Health Benefits

Maximize Health with Magnesium: Key Benefits & Sources

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Best Type

13 User Reviews
5 star (12) 

Posted by Roro (Dubai, UAE) on 05/13/2009

Which kind of Magnesium to use????

Hi EC' staff, kindly I would appreciate if someone can tell me what is the difference between Magnesium chloride, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide etc... I see many poeple talk about benefits of magnesium and once I decided to buy it I found many of it in different names!!! Please advise!

Replied by Charlotte
(Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)

Hi, in response to Roro's question about which magnesium to take: Out of a book written by a naturopath that I've found to be helpful, she said that there are 2 types of magnesium: magnesium orotate (Vit B13) and magnesium aspartate, and they both serve unique and complimentary functions - maybe the names you cited are derived from these two compounds or vice versa?

Apparently a combination of 150 mg of magnesium aspartate three times per day togather with magnesium orotate 200 mg three times per day would be appropriate.

Replied by Jane
(Seattle, WA)

Response to Charlotte's post about magnesium aspartate being one of the best types of magnesium to take. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think any product with the word aspartate is an excitotoxin and should be avoided. Also to be avoided: aspartic acid, aspartame, etc.

Replied by Maleny
(Canberra, Act, Australia)

Response on what sort of magnesium to take. Hi, I have always gone with Walter Last, the Queensland naturopath's advice and taken magnesium chloride as per his article at ( His own original website seems harder to find now on Google than it once was but if this link doesn't work just type in Walter Last and magnesium and several 3rd party sites appear citing him) He believes we need more calcium in youth and more magnesium in age.

I take it to beat off infections and find it, despite loose bowels if I take a lot, to be more effective than Vitamin C. Magnesium chloride is also used to make tofu and some tofu maker suppliers sell it fairly cheaply - called Nigari. I sometimes make up a little spray of it for the kitchen and spray a bit onto foods like tasteless tomatoes. I keep a pump bottle in the bedroom for transdermal use with some essential oils in it too and just smear some on the soles of my feet before bed, when I remember. No real health problems so can't really say what it is done but I seem calmer I think when I do it regularly.

I once read an Internet article as well of a man who swore plain Epsom salts had done wonders for his health. He just started with a tiny amount of Epsoms salts like an eigth of a teaspoon and built up the amount slowly to a much larger amount like a daily desert spoon and had no diarrhea that way.

Calcium and Magnesium balance is fairly critical so it's probably best to go cautiously before self medicating with very high oral dosages of any form of magnesium.

Replied by Marq
(Muenster, Germany)

In responce to Maleny from Canberra, I found a link to the same article now at

Blood Pressure

Posted by Elizabeth (Memphis, Tn Usa) on 07/17/2012

I am currently using Lisinipril for blood pressure, It seems that nightly my heart begins to race sometimes very fast. After counseling with a nutritionist, he told me that it sounds like I have a defenciency in magnesium. I also have the symtoms like insomnia, muscle weakness especially after exercise. I was wondering if there were any cases of healing from the use of this mineral. My physican offered me a beta-blocker of which has the most horrible side effects, even heart attack. I do not feel comfortable with this drug, but know too that heart racing is not healthy. Not only would I like to know if anyone has had any success with magnesium, but what is the time frame of bringing the magnesium levels up to normal. With all of the troubles of mine I also have tremendous allergic reactions to many drugs, foods and chemicals. Some direction would be greatly apprecitaed. Thank you so much. Sincerely, Elizabeth

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Elizabeth, I also take Lisinipril for HBP and then prescribed beta blocker and found my liver unable to detox it so I am running a little high; but do not have your heart racing. Lisinipril is very effective at reducing hypertension but it is hard on the kidneys. Do you restrict your sodium? Get enough Potassium? Cranberry or D-Mannose helps clear the infection. Herbs like Parsley, Cedar Berry help kidney function. Start w/ 250mg Magnesium daily for a few days then bump up to 500mg. Mg is also good for the heart. I would also take some Carnitine or/and CoQ10 for heart support. Hope this helps and good luck.

Replied by Latonia
(Marshallville, Ga, United States)

Transfer Factor Cardio is also good to use. It has transfer factor which is a messenger molecule that rememebers potential threats to your cardiovascular system. It is used to balance blood pressure without the side effects. Look for transfer factor cardio and click on the product's profie sheet to see all of the ingredients and what it does. Vitamin b3 is also good for lowering blood pressure but you may need to take bcomplex and additional b3.

Replied by Judy7450
(Caneyville, Ky)

Lisinopril caused my heart to race. It also caused my panic attacks. I went off it and haven't had any since.

Replied by T1D&Fading
8 posts

"Lisinipril is very effective at reducing hypertension but it is hard on the kidneys." That's odd - My doctor prescribed 5mg a day of lisinipril to lower the pressure in my kidneys.

