among many other things.

Posted by Deb (Usa) on 06/03/2017 12 posts

Try MMS at night and turpentine in am, keep taking vitality caps.

Posted by Marcia Lee (Florida) on 07/20/2017

Bentonite clay & Coffee Enemas can help get you through the detox symptoms.

Posted by B. (Egypt) on 05/31/2022

Turpentine does not kill. It irritates intensely.
As it is a solvent and as it penetrates tissues it makes parasites run away from it.
Turpentine will go to the lungs via blood, this forces the germs to migrate elsewhere. Keep dosing until they crawl out of you.

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 11/14/2016 2063 posts

John: Congrats on the cleanse. Backing up a bit, all those doses of Ascaris meds apparently not doing any good, admits that it was likely fluke or tapeworm you're dealing with. So when you go to Dr., don't go radical with your can of Turpentine as this product is warned by the federal authorities as a "dangerous, hazardous chemical" and is warned against human consumption.

Don't consider yourself out of the woods just yet, your visible samples are likely only a myriad of stages or juveniles and the adult is still alive. The worst case would be an adult tapeworm. I am not certain a colon endoscopy would revel an adult T.W. as they usually lodge in the upper intestine, but something you need to consider.

Let us know of your progress.

Posted by Tj (Florida) on 02/12/2017

The turpentine sold in Walmart is not to be taken internally.

Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/11/2020

Research copper. Zinc lowers copper and copper lowers zinc so stay aware. Zinc is for colds and viruses and taste and smell. Copper is for hair color and parasites. I take both with a good mineral balance.

Posted by Myriam (Miami, Fl) on 03/30/2024

I learned you're only supposed to use pure gum spirits not turpentine from the hardware store, but that was an amazing experience you had!!

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Judy (Sherman Oaks) on 06/23/2017

Hi Enjera, you said you felt like you wanted to kill someone after you took the turpentine. have you ever taken medication in the past? I am wondering if those feelings were a cleaning out of some meds, just a thought. thanks.

Posted by Lisa M (California ) on 05/24/2021

We ingested this as children. What was added to it was sugar. It took care of worms in our bodies and other parasites, I didn't have any problems with bad feet until I got older and stopped taking it..

Now I wish I hadn't stopped taking it because my feet are so bad that I can barely walk on my heels. I have burning pain, so I will go back to what my mom did as I was a child and keep it that way.

Posted by Kennywally (Midwest) on 03/23/2016 46 posts

Speaking to the issue of Turpentine. I drank turpentine on more than one occasion, and it did not poison me in any way shape or form....tis scaretactics and vicious rumor to chase away those folks who are easily intimidated. jan, 2015...these are my notes I wrote down after ingesting turpentine [

turpentine experiment

aprox 530 pm sunday eve, jan, 18th, 2015

I took 3 sugar cubes and soaked them in turpentine,

added it to heated black coffee and tried to drink it down

I could only get down a few sips.

it did taste a bit like licorice as I was drinking it

but I stopped as the taste was a bit strong for me, this was new and

perhaps I was better off taking it slow, rather that the dosage the doctor tried and found effective, which was the full 3 cubes, soaked, twice a week.

so I'm just gonna sit here a bit and see what happens.

I'll decide later if I'm gonna drink more or not.



about 550pm I sipped a bit more, coffee was cooler, it still tasted not so great but I did it anyways.

I may have actually sipped a third of it.


about 650pm I drank some more, about 2 3rds gone now
no ill feelings, was a little grumbling in the beginning
but nothing very noticeable on rest of sips

head seemed to clear up a bit [ fogbrain lifted and energy better ]...shall see what else develops


sat 24th jan, 2015 110pm

1.5tsp turp to 1T molasses
first took some molasses on tongue, then spooned up the turp/molasses mixture and got it down easy.

nothing noticeable, doing it to kill candida.

So, from my memory of the event, there was a slight fog lifted from my head/brain. it was like slowly waving my hand from my neck to my forehead and that was as fast as the fog lifted from me, just like that, and I felt immediately energized. I drank it again but never repeated those effects of the fog lifting, nor getting energized, that was a one time event. I read somewheres later on, that that fog lifting was known as a BIO_FILM, made by parasite to protect itself from attacks. I can't prove that, but I experienced something just the same. and that's my testimony!!!

Posted by Mike (Usa) on 01/24/2016

Taking ALA twice a day only, at high dose, can damage a metal toxic person. I know I've tried it. The Cutler protocol is what I now follow and I'd recommend someone with a high heavy metal load to check it out. you could likely do both Bill's and the Cutler protocol together - not at the same time - but one helps the other. From what I've read, it's impossible to get well if you are heavy metal toxic.

Posted by Faeqa ( Amman, Jordan) on 10/19/2015 66 posts

Hi: While am searching for cancer cure yesterday I found sites talking about using kerosene in Europe in the past century for curing all kind of cancer, and a lot of ancient books mention it.

Online u can find a lot of information about the dosages, one of these pages is this: http://www.health-science-spirit.com/kero.htm

If any body like to try it please let us know what he found.

