Mite Infestation
Natural Remedies

Effective Mite Infestation Treatment: Top Natural Remedies

Mite Infestation Bath Remedies

Posted by Meeya (Sunnyvale, Ca) on 12/03/2013

Hi All,

I've found quite a few good remedies and suggestions for dealing with mite / demodex infestations. But most involve "spot treating" different areas of the body.

One of the most helpful suggestions I've found is to take a bath 100% submersed with a snorkel. This way, all mites, including those that can hide in the eyes, ears, scalp, etc, are going to be treated.

Can anyone give suggestions on WHAT TO PUT INTO THE BATH??

Borax seems like a good idea, but it would take a lot to saturate tub full of water.

~Thanks for all your help my fellow earth clinicians!

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Meeya!

I agree - a bath tub full of a saturated borax solution is one spendy bath!

Old Robert Henry reported success by using extreme heat in a sauna- took about a week he said [scroll down and look for his posts, he talks all about it.]

So you could try very HOT soaks in the tub with a face towel saturated with borax/hydrogen peroxide or borax/vinegar.

Replied by Mertle

I just read to put powdered sulfur and salt in a bath and submerge, eyes protected for 3-8 min... I don't know, sulfur doesn't dissolve easily, maybe w salt it does. Rite now using it in a lotion and its working.. Google powdered sulfur and order...

Replied by Michelle
(Fort Hood)

Hello, I have been doing tons of research on mites that cats get that transfer to humans. I had found its the cheyletiella mite. It's horrible. I had raked the yard a few weeks ago & shortly after all the sudden started getting bug bites out of no feel like pin poke your skin from inside& bite. Feels like crawling on your skin& jumping around of something you can't see. Also like hairs dragging across your skin lightly. I had itched them so bad I have them all over. I tried everything vinegar, lemon juice, bug spray, disinfectant spray on me, bleach spray, borax, arm & hammer unscented dry soap, baking soda& cleaning everything& washing & vacuuming our throw down rugs, we have tile floors. I just bought Revolution flea meds for all 3 of our cats a few days ago I heard it is the best.

Our cats had the walking dandruff& one keeps pulling his hairs out& one had tons of dandruff my daughter cut her hair in all our cats dandruff area. I had washed them with the borax mixture day before I got Revolution. I spray Lysol everywhere & Sprayed beds& sprinkled arm& hammer soap on beds& in pillow cases & places Around the house. We got the 5% permethrin cream still no luck yet. I had even used nixed before as well all over.

When I was in the shower I saw I had a little left of arm & hammer toothpaste so put that all over me in shower helped relieved it some then put Vicks all over me after shower. Gonna keep using the arm & hammer toothpaste everyday buying more & gonna buy regular listerine to spray on me & around house as well I heard its good on mites. I had even used the queen Helene mud mask it helped some. I ordered some cedar oil essence from swansons vitamins to spray around house & on me cuz mite hate it & will close the pores they breath in. I had one little bottle but used it so fast also used a lot of 100% tea tree oil I bought from heb here in Texas for 4.99 a bottle but didn't help much.cedar oil suppose to be the best tho. Also any sprays with permithren& Lysol spray everywhere walls ceilings vents you name it. I keep praying & praying for it to be gone & for everyone who has battled this & is & any kind of bug.

My heart goes out to you all. This is worse than fleas could ever be. I have been spraying all in our car as well bug spray & Lysol cuz they have been in there too. I have MS & peripheral neuropathy & it's made it hard for me to walk sometimes & I feel sick like a flu. I need to change my diet too cuz I eat too much sugar & need to drink more water. God bless you all in this battle

Mite Infestation Treatment Tips

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lora (Denver Co) on 09/17/2016

If they are returning it could be that there's a nest somewhere. Locate the nest then repeat the treatment using ACV and cleaning your entire home. Wash every material you own and what you can't wash put in a plastic bag for three weeks I left it for a couple months, repeat until they're are gone.

Mites in Car Remedies

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by David (Dover, NH) on 05/21/2014

What did you do or solve the "mites-in-the-car" problem? I have used the cedar oil, bleach-water spray, H2O2, Neem oil, baking soda-water, to no effect. This is ongoing for almost 4 years now and I am tired. Plus I have also applied. The very few people I have told think that there is no mite problem- I would like to be normal again.

Replied by Mike
(Southern Cal., US)

To David in Dover, NH, go to tractor supply and get some ivermectin pour-on for cattle. My friend who owns an auto body shop sprayed the interior of my car with his paint sprayer, the one that's run with an air compresser. I closed it up overnight to let it penatrate real good, then aired out the smell. We do this every 2 weeks to make sure new ones dont hatch & start the sh**t all over again.

Replied by L.franklin

Regarding cleaning out car,get Diatomaceous Earth and sprinkle all through your car leave for at least 5days then vacuum. Then take a spray bottle full with 70% rubbing alcohol.

Multiple Remedies

42 User Reviews
5 star (26) 
4 star (9) 
1 star (7) 

Posted by Elisa (Australia) on 03/25/2024

Mites remedy - Grass mites, harvest mites, cat mites

Cream for eyelids and sensitive skin:

  • 2 parts of Vaseline (petroleum jelly)
  • 1 part Neem oil
  • 1 part Cedarwood oil

Use mixture 2-3 times per day on clean skin, preferably cleaned with skin wipes containing benzalkonium chloride (eg Wet-Ones).
NO make up during treatment. Throw away old make-up after treatment only new make up.

Alternative for the body - Lotion:

  • 75 Baby oil (mineral NOT vegetable oils) because mites cannot digest mineral oils
  • 15 drops Cedarwood oil
  • 15 drops Neem oil

Over the counter medications:

Eurax cream. Use until all the itching is gone (it might take 3 or more weeks).

Prescription medication:

Rozex gel (Metronidazol) careful it is an antibiotic that will make the skin photosentive, need to see a doctor for it.

Tips & Tricks

-HEAT and UV are your friends (hot wash cycles, ironing, steam cleaning, hot cars, UV lamps, sunlight)
- Daily shower better still swimming pools (chlorine water kills mites) or swimming in salt water
- Washing from head to toe (grass mites in particular move up the body)
- Hand wipes as mentioned containing benzalkonium chloride (NOT alcohol wipes, they are ineffective against mites and will dry out and irritate skin further). Benzalkonium chloride kills mites.
- Wash hair daily with a coconut oil shampoo, mites dislike the smell of coconut oils
- Use 3 different tea towels 1 for head, 1 for upper body, 1 for lower body, do not mix.
- Use lint roller on skin before bed time and shower.
- Cut nails really short, wash hands several times a day, brush nails.


- Hot wash, use enzyme laundry powder (BioZet works best, enzyme dissolve the tiny mites and their eggs)
- Hot iron clothes or leave in a hot car


- Steam clean upholstery
- Use disposable food gloves, change daily (and throw away).
- Vacuum every second day
- Change vacuum bag and put bicarb in the bag, it dries out eggs and mites
- Change bed sheets daily, wash on hot cycle
- Wrapping pillows in plastic bags and then putting a cotton cover works well. This way the mites cannot get into the pillow and filling.
- Wrapping mattress in plastic works well too
- Clean plastic covers with a solution of 1 part white vinegar & 1 part rubbing alcohol, this will kill mites

What was ineffective for me:

- Tea tree oil (burns and does not work)
- Clove oil (burns and does not work)
- Eucalyptus oil (burns and does not work)
- Lemongrass oil (burns and does not work)
- Peroxide (burned the skin)
- OTC medications containing Pyrethrum (most mites have become resistant to it in the tropics, burns on skin and can have very negative side effects)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Vanessa (Albuquerque NM) on 02/27/2024

  • I have these bugs that come out of my scalp and some are oblong some are little black dots and some bite and burrow under my skin. I have tried most of the stuff you have suggested but nothing seems to work. Every night there are new babies you cant see but you feel them moving in mass. Right now I am taking ivermectin but even that is not slowing them down. I have seen 10 doctors and none can help or they dont want to help. When these things move they go for my ears, my anus and also my vagina. Since you guys have so much experience with this I thought I would ask. Thank you.

Replied by Marina

Have you tried switching your diet and getting more sunlight (vitamin D). If you are eating sugar, the mites feed off of the sebum which is produces by excess sugar consumption.

Replied by EC

Try Kleen Green Naturally

Enzyme cleaner

It will take some time, but it works. Spray it on your body 3 times a day.

