MSM Side Effects
Health Benefits

MSM Side Effects | How to Avoid Risks & Reactions

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 01/23/2017


I have been reading about the many health improvements that can come from taking MSM, so I ordered some 100% OptiMSM Silicon Dioxide. I had read it could help with muscle pain, stress, seasonal allergies, sleep, etc, and I did notice that a couple of hours after taking 1/4 tsp., I could breathe through both sides of my nose, not usual for me. However, at the same time I began coughing, which I thought was a fluke.

The next day, I took another 1/4tsp. and the same thing happened. Clear nose, increased coughing, until I woke up this morning with a lost voice, much coughing and tightness in the chest. Has anyone else had a similar response?

I have no temperature, so I am not sick. I was pretty much unable to understand the article that Art posted, (my lack of knowledge, nothing against the article, Art) so if that was a warning, please post in simple terms so I will understand.

Could this be an allergy to MSM? Maybe just a fluke?

I also want to let people know that I stopped taking my LDN for all of December in order to try Daisy's recommendation for non-alcoholic Essiac tea tonic, (which I feel helped to detox my system, but did not alleviate the Lichen Planus as it did for her), and I have been very achey, and feeling less well than normal. I will not be doing that again!

I didn't realize how much better I felt all the years I have used it, and I can't remember even having a cold in over six years that I have been taking it. I am thinking about trying the GAPS diet soon to see if I can rid my body of these autoimmune problems.


Have you looked at the feedback on the MSM Side Effects page here?

Chest tightness is one of the reported side effects.

Replied by Rsw

Thank you, Earth Clinic. I looked over all the MSM comments, and noticed several people say they were unable to take MSM because of a sulfa allergy, which I also have. This coughing and chest tightness is actually the same symptoms I got (only worse) when I was prescribed sulfa pills for a throat infection a long time ago. I was under the impression that sulfur was different from sulfa, but there may be some crossover. Although many people seem to benefit from MSM, I don't think it is going to work for me. So happy you directed me to those comments! Thanks!

Replied by Wendy

Sulfa is not the same as sulphur. Two completely different things. When they say "sulfa allergy" it usually involves rx drugs. Sulphur is a very common component to food in low amounts, so it's unlikely one would have a sulphur allergy.

14 posts

Thank you for pointing that out. You are correct.


1 User Review

Posted by Joanna (New York, New York) on 10/25/2007


I started taking 2 grams of MSM per day for about 9 days (NOW Foods brand in capsule form). As soon as I swallowed a capsule, I became excessively thirsty. I'd even wake up in the middle of the night to drink 2 full glasses of water. I perspired much more (perhaps from all the water I drank), which didn't bother me because I liked sweating more in the sauna. I got pains in my body, especially in my arms and hands - I felt like I was getting arthritis/tendonitis, which was weird because I thought MSM was supposed to help if you have that. My bowel movements increased from 1 per day to 4. At night I'd notice my heart was beating fast. I can usually walk for miles but I got really scared when I found I had trouble walking fast and breathing well on a fairly short walk. I was searching the web for allergic reactions to MSM but couldn't find any. The only other supplement I was taking at that time was 50mg of Ubiquinol (CoQ10). So I stopped taking both. The thirst and breathing/heart problems went away fairly fast, but the pains in my arms lasted a few weeks. Since the time I stopped taking it (probably 1.5 months now), I've been getting sharp pains in my upper abdomen (left and right sides), which have been slowly getting better.


2 User Reviews

Posted by George (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/28/2010

Side effects: Insomnia and severe depression after taking msm for 3 weeks.

Posted by TammyQ (Chicago, IL) on 11/18/2008

MSM caused severe mood swings in me, then severe depression, so if you have mood disorders, I don't recommend to take it.

Depression, Exhaustion, Mental Fog

3 User Reviews

Posted by Victim of the Hype on MSM (Munich) on 07/18/2022

Hello there,

MSM was aggressively recommended to me, as a "natural Remedy" to cure my strange, mysterious Leg-Infection, which had defied ANY Treatment yet so far, for over 1 Year.

I was told to start with 2000 Gramms per Day, which is 40 Times the MAXIMUM Dose, that is recommended by the official Doctors. ( 50 Milligramms). And then I should continously INcrease the Dose per Diem up to 8000 Gramms !!!