Posted by Jessie (La) on 04/28/2018

Be careful, there are two types of turpentine: Medicinal and the type in a Hardware Store. Use only the medicinal for health, the other is toxic to you if used internally.

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 06/06/2015 2063 posts

M: You can add other natural antibiotics like liquid Neem Extract (is the one I use w/ Turp) to sugar cubes then add the Turpentine. To help remove the pathogens from the colon take a spoon of Milled Flax Seeds before or after the Turp. To further improve this treatment, incorporate the use of a Zapper about 30 min after Turp/Neem/Flax.

Aloe Vera is also good for removing pathogens from the gut lining. Other natural antibiotic herbs you can take are Garlic, Berberine, Oregano, Grapefruitseed, Pau De Arco.

Posted by Shay (Czech Republic) on 06/06/2015

Candida requires a total elimination of sugar in every form from your diet to kill it from your system. No Bread, potatoes, fruits... Lots of water, vegetables, lean meats. No grains. Your symptoms should decrease with consistency.

Posted by Marika (Czech Republic) on 07/26/2015

Thank you for your opinions. But I still believe that if turpentine is supposed to dissolve biofilms and kill candida than I should be feeling something if I take it. I did follow the diet very strictly at the beginning but I felt I only got worse. I belive that the body needs sugar and if you have none, it can result in a lot of harm. And many opinions say that sugar from fruit is absorbed and used by the body much faster before it can feed candida. Maybe the problem is that the turpentine just doesn't reach the large intestine? I mean, some people have a few drops on sugar and immediatly run to the toilet and I have upped the dose to a table spoon - as recommended on some sites and I still feel absolutely nothing. Maybe it just requires more time for the biofilms to dissolve? Any thoughts? I just can't accept the idea that I will be like this for the rest of my life. There has to be something!!!

Posted by Lisa (FL) on 01/14/2024

This has been a while, but I take Tea tree oil, 2 drops, 3 x a day in a capsule, filled with olive oil for a week. I have not noticed any issues. Also, some take it with extra fat, such as coconut oil to protect the stomach.

Turpentine and Breastfeeding
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 06/08/2015 2063 posts

J: To my knowledge there is no current exact science as to the degree of permeability of T in the body (cells). It is always supposed to work very well especially in the digestive tracts; but there is evidence that T goes all over the body as I and others have found positive relief from T bursting biofilms in infected bone tissues. I also have needed to do Kidney support or cleansing fallowing taking T as I experienced much die-off symptoms.

So, it appears the T will indeed find it's way into the breatmilk. If you have a good sense of smell you may be able to detect any T in a container of fresh milk. As for directions, it is simply a matter of moderation, although T does not seem to be toxic or harmful.

For more info read the E.C. page on T here https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/turpentine-kerosene.html

Red Pine Needle Oil
Posted by Steve (Beaverton, Oregon) on 04/08/2015

Wow... OK... I'll try the Borax with the tea instead of the Borax alone.

Where do I get the GS Herb?

Also... it says to add the herb and drink. So does that mean I drink the herb (i.e., in the full drink) without steeping it first?

... and if I do the tea with the Borax, I don't have to do the Borax separately, is that correct?

Man... I just want to do this right. I've used the 'shotgun' approach to addressing my candida over the past 20 years, and I've only seriously pissed it off... and have only gotten worse. My head is terrible (13 years in the making). I'm ready to get cured.

Posted by Gigi815 (Edison) on 03/10/2015

I meant also to say that I cannot take the turp on sugar cubes or sugar. Chewing on the cubes is like chewing glass for me. I've been putting the turp into a small glass with some milk or Gatorade and just drink it down. I figure the sugar in that would carry it. I will be trying it with the castor oil but I have to put that in Gatorade too.....just can't stomach the straight sugar or castor oil.

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 10/22/2016 2063 posts

J: The Turpentine often passes in feces or urine which is not a problem per se. I have used T often over last couple yrs and while don't have the odor in feces do have it in urine and usually need to drink extra water to keep the Kidneys going.

E.C.'s Bill recommends Castor Oil with Turpentine for intestinal parasite removal. So, for paras outside the intestines you would not use the Castor Oil. But do drink extra liquids for the Kidneys.

Posted by Kristina (Pennsylvania) on 09/24/2022

I too have cured hypothyroidism by ridding my body of parasites.

Turpentine in the Nose
Posted by Caley (Usa) on 01/26/2015

I believe the nasa nasal emollient was this. http://www.ponaris.net/. I had a doctor give me a sample before and was reminded of it when I recently tried my first teaspoon of turpentine. It contains pine oil so maybe that's why it is so similar.

Turpentine Contraindications
Posted by Susan (Louisiana, US) on 02/01/2015

I'm curious if the turpentine has helped lyme? I've got it and I'm researching alt treatments.

Posted by Jamie (Austin, Mn) on 02/05/2016

Yes, stop the terp and do a liver detox...Wilson's organic coffee. I have been doing them since kinda and am in awe of the shoulder pain decreasing more than 50%. I have schluermans kyphosis. Now I know I can be healed of that too.

