Natural Remedies

Top 8 Natural Candida Remedies for Effective Relief

Reader Theories
Posted by LC (Chicago) on 03/17/2006

I would like to say that there are a lot of myths about candida. For one, they say vinegar is bad. I did a lot of research and found out that VINEGAR KILLS YEAST/MOLD, as per a scientific study. I wrote to the doctor who did the study. He used red wine vinegar and it killed over 90 percent of mold and mildew. Second, I now found that there is a candida antibody titer test that will medically determine via blood tests whether or not you have candida. I will post again after I go through the regimen my new doctor, who did the antibody test, recommends. I'll let you know how it goes.

Boric Acid
Posted by April (Steubenville) on 01/27/2006

Make your own boric acid suppositories by filling size 00 gelatin capsules. insert one capsule in the vagina at bedtime for 2 weeks. To prevent a recurrent infection, boric acid can be used twice a week for 6mo. to 1 year. I am 37 yrs old and put up with chronic yeast infections for the past 10 yrs. I tried this treament after every medication had failed. I have been yeast fee for almost a year! This really works, I told my gynocologist about this treatment and he is now letting this patients in on the cure! You can go to a website to read more about it.

Boric Acid
Posted by Joc (New Orleans, La) on 10/16/2009

They sell a natural bacterial vaginosis remedy in the feminine section of the drugstore that is primarily boric acid with some other herbs mixed in. I took this remedy (with little result) but experienced no ill effects from the boric acid. It was there right next to the OTC yeast infection remedies. I guess it is to restore the PH balance

Posted by Sarah Kay (Jerusalem, Israel)

I had candida yeast infection so bad that I landed in the hospital -- it went to my head, and ears and and eyes and...causing profuse vomiting for days. The doctors were baffled. Of course for most of them, candida is a made up illness. In NJ, doctors can't list it as a diagnosis cause it doesn't exist. No, doc, it wasn't Meniere's, or an imbalance in the ear canal nor any of the other guesses that you took, it was the genuine article: Candida Albicans. As a result of their not knowing, I went home untreated (except that the night duty nurse tried to give me the heart patient's medication) and treated it myself: I took a series of 10 colonics followed by ozone rectal insufflations which stopped the yeast dead. The ozone killed all the little nasty buggers hiding internally and flooded them with ozone/oxygen. I ate no sugar, flour, dairy or yeast products for a year. Two weeks ago I had my first dose of regular whole wheat yeasted bread and bada bing: no swelling, no itching, no bags under my eyes, no tingles. I recommend a few colonics a year followed by the ozone insufflations, just to make sure!

Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Tamara (Oregon) on 06/22/2022

Do you find that there is a specific time of day that works best?

Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Heather (UK) on 06/24/2022

I would really like to know what time of day do you take the brewer's yeast?

The other question did you start off with a smaller dose and work up to the amount you take now?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 10/01/2016 2063 posts

B: I would drop the H2O2 treatment for now and try other natural remedies like Coconut Oil, Oregano. There are many types infection in the gut so don't assume for sure it's candida only.

Essential Oils
Posted by Tess (Jerome) on 02/01/2016

I followed an essential oil protocol which totally vaporized the candida in my system in 4 months.

There were several things of note as I did the protocol: I felt much better in about 3 weeks, then worse, then it seemed like the fungus was gone - but it wasn't - and that's exactly when you need to stay on the protocol for at least 6 weeks-2 months more. What happens is that the candida goes into "hiding" as it tries not to be eradicated. It will hide anywhere it can in the body, but if you keep going you will out it. Then, you will start to see more elimination/detox happening as the candida tries to fight the death grip happening to it. For me, I was in the throes of the nastiness for about one month. Finally, the internal nastiness was over and then my skin showed signs of candida. This was the final stage for me. It was as though it was coming all the way out and when it got to the skin layer it was near its end.

While I did the candida protocol I also was attacking other bacteria and parasites with different oils. I was clear and clean from these things all told within 6 months. At that point I then proceeded with chemical/metal detoxing and it was a relative breeze.

Some of the oils: lemon, orange internally. Bay leaf for circulation (on my feet and legs), wormwood oil, myhrr and clove, and oregano all on the balls of my feet. Layer the oils onto your feet one at a time - do not pre-mix them.

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 11/15/2015 2063 posts

M: The MolyB will also help detox aldehyde toxins produced by the fungus (which is a big contributor of headache). Also take any form of Niacin w/ the MolyB for maximum effect.

As for MSM, adding about equal amounts of Vit-C makes for a much more powerful antibiotic.

Three other good natural remedies for fungal/candida issues is ACV, Coconut Oil, and Iodine.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gretchen (Las Vegas, USA) on 07/23/2015

I went straight to ACV for Candida. I've never felt better! My sugar and caffeine cravings have been gone for over a year! I start each day with 1 tbsp ACV in a glass of warm/hot water and at night too for better sleep! I also add 2 tbsp of ACV to my regular bottled water with a couple packets of stevia. Tastes like lemon aid and gives me an afternoon boost.

Posted by Andrew (India) on 06/11/2015

I was suffering from a lot of "candida" problems and tried all possible remedies from vinigar to h2o2 and even bleach, to no longterm relief. After coming to India I was told by someone NEEM was a secret cure for most candida issues. I am currently on neem pills (google It) very inexpensive. I started with 1 pill after a week 2 pills and now 3 pills a day and sure enuff the candida is dying away. I want to share this with all of you suffering from candida and wish you a healthy happy life.

Remember you will need to take activated charcoal pills (available at drug store) in the begining to balance the dieoff symptoms. After your blood becomes saturated with the neem your blood will become antifungal. :)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 04/08/2015

HI U BILL, , , , , , thanks for your response especially about inhaling turpentine. I would have thought my Ozone ear insuffiliation would have gotten the area you mentioned . None the less, I copied and pasted your post.

I was reared in the Sweat South and was a half ass athlete.... so I know about Jock Itch and kept it until I was in my thirties. I hunted squirrels in the 70's in the Little River bottoms below Broken Bow, Oka. and we hunted them in late August when it was 105 degrees in the shade. Folks always ask, why don't you wait until it cools off. Well, if you want to catch 8 squirrels up a hickory nut tree , then you have to hunt when there are 8 squirrels up a hickory nut tree. That leads to my rattlesnake story which I will tell in another post.

Naturally after the first day's hunt your crotch was chapped bad and you hunted bow legged the next day. Since I's SJS, I figured that the sweat running through the crack in my rear was causing the problem so from then on I packed my fanny with toilet tissue and the problem went away.