Replied by Tamara

I want to seriously recommend the dry sauna. I got rid of o many bugs on my body including the ones that invade your ears, eyes and private areas. I'm thinking you might have some of what I have. Demodex are long and thin and booklice are black dots. Even the lice clinic and Terminex thought it was debris from my hair. It's not. The problems is that I had lice also. So lice killer would always make things worse. Lice killer was killing the lice and the demodex and booklice were thriving, because they like moisture. The trick is to get rid of all the moisture. So, the dry sauna will kill a lot. It's 170 degrees in there, but I think I still had a few of the Dems and booklice, because of setting in the dry sauna. Then I thought as long as this stuff was gone from my hair I could just change bed sheets. Somehow I got them or maybe they weren't dead. I read that cats can carry Dems and booklice because they are in the grass. I'm putting more killer on the cat. I saw also that epsom salt and swimming in chlorinated water will kill them. I think I'll do the dry sauna and have a swim at the rec.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Anne (WI) on 01/03/2023

I have had what was diagnosed as Contact Dermatitis for over a year. I almost lost the battle because of low immunity from RA and the Drs prescribing me steroids which lowered my immunity even more. I found Earth Clinic through this website- which both have helped me immensely. I am on the Keto diet so no sugar and low carbs -I am currently using a zinc pyrithione bar from amazon Apple Cider Vinegar or Vinegar after the zinc then cover the bad spots with turmeric paste. I also take Hydrogen Peroxide, salt and Borax baths every time I feel I need to. I have been taking Vitamin C- B Complex--Zinc- Astragalus- Quercetin- Elderberry- Echinacea-D3-Andrographis-Coconut oil-Silver Hydrosol(teaspoon first thing in morning)Apple Cider Vinegar (mixed with DE and water with some Stevia) cold brew coffee- low acid coffee beans- Chaga Mushroom tea-Green Tea- Echanatia Tea 9.5 PH balanced water and Im starting MSM in the morning. Im learning that the RA might be a form of yeast or fungus so hopefully if the MSM works it could knock out both problems - This is also a helpful website - which helped me identify the possible yeast and fungal problem. I have also used Tea Tree oil, Clove oil, Neem oil, Yogurt, Hypoclorus Acid MG217 Psoriasis Medicated Conditioning 3% Coal Tar Shampoo, and possibly others I am forgetting. It is all consuming my life and I came so close to the edge but God in Hi mercy brought me back and here I am. I look at pictures of myself before this began and I dont even know who that person is anymore. And as bad as that sounds I dont think I would want to go back to who I was because this horrific experience has brought me an understanding of how to be grateful I would have never known or recognized before. Hopefully the MSM will wipe out the rest, God Bless you all and good luck!

Replied by Vikki

Anne! Your story is so familiar to me! May we both heal from this horrible nightmare!

Replied by Pamelia

Oh my God!! Everything you described is exactly my story as well and I'm still fighting this God awful mess! If you've had total success please share 🙏 Thank you, Pam

Replied by Janet
(Stanley nc)

Does anyone get bitten outside? For four years I have had this and I can't even go outside. I can't enjoy my grandkids. I am being robbed of my life. I pray every day that God will heal me. This is a horrible horrible thing to have to live through doctors think it's delusional. I just wish one of those doctors would have it just for a couple days, someone told me you should always hug your doctor. I pray we all get well and we can help each other. God bless. Now my house is infested with them and I can't kill him. We've tried bombs we've tried poison we've tried cedar sod we've tried apple cider vinegar. No one knows what we're really going through except for us. I just wish the medical community would be aware that this is real and we need help.

Replied by Lakia Lewis
(El Paso, TX)

How long did you use the uvb light each use? What brand did you use?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by A. Nonoumous (Fl) on 03/15/2022

I've tried everything from the dermatologist, er, and doctors. I.E Ivermectin, topicals, orals. Also things I probably shouldn't have. The amount of money, time, and effort that I've spent is alarming and I couldn't get any real help or relief. I feel I've finally gotten a grip on things after many years of intense suffering. The things that have worked for me are taking daily baths with apple cider vinegar with the mother and soaking for 30 minutes. Washing my hair separately. I sleep with a shower cap on so not to spread the mites. I treat my hair and scalp 3-5 times a week with the ACV with the mother and leave it on overnight. I also use a variety of lotions and body washes and wash my hands regularly. Pure coconut oil that's organic and unrefined has helped also.

Dove soaps and body washes combined with hylaronic acid, and argan oil body washes and lotions, along with exfoliating has been answered prayers. Using products that had lipids in them is where I really noticed a game changer. You must add lotions numerous times a day to give more support to your skin. Doing this religiously is a must. I also keep my clothes in plastic bags be them clean or dirty, and use a very sticky lint roller to remove the mites from my skin and clothes. I put mattress encasements on my mattress and box spring, as well as my pillows, and change my bedding daily. Washing bedding and clothes separately, on the hottest water setting with bleach and/or color safe bleach. I also adjusted my diet to more fruits and vegetables, plant proteins, and less animal protien as well as less sugar. Also adding more direct sunlight to my day to day, working on raising my immune system and reducing stress, having better gut health, and drinking a lot of herbal teas as well as Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother mixed with warm water every morning on an empty stomach. What I've learned is that these mites can overpopulate into very large numbers and over run our bodies ability to fight them. I'm still not sure why but I think we coexist with these monstrous critters and most people don't know they have them for they're microscopic and hard to see. We can pick them up unknowingly off of used clothes and furniture, animals, people's cars, people, standing in grass or under trees, carpet. I've never experienced anything like this in my life and at times felt no end in sight or how I would ever make it through.

Hang in there. Stay strong. You will get through this. Remain vigilant and don't give up. Things do get better. You need to make it so you are not a good host for the mites and make it difficult for them to populate by interrupting their life cycle. You can do it. This isn't a lifelong thing.

Sending lots of love and positive vibes your way. Keep fighting!!!

Replied by Ashley

I got squirrels in my home in 2005.i put everything in storage.. kept moving. Everywhere I went I had them. Eventually though I was viligent about personal care laundry etc. Had no furniture in house .sleeping on air matresses. Stayed few times in motel just to get some sleep. Have them also now. I vacuum shampoo and steam carpets.. having problems with my hair now it . Saw dr recently said I had ringworm. During these yrs.having health problems also. Hair breaking off. Skin elastin leaving..colon issues. I believe lot of this has come from these mites. I have noticed them also in other people's homes.the people don't seemed to be bothered with them. I think they get into the wood also.i notice them on the porch also.they can appear shiny spects.or black specs.even white specs.. I need anyone that knows of any help please help.. also had extermination lots of times.. I've almost given up hope. I've had things in storage for yrs. They even sold one of my buildings.


Try iodine drops ...daily..every few hours

Be consistent and in time they will fade away

(South Dakota)

Hi Ashley! I am just recently discovering this awful problem and am so grateful to have found this website and your comment! I have been seeing the ‘shiny specs' you're describing as well as sometimes black ones and occasionally white. I really thought I was going crazy.. I can see why people contemplate ending it all.. which is heartbreaking. I can't believe you've been dealing with it that long and gone through that much. Im so sorry :( have you found a solution yet? Or any help at all? There's a website that seems super promising. Ted is amazing. I just started the “lipiase sandwich” method he posted there, hopefully it works

Replied by Brandy

Don't forget your mouth. Make sure to hold vinegar in your mouth swish and gargle. Hold it in long as possible then spit. Some of the mites on your neck are in your mouth and they will rot your teeth. Also, a dermatologist at UCSF just started me on a supplement NAC. It helps with your insides. Coconut oil mixed with clove or thyme or mint. Works well as coconut oil is the only oil they can't feed on something to do with the acid. Good luck.

I've been sick 3 years and I fight every single day. Also don't forget inside your ears. I use Hartz mite drops for cats. Sounds crazy but suffering is worse. They hide in so many places one more thing. Vagisil with tea tree and boric acid the green one. For your privates. I only wish the best to all of you. No one deserves to suffer like this.


No cure yet. I am suffering like you. I took Ivermectin this a.m. It is recommended for scabies. I don't have scabies, I have the mysterious mites. Have you found anything else> I am going to go get some Vagisil. Bathing with ACV in the water.

Replied by A

You only need a few natural cures to get rid of the mites.

Wash all your clothes with trader joes lavender laundry detergent and add a 1/4 cup or so of Borax to each load. Change your bed sheets every day till they are gone and when you shower fist stand in shower and rub your whole body and hair with diatomaceous earth from Agway or any garden center(make sure its food grade).
Farmers use this if their chickens get mites snd it gets rid of them naturally. then rinse it off and wash hair and body with trader joes tea tree shampoo and conditioner and do a final rinse with hydrogen peroxide. Make sure you dont get the peroxide in your eyes.

That should do it and as long as you get all the clothes and bedding washes with the borax and detergent it will kill them all in only a few washes.

I had them and it was the worst thing ever but I refuses to go to Dr and get that horrible permethrin cream that does not work and it is carcinogenic.

I promise this works and you will finally get peace of mind.

