Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Eileen (Fleet, Hampshire, United Kingdom) on 09/13/2007

I have only been suffering with acid reflux condition a few months. Having come across this site I read peoples' entries with great interest - here were folk who had known/knew how it felt. Over the counter indigestion cures no longer seemed to be working. I have bought the apple cider vinegar, taken a small amount after each meal and miraculously the whole bad indigestion cycle has completely vanished! Now I enjoy a good night's sleep as I used to. Thank you everyone for your helpful insight into a condition that was really beginning to effect my general well-being. All this while, the cure for me was sitting on the shelves of my local supermarket! I realise it may not work for everyone but I am grateful to you all for letting me know about it. Best wishes and good health to all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michael (Angeles City, Phillipines) on 09/07/2007

hi there, yes i do have a acid reflux, and i try the apple cider vinegar for three consecutive days and its really works for me, thanks you earthclinic, michael garcia, philippine

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deborah (Macomb, MI) on 09/03/2007

I wrote a note yesterday regarding my acid reflux and the desperate point that I've come to because the meds I'm taking (third one now) are not helping. I immediately went and drank the ACV and water only (no baking soda) and I couldn't believe for the first time in weeks, I didn't have that constant burning feeling in my throat. This morning I work up and read more on the site and now I want to try the baking soda also.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Paige (Omaha, NE) on 09/03/2007

try this:

*4 inch piece of ginger root, unpeeled and scrubbed.
*1 cup of filtered, organic, apple cider vinegar.
*3/4 cup of honey
*2 quarts of filtered water.
Blend well!!

I have been drinking 1 cup in morning and 1 in afternoon. Been on nexium for 7 weeks with no complete relief. Tried this 4 days ago and been able to eat anything but I would still advise to watch what you eat. Stay away from the trigger foods and drinks."

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Judi (Salem, OH) on 09/01/2007

I've been suffering terribly from acid reflux. Nothing I tried helped at all. I was getting terrible panic attacks along with it because it feels like I'm going to have a heart attack. I found this website and tried I TB of ACV in a small glass of ice water and had almost instant relief. It has now been almost a full day later and the reflux has yet to come back. It is truly amazing. This will now be a part of my daily regime.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Camille (Salem, Oregon) on 08/23/2007

I have taken myself off of prilosec otc. I have just started drinking apple cider vinegar. Also tasking a gel tab from the health food store. It is citrus peel. I have no problem drinking acv in just warm water. Warm drinks seem to open up my esophagus more.I cannot drink caffiene anylonger. I would like to use this site more

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kara (Nashville, TN) on 08/15/2007

I have been suffering from Acid reflux since I was 10 years old (about 14 years now). Nothing works- I've done it all. I get symptoms ranging from severe nausea, laryngitis, heartburn and now gagging during the night. Nexium didn't cure me (though it healed my esophaugus), Pepto makes it worse, tums do nothing. All I've been doing lately is propping my pillow and barely eating. I'm 23 years old and I can't enjoy myself half of the time because I want to throw up.

A friend of mine told me about ACV a few nights ago. I just got some non-organic Heinz (didn't know about the organic benefits) and took a tablespoon of it ight during a pretty bad episode. I wept because within minutes, all my symptoms subsided and I actually could lay down and sleep. This is UNBELIEVABLE!!! This morning, I woke up and my voice was smooth, I didn't have to clear my throat all day. I had another teaspoon full this morning and I think it actually gave me energy. ? I ate two meals so far with no nausea. I can't believe it! I am going by Wild Oats this evening to get Organic ACV. I am so excited to see if it continues working.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Helen (Windsor, Canada) on 08/12/2007

What an amazing site! I love all the great infomation, and tips and knowing I am not the only one with my problem. I have tried the acv remedy for my LPR and my muscus in my throat is gone, swallowing easier and no more coughing. Is my bad breath(halitosis) related somehow to my LPR? If so, what could I do for the condition.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joe (Beaumont, California) on 08/10/2007