I still kept the Jock Itch and figured that it was due to the sweat and so for the last 40 years I pack my fanny every morning with toilet tissue and guess what? I have not had the Jock Itch in 40 years.

I know this is rude and crude, but when you read the numerous post on EC about this problem, I finally decided to pass my little secret on. Our grandson plays football and I know he has this problem. Anyway, when I told our daughter-in-law how to help with this , , , , , , she belly laughed. I did not take offense because she was Yankee reared and they can't help it. That's just the way they are.

If it's so great up there why are they moving South by the droves?


Coconut Oil
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 04/06/2015

Hi Pam...You're absolutely right about L-2-Hydroxycaproic acid(LHCA) and isomer properties. What I should have made clear is that LHCA is an oxidant or is the oxidant form of caproic acid and, as confirmed from the research, this oxidant form is highly beneficial against candida.

The other thing to remember about caproic acid(or any ingested nutrient) is that when you ingest it as food, it will not necessarily stay as caproic acid but, while travelling throughout the body, will inevitably undergo many chemical changes due to chemical reactions including oxidation and reducton reactions. So LHCA may more simply be regarded as the oxidized form of caproic acid.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is another one with a useful oxidant form called dehydroxyascorbic acid(DHAA). The hydroxy portion means that it contains a hydroxyl radical which therefore also makes it an oxidant. DHAA is actually more useful than ascorbic acid because it is a glucose mimic and is absorbed in larger amounts and faster via the glucose pathways(GLUT1) of the body whereas ascorbic acid or ascorbate uses the slower and limiting sodium transporters. So DHAA is able to reach cells quicker and in larger amounts than ordinary vitamin C. Once inside the cell the DHAA is then easily converted from the hydroxy or oxidant form into the more useful ascorbate(anti-oxidant form) by glutathione(anti-oxidant).

I am also a firm believer that a healthy body needs the correct balance in terms of oxidants/anti-oxidants. Generally, anti-oxidants are used as essential enzyme cofactors in the many important metabolic processes of the body. Oxidants in the body are also used for essential jobs like respiration and energy as well as in helping the immune system fight invading pathogens. Phagocytes and neutrophils convert chlorides and iodides to hypochlorous acid(oxidant) and hypoiodous acid(oxidant) respectively in order to destroy bacteria, fungus and viruses. In this same immune process hydrogen peroxide(oxidant) is also generated from vitamin c and is sprayed out into the blood to kill the pathogens as well. So you could also perhaps say that vitamin c is a safe way to actually store hydrogen peroxide(an oxidant) in the body.

Regarding your cholesterol and high blood problems, I think that higher dose niacin should help you here. Indeed, I have noticed that many drugs companies are now all incorporating niacin together with statins into their pills in order to make statins more respectable. So, instead, I would come off the statins and just start taking higher dose niacin(flush form) or inositol hexanicotinate(non-flush form) on its own -- at least 500 mgs twice a day.

I'm also not sure whether you have been following a candida protocol. My current anti-candida protocol is shown here.

I've also said often enough that systemic candida involves two dimorphic forms of candida: the yeast form and the fungal form. I've also recently come to the conclusion that there are two forms of systemic candida. The first systemic form is where the yeast form dominates the body and the second systemic form is where the fungal form dominates. The fungal form is by far the most virulent form and the most difficult form to cure.

So it may be that that the fungal form is dominating your body -- this makes it harder to cure. What I would do is simply buy some organic Gymnema sylvestre tea(GST) and drink this tea at least 4 times a day. GST acts to reduce blood sugar and also acts significantly to completely inhibit the transformation of the yeast candida form into the fungal form. In other words, GST strongly inhibits the fungal form. So, in this respect, drinking the GST every day should therefore help to greatly reduce the virulence and dominance of the fungal candida form leaving just the yeast form. The yeast or local candida form is much easier to cure.

I would also get a hair analysis. This will tell you your heavy metal and halide status and will also tell you what nutrients you are lacking in your diet. If you find that you have excessive high copper and low levels of zinc, glutathione, magnesium and low B vitamins(especially B6) then this will perhaps also confirm at least some further reasons for the fungal candida form dominating your body.

Posted by Cindy (Usa) on 03/23/2015

Hi bill, I have been reading about serrapeptase being good to dissolve ear-system and urinary tract biofilm as seen on this site:

I was wondering if/how you would recommend taking it? Thanks for now.

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/23/2015

Hi Cindy...If you want to get rid of candida biofilm then you should use a product like Theramedix or Candidase. These not only contain serrapeptase to get rid of biofilm but they also contain active hemicellulase enzymes. The serrapeptase will dissolve biofilms and expose the candida while the hemicellulase enzyme reduces excess intestinal mucus and dissolves candida cell walls(made of chitin) thus killing the candida.

With turpentine it is even easier. Turpentine is a paint thinner which means it dissolves polymers. Candida attaches its biofilms to the host using polymers. So that's why turpentine is easily able to dissolve candida polymers and so detach and remove the boifilm from the host cells. What's more, turpentine kills candida as well as killing a wide range of other pathogen species. This action by turpentine applies mainly to the biofilms in the intestines.

Just take the recommended dosages given on the bottle. See here and here for the dosages of Candidase and Theramedix respectively.

Posted by Sharon (Utah) on 02/24/2022

Hi, I have struggled with allergies, sinusitis, etc. But, I had my gall bladder out when I was very young, and I believe it has affected my immune fighting balance. I don't have the ability to break down fats, and the bile seems to keep fungus and bacteria at bay. I have been in the health food industry for years and I have tried many things but have not cured the problem yet.

And, interestingly enough when I have had to take antibiotics somehow I always feel better. That is because it is killing all of the bad bacteria. I have found a new remedy that I have tried as a result of getting Omicron, Hydrogen Peroxide. I have had tremendous mucous problem. So I am now (thanks to EC) doing HP in my ears, 3 drops. Just started but it seemed to make a difference right away. I am hopeful. I have been putting it in my humidifier too. My biggest problem is getting the good bacteria. I have tried it all. I love yogurt plain, but it's dairy and it seems counterproductive, mucous. Thanks.

Throat Clearing
Posted by Bill (San Fernando) on 02/24/2015

Hi Mary...In answer to you question -- yes, candida can directly infect the lungs(and so can aspergillus or mold) if your immune system is compromised.

