Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary (Marlborough, MA) on 02/26/2008

Apple Cider Vinegar helped my chronic acid reflux and heartburn. I've been suffering from stomach pain and acid reflux for over 4 years, no doubt because of all the asprin and ibuprofen I've taken over the years for headaches, and later, arthritis. I used to have a cast-iron stomach - not anymore! I started taking antacids every night, which helped a lot. But I couldn't go a single night without them. I didn't like the idea of any daily medication, even over-the-counter, but I couldn't get any sleep without it.

About a year ago, I caught a TV show on Natural Cures - on which it was said that a teaspoon of vinegar will cure heartburn. I tried a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar right out of the spoon - it was like someone lit a match and threw it in my stomach. So much for that bright idea. Onward with the antacids.

Over time the stomach pain and reflux got worse, and nothing was working anymore. But I still couldn't get thru a night without the antacids or it got even worse. I was about to go to the doctor and ask for Protonix at my husband's suggestion - they're working for him. But I don't want to be tied to a daily prescription with all its side effects, so I did a search for natural remedies just to see if something healthier could work. I found this site, and learned that what works is apple cider vinegar in water - that makes more sense than balsamic vinegar straight. I picked up some organic ACV and tried 1 teaspoon in half a glass of water. I felt better within minutes. A night or 2 later I had stomach pain, and was about to run for the antacids, but I tried the vinegar first. In minutes I felt much better - I forgot to take the antacids. I've been taking between 1 and 2 teaspoons of ACV in water 2 or 3 times a day for the past 2 weeks, and haven't taken any antacids since. It's the first time in years I've been able to go even one night without then and not get woken up in under an hour by stomach-burn or reflux.

Needless to say I'm not about to ask for Protonix. My stomach's not perfect yet, but it's a lot better. By the way, my arthritis hasn't flared up since I started ACV. It's too soon to tell, but it could be helping that too! So relieved and so grateful.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joyce (Porter, Texas) on 02/05/2008

I have only been suffering with acid reflux for a few months now and have no idea how anyone could stand it for longer than that! I've only been on Zegerid about 2 weeks and it's like I'm not taking anything. After reading the stories I've read I don't plan to keep throwing money away on some prescription. I thought, what the heck, went straight to the store on my lunch break today and purchased some acv. I'm not as patient as some people it seems...I want some immediate relief! I mixed it with water and just drank it. (I'm getting the raw honey on my way home). Seriously, it's been about 15-20 minutes and some of the burning is gone already! If this works I will be so happy to have found this information!!! A friend of mine was taken to the emergency room 2 days ago with numbness and tingling and the diagnosis was acid reflux!!! I will be telling her about this. I pray this works because this is a really miserable condition to have.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Juergen (West Palm Beach, Florida) on 01/14/2008

Apple cider vinegar cured my "Global Sensation" caused by Acid Reflux. For the past two years I was getting more and more heartburn. My doctor subscripted me the "Purple pill" which started to work. But I didnt like the thought of paying $130 for 30 pills every time. After a view months I developed "Global Sensation". It was like a piece of food was stuck in my throat. That went on for about two months.Not even The"purple pill" took care of that. Finally I surfed the internet and found and was reading about acv. I immediatly went to the store and got organic acv unfiltered. I took two table spoons and mixed it with water, which I don't recommend. It's much better with apple juice. After one hour I was totally reieved of my "Global Sensation". It was like a miracle. Ever since I am a firm believer in ACV. I haven't taken any medication ever since. Thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Melissa (Mobile, AL) on 01/09/2008

I read all of the comments yesterday about ACV and its benefits relating to acid reflux. So, last night I purchased a bottle, and this morning took the recommended dosage. Immediately I became nauseated and have been so for the last 3 hours. I have burped ACV for the last 3 hours. I'm glad this works for others, but it is not for everyone. It only made my acid reflux worse, and I feel as if I'm going to vomit any second. Yes, I have eaten and had plenty of water. The bottle is going in the garbage can. Glad it wasn't expensive. Good luck to the rest of you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stephanie (Dallas, TX) on 01/05/2008

My son visited from AZ in the summer and asked me if I had any antacid tabs. I told him to try a couple of tsp of ACV.I poured it in a shot glass and told him to swig it down! He laughed and said that couldn't work. A few minutes later I asked him if he still had the problem. He didn't. He went back to AZ and a few days later called me and asked me how much of ACV he should take. I told him. His wife bought a bottle and he uses it as needed. No more acid reflux!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rozita (Mitchellville, Maryland) on 12/29/2007

