Turmeric Treatment for Lipomas

| Modified on Jul 21, 2024
Posted by Ada (Hong Kong) on 11/14/2018

Turmeric + Aloe Vera worked like magic on my lipoma: 3 days!
I found this tip from some Indian naturopath: Mix a bit of turmeric with a bit of aloe vera gel and wrap thick layer well over lipoma with bandage and leave on lipoma for approximately 6-8 hours a day/ night (mine was on back of ear, around 1 cm big, had it for over a year- it was quite difficult to affix bandage with mixture there, but not impossible).
Day 2: I could feel it is getting "inflamed" and started being painful and warm- I was as worried to develop abscess on my head, as I was aware that inflammation is probably the only way to drain that gross growth which look horrible.
Day 3 was quite painful, very warm even part of my face, so I realised I can try to squeeze it- and it burst and I drained it VERY WELL and bye bye gross growth!
Note: After I remove T+AV mix, rinse and splash bit more aloe and leave it.
Wound after care (oh yes was super worried to not cause some major infection): Saline water rinse, tea tree oil and (once it closed a bit) more aloe on wound.
This worked like magic- today is day 4: Mini wound is healing great. I am free of lipoma.
Indian naturopath said it takes 7 days, but it was 3 for me to get it off...
Love natural healing.

Posted by Nikang (Itanagar, India) on 02/06/2018

How long to keep this paste over lipoma??

Posted by Debby (Michigan) on 10/05/2017

Yes. Been told that is partly way the body can't eliminate the fatty tumors.

Posted by Gail O (Nc) on 07/17/2017

Just curious, anyone in here have their gall bladder removed?

Posted by Muru (Dallas, Tx) on 10/28/2016

Thanks for the details. Can someone confirm if consuming 3000 mg of Turmeric for inflammation works? I have lots of Lymphomas, around 30 of them. There are few on forearms that I can try The Turmeric paste with olive oil. Appreciate your response.

Posted by Baleswolf (San Diego) on 10/07/2016

I found a fatty growth over one of my ribs the size of a 50 cent piece. I take about 3,000 mg of turmeric per day for general inflammation. I made a paste with olive oil and a capsule of turmeric and applied it to the fatty growth daily and completely covered it with a band aid. I continued this for 7 days. I would remove band aid and clean area and immediately reapply so that it was continually in contact for the 7 day period. After the 7 days it was gone.

Posted by Kevin (India) on 08/27/2016

The mixture of turmeric and olive oil should be applied for how long? And olive oil should be edible or any special kind of? Please guide me... Thanks

Posted by Migs (Usa) on 10/12/2015

Sounds more a sebaceous cyst..

Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 07/22/2015

Hello, Dave ---

Don't throw that shirt out. You may have to wash it three times, hang wet to dry. There was a reply from India a few weeks ago and she said it disappears when exposed outside. With their usage of haldi I would think it should work .

I find Sunlight bar soap or something similar would work. Avoid bleach.

Good luck, Namaste, Om

Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 07/21/2015

Hello Om;

Turmeric stain has stayed on my cotton shirt...maybe I'm not using a good enough soap or soaking the stain long enough. What do you use?


Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 07/21/2015

Dave, see my post below re ringworm treatment It is only permanent on some silks and special weaves. But on cottons and blends it does disappear.

Namaste, Om

Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 07/21/2015


Re Turmeric poultice...

It will stain skin for about 3 days...and permanently stain clothing with which it comes into contact.

Posted by Michael (Grove City, Ohio) on 07/20/2015

How long did your daughter and your friend wear the tumeric paste on their lipoma? Overnight? Several days? Did they have their lipomas a long time? Could you supply any other details? Also, did it stain their skin for a few days? Thanks so much and God bless!

Posted by Michee (Las Vegas Nev ) on 07/06/2015

Hello I've suffered with lipomas for the last 20 years. I've had many surgically removed and some I've applied chickweed and other numerous topicals. I've never experienced any that leaked anything. Are you sure it was a lipoma, or perhaps it was some type of cyst?

Posted by Mala (Trinidad) on 07/05/2015

Editor's Choice If you make a thick paste with dried turmeric (we call it saffron in Trinidad) with olive oil and paste it over the lipoma, it totally disappears and leaves no trace. (You can cover it with tissue or a plaster), My friend did it on his ear and I did it for my daughter who is 10. Both of them were told they had to undergo surgery. I am ecstatic to report no surgery needed. My daughters lipoma was 2.2cm. 2015 July 05

Posted by Pam (Sd, Usa) on 12/21/2014

Sounds like maybe molluscum contagiosum. I've just started treating that condition in my daughter with ACV..... So we will see!!

Posted by Ray (Il, US) on 12/01/2014

How much did you dilute cider when you applied it on skin? How much did you take orally?

Posted by Evita (Germany) on 06/30/2014

Response to Trey: I have tested this technique for a week. I think this what you have was not a lipoma. After using the ACV and Curcuma my Lipoma looks like an big yolk.

Posted by Trey (Nj, Usa) on 04/07/2011

Re lipoma's, I had two on my back for two years. Two months ago one started getting large and full and a bit annoying. A doctor suggested that I get it surgically removed (for asthetic purposes). I then discussed it with the wonderful owner of my health food store who suggested turmeric as a possible remedy, so I bought a bottle. I dont know if he had expected me to take the turmeric internally, but all I did was prick one capsule with a pin and put a dab of the turmeric oil on each lipoma.

Coincedently, however, I simultaneously started taking raw Apple Cider Vinegar the same day, and the following night I put a diluted dab of the ACV on my lipoma instead of the turmeric. Hense, I cant be sure which one 'did the trick', but to my surprise, within 2 days (when I reached back to 'scratch' my itchy lipoma) it opened up and emptied out quite a lot of a white substance! I then helped the process along that night by gently applying pressure w/ a tissue against it to empty it even more. They are both now flat and barely visable at all, so... Surgery was avoided! (Yay! =o) However, I can still feel an occasional 'tingle' or 'itch' from the area, so whatever caused the lipoma's in the first place may still be 'alive and well'. Perhaps I will put some more turmeric and/or ACV on the area again and see what happens. Anyway... Hope this helps others looking for non-surgical solutions?