Borax is perhaps the ultimate fungal killer, but your lung problems seems to be due to persistent, excess mucus in your bronchial and throat region. There several things you can take to help reduce the excess phlegm in these regions. Here are some options for you:

* Take 1/2 tspn sea salt in a glass of water in the morning every day(Ted's remedy).

* Take 1/2 teaspoon xylitol in water 2 or 3 times a day(Ted's remedy). Xylitol can sometimes feel acidic when you take it so if this happens just take 1/4 tspn sodium bicarbonate with some water to reduce the acidity.

* What helps to clear my own lung and nose mucus is lugol's iodine which is in my protocol. Excess iodine in the blood tends to accumulate in the alveoli or small air sacs of the lungs -- so iodine will both help to reduce the mucus as well as kill any pathogen, including yeast, that is residing in the lung region causing you problems.

All the above remedies will help to reduce and clear sputum from the lungs and throat. And they all kill fungus as well.

If you find that you have a serious lung infection causing these excess sputum problems then I would perhaps use Bill Munro's Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method(using an atomizer or nebulizer) -- shown here. For this I would be careful to use the 0.5 % FG Hydrogen Peroxide strength that Ted recommends.

I had a persistent tickly cough with excess phlegm that was causing me some grief some while ago because I couldn't sleep well. It kept going away and coming back. I tried everything but it lasted weeks. In the end, I came to the conclusion that the virus or whatever was hiding so I made sure to disinfected the following regions where pathogens can easily hide away from the immune system and from anti-pathogn nutrients:

* Ears

* Nose and sinuses

* The cavity directly behind the rear nose opening which is above the throat.

Everyday I disinfected my nostrils with four drops of lugols iodine mixed with a capful of water. I used a dropper and put this mix into each nostril and made sure it ran all the way back into the cavity behind the nose to kill all residual pathogens there. You could also use a neti pot for this as well. I sometimes used drops of 1% hydrogen peroxide(HP) with a dropper as well.

I either used 1% HP or Lugol's Iodine(with a capful of water) to disinfect my ears.

The persistent infection causing the tickly cough and excess phlegm in my throat disappeared completely within 2 days.

Antifungal Foods for Candida
Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 02/14/2015

Timh, thank you for the great suggestions. I will definitely try these. I am especially intrigued by the sixth one, although all of them are very informative. Besides the wormwood combination, I have never tried any of these.

Antifungal Foods for Candida
Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 02/14/2015

I boil vegetables because I have a hard time digesting them raw, probably a gallbladder issue. Steaming might be also a good idea, thought I do not have a steamer.

I admit that eating that many Brussel sprouts is highly unpractical, nor is it enjoyable.

I am a great fan of Indian cuisine so I might try this one. Though I kind of like the smell of boiled cauliflower.

Antifungal Foods for Candida
Posted by Dee (Melbourne, FL) on 03/07/2023

You seem to contradict yourself. You say to make stews or soups for ideal consumption of diet yet you say not to boil veggies and should eat them raw? HUUHHHHHH???? Stews and soups is not raw. Plus I've NEVER witnessed or heard of eating Asparagus raw. Cooking veggies actually activates nutrients as well. Plus how will your digestive system break down all of that fiber? Too much. Maybe suggest juicing the raw veggies. Maybe?

Clogged Ears
Posted by Juliana (Edmonton) on 03/22/2016

Hi Amy,

I had my ears clogged and nose stuffed and sinus were hurting and my hearing went down.I used 4 drops of Lugol Iodine in filtered water and rinsed my nose with special nasal bottle. For my ears, I dipped the Q tip in Lugol/iodine(the same solution I used for the nose) water and kept it for a few hours every day in my ears.It helped me greatly. Along with this I am doing Bill Thompson's Candida protocol. Blessings

Gentian Violet
Posted by Terri (Montana, US) on 01/27/2015

Has anyone used Gentian Violet internally for candida since it is an anti-fungal like methylene blue? Thank you in advance.

Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 12/29/2014

Bill, thank you for the quick reply and advice. I had a hard time figuring out the reasons behind UTI and back problems, but your explanation is convincing. I will implement the suggested remedies.

Candida Detoxing Symptoms
Posted by Bill (San Fernando) on 12/26/2014

Hi Shadel...Whenever you detox with candida issues it's fairy normal to get skin and other problems as detox symptoms. These skin problems can arise from excessive heavy metal detox or because of excessive fluorine or bromine detox in the body.

I cannot say exactly for sure what is causing your problems but the favourite cause for both skin issues with dry mouth or a metallic taste in the mouth while detoxing is usually associated with excessive bromine detox symptoms while supplementing lugols iodine. Normally people get these skin and dry mouth issues because they do not take the full Iodine Protocol that is advised. If you have excessive bromine in your body with skin issues then you should also take the Salt Loading Protocol(shown lower down on the page) together with the Iodine Protocol which will greatly reduce symptoms like skin problems because the chloride in the salt binds to the bromine for easy and fast riddance via the urinary pathway. Furthermore, the Iodine companion nutrients in the protocol all help to reduce and minimize these common and various detox symptoms.

Skin rashes can also occur because of excessive heavy metal detox. Many of the autistic kids that I've been working with always initially get skin rashes when they start the detox protocols. These types of rashes tend to heal and go away after a short while as they continually reduce the heavy metals in their body using the protocol.

If you want to know your heavy metal and bromine/fluorine status then just get a hair analysis done. This is much cheaper than going to the doc.

B Vitamins
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 12/18/2014

Hi Cindy...I would simply take the B50 complex as recommended. You should only purchase the form that is made from the synthetic type of B Vitamins, which is not made from the yeast forms. Generally, on the bottle it should say something like "derived from yeast". This form should be avoided if you have candida. The B vitamins are necessary for proper digestion, blood, nerves etc. If you also have difficult digestion problems then then I would simply try taking this protocol.

To help cure the insomnia(from the candida waste poisons) I would ensure to alkalize the body at least twice a day using Ted's lemon/lime or ACV with baking soda protocol. Last thing at night I would also take a half teaspoon of baking soda with water. This helps to neutralize poisons in the blood and also helps to maintain favorable and healing levels of pH in the body. Niacin or niacinamide(500 mg twice a day) will also help to relax you and also helps to kill the fungus. Magnesium Chloride or Magnesium Citrate are also useful for relaxing the body(250mg twice a day).