Replied by Elaine
(Brisbane, Queensland)

I have just read your comment, concerning the problem you had with skin mites, and I am going through EXACTLY, what you described, at the moment, and I am mentally, going crazy. I am pretty sure I ve picked these mites up from leaving a jumper in the back of my friends car, for awhile, mistakenly, and he has another friend, a girl, who told him she had these mites, and he s referred it to me, about her problem, but think, when she s been in his car, after telling him of this, she s gone and found my jumper in the back of his car, and worn it, but then when he finally gave my jumper back to me, he told me that he d washed it, and I think he lied about washing it, and then I ve believed him and gone and worn it. This is, I think, how now, I have them.?? I ve never experienced anything like this, in my life. I also have to isolate myself from other people and family members, because I am afraid of them catching them. I don t want ANYBODY ELSE having these disgusting critters, that are invading my body. I too, have tried everything, but nothing works, NOTHING!!! I don t know what else to do, even the doctors don t have any answers. I have searched and searched for answers, but to no avail. OMG, I just want to be normal again. It has cost me a fortune . Now I am pretty sure my 2 cat pets, have caught these shit mites, as they are scratching madly. So theirs 2 more vet bills on my list of costs. I feel so helpless at this time, and its getting me so down.

Replied by Tamara

This is a cut and paste, but you get the gist. I want to seriously recommend the dry sauna. I got rid of o many bugs on my body including the ones that invade your ears, eyes and private areas. I'm thinking you might have some of what I have. Demodex are long and thin and booklice are black dots. Even the lice clinic and Terminex thought it was debris from my hair. It's not. The problems is that I had lice also. So lice killer would always make things worse. Lice killer was killing the lice and the demodex and booklice were thriving, because they like moisture. The trick is to get rid of all the moisture. So, the dry sauna will kill a lot. It's 170 degrees in there, but I think I still had a few of the Dems and booklice, because of setting in the dry sauna. Then I thought as long as this stuff was gone from my hair I could just change bed sheets. Somehow I got them or maybe they weren't dead. I read that cats can carry Dems and booklice because they are in the grass. I'm putting more killer on the cat. I saw also that epsom salt and swimming in chlorinated water will kill them. I think I'll do the dry sauna and have a swim at the rec.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Aquaboy (Philly, PA) on 12/03/2021

Skin Cure mite like infection/parasite

I had a long term case that was resistant to permethrin, ivermectin, and I tried every oral herb, vitamin, and tincture and nothing worked. I then found some posts similar to this and tried the following:

1) Body sprays of alternating applications of:

a) isopropyl 91% rubbing alcohol
b) hypochlorous acid (can be made at home on the cheap)
c) chlorine dioxide d) hydrogen peroxide

2) Hot baths of:

a) bleach
b) chlorine dioxide
c) borax with hydrogen peroxide (it was more cost effective to spray body with hydrogen peroxide and let sit until dry then jump in borax bath. I also washed my sheets regularly and sprayed with isopropyl rubbing alcohol on days between washes.

3) Spot treatment on skin with:

a) lugols solution
c) thieves oil

They worked.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Heather M. (NH) on 06/14/2021

Wow so many mite "cures" my head is spinning. I'm here out of pure frustration, been going on 5 years being the only one in the house under attack every night. I've tried everything, just tired of spending thousands on useless so called cures.

Replied by Charity
(faithville, Us)

Are you familiar with morgellons?Ted's Remedies, Morgellons Remedies (

I know some people battling this.

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

Hi Heather, You maybe have enough cures suggested to you by now by the sounds of it but may I suggest an idea of mine?

I use an Australian "Body and Soul Health Products shampoo" that I discovered recently and it is the only one that relieves my itchy scalp- oh the relief!

It does not claim to deal with micro insects but is mainly for eczema, psoriasis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, cradle cap and dandruff.

However, here's the thing, as I say it soothes my scalp such that nowadays I don't need to wash my hair nearly as often as before (yes, I know, I am a male! ) AND it works especially well after I have trimmed my huge hedge when I feel sure I get attacked by scores of very, very, small insects. If I don't do a thorough hair shampooing afterwards, I will itch and scratch all night! It might be pollen I suppose?

Goes by the name of Hope's Relief Shampoo and the good effect is enhanced if you use a conditioner afterwards. Follow the instructions on the container for best results. Use every day to start with.

I hope it works for you.


Replied by Mindy

Hi Heather, I'm struggling too and in NH. I'm not well to start with and so my body has not responded well to many of the treatments and attempts to heal myself of these blasted things. They get used to everythingI do. Ted's remedies do seem to help a lot of people...borax baths, taking baking soda 1/4 tsp 2x daily w 8, oz water on empty stomach etc. If you ever want to talk, pls feel free to contact me. I hate that I can't be around people or discuss it. Good luck and God bless everyone!!!

Replied by KT

You could try putting alcohol in a spray bottle and saturating your sheet and mattress, turning back your top sheet and spray that too along with your pillows about 1/2 hr. or so before going to bed. It should be dry enough to not smell of alcohol. I have done that and it seems to work well.


(Tyler, TX)

I experimented with putting a dropper full of wormwood combination tincture in some coconut oil and rubbed it all over after they started biting. It calmed them down so I could sleep. They sell a cream like this on Amazon as well.

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

(The following item was posted by Susan of France some years ago and should prove of interest to you I think).

The steam cleaners are sold through companies that help with bed bugs. I'm not sure this is the best solution for bird mites but couldn't hurt. As long as the pigeons are still nesting in your building you will have big problems with bird mites. The nest have to be cleared, the openings sealed and a mite killer powder placed where they roosted. Australian sites are good for this. The building may have to be tented and bird mite killer used (BetaCyfluthrin). If you kill them in just your apartment they will leave and then return.

If they are driving you mad then you can obtain relief though some of the remedies here.
Borax soaks with teatree are good for itching (the teatree oil repels them). I have used an essential oil spray that I had for my leg circulation. They hate the smell of essential oils, camphor, teatree, orange oil, and pine. Using these makes them leave temporarily.

Some people say that Skin-so-soft kills them on your body and repels then at night. I recommend sleeping in synthetic nightmare and using synthetic sheets as they prefer cotton.

Dry cleaning your clothes kills them as does high heat drying. Some recommend borax in the wash. When the clothes are clean you should keep them in a plastic bag or the mites will jump back on. Keep dirty clothes sealed in a bag as well. Some people say that modern moth repellants keep them off clothes temporarily. Some people say that Arrid Extra Dry repels them on clothing and in the car.

Bird mites like the face, nose, and ears and can make your face break out in bumps that scab over. I first noticed them in my nose and thought they were an allergy until I used the essential oils on the outside and they my nose stopped itching and congestion and breathing returned to normal- if momentarily. Some people recommend cleaning with alcohol, or bleach, or borax. I used diluted bleach, then alcohol on my face, then face cream and they stopped itching and the bumps cleared.

Mineral oil and particularly Vasoline kills them as they cannot breathe. This is a common remedy used on pet birds as they get mites on their beaks and feet. Some people use Campho-Phenique or Vick's vaporub in their nose on outer ear to keep them out and kill mites that have entered.


CLEANING: Vacuuming daily with a hepa filter that is sealed and kept outside. Vacuum walls, furnishings and clothes. Cleaning floors and surfaces with Dettol, Pinoclean, or Pinesol. (People with carpet use borax powder.) Spraying (BetaCyfluthrin found in roach spray) bedroom, mattress, closet, and pillows and sealing room for 4 hours. Keeping worn clothes sealed in bag and outside of bedroom.

BODY: Denorex, Gold Bond Foot Powder (It has menthol, eucalyptus oil and peppermint oil and keeps them off feet and out of shoes), bleach baths, Arbonne bodywash and spf 30 sunscreen, Borax, sea salt scrub, Gold Bond Foot Spray.

Anything that has menthol in it or sulfur in it. Sulfer based hair products (Sulfur 8 hair and scalp medicated conditioner). Pestene by the company Inca Powder, sulfur, lime sulfur oil, sulfur dust, all work great. Lime Sulfur Oil from the Bonide Company (order lime sulfur pet dip from Amazon).

ENVIRONMENT:Keeping the rooms dry and cool. Mites love wet and humid. Using mite pillow protectors (also helps with dust and dust mite allergies.) Sleeping in synthetic nightgown and sheets. Sleeping on a laytex/memoryfoam mattress (helped with bird and dust mite)

Hope this is helpful! Good luck to you.

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

(N/B. This posting was from Eve (Nv?) .. again from a while ago now - might be more relevant to your situation than the other one I gave you. Tea Tree Oil can be quite strong so be careful and don't underestimate it please-especially with the eyes-get a second opinion).

Sad Story and to think there are millions suffering from the same things! Mine started when I had the final cataract surgery done in NV, first one was done in another State and no problems. The surgeon didn't know what they were so to to make a long story story short, he thought Tea Tree Oil was a new oil, I laughed him almost out of the room, I had used it for 40 years for colds, back pain, and on and on.

Get a good grade of Tea Tree Oil and a Good carrier oil, such as cold pressed Coconut oil, These 2 will be need to be diluted 50/50, shake each time you use it. VERY CAREFULLY, take a Q tip and put the oil on it and pull your eye lids up and down so you can reach each one . Gently touch your lids with oil, and it will sting a bit, that's why you need to pull your lid up or down. After you have put the oil on the lids and you will feel these fools things trying to die, they will make your eye twitch. Then, close your eyes and use the q tip and massage across your upper lids with the oil. It is recommended that you do this every 5 minutes each time your doctor your eyes and do this 3 times each session. I also use saline solution to rinse my eyes out and if you have a fairly strong magnifying glass you will see little specks in eye bowl, switch that round in your eyes several times a day.