Posted by Nancy (Dallas, Tx) on 11/15/2016

You're probably detoxing. Drink a lot of water after you take it.

Posted by Passenger On The Healing Train (Uk) on 02/14/2018

HI - just responding to the request for reactions to turps. I was really excited at the thought of this wonder cure and took turps + coconut oil + molasses when I was quite ill from Candida/flu/IBS/mystery gut changes* a couple of weeks ago. As I seemed to have nothing but turps burps as a consequence I thought I'd better be more exact and ordered some castor oil (the cheap stuff is unobtainable in pharmacies here, and I wasn't going to pay health shop prices, so I got it on ebay - organic and good). I've spent the last two weeks preparing- alkalising, using Ted's borax protocol, supplements (Vits C, B comp, K + acidophilus, + oregano oil + glutamine + lecithin + milk thistle + que pedra tea, gymnema sylvestre tea, chrysanthemum tea, + no sugar. I've also been trying borax and epsom salt baths, [I've listed this as some readers on EC seem to like detail - general diet is below**])

So this morning I took the turps, CO, BSMolasses combo and felt all excited about having BMs filled with pathogens/parasites but again nothing, no great expulsion. Did have a few waves of internal tension - quite severe at the peak. I guess this was the fungus 'panicking in fear of the turpentine'. I followed this with eating spirulina (I think it is the 'same' as chlorella for heavy metal attachment - could anyone clarify if this is so? Mine is in the form of a powder, l-eugh! ). I hope that I haven't just sent the fungus to the furthest corners of my bod...

My primary reaction, though is 'eurgh don't like the taste or texture of this combo', and I'd rather take it transdermally. After 3 hours the desired result - and a BM similar to the sort you get when you do a liver cleanse. I just had to be patient.

I have 3 Qs for EC readers - has anyone tried turpentine 'packs' - like castor oil packs? Perhaps with turps mixed in with the castor oil? How did they work out? Some people say 3 meals a day, others say 5 or 6. I'm a bit confused about what's best, and am trying to regularise my food intake and restrict it to a 'food window' (thanks EC) - so what is best 3 or 6?

Also - another question about hydration. I know we are supposed to drink 2L/8 glasses a day - but can this be in the form of herbal tea (can we count in our Bicarbonate of Soda + lemon + water here?) or does it have to be 2 L as well as herbal tea? Your help on this would be much appreciated. * I have IBS and occasional YIs. These have started to recur and so I think that Candida is the culprit. I also have spent a bit of time in 'exotic' locations, sometimes eating street food and probably picked up bugs, I know I had "India belly" in India, dysentery - possibly with amoebas, "Bangkok belly" in Thailand, "Egypt Belly" in Cairo, and "Beijing Belly" in China - so violent it produced a haemorrhoid! (Since healed, thankfully). I have used wormwood and balanced out naturally after the incidents but recently was struck down with the mystery gut thing which caused great fatigue.

This first happened about 2 months ago whereupon I stopped smoking (I had a 7-8 a day habit). A few weeks after this I had another mystery gut thing which even enemas couldn't shift, and I took this as a sign to make changes and immediately dropped coffee, alcohol, and steadily sugar. BMs have become increasingly the focus of my attention (! ) and I have been trying to regularise them. The loss of fruit from following the anti-Candida protocol (I'd normally eat 3 - 5 pieces a day) has reduced my fibre and I am experiencing being backed up quite frequently, in spite of eating much cabbage and greens. I am enjoying all the positive effects of making changes, particularly the development of a taste for savoury foods, and appreciation of those flavours, but having to crash with fatigue a couple of times most days. **I'm vegan, I eat tofu every other day and pulses on alternate days, fresh veg, cooked/steamed, and soups. Coconut/olive oil for frying. In stir fry I use ginger, garlic and fennel. Most meals are topped with 'Natch' (nutritious yeast - dried). I do have grains for breakfast, with chia/ flax seed/psyllium husk. Lately been mixing with spirulina, soy yoghurt and I eat a lot of nuts. I have gluten free bread (max 2 slices a day) and ryvita (ditto). Since giving up fruit, I've also upped the quantity of veg including cucumber and celery. I am a bit of a grazer and am trying to restrict my intake to set meal and snack times. I use a water filter and make teas from herbs: mint, sage and bay, and spices: fennel, turmeric, ginger, caraway, and add black pepper, cinnamon. In a day I am drinking 4 - 6 mugs of herbal tea, 1 mug golden milk, 2 - 3 mugs of dandelion coffee, 2 glasses alkalising water, 2 - 3 glasses water.

Now you know everything about me!

Dosage for Children
Posted by Saquita (Buffalo, New York) on 10/03/2014

Greetings All, I am a mom of 4 beautiful children and we are all in a health crisis. I've been reading about parasites and I know this to be the culprit. My 3 year old has already had her adenoids removed. I have refused the doctor to take out her tonsils, which are huge. Also, her belly is dissented and she craves sugar..I know that there is a better way. I'm not sure of the doses I should be using. Can you please enlighten me on this topic.

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