I took 2000 Gramms for about 3 or 4 Day each. But when I started feeling a bit "unwell", I somehow UNfortunately decided to INcrease the Dose to 4000 Gramms per Day. But I only did that 1 Time... then the Side-Effects hit sooo horribly HARD on me, all of a sudden, that I needed to STOP immediately !:

It was like a very short electric Shock, running through my Brain:

All of a sudden I felt sick, tired, exhausted and ill.

From THAT Day on, I never took ANY MSM again, and threw away the Rest of it. But my horrible, serious and severe Side-Effects from that short MSM-Intake just STAYED, ...even worse: They rather WORSENED all by themselves:

(1.) I now suffer from a DEEP Fatigue, with such a fatal Exhaustion, that I had become "life-tired / tired of Life" as we say in German. (When My Grandmother died in April 2022, I just wanted to JOIN her in her Grave !!!)

(2.) In my Brain (somehwere right behing my Forehead) an EMOTIONAL BLOCKADE established itself ! Something in my Brain now PREVENTS me, from truely being myself. (Like some mental Pincers/Tongs/Forceps at my Brain !!!)

All these extreme Side-Effects now continuously have existed and never vanished, ever since the Middle of March 2022.

The ONLY fair and critical Information I ever have read on MSM, was THIS Article on

where I found ALL my Symptoms written and described! Unfortunately, I only found this Internet Page AFTER I took MSM.

What might have "co-caused" the whole Misery ADDITIONALLY, could be the many, many Vitamin-Supplements, which I took at that Time. I surely (still) have a "Hypervitaminosis", although I now completely stopped using Supplements at all.

Does anybody know these Kind of Side-Effects, and does anybody know any slightest Hint of WHAT could ease these massive Problems of suicidal Exhaustion/Fatigue and the emotional Blockade in my Forehead? Any Idea of a (natural) Relief for this MSM-caused Misery, please?

Thanks in Advance already

Replied by Mama to Many

Dear Victim,

Do you have a local person that can help you, a friend to help you sort through things and give you wise counsel?

I hesitate to recommend any supplement, as you are wise to take a break - activated charcoal though, may help to adsorb and detoxify your system.

Plenty of water, rest, sunshine, fresh air and light exercise seem in order.

Please see this page of wellness ideas. They are mostly not things to do internally. I am wondering if cold shower therapy mentioned in the article would be of benefit to you.

Please let us know how you are doing. Remind yourself of my mother-in-law's wisdom - This will pass.

~Mama to Many~

(New Zealand)

"This too will pass" (from my favorite Aunt).

Cheers from Down Under

Replied by Windsor

Hm. That is a truly unfortunate turn of events.

* Please list the other vitamins you took.

* Has your leg infection changed at all?

Activated charcoal, magnesium sulfate, psyllium husk may help manage any associated detox symptoms. Probably just use according to the package instructions for intestinal cleanse.

Detox may cause severe and varried symptoms similar to your description. Research "stage two detox". You may just have an overwhelming "stage 1 detox" going on.

If you feel it is an emergency, you may consider making an appointment with a doctor.

Replied by Windsor

Hot sauce. Cayenne/hot peppers are euphoric and stimulating, and decongestant.


Green/black tea




Replied by Madey

This is what I would try:

1. Charcoal- take activated charcoal on an empty stomach with a large glass of water
2. Alpha lipoic acid- removes heavy metals
3. Molybdenum- helps the body utilize sulfur
4. iTeracare device- emits terahertz frequencies and greatly improves circulation and unblocks sticky blood cells and clumps. Charge water and drink. Use device directly on forehead and the rest of your head for 15-20 minutes daily.

Good luck and write back with questions, feedback, and what ended up working for you.

Replied by Caroline
(Greenville, SC)

It seems to me that you were taking an abnormally high dosage so no wonder you had side effects. I was told to take 4 grams which equals 1 teaspoon. This has help my arthritis but with no side effects.

Replied by Joy
(Manila, Philippines)

I am experiencing same. Like a clamp on my brain. 3k mg per day. I also am searching for remedy! Lots of brain fog and blurry vision here. 😩😫

Replied by Russia
(Gaborone, Botswana)

Try soaking in warm/hot water bath with sea salt for 20-30 minutes daily. Some of these toxins might pass out through the skin. That worked for me, though my symptoms were nowhere near what you sadly experienced.