These instructions are from a Dr in a medical school in Fl and it was the only thing that killed them and gave me any relief. Since there are so many types of mites, you probably need to work on your home and your car because you carry them everywhere. My relief was straight 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, I sprayed my entire home, walls, floors, bed, clothes and when I get out of a shower I spray my body and if the mites are any place on your body you will feel a sting which will last about 3-5 minutes from the HP killing them. Don't spray your head with the HP as it will break your hair off. Use several drops of Tea Tree Oil in your shampoo every time you shower or bathe. Vac and sweep your floors and carpet frequently and change your bed linens weekly. No easy quick solution to the problem. I just recently found a Pesticide that will kill mites and it is called Onslaught. It's bit expensive, about 39.00 a qt and you need a sprayer for it, not a bottle sprayer, you don' want to get the stuff on your skin or eyes or children nor pets nor plants, it's safe after it dries. BE SURE YOU READ THE INSTRUCTION CAREFULLY BUT IT WoRKS and will take about 2-3 applications and what a relief!

Just remember you got'em, keep calm but be diligent in doing your work about killing them, GOOD LUCK!

Cheers from Down Under

Replied by Cara
(Lakeside, AZ)

I just tried the Borax 20 Mule Team and am grateful that I found this Borax/Hydrogen peroxide mix for baths, only I added 2 cups of table salt to the 3 cups of Borax and 2 cups of Hydrogen peroxide. I feel so relieved for the first time since this started 3 years ago. I know it will take more baths, but it works well enough the first time to tell you it's going to work.

Tomorrow I'm going to get the Kerosene as my Grandma's generation and before used it to kill body parasites like chiggers and lice. So despite what warning is on the bottle, I know that it's safe to use from head to toe every 3 days until well.

If anyone needs Antifungals like Itraconazole, etc you can get them without a prescription from It's human medicine and it's good medicine, I know because I've been ordering it for 3 months. They will arrive in 7-14 days. They have Ivermectin too, but a doctor told me that the Ivermectin paste for horses was as good and it's cheaper. God bless you all with healing.

Replied by Deborah D.
(Flower Mound, TX)

I suggest clean green .. check out their website. I hav been fighting these creatures for 5 months. I use 2 c bleach in a tub full of hot water. Call clean green and ask for help. They had great ideas. Praying for you.

Replied by Nancy New Jersey

I found out that these microscopic mites thrive on your anxiety emotions if you take something like depression medicine they start jumping on you I myself took Valium and Lexapro

(Kitchener On)


I had the same as you a few years ago..

Got rid of them permanently.

Get a bag of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth,

Rub on the whole body, bedtime, they will die in a matter of days.


Replied by Diane
(Fort Worth Texas)

I do have mites. My father in law has them. He came over last week. Sat in the chair that I sit in. He was scratching like crazy. I thought it was misquote bites. But the next day he called and said he has mites and is going to have to have his whole house dry cleaned. We can't afford that. I have lung cancer and am having to pay for chemo out of pocket as I have no health insurance. I read on the internet that vinegar will kill them I just hope apple cider vinegar will do it. My sister said if they are not cleared up by the time I go to the oncologist to tell him about it. And if it were her she would give my father in law a piece of her mind. I did not have them when I went the doctor. And my husband keeps saying if he doesn't have them then I familydon't. I don't think that is true. I tried to make another appointment however all doctors are booked up due to COVID outbreak. And my husband said he is not paying for another Dr. visit because he is already paying for the cancer. Hopefully the apple cider vinegar will work. I am miserable. Cars are broke down my husband is using work van. I am not authorized to drive it. All my family live to far away to help. I have a few friends but they either have COVID or are working. Does any one have any ideas?


Hi Diane,

I got rid of all my mite problems with Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. Just sprinkle lightly where you think there are, and 2 days later vacum. They will all die. Good luck

Replied by Marina

Hi! Then the answer to your question is fighting them internally, by creating a more symbiotic environment on your body, because something is clearly off balance. Try eating not sugar and lox carb for 1 month and see how you fee. Also get adequate vitamin d (direct sunlight) for at least 30 min a day.

Replied by Tamara

I want to seriously recommend the dry sauna. I got rid of o many bugs on my body including the ones that invade your ears, eyes and private areas. I'm thinking you might have some of what I have. Demodex are long and thin and booklice are black dots. Even the lice clinic and Terminex thought it was debris from my hair. It's not. The problems is that I had lice also. So lice killer would always make things worse. Lice killer was killing the lice and the demodex and booklice were thriving, because they like moisture. The trick is to get rid of all the moisture. So, the dry sauna will kill a lot. It's 170 degrees in there, but I think I still had a few of the Dems and booklice, because of setting in the dry sauna. Then I thought as long as this stuff was gone from my hair I could just change bed sheets. Somehow I got them or maybe they weren't dead. I read that cats can carry Dems and booklice because they are in the grass. I'm putting more killer on the cat. I saw also that epsom salt and swimming in chlorinated water will kill them. I think I'll do the dry sauna and have a swim at the rec.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Heidi (California) on 05/27/2018

i have been going through this and prayed I would die instead of feel this way. I also was only one in house feeling this. Apparently nicotine keeps them off my husband.

Here's how I have reduced the numbers and am making head way. I'm not sure which mites I have so I treated for several kinds. Borax, hydrogen peroxide & water on the body after a shower and used hair dryer to dry it. Tea tree oil in bath water. I bought ovante demodex control products off internet and use them every day- lotion, face cream, eye products, shampoo, body wash. I had tons of eye irritation too. My feet were full of dead skin and it's all gone too...think it may have been dandruf

Wash bedding, clothes and towels every day and add borax to the detergent. I dry hot & long. I throw pillows in a hot dryer every day for 20 minutes

I threw out all pillows. I bought a new mattress.

My body has had much less crawly, itchy, stinging episodes and I think it's getting under control after three weeks. Thank GOD.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tracymae (Missouri) on 12/20/2016

After many years of misery, and misdiagnosis, I finally discovered my home of 11 years had severe infestation of mites... Bird and rat mites. Tiny black, crawling, biting 8 legged creatures. (saw them under microscope, and one pest control company identified them too.... Though many others didn't believe me.) Nothing got rid of them, nothing.... Long story, but many years of trying everything... Anyone who came over, was diagnosed with scabies, but the bugs did not act like typical scabies, and the medication didn't work. Pest Control services didn't help much, if at all. I was not able to remove nests, because they were in my walls, attic, chimney, and being a disabled single parent, I had no way of doing it and couldn't afford to pay anyone. My pets suffered too, the neighbors dogs suffered. (Itching, raw skin, hair/fur falling out, etc). We moved, and left everything at our house, or we put it in storage. But many months later, the mites have yet to die off. Things were better, till my children started sneaking things in from storage. Then it started here too...... Itching, crawling, biting, rashes, my hair was falling out in huge amounts, I had bug bites, sores on my scalp and body... I had waist length hair, etc...i just couldn't bring myself to keep going to the Dr.I already bought new furniture, new clothes, etc.... I was checked for lice, bed bugs, etc...many times, and given meds for itch., The permethrin didn't work, only helped deter while I had the meds on me. I found Ted's mange cure and decided to try it. Little by little, I saw many improvements. Internal borax per Ted's recipe, external borax with hydrogen peroxide per Ted's mange treatment. My little dogs feet and legs and ears cleared right up after several soaks over two weeks or so.... (Vet kept saying it was allergies, and nerves) . Years of me dealing with all this, I became very depressed, from lack of sleep, and being so miserable, year after year. I know many people thought I had a mental imbalance. (At first, the bugs bothered everyone, but then it was mostly just me. I am middle aged, female, with immune system abnormalities. Occasionally, if someone new came along, they would get rashes they insisted were from poison ivy or chiggers.) . After about four or five baths in borax and hydrogen peroxide, my dog rarely has had any more problems since....but it has taken me two months of daily treatments on myself, .... At first, it was every day of borax and hydrogen peroxide, with Apple cider vinegar with water rinses. Then I started adding a few drops of iodine to my selsun blue shampoos, and added coconut oil to the borax hair scalp treatment too, to help with dryness, ... and washing my bed linens and blanket daily in hot water and borax and vinegar.... And vacuuming daily, (new filtered vacuum) spraying everything with borax water.(new mattress in a hypoallergenic bed bug and dust proof zipper mattress cover) Mopping with borax, then Murphy's oil soap, and wiping down everything with Windex every day or two at least. My car was also infested, and so it was hard trying to convince everyone they must be very careful with what they bring in from the car, and to shower, shampoo with selsun blue, and vinegar, and wash their jackets and clothes in hot water, and high heat.(soaked pillows in hot water, borax, weekly... Bought new pillows every 2 mo) Raid max foggers every 5-7 days in the car, and in my home helped too. Two cans per room.... (1.5 % cypermethrin, I believe). I was trying to break the life cycle. I plan to use a miticide next time, to be sure they don't build immunity and return.... Had I not had to deal with this nightmare myself, I would think everyone talking about bird and rat mites infesting humans and dogs had mental imbalances. But little by little, things are improving, ..... and I thank this website, and Ted's treatments, and reading about other people's experiences. I am hopeful for the first time in many many years. Things seem to be improving, although I still have a few issues here and there.

