Health Benefits

Turmeric for Cysts in Dogs and Cats

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Posted by Tiffyb1414 (Durant, Ok) on 05/03/2014

I have 5 dogs and all are in pretty good health, except for my oldest. Ricky is a 10 year old mini schnauzer that is the first dog I had as an adult. I've never had children, so needless to say, he's like my first child. Schnauzers are known for skin problems (dry skin, cysts, fatty pockets, ect.) He's had a fatty pocket on his left side kind of by his hip area for over 2 years now. My vet told me not to be concerned with it because it's not cancer and at his age, anesthesia to remove his cysts would be more dangerous than the cysts themselves.

So, fatty pockets and cysts on him seem normal to me. Until one started growing on his lower belly, right beside his "male parts" (he's fixed, so he only has one male part lol). This growth was aggressive and seemed to be getting bigger a lot faster than the others and also had a hard ball-like texture to it, whereas the fatty pocket feels just like chicken fat, squishy and moveable. I am supposed to take him in to get the growth looked at, probably a biopsy or something, but I don't want to put him through that anxiety yet, if I can help him myself.

That's when I found this site. I started giving all 5 of my dogs turmeric mixed with coconut oil in the dog food, once a day for the past week. The fatty pocket on Ricky's side is almost gone!! He's running around and playing like he's 4 years old again!!! I'm hoping the turmeric helps my biggest dog (she's 160 pounds and 9 years old) and her torn ACL issues she gets each spring when she likes to think she's a pup and runs around wanting to play! I just wanted to share my experience with the positive results I've gotten so far, and I expect many more. I'm Native American and believe with all my heart that these spices and earth-grown remedies were put here for a reason, and I will use them in every way I can!

I'm so thankful for this website and all the members that have posted their experiences. Without your posts, I wouldn't have been able to help my animals naturally.

I'm going to try the Essiac Tea for Ricky next...where can I get that? At an organic health food store, maybe?

Posted by Haygottago (Ocala, Florida, United States) on 06/16/2012

Wanted to update this post.. Been about a month now.. Female's cyst is about a 1/4 the size it was. My male is doing great- his was as big as my fist. Now the size of a golf ball. I am so thankful for the help this site has shared. karen

Posted by Haygottago (Ocala, Florida, United States) on 05/27/2012

I have 2 peeks. The tumeric is working on the female who has cyst in the corner of her eye. So much smaller in just 2 weeks. The male has them on his body. Not sure yet if they are smaller. But think it will take a while before they go away. thanks so much for the advice. karen