Body Odor

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lewis (Auckland, New Zealand) on 12/23/2009

Mag Citrate

Hi there. One question for you...many years ago I started making my own magnesium citrate with 97.4% pure mag. metal dissolved in lemon juice to such a solution that it wouldn't dissolve any more (ph.7) I then add a few organic herbs and a little tea tree oil and make deodorant, I've only started reading all this info about magnesium (either chloride, sulphate or citrate) my question to you is this does 3 squirts each side under arm seem excessive to you, I must say it works fine for me as a deodorant with no side effects, I am reading all about mag. oil would this be a better mag. additive for the deodorant,

Kind regards

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

Hello Lewis from Auckland,

To give you a definite answer to your question one would need to know how much magnesium is contained in those 3 squirts to each armpit, but you are probably in no danger from overdosing on magnesium if you don't have any renal problems.

Apparently the kidneys have some function in processing and excreting magnesium since urologist advise renal patients to not take magnesium supplements, but with the laxative action oral magnesium has one would think that the GI tract is the main one doing this job. However I have read that the most accurate way to tell when your magnesium level is up to normal range, is to test the urine for magnesium because the serum level can be reading normal but still be low until you start excreting magnesium in the urine.

Broad Benefits

6 User Reviews
5 star (6) 

Posted by Carrie (Livonia, Mi) on 04/06/2015

Chelated magnesium has changed my life. Since starting the supplement I have slept SO much better, less irritable, numbness in my fingertips gone, red nose and red ears reduced, heartburn reduced, anxiety has been reduced, and my life long allergies that have been unbearable have completely subsided in just one week on the supplement. I'm generally a sharp person and wouldn't have believed my quality of life would change from a supplement!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Gabrielle (Los Angeles) on 03/27/2014

Magnesium works wonders for hyperthyoid issues, anxiety, and insomnia. It is incredibly powerful! A researcher who did his own study with Magnesium introduced me to the LIQUID FORM! Before, whenever I took it, I didn't notice much, but when I switched to a liquid form of Magnesium Chloride, boy, did it make a huge difference! Whenever I take it I feel totally relaxed and sleep like a baby! There's a liquid Magnesium Citrate new on the market now, too, which is also great! Perhaps it's the liquid forms of magnesium that are most potent and work best? Try them and you'll see how much better you can feel!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Kate (Oregon City, Oregon) on 04/28/2012

I was utterly floored to learn that high blood pressure, racing heart, insomnia, foot and leg cramps and even osteoporosis were all symptomatic of magnesium deficiency. Since I've got them all, I decided I definitely needed more magnesium and then quickly learned that 500 mg in oral supplements is about my limit before diarrhea and intestinal cramping sets in.

So yeah, transdermal magnesium applications make sense to me. I haven't located a local source for Nigari (mag. Chloride) yet, but did get some Epsom salts. (mag. Sulphide)

I tried making the oil with Epsom Salt and spraying it on but my skin really stung from the application. Then I did a little more research and found one site that gave instructions on combining Epsom Salts with coconut oil to make a cream and massaging it into your skin. I used about ½ cup salts to 1/4 cup boiling water, (stirred a bunch and microwaved it until it was all dissolved good) which made a really thick "oil. " I keep this in a plastic container in the fridge until I'm ready for my "transdermal magnesium massage."

When I'm ready, I use 1 tbs. of Epsom Salts oil to 1 tbs. of coconut oil and mix it all up together real good in a small bowl, just using my fingers. It makes a light creamy mixture.

When I applied it, it didn't sting my skin and the cream was completely absorbed in less than twenty minutes, leaving my skin feeling soft and silky.

The spray oil irritated my skin, but the coconut oil and Epsom salt cream worked superbly. And it's so easy too! I can use it right after I take a shower or massage it into my feet, calves and arms while sitting in front of the TV.

I've combined this with my "Naked Bloody Mary blood pressure drink" which I consume faithfully now twice a day. It's 1 8oz glass of low sodium V-8 juice (820 mg. Of potassium! ) to which I add 1/4 to ½ tsp. Cayenne pepper, ½ tsp garlic powder, and 2 tsp celery seed (and a slosh or two of Worcestershire sauce if 'ya want). Yep. It's dang hot but I'm getting used to it cuz' it works! (Potassium, garlic, cayenne and celery seed are all known helps for lowering blood pressure.)

After using this regimen just one week my blood pressure has dropped from 135/80 to 122/75! No more foot cramps and no more racing heart either!