Replied by Mightymite
(Houston, Texas)

Started getting weird symptoms 2 mos. ago. Huge pigeon nesting population abutting my apt. Through deduction, internet and finding a small pigeon feather in my hair, I belive I have bird mites. Daily baths with Dawn, essential oil, apple cider vinegar and sometimes epsom salts and changing clothes regularly greatly helps. windez got rid of them on my shoes and feet. I am still shedding black specks, and I have only gotten a few reprieves for my eyelashes. I use a tea tree gel cleanser for them, but I can't seem to eradicate them. Awful when they are on ur eyelashes, moving on ur scalp/in hair and going in nose. Am drinking borax solution, 1st round now. How long do I do the borax drink and how the heck do I get them off my lashes? Thanks for all the remedies! Thought I was crazy for 6 weeks!

(Denver CO)

Diatomaceous earth (food grade only) is good to surround the outside of your home. Good for inside but you need to vacuum it up and do not breathe it in and keep away from pets. It's non toxic, but damage lungs because of the texture which takes off the outer coating of bugs. I basically kept borax, baking soda and salt on carpeted areas and around floor borders. Cleaned hard surfaces a lot and used borax in the laundry along with ammonia. Took baths with 2 cups epsom salt, 1/4 to 1/3 cup borax and emerged entire body as well as head (very important to protect and treat ears and face) —the baths helped rid them from my body the most. These baths hugely help with anxiety, as well, because epsom salts are magnesium which helps calm us. They sell tea tree wipes for eyes at drug stores, Target and Walmart. I put one or two drops of tea tree oil into a few drops of castor oil and put it on my face and around front back and sides of neck and around my ears to protect them. Used tea tree shampoo and conditioner. I no longer have a problem. I felt God wanted me to come back to this website that helped me to help others. Praying for everyone going through this.

Replied by Sheila

Been going through this for 6 mo. I have a few helpful things for you to try. It has helped a lot. I wash my clothes in ammonia, borax and detergent. Then after they are dried put in Ziploc bags.I am a hairstylist and for my hair and skin I use a cheap shampoo and conditioner Tea tree and mint I get it at dollar tree or big lots I add a little tea tree oil to it when bathing. Swept your floors with salt . sprinkle it all over the mites want jump . Swept it put in Ziploc bags.Put lint out of dryer in bags. I have more advise that helps but doesn't get rid of them. They reproduce faster than we can eliminate them. I'm the only one in my house they bother.

Replied by Adrienne
(New Zealand)
6 posts

Thankyou for your feedback! I will obtain food grade hydrogen peroxide and borax and give this solution a good try.

I have found flowers of sulphur (from gardening centre) helpful but the smell stops me using it a lot during the day (other people looking at one weirdly does not help! ).

Diatomaceous Earth (food grade) has been helpful and added to water, olive oil and body lotion stop separating helpful. T tree added very helpful.

1cup of bleach added to a bath very helpful.

But kicking it completely, elusive!

Your journey has been a hard one but it gives me hope!

Best regards! From Adrienne

Replied by Sherrie
(Arlington, Tx)

Traci!!!! N ALL!!!! Girl I feel a like an exact duplicate of what you've been through.... thank you for your fantastic post!!!! Just wow!! To finally figure out what these are... to all the absolute HELL I've gone thru... I too w waist hair...up in a constant doo-doo my "ziplock bag purse" (kept in the freezer right beside my bra!!! ) The suffering of my animals which I cannot bare and have spent hundreds n hundreds on grooming and Vet... To the pest control who thinks I'm just crazy as a loon!! Bloodshot eyes, insomnia, constant swiffering n vacumming w my broken back... washing pet bedding at 2AM...just totally a broken person. Thanks to ALL who've posted in here!!! What a HUGE HELP!!!! Omg thank you!! Bless you ALL!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!


You haven't said the products you've used to be cured.

Replied by Invisible Plague
(New Zealand)

This post is recent. Where in new zealand are you? I'm in west auckland. did you get rid of them?

Replied by Rm

I have tried all of the remedies however nothing really worked except terrain modification for those horrible mites. They say that they like humid and moist areas so I decided to turn my house into the alkaline salt desert. I took out everything that I could accept bear shelving dresser Etc. I put all my books clothing and property in contractor plastic bags and added mothballs and cedar oil to the inside of the bags put them in storage. Not to touch them for a year or more. So I took salt with iodine and covered my floor with it I have ceramic tile. But I'm sure you can do this with carpet or whatever just cover your floor with salt because that's where they crawl and that will dry them up whenever they walk on it. Then I took Epsom salt which is 13% sulfur and I diluted 1/2 of a sprayer bottle with water and epsom salt. Then I proceeded to cover the ceiling and walls with Epsom salt and Bora Bora in water till I had the ceiling walls and Floors covered in salt for ox and epsom salt. No matter where they were they would be completely dried out. Leave it like that for 4 months any eggs that have hatched they will dry out and die. The next thing is to get enzymes they're called Kleen green these enzymes dissolve the exoskeleton of the mites. Killing them. They cannot build immunity to this these enzymes eat protein. I wash my clothes just in Kleen green enzymes. This is one hundred percent natural you can spray it on your person in your car everyday._. This takes a little time for the enzymes to work you can wash your hair with just enzymes you will feel the difference no crawlies nothing after a little time. So I'm at the end of this nightmare. I went from my whole chest being covered and bitten horrible horrible bites. To no bites once in awhile a little crawly then nothing to just sleep all night without any bites is amazing once you get these enzymes on the mites it starts dissolving them. Please try some of these things they will work. Take care and good luck

Replied by Adrienne
(West Auckland, New Zealand)
6 posts

Adrienne here, I'm in West Auckland, NZ. I am getting there.Still not resolved but better at times.

I have added homeopathy and it is helping more than one would think.

The other treatments I've mentioned above, I've kept on with because they work.

What a journey! All started when I went camping at the end of February '16 (NZs warmest month).

Diatomaceous Earth...Bought from Huckleberrys or Henderson Bird shop.

Flowers of Sulphur bought at Kings Garden Centre.

Homeopathics: Natrum Muriaticum take 2 tabs daily, dissolve in your mouth (Take on an empty stomach).

Sulphur 30c, take 2 drops in a glass of filtered water daily (again on empty stomach).

I wish any who are having this kind of experience all the best! It is hideous to say the least.

Cheers Adrienne

Replied by Michelle

Were you able to get them out of your car?

Replied by Christine
(Rhode Island)

Thank YOU for your post...i gave been suffering for almost 2 years I believe I have the same thing you had......i see yellowish, brown and black dots ...i also see hair looks like a little line......i am the only one getting bit so everyone thinks I'm nuts..... (I m not) I know what they look like becUse I have suffered so long after awhile you start to know what they look like .....i juat have one question does it matter what type of viniger??? Thank you and god bless


Please someone help! I have been on every Dr ordered med for bites, rash or mites and now being told it's a nerve disease. I'm going cray but more than that, my kids and friends think I'm losing it! I'm covered in bites. can see them under my skin even.

Replied by Ladyd
(Ontario Ca)

Help help I'm fighting a mite infestation for months now. And I'm at my wit's end I have read Orga testimonials from other people I am Junior eats of a teaspoon in water everyday as well as Borax and hydrogen peroxide mix and tannic acid and it says if I'm doing nothing so none of these are working and at this point I would rather be dead than deal with this anymore but I am using three different of your remedies and none of them are working and I have tried tea tree oil diaper rash ointment you name it I have tried it I've almost lost my job it's it's ridiculous please help give me something that will work

Replied by Jaime
(Ontario, California)

I'm sure you tried this already but sulfer soap seems to be the trick. I'm trying to help my parents with a similar mite issue, today my mother couldn't take it anymore and came over, dropped her things and immediately went to my shower. I made a bath for her and whipped up a mixture/scrub of everything that I found online that helps with mites which included: a popular bath salt scrub (3.99 at Target for a big bag), organic coconut oil (2.99 I think at trader Joe's), tea tree oil- also at t.j.'s for cheap, apple cider vinegar

I heated up the coconut oil in the microwave and mixed all the ingredients to a thick soup consistency and it seemed to help her a lot. The itching reduced and she was able to relax finally.

Then I kicked them out and sanitized everything... just joking, but fingers crossed they continue to improve. I also made a coconut tea tree oil so they can heat it and leave it on their skin.

Hope this helps you and it won't break the bank..Good luck!