Take some charcoal and clays- bentonite, diatomaceous earth.

Replied by corin
(North Carolina)

You started with too high a dose. You need to start with a slow dose and go extremely slow if you want to avoid the detox herx reaction


Sorry, it was a Mistake/Mistyping:

I was so emotionally overwhelmed, when typing that Story, that I confused MILLIgramms with Gramms. Pardon, please. I took 2.000 MILLIgramms, respectively 4.000 MILLIgramms on the LAST Day, before my MSM-Poisoning struck.

If I really took 2.000 GRAMMS or even 4.000 GRAMMS, I´d be already DEAD by now!!!

(Please also take in Consideration, that we use a "." in between the Hundred´s Column and the Thousand´s Column, here in Europe, instead of a ", " . )

I posted my Story a second Time already, with corrected Numbers.

Replied by MSM-Victim

(updated & corrected Version):


Hello again,

MSM was aggressively recommended to me, as a "natural Remedy" to cure my strange, mysterious Leg-Infection, which had defied ANY Treatment yet so far, for over 2 Years.

I was told to start with 2000 Milligramms per Day, which is 40 Times the MAXIMUM Dose, that is recommended by the official German Doctors. ( 50 Milligramms). And then I should continuously INcrease the Dose per Diem up to 8000 Milligramms !!!

I took 2000 Milligramms for about 3 or 4 Day each. But when I started feeling a bit "unwell", I somehow UNfortunately decided to INcrease the Dose to 4000 Milligramms per Day. But I only did that 1 Time... then the Side-Effects hit sooo horribly HARD on me, all of a sudden, that I needed to STOP immediately !:

It was like a very short electric Shock, running through my Brain ; like a "Fuse" burning in my Head:

All of a sudden I felt sick, tired, exhausted and ill.

From THAT Day on, I never took ANY MSM again, and threw away the Rest of it. But my horrible, serious and severe Side-Effects from that short MSM-Intake just STAYED, ...even worse: They rather WORSENED all by themselves:

(1.) I now suffer from a DEEP Fatigue, with such a fatal Exhaustion, that I had become "life-tired / tired of Life" as we say in German. (When My Grandmother died in April 2022, I just wanted to JOIN her in her Grave !!!)

(2.) In my Brain (somehwere right behing my Forehead) an EMOTIONAL BLOCKADE established itself ! Something in my Brain now PREVENTS me, from truely being myself. (Like some mental Pincers/Tongs/Forceps/Clamps/Lockjaw on my Brain !!!)

All these extreme Side-Effects now continuously have existed and never vanished, ever since the Middle of March 2022.

The ONLY fair and critical Information I ever have read on MSM, was THIS Article on

where I found ALL my Symptoms written and described! Unfortunately, I only found this Internet Page AFTER I took MSM.

Does anybody know these Kind of Side-Effects, and does anybody know any slightest Hint of WHAT could ease these massive Problems of suicidal Exhaustion/Fatigue and the emotional Blockade in my Forehead? Any Idea of a (natural) Relief for this MSM-caused Misery, please?

Thanks in Advance already

The ONLY Information, I could gather about the Changes, that MSM causes in the Brain is, that MSM is a Neurotoxin ( a Cholinesterase-Inhibitor, like some Insecticides ( E 605) and most of the chemical Weapons (Sarin, Tabun, Soman, VX, Novitchok ) and it is transformed inside the Body into the 4 sulfuric Amino-Acids: Glutathione, Methionine, Cysteine & Taurine).

But I still cannot really phathom the ecaxt Damages, that MSM has caused & left in my Brain. Let alone, that I could think of a potential Cure whatsoever yet !

I have been sending Letters & E-Mails & Telephone-Calls to Emergency-Hotlines for Cases of Poisoning, to various Faculties of University-Clinics, to governmental Consumer-Protection-Agencies, to the EFSA and the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety of the European Union. NOnody KNOWS about MSM, NObody WANTS to know about MSM, NObody is reckognizing and acknowledging the Problem !! The whole "AURA" surrouding MSM is like a creepy Poison itself, just like the irresponsible Propaganda for MSM worldwide, too ! What scary Phenomenon are we facing here, with MSM???