I was diagnosed with Acid Reflux August 2006. I was subscribed Nexium, which I used for over a year until one month ago. I found your website through an employee. I can't believe it but ACV healed my reflux and gas problems. I take 1 to 1-1/2 tablespoons of ACV with water every morning before I do or eat anything. I don't have any problems anymore. I can sleep laying flat now. It is wonderful. I will use this for the rest of my life.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tim (Toronto, Canada) on 12/20/2007

I have had acid reflux that just seemed to get worse every year! I was always going to the doctor to get my Nexium prescription renewed..I am lucky I have government insurance and thru my employer because 100$ a month for these pills is ridiculous! I decided I needed to look at a new solution as I was concerned that these drugs over long periods of time would eventually cause other problems...I found your site and I went out and bought a bottle of ACV with the mother and that very fist day I took it I didnt need to pop a purple pill before I went to is only the second day so I am hoping that this relief is not short lived!! if this stays the way it is working now I am so thankful I was able to find this miracle! I feel better after only 1 day and I actually had red wine last night and still had no heartburn!! this is no joke ACV is amazing and anyone sick of your doctor pushing another prescription for the pharmaceurtical cartels should take this and drop them like a bad habit!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandra (Guelph, Ontario, Canada) on 12/07/2007

ACV is a miracle, have stopped taking medication for nerve pain in legs, and for acid reflux. Arthritis is not a problem anymore, and have lost 25 lbs in 8 week. I feel 20 years younger, and will be on ACV for the rest of my life.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laura (Orlando, FL) on 12/06/2007

About 6 months ago, I suddenly woke up with severe nausea and constant burping. Everything I ate and drank made me feel sick. I woke up nautious and went to bed nat ious every day. My quality of life started changing. I did not want to go out anymore and do things because I constantly felt sick. Being newly engaged, this really put a damper on my relationship. Who wants to be around someone that feels sick everyday and to be honest..when you are sick everyday you reach a point where you just want to be alone. I am only 27 years old and I felt like I had put on 10 years or more in the last 6 months. I even told my mother if I had to live the rest of my life like this I might kill myself. Everything made me sick. Even riding in a car. I had a colonoscopy which came back fine. I then had a scope done and showed that I had erosions all in my stomach, throat, and esophogas. I have been on prevacid and aciphex, which did not seem to help at all and the constant burping was just nasty and embarrassing. I got online and found this site and figured I would give the ACV a chance. This is only my 4th day and oh my goodness thank you god!!! I am not nauseous anymore. Riding in a car no longer makes me sick. If I burp it is one good one instead of a million tiny ones and I have energy like I haven't had in years. I have lost 3 pounds in a few days and I am not having bad cravings. I also notice my skin looks better. I also have battled depression for a long time and I actually feel happy. I woke up at 4a.m smiling thinking why am I so happy. This is truley amazing and I can't wait to keep taking it and see what else it does. If you have battled acid reflux believe me I know how horrible it is. Please just try this and you will not regret it!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Peggy (Salt Lake, Utah) on 12/02/2007

I tried one of the acv remedies posted for acid reflux, and it did work almost right away. I am still hurting as the pain and rolling in my stomach and chest was horrible and constant for days. I even lost weight because I was afraid of food since' everything hurt me. What I wonder though, does the acv cure the reflux or just treat the painfull symptoms? If it only treats the symptoms then I would be reluctant to go off the omeprazole as it reduces acid therefore it reduces risk of backing up and causing damage to the esophagus. If anyone has asked their doctor this question and knows the answer I would love to know. Please post my question. I can't thank your site and it's readers enough for the valuable information I recieved.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tim (Kent, WA) on 11/18/2007

I have been on acid reflux medications for a year and a half. First I was on Ranitidine, then Prevacid, then Omeprazole, which I take each night just before I go to bed. I also have been using HCTZ and Lisinopril for high blood pressure. Recently, for about 6 weeks I got very sick. I felt dizzy, nausea, headache, and lost appetite completely. I went 5 days with almost no food and lost about 10 lbs in 10 days. I changed diet, tried everything but nothing worked. At the end of this episode I would get the "feeling" of high fever in my head plus headache. I also felt very cold and had to crank up the heat quite a bit. However, every time I took my temperature it was totally normal. If I took Advil or Tylenol for headache it didn't do anything because I really didn't had a headache or temperature, it was something else. In addition to all this, I also had severe itching all over my body as soon as I went to bed. It lasted for about 30-60 minutes. There was no redness or any other marks on my body.....just plain itching.