Thank God! There IS hope and it sure ain't big Pharma!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Fiona (Tustin, Ca) on 07/01/2011

I have used magnesium chloride orally and transdermally. For the first time in my life I had no cramps. I can excericse hours and also no pain. My hands and voice used to shake when I was nervous. But it is gone now. I feel energetic and feel very happy. Magnesium chloride is miracle to me.. I also noticed that it detoxed. I had to use washroom a lot but I was full of energy. And it is increasing.. I wish all people use this amazing mineral.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Janet (Louisville, Co, Usa) on 12/30/2009

Late last August I started having Basilar Migraines with auras at least once a day. Some days I had up to three a day. I read that magnesium helped, but that it could take months of supplementing with magnesium to get the benefits for migraines unless it was put directly into your system with an IV. Because not being able to see clear interferred with my job, not to mention driving, I needed something right away.

I did some research and found that magnesium is not readily absorbed by the body but that in it's ionic form the absorbtion rate is close to 100%. Therefore, you benefit much more quickly by taking it in this form.

I purchased some ionic magnesium and started taking from .5 - .7 ml twice a day. I think the dosage can be increased according to weight and height. I add it to about 1/4 cup of water and drink it first thing in the morning and about a half hour before my evening meal. It's best to take it on an empty stomach. Within the first few days, the migraines were much less severe and didn't last as long. By the second week, I only had one. Since then I've only had three migraines and four months into using the magnesium, I've been migraine free now for over two months.

In addition, it has cleared up a number of other things. I have suffered from IBS for over 15 years, and a couple years ago found that taking dessicated porcine thyroid helped considerably and thought that the IBS was caused from low T-3 and T-4 thyroid enzymes. However, it never totally eliminated the IBS. I also read that people who are low in Thyroid are also deficient in Magnesium. Hence the low thyroid and the IBS has also been cleared up by using the Liquid Ionic Magnesium and I no longer have the need to supplement with the dessicated thyroid.

A few other things that I found has cleared up with the use of magnesium are brain fog, mood swings, acid reflux (haven't taken an anti-acid in months now), food allergies, increased energy, and now, well into winter, there are no aches and pains from arthritis. My son even claims that I look five years younger, which could be because I'm not in constant pain.

I have been filtering my water for a couple of years, but never thought about supplementing with minerals and I should have. However, I think I've always been low in magnesium, and despite what the acceptable levels of magnesium are, I feel some people need more than others. I can't praise this mineral loud and long enough, as it's benefits have pretty much given me back a normal life.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Khloe R. (Fresno, Ca) on 12/23/2009

I had suffered from TMJ twice in my life and both times they were cured by magnesium. The magnesium in your body is usually depleted by stress. Magnesium is also what makes you calm, and can even help your bowel movements if constipated. I still take a magnesium supplement daily and have no problems ever since.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Daniel (Iowa) on 11/27/2017

Before taking the magnesium bicarbonate water I would get chilled easily. Whenever I would fall asleep my body would get very chilly. Anyway, the magnesium bicarbonate water has worked wonders.

Posted by Jeff (Cebu City, Philippines) on 08/26/2011


Recently, I bought Magnesium Chloride crystals and made mag oil out of it. My mom, who has both diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, seems to sleep better when I rub it on her lower legs. The problem is that it constantly itches. I am not sure if she is allergic to it since her legs don't turn red or anything but it itches like being bitten by a mosquito. I've been rubbing it on her legs for almost a week and the level of itching is still the same. I tried once to just paint it on her soles and it seems that her soles don't itch but her legs still itches even if I just rub it on her soles. My wife is speculating that it may be an issue of bad circulation. Has anyone experienced this? I've read through the magnesium and circulation postings and didn't find anything about itching. I did read somewhere that its quite probable since blood starts travel back in your skin and that makes it itch. My question is, how long does it take for the itching to start subsiding?

Replied by Lisa
(Rabat, Morocco)

Hi Jeff, I don't know if this is true or not, but I have read from several people online that if a person is deficient in magnesium that the oil will cause burning/itching. From my own experience I found this to be true. When I first started the mag. oil, I had terrible burning/itching and stopped using it. I took mag. powder internally for awhile then went back to using the oil again. This time, I had no burnng/itching. I couldn't say how long it will take for this to go away.

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Hi Jeff, This also happened to me. All through childhood and until recently I would even have to wash sea water off after having a swim, no waiting till I got home. Instead of rubbing the mag oil on spray it on and leave it on for a few minutes or till the itching starts and rinse off. Then lightly rub legs with ev olive oil or coconut oil. Soaking the feet in a tub also helps, do it for 20 mins in the evening. If all else fails try epsom salts foot soaks. I have never had a problem with epsom salts. Absolutely excellent in the bath and foot soaks, just use a jug of water or shower to rinse off. It may also be worthwhile taking a small amount of magnesium orally about 1/2 hour before bed. It's interesting that your wife thinks it could be circulation as I would have to say that mine has improved and now sea water does not need to be rinsed off, never thought of that.

If your mum has any other skin issues have a look at neem supplements and some morning or afternoon sunshine for Vit D. All the best.