Supplementing 25 mgs of sodium molybdate in water every day(as Ted recommends) will also help to neutralize and reduce the candida waste toxin problems in your body. Take this dosage every day for two weeks and then take a week off the protocol. See this research. I am also aware that sodium molybdate can be difficult to find on the internet but I have seen it for sale on

Eating grain-based foods seems to cause Americans many problems and that's because grains not only contain gluten but they also contain dangerous pesticides. And all grains in America are now grown as GMO crops. Have a look at what Dr Serilini's long term research study, recently republished(because Monsanto couldn't stop The Truth), has to say on GMO maize to see what Monsanto's Roundup Ready grain weedkiller/GM brands do to your body in the longterm -- especially if you are female. So not only will American wheat cause gluten and other problems in the body but wheat also contains carbohydrates which are converted to sugars in the body. Sugar feeds candida and helps it to spread rapidly. All bad, in other words.

So, in America, we eat a huge variety of plastic chemical food products that act to poison the body and you pay the agricultural chemical companies handsomely for that distinct privilege. This makes Americans sick and diseased. Then we go to our doctors who recommend drugs(more synthetic poisons) and we are confused as to why they can't cure us. But we never argue because they are supposed to be the experts -- right?

Essentially it's the drug media propaganda machine(brainwashing) vs. your own direct experience and common sense and you shouldn't need a double blind placebo study costing millions to work that one out.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Timh (KY) on 12/05/2014 2063 posts

One can also supplement "hormone free" desiccated Thyroid tablets for the rebuilding of the gland without sudden increase in T levels. This method should result in a slow improvement of the gland. I would not shy from taking the "hormone free" along w/ the Armor as they should work very well together.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Bill (San Fernando) on 12/05/2014

Hi Cleopatra...In answer to your questions:

1. My nutritionist is pushing kelp over Lugol's; how do I explain why Lugol's is superior to Kelp when fighting Candida?

Kelp is a very useful nutrient but I'm afraid that you will need much more iodine than the microgram dosages that kelp can provide to both kill candida or to heal the thyroid or satisfy the whole body's need for iodine/iodide. The thyroid gland optimally stores 50 mgs of iodine tops. The rest of the body needs to store 1, 500 mgs on a daily basis for optimal health(see the video below).

The following references and resources should give you(and your nutritionist) a much wider perspective on the need for higher iodine dosages for the whole body(rather than just for the thyroid):

The Missing Diagosis(a book on candida) by Dr Orion Truss

Candida and Lugol's Iodine

Iodine Deficiency

Optimox Research

Iodine Research

Marc Sircus

An interesting video for you:

Dr Jorge Flechas

I also very much doubt that your nutritionist will believe any of the above research because he/she has been so well trained within the narrow guidelines of modern medical research and FDA rules. That's why he/she is probably a confirmed iodophobe who is convinced from all that medical training and propaganda that any iodine dose above 2 mgs is poison for the body.

I've been taking lugol's iodine at 8 drops(50 mgs) a day for 8 years without any harmful effects whatsoever. I also truly believe that my own health has been much improved because of the lugol's iodine that I supplement.

Anyone who cannot take or stand the higher dosage of iodine will probably have either high amounts of bromine or fluorine or heavy metals in their body or will be anaemic(lack of iron in the blood) or will have low levels of cortisol. And if you carefully investigate these reasons as so-called iodine side-effects -- none of them will lead back to excess iodine as the culprit but, instead, will lead back to a bad diet and a bad lifestyle that has been ongoing for decades.

2. Bill, which are you in favor of: purchasing the Niacin and B50 Complex as separate supplements or purchasing the ATP Co factors (which I believe contains both)?

You can use either protocol. I also favour the ATP Cofactors(made by Optimox) because Dr Guy Abraham used his own pills(from Optimox) to help cure iodine deficiency disorders within hs own research. It's up to you whichever you use. I mention using niacin and Vitamin B50 simply because its cheaper and should achieve the same result when used in the Iodine Protocol.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cj (Texas, US) on 11/24/2014


When using STS, Methylene Blue, turpentine (Georgia version), sodium bicarb, trisodium phosphate, iodine, and there any general guidance on how to time taking these? IE, I know from drugs dot com there might be interaction between iodine and MB. I also know that turpentine should be taken on its own at night, so that means STS and turpentine are taken separately on different nights. Any other helpful advice? Main goal is candida killing, hoping the candida is what is causing my hypothyroid/migraines/brain fog.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bill (San Fernando) on 11/24/2014

Hi Cj...Here are some remedy combination rules that you can follow:

* Never take lugols iodine(LI) together with turpentine, sodium thiosulphate, methylene blue or borax.

* Borax can be mixed in with any of Ted's alkalizing drinks.

* Methylene Blue and iodine should never be taken in the evening because they are stimulating and so might inhibit sleep.

* Always mix methylene blue with vitamin c whenever you take it.

* LI can be mixed in with a vitamin c solution without problems.

For more remedy combinations see Ted's list here.

Here are some examples of useful remedy combinations:

Special Alkalizing Combo No 1

In one glass of water add:

1 tablespoon squeezed Lemon/Lime

1 tablespoon ACV

Add MSM – Methyl-Sulphonyl-Methane(1/2 tspn)

Add Glutamine (1/8 tspn or 500 mgs)

Add 5% Lugol's Iodine (6 drops)

Add Vitamin C as Ascorbic acid (1/4 tspn or 1000 mgs)

Add Sodium Bicarbonate(Baking Soda) until the fizzing stops

Take this drink twice a day outside mealtimes(take it up to one hour before or two hours after meals as a rough guide). Useful against candida/pathogens, digestive problems, low or hypothyroid conditions, heavy metal and halide detoxer and useful for damaged gut/allergies.

This drink is a strong alkalizer, heavy metal detoxer (MSM, Vitamin C, LI), strong anti-pathogen(due to LI), repairs intestines(due to MSM, glutamine and vitamin C), benefits the thyroid gland(LI), strong Immune booster etc. If you haven't got all the ingredients, it really doesn't matter. Just add in what you can and you will benefit from it.

Special Alkalizing Combo No 2

This is virtually the same remedy as the first drink except you just subtract the Lugols Iodine and ordinary water and just add in Ted's borax water instead.

In one glass add:

1 tablespoon squeezed Lemon or Lime

1 tablespoon ACV

Add a full glass of Ted's Borax Water

Add MSM – Methyl-Sulphonyl-Methane(1/2 tspn)

Add Glutamine (1/8 tspn or 500 mgs)

Add Vitamin C as Ascorbic acid(1/4 tspn or 1000 mgs)

Add Sodium Bicarbonate(Baking Soda) until the fizzing stops.