Wow! I do not believe it! Had a double by-pass in 2004 and have been on blood pressure medication and medication for acid reflux for years. After I had some side effects from both medications decided to try ACV and garlic pills. Although my blood pressure without medication was only 135/85 my doctor wanted it lower than that because of health history.There was no doubt in my mind that ACV and garlic would not work! Well, dummy me! It worked and worked big time! I have waited 2 months to post my story because I wanted to be sure. Had appts with two of my doctors yesterday and my blood pressure wast 110/72 and later that day 106/70. The big bonus for me was my acid reflux disappeared. I take 2 tablespoons of ACV in a glass of water and a 6,000mg pill of garlic every morning.
Try it! You have nothing to lose. It worked for me and hopefully it will work for you.I also should add that I monitored my blood pressure several times daily to make sure it was working. Good luck

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ginnie (Jeffersonville, Indiana) on 08/04/2007

I was having problems with acid reflux, migraines, and yeast infections. For over a year now I have been taking 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar right before bed and I have not had problems since. The doctor was going to put me on medicine for my acid reflux, and since I started taking the acv, the medication is not needed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandy (Sevierville, TN) on 07/31/2007

Thank you so much for your advice about ACV. I have been taking ACV with digestive enzymes and have hade IMMEDIATE and CONSISTENT relief from acid reflux. My regular doctor gave me Protonix, and the GI doctor gave me Zegerid. He did not listen when I said I wanted to make lifestyle changes and not take meds. He scoffed at ACV and could not believe something acidic could help with stomach acid. After lots of research, I have found the side effects and long term damage of acid pump inhibitor drugs are not the first choice. The ACV and digestive enzymes work GREAT! For intense acid, Dr. Andrew Weil recommends DGL, and I have found a product called VAXA helps reduce the acid and restore pH levels. I take a digestive enzyme and 2 tablesppons of ACV with juice before each meal. Be sure to get raw ACV with the "Mother" or its natural enzymes. I take the ACV pills when traveling. I have told family and friends of this wonderful and inexpensive relief. Thanks again for being there afer hours of online research and providing hope.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Naame (Maryland) on 07/17/2007

ACV, is great, no more acid reflux and bloating. I take a sip of it in the morning and clears all mucus. I haven't lost weight yet on it but hope to try 1/2 cup with water and honey.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jean (Los Angeles, CA) on 07/09/2007

Hooray for EarthClinic! I had a runny nose, dry, hacking cough, clearing my throat continually which caused me to lose my voice. Finally diagnosed as acid reflux and given many nose sprays and pills which helped. Did not want to be on meds so when I found your site I was thrilled. YES !!! ACV works. Just a tbsp in 1/2 glass of water before breakfast. If mucous reappears, I take 3 tmes a day before meals. No pills, no cough, no runny nose. Thank God for you and the people's voice on the Internet. P.S. Don't understand why one would take baking soda with ACV. Seems as if that would cancel out the goodness.??

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gordon (Edmonton, Canada) on 07/06/2007

Apple Cider Vinager I carry it w/ me to relieve acid reflux

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karen (Buena Park, California) on 06/28/2007

Why do you need more acid when you seem to be suffering from acid reflux? Because you are not producing enough acid to digest your food. So your system goes into overload and your body produces too much acid, hence the acid relux and indigestion. Finding the right balance to digest your food and suffer no more from the reflux is as easy as throwing away the mylanta, maalox, pepcid and others. Taking these only reduces the acid you need to digest food and the vicious cyle starts all over again... producing too much acid. ACV before or in the middle of a meal will create the needed balance or betaine hydrocholoride pills from a health food store will also work. After 2-3 days you be in pain no more, will eat what you want and you will sleep great. More people over 40 do not produce enough stomach acid. For 3 years I have been pain free because of the betaine hydrochloride or AVC if I am out of pills. They work!