Hallo MSM ist nicht Giftig

Das was MSM gemacht hat war das Eigene Körper Gift raus zu holen. ich nehme seit Jahren MSM 2-4 Gr am tag meine Sülfür depos zu füllen und nicht krank zu werden. Wenn sie 2 jahre lang Gift im Körper tragen kommt nicht einfach so raus, dafür muss man Ausleitungen machen Darm und Leber und mehr.. Bitte Informieren sie sich.. Danke

Hello MSM is not toxic

What MSM did was get your body's toxins out. I've been taking MSM 2-4 grams a day for years to fill my Sülfür depos and not get sick. If you carry poison in your body for 2 years, it doesn't come out just like that, you have to clean out your intestines and liver and more. Please inform yourself.. Thank you


I took a small amount of MSM one day because I had read about so many health benefits of sulfur. I felt great at first, but then when I took another small dose I started feeling like you did, Extremely tired, lethargic, etc. I felt like I had been drugged and I just wanted to sleep all day. It really concerned me and I read up on what was happening to me. Apparently some of us don't process sulfur well and it can build up in our systems as well as the toxins that it knocks loose. The mineral molybdenum helps to convert the sulfur into a more useable form for the body, as well as helping to get rid of the toxins from the sulfur. I took two doses of molybdenum a few hours apart and felt like a new woman! I strongly suggest you start taking molybdenum to counteract the effects of the sulfur from the MSM. Good luck!

Replied by Shivon

In response to your post on side effects of MSM. I took 1500mg which was the recommended dose because of ongoing skin/parasite infections for which nothing else has really worked to get rid of it completely. It sounded like just what I needed to make my skin more resilient and fight infection. Sadly, a few days after I began taking it I started to feel the same sort of symptoms you have; I got really depressed and teary, felt really tired, increased anxiety and lost the will to do anything. I didn't know it was caused by msm at first but when I read your story I am sure now. My brain, at the front of forehead started aching and I got severe behaviour impairment such as feeling I'd lost my real self. This also caused great anxiety I spent the whole night crying. I think I felt poisoned as I thought I can't go on anymore what's happening to me! I stopped taking them last week after 2 weeks on them. Still have to sleep most of the time too and I just hope these symptoms will go away; although the deep fog of depression still hangs over me. I will not be taking MSM anymore! Good luck with your experience!


It effected me by a huge amount of anxiety. I quit taking it and will never take it again. It was scary and am happy that I quickly looked at all the side effects of the various things I take. I was just on it for about 2 days and it was gone in the same amount of time.

Replied by Zel
(Doncaster, England)

2000 gram is 2 kilograms!!! No wonder!!! Dose is 2000 Milligrams or 2 gram in a large glass of purified water or orange juice/vitamin C.

Hope you are ok.

Difficulty Breathing

1 User Review
1 star (1) 

Posted by Paula (Tulsa, OK) on 11/27/2007


re: MSM suppliment, 1000 mg -- I had some bad symptoms similar to Joanna's taking only 1 capsule a day for several days. I'm not allergic to any substances to my knowledge but awoke with difficulty breathing, very sharp pains in my sides, an ache in my back,and my eyes dried out. I'm not real fond of this MSM supplement. Also, my mood was downcast.Watch yourself with this one..

Digestive Problems

4 User Reviews
5 star (1) 

Posted by Nicole (Massachusetts) on 01/13/2024

MSM and Camu Camu

I am wondering if anyone can help me be able to take this supplement. I was excited to take this. I started with a teaspoon of MSM and a teaspoon of Camu Camu as it was recommended to take vitamin C together. I mixed this a large glass of water and chocked it down. The taste is pretty revolting. After a few days of this torture, I began to feel sick with 3 days severe diarrhea and nausea and stomach aches. I am wondering if this is related or normal.

Replied by mmsg
(somewhere, europe)

Nicole, did you start with too much? Any new supplement should be tried bit by bit and maybe one by one.


way too much 1/4 tsp is where you should have started. having said that, instructions are on the back of my msm package, but I am having extreme anxiety, feeling like I may have a heart attack, but my heart is perfect, its just stress and anxiety. I have been using 1/4 tsp for 2 weeks. I am stopping the use of this product to see if the side effects go away.