Take this remedy up to one hour before or two hours after meals. Useful against candida, an arthritis cure, detoxer and beneficial for damaged gut/allergies. This drink is strongly anti-fungal, strongly alkalizing, fluoride detoxer, repairs intestines, heavy metal detoxer(MSM, vitamin C), immune booster etc. If you haven't got all the ingredients, it doesn't matter. Just add what you can and you will benefit from its effects.

Another Variation of Ted's Borax Water Remedy

Make a liter of Ted's Borax Water as above and you can optionally add in the following nutrients:

* Add in Green Tea or Gymnema sylvestre tea*.

* Add glycerin for sweetness. No sugar.

* Vitamin C powder -- 3000 mgs .

* Glutamine powder -- 1000 mgs

* 1/2 tspn Methyl Sulfonyl Methane(MSM)

* 1/2 tspn sodium bicarbonate(baking soda)

* Drink this mixture throughout the day.

* Take this remedy up to one hour before or two hours after meals.

* Recent research has discovered that extracts from Gymnema sylvestre actively inhibits the candida morphing into its more virulent fungal parasitic form in the body. The yeast form is much easier to deal with.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Elsa (New Zealand) on 09/02/2021

to Bill

Daghan Salamat dong. (Thank you muchly) I will try this and will update.

Antibiotic Side Effects
Posted by Brad (Elizabeth, US) on 08/21/2014

Antibiotics are a good tool to fight bacteria only... Never take them if possible... The major side effects of taking antibiotics is your entire immune system is compromised. Good and bad bacteria is destroyed. The bacteria that usually causes the problem is Candida albicans which causes oral thrush and yeast infection.. Men are just as susceptible as woman for yeast infections. Apple cider vinegar is a good remedy for oral thrush but rinse or brush teeth to offset the acid which might cause your teeth to lose enamel covering.

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 08/11/2014

Hi Nickyg...In answer to your question, the proper protocol for candida is to take one teaspoon of turpentine, with between 1-4 tablespoons of castor oil once or twice every week. Castor oil(CO) is used for the following reasons:

* It inhibits candida and kills bacteria primarily in the gut.

* It quickly helps to rid the intestines of intestinal poisons and heavy metals(from candida/bacterial biofilm) by laxative action.

* Most importantly castor oil helps to more effectively spread the turps throughout the intestines to kill the bad pathogens. The intestines in an adult is 28 ft long and has the surface area of a tennis court.

i would not use olive oil with turps. But you can use coconut oil on its own or with the castor oil if you want -- VCO is also a particularly strong anti-pathogen.

About three weeks ago I had a fairly serious bout of food poisoning. After about 4 days with symptoms of shooting pains, gas, non-stop gurgling throughout my intestines, many visit to the toilet with hot, watery stools, disturbed sleep, low energy etc, I took 1 teaspoon of turps with 1 tblspn of castor oil. Next day all these symptoms had shifted to my lower intestines and I still had diarrhea. I wasn't cured but the upper part of my intestines did not have these symptoms.

So after a day's rest I took a higher dose of CO -- one teaspoon of turps and 3 tablespoons of CO with one tblspn of VCO. Next day my intestinal problem was completely gone -- I was back to normal. This higher CO dose had reached the lower intestines and managed to eliminated the infection quickly.

This result is proof that you need to take the right amount of CO with the turps for the turps to be an effective anti-pathogen throughout ALL the intestines.

I know that Dr Daniels maintains that problems like skin blackening can an occur when you take excessive amounts of turps. It's true that any excessive candida/bacterial poisons in the gut will lead to excessive poisons in the blood. And if you have a liver that is already stressed or diseased from removing poisons -- the liver will be unable to clear this excess poison load so the skin, which is also a major excretory organ, tries to excrete these poisons as well -- hence the skin blackening symptoms.

So I disagree with Dr Daniels here. The blackening of the skin is not necessarily always due to intestinal blockages, but can also obviously arise if the liver cannot cope with the excessive release of candida poisons from gut to blood with the turpentine protocol. This is why I always advocate liver support nutrients like ALA, Magnesium, Selenium, Milk Thistle etc whenever you are killing large amounts of candida. Chanca piedra is another good one.

For the last 8 months or so I''ve been working with a parents autism group who are following Kerri Rivera's Protocol to cure their kids ASD problems -- using Chlorine Dioxide(Jim Hubble's MMS protocol) together with Hulda Clark Parasite Protocol and diet. Children with ASD problems are always infected with parasites and candida which apears to be the main cause of autism.

I was contacted by the leader of this ASD group because he could get no further improvement on the ATEC scores for his ASD child using Kerri's protocol. ATEC measures various parameters of the chid -- cognitive ability, shyness, repetitive behaviours, sociability etc. So I've been helping to advise them. So far two kids have have regressed to normal behaviour while using the turps protocol within Kerri's protocol. Usually it takes about 2 years to achieve normal behaviour in kids with ASD using Kerri's protocols. So, incorporating the turps protocol as well seems to speed up recovery from autism.

To show you the virulence of candida and what other diseases it can lead to -- have a look at this diagram:

Candida Virulence and Progression

To show you the action of my own anti-candida protocol -- see this link:

Bill's Anti-Candida Protocol Activity

I've also written a detailed book about candida that is sold on EarthClinic but you can find most of the information about the complete protocol from my posts on this site as well.

Above all, you must have a clear strategy, with sufficient cogent reasons, to get rid of your candida. From my book, here is the strategy that I use:

Anti-Candida and Anti-Pathogen Protocols

Anti-Biofilm Protocols

Alkalizing Protocols

Essential Detox Protocols

Liver Support Protocols

Vitamin and Mineral Support (Immune System Support)

The Anti-Candida Diet

Other nutrients that will also help against candida/bacteria are olive leaf, oregano, Boswellia(Frankincense), Myrrh and undecylenic(or undecanoic) acid. You can research these.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Timh (KY) on 07/20/2014 2063 posts

Cl503: I have had similar results w/ fungal die off. I find either Activated Charcoal or Bentonite Clay prior to meals very helpful in eliminating those toxins safely. Coffee Enemas can also be used but one might need to add Milled Flax Seed and/or Aloe Vera to support the Colon (which already needs this support do to Candida).

Do add Caprylic Acid or Coconut Oil to the diet as it is very necessary in killing or preventing the growth of fungal organisms.

I also benefit from MolyB & Niacin supplementation to clear the (very) toxic aldehydes produced by the fungus.