My doctor finally told me to get off of Omeprazole. The next day was a new day in my life. All the symptoms were completely gone as if were never sick in the first place. The nightly itching also went away completely the night I skipped Omeprazole. My doctor correctly predicted that it may take up to 7 days to get rid of all the symptoms. Well, on the second day some of the symptoms came back but at half the strength and things got progressively better each day. The bad thing was that my acid reflux really started to bother me the second day (48 hrs after quitting Omeprazole). I had lot of chest pain and rumbling activity in my stomach.... like a little storm inside my stomach. Unlike other people I do not have heartburn from acid reflux. I have chest pains in different part of my chest or sometime stomach. I also experience bloating and gas.

I found and tried 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in 1 cup of water and it worked immediately. Three hours later the acid reflux came back and I experienced a lot of discomfort. I took another dose (1 tsp in 1 cup of water) and the rest of the night was perfect with no problems. The following day I increased the dosage to 1 TBSP of ACV in 1 cup of filtered water 3x a day just before each meal and have been using this dosage daily. So it took practically took one day for ACV to do its magic. For the past 10 days I feel I have acid reflux totally under control. My blood pressure is also going down every day. I expect to be off of blood pressure medication soon. As an added bonus the acne on my back is finally under control. I was on antibiotics for 15 years until I found a supplemental milk shake that helped me get off of antibiotics for the past 3 years. I had to stop using it to figure out what was causing my sickness and the acne flared up again. I read about hydrogen peroxide on this site and that worked amazingly well on the acne on my back. So the combination of hydrogen peroxide and ACV is working great.

I do feel some affect of ACV on the back of my tongue or sometimes in my throat. Luckily, in 10 days it is not too bad, maybe because I only use 1 TBSP instead of 2. My doctor has approved ACV and said that it doesn't have any harmful affects so I am free to try it for acid reflux. However, the doctor clearly said NO BAKING SODA because of high blood pressure. I see that baking soda and sea salt is mentioned a lot on this site to help reduce the acid taste but some of us can't use baking soda or salt. Does anyone have any suggestions? If you do, please email me. Because of sugar I would rather not use too much honey or apple juice if I can help it because I am taking this 3x times a day but if I have to then I will. May be I can add only a little bit apple juice in water rather than adding ACV to apple juice directly. Not sure if that's OK. If you could share any personal experiences in this regard that would be great. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Crissandra (Fairfield, California) on 11/12/2007

I have tried the ACV tablets: 3 tabs to remedy my acid reflux that starts as soon as I eat my breakfast. If I do not take them with my meals, I will start the burping, sour stomach, and I even have pain in my right shoulder from the acid reflux. But, within an hour of taking the ACV tablets, I soon get relief. This has been MY CURE, since I was taking a OTC before which gets quite expensive. If anyone reads this, trust in your own gut to tell you if it works!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Steve (Arcata, California) on 11/05/2007

I have been suffering from acid reflux/heart burn on and off for 4 years. I have taken prilosec and ant acids as if they were candy, the pain would go away for a short time but always came back. I actually seemed to be getting worse over time as a result of all the over the counter meds. I bought Natural Cures by Kevin Trudeau for my father in law. We decided to look up acid reflux to my suprise the cure was Apple Cider vinegar. I have taken 16oz over the last 10 days....what a great taste, however my pain is virtually gone and I have been eating all the food I love to eat.Try it it really works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jo (Whitefish, MT) on 10/23/2007

i was in agony for a week and felt like i could hardly breathe with a lump in my throat. i hadnt slept in 4 days cuz of some foam gurgling into my throat. i diagnosed an acid reflux situation but the regular sites gave me a grim view of what traditional medicine had to offer. finally in a state of delirium i found this site. i took the remedy and 6 days of agony was reduced by half within 5 minutes. hours later i took a second dose and within 24 hrs i was completely healed and feeling better than before even. i will take this magic potion as a health supplement even when i don't need it for heartburn. great energy booster! z0mg! THANX!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Roswita (Seminole, Fl) on 10/10/2007

I strongly urge you to buy only the Organic, raw, unfiltered ACV, without preservatives. I am a 62 year old woman who suffers from arthritis and acid reflux. Every morning I mix 1 tbls ACV with 1 tbls raw honey in a 16 oz glass of lukewarm filtered water. I do the same thing at night time. Only I mix it in 6 to 8 oz water. Otherwise I would be up all night. My arthritis pain has gone away and I no longer suffer from acid reflux.