Replied by Billy
(Brunswick, Ga)

For over 3 years I've been going through the same thing. Doctors vets every type mite pesticide there is and nothing has worked for me. Now tonight me and my two small dogs are covered in happy jack mange medicine and seems to be slowly working. Depressed yes can't do nothing out side hardly can't work can't do nothing I use to do. Covered in scars and hair lose. Just when you think you down to the last one here they cone again . moved from place to place even lived in tents to switch up . I'm not taking a bath for 7 days and I'm applying happy jack everyday for 7 days my dogs to. I would love to have a solid working recipe my self .. I even take sulfur baths with pure powder sulfur and I start with very hot water then go to nothing but pure cold water seems to help then I change up the rutein and that seems to help. Yes vinegar works sulfur soap helps ..ive even eaten ivermectin horse wormer yes I have. I got these things called scabies when I took a job at a hardware slash feed store and misery is all I can say. Any help would be great and the happy Jack mange medicine seems to be working but in not getting my hopes up yet. Any help would be a blessing. Just want my normal life back and be able to work again and be sociable again would be like winning the lottery to me. Help if you can .. thanks Billy in brunswick under severe depression with no clue what to try next

Replied by Crystal M.
(West Virginia)

Dr Bronners: 18 in 1 hemp peppermint pure castle soap shampoo body wash just be careful not to get in eyes and you can use in laundry fir clothes & bedding and before bed I use a small amount of mentholatum around my eyes, nostrils, ears and mouth and I sprinkle borax detergent in my carpet and spray hot shot bed bug everywhere in my home and car where I feel the bugs are at. It's been 5 Yrs, 3 different exterminators and I've paid for $100 jugs of evictor insect control spray and fumigated myself, it's a lot better now after 5 yrs but we're still dealing with a light infestation.

(faithville, Us)

Ted's Remedies, Morgellons Remedies (

I read a lot .....and love conspiracy ......if it's all good of course. Word is those covid nose swabs have morgellons on them and they are spreading it to the unsuspecting masses. Copper helps and possibly borax. Love a good rumor if it solves a mystery. The man who digs a pit will fall in it . Lies always come out in the end . Blessings, Charity

Replied by Robin
(San Francisco California)

It's September 2021 and I am dealing with these mite parasites which came to me because we let a neighbors outdoor cat stay in our place overnight for a matter of four or five hours and from that point on I felt intense crawling sensations on my scalp while laying on the couch. We put a blanket on the couch on that particular night and let the cat stay there in our living room because it was afraid of some skunk that was outside and it felt trapped near our back door. This cat brought us a lot of love during the whole global pandemic situation and it was heartbreaking because after we discovered that the neighbors cat was rolling around in areas where raccoons were scratching themselves, I soon realized that these were from a wild animal that was passed to the cat then passed on to us.

Since then, we've had to avoid touching or petting the cat in anyway whatsoever and it makes me cry at the thought of it. The cat is pure love and really enjoys our company even though it's not our pet.

Consequently, I am the one suffering but my husband does not feel the itching crawling and irritation. I recently have discovered however that after five months of this they are starting to go to my husband's lower hairline and neck because it's red and they're in his follicles. There are all kinds of different mites but these look like a bic pen dot and depending on their stage of growth are different sizes. they turn black when they're on light colors and they're white like dandruff or lint when they're on dark colors. these parasites have gotten under my skin and have made tracks marks on my skin at the beginning and I have experienced the stinging and the biting and the crawling irritation at night in the sheets and or seams of my clothing. I've had to throw away half of my closet. It is horrific! Yes, they nest under the skin and a lot of the remedies that are have already been mentioned here are the recommended ones -borax hydrogen peroxide distilled water spray -and I personally use Kleen Green (a natural enzyme spray product that is made in the US which has saved me and mostly prevented them from bothering me at night. I spray that natural enzyme on my clothes daily after lint rolling everything I wear before putting it on my body. This spray apparently cuts into their exoskeleton which will help to kill off a number of them. Bag balm which is a type of ointment that comes in a green square can is very helpful because it helps to prevent infection and also suffocates them. I put the bag balm on my feet and hands at night before going to bed and it prevents as much irritation as I had in the beginning. This product can be found at most pharmacies and are usually get it at Walgreens. You can also buy it online. It's much like petroleum jelly but different.

Personally, I have been so exhausted from this process since the middle of March that I can only handle washing every three days. I know it's probably better to wash daily but I'm just tired out from the situation. So, upon waking I lint roll all the sheets and pillows on the bed and then spray it down with Kleen Green - the product I mentioned above - let it dry and then put your comforter blanket on top afterwards. Lint rollers Kleen Green enzyme spray are my best friends right now as well as bag balm. Oh, and borax too. I launder with borax and the natural enzyme spray can be used to launder clothes as well.

Additionally, I sought out help from a Facebook group that was all about wellness and a woman who is a medical intuitive referred me to a man in Connecticut Dr Matt Cucolo who has had clients with this situation for the past handful of months. He prescribed to me a series of herbs to help candida and digestive issues along with any internal parasites. I have been taking those herbs since May I believe. One of the herbs is a wormwood complex which is ultra important and helps to kill the stuff from the inside. It's important that you don't just work from the outside with cleansers etc. You've got to kill them from the inside, especially the hair follicles on your head. They go into the intestines they go into the lower body areas or any orifice they can get into. It is absolutely disgusting! I did originally go to a dermatologist and a few nurse practitioners or physician assistance at urgent care and they did give me permethrin and ivermectin. It does not cure the problem. It's a temporary fix. If you have parasites of any kind inside your body it will attract the mites which are a parasite.

At this point in time, I'm having my husband put oregano drops (it's a natural anti-parasitic) in water to drink and he's using a sulfur soap to wash his hair and body with daily. The sulfur soap is very important and I've also purchased a pine tar oil soap (grandpas is the brand) that can be used for hair and body and of course I use Dr. Bronner‘s mint soap. My husband fought me along the way telling me that he didn't believe they were mites at all even after he saw black dots on our bed sheet after waking up in the morning. Do you believe that!? Now, I told him the problem will never go away unless he starts to treat himself in someway or another. He's finally realizing that he can't ignore it anymore and pretend that we don't have this issue.

Additionally, I have been adhering strictly to a diet of protein (mostly fish and eggs and once in a while some beef or bacon) vegetables and seed crackers plus pumpkin seeds macadamia nuts almonds sunflower seeds, non-dairy yogurt. Absolutely no carbs no potatoes no yeast no sugar or sugary fruits. this is absolutely essential if you want them to reduce in population.

Also check out a woman online on YouTube who has a channel called “I might have mites”. She has amazing recipes for bath solutions and hair solutions as well as other things like coconut oil which is something that I use daily to put on my body after I shower. it felt great to find someone who has a series of videos and has experienced this awful stuff. I think her hers lasted for two years.

I hope this helps some of you and please share anything you know about how to deal with the clothing and furniture part because I've had to wear all polyester clothes as a result and stay away from cotton clothes because they embed themselves in the cotton. I've also had to purchase polyester sheets which I absolutely don't like but they tend to not embed themselves as deeply in polyester as they do cotton.

Be well and reply if you want to know more or can help me too! This is revolting to experience and has affected my energy, motivation and daily life as well as sleep. I am on clonazipam to sleep at night. That is the only thing that a regular doctor did for me - otherwise they did not solve the problem at all!!!!!!

(West Virginia)

You said...It's a temporary fix. If you have parasites of any kind inside your body it will attract the mites which are a parasite.....could you elaborate more on what you mean here...please and thank you for your sharing and I'm sorry for your situation and hopefully me and my detail fanatic brain aren't too much of a bother but I was intrigued by your story especially with the part about your husband's role in it....I'm almost to the point of getting mine to admit I'm not a least not about something that has basically drained me of life as I knew it

(Homer NY)

Omg I'm at my wits end. This is no way to live- I am constantly using a lint roller, packaging tape, fly tape, one of those before you paint dust remover mesh sticky clothes sprayed with mint/alcohol. Every night neem oil in my hair, behind and all over and in my ears. I soak q tips in neem and tea tree and leave them in my ears otherwise they will fly in my ears, the love love love my hair. Constantly feeling crawling followed by a sharp bite or pinch every few minutes. They poke through my clothes and leave itchy black dots, my car is infested haven't driven it in weeks, my bedroom, kitchen laundry room, I feel like it is a combination of biting midges maybe, or bird/rodent mites, they fly super fast and range from shiny black to light tan. Even small orange gel looking dots not bedbugs. And demodex came after. I feel like they just fall on me from the ceiling- and another person mentioned they are internal- I feel them around my groin even in my butt. It's so gross even to admit. I always prized myself on my beautiful blonde hair. Now it's all brittle and broken. it was waist length now I've had to cut my shoulders around my ears.