Magnesium Chloride
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 06/05/2014

Hi John D....I would use the Magnesium Oil (70% Magnesium and 30% water) both orally and transdermally. Magnesium is used in over 300 major body processes and is used in 700-800 enzyme systems within the the body(according to Dr Carolyn Dean from her book ) -- including digestion, the immune system and for keeping the intestinal environment healthy. See this link.

Their are many sources of Magnesium Chloride. Dr Carolyn Dean sells the pico magnesium form whereas Dr Sircus advocates the natural Zechstein (mined from the Earth containing other minerals) derived magnesium chloride form. Carolyn Dean's pico magnesium form is said to be better absorbed. She promotes magnesium brands such as ReMag. Dr Sircus promotes Ancient Minerals magnesium. Dr Sircus's magnesium chloride form is natural and contains many other minerals besides which are beneficial for the body. Also bear in mind that both Dr Carolyn Dean and Dr Sircus are probably being nicely paid to advertise that ReMag or Ancient Minerals are the best form of Magnesium Chloride to take. So its up to you to decide really

I bought my own magnesium chloride as a hydrated chemical powder in Thailand and make my own Magnesium Oil whenever I need it. I'm still using it after 5 years.

Dietary Changes, Black Seed Oil
Posted by K.b. (Usa) on 04/16/2014

This is in reference to Tony's post about being afflicted with candida and many other health issues.I went through much of what your saying. I did extensive search online to find a remedy since most doctors I went to didn't know how to diagnose me. I had many symptoms and they look at me like I'm sick in the head. For hepatitis b I took milk thistle and olive leaf for about 2 months and for candida the secret is to cut off ALL sugars and bread, pasta, rice, etc. Basically I was eating only salads, meats, chick peas, raw veggies, and kefir which is great for fighting candida. I also went a gluten free diet. I also take black seed oil (nigella sativa) research it online. I also have thyroid issues, headaches, nerve problems, swelling in random places.I f you would like to ask please reply to the post I will check frequently.

Candida and Acetaldehyde Neutralization
Posted by Larry (Fairfax, Va) on 03/12/2014

Recently, I read on Earth Clinic that 10-20 milligrams of molybdenum is needed for optimum acetaldehyde neutalization results, and therefore one had to use powdered molybdenum to enable this dosage; whereas molybdenum pills are down in the range of about 900 micrograms. Can anyone suggest a source of powdered molybdenum? Thanks.

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Lardiver (Abbotsford Bc) on 11/06/2014

Try kefir, it has been used for thousands of years, its natural and will do everything for you and get rid of the candida

Posted by Maria (New York, NY) on 09/19/2021

Yup, garlic works for me too. I blend a few cloves in water and chug it down. Also can be used as an insert. Thanks for sharing your story.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Tinetine (Tennessee) on 08/24/2013


I have what I believe to be severe candida. when I stay on a diet of no sugar, bread, pasta, dairy, fruit it will take weeks but I will start to feel better. After staying on the diet for months I feel good, so I think I am well right, so I start eating everything again, two months later - sick again. symptoms are as follows;
left eye burning stinging itching watering.
severe sugar cravings and hunger
blured vision
itching inside ears
very sleepy after I eat will fall asleep and wake up just feeling bad tired no energy
feeling of just feeling bad
Please help I want to get rid of this and feel good all the time. I know I have a blood sugar issue but my blood sugar is in normal range

Dietary Changes
Posted by Hilary (Culver City, Ca) on 08/25/2013

Candida always lives in the body. It is impossible to totally eliminate it, it must be brought into balance. There is no magic bullet but a synergetic effect can be achieved with a diet protocol like GAPS, an antiviral like MMS and an antifungal agent like grapefruit seed extract. Also very helpful is to re-colonize the gut with a wide range of probiotics from cultured vegetables, raw milk kefir and home brewed Kombucha. Once the Candida is in balance you will need to make it your mission to strengthen your immune system. A strong, healthy immune system will keep lifelong order and balance. One last note is to make sure you do not have parasites. A parasitic environment is perfect for Candida overgrowth. Good luck.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 08/25/2013

Hi Tinetine... If you want to get rid of your candida you will have to employ more strategies than just a good diet. I think it is very difficult to cure candida by only using a healthy diet. What normally happens is that the diet can certainly sometimes improve your candida symptoms but, when you stop the diet, candida just comes roaring back in full force. This means that your diet has not got rid of your candida because it is able to hide away in biofilms in your body. So using just an anti-candida diet on its own will not cure you and get rid of all the candida from your body.

The reason you are feeling tired sick and tired all the time wth brain fog, lethargy is because of the steady accumulation of candida toxins or mycotoxins that are so characteristic of candida symptoms. Therefore you must neutralize and remove these toxins using molybdenum (or sodium molybdate), selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Milk Thistle.

The strategy I use against candida is geared to be as antagonistic as possible to all its peculiar behaviours and employs:

* Wide-acting Anti-fungals and Antimicrobials
* Anti-biofilm protocols
* Alkalizing
* Essential Detox
* Liver and Kidney Support
* Vitamin and Minerals Support (Immune Support)
* Anti-Candida Diet

A full version of this anti-candida protocol is given here on Earthclinic.

And these tables actually quickly define the wide-acting beneficial effects of this anti-candida protocol.

Another good way to get rid of candida and other biofilms from the gut is to use protease enzymes like nattokinase or lumbrokinase enzymes (or bromealain or papain plant protease enzymes). These enzymes should be taken outside mealtimes and they act to quickly dissolve the candida biofilms in the intestines in order to totally expose candida and all other bacterial pathogens that are hiding in biofilms. Biofilms are made of fibrin and fibrin is a protein which is dissolved and removed using these enzymes. You must also take heavy metal detox at the same time because biofilm destruction always leads to a large release of heavy metals in the gut -- which must be neutralized using chlorella, EDTA or sodium thiosulfate etc. A candida killer(such as lugols iodine or borax) must also be employed to kill the exposed candida and other pathogens that are released when the biofilms are destroyed.

Another all-in-one efficient biofilm remover, candida killer and detoxer is turpentine(distilled gum sap of pine). Turpentine or pine oil is antifungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-mycoplasma and anti-parasitic. it doesn't get much better than that. And, strangely, turpentine does not kill beneficial gut bacteria.

I've been using pine oil or turpentine (Pinus sylvestris) for the last six months and can attest to its bowel cleansing and blood purifying properties. This oil also increases energy, don't know why.