Replied by Jeff
(Cebu City, Philippines)

Thanks for the feedback. To Maria, what my wife meant was that my mom may have bad circulation issues before, and taking mag oil made the circulation better. My mom-in-law used to tell her that some people get itchy skin when the circulation comes rushing back, since blood tends to float up to the skin. I guess her circulation improved since she is sleeping better. But now her skin is full of red spots. I'm laying off the magnesium chloride for a while. Last night I tried dipping her feet in water with H202 which seemed to help lighten the red spots a bit. I don't think she's allergic to the mag oil because its only the top part of her foot which has the red spots. Her shins do itch but no spots. I also rubbed some on her forearm and even her chest but no red spots. only 1 area has those.

Do you guys think its ok to soak her feet in epsom salt even with the red spots or should I let it subside first?

Replied by Jeff
(Cebu City, Philippines)

As an update, the red spots that manifested on my mom's skin which was caused by the Magnesium Oil actually disappeared when I applied magnesium oil onto it. I read on another website that the red spots are suppose to be unused calcium from the cells which floated up to the skin, and putting magnesium oil on those spots should let the calcium go back to the bloodstream so that it can be used again by the body.


5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Smithsurfermom (Huntington Beach, Ca) on 07/15/2012

I spent most of my adult life constipated. I was the only one who went to Mexico and prayed for Montezumas revenge! Now that I take magnesium 500 mg. 2x daily, everything works just like it clockwork. I have heard it is also good for migraine sufferers. I used to have lots of migraines when I was younger but went through menopause and they pretty much stopped (hormones were the culprit). I wish I had started taking magnesium years ago and maybe my migraines would have gone away alot sooner or at least been less frequent.

Posted by Jennifer (Sunrise, Fl, Usa) on 11/04/2011

Have to add a big YES YES YES to Magnesium! I have been chronically constipated since I was a child. I usually used Triphala to help my slow bowel issues, which encourages the peristalsic contractions, but my bowels were still a little on the slow side (1 BM every 2 days) and most of the time they were too hard. I started taking magnesium for my anxiety issues and found that not only is magnesium a great supplement to relieve anxiety, but as an unintended result, my bowels are now soft and very easy to pass and I have a regular BM every day. No wonder Milk of Magnesia is a laxative - go figure!

I use a powdered blend of magnesium citrate and magnesium carbonate (two of the most bioavailable forms of magnesium) and take 1/2 teaspoonful every day. I use the powdered form because some studies show that the coating on tablets reduces the absorption of magnesium. It's best to start small to see how you react and increase the dosage if you find you need more. If your bowels are too loose, you are taking too much. If they are comfortably loose, you are at the right amount. Make sure you do not surpass the recommended amount per day, because your kidneys have to work hard to excrete the magnesium, and toxity has been reported in very high dosages. Do not use if you have kidney problems.

As another wonderful benefit, magnesium is very relaxing and is great for people who suffer from anxiety issues. Magnesium supplementation is also good for people who are taking calcium and/or Vitamin B6.

Posted by Anna (Dayton, OH) on 07/10/2009

I worked with a famous local herbalist and many people came in with constipation problems. My friend would have a bowel movement once a week. My other older friend would have to go to the hospital periodically because of constipation. The remedy that worked for me and both of my friends was magnesium. I take 2 magnesium (200 to 250 mg apiece)for insomnia every night. Every morning when I wake up I naturally have a bm. According to my herbalist magnesium relaxes every cell of your body and we don't get enough of it. My younger friend with constipation was tested for 12 (200mg) tabs a day till her bowels got loose enough and then she was to back down-taking less-till she found how manny worked well for her. My herbalist used to say you can't get enough magnesium-your body needs it so much. Whether that is true or not I don't know. But I do know it's the best solution for my constipation and insomnia.

Posted by Fauna (Lynnwood, WA) on 12/18/2007

I love love love, what magnesium has done for me. I was constipated for the last 30 years of my life. I was in a lot of discomfort and even excluded myself from social gatherings because of gas and bloating. Once a week was the norm most times less. I feel like I have wasted a lot of my life because of this problem. I added magnesium to my diet because of a problem I am having with my teeth, and what do you know, regular, like clockwork bowel movements. I have also added oatmeal to my diet, but by using the magnesium regularly, I feel so much better. Those who rely on laxatives are really missing the boat on this one, and should strongly rethink how they treat their bodies. Even though I should be laxative dependent, I never stooped to that way of life, but I know that a lot of women rely on laxatives to produce bowel movements. I feel freed by this information and only wish I had had it 30 years earlier.

Replied by Maya
(Cincinnati, Usa)

I concur 100%... Lifelong constipation, high cholesterol and now gallstone. I just realized I am probably magnesium defincient to I started taking it and like clock-work the BM's are daily... I am hoping it helps the other issues (research says it does).

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