Replied by Karen
(Spartanburg SC)

A recent trip to Panama, Central America introduced me to a product called jungle oil. The Amazonian rain forest is parasitic bug and mosquito paradise. The locals homemake this oil in their kitchens as a repellent in this hot and humid Environment. Only info I have is copal slow heat to dissolve resin into the oil. It worked as an effective repellent while we were there. I bought a few bottles back and want to send this to you. Be encouraged. Maybe it will help. Karen

Replied by Cat
(Redford Michigan)

Well, I hear ya! I have lesions all over my body..face, eyes ears nose p***y! .I tell you what. I may be poisoning myself, but I'm poisoning these demodex fkrs worse. I straight started spraying myself with Lysol disinfectant spray, and all my clothes! They warn you not to, but, hey. It isn't painful yet, and talk about instant death! I wipe my body continually with witch's working. I also got some spray from Meijer for lice, bedbugs and dustmites. We'll see how that goes tomorrow. My cats have started itching too. I guess I'll be taking them to the vet. This shit's Insane! Arrhhgggg!!!

(West Virginia)

Update? Because I myself agree with you fully...or maybe we both just reached the level of insane that most are sure to reach sooner or later with this bs...but instant death? Is that what you're saying the spray causes to the fkrs?? *crosses fingers and toes kisses lysol bottle

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Nancy New Jersey (New Jersey) on 09/07/2016

I have been Fighting this for a year, selenium shampoo sulfide2.25% get a prescription from your doctor very expensive try to double your prescription don't drink any alcohol while using this shampoo, I use it everyday leave it on your whole body hair and body 10 minutes.if the mites are in your car you need to spray Rid lice spray all over rugs under seats morning and nite, after dark set off a fogger I used raid your choice until they are gone, Its been about two weeks, still feel a little but driveable I vac. Everyday like a (MF) I wipe the car down with gleen green, and still wash clothes in tide with bleach change my sheets on the bed everyday been fogging my house every two weeks with Bifen insec.order it on Amazon doesnt have a strong odor.clean my floors steam cleaner it took a year to finally figure it out I have been going I finally start feeling normal. Good luck. I hope this helps anyone so they don't have to suffer a whole year

Replied by Kimberly

I have had bird/rat mites for 3 mos. I couldn't get them out of my car and now my new apt. has them. Pest Control refused to fog my car. I wanted to use a Raid cypermethrin fogger, but the directions say not to put it in any space less than 5 x 5 ft. How did you fog your car? I am desperate. My car keeps reinfecting me.

I read an article that says I have to re-fog after 7-10 days to kill the newly hatched bird mites.

Replied by Jsdavis
(Tri-cities, Va)

I have bird-mite invasion. every day after I finish using my car, I spray it thoroughally with a solution of 3 cups warm water and 2 level Tablespoons of old fashioned Chlorox bleach. Do not forget the trunk. Close the car and it is usually OK for the next day.

Replied by Am
(Nashville Tn)

Hello....I'm replying on the fummigating the car....I spoke to my mechanic and he said it would NOT explode...he disconnected the battery cables and I put the bed bug fogger in the middle cup holder between the front n back seats...won't drive it a few days to let everything die....also bought good night mite spray at home depo to spray down the car after each use until all these things are off my body...I kept getting them back again every time I got in my car...I have 2 more foggers will do that as needed if needed.

Replied by Adrienne
(New Zealand)
6 posts

Tiny black biting mites:

Good pest control companies can put your car into a container to heat treat. It does not damage the car and is not off the planet in cost. I had mine done it was cost something like $280.00 NZ (I can't remember exactly, sorry) at Rentokil NZ pest control company, they were very helpful.

Getting me clear has been another matter. I have tried everything natural chemical and mixes. The things I've used that consistently help are:

diatomaceous earth: on everything including myself.

Equal amounts (20ml of each)of plain, cheap hair conditioner mixed with methylated spirits, there is always a little left over, Rub this all over including hair, use a nit comb through your hair. Wait 15 to 20 mins then shower. Or, if I'm tired (not hard with this journey) go to bed after rubbing it all over have a good nights sleep (keep some beside the bed and if you awaken being nipped put you finger in and rub where nipped, it stops. Repeat in the morning then shower. I have success leaving it on (repeating after a shower)then rub DE on your skin.

Mattress is encased in plastic. I use a plastic camping pillow; this has saved a lot of trouble. Have had a journey with changing the sheets and bedding every day. However sometimes am so tired I have had success in spraying each layer with fly spray.

i don't personally like chemicals but one can get so desperate for some peace that you just use what will work when you are exhausted. I work in a very busy hospital at the front line and have to be well rested.

To protect my car I spray with a good fly spray.

I do the same with my shoes; take them off, spray and bag them. I flea powder them prior to wearing and I've had success in stopping the tiny creatures from breeding in my shoes.

vacuming, washing clothes in hot water, drying then 1/2 an hour in a drier. Bras need to be put in boiling water; I boil the jug poor it over my bra and underpants as soon as I've removed them....the tiny black insects were breeding in the bras! I learned this very quickly.

I've used flannels to dry myself after showering and then into boiling water. I miss towels but this has been cost effective.

All of this stated with a camping trip at the end of Febrary this year (2016 at the warm end of our New Zealand summer).

i wish anyone having this problem all the best in beating it (including me) Good Luck!

Replied by Anje

I have had them for a year and a cpl months moved and trI'd following some tips but now I moved it seems like they're worse, ESP IN THE CAR. MY KIDS GET IN AND IMMEDIATELY THEY ARE COVERED. Tried lice spray no difference. Bombing I have not done. Our bodies are also detoxing from toxic mold we didn't know about for 3 yrs. Any recommendations wld be super appreciated.. im at white end. My kids are young and don't know why mommy is freaking out about silly normal things to them. But I belive my main source NOW is car... love to hear any advice!


Use a cheap fly spray morning and night and vacuum then wipe down interior and door seals.

Replied by Karen

Jane Ishmael has written an informative book as well as Richard Kuhn. Jane recommends getting a car like a keep or the Honda Element without carpets and plastic seats. I've used Lysol spray in mine. Helps. Scent dissipates fast.

Replied by Rose

Put some salt on the floor boards. Then put d e on the seats, you do have to leave it there . I hope this helps😢

Replied by Michelle

I would spray the car interior with denatured alcohol.

I saw a post from someone who said that they sprayed themselves with kerosene (paraffin) from head to toe every 4 days (slept in it) and this got rid of them.

I have had very good results with drinking neem powder dissolved in water (3 teaspoons a day dissolved in 750 ml water which I sip throughout the day). This has kept them to a minimum however the neem is dehydrating and you need to drink a lot of water to compensate.

Cut out potatoes, any refined sugar and flour from your diet. I have also started taking Juice Plus supplements, chlorella and spirulina. For me the problem is on my person rather than my environment (I brought these bastards back with me from a trip to India) so my strategy is to make my blood / scent disgusting to them.

I also add a cup of cheap table salt to my laundry.

I only feel occasional crawling now however it is largely under control. I am going to try the paraffin (with much hesitation) as I need them gone for good.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Debbie (Oregon) on 04/05/2016

I got what I think is demodex mites. It took me 9 months to get rid of them but would have been much shorter if I had done what got rid of them for me earlier. I tried tea tree oil, neem oil, ivermectrin the list goes on and on. Here is what did it.

I used dry mustard (bought in large container from amazon) in my shampoo and body wash every day. You have to figure out how much you can do without burning. I started with a 1/2 teaspoon and worked up to 1 teaspoon, mix with 1 tsp of cold water and the shampoo. Mix it up and apply and leave on for 5 minutes. Keep away from eyes. Then I would do the same and add Dove's body soap, mix it and turn off the shower and apply all over my body and let it sit for 5 minutes. (my face couldn't handle mustard, burned) If it burns anywhere, rinse it off immediatly and use less in that area next time. Then rinse it off. I also used diatomaceous earth on my legs every night, just rubbed it in. Sometimes I had to get up when it was real bad and rub it in 2 or 3 times but always got them to quiet down so I could sleep.

When the infestation was at its worst, I took a bath with a cup of borax, cup of epsom salts and 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide. It gave me instant relief. I would lay on my side and put 1/2 my face in the water (to my nose so I could breathe, keep eyes closed) for a few minutes turn over and do the other side.

I kept a bottle of 1 cup hydrogen peroxide, 1 cup apple cider vinegar and mix 1-2 tbls of borax in it until the borax wouldn't dissolve anymore. I kept it in a colored glass spray bottle by my side and when I felt them moving on me, I sprayed and it stopped. Don't know how many it killed but it gave me relief from them crawling around on me and biting.

What I learned is get your immune system up, that is the number one best defense against these mites. I let my health go down and was depressed and that opened the door for them to breed unchecked.

I did the laundry thing, washed sheets every night in hot water and borax, wore clothes once and washed in same. Not sure if this made a difference. I still only use sheets for 3 days and wash, I guess afraid they will come back. My 17 year old son never got them, I didn't let him use my towels and washed his clothes separately. kept blankets on couch and washed them often.