When you initially start using turpentine, start small and go slow. Start with drops and take a week or more to work up to the one teaspoon dosage per day for candida. And if you already have candida -- you certainly will probably get a considerable Herx or die off effect so adjust dosages accordingly and be patient. If you take too much turpentine initially and too quickly, then you will probably get laxative effects. Take one teaspoon a day (consecutively) for no more than 10 days and then stop for 10 days. The maintenance dose for health is to take a teaspoon of turpentine only once or twice a week.I take turpentine in two ways -- one teaspoon of turpentine plus one teaspoon of molasses or raw honey mixed in the mouth with saliva and then chased down with a small amount of water. Take this just before meals so that it will be carried into the intestines with the food. This is a particularly good method for killing candida in the intestines. Or I just take one teaspoon of turpentine with a glass of water on an empty stomach -- where the turpentine gets quickly absorbed directly into the blood from the stomach with this method. This latter method is also better and more effective at curing other diseases outside the intestine and is a great way of purifying the blood.

There is also another option for you. There was also a woman who recently claimed a remarkable improvement from her own serious candida problems on EC -- she just drank pine needle tea three or four times a day which seemed to successfully resolve many of her own serious candida problems. Pine needle tea contains the same oils as pine oil or turpentine. And if you are living in a region with pine trees -- then it's a free cure -- all you need are the fresh pine needles to make the tea. You can also purchase this on the internet. Too make pine needle tea add two tablespoons of washed, chopped pine needles to a teapot of water that has just boiled. Steep for 10 minutes then just drink the tea.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ed2010 (Canada) on 08/25/2013

Even I read that post regarding pine needle tea, but I could not find now. If EC can help thanks a lot.

Now I see why there are so many Pine Trees in north america or in Canada. Earth has its own balance of diseases and remedies, we just have to seek. In India, Turmeric, Garlic are ready available antibiotic. In African Continent, it can be different.

Also Candida is most prevalent in North America than Asia. Whereas in india ameobic and bacterial infection are more prevalent.

How to Make Pine Needle Tea - video:

Good Health

EC: Misty recently posted the following pine needle tea recipe on our wounds and cuts page...

08/21/2013: Misty from Usa replies: "....I found that pine needle tea is a great remedy and a great tasting tea on ice on a hot day, there are no side affects what-so-ever I go in my back yard and gather any fresh green pine needles, I wash then in a strainer or collander then steam them on the stove for approx. An hour or more, then I run it through the strainer again while the pan is pouring the hot tea into another container such as an old milk bottle, or juice bottle wash good before using any containers. Good luck loving life again. :)"

Dietary Changes
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 08/25/2013

Some years ago I made a strong tea from white cedar leaves and shortly thereafter felt quite faint and hallucinated - I had been laying on my bed reading a book aloud and felt sleepy so I closed my eyes briefly. When I woke up I'd been dreaming of listening to myself reading outloud the book I'd just been reading. So, be careful with your teas and your trees. The other day I found the following:

"Some tree's leaves will kill you. Some plants under stress change chemically and produce either Prussic or Nitric Acid. These acids act on the hemoglobin's ability to make oxygen available for use. In effect you suffocate. Often within minutes. A few years ago in Kentucky some horses ate fallen Maple leaves and died. The trees were in drought stress. Sorghum when it is stressed from cutting is not recommended for animal feed until it reaches a height of at least 18 or 24 inches. Corn plants for silage often react the same way. Both have killed a lot of mammals. Acorns with their tannic acid can make you ill if it's not leached out."


Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Gingermegs (Sydney) on 09/17/2013

Hi, When you says brewers yeast, do you mean the kind that you use to make bread? Or is it dead yeast?

Posted by Rchoppy (Indiana) on 08/17/2013

Not being one who likes to ingest chemicals, my first thought was as to whether or not you have done any research into grapefruit seed extract. It is all natural, and if used properly, is very helpful for any number of things. It can be taken orally or used topically. My wife has used it for yeast infections and cleared them up unbelievably fast. You should be able to find it at any health food store, and it is very potent. A small bottle will last for years, literally. You only use drops, orally or as a spray.

Posted by Andy (Pacific Grove, Ca) on 08/17/2013

Please try virgin cold pressed Coconut Oil. It has Monolaurin in it to eliminate fungal, etc. problems. Very reasonable and is a curative for other health issues.

Posted by Kedmonds (Seattle, Wa) on 10/04/2013

I had good success using Dr. McCombs candida diet. I found taking apple cider vinegar halfway through to be helpful. I also took virgin coconut oil all the way through. I found this study on lufenuron:

Am J Vet Res. 2005 Jun;66(6):1090-3.
Comparison of susceptibility of fungal isolates to lufenuron and nikkomycin Z alone or in combination with itraconazole.
Hector RF, Davidson AP, Johnson SM.

No evidence of inhibition, either by susceptibility testing or direct microscopic examination of treated cells, was obtained with lufenuron under experimental conditions. In contrast, nikkomycin Z, a known inhibitor of fungal chitin synthesis, had potent activity against C immitis when used singly. A synergistic interaction between nikkomycin Z and itraconazole was found against isolates of both species tested.

On the basis of our in vitro data, lufenuron does not appear to possess antifungal properties.

Urine Therapy
Posted by Ruth (US) on 10/07/2014

More toxins yes - but also more antibodies..... I would stick with urine therapy for 2 weeks than switch to something else for another 2 weeks (turmeric, alkalizing, DMSO, H202, borax, etc). It is said that candida gets used to whatever you taking to fight it in about 2 weeks and so do parasites who are also said to cause candida.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Maggi (Gauteng, South Africa) on 02/14/2013

CANDIDA with complications/ heart palpitations / sleep apnea: Good day, I have emailed Ted a week ago but have not yet received an answer. I would like to get some feedback from the forum on the Methylene blue causing extreme dizziness and the insomnia / extreme fatigue issue / sleep apnea issue which he has for more than 2 years.

We have identified that Methylene Blue causes the extreme dizziness, but I'm not sure why. Should he stay off from it completely? MB has so many benefits (I'm using it myself) and want to know if he can start using it again at later point in time.

My son has had Candida for 15plus years. He started below remedy about 9 days ago. I believe he has systemic candida. The last 3 yrs he has difficulty sleeping with symptoms of sleep apnea. He hasn't been tested for sleep apnea yet, but he also stops breathing while awake for +/- 20 seconds which is followed by difficulty swallowing and has to drink water.

Extreme chronic fatigue due to lack of sleep, irregular heartbeat / palpitations are current symptoms. He also started to get pains around the heart. After a week on the candida remedy, he is feeling more tired, but of more concerns is that the dizziness and brainfog has increased as well.