Digestive Problems
Posted by Darlene B. (Us) on 08/01/2017

I have ibs and for some reason after supplementing with msm for about a week, I start to suffer a lot of bloating, gas and eventually diarreah. It seems to need to build up in my system for about a week before the symptoms begin. I stop for several weeks and then try again and again the same thing happens.

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

It appears you are not properly absorbing the MSM. Try Oil of Oregano softgels + one spoon of Milled Flax Seed once or twice daily for couple wks, then add one gram Vit-C taken with the MSM, and you should notice some positive changes.

Digestive Problems
Posted by Joannaelizabeth123 (Los Angeles, Ca) on 05/16/2017

Per your article on MSM, asking to hear from people using it.. here I am! I thought to take it for flexibility. I'm in my 40's and I do circus classes for fitness, and I'm strong but more stiff than in my youth. Well, yesterday I took Jarrow Formulas powder (1/2 tsp) with a meal and felt fine. Today I took the same, but about an hour after my meal... and my gut aches! I feel like I've got acid happening... Now I see many websites say "intestinal discomfort" is a common side effect, but NONE of them suggest what I can do while experiencing it. I hope to never, ever have this sensation again (if I try it I'll do it with meals and take even less) but if it happens again, and for all the other sufferers, what the heck can we do???


Digestive Problems
Posted by Shelleyjr (Albuquerque, NM) on 04/01/2014

I started MSM 5 days ago for Osteoarthritis pain and have had terrible headaches and bloating/gas. I got molybdenum yesterday and while it cured the headache, I still have tummy issues. (Arthritis is already better! )

I am taking 4 Doctor's Best MSM 1000 mg/1 gm capsules split between am and late afternoon. I took 450 mcg of molybdenum this morning with 2 gms of MSM and did the same this afternoon. Again no headache but my stomach feels bloated/gassy.

Health History;

I had hair analysis done a while back and each time it showed very high amounts of calcium and copper. (I had a copper toxicity using a skin care product on my clients. I absorbed a lot of copper through the palm of my hands doing facials.) Since then I have been doing a lot of detox's over the years.


I take Iodoral iodine, K2 and D3, CoQ10, boron/borax, tart cherry capsules for the OA and gout, and topical magnesium.

Today I have taken 900 mcg of molybdenum and feel it is working somewhat but not to the extent that Dr. Ben Lynch says on his podcast. Which he states molybdenum will eliminate bloating/gas associated with MSM. Also, in Dr. Lynch's podcast he list all the symptoms of a molybdenum deficiency which I answered "yes" to all. Since I am not worried about depleting my copper levels should I take more? And has anyone taken molybdenum in high doses over 950 mcg?

Thank you for any insight on high dose molybdenum.

Replied by Timh
(Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Shelleyjr: I also had very high Calcium levels as per hair analysis. Bill from Philippines says it's probably due to leaky gut or malabsorption. I feel like I have made improvements in that category but will need to repeat test for sure.

Sunbathing for Vit-D should help absorb the calcium in the event that your gut isn't doing well. An herbal parasite cleanse might be of big value as parasites are very common in folks, particularly those w/ pets or livestock. Oil of Oregano will kill any pathogens in the gut.

As for the MolyB and excessive copper, it appears warranted to add at least 50mg Zinc daily as Zinc will combine w/ Copper to form Zinc/Copper Superoxide Dismutase, a major antioxidant enzyme in the body. Ionic Major & Minor Mineral supplement will help bring about a balance of minerals. Taurine will help mineral function. A complete B vitamin will combine w/ minerals to form coenzymes involved in many metabolic processes. Vit-E and Selenium will combine w/ the CoQ10 for a major antioxidant boost.

Pineapple, Turmeric, and Omega 3 fats are the major ant anti-inflammatory naturals. Magnet therapy is a powerful anti-inflammatory.

Replied by Vince

Why not take one capsule for a while?