It is hell but you can overcome it. I was there thinking my life was ruined, not wanting to be around people. Oh and did the doctor thing too, they don't have a clue. It was awful but you can get thru this.

God Bless and be with you, Debbie

Replied by Pam

Did you put the DE on your feet also or just your legs and what did you do about your private parts? The night time around 4 am is the worst, what did you do for that? I'm about ready to jump off a bridge, can't seem to get a handle on this.

Karen Strickland
(United states)

Hey, I'm going through the same exact thing. It's been months now and I'm at my wits end. Please keep the faith. I love these posts, we're not alone. God bless


Replied by Debbie

Hi Pam,

I actually have a pan of it in my bathroom right now and yes I would step in it before I went to bed, after applying it to my legs. The mustard/water/dove body wash each day in private parts helped and the spray I talked about I used it there too. Try a little first to make sure it doesn't burn. Also soak the tub with the Peroxide/Epsom Salt/Borax treatment above. It took care of them for quite awhile to get some rest from them.

You have to do the mustard everyday, you have to kill the new ones as they emerge. It will take awhile to get thru all the cycles and then keep doing it for 6 weeks after you think they are gone.

You can beat these horrid mites. Get your immune system up, eat well, no sugar and exercise will all help.

God Bless, Debbie

Replied by Vickie
(Springfield, Ohio)

I just now finding ways to kill mites I got them by digging in mulch where cats did there business in. I think that is the only thing I could think of anyway. So im treating my case with coconut oil. It does help because I dont think they are on my body they are only in my hair and eyebrows. I believe my immune system is low so I'm working on that too.Thanks for sharing your story it has helped me. Wish me luck.

Replied by Philip

We have a bad infestation of mites. Any more suggestions Debbie?

Replied by Eugene
(Rochester, New York)

God bless you. I thought this was something I would have to live with for the rest of my life. This is what I have been looking for.

You've given me hope. Thank you!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Leanne (Nsw) on 10/01/2015

Hi About just over 2 years ago I started getting a crawling sensation all over my body and intense itching. Then my mum was complaining of the same. We googled symptoms and decided we had bird mites but all the syptoms didn't match, then we thought it was dog mange but apparently humans can't catch animal mange, then I decided it was scabies but no rash! Then we thought it was rat mites and then back to scabies. We went to countless drs who referred us onto skin specialist who decided we had a case of "dry skin" and the way we were treated by the gps was appalling! Anyway while this is going on we are trying home remedies: tea tree oil, apple cider vineger ( both bathing and drinking), alfalfa tea, lyclear, bleach baths (everyday), plastic covers on beds, bagging all clothes after one wear, steaming, pesticide from hardware store, clove oil, salt lamps, dehumidifiers, garlic tablet, vitamins, sulphur, sulphur soap all types of creams potions and lotions (and there were more) we were at our wits end and severely depressed just wanting to die.... seriously. I have now been mite free for about a month or so. Here's what finally worked: All our clothes were bagged after one wear and sheet s changed daily( we had been doing this anyway) but this is important. I quit sugar. No more sugar in my diet ( a little here and there but not too much! ) Then every single day I would put on benzamil application head to toe everyday or straight after showeringin hot water (cook em! ). Do this until they are gone. If they come back do it again. You will be free again. These parasites have cost me about $4000. I don't want anyone to have to go through that again. Until you've lived it you have no idea. I vowed if I ever cured these dirty critters I would post what worked for other sufferers. I wish you all freedom and peace.

Replied by Idolly

Hi Leanne... can you please tell me how long you had to use the Benzemil for and did you just keep it on around the clock? I would really appreciate it if you would reply to this. Thanks

Replied by Julie
(Mpls, Mn)

What type of benzamil did you use, what strength? and where did you get it. Have not heard of that before. I have the same problem.

Replied by Sherry

Please tell me where to purchase Benzamil, I have not heard of this. Thanks

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Chandra (Victoria, Bc) on 09/05/2015 1 posts

Hi everyone, first of all I am so grateful of this website!

Thank you so much Ted for your advice and support! I have gathered so much valuable knowledge and insight. My rosacea is really bad right now, my face is extremely inflamed and my eyes are blood shot :( I can't sleep at night, my hair is dry and bleached from all the hydrogen peroxide and borax treatments. Please help!! (It's been 5 days since I started all the below treatments)

-I have been drinking borax and water daily. 1/8 borax to litre water. -Orally taking Vitamin C&D3& B12, Zinc, lysine, magnesium, flax oil and acia berry. -also went to Dr yesterday and he prescribed me antibiotic which I started yesterday monocyline - shower twice a day washing body with anti-dandruff shampoo twice, leaving on for 5 mins and rinsing then repeat. I'm using head and shoulders which contains pyrothese zinc (not sure if the spelling is right pyro..something) -washing face with borax and peroxide every morning and I have a spray bottle that I'm frequently spraying my body and hair with. - morning and night washing face with syslic acid (clean and clear) followed with zinc oxide cream 15% - twice a day drinking ACV and baking soda mixture (morning and night) - eating only fruit and veggies - 30 mins min of walking daily. - bagged all infested clothing and is in my storage for a month, then I will take out and wash everything with borax and tide. -I'm sleeping on an air mattress, changing sheets and pillow cases daily.

-Also only drinking 1 coffee per day. (No suger) I don't know what else to do, is this normal for this to be happening, blood shot eyes (I may have got a bit of lavender in them a few days ago) My face literally looks like I have been beat with a baseball bat.. Please help me, it's so embarrassing to even go to 'mart', everyone is gawking at me. any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Hello Chandra, (Victoria, BC) ---

Even though Ted's formula has helped a few dogs and I don't know about people, it has increased my dog's skin problems and I had to discontinue it for myself because of the drying effects and no noticeable improvement.

I used MMS with very good results but my skin was like dry paper and again had to discontinue. I did cure my rosacea though more than a year ago only using colloidal silver which I make myself, on a cotton ball, doing half an hour at a time and not for too long. It came back once after sun exposure and doing a little CS application, then did not return. CS is excellent for eye issues with a dropper bottle. It kills the mites around the eye balls.

But I have new mites and some old ones in my eyes and head. Now, after much research on EC, I seem to have the answer.

First of all, NO antibiotics. They will make it harder for the body to resolve this issue.

My skin is very fair and needs goodly amounts of quality oil, not drying remedies. That was the mistake with my big dog, too. His skin began to split and bleed so I saw this was not to be done.

Right now we are using Neem Seed Oil from an ayurvedic supplier. This slightly warmed in cool weather but not in hot weather as it is easy to apply, No microwave, massaged all over the body and in my case the upper body and head.

I do this daily or every other day about three times a week. In my dog's case I keep seeing a lot of dead black small things after massage. But in my case I have to persevere longer with Neem tincture which has to mature for two weeks and daily shakings for now. To make neem tincture, use dry neem leaves powder with equal amount of wodka and keep in a bottle for two weeks at least. Then put through a cloth. I will have to wait now for about two weeks while I apply neem oil to moisturize the body and saturate the skin. I acquired my mite problem by using someone else's pillow. Not from a dog. Later from a garment of a big Canadian store.

I found this neem tincture remedy by researching on EC where a man who was in Africa wrote he cured himself with the stronger neem tincture in three days, applying this morning and evening for three days. I would follow up though to make sure, all is well.

It has to be noted that the neem tree (Margosa) in India is anti parasitic' and bugs and a host of detrimental critters, even freeing land of weeds to make it arable. Including many health issues, such as diabetes. It is considered a holy tree.

A lot of work ahead but I am confident that this approach is very beneficial. All the best.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Catherine

I bought neem oil at a health store is it the same?

Replied by Cindy

Have tried all remedies, nothing has cleared them out, kleen green helps not a cure, Use DE food grade it helps, not a cure, eat only eggs, meat, unprocessed, and veggies seems to help, fruit was making me worse, am at 99 lbs from 117, I'm small boned but still weight has become an issue...Need these parasites gone...any answers.

Replied by Barb

Sugary fruits can make it worse. Eat fruits with little sugar like tart apples and low glycemic type fruits.

Replied by Eric
(Okc Ok)

Chandra combining Apple Cider Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide can be dangerous as it forms peracetic acid which is damaging to humans and the eyes and lungs. Maybe stop using peroxide and vinegar together and see if your face improves over time with the other stuff you are doing. The swollen face can also be a huge die off of mites so keep it up (minus the peroxide and vinegar mixed together, although you can use them separately) and see if your face improves over time

Replied by Jacqui
(Liverpool Merseyside, UK)

Hi you could ask your doctor for Mirtazipine 15ml, take 1hr before bed this helps you sleep. As it really affects your mental health if you don't sleep. Also. I am on 180mg of fexofenadine strongest antihistamine stops most itches & your body's reaction to them.

I've also had Permenthrim, Ivermectin at same time, then used Perm a week later, helps to get rid of the worst but I think if I had used borax straight after & ACV washes & drinks may have completely killed off. I use a Uvb lamp to kill off any mites in my bedroom & bedding 3x aweek. Hope this helps