He is currently taking:

  • Alkalizing formula: Lemon with BS and BS in the evening before he goes to bed
  • Lugols Iodine : 5% mouth wash 3x per day
  • Cream for Candida rash around mouth : Coconut Oil with Lavender essential oil
  • Borax- 1/8 to 1/4 tspn in one litre water
  • Camelia Sinensis Drops: (Green tea extract) 10-15 drops x 3
  • SOLAL anti-parasite ( 6 capsules per day containing Golden seal root (Hydrastis Canadensis) 400mg, Wormwood (above ground parts) (Artemisia absinthium) 500mg, Pau D'Arco Inner Bark (Taheebo tabebui) 500mg, Black Walnut Hull (Juglans Nigra) 1000mg ) He has been using this for 3 weeks.. There's a week left to complete the course.
  • Methylene Blue 0. 1% 4-6 drops 2x daily
  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium Chelate 450 mg
  • Zinc gluconate
  • Selenium
  • Vitamin B3 nicotinamide 100mg 3x p.d.
  • Milk Thistle with dandelion
  • Molobdenum: He is not using this due to difficulty obtaining in quantities more than 10mcg. It's also combined in general vitamin products.

I would appreciate it if you could review the above remedies he is currently taking and advise if we are on the right track, and if you believe that the symptoms mentioned I.E. Heart palpitations, sleeping problems, etc could be linked to the Candida and proper remedy for sleep problems. I am especially worried about his heart and increased dizziness.

Your valuable insight and advice would be highly appreciated. Greatest gratitude.

Candida Test
Posted by Sweat Pea (Somewhere, Usa) on 11/21/2012

I have been reading so many posts on EC about candida infections that I found it very curious no one has posted the simple spit test to find out if you actually HAVE an overgrowth of candida. My journey into natural cures began about 3 years ago when I was given a book about natural cures that they don't want you to know about. Many of you know the book I'm talking about. I read it cover to cover as suggested in the book itself and my eyes were opened to the deception and brainwashing I have been exposed to for years. Big pharma is not the answer to a huge majority of what we call medical problems. It's mainly the problem to additional problems.

I read about how antibiotics can lead to a full blown candida overgrowth that gradually works its way up your body and even into your lungs causing asthma. Needless to say, a light bulb went on! I realized that all the prescription drugs were NOT HELPING! I knew when I took Albuteral it was making my lungs weaker. Then add Advair and steroids, my health got worse by the week. I did a the candida spit test and it revealed that I had a very bad case of it. That's when I bought a candida detox that is at health food stores and on the internet. After completing it my asthma was gone! Gone! I was breathing free and easy! No more gasping for air in the middle of the night! That was more than 2 years ago.

So this is the spit test - When you get up in the morning you simply spit in a clear glass of water (like an 8 oz glass), as much spit as you can spit into it. The glass should be clear and glass, not plastic. Don't eat or drink anything before the test, it must be the first spit of the day. Then simply wait about 2 minutes and look at the glass. If you see a lot of stringy things hanging down into the glass that indicates a candida overgrowth. My glass was shocking, tons of stuff hanging down. When I tested recently I had nothing hanging down at all. If you want to get rid of candida, first make sure that's what the problem is, it's just so easy! I would be glad to answer any questions anyone has about this. Getting rid of terrible asthma has truly changed my life and I take NO prescription drugs today. NONE! Please try the spit test and post your results, I'd love to hear about it! Thanks!

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 11/06/2012

Hi Timh... I'm very glad that you're feeling so much better. I quite enjoy reading your insights into your candida problems, not least because I believe that candida is still an unrecognized pandemic in the western world -- so we need all the information we can get to learn about this problem and the most honest way is through individual testamonials from people using alternative medicine.

Modern medicine still has no recognised method for accurately or consistently diagnosing or sufficiently treating systemic candida in the human body and getting rid of it for good. I've already said that doctors are completely infatuated with bacteria and viruses (from the Germ Theory's over-simplistic One germ -->One disease principle). So how do they successfully recognize and deal with multiple associated infections involving candida?

Unfortunately, they still have no cheap or accurate diagnostic procedures or tests that can successfully and accurately identify or treat candida associated problems like leaky gut, Crohn's, IBS, GERD etc that are also frequently found associated with candida. It's also well known from independent research that candida is frequently associated with other dangerous auto-immune diseases like cancer, Hepatitis, Fibromylagia, arthritis etc.

Time and time again here on EC I read about people who have a "mystery illness". They go to the doctor who then runs all the regular blood and urine tests and they are declared healthy -- but the patient still feels awful for some unknown ans undetermined reason. That's because the majority of doctors are solely geared to look for bacteria and viruses rather than fungus in the human body. Another prime example is when a woman goes to the doctor who then diagnoses her problem as uterine candida -- a recognized yeast/fungal disease. The doctor then prescribes antibiotics -- which only kills the associated bacteria -- and perhaps the candida goes away for a while. Then, one or two months later, the uterine candida comes back with a vengeance and the anti-biotics no longer work. Doctors have little understaning of the Antibiotic Syndrome and even less idea of what it takes to recognize and cure the more virulent forms of candida. Don't doctors know that antibiotics actually come from yeast/fungal strains? Don't doctors know that antibiotics ONLY kill bacterai (if your luck is in and the bacteria don't adjust to it) ? I'm completely flumoxed and amazed at the consistent and utter diagnostic stupidity of modern medicine with respect to fungal problems. I'm afraid that, in this respect, One germ --> One disease thinking just doesn't cut it for me.

Nystatin can be useful to clear candida from the gut but it also unfortunately ruins the beneficial microbiota bacteria in the gut as well. Nystatin frequently causes diarrhea and other problems. Nystatin is also very badly absorbed by the gut into the blood -- so would be of little use against the more virulent disseminated systemic candida form. Amphotericin A and Amphotericin B are similar well-used anti-fungals that tend to cause more awful side-effects and, as well, the candida fungus can easily hide or adjust to it like bacteria adjusting to antibiotics.

Both Hydorgen Peroxide and Lugols Iodine act to kill pathogens instantaneously by different methods. HP kills electrically and Iodine instantaneously dissolves the exposed tyrosine and histamine amino acid layers in the cell walls of the pathogen. The sheer speed with which both these substances kill pathogens is the prime determining factor because the pathogen -- whether its bacteria, virus or fungal -- has absolutely no chance of adjusting to it by reproducing a resistant strain.