Dry Mouth

2 User Reviews

Posted by Sdm (Northern New Jersey, Usa) on 12/27/2017

I bought MSM from pipingrock quick release capsules 1000 mg each bottle contains 250 capsules & this is my 3rd bottle almost finished. It has been great for reducing inflammation in my hands, feet, knees, I can honestly say it works! Lately I have developed dry mouth especially bothersome at night, I have lack of quality sleep. I don't want to give up the capsules & go back to the way I was but I will put them on the shelf, mark my calendar & take a break to see if this is the cause of my dry mouth even though I have used the product for quite a while with no prior issues. It is freezing cold & we are living in dry indoor environments here but I have never been kept up at night by dry mouth.

Dry Mouth
Posted by Shelley (Québec) on 09/14/2017

MSM: So far I am having great benifits. Been 2 weeks. I was taking msm in pill form to start, then capsules. Now I am taking crystals. Pain is no longer keeping me awake at night but dry mouth is. Could the dry mouth have something to do with the product coming in contact inside the mouth or did it just take me that long to develop it. I really do not like the pills or capsules. This dry mouth is really annoying. I have to sip water all night.


1 User Review

Posted by Jude (Albany, NY) on 12/22/2020

Wanted to thank you for posting the page of side effects from MSM.

I started taking it for joints (had a bum shoulder), skin and hair.

Started 1 capsule of 1,000 mg in the morning. Second day took 2.

Bottle mentioned therapeutic dose was 4 capsules. Day 3 I took 4.

Also had used 2 different skin lotions at the time on my face. My face sometimes reacts to serums and lotions.

Day 5 my face was reddened with several round red raised areas. They were only mildly itchy, at most. They turned into raised eczema patches which have persisted for 3 weeks now.

I wasn't sure if it was lotions or msm. Searched online but didn't see anything that said that msm could CAUSE a reaction. In fact, many sites mentioned that it was a treatment for eczema.

I couldn't see an ingredient that was unusual in the lotions. I searched again and came across this site. Now I'm certain. Thank you!

Elevated Cortisol Levels

1 User Review

Posted by Sarah (Nsw Australia) on 02/02/2018

I started taking MSM 5 years ago. It has helped me with inflammation in my body. Firstly, always check that MSM is streamed distilled and not solvent distilled, there is a big difference. Most MSM comes from China where it is chemically distilled and not good for your kidneys. I recently found out that my cortisol level is high and this could be due to MSM so I have come off it and can already feel my aches and pains returning.

My point is get your cortisol levels checked just to be on the safe side of MSM.

Also, when MSM is ground into a powder it depletes the benefits by half. They grind it as to make it easier to package. There are companies that do offer steamed distilled MSM but you need to ask them, and most of them don't know. If it comes from China, it will be chemically distilled. To buy MSM from China direct would cost about $12 a kg.

I buy mine from Canada through an agent. I just wanted to share that often we don't know what we are taking or how it's produced. Ask before you buy, only buy granules and be aware your controls level may be elevated from taking it.

Extreme Detox Symptoms

1 User Review

Posted by Orion (Columbia, Mo) on 04/26/2018

I use MSM with Vitamin C as part of an anti-cancer protocol. It gives the body's cells more oxygen which kills cancer and other fungi, namely fungal candida. Both of which I suffer from.

I consumed 3g of MSM and 24 hours later I'm still terribly ill. I have a lot of pressure and pain behind my left eye, my neck, migraine, extreme weakness, very nauseous, dizzy. I've taken 2 pills of aspirin and then 3 hours later 2 pills of ibuprofen, and by the 5th our I reached a plateau of moderate pain, but weakness and nausea stayed the same.

This is known as the Herxheimer reaction.. So if anyone is experiencing these adverse symptoms from MSM, it means you were already sick and just didn't know it. The MSM is actually killing the cancer/fungi which is releasing toxins (in my case MASSIVE amounts of toxins). Consequently you'll have to use smaller doses to minimize the amount of toxins your body has to cope with. Some of these toxins are not easily removed, like acetaldehyde (which also causes cancer lol). Molybdenum amino acid chelate can help remove it.

Replied by Anon

Hi Orion -

I wish you the best of luck on your health journey. My husband has just started the MSM/Vitamin C protocol too (he has Stage IV colon cancer and is suffering from cachexia).

This is what he is doing based on the Cancer Tutor protocol:

I apologize for the long post!

How to make “MSM Water”

To make “MSM Water, ” take a gallon jug of water which has ZERO chlorine in it. Use either purified water or tap water that has been out of the faucet for at least an hour before using it.

Put 16 TABLEspoons of “Organic Sulfur” (MSM) into the one-gallon jug of water.

It may take an hour for the organic sulfur to totally dissolve. To speed up this process shake the gallon jug every few minutes.

Once the organic sulfur has totally dissolved, and you do not see any crystals in the bottom of the jug, the “MSM Water” is made.

A person could put into the gallon jug 30 or 40 drops of “Cell Food” (a trace mineral supplement) as a way to get some trace minerals into the body. This is recommended but not required.

Do not refrigerate it, let it sit at room temperature.

Adding lypo-spheric vitamin C to the “MSM Water”

While the MSM water by itself may be able to revert cancer cells into normal cells; it is best to be on the safe side and add other things to the protocol that can definitely revert cancer cells into normal cells.

Thus, Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C, a high quality, very gentle brand of Vitamin C, has been added. Vitamin C kills microbes and the portion of the MSM that converts to DMSO (and perhaps some of the MSM itself) will “open” the ports of the cancer cells to allow microbe-killing substances inside the cancer cells.

A person cannot start out with high doses of MSM water because their stomach will not be accustomed to drinking it. Thus, instructions for the use of MSM water are more complicated than might be expected.

(NOTE #1: Vitamin C should always be taken 1/2 hour AFTER MSM. This allows the MSM 1/2 hour to open the ports of the cancer cells for the Vitamin C to enter.)

Doses of MSM Water (and build-up) – For an adult

Start with 1 TEAspoon of MSM water to test for allergies.

Two hours later you can start the “build-up.”

Day 1 build-up:

Take 4 TABLEspoons of “MSM water” (the “MSM Water” comes from the gallon jug you just made).

At this point check for nausea or rashes caused by the MSM water. One-half hour later take 1 gram of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C,

Three hours later take 6 TABLEspoons of MSM water followed 1/2 hour later by 1 gram of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C,

Three hours later take 8 TABLEspoons of MSM water followed 1/2 hour later by 1 gram of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C.

That is all for Day one. The first day achieved two purposes. First, was to get your stomach used to taking MSM. Second, and just as important, was to avoid too much Herxheimers. Herxheimers, although it is harmless, can make a person very sick and can scare a person from taking more MSM. It is caused by a massive die-off of microbes in the bloodstream. When the microbes die off they release toxins. If there are too many toxins in the blood it can make a person sick and/or cause “brain fog.”

Also, note that a person should drink plenty of purified water or “ozonated” water or “ionized” water or distilled water every day.

Day 2:

1) Take 8 TABLEspoons of MSM water (ALWAYS FROM THE GALLON JUG), then, 1/2 hour later, 2 grams of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C,

2) Three hours later take 10 TABLEspoons of MSM water then, 1/2 hour later, 2 grams of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C,

3) Three hours later take 11 TABLEspoons of MSM water then, 1/2 hour later, 2 grams of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C.

Day 3 and thereafter (i.e. ongoing dose):

1) Take 12 TABLEspoons of MSM water, then 1/2 hour later, 2 grams of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C,

2) Two or Three hours later take 12 TABLEspoons of MSM water then, 1/2 hour later, 2 grams of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C,

3) Two or Three hours later take 12 TABLEspoons of MSM water then, 1/2 hour later, 2 grams of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C,

4) Two or Three hours later take 12 TABLEspoons of MSM water then, 1/2 hour later, 1 gram of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C.

5) Two or Three hours later take 12 TABLEspoons of MSM water then, 1/2 hour later, 1 gram of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C.

The Cancer Tutor also mentions LIPH but my husband isn't taking that. He is on so many supplements and protocols right now that we have to limit what we do.

Also, this protocol is very expensive when you use so much Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C but there are instructions on the Internet on how to make your own.

Good luck!

Replied by Fiona

I believe this is the most accurate take. MSM is wildly powerful: many of us looking for wholistic "cures" are already quite unwell and the detox process is no joyride. Take Vit C, start small with the pure MSM powder (and v.early in the morning) and drink plenty of water throughout the day. Add some physical movement, again start out gently, and enjoy the road to recovery!

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